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Xpeng CEO: Tesla Is More Hardcore / Megapack Projects "Largest to Date"/ VW's $5B Mistake ⚡️

发布时间 2024-06-26 10:13:04    来源
Welcome to Electrified, it's your host, Dylan Loomis, quick shout out to my newest patron, ENN. Thank you for choosing to support the channel. There was just a celebration in Arizona for two different battery storage projects, one totaling one gigawatt hour and the other 360 megawatt hours. And the former is now Arizona's biggest project of its type, that being standalone to date. The smaller project is expected to come online this week and the bigger one should be online in the next few weeks, ahead of the rough Arizona summer. But it's a celebration for all of us because both of these projects are equipped with Tesla megapacks. The larger project alone will use 275 Tesla megapacks, which is roughly $550 million in revenue for Tesla. The developer of these projects did also talk about the augmentation process that usually happens after three to five years that we talked about yesterday and that is the case as well for Tesla's megapacks.
欢迎来到 Electrified,这里是你的主持人,Dylan Loomis。首先向我的最新赞助者ENN表示感谢。感谢你选择支持这个频道。最近在亚利桑那州有两个电池储能项目的庆祝活动,一个项目总容量为1千兆瓦时,另一个为360兆瓦时。前者现在是亚利桑那至今最大的独立电池储能项目。较小的项目预计将在本周上线,而较大的项目将在未来几周内上线,以应对亚利桑那州炎热的夏天。但这也是我们大家的庆祝,因为这两个项目都配备了特斯拉的MegaPack。较大的项目将使用275个特斯拉MegaPack,大约为特斯拉带来5.5亿美元的收入。这些项目的开发商还谈到了我们昨天提到的增容过程,通常在三到五年后进行,这对于特斯拉的MegaPack也是一样的。

Contrasting with that news, we have things in Germany still headed the wrong direction. The government is working on new regulations for battery storage that will most likely slow down the process of new projects. The situation is moving from one with a lack of clarity around permitting and regulations for storage to one with clear but potentially more complex regulations. Right now when it comes to permitting, there seems to be very minimal clarity and depending on who you ask, you may get different answers. The head of a developer said the danger is these regulations being made, it may become so slow and overregulated, nothing will happen anymore. There are not yet clear general guidelines for the complete country neither on environmental permitting nor on building permits.

Morgan Stanley put out a new Tesla stock note and the gist, do not sleep on Tesla energy. Most of it is not news to our audience but they did say they're forecasting Tesla energy revenues to be over $7 billion for 2024 but Tesla did just over $6 billion in energy revenue last year so that may be a bit low especially given storage deployments may be up 200 to 300% this year. That was according to Elon but we know that the actual payments or revenue for Tesla may be on a lag so we may not start to see some of that revenue until the later quarters this year. Their clean tech analyst said Tesla's renewed focus on the energy business combined with its innovation, scale and growing brand loyalty is a recipe for real disruption for incumbent players in the market. Honestly I have to tip my cap to Adam Jonas and Morgan Stanley they really are trying to get into the weeds and understand Tesla. They are educating their readers saying Tesla's network operation center offers 24-7 monitoring, leveraging software to manage complexity. Power hub manages storage, generation and microgrids, Opticaster optimizes energy use in real time, the micro grid controller autonomously maintains grid stability.
摩根士丹利发布了一份关于特斯拉股票的新报告,核心意思是:不要忽视特斯拉的能源业务。我们的观众可能已经知道大部分内容,但他们预测特斯拉能源2024年的收入将超过70亿美元。而特斯拉去年能源收入刚刚超过60亿美元,所以这个预测可能有点保守,尤其是考虑到今年储能部署可能会增加200%到300%。这是根据埃隆·马斯克的说法,但我们也知道特斯拉的实际付款或收入可能会有延迟,所以我们可能要到今年晚些时候才能看到部分收入。 摩根士丹利的清洁技术分析师表示,特斯拉对能源业务的重新关注,加上其创新、规模和不断增长的品牌忠诚度,是对市场上现有企业形成真正颠覆的配方。老实说,我要向亚当·乔纳斯和摩根士丹利致敬,他们确实在深入理解特斯拉。他们在教育读者,特斯拉的网络运营中心提供24小时监控,利用软件管理复杂性。Power Hub管理储能、发电和微电网,Opticaster实时优化能源使用,微电网控制器自主维持电网稳定。

And with a megapack the systems require minimal maintenance and include up to a 20 year warranty, the megapack has deployed 16 gigawatt hours across 16 countries with best in class energy density and lowest cost to install. And they said of our $310 Tesla stock price target, we value Tesla energy at $36 per share. And if you're wondering why they're only expecting a 23% gross margin by 2030 when last quarter it was over 24%, they're of course expecting more players in the market and it to be somewhat of a race to the bottom. They did highlight they expect Tesla energy margins to surpass Tesla auto margins by this year. As we know that already happened in quarter one Tesla's energy margin was 24.6% and Tesla's auto margins were 18.5%. So they're expecting that trend to continue for the rest of the year.

The new word on that ransomware attack for many of the dealers in North America, they're not expecting it to be resolved before June 30th. Given that they're doing everything with pen and paper, many customers are now just waiting to buy a car until this is all figured out. And as we said, this is affecting service as well. The black suit hacking group made up of Russian and Eastern European hackers appears to have been behind the attacks. They were demanding tens of millions of dollars and the word was CDK, the company that was hacked was planning to pay the ransom. Ford EV customers were expecting to get their Tesla adapter for the supercharger network by June 30th but that's been delayed now to August 31st. The word all along has been that companies like Ford are reliant on Tesla to actually manufacture these adapters. So we don't know if Tesla's layoffs have something to do with these delays or its Ford and these other companies working on some sort of software integration on their end.

But we also know at one point GM, Volvo and Polestar were all expected to have access to the supercharger network by spring of this year and that deadline has come and gone. Jim Farley has said that Ford is currently waiting for around 90,000 adapters from Tesla. I would preface this by saying for most consumers, this isn't really something to stress about but if you like to nerd out, this is for you. Kyle Connor put out a PSA of sorts saying make sure you do everything possible not to get the LG pack in your Tesla because the charging performance is not great. Remember the Panasonic packs have the 2170 cells that are being manufactured in Gig and Nevada and it's those LG packs that are actually being imported and it's those vehicles that do not qualify for the credit so he's saying even if you don't qualify for the credit, try to get one of those vehicles that do actually qualify. Yes, this does bring up a moral question about taking a vehicle that qualifies for the credit when you yourself are not applying for it or don't qualify essentially taking that vehicle away from somebody else that does. But I know we have some battery fanatics here so do with that information what you will.
但我们也知道,通用汽车、沃尔沃和极星都曾被预计可以在今年春天之前接入超级充电网络,但这个期限已经过去了。福特公司的Jim Farley表示,福特目前正在等待约90,000个特斯拉适配器。我想要提醒大家,对于大多数消费者来说,这不是什么值得担心的问题,但如果你是电动车爱好者,那这条信息适合你。Kyle Connor发布了一则通知,建议大家尽量避免在特斯拉中选择LG的电池,因为其充电性能不佳。记住,松下电池采用的是2170电池单元,这些电池单元是在内华达的Gig工厂生产的,而LG电池实际上是进口的,这些车辆也不符合补贴的条件。所以他的建议是,即使你不符合补贴条件,也要尽量选择那些符合条件的车辆。是的,这确实引发了一个道德问题,即你自己不申请补贴或不符合补贴条件,却占用了本该属于其他符合条件的消费者的车辆资源。但我知道这里有一些电池爱好者,所以请根据这些信息自行判断。

We've already talked about this one but just as a reminder to share this with family and friends because this is a big part of EV FUD. There are real Teslas out there doing over 430,000 miles on original battery packs and original motors and that 2016 Model S still gets around 185 miles of range. You can also tell them progressive is saying a conventional car lasts for around 200,000 miles. So when it comes to the total cost of ownership and the fact that newer Teslas should have the ability to last even longer EVs and Tesla in this case become even more desirable. And this is from the Bureau of Transportation so in the United States looking at these blue bars for passenger cars, the average age of light duty vehicles is at an all time high nearly at 14 years old. Just over two decades ago, the average age was only about nine years old. So as that fleet ages, let's do what we can to educate our networks with the US presidential debate set for this Thursday, the media propaganda has hit all time highs.
我们已经讨论过这个问题,但这里提醒一下,请与家人和朋友分享这件事,因为这是电动车恐惧、不确定和怀疑(FUD)的一个重要部分。现在有一些特斯拉汽车已经行驶超过43万英里,使用的还是原装电池和电机,其中一辆2016年的Model S仍然能跑大约185英里的续航里程。您还可以告诉他们,Progressive(公司)表示传统汽车的寿命大概在20万英里左右。因此,在考虑总体拥有成本时,考虑到较新的特斯拉应该有更长的使用寿命,这使得电动车尤其是特斯拉变得更加有吸引力。根据美国运输局的数据,美国的乘用车平均使用年限达到了历史最高点,接近14年。而在20多年前,这一平均年限仅约为9年。所以,随着车龄的增加,让我们尽力向我们的圈子普及这些知识。随着本周四美国总统辩论的临近,媒体的宣传达到了前所未有的高度。

Many of you have already reached out to tell me how much you've been enjoying ground news, which is exactly how I stay up to date with breaking news without all of the media bias. Ground news sponsors the channel, but this is a company I would gladly support as I think the work they're doing of eliminating algorithm based echo chambers and alerting readers to the political bias of every source is critical in 2024. In seconds, I can see all of the different sources reporting on a story and with these tags, I can see the political leaning of that source left, right, or center. Ground news also tells me the factuality of each source. So I don't waste time reading fluff pieces and personally, I will only read high factuality articles. Ground news will also tell you who owns each reporting source like this one being partly owned by Tucker Carlson.
许多人已经联系我,告诉我你们多么喜欢 Ground News,这正是我如何在没有媒体偏见的情况下了解突发新闻的方式。Ground News 赞助了这个频道,但这是一个我愿意支持的公司,因为我认为他们消除基于算法的回音室并提醒读者每个来源的政治偏见的工作在2024年非常重要。几秒钟内,我就能看到所有不同来源对一个新闻的报道,并通过这些标签了解该来源的政治倾向是左翼、右翼还是中立。Ground News 还会告诉我每个来源的真实性,所以我不会浪费时间阅读内容虚浮的文章,而是只读高真实性的文章。Ground News 还会告诉你每个报道来源的所有者,例如这个来源部分由Tucker Carlson拥有。

It's quite simple ground news has made it much easier for me to stay up to date with breaking news. I have a custom list for Elon Tesla and AI news and ultimately we're all just looking to separate the signal from the noise and ground news has been a valuable tool for me to do just that. And just so you know, I do actually pay for the vantage plan because I want to support this company. Ground news is offering 40% off that same vantage plan for my subscribers at ground news slash electrified, which is linked below or if it's easier, you can use the QR code right on the screen. The CEO of X-Pang did get a chance to test FSD version 12.3.6 and he said the performance was very smooth. It handled most road conditions in a way that made me feel secure much like a human driver. However, the complexity of roads in China is higher than in the US with more traffic and pedestrians.
非常简单,Ground News 让我更容易了解最新的突发新闻。我专门为Elon Musk、特斯拉和人工智能新闻制定了一个自定义列表,毕竟我们都希望能将重要的消息从噪音中分离出来,Ground News 对我来说是一个非常有价值的工具。顺便提一句,我确实订阅了Vantage计划,因为我想支持这家公司。Ground News 现在为我的订阅者提供同样的Vantage计划4折优惠,可以通过下面的链接groundnews.com/electrified获取,或者如果更方便的话,可以直接使用屏幕上的二维码。 小鹏汽车的CEO有机会测试了FSD(全自动驾驶)12.3.6版本,他表示性能非常流畅。它应对大多数道路情况的方式让我感到安全,就像人类司机一样。然而,中国的道路复杂度比美国高,交通和行人更多。

I'm very excited to see how FSD will perform in China. Currently, our X-Pang XNGP is fully adapted to Chinese road conditions. We invite Elon to come to China to experience it. In another post, he said he also tested at Waymo in San Francisco and from his perspective, Waymo performed better in downtown San Francisco, while FSD excelled in Silicon Valley and on the highways handling many road conditions quite smoothly. I'm truly impressed by the significant progress FSD has made in just a few months, but even better than his summary thoughts on the official X-Pang YouTube channel, they uploaded a 30 minute video of the actual drive with a commentary and there were some interesting clips.
我非常期待看看FSD在中国的表现。目前,我们的X-Pang XNGP已经完全适应了中国的道路条件。我们邀请Elon来中国体验一下。在另一条帖子中,他说他也在旧金山测试了Waymo,从他的角度看,Waymo在旧金山市区的表现更好,而FSD在硅谷和高速公路上表现出色,能平稳应对多种路况。我对FSD在短短几个月内取得的重大进展感到非常震惊。不过,比起他在X-Pang官方YouTube频道上发表的总结想法,他们上传了一段30分钟的实际驾驶视频,还有解说,其中有一些有趣的片段。

I think it's been quite stable except that some places, maybe it was too hesitant, it wasn't really decisive, but most of the time I felt safe and very comfortable, it did not really take up too much time and it felt like a very regular driver. Of course, we just experienced a journey with very light traffic, not many people, not many cars, but it's performed very smoothly in such good road condition, feels very comfortable, not too fast or too slow. While look here, if I were driving, I would have to actually hesitate because it just crossed the road with great determination.

Wow, the traffic light was not really obvious, honestly, I might have to stop in hesitate, I did not see the traffic light at all. I was wondering how to go, but it already cost. I think we should applaud here. Where is it taking us? I suspect that FSD has developed some sort of wisdom. That part was actually really funny, there came a time when they engaged FSD without a destination and just let it drive and eventually it did make a right turn. I've done that myself for a time and I've never found a rhyme or reason for where it goes without a destination.

If you have any experience letting FSD go without a destination, let me know what you think. As sort of like a new driver in California, FSD is definitely driving better than the me in most situations. This is kind of strange and I'm a little worried about FSD. I think if it's a rule-based situation, traffic lights for Tesla, it's going to be very challenging. It might take them very long to end a China, but with AI training, maybe just a few months, US highways are more complicated in China because the speed is higher.

But city roads in China are like 10 times more challenging because we have a lot of road situations and a lot of participants like cars, construction vehicles, bicycles, pedestrians, and also you have some sporty equipment and some two-wheel vehicles. So this kind of combination is particularly common in China cities or smaller towns, which pose a lot of difficulty and challenges for AI. I would like to add that because I've been to India several times and I think Indian cities are even more complicated than China's cities. I drove to suburban areas in India and I had to row down the window when I turned because I have to push people away and say please, please, before I can turn right or left, it's never happened in any other country to me.

So I think a ton of striving is going to be a lot more difficult in India. I think Tesla's technology definitely is even more hardcore than ours. This means that actually they've put more effort into the underlying technology but experience is relatively sort of American style. Yeah, especially when it comes to the voice assistant, X-Panc's voice assistant is very smooth and natural, especially after recent upgrades. But when I talk to Tesla's voice assistant, it's sometimes difficult to even have it to navigate. I think our voice assistant is definitely one of the best in China.

I really enjoyed the video because it seemed like he was genuinely just trying to experience the tech and comment about it naturally, not playing politics. Overall, a very balanced review, a lot of praise, but some criticism as well and some things that he believes X-N-G-P does better than FSD. And the last point he brought up, why are American voice assistants still so bad in 2024? Stiefel Financial has initiated coverage of Tesla stock with a buy rating and a price target of $265. Their note, however, was as basic as it gets if you want the summary, they said FSD could generate significant value and Tesla's energy business is seen as a potentially significant growth driver.
我非常喜欢这个视频,因为他似乎真的只是想体验一下这个技术并自然地评论,而不是搞什么政治操作。总体来说,这是一个非常平衡的评论,有大量的赞扬,也有一些批评,同时他认为X-N-G-P在某些方面比FSD做得更好。最后他提到了一点,2024年了,为什么美国的语音助手仍然这么差? Stiefel Financial开始对特斯拉的股票进行分析,给予了“买入”评级,目标价为265美元。不过,他们的报告内容非常基础,如果你想要总结一下的话,他们说FSD(全自动驾驶)可能会产生巨大的价值,特斯拉的能源业务被认为是一个有潜力的增长驱动因素。

To top it off, the revamped Model 3 and upcoming Model Y refresh at bolster sales, followed by the commencement of its next-gen vehicle production, which will likely garner very strong demand. Groundbreaking analysis there from Stephen Gengaro, who's the actual analyst, his tip-ranks rating is about 2,900 of roughly 8,900 Wall Street analysts. Here's the news that will unfortunately dominate headlines the Cybertruck has to, physical recalls both covering most of the Cybertrucks already made.
再加上,改款的Model 3和即将到来的Model Y改款将推动销量增长,随后是下一代车型的生产启动,这可能会引起非常强劲的需求。来自分析师Stephen Gengaro的开创性分析,他在大约8900名华尔街分析师中排名约2900。以下是将不幸占据头条的新闻:Cybertruck必须进行实物召回,涵盖已经制造的大多数Cybertruck车辆。

The first one is because excessive electrical current can cause the front windshield wiper motor controller to fail. Tesla service will replace the wiper motor free of charge. This recall impacts about 11.7 thousand Cybertrucks. Honestly though, is anybody that surprised that Gigawiper is causing some problems? The other recall impacting about 11.4 thousand Cybertrucks is because part of the sale adhesion may not have been installed according to specs, which may cause the sale to become loose or separate from the vehicle. Basically, a trim piece on the Cybertruck sale was not installed properly and it has the potential of coming loose so Tesla will ensure that doesn't happen in the future. Just to heads up, these may not be the last physical recalls for the Cybertruck, given how many new manufacturing processes are involved with this truck, it would not be a surprise.

And even with more traditional cars, early recalls are not that out of the ordinary. And even for manufacturers doing it for decades, we have 4 to recalling over 550,000 pickups in the US because the transmissions can unexpectedly downshift to first gear no matter how fast the trucks are going. In case you see this article from Yahoo Finance, they were trying to do some backdoor math to figure out Cybertruck production from those recall numbers. They said Tesla has an average monthly delivery rate of 1.7 thousand Cybertrucks but the problem is they took that and then extrapolated that for the rest of the year.

And I'm not going to give away Troy Teslikes paid information but let's just say that Tesla's weekly Cybertruck production rate may or may not be over 1000 per week. Sam Fiirani from Auto Forecast Solutions just came out and said that he's not expecting the auto market to become EV centric until 2040 or later. The problem with this getting plenty of headlines is that he doesn't really define what EV centric means.
我不会泄露Troy Teslikes付费信息,但可以说,特斯拉每周生产的赛博卡车数量可能或不超过1000辆。来自Auto Forecast Solutions的Sam Fiirani刚刚表示,他认为汽车市场在2040年或更晚之前不会以电动车为中心。问题在于,他所说的“电动车为中心”并没有明确定义,导致这种说法吸引了大量关注。

Is it 50%? Does it include hybrids? Is it 75%? Either way, his rationale was looking around the industry most legacy OEMs are looking at a hybrid approach, meaning certain platforms where they can build EVs or ICE vehicles. And of course, actual hybrids. It's true that Auto Forecast Solutions can sometimes have some insider information based on the work that they do but a prediction out to 2040 doesn't have that same type of info. Weimo put out a new blog post saying that their rides are now available to everybody in San Francisco. They said in total nearly 300,000 people including those who live, work and visit San Francisco have signed up to ride with Weimo since they first opened a waitlist. That number works out to more than 25% of the city's population. We've been welcoming new riders to the service incrementally and now we're excited to open it up to everybody. With more than 20 million rider only miles and nearly 2 million paid rider only public trips under our belt, we're now bringing the safety benefits of the Weimo driver to more people in San Francisco.
是50%吗?包括混合动力车吗?是75%吗?不管怎样,他的理由是看整个行业,大多数传统汽车制造商正在采用混合动力的方法,也就是说他们会开发可以生产电动车或燃油车的某些平台。当然,还有真正的混合动力车。确实,Auto Forecast Solutions有时会因为他们所做的工作而获得一些内幕信息,但预测到2040年并没有这种类型的信息。 Weimo发布了一篇新博客,宣布他们的服务现在对旧金山的所有人开放。他们表示,自从他们首次开放候补名单以来,总共有接近30万人(包括在旧金山居住、工作和访问的人)注册了Weimo的服务。这一数字超过了旧金山总人口的25%。我们一直在逐步接纳新乘客,现在我们很高兴能对所有人开放。经过超过2000万英里的无人驾驶行程和接近200万次的付费无人驾驶公共行程后,我们现在将Weimo司机的安全优势带给更多旧金山居民。

As a reminder, here's what a former Weimo exec said last night. Well, that's what you mean on time by on time. My daughter is about four and my thesis was by time she's ready to drive robo taxis would be ready. So it gives us about 12 more years. It's always around the corner, but it takes more time than people think, Brian, because of regulation, the cost of the vehicles to do it well. And it also just, you know, the density of enough driverless cars in any city to have a ride take 10 minutes or less to get to your door when you order one. That's right. A whole lot of them all the time. There are people accepting that a computer is driving a car and if it makes a mistake, they don't shut down the whole program. What's happening in California a bunch of times. And these things are expensive. The Weimo cost of that whole vehicle with all that spinning thing you see on the top of the car is about $300,000. That's not going to replace a driver financially anytime soon. I'm not at all trying to discredit Weimo here. I'm happy that they're making progress. It's just I still see people online saying that Weimo is way ahead of Tesla when it comes to autonomy, but they don't seem to factor in the cost part of the equation.

The weekly Tesla China number came in at 17.5,000 comparing that to the same weekend quarter one that number was 13.6,000. This was an awesome week that really nobody out there was actually expecting. It was the best week so far this year and there were only three weeks dating back to the beginning of 2023 that were higher than this week. Now quarter over quarter Tesla China is up 13.7% but year over year still down 6.8%. Also of note this number was made up of 6,000 Model 3s by far the highest since the new Model 3 began deliveries which leaves 11.5,000 Model wise. I'm guessing here but I think the higher Model 3 number is due to the Model 3 performance having begun deliveries.
特斯拉中国本周的周销量为17,500辆,相比去年第一季度同一周末的13,600辆,有显著提升。这是一个出乎意料的好成绩,是今年迄今为止最好的一周。自2023年初以来,只有三周的销量超过了这一周。环比来看,特斯拉中国的销量增长了13.7%,但同比仍下降了6.8%。另外值得注意的是,这一周销量中有6,000辆是Model 3,这是新款Model 3开始交付以来的最高纪录,其余的11,500辆是Model Y。我猜测,Model 3销量较高可能是因为Model 3 Performance版已经开始交付。

BMW is planning to revive its six series and it will be in the form of ice, hybrid and fully electric. But they're saying it'll be a niche vehicle so not many produced and it's set to enter production in Germany in July 2026. VW is now planning to invest up to $5 billion and part of that will be a joint venture with Rivian. If you go to the actual press release it says VW will initially invest $1 billion in to Rivian and then that number through the joint venture could grow up to $5 billion through 2026. VW and Rivian shall each hold a 50% stake in the joint venture and it should be equally controlled. Upon successful implementation of the joint venture VW would receive immediate access to Rivian's electrical architecture tech for using it in EVs.

The actual establishment of the joint venture depends on a series of different parameters. In particular the final results of the further review of the technical feasibility of the integration of that electrical architecture in VW's vehicles but they still have to finalize further negotiations and deal with regulatory approvals. So many people out there doing the headline reading only type of thing but just know a final decision on this joint venture is not established yet. If the joint venture is established and VW invest this additional capital it would be invested in to Rivian in two tranches of $1 billion each one in 2025 and one in 2026 but it would be contingent on Rivian and the joint venture achieving certain milestones. Reuters said the partnership will help VW accelerate its plans to develop software defined vehicles with Rivian licensing its existing IP rights to the joint venture. On XRJ Scurinj posted a picture with Oliver Bloom saying this partnership brings Rivian's software and electronics platform to a broader market through VW's global reach and scale while providing an expected $5 billion of capital to Rivian as we bring our two and our next gen vehicles to market.
最终建立合资企业取决于一系列不同的参数,特别是对将该电气架构集成到大众汽车(VW)车辆中的技术可行性的进一步审查结果。不过他们仍需要完成进一步的谈判并进行监管审批。现在有很多人在只看新闻标题,但要知道关于这次合资企业的最终决定还没有确定。如果合资企业建立并且大众汽车追加资本,这些资金将分两笔投入Rivian,每笔10亿美元,分别在2025年和2026年,但其投资将以Rivian和合资企业达到某些里程碑为前提。据路透社报道,这次合作将帮助大众汽车加速其开发软件定义的车辆的计划,Rivian将授权其现有的知识产权给合资企业。XRJ Scurinj贴出了一张与Oliver Bloom的合影,并表示这次合作将通过大众汽车的全球影响力和规模,将Rivian的软件和电子平台推向更广泛的市场,同时在我们推出两款及下一代车型时,为Rivian提供预期的50亿美元资金。

One thing this partnership tells us is that VW has this $5 billion and they don't think they can do better than Rivian's software with that money. If they did they would not be choosing to pay Rivian licensing fees for who knows how long. Oliver Bloom said through our cooperation we will bring the best solutions to our vehicles faster and at lower cost. I don't love Rivian teaming up with dieselgate I mean VW but I guess honestly though from Rivian's perspective given the rate their burning cash and R2 being on deck a potential cash infusion of up to $5 billion will take many investors' concerns off the table temporarily and this deal really could bridge the gap for Rivian to be able to launch the R2 platform hopefully successfully. One thing I would love to know is if VW ever considered approaching Tesla for their software but we'll likely never know so now we have two companies that still really can't produce an EV profitably now working together hopefully somehow they can figure it out.
这次合作告诉我们的一点是,大众汽车(VW)有50亿美元的资金,但他们认为用这笔钱也无法超过Rivian的软件水平。如果大众能做得更好,他们就不会选择支付Rivian的许可费用,不知道要支付多长时间。Oliver Bloom说,通过我们的合作,我们将以更快、更低的成本为我们的车辆带来最佳解决方案。我不喜欢Rivian和大众(柴油门事件的主角)合作,但从Rivian的角度来看,考虑到他们燃钱的速度和R2平台的即将推出,高达50亿美元的资金注入可以暂时消除许多投资者的担忧,这笔交易的确有可能为Rivian成功推出R2平台架起桥梁。我很好奇大众是否曾考虑过向特斯拉寻求软件合作,但我们可能永远不会知道。现在有两家仍然无法盈利生产电动汽车的公司在一起合作,希望他们能想出解决办法。

And looking down the road toward autonomy I don't know how this will work with VW having Rivian's software but then if they actually want to license FSD from Tesla that just seems like it's going to be a giant complexity that is not ideal. As we know the real game right now is the race toward generalized autonomy. In my mind this deal does not get VW any closer to that goal and I think you could make the argument it may actually make things even more complicated. Now for a lightning round we have CATL saying by 2028 they expect to have an electric aircraft with up to 1,800 miles of range. The company has successfully test flown a 4 ton civil electric aircraft but they expect to release an 8 ton 1 by 2028. This aircraft project uses their condensed battery which has an energy density of up to 500 watt hours per kilogram per cell twice the energy density of current mainstream EV batteries.
展望未来的自动驾驶领域,我不知道大众汽车(VW)拥有Rivian的软件后会怎么样,如果他们还想从特斯拉(Tesla)那里获得全自动驾驶(FSD)许可,那看起来会变得非常复杂,不太理想。正如我们所知,目前的真正焦点是通用自动驾驶的竞赛。在我看来,这笔交易并没有让大众汽车更接近这一目标,甚至可以说可能会让事情变得更加复杂。 现在进入快速新闻环节,宁德时代(CATL)表示,他们预计在2028年之前拥有一款续航里程达1800英里的电动飞机。该公司已经成功试飞了一架4吨的民用电动飞机,并计划在2028年前推出一款8吨的电动飞机。这个飞机项目使用的是他们的凝聚电池,单个电池单元的能量密度可达每公斤500瓦时,是目前主流电动汽车电池能量密度的两倍。

Vin Fast is now looking to throw a Hail Mary with a $10,000 electric vehicle that's about 10 feet long which they're going to call the F3. This vehicle will initially be sold in emerging markets in Asia. Vin Fast did say they plan to launch this vehicle in Europe and the United States by next year. ExxonMobil has signed a non-binding memorandum of understanding with SK. This is for a multi-year off take agreement of up to 100,000 metric tons of lithium from Exxon's project in Arkansas. SK plans to use the lithium minutes EV battery manufacturing operations in the US. The planned project will extract lithium from underground salt water deposits and convert it into battery grade material on site in Arkansas. And in the US, SK currently operates two battery plants in Georgia and is building four more through joint ventures with Ford and Hyundai. After 2025 the annual production capacity of SK in the US alone is expected to reach more than 180 gigawatt hours, which would be roughly enough for 1.7 million EVs per year.
VinFast 正在准备推出一款售价1万美元、约10英尺长的电动汽车,他们将其命名为 F3。这款车将首先在亚洲新兴市场销售。VinFast 表示,他们计划明年在欧洲和美国推出这款车型。与此同时,埃克森美孚与SK签署了一份不具约束力的谅解备忘录,旨在达成一项多年的采购协议,从埃克森在阿肯色州的项目中采购多达10万公吨的锂。SK 计划将这些锂用于其在美国的电动汽车电池制造业务。该项目计划从地下盐水沉积物中提取锂,并在阿肯色州现场将其转化为电池级材料。目前,SK 在美国的乔治亚州运营着两家电池工厂,并通过与福特和现代的合资企业再建四家工厂。预计到2025年以后,SK 在美国的年产能将达到180千兆瓦时,这相当于每年可生产约170万辆电动汽车所需的电池。

Congress has actually found a way to pass the Advanced Act which is a sweeping nuclear bill that stands for Accelerating Deployment of Versatile Advanced Nuclear for Clean Energy. This will streamline the permitting process for advanced reactors, reduced regulatory fees for companies looking to license advanced reactor tech and update outdated rules that limit international investment. It would also require the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to develop a pathway to quickly license nuclear facilities at the sites of former fossil fuel facilities, including coal plants. That already have a connection to the grid. GM Defense, which yes is a subsidiary of General Motors, is now providing commercial battery tech that will be evaluated and potentially used by the Department of Defense. They said utilizing the battery technologies of its parent company, GM Defense can help solve the DOD's Energy and Energy Storage Challenges. A professor who's part of the group doing the testing said we're excited to work with GM Defense to test the Altium platform to determine its potential for use in future war fighting applications. The Altium platform still has a lot to prove but this one has union written all over it.
国会实际上找到了通过“先进法案”(即加速部署多用途先进核能以实现清洁能源的法案)的方法。这是一项全面的核能法案,将简化先进反应堆的审批流程,降低希望获得先进反应堆技术许可的公司的监管费用,并更新限制国际投资的过时规则。该法案还要求核管理委员会制定快速许可核设施的途径,使其可以快速在包括煤电厂在内的前化石燃料设施所在地建成,因为这些地方已经与电网连接。 通用汽车的子公司GM Defense现在提供商业电池技术,该技术将由国防部进行评估并可能被采用。他们表示,利用母公司通用汽车的电池技术,GM Defense可以帮助解决国防部在能源和能量储存方面的挑战。参与测试的一个教授说,我们很高兴能与GM Defense合作,测试Altium平台,以确定其在未来战争应用中的潜力。尽管Altium平台还有很多需要证明的地方,但这一切似乎都在往工会的方向发展。

Cruz has hired a new CEO Mark Whitten who used to work at Amazon and Xbox. They said he brings years of experience in the technology industry including as a founding engineer at Xbox and Xbox Live and at Amazon where he was a vice president working on apps and services including Fire TV and Kindle. Tesla stock closed the day at $187.35 up 2.61% while the Nasdaq was up 1.26%. Rivian was up 8.63% on the day but after hours it's currently up over 48%. Don't forget check out ground news linked below. I really think we're going to need it after Thursday. Hope you guys have a wonderful day. Please like the video if you did. You can find me on X linked below and a huge thank you to all of my Patreon supporters. you.
Cruz公司聘请了新的首席执行官Mark Whitten,他曾在亚马逊和Xbox工作过。据说他在技术行业有多年的经验,包括作为Xbox和Xbox Live的创始工程师,以及在亚马逊担任负责应用程序和服务(包括Fire TV和Kindle)的副总裁。特斯拉的股票当天以187.35美元收盘,上涨了2.61%,而纳斯达克指数上涨了1.26%。Rivian当天上涨了8.63%,但在盘后交易中目前上涨超过48%。别忘了查看下面链接的Ground News。我真的觉得在周四之后我们将需要它。希望大家能度过愉快的一天。如果你喜欢这个视频,请点赞。你可以在下面找到我的X平台链接,非常感谢所有的Patreon支持者。

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