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Used Electric Vehicle Sales Are Soaring: Is This Trend Sustainable?

发布时间 2024-05-10 23:01:49    来源
You'll see you're a must follow on X. I love your takes. I've ripped you off a few times. Always giving you credit, though. I might add. So thank you very, you were anonymous for a long time. Good to see you in person. I was, I was. Is, so I'm, you know, you know my views. I've been critical of EVs and I think I've been directionally correct. Is this good news or bad news disguised as good news because they're basically giving EVs away at some point?

Yeah, look Brian, I think that this is a form of a sugar rush. What you're seeing is if you look at what new vehicles dropped the most in price over the last year, right, it's been EVs, new EVs, right? Elon started with the massive Tesla cuts about a year and a half ago and the rest of the market followed. And so naturally, the way this industry works is new cars and use car prices. They work in unison, especially when you look at the three to four year old models. And so you're going to have an environment where you're cutting new EV prices from anywhere from 20 to 50 percent, right? You have some models, Tesla models, drop as much 50 percent on the new side. That flows through to the use side.

And so what you're seeing in my opinion is a sugar rush coupled with the government unleashing the used EV tax credit, which started this year. And so use car dealers are now capitalizing on that as well, which is providing roughly $4,000 to consumers in tax credit that can be right away applied to your purchase. And so all that said, I think what we're seeing is a short term sugar rush specifically for used EVs. I do think it will continue rising, but I do think right now this specific surge is due to simply the fact that new car prices drop so quickly and the used EV tax credit.

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