Hey, in this video, you're going to hear a lot about my thoughts about Tesla and Robotaxy. Just remember that we're going to change the price on the courses on building your wealth and the stock trade alerts as soon as I wake up tomorrow. So you better hop to it. Email us at staff at mekevin.com if you have questions and we'll honor the pricing so we can make sure we get back to your pricing questions. So email us if you have questions at staff at mekevin.com.
Wow, today was an absolutely crazy day. First of all, Tesla went absolutely apeshit and then ham. Like what? We were down 6% after being only down 33 basis points. So we went from 33 basis points to down 6% to down 3% to up 4% in the after hours. What? Yeah, part of that has to do with Elon Musk suggesting that now on August 8th, we are going to introduce Robotaxy. So we need to digest all of this piece by piece. But the first thing that we need to do is we need to share this tweet.
So I sent a tweet and I mentioned this. I said I started on social media full time seven years ago. Two things have always been true. Number one, I've always loved Lauren more and more every single day. And number two, no matter what, I will always tell you how I feel. Even if that's not the popular opinion. And I'll never stop. See, when AMC was ripping, I had a problem with the APE shares. And I was really honest with my opinion. And a lot of people were very upset about my opinion. And they just chose to not follow me anymore because they thought I was anti their movement. When the reality was I was reading through the bullshit and trying to be honest.
When during COVID, I was honest about my concerns about certain programs versus others, people thought that I was trying to hurt them. But the reality was I was trying to help. And the same has been true of stocks that we've talked about on the channel. I've been optimistic about Peloton. But then I said when Peloton was $113, oh my God, they're having to drop prices. It's time to sell. Boy, that sounds yearly similar. Or oh my gosh, shift my go bankrupt. It's time to sell at $9. Oh my gosh. FTX is about to go bankrupt. We all need to go get out. And people are like, no, no, no, everything's fine. Sam Bagman free. It's everything's fine. And I'm like, dude, get out.
It is very difficult to be on social media because you have two choices. You could be a transitory social media agent. And that's somebody who comes on. And usually the way that works is they regurgitate, whatever is popular. So you go on sort of social media, go, oh, that's the sentiment. Oh, that's what people are applying with. Oh, that's what people are going to think. Okay. And then they take the most popular likes or most liked posts or most liked videos. And they regurgitate the top five most popular arguments. Oh yeah, well, B.I.D. went down 40%. So Tesla's time.
It's nothing to do with the problems Tesla's facing. And it's embarrassing when you compare it to Hyundai, Nissan Toyota, GM forward. But oh my gosh, that would require data analysis, which maybe we've posted all of that already on ehack.com, but whatever. So the challenge on social media is if you want to just do what's popular, that's easy. You could just read what's popular, regurgitate that. And then congratulations, everybody likes you.
One of the things I found that's very hard about social media is expressing what you believe when you're early, like when I was early on discussing COVID stimulus, or when I was early on warning about FTX, or when I was early about warning about Peloton or shift, or when I was early about warning about tattoo chef, or when I was early about warning about SPACs. And when I was early about saying you should get into cash above and all above anything else. And when I was early about saying stay away from bonds because they're about to tank or stocks because they're about to tank, nobody wants to hear that. You're just a flip flop. But the reality is we should not be in a position where we're so worried about what's wrong or right. We should be worried about what's the best thing to do now going forward. See, that's very different. Wrong or right is hindsight analysis. What to do now is going forward. And so that's where we have to talk about Tesla.
Also, at the same time, we should just briefly mention that there were some comments today where people are like, oh, you should talk about your losses as well as your gains. Yeah, I had a $17,000 gain on a trade today. That was great. But I did also have some other gains and losses. I had a $1,000 gain, a $17,000 gain, and a $1,400 loss. So technically, I'm only up 16, six. Now I did mention that, but I mentioned that in the last video at the end of the last video. And I should have mentioned it up front. Sorry for that.
We do have a coupon code expiring tonight. And I'm going to go to bed after making this video. I'm pretty dang worn out and I'm pretty dang tired because it's been a roller coaster day. And I have a lot of deadlines today. And so we're going to talk Robotaxi, but I don't think I'm going to get back to all these bundle emails. So you still got a few hours before we raise the price on the courses on building your wealth. By the way, I will say shout out to the people joining. There are a lot of people joining the courses on building your wealth.
Most people right now are either buying the stocks and psychology money group, or they're buying the stocks and psychology of money group and the real estate bundle. I'll give you an example. We got Jesus, who just bought stocks and psych, Zachary just bought actually do it yourself property management and rental renovations, bundle up from some of the other courses we've had. That one's great because we've got a lot of other people in that one. Stocks and psych, we got Daniel, Ricardo, Constantine, Fernando, Christian, Pat, Ridalzlo, Stephen, Ashgar, Mandy, William, Marcelo, many others here. But anyway, thank you. Thank you so much for joining.
And do note that I just posted a message in the discord and said that if anybody has lecture suggestions, please mention them because I am going to go through another recording session of new lectures. So if you watch our lectures and you think something's missing, I will add the new lectures completely for free. So that's going to come within the next week and a half year. So stay tuned for that. But in this video, we really need to talk about Tesla robotaxi.
So I think we should just be honest and we should be honest and transparent. First of all, I love one. But second of all, I had multiple debates with a group of Tesla bulls, hyperboles, I'll call this is crazy. I'm sorry. You've been too long in Ross's and Gary's school. I'm sorry. I'm happy to hear what you're saying. But wait, wait, wait, wait. I'm happy to hear what you're saying. But that's a popular thing to say because people like to say these populist slams or whatever.
But that's disrespectful. First of all, and second of all, they're not my dad. I listen to everybody equally. I'm here. I'm not talking to Ross and Gary. I haven't talked to them at all today. I'm here listening and talking to you all. We don't have to start with that. The issue with that is that short-term noise does potentially affect hiring, recruitment, and talent compared to other AI organizations. So that is something to keep in mind. We do want to attract AI talent to Tesla. You want the best AI talent there. So that leaves us stuck with Q1, Q2, which right now aren't looking too great. And then I know you want to buy in uni 10 days, but stop talking down the stock. That's all you're trying to do. It's all noise. No, that's not true at all.
Well, hold on. Again, it's completely disrespectful to my argument. Hold on. Hold on. I gave you all a chance to talk. I made a very respectful argument. I said, I agreed with you with the licensing. I said, there's a political risk you didn't mention regarding attracting talent to Tesla. And I also made a respectful argument and said, I actually made a prediction. And I said, I think we're going to start with a small-scale world taxi launch where they compete with the zooks and the likes of Waymo and that they can expand a hundred times faster than the others. These are actually extremely bullish statements. I just think they're realistic statements. They don't help us Q1, Q2. Duh. So then I was going to say, what does this do for 26, 27, 28? But then you did cut me off. I think for 26, 27, 28, that's probably when Tesla really starts pricing in the explosive growth. Because that's when Wall Street's going to be able to start realizing, aha, Tesla's doing what the Waymo's doing, but look at how they can scale a hundred times faster.
Look at, I mean, Tesla, yeah, I just posted, Tesla hit 1 billion miles of FSD. So this is great. Tesla has so many wonderful things going for it, but I just want to be clear. It is rude for me to be here and then you make that accusation. And this is the second time now I'm asking you to please be respectful. I'm being very respectful. I will be respectful, Kevin. And I appreciate you. Hyperballs, I can see no wrong. And that's okay. I still respect them. I am not as optimistic as they are. I do not think that full self-driving vehicles as robotaxes are worth $1 per mile. I'm sorry, Brett. I think that's wrong from ARC. I respect you. I like you. I'm sorry, Tasha from ARC. I'm sorry. Everybody else who thinks you're going to make a dollar per mile submitting your car to our robotaxes fleet. I think that is delusional. I think it is straight up delusional to think that you were going to have bought a Tesla and you are going to somehow turn your Tesla into $100,000 of passive income annually. That is what I heard people talk about today. And I think it is straight up delusional.
Now, I understand the Hopium. The Hopium is that we'll be able to take our phones and go, wow, we all have self-driving vehicles. Should be easy. Just submit them to the fleet. No. No. Because when it if that happens, trust me. In every single locale, you'll have 100 Teslas looking for about one person willing to ride. The demand for robotaxes compared to the demand for Uber and Lyft will not be one to one. The demand for robotaxes will only rise when the price collapses. And then Uber and Lyft will collapse and go bankrupt. And then the demand for robotaxes will exist at probably cents per mile. Now, I'm not saying if you drive five miles, you're only going to pay five cents. There'll be some base fee, some minimum fee. But you also have to offset the charging, depreciation, vehicle investment, so the ROI for the investor in the vehicle.
And unfortunately, I don't think that's going to be the vehicle that you own. I think the model to robotaxi is actually going to be a very niche product that only works for robotaxi. So ironically, I think that Reuters was right. See, Reuters suggested that they spoke with insiders, multiple insiders, and found that the $25,000 vehicle was debt. And, you know, this led a lot of people to say that Reuters is a fraud and they're a lie. Well, Reuters alleged that one source said that Elon's directive was to go all in on robotaxes and to cancel the $25,000 vehicle. And see, this is very interesting because if you look at Elon Musk's history, all you have to do is look at his book. I have it right here.
See, I'm wearing my little Tesla sweater here. It's jeans on, whatever. It's right here. I have it. It's in my studio. And I'm going to read you a section I clip from it. For years, they had talked about what should be Tesla's next generation offering. A small, inexpensive, mass market car selling for around $25,000. Sorry, by the way, if I sound a little lispy, I had carrots. We buy raw carrots and I'm actually highly allergic to raw carrots. So, my throat gets itchy and my voice sounds different and my lips kind of swell up. I eat them anyway, though. I don't think I'm anaphylactic. I have my throat closed up all the way, at least. But anyway, Musk himself has teased the possibility in 2020, but then he put a hold on those plans. And over the next two years, he repeatedly vetoed the idea saying that the robotaxi would make the other car unnecessary. The robotaxi would make the 25k car unnecessary. Hmm, interesting. Nevertheless, others had quietly kept it alive as a shadow project. Hmm, interesting.
So, maybe the $25,000 car we were told was coming with $10,000 of, I'm sorry, $10,000 volume units of production per year. I'm sorry. No, that's per week, I believe. I believe that was $10,000 units per week. Per week starting at the end of 2025 was frankly just clickbait because they never actually thought about making a $25,000 vehicle that you could buy. They thought about making a $25,000 vehicle that Tesla could license as a robotaxi. Well, shit. That's a little different. Now, why is that different? Well, let's say you don't think the robotaxi is going to be a reality until 2030. Well, I could sell you a Tesla $25,000 car in 2025 or 2026, but I can't sell you a robotaxi until probably 2030, which means I'm going to have to delay my earnings per share estimates for Tesla, which means this is actually a net negative to Tesla in the near term, near to medium term.
Yeah. Now, a lot of people get mad about that. They say, well, you should be a long term investor. What do you mean you care about 2026 EPS estimates? Oh, my gosh. All right. Fine. So let's assume the robotaxi fleet is here and Tesla is the only one who's going to produce it. My prediction, by the way, is that Tesla is going to release a localized robotaxi option that's going to be very similar to zooks. And it's going to operate in areas like San Francisco and Vegas. And it's going to end up looking like zooks, which is Amazon owned. And it'll be a localized robotaxi. It'll work. And the odds are it'll be able to expand to new cities substantially faster than other vehicles. But it's still going to be a niche product for quite a while.
Here's zooks. It exists. It exists today. It's allowed to go on prototype drives of up to 35 miles per hour. It does the drive on highways. Does it get off highway off ramps? Does it change lanes on highways? No, no, it doesn't. So unfortunately, I think there's a regulatory hurdle that comes with this as well. Because Elon's FSD is not perfect. Every FSD driver knows that. There is not a single FSD driver who says the vehicle is perfect for full self-driving, level five autonomy. Now, I understand people say, well, Kevin, don't let perfect be the enemy of the good. That's fine. I agree. FSD is much safer than a human driver. 110% agree. But even though you're safer than a human driver, doesn't mean you're going to get Robotaxi approval on a broad-based level to where every operator can be you.
The first operators for Robotaxis will always be the corporations. It will always be the Amazon, the Google, the GM, and the Tesla. It's not going to be you. The next operators will be those who are willing to pay for extremely expensive licenses and oversight procedures that require a very strict maintenance of their vehicle fleet, which the vast majority of individual owners will not be willing to partake in. Just look up, for example, flight operators. There's something called a part 135 operator versus a part 91 operator. If you know, and you know, let's just say if you're a 91 operator, you don't want to be a 135. And if you're a 135, you paid enough money to the regulators to wear your like, please, let me fly other people in my jet for money. Good luck paying those fees.
In other words, bottom line, I think that the Tesla Robotaxi is unfortunately a downgrade. This is painful to say. This is very painful to say. Because a lot of people are really optimistic about this. They think that Reuters is wrong because Elon said they lied. So obviously that means they lied about everything wrong. I actually think Reuters and Elana right now. How is that possible? It's actually quite simple. It's actually very simple. Elon Musk will not produce a $25,000 vehicle. Retail will never buy a $25,000 Tesla unless it's some used Tesla or a massively subsidized government Tesla. No, instead, Robotaxis will be operated by Tesla. So it is a lie that the $25,000 car is dead because Tesla is going to use the $25,000 car.
But for you, the retail audience, it's true. It's a lie. Reuters lied to you. Everyone, please, Reuters is a scam because Reuters lied to you. Reuters told you that the $25,000 Tesla is canceled. And you know what? They're wrong. The $25,000 Tesla is canceled. But not for Tesla. Of course, as a Tesla shareholder, you're like, oh, that's okay. They'll make the money on the Robotaxi. Right. Right. Yes. That's what we'll underwrite. We'll underwrite that every single Tesla will make $100,000 per year in passive income. It's delusional bullshit. No. No. If every Tesla owner could submit their car to the Robotaxi network, I will guarantee you there's no way you will make $100,000 a year on one vehicle. There's no way the price per mile will plummet because most of what you compensate a driver for today in Uber or Lyft is a labor of the car. Price or collapse? Hmm. Yeah.
So, um, this is where I call bullshit. And just like this old card that I have on my desk, you know what this card is? It's how I started my career. Look at that. There's no pressure agent realtor Kevin Paffra. You know what's on the other side? Don't don't get Biffed. Don't get Biffed. You're being lied to. If you think you're going to turn your car into a Robotaxi on August 8th, you're full of poopy doopy. You're being lied to. I think on August 8th, we're going to get a generic demonstration of none other than a product that already exists. A zuke's. That'll be Tesla's level five. Okay. We can do certain cities. Great.
Yes. We'll be able to scale faster than anybody else because we use vision versus the map LIDAR. I know. I agree. But will you own that vehicle? No. Tesla will actually use their fantastic new unboxed assembly line. They'll make 100 cars for themselves. And you'll have 100 Tesla Robotaxis. So, it'll be true. They'll be Tesla Robotaxis. Just like they're away most. But do I think you're going to turn your Tesla into a Robotaxi on August 8th? You'd be delusional to think that. So, am I short Tesla today? No. Am I trying to talk the stock down? No. Disrespectful people think that. It's okay. Let them think whatever they want. Just trying to be realistic.
Elon Musk is in a corner. He had to come out with an announcement today. So, by saying that Reuters lied about the $25,000 car. He's right. There won't be a $25,000 car. But there will be a $25,000 car for Tesla. It's all in the nuance. It doesn't actually make me that foolish, unfortunately. But I do want to be bullish long term because I do think long term Chevy Ford and all the competitors will die in America. And Tesla will stand supreme. And Tesla will win in the long run. But not in the short term, especially with Ray Cuts coming later.
I'm waving. I know how to advertise these things that you told us here. I feel like nobody else knows about this. We'll try a little advertising and see how it goes. Congratulations, man. You have done so much. People love you. People look up to you. Kevin Palfrath there. Financial analyst and YouTube meet Kevin. Always great to get your take. Even though I'm a licensed financial advisor, licensed real estate broker and becoming a stock broker, this video is not personalized advice for you. It is not tax legal or otherwise personalized advice tailored to you. This video provides generalized perspective, information and commentary. Any third party content I show shall not be deemed endorsed by me.
This video is not and shall never be deemed reasonably sufficient information for the purposes of evaluating a security or investment decision. Any links are promoted products are either paid affiliations or products or services we may benefit from. I also personally operate and actively manage ETF. I may personally hold or otherwise hold long or short positions in various securities, potentially including those mentioned in this video. However, I have no relationship to any issue or other than house act, nor am I presently acting as a market maker. Make sure if you're considering investing in house act to always read the PPM at house act.com.