Keynote by NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang at 2024 SIEPR Economic Summit - YouTube
发布时间 2024-03-07 07:32:51 来源
Welcome back everyone after the short break. I know that many of you are looking forward to hearing from our next speaker, Jensen Wong. Jensen is at the cutting edge of artificial intelligence and all of the innovation, technology, and human capital that is needed to support it. My good friend and Seeper colleague, John Chauvin, is going to introduce Jensen, and I hope he's here somewhere, so I'm just going to keep talking. And then the two of them will have a conversation before taking some of your questions. John Chauvin certainly requires very little introduction to many most in this crowd. As my predecessor, as the Trioni Director of Seeper, John is the one who started the Seeper Economic Summit 20 years ago.
大家在短暂休息后欢迎回来。我知道你们很多人都期待听到我们的下一个演讲者Jensen Wong。Jensen 处于人工智能的最前沿,需要创新、技术和人力资本的支持。我的好朋友兼Seeper同事John Chauvin将介绍Jensen,希望他还在现场,所以我继续说下去。然后两人将展开对话,接着回答一些你们的问题。对于在座的大多数人来说,John Chauvin几乎无需介绍。作为我在Seeper的前任,John是20年前发起Seeper经济峰会的人。
So I would just like right now for all of us to give John Chauvin a huge round of applause and appreciate the community. APPLAUSE That he had the foresight to build. For those of you who haven't been touched by John's research, his mentorship, or his friendship, here's what, here's just a snippet of what you might like to know about him. Along with being the former Seeper Director and a Seeper Senior Fellow Emeritus, John is the Charles R. Schwab Professor of Economics. He is also a Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution and a Research Associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research.
He specializes in public finance and corporate finance and has published many articles over the years on social security, health economics, corporate and personal taxation, mutual funds, pension plans, economic demography, applied general equilibrium economics, and much more. John isn't one for long introductions, but I just will say that if I can be one-tenth as helpful to my successor as John has been to me, I'll feel like I've succeeded. So I will let you read more about his publications and accomplishments in the programs you've received today.
And so please join me in welcoming our good friend, John Chauvin, and I'm really looking forward to this. APPLAUSE Wow, thank you. So I have always thought that the more famous the speaker, the shorter the appropriate introduction. And if I were to follow that rule, I would stop right now and say Jensen Wong, but I'm not going to do that. So the Oxford English Dictionary defines the American dream. Believe it or not, it does that. And it says that it's a situation where everybody has an equal opportunity for success through hard work, dedication and initiative. And I would like to say that Jensen Wong is an example of the American dream.
Jensen was born in Taiwan, came to the U.S. at age nine with his brother, not with his parents, went to a rough, tough school in Kentucky, survived that. His parents came two years later, removed to Oregon, skipped two grades and graduated from high school, and went to Oregon State, electrical engineering major, 150 men and two women. He said he was 16, he looked like he was 12, he had no chance with the women. LAUGHTER Well, he sort of liked one of them and said, why don't we work on homework together? And did that over and over and over again? Six months later, he asked for a date. Well, he's still married to her. So another American dream. APPLAUSE Now to skip to age 30, he co-founds NVIDIA. He's the only CEO there's ever been, of NVIDIA. It's had its ups and it's down, more ups than downs. It's now the fourth largest company in the world.
Jensen 是在台湾出生的,在九岁时和他的兄弟来到美国,而不是和父母一起。他在肯塔基州上了一所粗放、艰难的学校,成功地度过了那段时期。他的父母两年后也来到了美国,搬到了俄勒冈州,跳了两个年级,高中毕业后进入了俄勒冈州立大学主修电气工程,班上有150名男生和两名女生。他说他16岁,看起来像12岁,和女生交往的机会几乎为零。大家笑了。不过,他对其中一位女生有好感,就说为什么不一起做作业?然后一遍又一遍地一起做作业,六个月后,约了一次会。现在他们依然相亲相爱。又是一个美国梦。掌声。再跳到30岁,他共同创办了 NVIDIA。他是NVIDIA迄今为止唯一的CEO。公司起起伏伏,但升势大于衰势,现在是世界第四大公司。
Third largest American company. So that sounds to me like the American dream. I should add that he also got a degree from Stanford, master's degree. I think he did it mostly at night. And he was always good with homework, it worked with his wife at work with Stanford too. Now, of course, we were here last week. NVIDIA announced its earnings. In the finance crowd, this got more attention than the Super Bowl. It occurred a couple of weeks earlier. It was pretty amazing. His company is at the absolute center of the most exciting development, I'd say, of the 21st century, technology development. And so he's to be congratulated on that. Let me just say he's received a lot of awards, a lot of recognition, and NVIDIA's received a lot of awards, a lot of recognition. But I should have a short introduction.
So I'm about to quit. I'm just going to talk about one award. Last month, he was elected as a member of the National Academy of Engineering. This is a pretty prestigious award. There are only three that I know of. I asked the S-Chat GPT, I didn't get an absolute clear answer. How many CEOs of S&P 500 companies are members of the National Academy of Engineering? But I think it's three. And two are in this room. Andrew Devgen of Cadence Design Systems was awarded it last year. So the two of them have that in common. But let me now just conclude and congratulate Jensen, not only on this award, but on the amazing success of your company. And thank you for speaking to us today at Seaport. Jensen. Thank you. You're here, I'm here. I guess so. Okay.
所以我快要离开了。我只想谈论一个奖项。上个月,他被选为美国国家工程院的院士。这是一个非常有声望的奖项。据我所知,只有三个人获得了这个奖项。我问了 S-Chat GPT,没有得到一个绝对清晰的答案。S&P 500 公司的CEO中有多少人是美国国家工程院的院士?我想是三个。而这个房间里就有两个。Cadence Design Systems 的 Andrew Devgen 去年获得了这个奖项。所以两人有共同之处。不过现在让我来总结并祝贺 Jensen,不仅是获得这个奖项,而且是因为你的公司取得了惊人的成功。感谢你今天在 Seaport 与我们分享。Jensen,谢谢你。你在这儿,我在这儿。我想是这样。好的。
So why don't you start off with maybe some opening remarks, and then I'll ask you a few questions, and then you get the tough questions. Well, I think that after your opening remarks, it is smartest for me not to make any opening remarks to avoid risking damaging all the good things you set. But let's see. It's always good to have a pickup line. And mine was, do you want to see my homework? And you're right, we're married still. We have two beautiful kids. We have a perfect life, two great puppies, and I love my job. And she still enjoys my homework. Well, if you want, I can ask you a few questions then. Yes, please. So in my lifetime, I thought the biggest technical development technology breakthrough was the transistor. Now, I'm older than you. And it was pretty fundamental. Should I rethink his AI now, the biggest change of technology that has occurred in the last 76 years to hint at my age? Yeah. Well, first of all, the transistor was obviously a great invention. But what was the greatest capability that enabled was software. The ability for humans to express our ideas, algorithms, in a repeatable way, computationally repeatable way, is the breakthrough.
What have we done? We dedicated our company, in the last 31 years, to a new form of computing called accelerated computing. The idea is that general purpose computing is not ideal for every field of work. We said why don't we invent a new way of doing computation such that we can solve problems that general purpose computing is ill-equipped at solving. What we have effectively done in a particular area of domain of computation that is algorithmic in nature that can be paralyzed, we've taken the computational cost of computers to approximately zero. What happens when you are able to take the marginal cost of something to approximately zero? We enabled a new way of doing software where it used to be written by humans. We now can use computers to write the software because the computational cost is approximately zero.
You might as well let the computer go off and grind on just a massive amount of experience, we call data, digital experience, human digital experience, and grind on it to find the relationships and patterns that as a result represents human knowledge. That miracle happened about a decade and a half ago. We saw it coming and we took the whole company and we shaped our computer which was already driving the marginal cost of computing down to zero. We pushed it into this whole domain and as a result in the last ten years we reduced the cost of computing by one million times. The cost of deep learning by one million times. A lot of people said to me, but Jensen, if you reduced the cost of computing your cost by a million times and people buy less of it, it's exactly the opposite. We saw that if we could reduce the marginal cost of computing down to approximately zero, we might use it to do something insanely amazing.
Large language models. To literally extract all of digital human knowledge from the internet and put it into a computer and let it go figure out what the knowledge is, that idea of scraping the entire internet and putting it in one computer and let the computer figure out what the program is is an insane concept. But you wouldn't ever consider doing it unless the marginal cost of computing was zero. So we made that breakthrough and now we've enabled this new way of doing software. Imagine for all the people that are still new to artificial intelligence, we figured out how to use a computer to understand the meaning, not the pattern, but the meaning of almost all digital knowledge and everything you can digitize, we can understand the meaning. So let me give you an example.
Gene sequencing is digitizing genes. But now with large language models, we can go learn the meaning of that gene. Amino acids, we digitized through mass spec, we digitized amino acids. Now we can understand from the amino acid sequence without a whole lot of work with cryo-e-m's and things like that, we can go figure out what is the structure of the protein and what it does. What does this mean? We can also do that on a fairly large scale pretty soon. We can understand what's the meaning of a cell. A whole bunch of genes that are connected together. And this is from a computer's perspective, no different than there's a whole page of words and you asked it to what is the meaning of it. Summarize, what did it say? Summarize it for me. What's the meaning? This is no different than a big, huge, long page of genes. What's the meaning of that? Big, long page of proteins, what's the meaning of that? And so we're on the cusp of all this. This is the miracle of what happened.
And so I would, as long as the answer to St. John, you're absolutely right, that AI, which was enabled by this new form of computing, we call it accelerated computing, that took three decades to do, is probably the single greatest invention of the technology industry. This will likely be the most important thing in the 21st century. I agree with that. 21st century. But maybe not the 20th century, which was the transistor, which it's got to be closed. We'll let history decide. That's right. We'll let history decide. Could you look ahead, you, I take it that the GPU chip that is behind artificial intelligence right now is your H100, and I know you're introducing an H200. And I think I read that you plan to upgrade that each year. And so could you think ahead five years, March 2029, you're introducing the H700? What will it allow us to do that we can't do now?
I'll go backwards, but let me first say something about the chip that John just described. As we say a chip, all of you in the audience probably, because you've seen the chip before, you imagine there's a chip kind of like this. The chip that John just described weighs 70 pounds. It consists of 35,000 parts. Eight of those parts came from TSMC. It, that one chip replaces a data center of old CPUs like this into one computer. The savings, because we compute so fast, the savings of that one computer is incredible, and yet it's the most expensive computer the world's ever seen. It's a quarter of a million dollars per chip. We sell the world's first quarter million dollar chip. But the system that it replaced, the cables alone cost more than the chip, this H100. The cables of connecting all those old computers. That's the incredible thing that we did. We reinvented computing, and as a result, computing, marginal cost of computing went to zero. That's what you just explained. We took this entire data center, we shrunk it into this one chip.
This one chip is really, really great at trying to figure out this form of computation that without getting weird on you guys called deep learning. It's really good at this thing called AI. The way that this chip works, it works not just at the chip level, but at the chip level and the algorithm level and the data center level. It works together. It doesn't do all of its work by itself. It works as a team. You connect a whole bunch of these things together, and networking is part of it. When you look at one of our computers, it's a magnificent thing. Only computer engineers would think it's magnificent, but it's magnificent. It weighs a lot, miles and miles and cables, hundreds of miles and cables. The next one is soon coming. It's beautiful in a lot of ways. It computes at data center scales. Together, what's going to happen in the next ten years, say John, will increase the computational capability for deep learning by another million times. What happens when you do that? What happens when you do that? We learn and then we apply it. We go train inference. We learn and we apply it. In the future, we'll have continuous learning. We could decide whether that continuous learning result will be deployed into the world's applications or not, but the computer will watch videos and new text and from all the interactions that it's continuously improving itself. The learning process and the training process and the inference process, the training process and the deployment process, application process will just become one. That's exactly what we do. We don't have between now and seven o'clock in the morning, I'm going to be doing my learning, and then after that I'll just be doing inference. You're learning and inferencing all the time.
That reinforcement learning loop will be continuous. That reinforcement learning will be grounded with real world data that is being through interaction as well as synthetically generated data that we're creating in real time. This computer will be imagining all the time. Does that make sense? Just as when you're learning, you take a pieces of information and you go from first principles that should work like this, and then we do the simulation, the imagination in our brain, and that future imagined state in a lot of ways manifests itself to us as reality. Your AI computer in the future will do the same. It'll do synthetic data generation, it'll do reinforcement learning, it'll continue to be grounded by real world experiences, it'll imagine some things, it'll test it with real world experience, it'll be grounded by that, and that entire loop is just one giant loop. That's what happens when you can compute for a million times cheaper than today.
As I'm saying this, notice what's at the core of it. When you can drive the marginal cost of computing down to zero, then there are many new ways of doing something you're willing to do. This is no different than I'm willing to go further places because the marginal cost of transportation has gone to zero. I can fly from here to New York relatively cheaply. If it were to take in a month, you know, it'll probably never go. It's exactly the same in transportation and just about everything that we do. We're going to take the marginal cost of computing down to approximately zero as a result. We'll do a lot more computation. That causes me, as you probably know, there have been some recent stories that Nvidia will face more competition in the inference market than it has in the training market.
What you're saying is it's actually going to be one market, I think. Can you comment about, you know, is there going to be a separate training chip market and inference chip market, or it sounds like you're going to be continuously training and switching to inference maybe within one chip? I don't know. Why don't you explain to me? Today, whenever you prompt an AI, it could be CHAT or it could be copilot or it could be if you're using a service now platform, you're using mid-journey, using firefly from Adobe, whenever you're prompting, it's doing inference. You know, inference is a right, so it's generating information for you. Whenever you do that, what's behind it, 100% of them, is Nvidia's GPUs.
And so Nvidia's most of the time you engage our platforms are when you're inferencing. And so we're 100% of the world's inferencing today's Nvidia. Now, is inferencing hard or easy? A lot of people, the reason why people are picking on inferencing is when you look at training and you look at an Nvidia system doing training, when you just look at it, you go, that looks too hard. I'm not going to go do that. I'm a chip company. That doesn't look like a chip. And so there's a natural, and you have to, in order for you to even prove that something works or not, you're $2 billion into it. And you turn it on to realize it's not very effective. You're $2 billion in two years into it. The risk of exploring something new is too high for the customers. And so a lot of competitors tend to say, you know, we're not into training, we're into inference. Inference is incredibly hard. Let's think about it for a second.
The response time of inference has to be really high, but this is the easy part. That's the computer science part. The hard part of inference is the goal of somebody who's doing inference is to engage a lot more users, to apply that software to a large installed base. Inference is an installed base problem. This is no different than somebody who's writing an application on an iPhone. The reason why they do so is because iPhone has such an large installed base. Almost everyone has one. And so if you wrote an application for that phone, it's going to have the benefit of it's going to be able to benefit everybody. Well, in the case of NVIDIA, our accelerated computing platform is the only accelerated computing platform that's literally everywhere. And because we've been working on it for so long, if you wrote an application for inference and you take that model and you deploy it on NVIDIA's architecture, it literally runs everywhere. And so you can touch everybody, you can enable, have greater impact.
And so the problem with inference is actually install base. And that takes enormous patience and years and years of success and dedication to architecture compatibility, you know, so on and so forth. You may completely stay to the art chips. Is it possible though that you'll face competition that is claims to be good enough? Not as good as NVIDIA, but good enough and much cheaper. Is that a threat? Well, first of all, competition, we have more competition than anyone on a planet has competition.
Not only do we have competition from competitors, we have competition from our customers. And I'm the only competitor to a customer fully knowing they're about to design a chip to replace ours. And I show them not only what my current chip is, I show them what my next chip is, and I show them what my chip at Devattas. And the reason for that is because, look, if you don't make an attempt at explaining why you're good at something, they'll never get a chance to buy your products. So we're completely open-booked and working with just about everybody in the industry.
And the reason for that, our advantage is several. Our advantage, what we're about is several things. Whereas you could build a chip to be good at one particular algorithm. Remember, computing is more than even transformers. There's an idea called transformers. There's a whole bunch of species of transformers and they're new transformers being invented as we speak. And the number of different types of software is really quite rich. And the reason for that is because software engineers love to create new things, innovation. And we want that.
What NVIDIA is good at is that our architecture, not only does it accelerate algorithms, it's programmable, meaning that you can use it for the only accelerator for SQL. SQL came about in the 1960s, IBM, 1970s, in storage computing. I mean, SQL is a structured data as important as it gets. 300 z-bites of data being created every couple of years, most of it is in SQL's structured databases. And so we can accelerate that, we can accelerate quantum physics, we can accelerate Schonjers equations. Which is about fluids, particles, lots and lots of code.
NVIDIA擅长的是我们的架构,不仅可以加速算法,还是可编程的,这意味着你可以将其用作SQL的唯一加速器。 SQL诞生于20世纪60年代的IBM,70年代的存储计算。我的意思是,SQL是最重要的结构化数据之一。每隔几年就会产生300 z-字节的数据,其中大部分是在SQL的结构化数据库中。因此,我们可以加速这个过程,我们可以加速量子物理,我们可以加速Schonjers方程。这些方程涉及流体,粒子,以及大量的代码。
And so what NVIDIA is good at is the general field of accelerated computing. One of them is generative AI. And so for a data center that wants to have a lot of customers, some of it in financial services, some of it in manufacturing, and so on and so forth, in the world of computing we're a great standard. We're in every single cloud, we're in every single computer company. And so our company's architecture has become a standard, if you will, after some 30-some odd years. And so that's really our advantage. If a customer can do something specifically that's more cost effective, quite frankly, I'm even surprised by that.
And the reason for that is this. Remember, our chip is only part, think of when you see computers these days, it's not a computer like a laptop, it's a computer's a data center. And you have to operate it. And so people who buy and sell chips think about the price of chips. People who operate data centers think about the cost of operations. Our time to deployment, our performance, our utilization, our flexibility across all these different applications, in total, allows our operations cost, they call total cost of operations and our TCO.
Our TCO is so good that even when the competitors' chips are free, it's not cheap enough. And that is our goal. To add so much value that the alternative is not about cost. And so of course that takes a lot of hard work and we have to keep innovating and things like that and we don't take anything for granted. But we have a lot of competitors. As you know, but maybe not everybody in the audience knows, there's this term artificial general intelligence which basically.
I was hoping not to sound competitive, but John asked a question that kind of triggered a competitive gene. And I want to say, I want to apologize, I came across, you know, if you will, a little competitive. I apologize for that. I could have probably done that more artfully. I will next time. He surprised me with that competitive. I thought I was in an economic forum. You know, just walking in here, I asked him, I sent some questions to his team and I said did you look at the questions, he says no, I didn't look at the questions, I wanted to be spontaneous, besides I might start thinking about it and then that would be bad.
我原本希望不要显得竞争心太重,但约翰提出了一个问题,引发了我的竞争天性。我想说,我要道歉,我显得有点竞争。对此我感到抱歉。我可能可以更巧妙地处理那个情况。下次我会注意的。他让我感到惊讶。我以为我在一个经济论坛。你知道,我刚走进来,问他,我发了一些问题给他的团队,我问他你看了那些问题吗,他说没有,我没看那些问题,我想要保持 spontaneity(自然而然),再说,我可能开始思考然后会不好。
And we're just kind of winging it here. Both of us. So I was asking when do you think. And of course, when do you think we will achieve artificial general intelligence, the sort of human level intelligence? Is that 50 years away? Is it five years away? What's your opinion? I'll give you a very specific answer. But first, let me just tell you a couple of things about what's happening, that's super exciting. First, of course, we're training these models to be multimodality, meaning that we will learn from sounds, we'll learn from words, we'll learn from vision, and we'll just watch TV and learn, so on and so forth. Okay, just like all of us. And the reason why that's so important is because we want AI to be grounded. Not just by human values, which is what chat GPT really innovated. Remember, we had large language models before, but it wasn't until reinforcement learning human feedback, that human feedback that grounds the AI to something that we feel good about, human values. And now, could you imagine, now you have to generate images and videos and things like that. Because the AI know that hands don't penetrate through podiums, that feet stand above the ground, that when you step on water, you all fall into it. So you have to ground it on physics. So now the AI has to learn by watching a lot of different examples, and ideally, mostly video, that certain properties are obeyed in the world. It has to create what is called a world model. So one, we have to understand multimodality. There's a whole bunch of other modalities, like as I mentioned before, genes and amino acids and proteins and cells, which leads to organs and so on and so forth. And so we would like to multimodality. Second is greater and greater reasoning capabilities. A lot of the things that we already do reasoning skills are encoded in common sense. Common sense is reasoning that we all kind of take for granted. So there are a lot of things in our knowledge in the internet that already encodes reasoning and models can learn that. But there's higher level reasoning capabilities.
For example, there's some questions that you answer me right now when we're talking. I'm mostly doing generative AI. I'm not spending a whole lot of time reasoning about the question. However, there are certain problems, like for example, planning problems, where I'm going to, that's interesting. Let me think about that. And I'm cycling in the back and I'm coming up with multiple plans. I've got, I'm traversing a tree. Maybe I'm going through my graph and, you know, I'm pruning my tree and saying this doesn't make sense. But this, I'm going to put, and I simulated in my head and maybe I do some calculations and so on and so forth. That long thinking, that long thinking, AI is not good at today. Everything that you prompted to chat GPT responds instantaneously. We would like to prompt something into chat GPT, give it a mission statement, give it a problem, and for it to think a while, isn't that right? So that kind of system, what computer science calls system two thinking or long thinking or planning, those kind of things reasoning and planning, those kind of problems, I think we're working on those things. And I think that you're going to see some breakthroughs. And so in the future, the way you interact with AI will be very different. Some of it will be, just give me a question and answer. Some of it is that here's a problem. Go work on it for a while. Tell me tomorrow. And it does the largest amount of computation it can do by tomorrow. You can also say, I'm going to give you this problem. You know, spend $1,000 on it, but don't spend more than that. And it comes back with the best answer within the thousand. You know, so on and so forth. So that's, now, AGI. The question on AGI is, what's the definition? In fact, that's kind of the supreme question. Now, if you ask me, if you say Jensen, AGI is a list of tests, and remember, an engineer can only, an engineer knows that we've, you know, anybody in that prestigious organization that I'm now part of, knows for sure about engineers is that you need to have a specification and you need to know what the definition of success is. You need to have a test.
If I gave an AI a lot of math tests and reasoning tests and history tests and biology tests and medical exams and bar exams, you name it. SATs and MCATs and every single test that you can possibly imagine, you make that list of tests and you put it in front of the computer science industry, I'm guessing in five years time, we'll do well on every single one of them. And so if your definition of AGI is that it passes human tests, then I will tell you five years. If you tell me, but if you asked it to me a little bit differently the way you asked it, that AGI is going to be, have human intelligence. Well, I'm not exactly sure how to specify all of your intelligence yet and nobody does, really, and therefore it's hard to achieve. Does an engineer, does that make sense? Okay. The answer is we're not sure, but we're all endeavoring to make it better and better. So I'm going to ask two more questions and I'm going to turn it over because I think there's lots of good questions out there. The first one I was going to ask about is could you just dive a little deeper into what you see as AI's role in drug discovery?
The first role is to understand the meaning of the digital information that we have. Right now we have all, as you know, we have a whole lot of amino acids. We can now, because of alpha fold, understand the protein structure and many of them. But the question is now what is the meaning of that protein? What does the meaning of this protein? What does this function? It would be great just as you can chat with GPT. As you guys know, you can chat with a PDF. You take a PDF file, doesn't matter what it is. My favorites are you take a PDF file of a research paper and you load it into chat GPT and just start just talking to it. It's like talking to the researchers. What inspired this research? What problem does it solve? What was the breakthrough? What was the state of art before then? What were the novel ideas? Just talk to it like a human.
第一个角色是理解我们所拥有的数字信息的含义。现在我们拥有所有的氨基酸,因为alpha fold的存在,我们现在可以理解很多蛋白质的结构。但现在问题是,这种蛋白质的含义是什么?这种蛋白质的功能是什么?就像你可以与GPT聊天一样,这将是很棒的。正如大家所知,你可以与PDF进行交流。你可以拿一篇研究论文的PDF文件,加载到聊天GPT中,然后开始与它交流。就像在与研究人员交谈一样。是什么启发了这项研究?解决了什么问题?有什么突破?在那之前技术的发展水平如何?有哪些新颖的想法?用人类的方式与它交流。
In the future, we're going to take a protein, put it into chat GPT just like PDF. What are you for? What enzymes activate you? What makes you happy? For example, there'll be a whole sequence of genes and you're going to take and it represents a cell. You're going to put that cell in. What are you for? What do you do? What are you good for? What are your hopes and dreams? That's one of the most profound things we can do is to understand the meaning of biology. Does it make sense? If we can understand the meaning of biology, as you guys know, once we understand the meaning of almost any information that it's in the world of computer science, in the world of computing, amazing engineers and amazing scientists know exactly what to do with it. That's the breakthrough. The multi-omnic understanding of biology. That's if I could deep and shallow answer to you. I think that's probably the single most profound thing that we can do. Boy, Oregon State and Stanford are really proud of you.
If I could switch gears just a little bit and just say Stanford has a lot of aspiring entrepreneurs, students, they're entrepreneurs and maybe they're computer science majors or engineering majors of some sort. Please, don't build GPUs. What advice would you give them to improve their chances of success? One of my great advantages is that I have very low expectations. And I mean that. Most of the Stanford graduates have very high expectations. You deserve to have high expectations because you came from a great school. You were very successful. You're top of your class. Obviously, you were able to pay for tuition. And then you're graduating from one of the finest institutions on the planet. You're surrounded by other kids that are just incredible. You naturally have very high expectations. People with very high expectations have very low resilience. And unfortunately, resilience matters in success. I don't know how to teach it to you except for I hope suffering happens to you. And I was fortunate that I grew up with it with my parents providing a condition for us to be successful. On the one hand, but there were plenty of opportunities for setbacks and suffering. To this day, I use the word the phrase pain and suffering inside our company with great glee. And I mean that. Boy, this is going to cause a lot of pain and suffering. And I mean that in a happy way. Because you want to refine the character of your company. You want greatness out of them. And greatness is not intelligence as you know. Greatness comes from character. And character is informed out of smart people. It's formed out of people who suffered. And so that's kind of the.
And so if I could wish upon you, I don't know how to do it. But for all of you Stanford students, I wish upon you ample doses of pain and suffering. I'm going to back out on my promise and ask you one more question. How do you, you seem incredibly motivated and energetic. But how do you keep your employees motivated and energetic when they probably become richer than they ever expected to be?
Yeah, I'm surrounded by 55 people. My management team, so you know, my management team, my direct reports is 55 people. I write no reviews for any of them. I give them constant reviews. And they provide the same to me. My compensation for them is the bottom right corner of Excel. I just drag it down. Literally many of our executives are paid the same. Exactly the dollar. I know it's weird. It works. And I don't do one on ones with any of them. Unless they need me, then I'll drop everything for them. I never have meetings with them just alone.
And they never hear me say something to them that is only for them to know. There's not one piece of information that I somehow secretly tell East Ave. That I don't tell the rest of the company. And so in that way, our company was designed for agility, for information to be, to flow as quickly as possible, for people to be empowered by what they are able to do, not what they know. And so that's the architecture of our company. I don't remember your question. But oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, I got it. I got it. I got it. And the answer for that is my behavior. How do I celebrate success? How do I celebrate failure? How do I talk about success? How do I talk about setbacks? Every single thing that I'm looking for opportunities to instill every single day.
I'm looking for opportunities to keep on instilling the culture of the company. And what is important? What's not important? What's the definition of good? How do you compare yourself to good? How do you think about good? How do you think about a journey? How do you think about results? All of that, all day long. Mark, Duggan, can you help us? Okay, good. So let's open it up for some questions. Let me start with Winston, and I'll come to you. We need a microphone. Can you just bend? You got this? Yeah. Board member Winston. I have a couple questions. What's the story about your leather jacket? And the second is according to your projection and calculation, in five to ten years, how much more semiconductor manufacturing capacity is needed to support the growth of AI?
我正在寻找机会继续灌输公司文化。什么重要?什么不重要?什么是好的定义?你如何与好相比?你如何看待好?你如何看待旅程?你如何看待结果?这些问题,整天都在考虑。Mark, Duggan,你们能帮助我们吗?好的,那么让我们开放一些问题。我先从 Winston 开始,然后轮到你。我们需要一个麦克风。你能弯腰拿吗?你能做到吗?是的。董事会成员 Winston。我有几个问题。你的皮夹克有什么故事?根据你的预测和计算,五到十年内,需要多少更多的半导体制造能力来支持人工智能的增长?
Okay, I appreciate two questions. The first question is, this is what my wife bought for me, and this is what I'm wearing. And because I do zero percent of my own shopping, as soon as she finds something that doesn't make me itch, because she knows she's known me since I was 17 years old, and she thinks that everything makes me itch. And the way I say I don't like something is it makes me itch. And so as soon as she finds me something that doesn't make me itch, if you look at my closet, the whole closet is a shirt, because she doesn't want to shop for me again.
And so that's why this is all she bought me, and this is all I'm wearing. And if I don't like the answer, I can go shopping. Otherwise I can wear it. And it's good enough for me. Okay, we've got the second question on this. The forecast is actually very, this is very, I'm horrible at forecasting, but I'm very good at first principle reasoning of the size of the opportunity. And so let me first reason for you. I have no idea how many fabs, but here's the thing that I do know. The way that we do computing today, the information was written by someone, created by someone. It's basically prerecorded. All the words, all the videos, all the sound, everything that we do is retrieval based. It was prerecorded. Does that make sense?
As I say that, every time you touch on a phone, remember, somebody wrote that and stored it somewhere. It was prerecorded. Okay? Every modality that you know. In the future, because we're going to have AIs, it understands the current circumstance, and because it's tapped into all of the world's latest news and things like it's called retrieval based, okay, and it understands your context, meaning it understood why you asked, what you're asking about. When you and I ask about the economy, we probably are meeting very different things, and for very different context. And based on that, it can generate exactly the right information for you. So in the future, it already understands context, and most of computing will be generative. In the, today, 100% of content is prerecorded.
If in the future 100% of content will be generative, the question is how many, how does that change the shape of computing? And so without torturing you anymore, that's how I reason through things. How much more networking do we need, more or less of that, do we need memory of this? And the answer is we're going to need more fabs. However, remember that we're also improving the algorithms and the processing of it tremendously over time. It's not as if the efficiency of computing is what it is today, and therefore the demand is this much. In the meantime, I'm improving computing by a million times every 10 years, while demand is going up by a trillion times. And that has to offset each other. Does that make sense? And then there's technology diffusion and so on and so forth. That's just a matter of time.
It doesn't change the fact that one day all of the computers in the world will be changed 100%. Every single data center will be, all of those generative computing data centers, 100% of the trillion dollars worth of infrastructure will be completely changed. And then there'll be new infrastructure built on, even on top of that. Okay, next question right here, Ben. And then over here to Randy. So, yeah. Thanks for coming today. So recently you said that you encourage students not to learn how to code.
Yeah. And if that's the case, it means one of maybe a few things. But do you think the world starts to look like from a company formation and entrepreneurship perspective that it goes towards many, many more companies that are created? Or do you think it's consolidation to just a number of the big players? Yeah. So first of all, I said it so poorly that you repeated back poorly. I didn't, if you would like to code, for God's sakes, code. Okay. If you want to make omelets, make omelets. I'm not, you know, coding has, coding is a reasoning process. It's good. Does, is it going to guarantee you a job? No, not even a little bit. The number of coders in the world surely will continue to be important. And we, NVIDIA needs coders. However, in the future, the way you interact with the computer is not going to be C++ mostly. For some of us, that's true.
For some of us, that's, but for you, you know, why, why programming Python? So weird. In the future, you'll tell the computer what you want. And the computer will, will, you say hi, I would like you to come up with a, a build plan with all of the suppliers and build the material for a forecast that we have for you. And based on all the equipment, all the necessary components necessary, come up with a build plan. Okay. And then if you, if you don't like that, you write me a Python program that I can modify of that build plan. And so remember, the first time I talked to the computer, I'm just speaking in plain English. The second time, so English, by the way, human, it's the best programming language of the future.
How you talk to a computer, how do you prompt it? It's called prompt engineering. How you interact with people. How do you interact with computers? How do you make a computer do what you want it to do? How do you fine tune the instructions with that computer? That's called prompt engineering. There's an artistry to that. Okay. So for example, most people are surprised by this, but it's not surprising to me, but it's surprising. For example, you asked me a journey to generate a picture, an image of a puppy on a, on a surfboard in Hawaii at sunset. Okay. And then, and then, and then a generous one. Go and you say, oh, more cute. Make it more cute. And it comes back, it's more cute. And you go, no, no, cuter than that. And it comes back. Why is it that software would do that? There's a, there's a structural reason why it does that. But for example, you need to know that that, that capability exists in the computer in the future. Isn't that right? If you don't like the answer first time, you could, you could fine tune in and get it to within the context that you, you know, you can make it, give you better, better results. And, and once you, you can even ask it to write the program altogether to generate that result in the future. And so my point is that programming has, has changed in a way that is probably less valuable.
On the other hand, let me, I will tell you this, that because of artificial intelligence, we have closed the technology divide of humanity. Today, about a, about 10 million people are gainfully employed because we know how to program computers, which leaves the other 8 billion behind. That's not true in the future. We all can program computers. Does that make sense? You all know how to prompt the computer to make it do things. And look at, all you do is look at YouTube and look at all the people who are using prompt engineering, all the kids and, you know, who are making a do amazing things. They don't know how to program. They're just talking to chat, GPT. They just know that if I tell it to do this, they'll do that, you know. And so it's, it's no different than interacting with people in the future. That's, that's the great contribution we've, the computer science industry has made to the world. We've closed the technology divide. That's it. That's inspiring. Okay, over here, we've got that. It sounds right. We've got Randy with a question right over here. So, thank you very much. I'm just wondering about, do you think very much about geopolitical risk and how do you see it impacting your industry if you do? A geopolitical risk, you know, we are almost a poster child of geopolitical risk. And the reason for that is because we make a very important instrument for artificial intelligence and artificial intelligence. John and I were talking about earlier is the defining technology of this, of this, of this time. And, and, and so the United States has every right to determine that this instrument should be limited to, to countries that, that it determines that it should be limited, limited with. And so, so the United States has that right and they, they exercise that right. And your question has to do with what is the implication to us?
I, we, first of all, we, we just have to understand these policies and we have to stay agile so that we can comply with the policies. Number one, on the one hand, it limits our opportunity in some places and it opens up opportunities in others. One of the things that has happened in the last, I would say, maybe even six to nine months is the awakening of every single country, every single society, the awakening that they have to control their own digital intelligence. That India can't outsource its data so that some country transforms that digital data into India's intelligence and imports that intelligence back to India. That awakening, that sovereign AI that you have to, you have to dedicate yourself to control your sovereign AI, your sovereign intelligence, protect your language, protect your culture for your own industries. That awakening, I think, happened in the last six, nine months. The first part was we have to be, we have to be mindful about safety. And the second part was, hold on a second, we, we all have to do this. And so every single country from, from India, Canada is doing this. The UK, France, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, the list goes on. But every single country now realize that they have to invest in their own sovereign AI. So geopolitics, in the one hand, limited opportunities, but it created just enormous opportunities elsewhere. And so, hard to say.
Okay, so I think we, I have multiple hands, but I have time for one more question. I am going to go right here. You had to, you were further on the question. Now remember, the last question has all, big pressure. You guys agree with that? Big pressure right here. The person who asked the last question, don't, don't leave us all depressed. I'm going to. Don't trigger me, please. I'm, I'm, that's all I'm saying. I'm just kidding. I'm going to invoke your commandment to have low expectations at this juncture. You, you mentioned you're competing with your customers and I'm wondering, you know, given the advantages that you have, why they're doing that. And I'm wondering if in the future you see yourself building more customized solutions for customers of a certain scale, as opposed to, you know, the solutions that you have now, which are more horizontal. So are we willing to customize the answer to yes?
Now why is it that the, the bars relatively high? The reason why the bar is high is because each generation of our, our platform, first of all, there's a GPU. There's a CPU. There's a networking processor. There's a, there are two types of switches. I just build five chips for one generation. People thinks it's one chip, but it's five different chips. Each one of those chips are hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars to do. Just hitting launch, which is tape out for us, launching a rocket is several hundred million dollars each time. Okay. I just, I got five of them per generation. Then you've got to put them into a system and then you've got to put, you know, if you got networking stuff, you got K transceiver stuff, you got optic stuff, you got a mountain of software to do, it takes a lot of software to run the computer as big as this room. And so, so all of that is complicated. If the customization is so different, then, then you have to repeat the entire R&D. However, if the customization leverages everything and adds something to it, then it makes, it makes a great deal of sense. Maybe it's a proprietary security system. Maybe it's a confidential computing system. Maybe it's a new way of doing numerical processing that could be extended. We're very open-minded to that. And our customers know that I'm willing to do all that and recognizes that if you change it too far, you've basically reset. And you've squandered, you know, the nearly $100 billion that's taken us to get here to redo it from scratch. And so they want to leverage our ecosystem to the extent that that will be done very open to it. And they know that. Yeah.
那么为什么这里的门槛相对较高呢?之所以门槛高是因为每一代我们的平台,首先有一个 GPU。有一个 CPU。有一个网络处理器。有两种类型的开关。我只为一代构建了五个芯片。人们认为这是一个芯片,但实际上是五个不同的芯片。每一个芯片都要耗费数亿美元。对我们来说,只是启动,也就是推出,每次推出一枚火箭都要耗费数亿美元。好吧。每代我们有五个。然后你必须把它们放入一个系统,然后你必须加入网络的东西,有 K 收发器的东西,有光学的东西,你有一堆软件要做,要运行像这个房间这么大的计算机需要大量的软件。所以所有这些都很复杂。 如果定制不同得这么多,那么你必须重复整个研发。然而,如果定制利用了一切并添加了一些东西,那么这就是有道理的。也许这是一个专有的安全系统。也许这是一个机密计算系统。也许这是一个新的数值处理方式,可以被扩展。我们对此非常开放。我们的客户知道我愿意去做所有这些,并认识到如果你改变太远,你就基本上重置了。你已经挥霍了我们花了近 1000 亿美元的成果,重新从头开始。所以他们希望利用我们的生态系统,尽可能开放地进行。他们知道这一点。是的。
Okay. So with that, I think we need to wrap up. Thank you so much to John and Jensen.