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Tesla Rolls Out New AI Assistant / Tesla Is Registered - PoS / Toyota's New Focus ⚡️

发布时间 2024-01-12 23:03:12    来源
Welcome to Electrified, it's your host Dylan Loomis. First up today, we have to at least touch on it toward the end of a recent Jeff Roberts drone flyover of Giga Austin. He spotted these two vehicles mysteriously wrapped that were headed to Fremont. For the usual, the internet has been jumping to conclusions that this could be the upcoming next gen compact vehicle. Is it possible? Sure. Is it likely? I would say probably not. This could just as easily simply be a Model Y body. As we can't forget about Project Juniper, the Model Y refresh that we're supposed to see sometime this year. On X, Lauren Blaine shared a nice comparison shot, so I'll let you guys decide for yourself. It is true, Tesla is currently working on this next gen compact vehicle at Giga Texas, but I'm not so sure that this is it already. But let's community source this one. What do you guys think is under this wrap?
欢迎来到Electrified,我是主持人Dylan Loomis。今天首先要说的是,我们不得不在最近Jeff Roberts的德罗恩飞越Giga Austin的视频中简单提及。他发现了这两辆神秘包裹着的车正在前往弗里蒙特。就像通常一样,互联网上人们纷纷猜测这可能是即将推出的新一代紧凑车。这有可能吗?当然有。但是否可能性大呢?我会说可能性不大。这很有可能只是一辆Model Y的车身。因为我们不能忘记Project Juniper,也就是我们预计今年会看到的Model Y更新版本。关于这个问题,Lauren Blaine在X车型上分享了一张不错的对比照片,所以让大家自己来决定吧。确实,特斯拉目前正在Giga Texas开发这款新一代紧凑车,但我并不确定这是否就是它。但让我们共同来探究吧。你们认为这个包裹下面是什么车型?

Tesla has announced the fall 2023 of voting winners for upcoming supercharger locations. You can see some here for Canada. Three in Romania, two in Hungary, one in South Korea, three in Japan, one in Australia, then for fun, the bonus sites Pullman Washington, Manhattan, Kansas, Peterborough, UK and Sienna, Italy. These voting cycles run every three months, so right now we have the winter voting up and running. This link will be below. You can vote on current proposed locations, or you can suggest a totally new location.

You Canadians can once again now order a Model Y in the seven seat configuration. The cost is $4,000. This option is only available on the long range variant, not rear wheel drive and not on the performance. At least for now, it's also only available with the black seat option not available with the white seats. Shifting to the United States, the seven seat option for the Model Y was bumped up $500 in price. It now sits at $3,000. Once again, this is only available for the long range variant, but in the United States available for both black and white interiors.
加拿大人可以再次购买七座配置的Model Y了。价格为4,000美元。此选项仅适用于长续航版,不适用于后驱和性能版。至少目前来说,只能选择黑色座椅,不能选择白色座椅。转向美国,Model Y的七座选项增加了500美元。现在价格为3,000美元。同样,这只适用于长续航版,在美国可以选择黑色和白色内饰。

For some reason today, the news that Caltrans, the California Department of Transportation was adding 399 Teslas to its fleet. But the thing is, this news actually broke back in November of 2022. That's when the agency first told Drive Tesla Canada it placed an order for 399 Tesla Model 3s.
出于某种原因,加州运输部(Caltrans)添加了399辆特斯拉汽车到其车队中。但问题是,实际上这条新闻是在2022年11月就已经曝光了。当时,该机构首次告诉Drive Tesla Canada它下订单购买了399辆特斯拉Model 3车型。

It appears as though today is the day the point of sale tax credit for Tesla finally goes live. If you have an order already placed for a Tesla in your mobile app or through your account, you may see this prompt asking you to enroll in the vehicle incentive program. Tesla's website now confirms that the top banner applied at time of delivery. Customers can purchase up to two vehicles per year with the tax credit applied directly to the purchase price. So far, nothing else has really changed with the configurator. So if you're going to place an order, it will look familiar. Under finance options, it still just shows the price after the federal tax credit. Just to be clear, if you're looking for this prompt right here, it's only after you've already placed the order.

Just to be clear, if you transfer the tax credit to the dealer, do you still need to owe at least $7,500 an income tax when you file the next year? Nope, you no longer. This process is transferable tax credit process effectively decouples. They should really call it an incentive because it effectively decouples your tax liability from the money that you get from the IRS. So no, you do not have to, you do not have to owe $7,500 that year in order to get the tax credit.

This is one of the many things we were excited about this year. Yeah, it makes me these much more affordable to people who don't have to pay a lot in taxes. That and everything else I'm hearing confirms that you do not have to have a tax liability of at least $7,500 to take advantage of the full $7,500 credit. Meaning if you owe $3,500 in taxes and you got the full $7,500 credit, then the IRS is not going to come after that $4,000 difference. But if the vehicle qualifies, but you do not qualify for the credit for any reason, your modified adjusted gross income is too high, you must reimburse the IRS for any difference in the credit for which you're eligible and the benefit you received from the dealer. Dealers are not required to verify the eligibility of the buyer at the time of sale. It is your responsibility to ensure you meet all buyer requirements. The dealer is however required to provide the modified adjusted gross income requirements for your information. As always, before making any buying decisions, don't just take my word for it, but always double check with your own tax professional.

With that disclaimer out of the way, as far as I can tell, it looks like no reimbursement concerns with regards to whatever your tax liability is, but yes, reimbursement concerns if you personally do not qualify for the credit in the first place. Sawyer also shared this post-order screenshot of how the tax credit will show up.

Tesla China has decided to kick off the new year by lowering prices on both the Model 3 and the Model Y. For the Model 3 Plus, the rear wheel drive variant was dropped by about $2,000 USD and the long range variant was dropped by about $1,600 USD. For the Model Y, both the rear wheel drive and the long range variants were dropped about $1,000 USD, no change at all to the performance variant.
特斯拉中国决定以降低Model 3和Model Y的价格来迎接新年。对于Model 3 Plus车型,后驱版本降价约2000美元,而长续航版本则降价约1600美元。对于Model Y车型,无论是后驱版本还是长续航版本,都降价约1000美元,性能版本则没有任何变化。

As you can see here though, relative to the beginning of 2023, the Model 3 rear wheel drive is actually 7% higher, the Model Y rear wheel drive is effectively flat, and the long range for both the Model 3 and the Model Y are down 3%. Excluding the Model Y performance variant, both the Model 3 and Y prices in China are anywhere between 9 and 21% cheaper relative to the United States counterparts.
正如您在这里可以看到的那样,相对于2023年初,Model 3后驱车型实际上涨了7%,Model Y后驱车型基本持平,而Model 3和Model Y的长续航车型下降了3%。除Model Y性能版外,无论是Model 3还是Model Y在中国的价格相对于美国的对应车型都便宜了9%到21%。

Ordinarily, at the end of the year, there's a lot of pull forward of demand happening, so that leaves a demand pocket into January and February. And look, you may not agree with Tesla's strategy here, but they told us months ago exactly what their playbook was going to be. They'll continue to drop prices, do whatever they need to do to ensure that they continue to grow their EV sales. If that means driving margins to zero, then in Tesla's eyes, so be it. Do I think it's going to get to that point? No, but anything is possible.

Tesla's discounts were in the neighborhood of 5%, but at the same time, we have Li Auto also offering discounts across its lineup in the neighborhood of 9%. Just don't forget, as we head into 2024, the Chinese economy has its own host of economic problems. Of course, Sean Fane had to chime in on Tesla's recent pay increase for its workers, saying it's a UAW bump. As great as these raises are, they're still far short of what the companies can afford and what auto workers are worth. Separately this week, the UAW said at a plant in Alabama for Mercedes Benz, 30% of workers signed cards authorizing a vote, but the number required is 70%.

How about this one from Nicolas when it comes to Tesla in Sweden? This company Hydro Extrusions, which was supplying Tesla with certain parts and aluminum at Gigabrelin. Well, via sympathy strikes last year, EF Mattall put an end to them supplying Tesla, so Tesla just went to another supplier in China. Fast forward to today, and because of this, now Hydro Extrusions is laying off 20 of their about 600 employees. The CEO said it's directly linked to the Tesla conflict. Now we have 20 people out of a job because of EF Mattall's strategy here in their attempt to protect Tesla employees. Riddle me that one.
尼古拉斯这方面对于在瑞典的特斯拉公司的看法如何呢?这家名为Hydro Extrusions的企业过去供应特斯拉一些零件和铝材,供应地点在Gigabrelin。然而,去年由于罢工行动,EF Mattall停止向特斯拉供应物资,于是特斯拉只能另找中国的供应商。时至今日,因为这个原因,Hydro Extrusions将裁员20人,员工总数约为600人。CEO表示,这直接与特斯拉的冲突有关。现在我们有20人失去了工作,这是因为EF Mattall在保护特斯拉员工方面采取的策略。试问这个问题:这一切是为了什么呢?

Today, Toyota said there's still a role for engines as a practical means of achieving carbon neutrality. The new takes on old tech will help win the war against carbon emissions while also saving jobs and preserving the smell, sound and feel that died in the wool car fans crave. Toyota is now starting a new project to promote engine development anew. You may think engines in this day and age, it might sound like we're running against the times, but that's not true. This is a necessary step toward the future. We did not get any details, but Toyota's messaging on advanced internal combustion is expected to be a key focus at Toyota this year. The truth is, they're probably not wrong in the sense that combustion engines can continually be improved. The problem is, it does not take a rocket scientist to figure out that all of the time, money and engineering talent that is spent on those projects, they're not working on electric vehicles.

It looks like Tesla won't be the only company to halt production due to what's going on in the Red Sea. Now we have Stellantis relying on air freight and Volvo with a factory in Belgium is halting output for three days next week. More importantly, a freight analyst said, we're looking at months rather than weeks or days before this crisis reaches any kind of resolution. Tesla relies heavily on China for battery components which need to be transported to Europe through the Red Sea, putting production constantly at risk. It can't be believed that they are alone, only the first to reflect the issue. Hopefully, Tesla's planned two weeks shutdown is all it turns out to be, but based on the way things are going, that's definitely not a guarantee.

Nissan is delaying the launch of two EVs that are planned to be made in the United States. The reason, the need to enhance product competitiveness. These are supposed to be two sporty sedans, one for Nissan, one for infinity. Production for the Nissan EV is set to begin November 2026 and for infinity, April 2027. A source said, Nissan has concerns about the profitability and market demand for EVs.

What's really going on here is that most of these legacy companies are hiding behind this narrative that there's no demand for EVs, so in the background, they can continue milking their ice profits, kicking the can further and further down the road on the transition to EVs. It's like these companies are effectively saying, we're not going to get serious about producing EVs until the demand is so obvious and at that point, Tesla and BYD are going to be fulfilling most of that demand, with another few years of a head start.

The chair of the SEC is reaching out to some automakers, including Tesla, seeking more information about policies involving internet connected car tech and domestic abuse. That's because cases of tech enabled stalking involving vehicles are emerging, using features like location tracking or remote control of certain functions. The chairwoman requested information about policies to remove access to connected apps from individuals listed on the car's title, among others. The deadline is January 26th.

Rivian is doing its best Tesla impersonation, releasing its first ever impact report. This version is for 2022. Just note, it's out there if you want to dive into it. Rivian said its goal is to launch a product by 2030 with half the life cycle carbon footprint as it's R1 vehicles. To do this, Rivian said it will increase the percentage of recycled materials that it uses. They also plan to dramatically increase their use of renewable energy. If you do look at it, just remember figures like this 100% renewable energy powers their charging network. Rivian also uses those virtual power purchase agreements. It's effectively when these companies will fund certain renewable projects, but they may actually have nothing to do with the company's actual operations.

Not a Tesla app shared this new video from a Chinese Tesla owner showing a new voice assistant in a Tesla vehicle. It's in Chinese, but I want to give you a taste of what's going on. Translation, that voice assistant was able to answer questions like what is the weather today and what is going on with a Tesla stock price today. That means with this early version of a Chinese software update, the voice assistant moves beyond just something that controls the vehicle to actually being more conversational. Early feedback from Tesla users in China suggests the new smart assistant offers a notably enhanced and intelligent experience, differentiating it from the previous basic voice command system. A not a Tesla app reader told us that this is an authentic voice assistant. Let me be crystal clear here. There is absolutely no confirmation that grok is now running in a Tesla vehicle, but I think it's fair to ask the question. It was just over about two months ago when Chuck pointed out a post that Elon liked where part of it said grok will run native in Tesla using local compute power to which Elon then responded saying provided our vehicle AI computer is able to run the model meaning grok Tesla will probably have the most amount of true usable inference compute on earth. Then we have to remind ourselves that Tesla is a vertical integration first company. Do we really think Elon and co are going to be working on grok even though it's with one of Elon's ancillary businesses and then for whatever reason choose to use a different model and a different data set for Tesla's in car assistant seems unlikely. If history is our guide, oftentimes new features will roll out in China first then they'll hit the United States and other markets in the weeks following at the very least. This is certainly something to watch for.
并非特斯拉应用程序分享了一个来自中国特斯拉车主的视频,展示了特斯拉车辆中的一款新语音助手。虽然视频是中文的,但我想给你一个大致了解正在发生的事情。翻译一下,这个语音助手能够回答像今天的天气如何,特斯拉股价如何等问题。这意味着在这个中国软件更新的早期版本中,语音助手不仅仅是控制车辆的东西,而且更具对话性。来自中国特斯拉用户的早期反馈表明,这个新智能助手提供了显著增强和智能化的体验,与之前的基础语音命令系统有所区别。一位非特斯拉应用程序的读者告诉我们,这是一个真正的语音助手。在此我要非常明确地说明一点,绝对没有证实 grok 现在在特斯拉车辆中运行,但我认为提出这个问题是合理的。大约两个多月前,查克指出了一篇埃隆点赞的帖子,其中部分内容提到 grok 将在特斯拉车辆中本地计算运行,而此时埃隆回应说,前提是我们的车辆AI计算机能够运行这个模型,这意味着 grok 特斯拉可能会有地球上最多真正可用的推理计算能力。然后我们必须想起,特斯拉是一家垂直整合的公司。我们真的认为埃隆和他的团队会在 grok 上工作,尽管它是埃隆的附属业务之一,然后由于某种原因选择在特斯拉车载助手中使用不同的模型和不同的数据集,这似乎是不太可能的。如果以往的经验是我们的指南,新功能通常会首先在中国推出,然后在几个星期后在美国和其他市场推出,至少如此可以说。这绝对是值得关注的事情。

2024 Nissan is launching a performance variant of its EV the aria and they're dubbing it the Nismo. Most importantly, it looks like Nissan will add a sound generator that's evocative of formula erasing. For now though we won't get too far into this one because we don't know when or if this vehicle will make it to the United States.

Polestar delivered 12,800 cars in Q4 including 880 of the new Polestar 4 in China taking global deliveries for the year to 54,600 up only 6% year over year. Polestar's playbook is the opposite of Tesla they're not going to lower prices they're going to remain a luxury brand and they're going to sacrifice their sales growth. They're now expecting a gross profit margin for the full year of around break even.
Polestar在第四季度交付了12,800辆汽车,其中包括880辆全新的Polestar 4在中国,使全年全球交付量达到54,600辆,同比仅增长了6%。Polestar的策略与特斯拉相反,他们不打算降低价格,而是要继续保持豪华品牌的定位,并愿意牺牲销量增长。他们预计整个年度的毛利率大致为盈亏平衡。

That'll cap a somewhat slow news day. So I hope you guys all have a wonderful and a safe weekend you can find me on X links below. Please like the video if you did and a huge thank you to all of my patreon supporters.

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