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Those "Other" Tesla Products / Giga Berlin Expansion / CES EV Highlights ⚡️

发布时间 2024-01-09 23:15:58    来源
Welcome to Electrified, it's your host Dylan Loomis, quick shout out to my newest patron, Calvin R. Thank you for choosing to support the channel. As it turns out, Tesla's holiday update dot 44 dot 30 dot eight may have some more upgrades than we initially thought, one of which being a seamless transition from Wi-Fi at your home to cellular connectivity, and usually when you get in your car and leave your house, that's when you're using things like the navigation or your garage control. So eliminating those connection gaps could actually be a pretty nice feature. Not only will this result in a smoother transition from Wi-Fi to cellular, but they're also talking about improved Wi-Fi speeds as well.
欢迎来到Electrified,我是主持人Dylan Loomis,向最新的赞助人Calvin R.致以快速问候。感谢你选择支持本频道。事实证明,特斯拉的假日更新点44点30点8可能比我们最初想象的要有更多的升级,其中之一就是无缝切换从你家的Wi-Fi连接到移动网络连接。通常当你上车离开家的时候,你会使用导航或者车库控制等功能。所以消除这些连接间隙实际上是一个相当不错的特点。这不仅会使从Wi-Fi到移动网络的过渡更加顺畅,还提到了改进的Wi-Fi速度。

Yesterday, we shared that video with the reverse lane markers that are now on the main display, showing you the path of your vehicle. And now for vehicles with ultrasonic sensors, this update brings displayed distance nearby objects now dynamically changing based on your steering wheel position. Then those vehicles without ultrasonic sensors no longer showed distances to objects coinciding with the high fidelity park assist.

This image was being shared around showing a model Y rear wheel drive saying it does not qualify for the federal tax credit. Just wanted to clarify though, this was an inventory vehicle going to the official fuel economy dot gov website showing the current vehicles that qualify January 1st this year and after. You can see the rear wheel drive model Y is only for 2024. All other Tesla models were 2023 as well. Simply put, it's just for the inventory model Y rear wheel drive vehicles, specifically some that were for the 2023 model year that do not qualify.
这张图片广泛传播,显示了一辆Model Y后驱车型,并声称该车型不符合联邦税收抵免资格。然而,需要澄清的是,该图片显示的只是某些现货车辆,并不适用于今年1月1日以及之后符合资格的车辆,这一信息来源于官方燃油经济性网站。可以看到,后驱车型的Model Y仅适用于2024年。其他所有特斯拉车型也都是2023年的。简而言之,这只适用于库存车型Y后驱车辆,特别是一些不符合2023年车型要求的车辆。

Some of you are asking if it's a tax credit or a rebate where the rebate everybody gets it, regardless of their tax liability, to my understanding it is indeed the latter. So consumers are eligible for the tax break regardless of your tax burden.

On X Anthony Spina, a former Tesla service tech said the last efficiency package Tesla did was 2021 for the model three and Y, which had more efficient motors and moved from the he said 77 kilowatt hours. He corrected himself in the comments 74 kilowatt hours up to 82 kilowatt hours wonder if maybe we finally see a larger than 100 kilowatt hour battery in the SNX it wouldn't be by much but it would be nice if they at least get a chemistry upgrade that increases capacity without increasing weight or amount of sales.
据前特斯拉售后技术人员安东尼·斯皮纳(Anthony Spina)称,特斯拉最后一次提升效能的措施是在2021年为Model 3和Y车型,包括了更高效的电机,并且将电量从77千瓦时改正为74千瓦时,最终达到82千瓦时。他在评论中纠正了自己的说法。不知道是否可能在SNX车型中看到超过100千瓦时的更大电池容量,虽然不会太大,但如果他们至少能够升级电化学组成,提升容量而不增加重量或销售价格,那将是很好的。

It's about that time as we touched on last week green the only said model Y, S and X efficiency package should be coming in 2024. Then he added the biggest thing was the upgraded pack the model three was a bit more substantial as it got the bigger pack updated drive units electronic oil pump and the rear wheel drive moved to the LFP pack just some more confirmation that these efficiency packages can indeed be somewhat material.
正如我们上周提到的那样,特斯拉计划在2024年推出Model Y、Model S和Model X的高效率套装。他接着补充说,最重要的是Model 3的升级套装,它获得了更大的电池组、更新后的驱动单元、电子油泵,以及将后驱轮移动到了LFP电池组。这进一步确认了这些高效率套装确实具有一定程度的实质性能优势。

We also have not a Tesla app confirming with their sources who have been reliable in the past that the model S and X will be getting the interior ambient lighting and the front bumper camera. What this means is by the end of 2024 there's a chance that all Tesla models except the semi will have the interior ambient lighting if we get project juniper before the end of the year right now there's no official timeline on when the interior lights and the front bumper camera will actually make it to the model S and X.
我们也没有一款特斯拉应用程序将与他们可靠的消息来源进行确认,这些来源在过去一直得到验证,他们表明 Model S 和 X 将获得车内环境灯光和前保险杠摄像头。这意味着到 2024 年底,除半挂车外,所有特斯拉车型都有可能配备车内环境灯光,如果我们在今年年底之前获得项目Juniper,目前对在 Model S 和 X 上装配内部灯光和前保险杠摄像头没有官方的时间表。

I've also seen a significant number of people talking about the model SNX moving to 48 volts and steer by wire but a Tesla engineer recently said that those technologies were really only going to be for future Tesla vehicles. Now yes in the long run the next three to five years maybe all of the Tesla lineup would switch over to that type of technology but in the near term I would not be expecting it based on those comments.

We have a Mexican source talking about the job creation that will happen this year a lot of which will be driven by the Tesla effect and they said this year it'll be driven by the indirect jobs that Tesla will generate with the construction of the factory then of course the jobs it'll create once the factory opens. The governor of Nuevo Lyon Samuel Garcia who may not have the most credibility based on some of his comments about gigamexico in the past assured people the start of construction of gigamexico will begin in the first quarter of this year. He said part of the works that the state government is actually carrying out some of the surrounding infrastructure for the factory should be visible in January. Specifically they'll notice accesses avenues and ramps. Some things in this last paragraph may have been lost in translation but the final line the startup or the beginning of construction must be this quarter.

Nick Petain on X shared this screenshot from scheduling a demo drive on Tesla's website the Model 3 is actually an image of the Model 3 Highland or the Model 3 Plus. Speaking of this let's clear this up once and for all going forward. how would you all prefer I refer to this vehicle the Model 3 Plus or the Model 3 Highland let me know below but bringing us back down to earth it's not yet everyone in the United States that's seeing the upgraded Model 3 where I'm at I'm still seeing the older version. For whatever it's worth I'm also hearing that some Tesla locations across the country have already stopped accepting demo drive requests for the Model 3.
Nick Petain在X上分享了这个从特斯拉官网上预约试驾Model 3的截图,显示的实际上是Model 3 Highland或Model 3 Plus的图片。说到这个问题,让我们一劳永逸地澄清一下。你们希望我用什么名称来指称这辆车,Model 3 Plus还是Model 3 Highland,请在下方告诉我。但是回到现实,美国并不是每个地方都能看到升级版的Model 3,就我所在的地方,我还是看到的是旧版本。不管怎么说,我还听说全国一些特斯拉销售点已经停止接受Model 3试驾的预约申请。

Here we have it we have this from Holmar's catalog on X saying Tesla is working on a dog robot and other robot form factors in addition to the Optimus humanoid robot. If you're not that familiar with Holmar and Holmar's they can oftentimes be sarcastic they joke around a lot so it's tough to know if he's being serious or joking. This time around he did say not a joke he was asked are you trolling and he said no just to prove I'm not just passing along any and all information here you may recall a shock he gave an autonomous driving workshop at CVPR last year and at the 1919 mark you can see built generally for the car robot the humanoid robot and all other friendly robots. There's also this job posting for modeling and simulation design engineer and they say the Tesla bot team designs humanoid robots and wheeled robots for manufacturing and autonomous logistics. Pair all of that with what Elon just said last week a few other products coming to and maybe Omar is on to something. There is one industry for Tesla that we really never talk about and that's on the commercial and the logistics side so in the future maybe they plan to enter that market. Either way if there's a more interesting company to follow this decade then somebody please let me know what it is.

As we've known Tesla is planning to expand Gigabrelin and now they're actually hosting an information day in the lobby of Gigabrelin and they're sending around a shuttle bus to actually pick up some of the local community to bring them to the factory. From maz.de a big topic in addition to the expansion which means the construction of a second plant for the additional production of the $25,000 model is likely to be the intended expansion of more than 100 hectares also known as B-Plan 60. This is controversial not least because more forest would have to be cleared and you guessed it there have already been some protests against this expansion a resident survey is scheduled to start in January. New Year but same song and dance for Gigabrelin and the local opposition. It is however encouraging to see Tesla reach out and engage with the community hosting this information day and going out of their way to provide transportation to the event. It'll take place Sunday January 14th from 10am to 4pm.
正如我们所知,特斯拉计划扩大吉加布雷林,并且他们实际上正在吉加布雷林的大堂举办信息日,并且他们派遣穿梭巴士接送当地社区的一部分人来到工厂。根据来自maz.de的消息,除了拓展工厂,也就是建造第二个工厂来进行额外生产价值为25000美元的车型,目前正在计划拓展超过100公顷,即B-Plan 60。这个计划备受争议,主要是因为需要砍伐更多的森林,你猜对了,已经有一些抗议活动发生。居民调查计划将于新年一月开始。不过,令人鼓舞的是,特斯拉正在与社区进行接触和交流,主办这个信息日,并且尽力提供交通运输服务。这个活动将于1月14日(周日)上午10点至下午4点举行。

Ryan's Model Y on X said I wonder if Tesla is taking in fleet data when we manually adjust the wipers so they can learn rain conditions better. To which a senior staff engineer at Tesla Yoon Tassai said yes we do. Not perfect yet since feedback can have noise one person's preference may not be for the others but end to end makes it easier to adopt human feedback that's why it took a while to rewrite thanks for the patience. For those that don't know Tesla does not have a rain sensor up in that camera cluster on the top of the front windshield and they're relying on data from their cameras to guess how much it's actually raining. I've also seen a lot of people over the years saying wouldn't it just be better for Tesla to buy a $10 rain sensor like all of the other companies rather than all of the engineering time and effort that's going into trying to figure out a good solution with the vision only approach. If you do some basic math though let's say Tesla sells 2 million cars this year times $10 a sensor which might be on the lower end that's $20 million just from one year of car sales. Even if Tesla had a team of 10 engineers working on this one problem alone I don't think the cost would exceed $20 million. Even if you argue a sensor costs $5 a pop that's still $10 million per year based on 2 million car sales. I know it's frustrating to deal with this problem and always hear about it but I just wanted to say long term I still think financially this is clearly the best move for Tesla to try to figure this out with its vision only approach.

From Charlie Bolello, the average price of a used Tesla has declined 18 months in a row from a record high of 67.9 thousand summer 2022 to a record low of 36.6 thousand as of today.

A few factors that play into this one as the fleet gets older those vehicles naturally are going to be worth less.

Two as Tesla's model mix changes more model Y and model threes in the used market relative to the S and X variant the average sale price will come down.
随着特斯拉的车型组合发生更多的变化,相对于S和X型号,二手市场上Model Y和Model 3的数量增加,平均销售价格将会下降。

And three most importantly if Tesla drops. the prices significantly on new vehicles the used market prices also have to come down.

Tesla's weekly China insurance number came in at 3200.

Plugging that data in comparing it to week one of quarter four which is our new record quarter that number was 1000 so clearly ahead of pace to begin the new record quarter Q4 was 172,500 so over the remaining 13 weeks of the quarter the average would need to be just over 13,000 to set a new record is that likely comparing Q1 to Q4 probably not but anything is possible with Tesla.

The breakdown for December was 75,805 domestic sales and 18,300 exports.

It's effectively right where we had our projections from last time based on the weekly data so nothing really changed from that video just confirming a new record quarter for the wholesale figure for gigashang high.

One thing I would keep an eye on however is going to be the export number when it comes to quarterly results you can see the high watermark Q4 2022 106.1,000 over the past four quarters every time sequentially that number has been declining.

We know Tesla has been changing delivery strategies like unwinding the wave throughout 2023 and clearly they've been allocating more vehicles for the domestic Chinese market but the reason any of this really matters is because typically with these export vehicles Tesla can command a higher sales price in other regions outside of the Chinese market so if you're someone who likes to do margin calculations that would be something to keep in mind.

From the Cox data a trend you love to see you have Tesla only and EV average transaction prices converging with the ICE transaction price meaning we're effectively closer than we've ever been to EVs being at price parity with combustion vehicles the average transaction price of a new Tesla now only $1,300 more than the ATP for an ICE vehicle.

In terms of EV share of retail sales, the top three states in the country California, Washington, and New Jersey, all in double digits. For you Canadians, electrify Canada has officially switched from per minute billing to kilowatt hour billing. Drive Tesla has done some initial research; this really just happened, but they said EV owners plugging into any electrify Canada station in BC will be paying as much as six to seven times more than a Tesla owner plugging into a supercharger station. Electrify Canada will offer a pass plus membership to lower their rates, but it has not been updated on their website yet.
就电动汽车零售额份额而言,加利福尼亚、华盛顿和新泽西是全国份额最高的三个州,都达到了两位数。对于加拿大人来说,Electrify Canada公司已经正式从按分钟计费转向按千瓦时计费。Drive Tesla进行了一些初步的研究,他们表示在不列颠哥伦比亚的任何Electrify Canada充电站充电的电动车车主,将需要支付比插入超级充电器站的特斯拉车主多六至七倍的费用。Electrify Canada公司将提供一种Pass Plus会员资格以降低费率,但是它尚未在其网站上更新。

Today from the EIA, they put this out saying United States battery storage capacity is expected to nearly double this year once the final data for December rolls in. They're expecting this figure to be around 15 gigawatts of cumulative installed capacity. And they expect that to jump up to 30 gigawatts this year. So, if you multiply 30 gigawatts by three to get gigawatt hours for an average three-hour duration battery energy storage, we could be in the neighborhood of 100 gigawatt hours of deployed capacity by the end of this year. The top five states for installed capacity are California, Texas, Arizona, Florida, and Massachusetts.

Panasonic still plans to build a third ED battery plant in the United States, even though they just scrapped plans for that one in Oklahoma. Their North American president said, "We're always looking for a new site. Oklahoma is still an option." He denied that market trends affected that Oklahoma decision, saying there was no slowdown in demand for Panasonic's products. Another exec said scrapping Oklahoma was not due to shrinking demand from Tesla, but because the company was prioritizing searching for promising second or third new customers. Panasonic is looking to diversify its customer base for 2023.

B.Y.D. was the best-selling ED brand in Thailand. B.Y.D. plans to start manufacturing EVs in Thailand later this year. Looking at the most popular EV brands in the Thai market for last year, B.Y.D. was first, selling 30.6 thousand EVs. Tesla was fourth, selling 8.2 thousand. In the Thai market, the B.Y.D. addo three starts around 30 thousand US dollars.

Stellantis and Blackberry, of all companies, are collaborating on a virtual cockpit that the automaker says will allow faster delivery of infotainment tech and cut development costs. It's supposed to accelerate development times in some cases down to 24 hours from several months. Blackberry will provide the software and AWS will provide the cloud services. Stellantis expects to generate 22 billion dollars in revenue from software and connected car services by 2030.

Yes, this has been added to the tracker. KBB said the average EV tire needs to be replaced after around 30 to 40 thousand miles. Now at CES, we have Goodyear unveiling a new EV tire. Goodyear expects them to be commercially available in North America starting in May. For now, though, they declined to share any specs.

The Kia concept PB5 has just arrived, and it offers a new dimension of personalized mobility. When called, the Kia concept PB5 allows passengers to customize the interior environment according to their preferences and tastes, resulting in an optimized mobility experience. Even the seat settings can be customized to your liking. A pair of skype solar cell panels apply to the transparent roof of the PBV, not only supplying power to the battery during travel but also providing electricity inside the vehicle. Along the rails, the PBV's steering wheel can be equipped with a mobile device, and when not in use, you can stow it away, allowing for a much wider use of the driver seat area.

Say hello to Kia's PBV platform, Beyond Vehicle. This is effectively a modular platform where Kia can have different types of vehicles. And they're calling it a concept, but they also said it should be ready by 2025.
向起亚的PBV平台致以问候,它被称为Beyond Vehicle(超越车辆)。这实际上是一个模块化平台,起亚可以生产不同类型的汽车。虽然他们称之为概念,但他们也表示它应该在2025年前可用。

What you just saw was the PB5 for passengers. The PV5 can also be a van for cargo. There's a PV5 chassis cab that looks somewhat like a pickup truck of sorts for utility. and yes they're touting a robo taxi for the late 2020s they also have a PV7 line that will be even bigger and more focused on small businesses here's the PV1 for urban mobility and they're touting some of these transitioning into pop-up stores i think you get the picture it's great in theory now let's see if they can actually pull something like this off Kia definitely deserves some credit for what they've done so far in the EV world we know GM's modular approach with Altium has not been off to a great start and Tesla takes an entirely different approach building each specific vehicle from the ground up in a dedicated first principles fashion if Kia plays their cards right over the next five to ten years when the dust settles they may be one of the bigger EV mobility players so certainly something to keep an eye on then fast they viewed a new midsize electric pickup at CES yet again we'll see if it ever enters production for now we don't really have any specs here's a picture of the dash and one of the interior

we also have Honda planning a new line of EVs that will launch in 2026 they plan to kick this off with that saloon or a sedan in the US in 2026 the two vehicles they showed at CES were just concept and design ideas taste is subjective but probably a good thing these are not the final production variants as Sawyer just pointed out

Tesla just released a new factory satin abyss blue wrap in the United States for the model 3 and why for six thousand dollars and they drop the prices for some other wraps by up to 24% as it's been since the debut participating Tesla service centers in California will install it still no word on a rollout outside of California
特斯拉刚在美国发布了一种新的工厂级别的亮面深渊蓝保护膜,适用于Model 3,并且出售价格为6000美元。同时,他们还将其他一些保护膜的价格降低了最多24%。自从首次推出以来,加利福尼亚州的特斯拉服务中心将安装这种新保护膜,但目前尚无关于在加利福尼亚以外区域的推广计划。

hope you guys have a wonderful day please like the video if you did you can find me on x links below and a huge thank you to all of my patreon supporters you
希望你们度过愉快的一天!如果你喜欢这个视频,请点赞。你可以在下面的链接中找到我,再次非常感谢所有给予我支持的 Patreon 赞助者们。

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