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A Truly Insane Request / Tesla Hit Piece / Tesla Affordability Partnership ⚡️

发布时间 2023-12-21 00:03:05    来源
Four times in a row, Tesla broke the world record and then once again, those are the facts, right? We can have our opinions on whether Tesla's trustworthy, but the fact is, the four best performing cars and crash tests in the history of the world also Tesla on them. Welcome to Electrified. It's your host, Dylan Loomis. Quick shout out to my newest patron, Jimmy Jay. Thank you for choosing to support the channel.

We finally might be getting some adaptive headlight functionality in Tesla vehicles, but to start, it sounds like it'll only be for the Model 3+. I say might because we've heard a lot about these adaptive headlights and matrix headlights. Some vehicles may have even received the actual hardware, but then the following software update to allow that functionality really hasn't happened. There have been rumors of things like regulatory issues or parts shortages. Either way, here's what we have.
特斯拉车辆可能终于会配备一些可适应的车前照明功能,但首先似乎只限于Model 3及其以上车型。我之所以说"可能"是因为我们已经听说了很多关于这些可适应车头照明和矩阵车头照明的消息。有些车辆甚至可能已经配备了实际硬件,但后续的软件更新以实现这些功能并没有真正到位。传言有关监管问题或零部件短缺的消息。无论如何,这就是我们所了解的情况。

Drive Tesla found some European certification documents in which it said addition of adaptive main beam for Model 3H, presumably for Highland. That's an important distinction because if you go two lines up, you will see regular Model 3 and Model Y. You may recall early last year, some Model SNX vehicles were actually spotted with new matrix LED headlights. If you haven't been around, here's one example of one feature of matrix LED headlights. Let's say you have your high beams on, they can actually adjust certain parts of the lights to not blind cars coming toward you without having to turn them off altogether. Also, as of last year, at least in the United States, NHTSA did indeed approve adaptive headlights, which means Tesla should have been able to roll out a software update to enable some of these features for the vehicles that have the hardware. All of that to say, this news does not guarantee anything but certainly something to watch for the European market in the weeks ahead, then hopefully in Q1, something like this would roll out in North America and then trickle down to other Tesla vehicles in the future as well. I did find this video on YouTube from GFT Grill comparing the new Model 3 and Y headlights to the old variant, so I'll have this video linked below if you want to check it out.
Drive Tesla在一些欧洲认证文件中发现了一项有关Model 3H(可能是Highland版本)自适应远光灯的附加说明。这是一个重要的区别,因为如果你再往上看两行,你会看到普通的Model 3和Model Y。你可能还记得去年初,一些Model SNX车辆实际上被发现搭载了新的矩阵LED大灯。如果你不了解,这是矩阵LED大灯的一个功能示例。假设你打开了远光灯,它们可以调整灯光的某些部分,以避免完全照射到正在接近的车辆,而无需完全关闭远光灯。此外,至少在去年,美国的NHTSA确实批准了自适应大灯,这意味着特斯拉应该能够通过软件更新来启用一些配备此硬件的车辆的这些功能。所有这些都不意味着这个消息保证了任何东西,但肯定是在接下来的几周里观察欧洲市场的一个重要方面,希望在第一季度,类似的功能也能够在北美推出,并在未来逐渐扩展到其他特斯拉车型。我在YouTube上找到了一个GFT Grill的视频,对比了新版Model 3和Y的大灯与旧版的差异,如果你想看,下面会有链接。

We got some new sales data for the European Union from the ACA and we'll focus on January through November, specifically the market share changes from 2023 compared to last year. During this time last year, Tesla's overall market share was 1.4% and over the same time this year, it's jumped up to 2.6% but this chart is not the best way to visualize this data. Here's one visual from Roland on X showing Tesla as the fastest growing brand in the EU year to date. I know it's tough to see but if you find Tesla right here in the middle of the pack, you will see they've grown 84% year over year. The second fastest growing company on this chart was Alpha Romeo at 61% but still coming from a lower base. Just focusing on the brands that have higher unit volume sales than Tesla, Skoda had the highest growth rate of 27% year over year. We also have AJ on X who's been putting out a lot of good content lately and I wanted to share some of his charts. Here's that same data from January to November year over year where you can actually see the market share change as a percentage whether it's increasing or declining. Tesla's overall market share is up the most and Stellantis is down the most. Here's a look from AJ of the overall auto ranking in terms of 2023 market share of the overall market. You can see Tesla has moved up two spots to number 9 overall. Zooming out and looking at the month of November for the EU, you can see full BEVs made up 16.3%.

It seems like the FUD narratives have been on overdrive as of late and today we have something similar this time from Reuters where they say Tesla is blaming drivers for failure of parts that it's known were defective. This was a really long article sharing all kinds of different anecdotes and customer stories. just talking about problems at Tesla when it comes to steering, suspension and control arms really to sum it up. They go on to share stories of repair costs like this time where it was over $14,000 and Tesla refused to cover the repairs, blaming the accident on prior suspension damage but this was for a newer vehicle. This is all coming from a Reuters review of thousands of Tesla documents and records and interviews with more than 20 customers and 9 former Tesla managers or service technicians.

Just to prove my point though that this did feel a lot more like a hit piece than anything else, they also go on to talk about injuries at SpaceX and patterns across Elon's companies of dismissing concerns about safety or other harm.

Reuters said according to Tesla's records at least 11 drivers told Tesla a crash was caused by a failure in the suspension. These are supposedly incidents that have not been previously reported by the media and happened between 2018 and 2021. They said Tesla owners. have filed about 260 complaints with NHTSA over suspension and steering problems this year compared to 750 for GM and 234 Toyota. But in terms of rate of course because Tesla has fewer vehicles on the road than GM and Toyota Tesla's rate would be higher. One repair analysis showed the company replace nearly 66,000 half shafts between January 2021 and March 2022. I'll have that article linked below if you want to check it out but the reason I don't feel the need to dive in is because NHTSA is already looking into these exact complaints. We learned in August this year NHTSA was looking into a dozen complaints about loss of steering control or loss of power steering in 2023 Model 3 and WISE. The gist of that article from Reuters was them arguing that Tesla was blaming these frequent failures of several parts on Tesla owners saying that they were abusing the vehicles.
据路透社报道,特斯拉的记录显示,至少有11名驾车人士告诉特斯拉,事故是由悬挂系统故障引起的。据称,这些事故是2018年至2021年之间发生的,并未被媒体之前报道。他们称特斯拉车主今年向美国国家公路交通安全管理局(NHTSA)提交了大约260起有关悬挂和转向问题的投诉,而通用汽车公司和丰田则分别有750起和234起投诉。但是考虑到特斯拉上路的车辆较通用汽车和丰田较少,特斯拉的投诉率将更高。一项维修分析显示,该公司在2021年1月至2022年3月之间更换了近66,000个半轴。我会在下方提供相关文章链接供您查阅,但我不觉得有必要深入研究,因为NHTSA已经在调查这些具体投诉。我们在今年8月获悉,NHTSA正在调查关于2023年Model 3和WISE车型失去转向控制或失去动力转向的一打投诉。路透社的文章要点是他们认为特斯拉将这些多次故障归咎于特斯拉车主滥用车辆。

This is a tricky one because it is a fact that over the years we've seen numerous occasions where Tesla customers have complained about their vehicle something went wrong with the car itself when after we found out the data it turns out it was actually user error. However it's simultaneously true that Tesla is not perfect and they have indeed had some issues over the years when it comes to build reliability. So hopefully the way this all shakes out is that Tesla spends time making sure that things like this wheels falling off at 60 miles per hour if indeed that really happened never happened again.

My overall point though Reuters sounded like they thought they were breaking some new story but NHTSA has been aware of this now for months if not longer they're already looking into it so they're aware of any potential problems and we know Tesla works closely with NHTSA but more importantly I'm sure they're already working on solving any problems that they actually have behind the scenes. I am curious though for all of you Tesla owners have you ever experienced anything remotely close to something like this.

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There was a German article saying Tesla is becoming popular with young people in Grunheide as they provide lights for youth club grounds. Tesla provided three solar street lanterns for some skaters in the area so now they can skate at night.

Dirty Tesla with some potential breaking news here saying I can turn off the wipers with FSD beta 11.4.9. He shared the screenshot with FSD activated and the ability to turn them all the way off. This would be big news because previously when on FSD it was only the automatic wipers no option to turn them off so this might be the first time you can actually turn them off as we've heard time and time again the automatic wipers have not worked very well to date.
脏兮兮的特斯拉目前有一些潜在的重大新闻,据说我可以使用FSD beta 11.4.9来关闭雨刮器。他分享了一张启用了FSD并具备完全关闭雨刮器功能的截图。这可能是个重大的消息,因为之前在FSD模式下只有自动雨刮器,没有关闭选项,所以这可能是第一次实际上能够关闭它们。我们一次又一次地听到自动雨刮器迄今为止表现不佳,所以这可能是件大事。

One more interesting chart from AJ on X just a look at the length of time it took each OEM to actually adopt the Tesla next Ford initially kicked things off GM followed after two weeks and it took VW about 207 days.
来自AJ的另一个有趣的图表,关于X,它展示了每家原始设备制造商 (OEM) 实际采用特斯拉后,所花费的时间长短。首先,福特在开始后两周开始采用,紧随其后的是通用汽车,花了两周时间,而大众汽车则花费了大约207天的时间。

Panasonic just came out and said that battery factory they were considering in Oklahoma is no longer going forward after careful deliberations we have made the decision not to move forward with developing the site this decision will not impact our operations in Nevada or Kansas. They also said they have made a long-term commitment to investing in and advancing the E the industry in the US it's now been just over one year since Panasonic broke ground on that battery factory in Kansas so the factory that is still moving forward they're making 2170 cells they're expecting mass production by March 2025 and it'll look to maintain total production capacity of 30 gigawatt hours this is big because the Verge did report that facility will primarily supply batteries to Tesla and it might not happen out of the gate here but Panasonic is also working with Tesla on the next gen 4680 cells.
松下刚刚宣布,他们考虑在俄克拉荷马州建立的电池工厂经过慎重考虑后将不再实施,我们决定不继续开发该场地。这个决定不会对我们在内华达州或堪萨斯州的业务产生影响。他们还表示,他们已承诺长期投资并推进美国的电池工业。现在距离松下在堪萨斯州开始建设那个电池工厂已经过去一年多了,该工厂仍在继续建设,他们正在生产2170型号的电池,预计到2025年3月实现大规模生产,并将维持总产能为30千兆瓦时。这非常重要,因为《The Verge》报道称该设施主要供应电池给特斯拉,虽然可能一开始不会如此,但松下也正在与特斯拉合作研发下一代的4680型号电池。

Test bros on YouTube uploaded a video of one of the first cyber truck deliveries I just wanted to share a quick clip of this guy's excitement getting in the truck you gotta let us know how does it feel good like yeah we also have t-sport line debuting the first cyber truck this one does have a black satin wrap but with some new aftermarket wheels and these ones in particular I happen to really like I have zero affiliation with t-sport line but pause if you'd like here are some of the prices for these aftermarket cyber truck wheels they did say in the video that owners could actually keep the tires that come from the factory and just replace it with a t-sport line wheel if you wanted to.
测试YouTube上的兄弟们上传了一部关于首批电子卡车交付的视频,我只想分享一段这个人上车时的兴奋片段,你们得告诉我们感觉如何,是不是很棒呢。另外,我们还有T-sport line首次亮相的电子卡车,这辆车有一个黑色的缎面包装,但配备了一些新的售后改装车轮,而这些车轮特别让我喜欢。我与T-sport line没有任何关联,如果你们喜欢的话,可以暂停一下,以下是这些售后电子卡车车轮的价格。视频中他们说车主实际上可以保留工厂配备的轮胎,只需要更换成T-sport line的车轮。

Joe Tett myer said there are about 40 cyber trucks visible at gigatexis as of today I'm doing my best to keep my expectations low but if I'm being honest one of my Christmas wishes would be Tesla ramping up cyber truck production faster than anybody really thought and eventually selling 10,000 plus foundation series models that would be quite the mic drop moment for Tesla after years of haters criticism and doubt as we begin the cyber truck era from all of the bread crumbs I've been able to pick up so far so good.

Here we have Tesla solving more problems this time when it comes to affordability of Tesla vehicles in this interest rate environment partnering with origins for credit union financing directly through the Tesla website origins the leading credit union lending technology company in the US and Tesla entered into a partnership to offer that credit union financing this of course in a move to provide Tesla buyers with affordable monthly payments with more options the addition of credit union financing makes convenient point of sale financing available to millions of credit union members and consumers seeking low rate financing options origins will use its subsidiary Fi connect to purchase and place. retail contracts with partner credit unions nationwide so when a consumer finances their vehicle through Fi connect on the Tesla website the contract will be purchased and serviced by a credit union
在这个利率环境下,特斯拉解决了更多问题,与Origins合作通过特斯拉官网直接提供信用社联合融资,Origins是美国领先的信用社贷款技术公司。特斯拉与Origins达成了合作协议,目的是为特斯拉购车者提供负担得起的月付款选项,增加了信用社融资,为数百万信用社会员和寻求低息融资选择的消费者提供方便的销售点融资。Origins将利用其子公司Fi connect来购买和放置与合作信用社的零售合同,因此当消费者通过特斯拉官网的Fi connect融资购车时,合同将由信用社购买和服务。

no word yet on when these features will be rolling out

today is unfortunately that day it's December 20th which means the sympathy strikes for Tesla and Sweden have expanded today Danish dock workers and lorry drivers have stopped unloading and transporting Tesla vehicles destined for Sweden about two weeks ago we reported that this was coming in here we are we have the chairman of the union three F saying I've been in this game for more than 25 years I've never seen a strike that didn't end with an agreement all strikes end with an agreement the thing is as we say all the time Tesla is one of one they are different so we'll see the sympathy action will only affect Tesla cars meant for Sweden the transport of Tesla cars for Danish customers will remain unaffected truth is Tesla has known this is coming they most likely already have a workaround in place but a new development we have Donsk metal a union representing mechanics in Denmark saying we will not say 100% we're going to strike because right now we're in the process of gathering international forces and that's where we think we have the strongest tool for us donsk metal is especially working towards getting unions in Germany to join for now unfortunately this thing is still spreading
今天很不幸,这一天来临了,12月20日,这意味着对特斯拉和瑞典的同情罢工今天已经扩大了。丹麦码头工人和卡车司机停止卸载和运送给瑞典的特斯拉车辆。大约两周前我们就已经报道了这一情况,而现在我们有了工会三F主席的说法:我在这个行业已经超过25年了,我从来没有见过罢工不以协议结束的情况,所有的罢工最终都以协议结束。问题是正如我们一直说的,特斯拉独一无二,他们与众不同,所以我们将看到这种同情行动只会影响到那些前往瑞典的特斯拉车辆。运送给丹麦客户的特斯拉车辆将不受影响。事实上,特斯拉早已知道这一情况,并可能已经有了解决办法,但是有一个新的进展,丹麦机械师工会Donsk metal表示,我们不能百分之百确定我们会罢工,因为我们正在收集国际力量,我们认为这是我们最有力的工具,Donsk metal特别致力于争取德国的工会加入。不幸的是,目前这种情况仍在扩散。

remember that 37 year old record that a Tesla account on X posted about but the post was somewhat cryptic well we finally learned what actually happened refresher the model Y is now the best selling car ever in a calendar year in Denmark but we learned what the previous record actually was it was 16.6000 cars sold in 1986 and it was the Opel cadet here are some images for you of the Opel cadet in all of its glory
还记得那篇来自X的Tesla账户发布的一篇关于37年前记录的帖子吗?那篇帖子有点晦涩难懂,现在我们终于知道了实际发生的事情。简单回顾一下,特斯拉Model Y成为了丹麦历史上同一个日历年销量最高的汽车,但我们也了解到了之前的销量纪录。那个纪录发生在1986年,销售了16,600辆别克雅特(Opel cadet)。现在给你看一些别克雅特的壮丽图片。

according to Vanda research Tesla stock is on pace to attract the largest flow of individual investor dollars of any security in 2023 that means from a retail inflow standpoint Tesla is about to eclipse even the spy this a stark contrast from when Tesla was not even among the top 20 stocks that individual investors bought before 2019

in the words of a finance professor it's always in people's minds from Bloomberg Tesla told managers some salaried employees that the company is not offering merit based equity awards this year no reason was given but they said four employees from different departments told Bloomberg they believe the move was widespread and I saw way too many people confusing this line it's not that this is only happening to four employees it's just that four employees actually talked about the situation to Bloomberg and just those four people are saying that this is widespread but that does not mean that it necessarily is workers did however still get modest cola increases and adjustments to their base salaries during annual performance reviews employees usually get salary adjustments as well as merit based stock grants on top of their existing equity but this year even high performers did not get the merit based grants some employees though who reached the end of their four-year vesting cycle were still given stock refreshers in order to keep their total compensation competitive right now we have no idea if this is just a one-time thing for this year or if this is going to be a change in compensation at Tesla going forward let me also be clear because i've seen this twisted as well this is not Tesla removing the employee stock purchase program this is just for equity merit based awards effectively a stock bonus at the end of the year

Now I'm just speculating here but there is a world where maybe Tesla wants to shift to more cash based incentives and they want to move away a bit from equity based incentives. The unfortunate truth is when your employees have a certain amount of Tesla stock once they're with a company for five years, it typically grows pretty significantly and then you have multiple millionaires that are minted from the Tesla stock appreciation and at that point maybe they decide they want to leave the company because they're financially free and there's more turnover for Tesla. But again, that's just me rambling, something to consider.

I think I found out why Stellantis is dragging its feet when it comes to adopting the next. Now they're planning to launch hydrogen fuel cell powered RAM pickup trucks in the United States by 2027. This announcement was made during the inauguration of a cutting-edge fuel cell factory by Stellantis subsidiary Symbiote in France. The Symbiote fuel cell pickups are expected to deliver a range of 320 miles without cargo or 200 miles when towing and can be recharged or refueled in just five minutes. But it gets better, Carlos Tavaras, the CEO underscored the necessity of a subsidy of at least 30,000 euros for three to five years to make these vehicles price competitive with battery electric and combustion engine vehicles. If this is not a typo, that's almost 33,000 US dollars as I sit here right now. This feels like one of the more insane things I've read, at least when it comes to the EV world in recent memory. I did check for some other sources on this news to see if this might be a typo, but there's really not a ton of reporting on it just yet.
我认为我找到Stellantis在采用下一代技术方面为什么犹豫不决的原因了。现在,他们计划在2027年在美国推出以氢燃料电池为动力的RAM皮卡车。这一宣布是在Stellantis子公司Symbiote在法国开设尖端燃料电池工厂时公布的。预计Symbiote的燃料电池皮卡车在无货物时的续航里程可达320英里,在牵引货物时可达200英里,并且只需五分钟即可充电或加油。但更令人兴奋的是,CEO Carlos Tavaras强调了为使这些车辆与电池电动车和燃油车竞争价格至少需要获得30,000欧元的补贴,持续三到五年。如果这不是打错字,那就是我现在所表达的近33,000美元。至少在最近的记忆中,这是我读过的关于电动车领域的一些最疯狂的事情之一。我查看了一些其他的来源以确认这条新闻是否有可能是打错字,但目前还没有太多报道。

So between Stellantis offering buyouts to about half of their salaried workers in the United States, paired with potentially 1,200 layoffs just in Toledo as soon as February 5th and another 2,455 in Detroit, now paired with their focus on the unproven hydrogen technology for a whopping 320 miles of range by 2027, yeah, I guess they're not that focused on the North American charging standard. I'm sorry, but I had to do it with this one.

With Tesla getting blasted in the media for their software update, this time around we have Toyota with a real physical recall of one million vehicles. The problem: sensors in the front passenger seat that could have been improperly manufactured, causing a short circuit. This would not allow the airbag system to properly classify the occupant's weight and the airbag may not deploy as designed in certain accidents. Toyota and Lexus dealers will inspect these sensors and if necessary, replace them at no cost to owners. Let's wait and see how the media reports on this one.

In case you're not familiar, when it comes to battery energy storage, Fluence is one of Tesla's main competitors. Now we have a customer of Fluence looking for 230 million dollars in terms of a refund for Fluence's engineering, procurement, and construction work on a project. The owner of this Diablo Battery Storage Project is citing a litany of defects, deficiencies, and failures at the project, plus damages. In the court document, Diablo Energy spells out how a series of technical failures, which it attributed to Fluence's poor workmanship and other shortcomings, led to overheating, downtime for maintenance, and at times, the battery being removed from the grid operator's ancillary service market. Now yes, innocent until proven guilty, but we'll see where this one goes.

Another name to keep an eye on in this market is actually the battery energy storage arm of LG Energy, which is called Vertec. As they just signed deals for 10 gigawatt-hours of US orders. That's 10 gigawatt-hours of orders for Vertec, contracted for 10 separate grid-scale battery storage projects. Don't forget, LG Energy is building a US self-factory with 16 gigawatt-hours of annual production capacity dedicated to battery energy storage, and they will be using LFP technology. That site will be right next to their EV battery manufacturing line in Queen Creek, Arizona.

Auto News is saying for the third year in a row, Ford has generated the most United States recalls. Tracking down the actual data, you can see Ford had 54 recalls for the year, followed by Chrysler with 45. And I would note, of the top 12 manufacturers, Tesla was nowhere on the list. And yes, this data is both physical and update recalls. For context, for the year, Tesla has had 13 recalls. The problem with this data, it really doesn't give you the actual nuance you need to understand what's going on. How many vehicles are impacted? What's the severity of the recall? How long does it take for the consumer to get it fixed? Is it safety critical or is it something minor? So I understand why this data is aggregated, but you really need to get into the weeds to understand the truth about the data.

A threat that isn't really talked about much, but all of this pulling back when it comes to EV production for the OEMs is also going to impact the suppliers and really their willingness both now and in the future. to work with some of these companies more suppliers are after what automakers have historically not offered protections on volume who's the one company with eevee volume production at least outside of china tesla an industry consultant said they the suppliers don't have any contractual legal recourse because there's no guarantee when you're awarded a purchase order that a program is going to launch on time at certain volumes this was interesting they said it's a running joke in automotive no one believes volumes in a quote package the art of being an automotive supplier is to guess how much they are over shooting and then price accordingly so as more oem's pull back on eevee plans more suppliers may become more skeptical in offering these oem's better deals in the future

wammo is now claiming they offer significant safety benefits compared with human drivers saying they prevented 17 injuries over 7 million miles in san francisco l.a. in phoenix this year i wanted to share this though because one advantage of wammo operating in very specific locations is they can actually drill down on location specific accident data which is something that tesla given its broad scale of fsd can't really do outside researchers are now looking at this data from wammo and they said this is the strongest evidence we have that eevees get in fewer crashes than humans do these reports represent a good faith effort by wammo the results are encouraging and represent one step in our evolving understanding considering the wammo specific locations their autonomous driving system had an injury crashed vehicle rate of 0.41 incidence per million miles traveled verse 2.78 incidence per million mile rate for human drivers in those locations

finally a public win for autonomy and maybe even more importantly a new data set of accident data comparing avs to humans in specific locations making the data even more reliable don't forget check out ag1 linked below the new year is right around the corner so get ready to go you can find me on x linked below hope you guys have a wonderful day please like the video if you did and a huge thank you to all of my patreon supporters
最后终于有了公开的自动化胜利,或许更重要的是有了新的事故数据集,可以比较自动驾驶汽车和人类在特定地点的表现,使得数据更加可靠。别忘了查看下面链接的 ag1。新年即将来临,所以做好准备出发吧。你可以在下面的 x 上找到我。希望你们有美好的一天,如果喜欢这个视频,请点赞。非常感谢我所有的 patreon 支持者。

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