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New Model 3 Demand / Tesla's Absurd Cost Advantage Becomes Public ⚡️

发布时间 2023-09-05 23:19:22    来源
Look at this joke sir, Tesla bot. Man you ever seen one of these before? Remember for Sean? Yeah I'm Sean. What's up man? If you do that again you're going to get hurt. May I take your luggage? Um no I'm okay. Thank you. I said no. Hey man I got some valuables in there. Can you just be careful? Get man. No problem.

Oh dude come on man what are you doing? Why are you uber driving? Electricity costs are high. Electricity costs are high. Okay. Let's go.

Welcome to Electrified. It's your host Dylan Loomis. Quick shout out to my newest patrons, is starshipsstory.com. Craigo and Daniel. Thank you for choosing to support the channel. A quick correction from last week. No the Model S does not qualify for the $7,500 tax credit. Despite the price decrease it would have to get below $55,000. No idea how or why that one happened but either way my apologies.
欢迎来到《电动化》。我是你的主持人迪伦·卢米斯。快速致谢我的最新赞助者:starshipsstory.com网站上的Craigo和Daniel。感谢你们选择支持本频道。还有一个纠正上周的错误。特斯拉Model S并不符合7500美元的税收抵免条件。尽管价格有所下降,但它必须降到55000美元以下才能符合要求。我不知道为什么发生了这个错误,无论如何我向大家道歉。

I think many of us were expecting it but in case you haven't seen it before there are some shots out there of a rear screen in the Cybertruck. Adon shared some very cool images of the Cybertruck with presumably the suspension all the way elevated. Now in the past there was some chatter that the Cybertruck would have a ground clearance of 16 inches which as far as I can tell may actually be an industry leading figure. I believe the Rivian R1T right now is the benchmark for ground clearance coming in at around 14.9 inches at the highest setting. And based on this infographic the Rivian already has over a 3 inch lead on the industry so maybe 16 inches is a stretch for the Cybertruck but we'll find out soon enough. I will say though looking at this image and looking at the front vehicle 16 might be in play.
我认为我们中的许多人都预料到这一点,但是以防你之前没有看到,有一些关于Cybertruck后屏的照片流传出来。Adon分享了一些非常酷的Cybertruck图片,据推测悬挂系统已经完全抬起。现在过去有些言论称Cybertruck的离地间隙可能达到16英寸,据我所知,这可能是行业中领先的数字。我相信最高设置下,Rivian R1T现在是离地间隙的参照标准,约为14.9英寸。根据这个信息图,Rivian已经领先行业超过3英寸,所以Cybertruck的16英寸可能有些难以实现,但我们很快就会知道。不过,看着这张图片和前方的车辆,16英寸应该是有可能的。

The President of Tesla China had some words of optimism talking about the NTV market being massive and right now there's strong or vibrant growth momentum. Wang stressed the strong support Tesla obtained from the Chinese authorities in the past and from Shanghai in recent years. Tesla's localization rate of car components used in the Shanghai factory has exceeded 95%. They signed contracts with 360 local tier 1 suppliers and they've brought 60 of them to the international market. And through doing that then they won recognition from other international auto manufacturers. I think this is a really key point that could be glossed over again showing us how Tesla actually works with its suppliers they're almost more of subtle partnerships than they are a traditional supplier. To hammer that point Chinese enterprises in the supply chain have grown with Tesla because there are a lot of underlying research and development of any V's from ideas to assembly lines Tesla is advancing with these enterprises. So yes Tesla needs China but let's not forget China is benefiting greatly from Tesla as well in more ways than one.

Kyle from Out of Speck did a great review on the new model 3 it'll be below just want to highlight a few things. First the front facing bumper camera is nowhere to be seen. Now yes this is a show type vehicle not a production variant presumably however Tesla has also removed the front facing cameras on the website and the promotional materials as well. More on that though momentarily. How come guide comes up before reviews out of spec. We also have the wiper fluid port moved up to the front in the front area. So maybe this image from the design studio in France where it actually shows bio weapon defense mode for the new model 3 something to keep an eye on in the weeks ahead. And while many are mourning the loss of stocks the silver lining is that this new steering wheel the haptic seemed to be much improved even over the model s. If you click this camera button it pulls up the back camera and the side cameras right there. Now I imagine if I just have it on back camera it will just pull up the back camera but it remembers your last use setting. This is a really nice haptic feedback way better than model s haptic feedback. The horn is now in the center we also have volume controls here on the left and right these feel very similar to model s and actually maybe even a little bit nicer action than model s in the latching. The turn signals wow way better than than the model s yoke or the round wheel really good haptic feedback it almost truly feels like you're hitting a button and yeah you know the the whole area that I'm touching is actually moving in and out so you get some actual pushing action to actuate a button under here. I don't think it's just haptic maybe it is but really good either way. It's impressive.
来自Out of Speck的凯尔对新的3型车进行了很好的评价,以下是要强调的几点。首先,正面保险杠摄像头看不见了。现在,这是一种展示型车辆,不是生产版本,然而特斯拉也在网站和宣传材料中删除了正面摄像头。稍后会详细介绍这个问题。为什么Out of Spec的指南出现在评价之前。洗涤液口被移到了前部。所以可能这张来自法国设计工作室的图片实际上显示了新的3型车的生化武器防御模式,这是未来几周需要关注的事情。虽然很多人都在为股票的损失而哀悼,但好的一面是这个新的方向盘的触觉反馈似乎比Model S要好得多。如果你点击这个摄像头按钮,它就会显示出后置摄像头和侧置摄像头。现在我想象一下,如果我只是将它设置为后置摄像头,它就只会显示后置摄像头,但它会记住你上次使用的设置。这种触觉反馈真的很好,比Model S的触觉反馈好得多。喇叭现在在中间,我们还有音量控制键在左右两侧,感觉非常类似于Model S,实际上可能比Model S的操作还要好一点。灯光信号,哇,比Model S的方向盘或圆形方向盘好得多,触觉反馈非常好,几乎真的感觉像是按下了一个按钮,是的,你知道我正在触摸的整个区域实际上是向内外移动的,所以你可以获得一些实际的按下按钮的动作。我不认为这只是触觉反馈,也许它确实是,但无论如何都很好。令人印象深刻。

We still have to wait and see if the North American version will be the same but as you can see the turn signal is indeed an amber color.

Speaking of that North American version Tesla scope has the scoop we're pleased to share Project Highland for North America will be tentatively announced quarter one of 2024 production lines for the refreshed model three are being finalized over the next three weeks at Fremont. Next to unexpected delays validation drives.
说到那个北美版本的特斯拉范围内有独家消息,我们很高兴地分享北美高地项目将在2024年第一季度进行初步公布,刷新版Model 3的生产线将在接下来的三周内在弗里蒙特完成。接下来是意外延迟的验证测试。

Of release candidates begin later this month in the weeks following the newer builds they've been informed crash and safety builds will be prepped and test performed before the end of October. They could not really share any specifics but they did hint that there may be some changes with the North American version the now MIA front bumper camera and they said Tesla is still finalizing the hardware and software for bumper cameras. This is one reason the Cybertrucks bumper camera has only been seen on more recent builds and while speculative we believe Tesla's goal is still to include the bumper camera on all new model threes upon delivery but in case of certain roadblocks it's removal from promotional materials helps settle expectations.
本月晚些时候将发布一些预备版本,紧随其后的几周里会进行新版本的测试。他们已被告知,事故和安全版本将在十月底之前准备好并进行测试。他们无法透露具体细节,但暗示北美版本可能会有一些改变,尤其是失踪的前保险杠摄像头。他们称特斯拉仍在最终确定保险杠摄像头的硬件和软件。这也是为什么Cybertruck仅在最近的构建版本中才出现了保险杠摄像头的原因。虽然这只是推测,但我们相信特斯拉的目标仍然是在交付时将保险杠摄像头包含在所有新款Model 3车型上,但如果遇到某些障碍,从宣传材料中删除它有助于稳定预期。

I'm not going to lie it's going to be a long quarter or maybe even closer to two for this North American announcement and of course we already have rumors and people are wondering about this project Juniper the same type of refresh that we're supposed to see on the Model Y everything we've heard so far this won't be coming until sometime quarter four 2024. This is just a render but it'll undoubtedly be a fun year watching all of the rumors on this one.
我不打算撒谎,对于这个北美的公告来说,这个季度可能会很漫长,甚至可能会接近两个季度,当然我们已经听到了关于这个项目Juniper的谣言,人们对这个与Model Y相似的刷新也产生了好奇。根据目前我们听到的所有消息,这个刷新直到2024年第四季度才会发布。虽然这只是一个渲染图,但肯定会是一个有趣的一年,观察关于这一项目的所有谣言。

Sawyer had a good catch over the weekend on Tesla's website auto steer on city streets had been listed as coming soon for four years well that's now been removed so yeah it's here and Tesla's feeling pretty confident about the functionality and Elon chimed in to confirm saying yep Tesla is building its charging stations cheaper and faster than competitors you don't say their bids are about half the cost of what rivals have offered in this race to get those federal funds for charging stations when it comes to the current DC fast charging network three out of five are Tesla superchargers so not only does Tesla dominate the network right now but they're installing them at a fast rate than competitors and they're doing it at a cost 20 to 70 percent lower than the rivals so far Tesla is the winning bidder to build chargers at about 18 percent of the site selected by the states more than any other company Tesla has one around 8.5 million of the roughly 77 million awarded so far those numbers are just the beginning because Tesla's bids averaged around $92,000 a site compared with an average of 795,000 from others and this mentions nothing of the reliability of the supercharger network so again how is the competition going to compete in most cases Tesla plans to install eight to 12 chargers per location while most companies are looking to do the bare minimum which is four fast charging ports per station in one bid in Maine it estimated the hardware cost of $17,000 per charger compared with 130,000 by another company

how is Tesla doing this well Rebecca Tanucci the head of global charging infrastructure said we're vertically integrated we manufacture and engineer all of our own charging equipment the seeds Tesla has planted the past decade are now starting to grow Tesla already has established relationships with utilities and local government offices that have to approve the paperwork so there's a familiarity there and the CEO of the adoption said they Tesla move at the speed of light album are looking to buy out lion town for just over $4 billion shouldn't have any hiccups in Tesla supply but lion town does indeed have supply contracts with Tesla and a thread to keep an eye on prices of lithium have basically halved from their peaks last year and because of that there's been some share price weakness across the sector presenting some buying opportunity so more M&A ahead

the gigabrel in train shuttle is now live capable of moving 400 people per ride I added my own music for copyright reasons but there was also this video that shows us a DJ playing some techno music on the giga Berlin train pretty cool for now it does appear to be a diesel train so maybe in the future they can make it fully electric
火车班车上的Gigabrel现已开始运行,每次可以搭载400人。由于版权原因,我加入了自己的音乐,但还有一个视频显示了一位DJ在Giga Berlin列车上演奏Techno音乐,非常酷。目前看起来它似乎是一列柴油火车,所以也许在未来他们可以将其改造为完全电动的。

from the driven we have Germany's finance minister trying to ensure combustion engine cars powered by synthetic fuels or e-fuels enjoy the same tax advantages as EVs the German transport minister said the race for the car drive of the future is completely open we can't possibly predict today which technology will prevail in 2040 to that I would say how about we focus on what happens before 2030 I have not done a ton of due diligence but the little I've read I'm not confident that e-fuels are the way or will ever be a big part of our transition to me it just seems like the Germans don't want to take the risk to make EVs so they're doing whatever they can to stick with what they know internal combustion engines I could definitely be wrong on that though so let me know below if you have strong opinions

Forbes Mexico is telling us giga Mexico is kind of stuck waiting the change of land use authorization this actually has nothing to do with the construction beginning and sorry clicking this yes I agree does nothing then we have this interesting statement Tesla manufacturing Mexico Tesla subsidiary for this project estimates the duration of the construction of the work will be three years a period that includes all of the work to be carried out I wouldn't be concerned with this number this could mean a lot of different things it could be something with lithium refining it could be something with battery production essentially encompassing all aspects of the future plans of the giga factory because keep in mind everything we've heard to date was that construction of the factory should only take about 18 months as they wanted to move as fast as possible but now if I'm understanding this article correctly it's looking like Tesla may have to wait 60 business days for the authorities to grant this authorization for the land use change so far relative to what our expectations were from some of the wording from government officials giga Mexico not off to the hottest of starts
福布斯墨西哥告诉我们,墨西哥超级电池工厂(giga Mexico)在等待土地使用许可变更方面陷入了困境。实际上,这与施工开始无关,对不起,点击“是,我同意”并没有起到任何作用。然后我们有这个有趣的声明:特斯拉在墨西哥建设工厂的子公司预计施工工期将为三年,这个时间段包括了所有需要进行的工作。但对于这个数字我不会过于担心,它可能意味着很多不同的事情,比如可能涉及锂精炼,也可能与电池生产有关,从根本上涵盖了超级电池工厂未来计划的各个方面。因为需要注意的是,迄今为止我们听到的一切都是该工厂的建设只需要大约18个月,因为他们希望尽快启动。但是如果我正确理解了这篇文章,现在看来特斯拉可能需要等待60个工作日,以便当局批准土地使用变更的授权。相对于政府官员的一些措辞所给出的预期,目前超级电池工厂在墨西哥的开局并不如人们期望的那样热门。

In case you're in Australia considering a Tesla powerball it sounds like the price just decreased by $800 sticking with Australia customers that had model three performance variants on order are now having those canceled and they're being told to pick a different car.
如果你在澳大利亚考虑购买特斯拉电动汽车,听起来价格刚刚下降了800美元,该优惠仅对澳大利亚客户有效。那些之前订购了Model 3高性能版本的客户现在订单被取消,并被告知选择其他车型。

Vehicle reading between the lines I would take that to mean that a model three performance variant is not coming anytime soon at least in this market and Tesla is looking to capitalize on the Australian resources.
读懂车辆每一行的意思,我会认为至少在这个市场上,特斯拉不会很快推出Model 3的表现型版本,而是希望利用澳大利亚的资源进行市场开拓。

Tesla is encouraging Australia to offer tax incentives to transform the mining nation into a hub for processing the minerals used to make batteries. Robin Denholm, who is Australian, said Australia can be more than a dig and ship nation because remember most of the lithium that is mined in Australia is then shipped to you guessed it China where it's then refined.

She said the longer we wait the greater risk we have of this opportunity passing us by as other countries without as much underlying minerals leapfrog us into capturing the most valuable parts of the battery supply chain.

No surprise Tesla is encouraging this because from 2021 to 2023 Tesla has spent over three x the amount on Australian minerals and Robin said Australia would need 30 more refining projects to be developed in Australia for them to compete on the world stage.

Now the big question becomes will the leadership in Australia actually be responsive? From Korea economic daily, Samsung has signed a contract to supply camera modules for vehicles to the US electric vehicle company. They didn't name Tesla but everyone is expecting it to be Tesla. The contracts been signed but the quantity and amount have not been determined.

Samsung is expected to supply ultra high definition products with more than 5 million pixels to Tesla and Samsung's Foundry division will commission more than half of Tesla's next gen hardware 5 chips.

And if for some reason you don't think the Chinese are copying Tesla taking advantage of their proximity have a look at this. Tesla Shanghai sued a Chinese firm over tech infringement and unfair competition disputes. The lawsuit is against Bingling intelligent tech, a chip designer and auto parts maker.

We got the Tesla China weekly insured units 11,800 plugging that into the table if you wanted to compare it to the same weekend quarter two that number was 14,500. But if you look at weeks one through nine in quarter two we were at 94.3,000 looking at the same first nine weeks in quarter three still ahead of pace sitting at 101,000.

So potentially we're finally seeing a slowdown for the project Thailand switchover. We also got the wholesale number for the month of August coming in at 84,159. We should get the more granular details in the days ahead but comparing this number to the past year it's the fourth best month.

And this is most certainly just a rumor, however the word is the new model three orders in China from September 1st to the 3rd exceeded 50,000 and today exceeded 90,000. But again there's a lot of confusion here, is this number today just today or is it cumulative for September? Questions abound so I wouldn't put any stock in the numbers specifically but overall I would take this to mean that the demand for the new model three is very strong so far.
这只是一则谣言,不过传闻称中国在9月1日至3日的新Model 3订单已超过5万,今天更超过9万。但这个数字是今天的累计还是仅今天的数量仍然存在很多混乱,问题很多。具体数字可能不太可信,但总体而言,可以认为新Model 3的需求迄今为止非常强劲。

I also came across this chart that was sourceless, however I did confirm the top three numbers. So what we're looking at is Chinese worldwide pre-tax profit for the first six months of 2023 compared to Tesla. In the first half of the year Tesla did about 5.7 billion dollars in global pre-tax profit and if you add up all of these Chinese automakers combined they're still falling short of Tesla's profit.

So all the time in the media we hear about sales numbers and figures but not nearly as often as anybody talking about how much these companies are actually making. And as Sawyer pointed out if you go to the Tesla China configurator the long-range model Y delivery time is now six to eight weeks up from two to six weeks previously the rear wheel. drive and the performance variants still sit at two to six weeks thin-bold was using this chart saying it came from Tesla Motors Club but I believe this is direct from Troy Tesla either way it's just showing us Tesla's registrations in Europe year to date and by year so 2023 is off to an incredibly strong start despite what the media would have you believe so through August this year Tesla has already eclipsed all of their registrations for 2022 this right here is such a great principle to keep in mind when it comes to investing Sawyer highlighted Peter Rawlinson was the highest paid automotive CEO earning 379 million dollars last year to which Elon said beware any company where leadership compensation is not linked to performance and yes Elon was basically working for free in 2022 and I'm still waiting for somebody to ask the question on an earnings call what's going on with the future if there will be a new compensation package for Elon but for now here's a look at the top of the list for CEO compensation in 2022 where you also find Mary Barra.
在媒体上,我们总是听到关于销售数字和数据的报道,但很少有人谈论这些公司实际上赚了多少钱。正如Sawyer指出的,如果你去特斯拉中国的配置器上,长续航版本的Model Y交付时间现在是六到八周,而之前是两到六周的尾驱和性能版仍然是两到六周。thin-bold使用了这张图表,称它来自特斯拉车主俱乐部,但我相信这是直接来自特斯拉的。无论如何,它只是向我们展示了特斯拉在欧洲的注册情况,按照年份来看,2023年开局非常强劲,尽管媒体希望让你相信相反。所以今年8月份,特斯拉已经超过了他们2022年的所有注册数量。这是一个非常重要的投资原则,Sawyer强调了彼得·罗林森去年是薪酬最高的汽车行业CEO,赚得了3.79亿美元,对此埃隆表示要小心那些领导薪酬与绩效无关的公司。是的,埃隆在2022年基本上在免费工作,而我仍然在等待有人在财报电话会议上问一个问题,关于未来的情况以及埃隆是否会有新的薪酬方案。但目前让我们来看一看2022年CEO薪酬榜单的前列,其中还有玛丽·巴拉。

And while Elon's compensation was nothing last year it was 23 billion in 2021 speaking of lucid and a recent interview Peter Rawlinson said the key obstacle to widespread adoption in the US and worldwide of EVs is the entry price point Rawlinson said we're targeting a price and don't hold me to this around 50,000 dollars that's the vision right in the heart of the Tesla Model 3 Model Y territory I wish I could go to a lower price car but it's the best this company can do in this mid to late decade time frame in a refreshing departure from the Hummer strategies of the world he did say he thinks the future is highly efficient cars with around 25 kilowatt hour batteries that can do around 150 miles maybe it wouldn't be massive but I do think there's a market for this in the states Mercedes is now backtracking on its plans to be all electric in Europe by 2030 the CEO said it's not going to be 100% in 2030 obviously from the whole European market but probably from the Mercedes side as well he also touched on Mercedes having the ability to produce electric or combustion engine vehicles on the same production line which is not at all a first principles mentality keep it in mind if you look around the industry a lot of legacy auto is slowly backing off some of their initial EV targets in China VW has cut the prices of the ID for by about 25% to going from 26.7 thousand US dollars down to 20,100 you can see ID for sales in China this year by month they were steadily increasing up through May where they crescendoed and since then they've been on a steady decline Ford has applied to trademark the F 200 name it's purely speculation but some people think this is going to be for that T3 truck or trust the truck that Ford has touted their next EV truck which Ford has said will offer more robust vehicle to load technology than the F 150 lightning no other details available so far Mercedes and BMW were at the IAA auto show over in Germany and Mercedes CEO also said with these efficiency numbers and that kind of range that kind of fast charging I'm not aware of any vehicle in that class that can match that the thing is this concept CLA class that he was referring to is not yet a vehicle in the market yet either so whenever it gets to market will then compare to the competition I've been doing this long enough to not be impressed at all by anything that is still a concept car same thing with BMW and their next gen EV platform set to enter production in 2025 I promise you guys I have zero political take on this one I just hate to see things get weaponized for political purposes of course Trump is just trying to win the Michigan votes but on truth social he said all electric cars they will be made in China and the auto industry in America will cease to exist this right here is why I despise hyperbole and have so many qualms with politics in general with this one really I think I just wanted to share my frustration with the weaponization of EVs it looks like some showrooms across Europe are set to get the new project Thailand model 3 this truck today was seen in Germany delivering the new cars hope you guys have a wonderful day please like the video if you did you can find me on x linked below and a huge thank you to all of my patreon supporters.
尽管埃隆去年没有获得任何报酬,但在2021年,他的报酬达到了230亿美元。在谈到Lucid和最近的一次采访中,彼得·罗林森表示,电动汽车在美国和全球范围内普及的关键障碍是价格。罗林森表示,我们的目标价格大致在5万美元左右,正好位于特斯拉Model 3和Model Y的市场范围内。我希望我们能生产出更低价的汽车,但在本公司能力所及的情况下,这是在本十年中最好的选择。与其他汽车公司的战略相比,他表示,他认为未来是高效的汽车,搭载大约25千瓦时的电池,可以行驶大约150英里。也许市场规模不会很大,但我确实认为在美国有市场需求。奔驰现在正在撤销其到2030年在欧洲全面转向电动汽车的计划,CEO表示明显地,并非整个欧洲市场100%转向电动汽车,而可能连奔驰自己也无法如此。他还提到奔驰能够在同一生产线上生产电动或燃油车辆,这不是一个基于首要原则的思维方式,请记住这一点。如果你看一下整个行业,很多传统汽车公司正在逐渐偏离其最初的电动汽车目标。在中国,大众已将ID4的售价下调约25%,从26,700美元降至20,100美元。从今年开始,你可以看到ID4在中国的销售情况,前几个月一直稳步增长,直至5月达到巅峰,之后一直稳步下降。福特申请注册了F200这个名称,这纯粹是猜测,但有人认为它可能是为福特即将推出的T3卡车,他们声称这款电动卡车将提供比F-150闪电更强大的车辆装载技术,目前尚无其他详细信息。奔驰和宝马参加了德国的IAA车展,奔驰的CEO也表示,以这样的能效数据、续航里程和快速充电速度,他对同一级别的其他车型没有听说过能够与之相媲美的车辆。问题是,他所提到的CLA级别概念车目前还未进入市场,因此只有等它真正上市后,才能与竞争对手进行比较。我已经从事这个行业很久了,对于仍然处于概念车阶段的任何东西都不会感到印象深刻。同样,BMW的下一代电动汽车平台计划2025年开始生产,我向大家保证,我对此没有任何政治观点,我只是不希望看到事物被用于政治目的。当然,特朗普只是试图赢得密歇根州的选票,但在"真相社交平台"上,他说所有电动汽车将在中国制造,美国的汽车工业将不复存在。正因为这样,我厌恶夸大其词,对政治一直持有很多疑虑。今天,在欧洲的一些展厅中,我们看到了新的“泰国项目”Model 3卡车。希望大家有美好的一天,如果你喜欢这个视频,请点赞,你可以在下面找到我的联系方式,再次感谢所有我的赞助者们。

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