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New Cybertruck Features Spotted, FSD Updates, NHTSA Comments on Investigation

发布时间 2023-08-25 00:46:13    来源
Hey everybody Rob Manward here and today we've got a couple more updates on the Cyber Truck we also have news on FSD Beta, an update from NHTSA on the status of Tesla's autopilot investigation and a few other items as well.
大家好,我是Rob Manward。今天我们将为大家带来有关Cyber Truck的几个最新消息,还有关于FSD Beta的新闻,NHTSA就特斯拉自动驾驶调查的最新进展以及其他几个事项的更新。

Looking at the markets quickly, the reaction to Nvidia earnings was pretty short lived, the NASDAQ today down 1.9% tesled down 2.9% to close at $230.04 and even Nvidia despite the beat finishing flat today. Good thing that didn't miss. And like some of the Fed comments already out of Jackson Hole are starting to maybe impact the market and that will continue into tomorrow as Fed Chair Jerome Powell comments as well.

Alright we've got another day here with a handful of Cyber Truck updates. First is a continuation of the images that we talked about from Reddit yesterday. I hadn't noticed at the time but a couple more details seem to be coming through from those photos. The first of which, unless there's some really weird reflections happening here and really consistent reflections happening here, there seems to be some ambient lighting on the interior of the Cyber Truck as we can see these straight red lines across the dash and around the perimeter of the interior. So this seems to be a new detail. I'll withhold judgement for now because I think like with all things Cyber Truck it's difficult to get a sense for how this really feels in person just from the pictures alone. But always fun to see some new features.
好的,我们继续今天的一些Cyber Truck更新。首先是昨天我们提到的Reddit上的一些照片。当时我没有注意到,但从这些照片中似乎可以看到一些更多细节。首先是,除非这里发生了非常奇怪的反射,而且反射非常一致,否则Cyber Truck的内部似乎有一些环境光照明,因为我们可以看到仪表盘上和内部的边缘周围有直红色线条。所以这似乎是一个新细节。我暂时不会做出评判,因为我认为像Cyber Truck这样的东西,仅仅从照片中很难感受到它的真正感觉。但是总是有趣看到一些新功能。

And then the other thing that people are speculating on seeing from these images is if we look at the center display, people are saying that that might show a view of the front bumper camera, which of course we've seen the hardware for previously but have never seen the video feed from that let alone seeing that on the center screen. If we look very closely at this, if we zoom in, we can see that the car that is on the display here, we're seeing the tail lights of it. That gives an indication that this car is positioned in front of the Cyber Truck rather than behind because parking rear bumper to rear bumper would be pretty unusual. At least for street parking which if we very quickly flip back to the first image, we can see that the Cyber Truck here is street parked. We can also see the front bumper of a white car behind the Cyber Truck so unless this moves significantly, that sort of setup would seem very unlikely. Furthermore, if we go back to that zoomed in image, we can see what seems to be a little gray or silver sedan off to the right, which matches the car and importantly the orientation of the car that we can see through the front windshield, which if this were a rear camera would also be a very strange orientation for these cars to be in. So in my opinion, it looks pretty conclusively like this is the front bumper camera. And although obviously the photo here is pixelated, it does look to be pretty good quality from at least what we can tell. So a couple of exciting things here. Let me know if you're picking up on anything else and sorry for missing those the first time around yesterday. Just add a minute to briefly look at those before the stream was starting.
然后,人们根据这些图像猜测的另一件事是,如果我们看中央显示屏,人们说可能显示的是前保险杠摄像头的视角,当然,我们之前见过这款硬件,但从未见过摄像头的视频源,更不用说在中央屏幕上看到了。如果我们仔细观察,放大一下,我们可以看到显示屏上的车,我们看到了它的尾灯。这表明这辆车位于Cyber Truck前面,而不是后面,因为尾部对尾部停车是相当不寻常的,至少对于街边停车来说是这样,如果我们迅速回顾一下第一张图像,我们可以看到这辆Cyber Truck是在街边停车的。我们还可以看到Cyber Truck后面的一辆白色汽车的前保险杠,所以除非它有显著移动,否则这样的摆放方式似乎非常不可能。此外,如果我们回到放大的图像,我们可以看到右边有一辆深灰色或银色轿车,它与我们通过前挡风玻璃所看到的车辆(而且对于后置摄像头来说,这也是一种非常奇怪的位置)匹配。所以我个人认为,这很明确是前保险杠摄像头。虽然照片在这里显然是像素化的,但至少从我们所能看到的来看,质量似乎相当不错。这里有一些令人兴奋的发现。如果你有其他发现,请告诉我,并且很抱歉昨天一开始错过了这些。在直播开始前花一分钟简要看一下它们。

A few more things on Cyber Truck today. First video of a video again from Reddit from Rambo Trucker, which gives us a good view of how the tail lights, the brake lights, turn signals are going to work. I will say from the video, it looks like this could be at least a little bit confusing because during non-breaking you've got the whole entire red light strip lit up and then during breaking you actually have less of it lit up. But you do of course then get the tail lights and you get the three distinct brake lights that are required. But it does seem a little bit unintuitive though again because this is a video it might not do a great job of giving us the full impact of what this seems like in reality. Maybe those three lights are much brighter, which completely changes things and all of a sudden it looks completely normal and intuitive and fine. So definitely something that I'll be curious to see but not something that I'm going to overreact to right now. Also kind of interesting that that straight red light for the non-breaking view does kind of match what we're seeing in the interior lights with those straight red lines from those previous photos.
今天关于Cyber Truck还有一些要提及的事情。首先是一段来自Reddit的视频,由Rambo Trucker发布,让我们清楚地看到后灯、刹车灯和转向灯的工作方式。我要说从视频里看起来,这可能会有点令人困惑,因为在非刹车状态下,整个红灯条都亮起来,而刹车时亮起的部分却比较少。当然,你当然还能看到尾灯和三个明显的刹车灯,这是必需的。但似乎有点不直观,尽管这只是一个视频,可能无法很好地展示这个在现实中的效果。也许这三个灯更亮,完全改变了事情的面貌,突然看起来完全正常和直观。所以这确实是一件让我很好奇的事情,但现在并不是我过度反应的时候。同时还有有趣的一点是,非刹车状态下直线状的红灯与内部灯光中先前照片中的直线状红色线条相匹配。

The final new image today seems to come from the factory floor directly. It's a side shot of the vehicle frame with the interior pretty much fully installed. But in this case a little bit of an upward angle so we get a better shot of the windshield and how far back that extends. You can see the sun visors there. Not sure how good of a look we've gotten at those. Obviously you can see the metal pedals, the glove box area, seat risers, you can see the controls for the seating position, although we have seen those previously. But overall a pretty good look and a new perspective of the interior.

We also talked yesterday about the delivery event invite being added to the referral program no date on that yet but an interesting update here from Brooks of Drag Times reposting this on Instagram and saying who's going? I'll take delivery of mine at the event. Now obviously could just be joking around here but if this is accurate we'll definitely add some credence to the rumors we talked yesterday about regarding some customers having been informed to start preparing for delivery. I wouldn't quite take this as confirmation yet but interesting to see and we'll keep an eye out if anyone else shares a similar comment.
昨天我们还谈到在推荐计划中添加交付活动邀请,虽然还没有确切日期,但来自Drag Times的Brooks在Instagram上重新发布了这一消息,并说谁要去呢?我会在活动上收到我的车辆。现在很明显这可能只是在开玩笑,但如果这是真的,将有力地证实我们昨天谈到的关于一些顾客已被告知开始准备交付的流言。我还不能完全把这个当作确认,但很有意思,并且我们会继续关注,看看是否有其他人分享类似的评论。

Lastly, on the cyber truck then Jeff Roberts drawn a fly over video of Giga Texas spotted seven different cyber trucks at Giga Texas today so again kind of tracks with that 5 or 10 vehicle production rate that seems to have been roughly what we've been seeing over the last few days. Obviously some of those could end up being duplicates so it does make it a little bit difficult to tell so worth keeping that in mind as well.
最后,在关于Cybertruck的报道中,Jeff Roberts发布了一段飞跃视频,显示今天在德州超级工厂出现了七辆不同的Cybertruck,这与我们最近几天看到的大约5至10辆的生产速度相符。显然,其中一些可能是重复的,所以很难确定确切数量,所以也要记住这一点。

Alright moving on a couple quick notes on FSD looks like version 11.4.7 has started to roll out to some employees and Holmars has posted the release notes for this version. The release notes are still the same as 11.4.6 so we won't go through them since we have done that previously. Unfortunately though this means that we'll see that roll out pretty soon. Unfortunately it does look like this is still on the same branch as the older other software non FSD software so it looks like we'll have to wait longer for that merge to happen.
好的,接下来有几个关于全自动驾驶 (FSD) 的快速注意事项。看起来版本11.4.7已经开始向一些员工推出,Holmars已经发布了这个版本的发布说明。由于发布说明与11.4.6版本相同,所以我们不会再逐一介绍它们,因为之前我们已经做过了。不幸的是,这意味着我们很快就会见到这个版本的推出。不幸的是,它看起来仍然是基于旧的非FSD软件分支,所以我们还需要等待更长时间才能进行合并。

And then on FSD beta version 12 of course last week Elon said that he hoped to do a livestream of version 12 in action next week which would be this week. Dirty Tesla on X asking for an update on that and Elon said that he might be able to squeeze that in tomorrow. That would be cool at the same time though I think there's only so much we'll be able to learn from one FSD drive if it were to happen. Now of course if there is some next level maneuvering in that livestream by chance then that would be awesome but I think even with version 12 it's still going to take Tesla a lot of time to iterate beyond that so I'm setting my expectations accordingly.
然后上周Elon在FSD Beta 12版本中表示希望在下周进行版本12的直播演示,也就是这周。Dirty Tesla在X上请求了关于这方面的更新,Elon回应可能会在明天抽空进行直播。这个消息很酷,但我认为仅仅通过一次FSD驾驶,我们能够学到的东西也是有限的。当然,如果直播中出现了一些高级的操控方式,那将会很棒,但我认为即使使用了版本12,特斯拉在超越这个版本上依然需要很多时间进行迭代,所以我会适当地调整我的期望值。

Next we've got a report from Reuters on NHTSA comments on their investigation that has been ongoing for a long time on autopilot. They say that they are going to resolve this investigation and could be making an announcement soon although she declined to discuss how the investigation might be resolved but said quote hopefully you'll hear something relatively soon end quote. So this relates to autopilot safety in general and particularly there seem to be a focus on driver monitoring which obviously has evolved for Tesla over the last couple of years and I'm sure that has evolved in part with conversations with NHTSA. So hopefully this resolution is nothing too crazy or nothing too unexpected. It'll be nice to have sort of the official investigation closed. Thinking that the resolution isn't anything crazy but obviously NHTSA whether they're technically investigating or not is always going to continue to monitor the progress from Tesla as they should definitely a part of the job. So we'll keep an eye out for that.

And the next we've got an update from Tesla Roddy on Tesla's drive-in diner slash movie theater supercharging location in Los Angeles. Tesla Roddy has learned that Tesla received approval for their permits on this on July 18th so last month and then earlier this month Tesla Roddy says the initial grading inspection was completed and approved so we should be seeing more from Tesla on this relatively soon. Obviously kind of a novel concept it'll be interesting to watch develop and if Tesla kind of keeps that as a fun one-off or some of those ideas make their way into some projects more broadly.

Alright last few things the Folsom police department in California has decided to add two Teslas to their police vehicle fleet. Always nice to see those additions continue and then Ford has announced a special matte black version of the F-150 Lightning it'll cost around $100,000 I think they're only going to make a couple thousand of these but looks pretty cool and interesting to see Ford emphasizing the lightning around this time especially with that kind of a look as we hear more and more about Cybertruck.

And then lastly we won't spend a ton of time on this but the Department of Justice is filing a lawsuit against SpaceX claiming there has been a hiring discrimination against refugees and a silays from late 2018 to mid 2022. Now of course with the type of business that SpaceX is involved in and sometimes the defense related nature of those businesses SpaceX obviously has to account for those things in their hiring process so my interpretation of the situation here without doing a ton of research on it is that SpaceX was probably over cautious to the letter of the law which given the work I think seems hard to fault but nevertheless fault taken with it here. So we'll keep an eye on what comes of that but those are my initial thoughts.

Alright that is it for today then so as always thank you for listening make sure you subscribe to inside of for notifications you can also find me on the X at Tesla podcast and we'll see you tomorrow for the Friday August 25th episode of Tesla daily. Thank you.
好了,今天就这样吧,一如既往地感谢你的倾听,请确保你订阅了Inside of电报频道以接收通知,你也可以在X at Tesla播客中找到我,明天我们会见到你,届时会发布2025年8月25日星期五的特斯拉日报。谢谢。

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