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Tesla Becomes #1 Selling Brand in California! + New Supercharger Details

发布时间 2023-07-26 05:26:30    来源
Hey everybody Rob Maori here, thanks for your patience to another late one today, but we do have some really exciting news to go through for Tesla. In California we also have updates on Supercharger V4 and a couple other items as well. Looking at the stock, a little bit less exciting Tesla down 1.4% on the day to day to close up $265.28, while the NASDAQ was up 6 tenths of a percent on the day. We'll hop right into the news out of California.

As we've known previously, this isn't new, but the Model Y is the best selling vehicle in California. Once again, if we look at the Model 3 and the Model Y together, we've got about 40,000 registrations in the year so far, year to date so far for the Model 3, and about 75,000 for the Model Y. Obviously, you can see how those compare, I'm covering that a bit, but you can see how those compare to the other vehicles in their segments as classified by California. The Model 3 near luxury car about 10 times the runner up like SES and the Model Y more than 10 times the out of Q5 and the luxury compact SUV segment.
正如我们之前所知,这并不新鲜,但Model Y是加利福尼亚州最畅销的车型。如果我们再次同时看Model 3和Model Y,到目前为止,Model 3今年已经注册了大约40,000辆,而Model Y则有大约75,000辆。显然,你可以看到它们与加利福尼亚州分类为其细分市场的其他车型相比如何。Model 3在近豪华车型市场的销量是第二名的SES的10倍以上,而Model Y在豪华紧凑型SUV市场的销量则是奥迪Q5的10倍以上。

But of course, especially with the price cuts and tax credit, the Tesla vehicles here, extending much further into the lower range vehicles. So, top selling passenger car, Model 3, 41,000, Model Y, 75,000. So you can see how that compares with Toyota's top models. And then if we scroll down here, one chart that we always like to look at is the market share in California. So this is again, year to date. Toyota is the best selling brand. It says here at 14.7% market share so far this year in California compared to 12% in the United States as a total Tesla up there in second place at 13.6%, just 4% in the US, but heavily over penetrated in California. So what's going on? Toyota best selling brand. That doesn't match up with the title, but remember that's year to date.
当然了,特别是考虑到价格降低和税收抵免,特斯拉的车辆在这里的销量延伸到了更低端的车型。所以,最畅销的乘用车是Model 3,售出了41000辆,Model Y则售出了75000辆。你可以看到它们与丰田的畅销车型相比是如何的。如果我们往下滚动一下,在这里有一个我们喜欢查看的图表,即加州的市场份额。这是今年至今的数据。丰田是销售最好的品牌,根据这里的数据,它在加州今年的市场份额是14.7%,而在全美国的市场份额是12%。特斯拉位居第二,市场份额为13.6%,在全美国的市场份额只有4%,但在加州市场上渗透度很高。所以发生了什么?为什么丰田是销售最好的品牌?但请记住,这是迄今为止的数据。

So let's scroll down here and let's look specifically at registrations in the second quarter. Scroll down alphabetically here. Look at Tesla. Of course, 69,000 vehicles so far in the second quarter, 62% growth year over year. But most interestingly is if we look at Toyota right there next to them, Toyota at 67,500 vehicles in the second quarter. So that means for the second quarter, Tesla was the number one selling brand in the entire state out of all vehicles. ICE, BV, whatever, Tesla was the number one brand in California, which is awesome. This is Tesla's original home state obviously has now moved over to Texas for the headquarters, but for Tesla to now take that position after, you know, what 20 years I think in from founding is a very exciting milestone, I think deserving of a huge congratulations to Tesla for this accomplishment. And it really, you know, I can't really say enough about it. There's not enough spurletives to describe how amazing this is that this has been accomplished and how exciting it is to see. And you know, we're just kind of getting started here, right? Tesla's going to continue to go down market. We've got vehicles coming like the cyber truck. And of course, other areas like the semi, which won't add as much to, you know, registration numbers, but we'll make a huge impact as well. So very exciting and congratulations again to Tesla for that. And then just looking at EV share in California overall, continuing to see really nice growth here, now crossing 21% so far year to date and first half. So, you know, really nice to see that chart. And hopefully again, very early stages and we'll see that continued grow.

All right, we'll move on from California here and into. Sure vehicle numbers for China. It's been a couple of weeks since we talked about this because the last week's numbers came out right around the time we were doing the earnings preview. So didn't make it didn't make the cut into that episode. So we'll talk about a couple weeks.

The first week of the third quarter, so July 3rd through the ninth, obviously was a slower start as there were probably a significant number of vehicles that Tesla was exporting at that period, which we talked about at that time. 10,000 though in the second week. So a really nice jump in the second week and then a little bit of a decline here in the third week of July down to 7700. So, you know, we're still early in the quarter. I wouldn't say it's been like a really great start, a really hot start, but it's a short window during these short windows. We don't know how much Tesla is necessarily exporting versus selling domestically.

And as we had talked about, it looked like they did drain inventory a little bit specifically in China. I don't have the wholesale sales figures pulled up here, but remember in June, there was more production. Sorry. There were more wholesale sales than there were production, which means that inventory is going to be a little bit lower than, you know, it would be otherwise. So it could be, you know, explaining a little bit of what's going on here in the first few weeks, not that it's a horrible result, but not quite as strong, certainly, as what we saw start Q2 off, although maybe a little bit of an anomaly there in the second quarter. So we'll continue to keep an eye on that as we get those numbers each week.

And then we do also have an update on Supercharger V4. I think this was first noticed or first shared by Tesla owners UK on Twitter slash X. We'll have to figure out what we're calling that going forward. We'll stick with that for now. But interestingly here, this is a design plan for a new Supercharger location. It looks like it's going to have, I think, 16 Supercharger V4s for this location. And interestingly, in parentheses, you can see here, they have put Supercharger V4s at 350 kilowatts in terms of their charge rate or their power. So interesting to see that.
然后,我们还有关于超级充电器 V4 的更新。我想这是由 Tesla owners UK 在 Twitter/X 上首次注意或首次分享的。我们将来需要弄清楚我们如何称呼它。暂时先使用这个名字。有趣的是,这是一个新超级充电站的设计计划。看起来它将会有 16 个 V4 型超级充电器。有趣的是,在括号内你可以看到,他们将 V4 型超级充电器的充电速率或功率设置为每小时 350 千瓦。真是令人感兴趣。

Obviously, there's been some alluding to this number in the past, you know, even 350 kilowatts plus. So we could see even a little bit more than this, potentially. But interesting to see this in a planning document, this isn't necessarily like an official Tesla document. But presumably it is put together with information directly from Tesla as a part of the plans that they're discussing here. So interesting to see that.

And then another piece of this is we've been talking about just the actual construction of the Supercharging pedestal. And there have been a couple of photos, I think also shared by Tesla owners UK, of the seemingly the screen on the side of the Supercharging pedestal. And from the drawing that's included in this proposal, we can see that that very much appears to be the case. It's a little low resolution, but we can kind of zoom in there and you can definitely see a screen right below where the Supercharger would dock on the pedestal. So interesting, you know, we'll have to see what Tesla's plans are for that. Again, I think it's a little bit of a weird location, I guess, you're they're assuming that it's all going to be done once the Supercharger is undocked. But we'll have to see what Tesla has in mind for that. Nevertheless, exciting to see the 350 kilowatt rate mentioned and hopefully we'll start to see vehicles that can unlock that, whether that happens with current generation vehicles or next generation remains to be seen.

All right, on to the mega charger or I guess formerly known as the mega charger. I think Tesla is now starting to call it the Tesla semi charger. I have to double check on that, but I feel like they did make that adjustment. Anyway, it looks like they are installing a new one in Baker, California. And someone went out there and was able to see it and get a little bit of a couple of photos of the connector here, which is obviously quite a beast compared to the normal NACS connector for the smaller vehicles, the light passenger vehicles. But you can see it's still relatively maneuverable as we have seen with Pepsi employees and things like that. So good to see Tesla starting to make expansions on the semi charging program and hopefully the first of many, many of these to come, not the first, but one of the first of many of these to come. Compared to CCS, not quite as step up in terms of size.

All right, FSD beta. So FSD beta 11.4.6, I believe, has started to roll out to early beta testers. So Tesla are sharing the updated release notes for this version on Twitter. This is the, these release notes are the same as the prior iteration that had been released to the public. With one exception, the last release note that has been added, try to zoom in if I can, says that Tesla's introduced automatic emergency braking on general obstacles detected by the occupancy network. So they previously had mentioned a couple of updates to automatic emergency braking, but this one is newly added to the release notes in 11.4.6.
好的,FSD beta。我相信FSD beta 11.4.6已经开始向早期测试人员推出。所以特斯拉在Twitter上分享了这个版本的更新发布说明。这些发布说明与之前发布给公众的版本相同,只有一个例外,最后一个新增的发布说明说特斯拉在被占用网络检测到的一般障碍物上引入了自动紧急制动。他们之前提到了几个自动紧急制动的更新,但这个新增到11.4.6版本的发布说明是新加的。

So it looks like Tesla expanding that feature set to include anything that the occupancy network detects and then apply emergency braking on that. And right now, obviously it seems like it's part of the FSD feature sweat feature set, but also over time, I would imagine that this is going to dramatically start to benefit vehicles that don't even have FSD beta. I'm sure Tesla will integrate this to all vehicles at some point, which should pretty significantly improve safety from that feature. So definitely exciting. And if Tesla's integrating that, it means they're relatively confident that it's not going to cause too many false positives or, you know, phantom automatic emergency braking. So I'm sure that's what they've been working a lot on over the last few weeks as we haven't seen a public update for a bit. So exciting to see that, haven't got a chance to test it out yet, but I'll try to provide some thoughts when I do get that opportunity.

All right, a couple of things on Cybertruck today. So there's been quite a few of these going around, but I think originating with seems like, I don't know if this is like a Facebook poster. Seems like maybe a Facebook group. But someone shared a photo of their Cybertruck design screen and it says the countdown begins and early reservation holder, your order is going to be filled soon. You'll be notified to complete your Cybertruck configuration sooner than most. We have no confirmation if this is accurate, this could easily be a photoshopped photo. So I don't think there has been any secondary confirmation of this. And I think that we probably would have that if this were accurate because obviously there are a lot of people on, you know, the Tesla online community that made very early reservation. So if this was accurate, I feel like by now we'd probably have a second confirmation of it outside of that, we've gotten a whole bunch of spoofs of this with people making different, you know, photoshopped versions, saying different things. But as far as I know, we don't have confirmation of this yet. So we'll keep an eye on that, but for now put it into kind of the, I don't know, maybe the rumor or fake news category and we'll see how it develops.

And then we talked yesterday about, I think yesterday about the F-150 Lightning or the F-150 wrap on the cyber truck, and here we get a little bit of a closer shot. Those ones were a little bit further away and a shop and the video that we had was a little bit, you know, very brief, but a couple of good shots here of that wrap, which is obviously pretty humorous and attention grabbing for people that may happen across it. So I wanted to share that as well. And then I don't know that we need to continue to look at every new video of the cyber truck because there are so many of them now, which is super fun. And hopefully we'll continue to see, you know, more of those.
然后我们昨天谈论了F-150闪电版或F-150包裹cyber truck的事情,这里我们可以看到更近距离的照片。之前那些照片离得有点远,而且我们拥有的视频很简短,但这里有一些很好的照片展示那个包裹,显然是相当幽默且引人注目的,对于可能会遇到它的人来说。所以我也想分享一下这个。然后我不知道我们是否需要继续观看每一个新的cyber truck视频,因为现在已经有太多了,这非常有趣。希望我们能继续看到更多这样的视频。

All right. Next a quick update on Tesla energy. So Naioin, who Tesla has partnered with very frequently for energy storage projects in Australia. It sounds like they're going to be expanding one of their projects in Queensland. This is going to be a 540 megawatt hour project now up from the initial plans of 400 megawatt hours, and then similar increase, obviously, on the power side, 200 megawatts going to 270 megawatts in terms of the power capacity there. So always exciting. Obviously it's a little bit of a drop in the bucket where Tesla's total scale is now, but all those drops continuing to add up significantly in each quarter. So always exciting to see those pieces of news.

And then GM did report earnings this morning. I haven't had a chance to dig into those yet, but one thing that they did mention previously they had talked about how they were ending production of the Chevy Bolt, which is obviously one of the earlier sort of mass market long range EVs coming out a little bit before the Model 3.
然后通用汽车今天上午公布了收益报告。我还没有机会深入研究,但他们先前提到的一件事是他们将停止生产雪佛兰Bolt,这显然是早期的一款大众市场长续航电动汽车,在Model 3推出之前一点点先发制人。

So that was supposed to end, but they did confirm that they are going to continue the Chevy Bolt on the second generation Altium batteries. I'm not a huge fan of Altium as we've discussed previously, but looks like GM is continuing to or has plans to continue Bolt production with that version. So not sure exactly when that will spin up for that second version. Sounds like they're having a little bit of issues right now with Altium, probably a little bit unsurprising as they ramp that, but we'll keep an eye on that for GM.

And then the last couple of things as we head into tomorrow, obviously, got to keep an eye out for the FOMC meeting that happens a couple of hours before market close, or rather the results of that will be a couple of hours after market close. And then 30 minutes later, there will be the press conference with Fed Chair Jerome Powell. So always injects a little volatility, but you know, it looks like expectations are pretty well aligned going into the meeting.

If we look at the FedWatch tool here from CME Group, looks like expectations are now 99% for a 25 basis point increase. And actually the 1% that used to be on a pause has now flipped over to a 50 basis point increase. So people seem to be pretty well aligned on what's going to happen tomorrow. And most likely as we usually, or as we have often seen, the reaction would probably be more based on the comments from Fed Chair Jerome Powell that he answers his comments and then question the answers from the panel there at the FOMC meeting.

So keep an eye on that, but that'll wrap it up for today. So as always, thank you for listening. Make sure you subscribe and sign up for notifications. You can also find me on Twitter slash X at Tesla podcast. And we'll see you tomorrow for the, well, calendar flipped here. So Wednesday, July 26th episode of Tesla Daily. Thank you.
所以,请保持关注,但今天就到这里为止。一如既往,感谢你的聆听。请确保订阅并开启通知。你还可以在Twitter上找到我,用户名是“Tesla podcast”。我们明天再见,在这里时间已经到7月26日星期三的Tesla Daily发布日期。谢谢。

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