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Why John Hennessy Created the Venom F5 Supercar with Over 1,000 Horsepower

发布时间 2023-05-05 17:07:48    来源
The Joe Rogan experience that fucking vehicle that you have built is the most ridiculous thing I've ever been inside of my life I can't believe how fast it is We did a speed limit today, right? Yes, but we got there very quickly. We got there very quickly. Yes 1817 horsepower and 3,000 pounds so you got some power to weight ratio to work with there. That's like 700 more horsepower than a Tesla plan. Yeah, it's like taking a McLaren 765 LT and adding a thousand horsepower to it Something nobody needs, but we've sold 36 of those the Venom F5
乔·罗根的体验非常疯狂,你所建造的那辆车是我一生中见过的最荒谬的东西。我简直不敢相信它有多快。今天我们开得很快,对吧?是的,但我们很快就到了。是的,它有1817马力和3000磅的重量,所以你有一些可以利用的动力重量比。这就像是给麦克拉伦765 LT加上1000马力,这是没有人需要的东西,但我们已经卖出了36辆Venom F5。

What has what happened to you in your life that you needed to make these Proposterous cars well, you know like what what is going on? Yeah, there it is. That's the Venom F5. How did you get to be this guy? Like what did how did this start out where you you're making these 1800 horsepower? It's probably kind of like you know the pool hall deal when we were younger like I didn't have a good relationship with my old man He was a car guy, but we didn't get along and I don't know maybe six years later, you know, I'm 60 now I've got you know, I still feel like I got a little chip in my shoulder or something to prove maybe a little bit less now, but but for sure
你在生活中发生了什么让你需要制造这样离谱的汽车?你知道,就像发生了什么事情?对,那就是Venom F5。你是如何成为这样的人的?起初你是如何制造出这些1800马力的车的?这可能就像小时候在台球馆里的事情一样。我和我父亲的关系不好,他是一个汽车迷,但我们不合得来。也许六年后,现在我已经60岁了,我仍然感觉自己肩上还有点担子或者需要证明自己的东西,现在可能少了一点,但是肯定还存在着。

Isn't it interesting that you would never want that to your for your son? No boy is that a great motivating factor? Oh for sure for sure Yeah, I'd live up in you know, growing a kind of an abusive situation and neglect and you know now all of a sudden I've got all this motivation. I've had all this motivation for the last you know 40 years of my business career So it's been good. It's funny because you would never want that for your children

Yeah, I'm not it's amazing how well it's worked out for people like you or for me. Yeah, I mean I you know I don't think everybody out there that has some level of success is not necessarily been abused and Motivated by negativity, but I can definitely see with our five kids with the Nurture mainly from my wife hope They're gonna turn out just fine and they'll be plenty successful, but you know that just I don't know your story But that's that's my that's my road. I think it can lead you to be very ambitious and very successful But it can also just fuck your life up. Oh sure and you can be very ambitious and very successful And also be like happy like that's absolutely yeah, that's possible too. Yeah You don't have to have a torture childhood for sure now very very blessed

I mean, you know to have an opportunity to build Toys for people. Yeah, whether it's a you know 7800,000 horsepower pickup truck or a VNMF 5 And we're talking earlier about this first world problems, right? Yeah, something nobody really needs nobody needs to go to Comedy show MMA, but they do it for entertainment. I tell people all the time we're more The stars up there. Yeah, they fly my own roll boys After the Rick Flare gummy bear and they're gonna really surf fly ahead Yeah, yeah, so now feel very blessed and we're definitely you know People come to us because they wouldn't entertain themselves with their vehicles
我的意思是,你知道有机会为人们制造玩具。是的,不管是7800,000匹马力的皮卡车还是VNMF 5。我们之前谈到的是第一世界的问题,对吧?是的,这些东西其实没人真正需要,没人需要去看喜剧表演或者练习综合格斗,但人们会这样做是为了娱乐自己。我经常告诉人们,我们更像是那些星星,它们在天上飞翔,我自己是在卷曲的熊糖和Rick Flare的帮助下飞行。现在我感到非常幸运,我们肯定是因为人们想通过他们的汽车来娱乐自己才来找我们的。

That's a great way of looking at it too because that's really what those kind of cars are like when I try to describe My love of old muscle cars for people because you know, they kind of are not super reliable Yeah, they're not so great at handling, and you know, so I tell them I get them done in the rest of mods Yeah, but still they're but when I drive them the Experiences entertaining. It's like a ride like I'm not just in a Corolla I'm not just in some quiet Subaru I'm gonna ride but does it take like when you drive your land cruiser you drive, you know One of your older cars does it take you back to that time either when you had that car You aspire to have that car you knew the guy or the girl that had that car kind of growing up And you wanted it back then, but you didn't know how you're gonna get it.

Oh, yeah for sure with my chavelle definitely My chavelle I have a 1970s black with the white stripes. Yeah, don't see those sure and when I went on kid What's that got the calendar? Yeah, well it actually is a 454 under the hood and Calvin Casey Calvin's revolving over. Yeah, yeah, okay. He's the man. Big Viper guy. Yeah fucking love that dude. Yeah He hooked up the cow so that it nice Yeah, those back those vacuum hoses get old and crack and yeah, it's It's when I was a kid when I was about 16 years old one of my friends picked me up his friend had a 1970 chavelle we were going somewhere and I just remember getting the back seat of the car going how is it possible that this kid owns this car Yeah, this is crazy. Yeah, it was the best looking card ever seen in my life on this.

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