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How Airbnb survived

发布时间 2023-05-06 08:20:28    来源
So when the pandemic occurred, at a basically Jason's survival, we lost 80% of our business in eight weeks. And Joe and I and Nate, we were like, what the hell do we do? And we were like staring at the best.

I mean, you might remember, people were making predictions like, is this the end of Airbnb? Will Airbnb exist? And one of the people I was talking to a lot back then was Johnny I. He now works with me.
我的意思是,也许你还记得,以前有人预测“这是Airbnb的末日吗?Airbnb还会存在吗?”当时我经常与之交谈的其中一位人士是Johnny I,他现在已经和我在一起工作了。

But he told me the stories of Steve Jobs going back to Apple. And Johnny I've said, you know, you can cut, but you can't cut your way to the growth. Steve, you have to build product. You need to stay in the product.

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