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如何讓別人照你說的去做?► 第一步,話不要講太多.. - 美國特勤局前特務 Evy Poumpouras 伊芙‧波普拉斯(中英字幕)

发布时间 2024-10-18 13:00:28    来源
When you start becoming people's friends, that's when the lines get blurred and we get confused. If you're overly nice, overly kind, overly polite, that's when you get rolled. How to get someone to do what you want. The biggest mistake people make is they talk a lot. If I'm doing all the talking and you're doing all the listening, you're learning everything about me. You're learning about what I care about, my values, my belief systems. You're getting a good read on me. There's a myth that people think, if I do most of the talking, I have control. It's garbage. What you want to understand is that person's motivational mindset. What are you motivated by? So that is your value and belief system. Everybody's motivated by something different. But I have to hear you and pay attention to you to understand what that is. Here, have a drink. Talk to me. Let me know. If you give people enough space, they will reveal themselves to you. But we're so busy talking, we're so busy making noise because we think, everybody needs to hear me. Everybody needs to know me, me, me, me. You know what? Nobody cares.

If you're really trying to build a connection with a person, then build it. And let them tell you what they think. Because now I see the world through your lens, not mine. I always say when, especially I do a lot of keynotes and training for businesses, you don't matter. They matter. What do they want? What do they need? What's important to them? Let them tell you. And then when they tell you, instead of trying to guess how to enter a conversation, what do I do? I shut up. I listen. I let you reveal to me what matters to you, what your values are. And then I come in more intelligently into the conversation. And I speak to you. People will show you what they care about. If we just hold back, stay silent, ask good questions, and you know what? We're genuinely curious. I genuinely want to get to know you. I genuinely want to understand you. I don't genuinely want to tell you all about me. That's different. And the one factor that's really important is not having judgment, being non-judgmental. When you show judgment to another person, they're going to filter what they say. They're going to shut down. They're going to hold back because nobody likes to be judged.

Also in the room, my goal was not to get them to like me. My goal was to get them to feel heard, to feel respected, for me to be professional. And I think we bring the wrong terms, because it's confusing. If I want you to like me to think of it this way, then I'm going to think I have to be nice to him. I have to be his friend. In business, you can be warm. But when you start becoming people's friends, that's when the lines get blurred and we get confused.

In fact, there's research done by Susan Fisk and Chris Malone. And they say, be warm to people. Be open and approachable. But if you're overly nice, overly kind, overly polite, that's when you get rolled. You want to find that beautiful balance. Where I'm a professional, I'm warm, I'm non-judgmental. Come talk to me, tell me. But at the same time, I maintain my authority. I maintain my boundaries. I maintain my authority. I maintain my authority. I maintain my authority. I maintain my authority.
事实上,Susan Fisk和Chris Malone进行了一项研究。他们表示,对人要友好、开放和平易近人。但如果你过于友好、过于善良、过于礼貌,可能会被人利用。你需要找到一个美妙的平衡点:既是个专业人士,又友好、不带偏见。欢迎人们来找你聊天,同时保持自己的权威和界限。

I maintain my authority. I maintain my authority. I maintain my authority. I maintain my authority. I maintain my authority. I maintain my authority. I maintain my authority. I maintain my authority. I maintain my authority. I maintain my authority.

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