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Tesla Slowly Unveiling Its Plans / Big Cybertruck Change / Tesla's Battery Sourcing Play ⚡️

发布时间 2024-10-19 00:59:48    来源
Welcome to Electrified, it's your host Dylan Loomis, so Tesla is choosing to do the slow-drip method of information release today, putting out a short video on wireless charging for the cybercab. I will briefly touch on the numbers we see in the video, but just keep in mind, by the time this technology actually enters production roughly two years from now, they could certainly be different. In the video, the cybercab shows up with a 35% state of charge, and it says 56 minutes remaining. Now we can guess this is an LFP pack, so you can charge it to 100, but is that 56 minutes to 80%, 90% or 100? If you scrub forward a bit, you see a charging speed of 25 kilowatts, that does not mean it's the max, it's just the max in this video.

This means conservatively if you charge for 1 hour at 25 kilowatts, you would add 25 kilowatt hours, and we've been told Tesla is aiming for at least an efficiency of 5.5 miles per kilowatt hour, multiplying those two together would give you a range addition of 137.5 miles. I do think it's reasonable to assume a 40 kilowatt hour pack at least based on this video, because if it shows up with 35% state of charge, that's 14 kilowatt hours, then you add the 25 during that 1 hour of charging, which would take you to 39 kilowatt hours, which would check out charging from 35% to 100%, and a 40 kilowatt hour pack at 5.5 miles per kilowatt hour would be roughly 220 miles of range.

Naturally, everyone wants to see really fast charging speeds, there are some other companies out there that tout charging speeds for wireless charging of over 100 kilowatts, but remember, what you can do in prototype form versus what makes sense putting into production at scale are often very different. Plus, as long as Tesla can get to the point where they're making enough of these cybercabs and there's plenty of them available, then the charging speeds are not that important. It is true that most trips for this vehicle use case are going to be shorter when it comes to distance, so the occupants are not going to be in the car waiting for it to charge. They'll be charging between trips. Just keep in mind those numbers I shared do assume a steady charge rate of 25 kilowatts, which is definitely unlikely up to 100%. It's just that right now, we have no idea what the charging curve will actually be like.

And don't forget, as Monroe pointed out and the Cybertruck owner's manual shows us, the Cybertruck does have inductive charger headers, meaning the Cybertruck has a much easier path to becoming wireless charging compatible. Dating back to early last year, we covered the Tesla and Wifurian story at length. Basically, they bought this wireless charging company, kept most of the employees and engineers, and then ended up selling the rest of the company. Given that, there are some people sharing information from Wifurian's website, and it may be a decent benchmark, but we have to remember, Tesla kept all of their engineers in-house to come up with their own design.

My point being over the past two years with these Wifurian engineers in-house, paired with Tesla engineers, they may have come up with something even better. But with that context, for what it's worth on Wifurian's website, they have 93% efficiency and a 40mm position tolerance, which is 1.58 inches. Naturally, there will be questions like what about in areas where it snows a lot, but remember, where Tesla's going to be deploying these first Californian Texas, that's really not much of a concern. After three whole quarters, the Foundation Series Cybertruck has finally come to an end.
在过去的两年里,内部有这些Wifurian工程师和特斯拉工程师的合作,他们可能已经研发出更好的东西。不过,从Wifurian官网上的信息来看,他们的技术有93%的效率和40毫米(即1.58英寸)的定位容差。当然,会有人问,如果是在多雪地区如何应对,但请记住,特斯拉将首先在加州和德州部署这些技术,这些地方并不存在太大的担忧。经过整整三个季度,Foundation Series的Cybertruck终于结束了。

On the Tesla Configurator, right now you'll find the all-wheel drive version available for anybody to purchase at $79,990, which in theory should qualify for the $7,500 credit. However, right now it only qualifies for the commercial option. When you click on Edit Savings, we do not see the option for the personal tax credit. And if you go to the Fuel Economy.gov website, you'll see that the only Tesla vehicles that are eligible are the Model 3 X and Y. As of October 17th, the Cybertruck is not on the list.
在特斯拉的配置器上,您现在可以找到售价为$79,990的全轮驱动版本,理论上应该有资格获得$7,500的税收抵免。不过,目前它只符合商业用途的抵免资格。当您点击“编辑节省”时,并没有看到个人税收抵免的选项。如果您访问Fuel Economy.gov网站,会发现只有特斯拉Model 3、X和Y符合资格。截至10月17日,Cybertruck尚未在名单上。

I know a lot of people are wondering, wait a second, what about the 2 million people that supposedly had reservations for this vehicle? Personally, I was always expecting to cut that number in half because that many people are likely not serious to begin with. Plus, we have to remember when the Cybertruck was announced in 2019, they said there would be an option available for $39,000. So for a few years, while people were reserving this vehicle, they were expecting to have that price available. We've already talked about inflation over the years and the illness and everything that caused with pricing and why it's not realistic for Tesla to offer that price that they did five years ago.

But I think you get the point I'm trying to make here, a large number of those reservation holders are still waiting for a more affordable vehicle, more affordable than $80,000. And we'll see what happens in the weeks ahead when it comes to delivery windows, but at least right now, they're saying expect a delivery between October and November for both variants. For the foundation series, these are estimates, but in quarter one, the number was 3,100, followed up by 10,900, and finally 16,600 in quarter three. So likely Tesla ended up selling just north of 30,000 foundation series models. Just a heads up, the FSD transfer program is back and active right now, but used least and Cybertruck vehicles are not eligible. Joe Tett Meier said he had a friend that was told he was going to be able to transfer FSD from his Model 3 to his Cybertruck, but at the time of delivery, he got denied. It looks like there's some confusion even amongst Tesla employees. So if this applies to you, just be aware.
我想你明白我在这里要表达的意思,有很多预订者仍在等待价格更实惠的车辆,具体来说,就是低于8万美元的车型。关于交付时间,目前他们表示两个不同版本的预计交付时间在10月到11月之间。对于基础系列来说,这些都是估计数字,但第一季度的数量是3,100,接下来第二季度是10,900,第三季度则为16,600。因此,特斯拉可能总共出售了略多于30,000辆基础系列车型。顺便提醒一下,FSD(全自动驾驶)转让计划现在又恢复并运行了,不过二手租赁车辆和Cybertruck不符合条件。Joe Tett Meier提到,他有一个朋友被告知可以把他的Model 3的FSD转移到他的Cybertruck上,但在交付时却被拒绝了。看来即使在特斯拉员工中也存在一些混淆。如果这对你有影响,请多加注意。

And now we get to wait and see what a $20,000 price cut for the Cybertruck will do to demand over the next few quarters. And hopefully soon, the personal tax credit is available as well. Now the Cybertruck is being criticized by several European road safety organizations for its design and size. This after it was registered by a private owner in the Czech Republic, these groups are criticizing the weight of the Cybertruck and its crash absorption. They're saying the Cybertruck's non-existent or inadequate crash absorption brings unacceptably high risks to all other road users. Due to the self-certification system which operates in the US, the Cybertruck has never been crash tested by any public authority.

When in reality, Tesla's in-house crash testing is often even more advanced than those public authorities. And don't forget what Tesla said, it's not about the size of the crumple zone, it's about how you use it. When in a high speed collision, Cybertruck's front underbody casting is designed to break into small pieces. This helps reduce the occupant impact by absorbing and dispensing energy. So yeah, this criticism from EU safety regulators would go squarely into the FUD bucket for me. Tesla makes some of, if not the safest vehicles on the road and that's not going to change with the Cybertruck.

So if you guys haven't yet gone down the rabbit hole of how internet service providers and most companies are trying to track our every move online, I'd encourage you to do that as soon as possible. Just briefly, if you guys would like to support the channel, a great way to do that is to try out Surfshark VPN, the sponsor of this video. Surfshark uses AES-256 encryption which is one of the most sophisticated protocols in existence. They also have a no logs policy so not even Surfshark has a record of your online activity and they use RAM only servers so no data is being stored in physical hard drives. And important to note, this policy has been audited by Deloitte. Surfshark drastically limits what information anyone can see by encrypting all of your online activity and personal info. Plus Surfshark offers a lot more than just privacy, it can unlock new libraries of content and help you get better deals on flights and hotels while also removing unwanted ads all over your browser with the clean web feature. They also allow one account for an unlimited number of devices. So if you'd like to take your privacy back for you and your family, you can head to surfshark.com slash electrified to get an extra four months free. The link is below.
如果你们还没有深入了解互联网服务提供商和大多数公司是如何试图追踪我们在线活动的,我建议你们尽快去了解一下。 简而言之,如果你们想支持这个频道,一个很好的方式就是试用本视频的赞助商,Surfshark VPN。Surfshark使用AES-256加密协议,这是现存最复杂的协议之一。他们还有无日志政策,这意味着连Surfshark自己都不会记录你的在线活动,并且他们使用纯内存式服务器,不会将数据存储在物理硬盘上。值得注意的是,这项政策已经通过德勤的审计。通过加密你的所有在线活动和个人信息,Surfshark极大地限制了任何人能够看到的信息。此外,Surfshark不仅仅提供隐私保护,它还能解锁新的内容库,帮助你获得更好的航班和酒店优惠,并通过清理网页功能去除浏览器上的不需要的广告。他们还允许一个账户无限制地链接多个设备。因此,如果你想为自己和家人重新夺回隐私,可以访问surfshark.com/electrified以获得额外四个月的免费使用。链接就在下面。

Tesla has updated the website with a Wii Robot landing page. There is a dedicated blog page too where they share the video of the event and some more information on autonomy and the products unveiled, also giving people the option to opt in to learn more about Tesla products.

Today, NHTSA has opened an investigation into 2.4 million Tesla vehicles equipped with FSD after four reported collisions, including one fatal crash last year. This preliminary evaluation is the first step before NHTSA could seek a recall. NHTSA said it was opening the inquiry after four reports of crashes where FSD was engaged during reduced roadway visibility like sun glare, fog, or airborne dust.

This covers the entire Tesla lineup dating back to model years 2016. NHTSA is reviewing the ability of FSD's engineering controls to detect and respond appropriately to reduced roadway visibility conditions. The agency is asking if other similar FSD crashes have occurred in reduced roadway visibility conditions and if Tesla has updated or modified the FSD system in a way that may affect it in such conditions.

NHTSA said the review will assess the timing, purpose, and capabilities of any such updates as well as Tesla's assessment of their safety impact. To date, the reporting is that there have been two fatal accidents with Tesla vehicles that have had FSD engaged. Oftentimes, we complain about NHTSA, but ahead of our autonomous future, these investigations are not necessarily a bad thing. Because simply put, it does push Tesla to find and fix any problems that exist.

And as we've known, the glare and weather elements are going to present challenges for a camera only system. I think this one's pretty interesting. Indonesia is now planning to export nickel based material used to make EV batteries to the US next month. But not only that, they said we will export precursor to the US by next month to Tesla.

Here's why this is interesting though. As it stands right now, the US does not have a free trade agreement with Indonesia. But April of last year, we talked about Indonesia was planning to propose a free trade agreement for some minerals shipped to the US so that those companies can benefit from the IRA credits. You may remember for a while, Indonesia has been trying to attract investment to the domestic market in Indonesia for processing those materials rather than exporting it out.

But Luhut Panjitein did say now we're proposing a limited free trade agreement with them being the USA. The deal was supposed to be similar to the one that the United States signed with Japan. And just real quick, that deal was signed in March of last year. That limited agreement covered lithium, nickel, cobalt, graphite, and manganese.
但是Luhut Panjitein表示,我们现在正在与美国提出一个有限的自由贸易协议。这项协议应该和美国与日本签署的那份协议类似。简单来说,那项协议是在去年三月签署的,涵盖了锂、镍、钴、石墨和锰。

Continuing the timeline in November of last year, the US and Indonesian governments committed to developing a shared critical minerals action plan with the goal of establishing a minerals free trade agreement. But at the time, the two presidents did not publicly offer a timeline for when negotiations would occur or when the FTA would be finalized. And there's already been pushback on this because producers and other nickel rich nations like Canada and Australia have concerns about an agreement, not only because it would draw attention away from their mineral markets, but because they also see it as a way for Chinese producers with Indonesian investments to circumvent IRA rules.

That's because in May of this year, we learned that this free trade agreement with the US and Indonesia was facing an uphill battle. One of the primary obstacles was Indonesia's policy on nickel exports. For the last four years, Indonesia has enforced a ban on the export of unprocessed nickel ore. For a critical minerals deal to be considered, Indonesia would likely need to ease or entirely lift these export restrictions, a move that could prove politically contentious and economically infeasible for the country.

If there's a silver lining here, it's that these special considerations involving limited free trade agreements like with Japan have allowed the country's inclusion under the IRA without the requirement of congressional approval. But a key point here, the Chinese currently have a large dominance in the Indonesian mining sector. Major Chinese firms injected $3.6 billion into Indonesia's nickel industry in the first half of 2022 alone.

So Indonesia's supply chain dependencies on China carry numerous implications for US interests. Back to the article today, it's fair to ask how Tesla got Indonesia to bypass their nickel export ban. It certainly may have something to do with a stage or the type of nickel precursor that they're actually exporting, but that's just my guess. However, one of the main takeaways, the more supply chain resources Tesla can redirect directly into the US bypassing China, the better. But as far as I can tell, there is still no free trade agreement between the US and Indonesia.

In case you missed it, many Tesla owners both in the US and Canada are now getting free 30 day trials of FSD. And yes, even the users that got the free 30 day trial the first time are still getting the email again. Nat Friedman, who's a fairly well known tech executive and investors said tried the latest Tesla FSD today in rush hour traffic and I'm very impressed. It handled congested high speed merges better than I would have handled them, no mistakes the whole drive home, very smooth and less over cautious feeling than before. To which Elon said cool. Nat was on version Kyle Connor from Out of Specs, somebody I have immense respect for had very positive things to say about the GMC Sierra pickup. He said, I love my Cybertruck and my Rivian, but if you want to do any sort of long distance towing, here's the best EV truck for that kind of truck stuff. And honestly, I really do like the look of this truck a lot up to 440 miles of EPA range and a 200 kilowatt hour battery pack. Dude, it's got everything. Yeah, really has everything has great driver assistance on pre-mapped highways. It has a serviceable sound system. It has a nice interior. It's the value is just unbelievable in this. It's 100 grand, which is a lot of money for a vehicle. But just think about the battery capacity you're getting here and the charging performance you're getting here. It is a work truck in the sense that you can tow with this thing long distance. Now, I wish it had a front charging port instead of a rear charging port. A lot of my criticisms around Silverado EV carry over here. But one thing is for sure, they just threw a F ton of batteries into this truck and sent it. You have nice interior, fairly okay ride. It's heavy. It drives heavy. It's got rear steer. All of these things kind of come together to make a unique driving experience. I wish it had steer by wire, but it's almost not even worth nitpicking all the little things.
如果没注意到,现在很多美国和加拿大的特斯拉车主都可以免费试用FSD 30天。而且,即使是第一次获得免费试用的用户这次也仍然会收到邮件。知名科技高管和投资者Nat Friedman说,他今天在高峰时段试用了最新的特斯拉FSD,对此印象深刻。它在处理拥堵的快速并线时表现得比他自己开车还好,回家的路上没有任何失误,非常顺畅,比之前更少了过于谨慎的感觉。对此,埃隆·马斯克表示,酷。Nat用的是12.5.4.1版本。 我非常尊敬的Out of Specs的Kyle Connor对GMC Sierra皮卡给予了很高的评价。他说,我喜欢我的Cybertruck和Rivian,但如果你想进行长距离拖曳,这辆电动车是此类任务的最佳选择。老实说,我真的很喜欢这辆车的外观,EPA续航里程高达440英里,配备200千瓦时的电池组,简直应有尽有。是的,真的是应有尽有,在预设地图上的高速公路有很好的驾驶辅助系统,音响系统也不错,内饰很好,性价比简直无法相信。价值10万美元,这对于一辆车来说是很多钱,但想想你在这里得到的电池容量和充电性能。这是一辆可以进行长距离拖曳的工作卡车。不过,我希望它能有前置充电口而不是后置充电口。我的许多关于Silverado EV的批评在这里也适用。但可以肯定的是,他们只是往这辆车上塞了大量的电池然后推出了市场。内饰好,行驶还算舒适,车很重,开起来感觉也很重,还有后轮转向。所有这些结合在一起创造了独特的驾驶体验。我希望它能有线控转向,但几乎不值得对这些小细节挑剔。

I think I said this with the Silverado review. Like even if this thing, if this truck has some issues with it, which every vehicle does and this certainly does, there are no other electric pickup trucks on the market that can do what this does or Silverado. I'm going to go ask them to give me a value on my Rivian right now. Not even joking. Wow. I really love this truck. So it's one of those things that just has the range, the charging and it's freaking awesome. Overall, sounds like a quality truck. You love to see the competition. It'll keep Tesla on its toes and more EVs for more people on LinkedIn. Tom drew a Tesla employee said Australia knew Tesla Supercharger in border town. But this one is unique as this is the first prefab site in the Asia Pacific region, which reduces hardware installation time from weeks to days. I was actually a bit surprised to hear that this was the first prefab install in Australia. I'm not sure why it's taken so long, but hopefully this trend continues in the APAC going forward.

The White House is putting pressure on Stellantis to reopen and expand production in areas devastated by past plant shutdowns. The UAW is claiming Stellantis has failed to uphold its agreed upon product and investment commitments and their threatening strikes. One factory in question is in Illinois and Stellantis has said they're delaying some of those investments, but they reaffirmed it's committed to creating jobs and supporting U.S. communities. Plus, Stellantis has also filed 11 lawsuits against the UAW and local units, accusing the union of violating its contract by threatening to strike over the delayed investments. Exhibit A of unions making cost-cutting efforts that much more difficult. Just to heads up, with a Tesla software update 2024.38, you can now use Spotify with a free account. There are of course some limitations, but you no longer need a premium account to use the app. Zach on X shared a text exchange with a VW dealership. All you need to know, he was trying to get an outdoor price on the VW house that he had already been in to take a test drive in. But as I'm sure some of you can guess, the dealer representative refused to give him any type of quote via text. They hemmed and hod trying to get him to actually show up at the dealership for a vehicle that was on the lot for over 300 days. A prime example of dealership behavior, and I say this as somebody that worked at a Honda dealership for three weeks years ago. I trained for two weeks and then quit after one week on the job once I realized how those places really operate. Unless a no disrespect or judgment to anybody out there that works at a dealership, it just certainly was not for me.

This is a great story of how Tesla Powerwalls and Solar are making a difference after the recent hurricanes. There are still hundreds of people in Asheville, North Carolina that don't have running water. This Samaritan's Purse company said thanks to solar panels provided by Tesla were now able to power them without relying on diesel fuel and generators. This company has these portable water filtration systems that typically rely on diesel or gas to run. But now in partnership with Tesla, they're using powerwalls and solar. I'm not sure if Tesla is providing this equipment for free, it wouldn't surprise me at all if they were, but this solution is bringing drinking water to thousands of people that desperately need it.
这是一个关于特斯拉的电力墙和太阳能在飓风过后起到重要作用的精彩故事。北卡罗来纳州的阿什维尔仍有数百人没有自来水。据称,这家公司“爱心福袋”(Samaritan's Purse)感谢特斯拉提供的太阳能面板,现在可以不用依赖柴油燃料和发电机来提供电力。他们有一些便携式的水过滤系统,通常需要依靠柴油或汽油来运行,但现在与特斯拉合作,他们使用电力墙和太阳能。我不太确定特斯拉是否免费提供这些设备,但如果他们这样做,我也不会感到惊讶。这项解决方案为急需饮用水的数千人带来了希望。

A PSA Ford just put out a bulletin asking its customers to stop using the Tesla Nax adapter. They said your adapter has been identified by Ford to have a potential issue that may result in reduced charging speeds over time and in some cases charge port damage. In response, Ford will be sending out a replacement. Rivian is now in a legal battle with Bosch, one of the world's biggest automotive suppliers. Bosch is claiming Rivian refused to pay $204 million in reimbursements after Rivian axed its e-motor supply deal. That's when Rivian brought the production in-house. Rivian accused Bosch of reckless failures in its motor supply contract and blamed it for production shortages, resulting in 30,000 fewer vehicles made in 2022 than planned. So Bosch has sued Rivian for breach of contract and Rivian has sued Bosch on the same day, also alleging breach of contract. A judge has scheduled the next status conference for the lawsuit to be February 3rd as the go-through discovery.
福特刚刚发布了一则通告,要求它的客户停止使用特斯拉Nax适配器。福特表示,这种适配器被发现可能存在问题,长期使用可能导致充电速度减慢,甚至在某些情况下损坏充电接口。为了应对这个问题,福特将向客户发送替换产品。 与此同时,Rivian正在与博世展开法律大战。博世是全球最大的汽车供应商之一,目前指控Rivian拒绝支付2.04亿美元的赔偿金,这与Rivian终止电机供应协议有关。Rivian决定将生产转移到内部进行,并指责博世在电机供应合同中存在不负责任的失误,导致生产短缺,2022年所生产的车辆比计划少了30,000辆。博世因此起诉Rivian违反合同,而Rivian也在同一天反诉博世,指控博世同样违反合同。法官已将本案的下次审理会议定于2月3日,将进行证据采集。

A heads up for Apple users, there is a new version of the Tesla app with some minor updates. Tesla stock closed the day at $220.70 down 0.09% while the NASDAQ was up 0.63%. It was yet another quiet volume day for Tesla trading about 27 million shares below, the average volume the past 30 days. Don't forget if you would like to support the channel and more importantly take your privacy back for you and your family, you can get those four free months of Surfshark using my link below. Hope you all have a wonderful and a safe weekend, please like the video if you did, you can find me on X-linked below and a huge thank you to all of my Patreon supporters.

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