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The Most Ridiculous "Report" This Year / Big Industry Changes Likely / Do Better, Ford ⚡️

发布时间 2024-09-25 01:10:05    来源
Welcome to Electrified, it's your host, Dilunumus. Real quick from yesterday's video, I did indeed mistakenly say there's one month left in September when I meant to say there's one week left in September. I might have to start doing things like that on purpose though, because some of your comments were top-notch. Before I mention this one, I don't think anybody really knows what's going to happen after the election in the United States, but it's good to try to keep a beat on the sentiment of what could happen.

An analyst from S&P Global is saying that the consumer tax credits from the IRA might be reduced or removed altogether, but the subsidies for battery manufacturers on the producer side are likely safe no matter who ends up in the White House. Remember, the producer tax credits are the $35 per kilowatt hour for a sales and then $10 per kilowatt hour for battery modules. Those are the subsidies going directly to the battery makers and S&P is assuming those will be safe. But as mentioned, depending on who wins, on the consumer side, those could be cut in half or reduced even further.

And they also think the premium vehicle lease, loophole, which allowed companies like Polestar to put the $7,500 tax credit into the lease and then get away with not qualifying for certain requirements. That might be something that goes away as well. As you'll see multiple times throughout this episode, there's a lot of uncertainty right now facing the automotive industry. An official from the Commerce Department just told GM and Ford that they would need to stop importing vehicles to the US from China under that proposed rule cracking down on Chinese software and hardware we talked about yesterday. The rule would also impact other automakers selling or building vehicles in the US like Volvo and BYD.

Two vehicles from GM and Ford that could be impacted, the Buick Envision and the Lincoln Nautilus. In the first six months of this year, GM sold about 22,000 envisions and Ford sold 17,500 Nautilus crossovers in the US. The head of IT from the Commerce Department said we anticipate at this point that any vehicle that's manufactured in China and sold in the US would fall within the prohibitions. My question immediately becomes will Canada follow the United States lead with this one as well as they've done with other regulations in the past. I have no indication that they will but if they did, we've obviously seen Tesla send cars from Shanghai to Canada in the past.

The director also said going forward production in China for the US market would need to be shut down in China and moved elsewhere. However, the Commerce Department said it would allow companies to seek a specific authorization to continue sales of vehicles or components. They're expecting companies like Volvo to meet with the Commerce to work with them to talk about ways they could mitigate the risk and they're open to that. And thus, the agency could grant them an authorization. Other cars that would be impacted the Polestar II and Volvo S90. They said software would likely be prohibited if it were developed by a team of Chinese employees in that country for a Chinese automaker. But software likely would be allowed if it were developed by Chinese employees working in another country for a non Chinese company.
导演还表示,为了美国市场而在中国进行的生产将需要在中国停产并移至其他地方。然而,美国商务部表示将允许公司申请特定授权以继续销售车辆或零部件。他们预计像沃尔沃这样的公司会与商务部会面,探讨如何降低风险,并对此持开放态度。因此,该机构可能会授予他们授权。受影响的其他车型包括Polestar II和沃尔沃S90。 他们还表示,如果软件是由中国员工在中国为一家中国汽车制造商开发的,那么软件很可能会被禁止;但如果软件是由中国员工在其他国家为一家非中国公司开发的,则可能会被允许。

Again, this rule is just proposed for now, but it certainly could have ripple effects if it goes through the COO of Ford's EV business just said they need to start dispelling all of the myths that are out there when it comes to electric vehicles. He said buyers are hesitant to adopt EVs because they don't fully realize the benefit of charging at home or having an in vehicle generator among other things. But listen to this, he said we have a compliance requirement to sell electric vehicles, but out there we have customers who are fearing loss and misperceive the value. My job is to figure out how to sell and market a vehicle that people don't appreciate its value until they own it for three years. Maybe I'm just reading too much into it, but it feels like such a stark contrast to the ethos at Tesla where you still have Ford their COO of their EV division saying publicly, basically, we just have this compliance requirement where we have to sell EVs. Not that Ford believes in them, not that they're the better technology, not that they do have all of these benefits and these TCO benefits as well. But the way it came off to me was like he was saying, well, we have to sell these EVs, so now I need to figure out a way to get people to like them.

The latest update on Ford's Skunk Works team in California is the first vehicle will be a midsize pickup in 2027. To cap it off, the COO said being affordable is great, but there are two other requirements. One is it'd better be differentiated or you're going to get commoditized, you also have to make money. Success here is, can I reinvest in the business? Not quite an attitude that I would classify as first principles thinking. Renewable company R plus energies just broke ground on a solar plant in Utah that will be co located with 1.6 gigawatt hours of battery storage. The solar will be provided by Elite Solar and the battery storage solution by Tesla. If all of the battery storage is to be supplied by Tesla, which they make it sound like it is, that would be roughly 400 megapacks, so roughly a $400 million contract for Tesla. The president of this renewable company said Emery County, where we're building this project has a 145 year history of energy exploration and development through coal and coal burning and gas. As we look at the future and some of those industries drying up, or that economic focus needing diversity, we viewed those as good areas to go into because it's kind of a continuation of their legacy with energy generation and development. Here's a render of what this project will look like when it's done and you can just barely see where the Tesla megapacks will be. This one is not directly Tesla related, but it's the blueprint I've been looking to see. We have a real estate developer and an architecture firm looking to start construction on a data center project in Switzerland next year. With it, they plan to include a non-flammable and non-explosive 500 megawatt energy storage unit. In the article they said, the companies also want to build what they claimed is the world's largest and most modern battery storage facility of its kind. There are obviously much bigger battery storage projects around the world, like this one in Kern County, California, that's nearly 3.3 gigawatt hours. But I think what they meant was of its kind, meaning this new battery storage that's supposed to be non-flammable and non-explosive. On that front, they did not share any details, but even if you took that new technology out of the equation, this will be one of the largest battery storage projects in Switzerland. But the reason I'm excited about this is because it's a blueprint as this will be a data center for artificial intelligence paired with battery storage.
最新的消息是福特位于加利福尼亚的“臭鼬工厂”(Skunk Works)团队的首款车型将在2027年推出一款中型皮卡。再加上首席运营官(COO)表示,价格实惠固然很好,但还有两个其他要求。一个是产品必须有差异化,否则很容易被商品化;此外,还必须盈利。这里的成功在于,能否把盈利再投资于业务。这个态度不能算是基于第一性原理的思考。 可再生能源公司R Plus Energies刚刚在犹他州启动了一个太阳能电厂的建设,同时还会配备1.6吉瓦时的电池存储。这些太阳能将由Elite Solar提供,电池存储解决方案则由特斯拉提供。如果所有的电池存储都由特斯拉供应(他们的表述听起来是这样的),那大约需要400个Megapacks(大型电池组),相当于一个价值约4亿美元的合同。公司总裁表示,我们在埃默里县建造这个项目,该地区有145年的煤炭、燃煤和天然气的能源开发历史。我们看未来这些产业可能会逐渐萎缩,或者经济需要多样化,我们认为这是一个很好的切入点,因为这与他们的能源开发历史有某种延续性。以下是项目完成后的效果图,你可以勉强看到特斯拉Megapacks的位置。 这条新闻虽与特斯拉无直接关系,但却是我一直想看到的蓝图。瑞士的一个房地产开发商和建筑公司计划在明年开始建设一个数据中心项目。这个项目计划配备一个不可燃、不可爆的500兆瓦能量存储装置。文章中提到,这些公司还想建造全球最大、最现代化的同类电池存储设施。显然,世界上还有更大的电池存储项目,比如加利福尼亚州科恩县的那个,接近3.3吉瓦时。但我认为他们的意思是,这是同类中最大的一个,即新的不可燃、不可爆的电池存储技术。在这方面,他们没有分享任何细节,但即使不考虑这种新技术,这也将是瑞士最大的电池存储项目之一。但我对此感到兴奋的原因是,这是一个蓝图,因为这个数据中心将为人工智能搭配电池存储。这是一个真正令人期待的发展方向。

There was local reporting in the Philippines that shared this image showing Tesla with a banner saying that their flagship location is set to open into gig in the Philippines by the end of this year. Not only will it be a flagship showroom, but it will also have a dedicated service and after sales center. Typically, Tesla hosts quarterly voting for where customers would like to see the next supercharger location. This year though, it's been a bit different, not operating on that same schedule, most likely due to the supercharger team layoffs earlier this year. There are now finally some winners that have been added to the Tesla supercharger map. In the last round, Canada swept the top five locations in North America, this time around they get two new ones. Some of the other North American locations you can pause the screen if you want to see the cities, but Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Florida, Tennessee, Texas, Colorado, Utah, and Arizona. On X, Tesla charging said the next round for supercharger voting is currently open in Europe, whereas North America and Asia Pacific voting will be coming soon. Sadly, if you're looking for a clear, concise global list from the last round, as far as I can tell, there really is not one out there. It's like Tesla just added some new locations to the map and it's up to everybody to go find the new ones.

Just quickly following up on my sister's story from last week, she actually just sent me this picture of her and her husband's morning routine that they call Tink and Drink. It's become a new part of their daily routine to build habits to focus on wellness and energy optimization. And I can promise you having been there a few times, they need all the energy they can get just to keep up with the farm and their animals. Now yes, AG1 sponsors the channel, but I'd rather you just look at it as an opportunity to feed your body what it needs even when your diet gets off track. I have to say, I do think sometimes we need a little bit of money invested or skin in the game to actually make better decisions. And I also think it makes it a lot easier to say no to the things that we shouldn't be consuming in the first place.
就我上周提到的我妹妹的故事,她刚刚发了一张她和她丈夫早晨例行工作“Tink and Drink”的照片给我。这已经成为他们每日新习惯的一部分,旨在提升身心健康和能量优化。我可以保证,多次去过他们家的我知道,为了应付农场和动物,他们确实需要大量的能量。 是的,AG1赞助了这个频道,但我更希望你把它看作是一个机会,即使在饮食紊乱的时候,也能为身体提供所需的营养。我必须说,有时候我们确实需要一些资金投入或承担责任,才能做出更好的决定。我也认为,这让我们更容易拒绝本不该摄入的东西。

Last week, we talked about Ashwagandha and this week I want to touch on spirulina from pubmed. It's extensively used as a nutraceutical food supplement all over the world. Several scientific publications have suggested its positive effects in various pathologies like cardiovascular disease, hypocalesterolemia, hyperglycemia, obesity, hypertension, tumors and inflammatory diseases. Both Peter Attia and Andrew Huberman are on the AG1 scientific team and Rhonda Patrick has called AG1 a good quality multivitamin and she said she likes the list of micronutrients in AG1. But as I like to say, it doesn't matter what anybody else says, it matters what your body actually needs. I can't answer that, only you can answer that for yourself so I hope to be a voice encouraging you to pay attention to that. If you'd like to try out the 75 vitamins, minerals and probiotics in every AG1 serving for yourself, you can get five travel packs in a one year supply of vitamin D3K2 at drinkag1.com slash electrified linked below or by using the QR code on the screen. Enjoy.
上周我们讨论了冬虫夏草,这周我想通过PubMed来谈谈螺旋藻。它作为一种营养保健食品被全世界广泛使用。许多科学研究表明,螺旋藻对多种疾病有积极的作用,如心血管疾病、低胆固醇、高血糖、肥胖、高血压、肿瘤和炎症性疾病。Peter Attia和Andrew Huberman都是AG1科学团队成员,而Rhonda Patrick称AG1是一种质量很好的多种维生素,她还表示她喜欢AG1中的微量营养素清单。不过正如我常说的,别人说什么并不重要,重要的是你的身体真正需要什么。我无法为你解答这个问题,只有你自己才能回答,所以我希望能成为一个声音,鼓励你关注这一点。如果你想自己试试每份AG1中包含的75种维生素、矿物质和益生菌,可以通过drinkag1.com/ electrified链接或屏幕上的二维码获取一年的维生素D3K2供应,其中包括五个旅行包。享用吧。

Strap on your seatbelt for this one because at least the way I see it, this is outrageous. First of all, this report is coming from the ITUC or the International Trade Union Confederation. They say their primary mission is the promotion and defense of workers' rights and interests through international cooperation between trade unions, global campaigning and advocacy within the major global institutions. This is not some small organization either. If you go to their documents, you can actually find this, their list of affiliated organizations. They have affiliates around the world in 169 different countries. That's enough background. Their latest report is titled Corporate Underminers of Democracy.

They said there's another force, one that is unelected and seeks to dominate global affairs. It pushes a competing vision for the world that maintains inequalities and impunity for bad faith actors, finances far right political operatives, and values private profit over public and planetary good. That force is corporate power. First of all, to make a generalization about global corporations, I think is reckless at best. The ITUC is scrutinizing publicly available research to identify key players in the corporate world that profit by undermining democracy at all levels. The list of companies you're about to see benefits financially by continuing to violate trade union and human rights, monopolize media and technology, exacerbate climate catastrophe, and privatize public services.

I'm not going to read all of this so pause the screen if you want, but here's some of what this organization is pushing for some major reforms for these corporations. Finally, this project will be ongoing to identify market leading companies that are emblematic of corporate power's adverse impact on democracy at work, in societies and in global institutions. And here's the list of Corporate Underminers of Democracy for 2024. Amazon is number one, but you'll also find Tesla at number six. They have a write up about Tesla specifically calling it one of the most belligerent employers. I think by and large, the data and the Tesla millionaires that have been created and the employees there now that love working toward a mission would say that they actually enjoy working at the company. It won't be 100%, but I'm guessing it's certainly a majority.

They go on to talk about Tesla's supply chain and how it relies on nickel mining companies, but we know Tesla has gone to incredible lengths to be very transparent with all of its mining and all of its sourcing and its impact reports. The group complains about deforesting that's happening when we know that Tesla's actually building new and better forests specifically in Gigabirlin. They complain about cobalt in the DR when we know that Tesla is continually becoming less and less reliant on the cobalt that it does use. They continued to spread the disinformation about that $45 million monthly contribution that Elon denied multiple times. And lastly, they went ahead and called Javier Malay and Narendra Modi as far right leaders.

But seriously, can anybody explain to me how Tesla is one of the worst offenders of undermining democracy because they don't have a union? And I'm pretty sure Tesla's actually quite concerned about being good for the planet as it is their main mission of existence. I really don't want to spend much more time on this absurdity, but I did want to highlight this as a reminder that there are absolutely battles between good and evil taking place out in the world and oftentimes they're cloaked in some form of do-gooder mentality. The Tesla China weekly number came in at 14,300 comparing that to the same weekend quarter to that number was 17,500. So quarter over quarter, Tesla China domestically is still up 20.15%.

Week 12 of quarter three last year was 13,500. So year to date, Tesla China is up 18.85%. And for Tesla China to set a new quarterly record for domestic deliveries, they would need to deliver more than 13,600 for the remaining week of the quarter. Honestly, though, whether they hit it or miss it by a few thousand either way in the grand scheme of things, it means nothing, but it's always fun to be able to say new record quarter. The breakdown this week was 5100 Model 3 and 9200 Model Y. It's worth noting there was a Chinese holiday from September 14th through the 17th. So the reading this week could have been slightly impacted.
去年第三季度的第12周,销量是13,500辆。截至目前,特斯拉中国的销量同比增长了18.85%。如果特斯拉中国想要创下新的季度国内交付记录,他们需要在本季度剩下的一周内交付超过13,600辆。不过坦白讲,无论他们是否能多交付几千辆,对整体业绩影响不大,但能够创造新的季度记录总是让人兴奋。本周的具体销量是:Model 3交付了5,100辆,Model Y交付了9,200辆。值得注意的是,9月14日至17日是中国的一个假期,所以本周的销售数据可能会受到些许影响。

Ordinarily, I would hesitate to talk about anything anybody says on the campaign trail, but this one may have implications for Tesla. Trump said today he would put a 100% tariff on every car coming into the United States across the Mexican border. He said the only way they'll get rid of that tariff is if they want to build a plant right here in the United States with you people operating the plant. Elon's already effectively said that Gigamexico is on hold until after the election, so he can see how things shake out. Looking at the data, the number of cars exported from Mexico in 2023 was 3.3 million units. 85% of those were exported to North America. Of that, number 2.55 million cars were exported to the US. My point here is this would clearly have an impact. Not just on Tesla, but the auto industry as well as both Ford and GM import a lot of vehicles from Mexico. One of which is Ford's Mach-E, which last year they redid that factory so they could increase the output capacity.

The burning question in my eyes is if that's even possible given the current USMCA, the US-Mexico Canada trade agreement. Pulling up the document on the USMCA and we find that new capital investments attributable to the USMCA by automakers and battery suppliers totaled around $34 billion. And that really just scratches the surface and please don't misunderstand me here, I'm not trying to argue at all whether this tariff would be good or bad, I'm just trying to lay out the impact that it may have. Kia put out a press release saying it would soon offer NACS adapters for its EV6 and EV9. If you take delivery of one of those vehicles after September 4th this year, you'll get an adapter free of charge. Customer delivery of those free adapters is expected to be early 2025. If you bought one of those two vehicles before September 4th, you'll have to buy an adapter from an authorized Kia dealer. And they said access to the DC fast chargers is planned for January 15th 2025.

One thing I don't like at all about this press release, they did not mention Tesla once. Anytime they mentioned the charging system, they just said DC fast chargers. Guess what Kia, you guys wouldn't have any of this if it wasn't for Tesla, so how about a simple tip of the cap. The UK auto publication Whatcar did an efficiency test with 12 different electric vehicles across price ranges and they concluded that the new model 3 rear wheel drive was the most efficient. It definitely wasn't the most scientific of tests, but interestingly they also included a 9 year old model s. That vehicle actually outlasted two of the brand new electric cars in their test, despite the model s having over 250,000 miles on the odometer. Another pole I find to be a little goofy, but I'll pass it along baby center, which is a parenting and pregnancy resource app surveyed 494 US based parents ages 18 to 54.
我对这份新闻稿有一个很大的不满,他们一次都没有提到特斯拉。每次提到充电系统时,他们只说DC快充。Kia,你们要知道,如果没有特斯拉,你们根本不会有这些技术,所以你们应该对特斯拉表达一下敬意。 英国汽车杂志Whatcar对12款不同价格范围的电动车进行了效率测试,结果发现新的Model 3后轮驱动车型是最节能的。虽然这次测试并不是最科学的,但有趣的是,他们还包括了一辆已经有9年历史的Model S。这辆车在测试中甚至比两辆全新的电动车续航表现更好,尽管Model S的里程表上已经有超过25万英里的行驶记录。 还有一个有点滑稽的调查结果我要分享一下:Baby Center是一个育儿和孕期资源应用,他们调查了494名年龄在18到54岁的美国父母。

The results the best all electric vehicle was the Tesla Model Y baby center found this was the most driven and highest rated EV among those pulled, but only 3% of respondents drive an EV. I will say though, despite the size of the study or the methodology, it is nice to have positive Tesla headlines from the mainstream media every now and again. I've actually been messaging back and forth with some of the team at Nightview Capital as they have a suite of ETFs. Today they put out a blog post about Tesla and autonomy. There was an original piece where Sequoia generously assumed that Google could generate $10 billion in AI revenue every year, while Tesla could generate $5 billion annually from AI. Nightview said we believe these numbers may be off by multiple orders of magnitude.
翻译如下: "结果表明,最好的电动汽车是特斯拉Model Y。Baby Center发现,这款车是调查中使用最多、评价最高的电动车,但只有3%的受访者驾驶电动车。不过,不论研究的规模或方法如何,看到主流媒体上有关于特斯拉的正面报道还是很不错的。实际上,我最近一直在和Nightview Capital的一些团队成员交流,因为他们有一系列ETF。今天他们发布了一篇关于特斯拉和自动驾驶的博客文章。原文中,Sequoia慷慨地假设谷歌每年可以通过AI产生100亿美元的收入,而特斯拉每年可以从AI中产生50亿美元。Nightview表示,我们认为这些数字可能相差多个数量级。"

In Sequoia's piece they left out autonomy, which explains everything you need to know. Much of the blog post was things that this audience will already know, however I will include a link below if you want to check it out. I think the most valuable part of the post was where they contrasted Tesla's approach, which we know is vision based, scalable, data driven, and compared that to Waymos, which is sensor rich, methodical, and safety first. But I think that latter part is misleading because Tesla's approach is definitely safety first. There are some things they say I would have some intellectual pushback for, for example on Tesla's side they said the cost efficient hardware is about $1,500 per vehicle. That's clearly just them talking about the cameras and the computer. Then on the Waymos side, they said a fully equipped Waymo vehicle costs about $120,000 due to reliance on expensive sensors.
在 Sequoia 的文章中,他们忽略了自主性这一点,这恰恰解释了一切你需要知道的。文章的大部分内容对于这个读者群体来说已经是熟知的,不过,如果你感兴趣的话,我会在下面附上一个链接。 我认为文章中最有价值的部分是他们对比了特斯拉和 Waymo 的方法。我们知道特斯拉的方法是基于视觉的、可扩展的、数据驱动的,而 Waymo 的方法则是传感器丰富的、按步骤进行的、安全优先的。但我认为后面这一点有些误导,因为特斯拉的方法显然也是安全优先的。文章中有些说法我会提出一些批评,比如他们提到特斯拉的硬件成本大约为每辆车1500美元,这显然只是指摄像头和计算机。而在 Waymo 方面,他们说一辆装备齐全的 Waymo 车辆成本约为 12 万美元,因为依赖昂贵的传感器。

For Waymo they have the entire vehicle cost and the suite, whereas for Tesla they just have the suite. Other than that though they really do get the overall story and I do think this can be a valuable resource to share with people that are new to the story. And I hear a lot of progress being made, is that really the case? We think so and we've had the opportunity to write in different iterations of the version 12 and then most recently a 12.5 maybe two weeks ago. And there's been the pace of progress is accelerating and this is really because as they've talked about they're no longer compute constrained. They do have this millions of cars on the road gathering data there and it is a full end-to-end machine learning versus in the past or the pieces of the software that people buy the code. And so I think that's one thing that we're trying to emphasize is that this is accelerating at a faster pace than it has in a passing any other so much skepticism. It's less because it's always been one year out one year out. But we do think that you know they're getting closer to this.

You guys may remember that Mercedes EV that caught on fire in an apartment building in South Korea a couple weeks back. This one was actually a big deal given the density of the population and it spread around the news like wildfire. Pun intended I guess but since then companies like Hyundai, GM and Porsche have taken the matter into their own hands by voluntarily disclosing their battery suppliers and offering free safety inspections to EV owners. Which brings me to the point I wanted to make in that I think all companies selling electric vehicles should make it public information where the batteries and the battery packs come from. I'll be honest I don't know if that's asking for too much or if it would be giving away too much proprietary information but for one of the most critical and expensive parts of your electric vehicle I think it would be nice to know. I wanted to pose it to you guys honestly what would you think about that.
大家可能还记得,几周前在韩国的一栋公寓楼里起火的那辆奔驰电动汽车。这件事在当时非常严重,因为人口密集,而且新闻传播得非常快,真的是“像野火一样”蔓延开了。自那以后,像现代、通用和保时捷这样的公司自主披露了它们的电池供应商,并为电动汽车车主提供了免费的安全检查服务。 我想借此机会表达一个观点,就是我认为所有销售电动汽车的公司都应该公开电池和电池组的来源。坦白讲,我不知道这是否要求太多,或者是否会泄露太多专有信息,但考虑到这是你电动汽车中最关键和最昂贵的部分之一,我认为知道这些信息会很有帮助。我诚实地想问问大家,你们对此怎么看?

Ryan Fitzpatrick who used to be a quarterback in the NFL posted on X note to Tesla owners when using actually smart summon make sure the garage is more than halfway up. Apparently somehow actually smart summon did not realize that the garage door was not all the way up so this is one where I would definitely like a bit more information. On that front Tesla scope said a massive wave of FSD12.5.4 and ASS just went out to tens of thousands of vehicles moments ago. All prior versions and vehicle hardware are included in this push. This is certainly an encouraging sign for an eventual wide release of this version. If this wave goes well maybe another week or two for a wide release.
前NFL四分卫Ryan Fitzpatrick在X平台上发布了一条信息,提醒特斯拉车主在使用“智能召唤”功能时,确保车库门至少升到一半以上。显然,某些情况下,智能召唤功能没有意识到车库门并没有完全升起,因此这方面的信息我非常希望能有更多了解。 此外,Tesla Scope透露,刚刚有一大批FSD 12.5.4和ASS更新推送到了成千上万辆特斯拉车辆上。所有之前的版本和车辆硬件都包含在此次更新中。这是一个非常积极的信号,预示着这个版本可能会迎来广泛发布。如果这一波更新效果良好,可能再一两周后就会进行大范围发布。

After a six year hiatus Tesla will be back to the Paris auto show with the sexy lineup and the Cybertruck and Optimus. The show takes place October 14th to the 20th and they said Tesla will also present its energy solutions. I won't dive into it because it's not really Tesla or EV related but Elon has been meeting with many world leaders over the past few days handing out awards but one that could be related he said my companies are actively looking for ways to invest in and support Argentina. Tesla stock is continuing its nice little run up here ending the day at $254.27 up 1.71% while the NASDAQ was up 0.56%. It was a normal volume day for Tesla trading about 11 million shares above the average volume the past 30 days. Don't forget check out AG1 linked below if you're interested grab those freebies and as always thank you in advance if you do. Hope you guys have a wonderful day please like the video if you did you can find me on X linked below and a huge thank you to all of my patreon supporters.
在六年间歇之后,特斯拉将携带其吸引人的车型阵容、Cybertruck和Optimus重返巴黎车展。车展将在10月14日至20日举行,他们表示特斯拉还将展示其能源解决方案。我不会深入探讨这一点,因为它不完全与特斯拉或电动车相关,但最近几天,Elon Musk与许多世界领导人会面并颁发了奖项,其中一个可能相关的他表示我的公司正在积极寻找方式投资和支持阿根廷。特斯拉的股票继续小幅上涨,当天收盘价为254.27美元,上涨1.71%,而纳斯达克指数上涨了0.56%。当天的交易量正常,大约为1100万股,超过了过去30天的平均交易量。不要忘记查看下方链接的AG1,如果你感兴趣可以领取一些免费赠品,提前对你的支持表示感谢。希望大家有一个美好的一天,如果你喜欢这个视频请点赞,你可以通过下面的链接找到我,非常感谢所有的Patreon支持者。

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