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Proof: They Were Wrong About Tesla / Major 4680 Update / Mercedes: LOL ⚡️

发布时间 2024-09-12 00:34:00    来源
Welcome to Electrified, it's your host Dylan Loomis, a quick shout out to the three of you who used my Tesla referral link recently. I know there are plenty of links available out there, so thank you for choosing mine. Ben H, Lawrence A and Derwin S, congratulations on your new Tesla. Troy Tesla made this data public that we've been talking about really all year. He said in the first eight months of this year, Tesla sales across the EU are at 198.3,000 down 16.6% from 237.8%. During the same period last year. Starting in March of this year, the 2024 sales have been below the 2023 trend. So as we've been saying, yes, domestically in China, things have been going well for Tesla recently, but across the EU and in the United States, it's a bit of a different story.
欢迎来到 Electrified,我是你的主持人 Dylan Loomis,先特别感谢最近使用我特斯拉推荐链接的三位朋友。我知道网上有很多推荐链接可以选择,所以感谢你们选择了我的。Ben H、Lawrence A 和 Derwin S,恭喜你们购买了新的特斯拉。Troy Tesla 公开了我们几乎整年都在讨论的数据。他说,今年前八个月,特斯拉在欧盟的销量达到19.83万辆,比去年的23.78万辆下降了16.6%。从今年三月开始,2024年的销售数据就一直低于2023年的趋势。正如我们所说的那样,虽然特斯拉最近在中国国内市场表现不错,但在欧盟和美国的情况却不尽如人意。

Plus, more sales in China domestically and less across the EU will likely be a margin headwind for Tesla as the EU sales are widely accepted to have higher margins than the China sales. Plus, Tesla is still offering very low APRs across China, so yeah, the Cybertruck will continue scaling and nearing profitability later this year. But there are certainly still negative margin trends out there, like this one. Here's another chart that Troy made public. We have Tesla deliveries in the US for the first half of last year, and here it is for the first half of this year. Looking at the USA column for last year, the number was 328.3,000 in the first half of the year. Meanwhile, throughout the first half of this year, in the US, Tesla is at 290.6,000. As always, though, there's more to the story we had the Model 3 changeover earlier this year that has had a big impact on Model 3 sales. They have since recovered out of the Fremont factory, but in the first half of this year, that was a huge factor.
此外,特斯拉在中国国内的销量增加,而在欧盟的销量减少,这很可能会成为特斯拉利润率上的一个不利因素,因为普遍认为欧盟的销售利润率比中国的销售利润率要高。此外,特斯拉仍在全中国提供非常低的年利率,所以,是的,Cybertruck 将会继续扩大规模,并在今年晚些时候接近盈利。但肯定仍然存在一些负面的利润率趋势,比如这个。这里有另一个图表,是 Troy 公开的。我们有去年的前半年特斯拉在美国的交付数据,这是今年前半年的数据。看去年美国的数据,去年上半年特斯拉在美国交付了32.83万台车。而今年上半年,特斯拉在美国交付了29.06万台。不过,故事并不止于此。我们今年早些时候进行了 Model 3 的换代,这对 Model 3 的销量产生了巨大影响。尽管它们后来从弗里蒙特工厂恢复了产量,但在今年上半年,这是一个重要因素。

This final table, by the way, is the difference between the first half this year and the first half last year. I said it a few weeks ago, I'll say it again, there's a very real chance at the end of this year, Tesla's sales are actually lower than they were for 2023, which would be the first annual decrease for Tesla in its history. And again, if that happens, just prepare yourself for the media frenzy that will ensue. On X, B-Law shared a pretty great story. He convinced a close friend to buy a Tesla. Right away, told him to buy a USB drive for the dashcam footage. Two days later, his friend got in a bad accident. He never got the USB, and his whole family assumed the accident was his fault. But they submitted a data privacy request to Tesla, and within one day, Tesla had emailed him a zip file of some video footage from the accident. They had all angles of the crash, and the truth was clear, the other driver was 100% at fault, his friend was exonerated, and a six-figure settlement followed a settlement that changed his life. These of course are the Tesla features we hope that we never need, but I don't think it's talked about nearly enough that they're there in this type of scenario, how many people have no idea.
顺便提一下,这张最终表格显示的是今年上半年与去年上半年的差异。我几周前提到过这一点,现在再说一次,今年年底的时候,特斯拉的销量很有可能比2023年还低,这将是特斯拉历史上的首次年销量下降。如果真的发生了这种情况,请准备好面对媒体的狂热报道。 在 X 平台上,B-Law 分享了一个很棒的故事。他说服了一位好友购买了一辆特斯拉,并立即告诉他要买一个用于行车记录仪的USB驱动器。两天后,他的朋友发生了严重事故。他并没有买USB,全家人都认为是他的过错。之后,他们向特斯拉提交了数据隐私请求。一天内,特斯拉通过电子邮件发来了一些事故视频的压缩文件。从视频的各个角度来看,真相非常清楚:事故完全是由另一位司机引起的。他的朋友被证明是清白的,并获得了一个六位数的赔偿,这改变了他的生活。 这些当然是我们希望永远不需要用到的特斯拉功能,但很多人并不知道在这种情况下这些功能的存在。这一点我们讨论得还远远不够。

And then Nick Patein actually shared some images of one of these Tesla privacy requests. Here's one of these vehicle data reports, or VDRs. You get the time from impact for things like auto steer, cruise control, the brake application, and the seat belt status. You get a plot of your vehicle's speed and time, the area of detected impact, the date, the time, and precise location data. And there's multiple pages like this, so just to share one more, you get things like the accelerator pedal position, and same with your brakes, and again, your speed. But the fact that Tesla may also have all of the angles of the video footage, even if you don't have a USB on board, is an underrated feature. Get your USB and learn how to use it, but more people should be aware of features like this. If you ever want or need a copy of your Tesla data, you can go to Tesla.com slash contact us, and I'll have this link below.
然后,Nick Patein 实际上分享了一些特斯拉隐私请求的图像。这是其中一个车辆数据报告(VDR)。你可以从中获取诸如自动转向、巡航控制、刹车应用和安全带状态的碰撞时间信息。你还可以看到车辆速度和时间的图表、检测到的碰撞区域、日期、时间和精确位置数据。这类报告有多页,因此再分享一页内容,你可以看到油门踏板位置、刹车状态,再次显示速度。但特斯拉可能还保存了所有角度的视频录像,即使你的车上没有插入USB,这也是一个被低估的功能。拿一个USB并学会如何使用它,但更多的人应该知道这样的功能。如果你需要或想要一份你的特斯拉数据副本,你可以访问Tesla.com/contactus,我会在下面提供这个链接。

Jordan from the limiting factor made his generation 2 4680 teardown from UC San Diego video public. As the kids would say, it's a banger, it has a ton of great information, I would still encourage you to definitely watch the whole video, but I want to share the highlights for those short on time. The TLDW, the energy density is up 11.5% on the Gen 2 cell compared to Gen 1, the new nominal energy density 272Wh per kilogram. This is on par with Panasonic's 2170 cell, and the Gen 1 was 244Wh per kilogram. The two main reasons for this improvement, a thinner cell can and a higher energy density cathode material. On the former, the Gen 1 cell can was 0.6mm in thickness, whereas with the Gen 2, that's down to 0.4mm. So they've reduced the thickness of the can itself by about 33%.
Jordan 通过《极限因素》平台公开了他在加州大学圣地亚哥分校进行的第二代4680电池拆解视频。正如年轻人会说的,这个视频非常精彩,信息量很大。我还是强烈建议大家完整观看这个视频,但对于时间紧张的朋友们,我想分享一些重点内容。 视频内容概述:第二代电池的能量密度比第一代提升了11.5%,新电池的标称能量密度达到每公斤272瓦时。这与松下的2170电池相当,而第一代电池的能量密度是每公斤244瓦时。能量密度提升有两大主要原因:更薄的电池外壳和更高能量密度的正极材料。具体来说,第一代电池的外壳厚度是0.6毫米,而第二代电池的外壳厚度减少到0.4毫米,厚度降低了大约33%。

On the latter point in the chemistry, generation 1, it was nickel manganese cobalt 811, the numbers being 80% nickel, 10% manganese, 10% cobalt. But we get a change with the Gen 2 chemistry, it's now NMC 955. 90% nickel, 5% manganese, 5% cobalt. More nickel leads to greater energy densities, and Jordan did say he's not aware of the chemistry with a greater percentage of nickel and a lower percentage of cobalt. In the table he shared at the bottom, we have the Gen 2 cell, and you can see the cobalt percentage is down to 5.24%. If you compare that to the Gen 1 cell in the table above, you'll find the cobalt percentage at 12.4% and 11.92%. He sent in two different Gen 1 cells. So comparing the Gen 2 cell to batch 2 of the Gen 1 cell, the cobalt content has been reduced by over 57%. Despite these improvements, the Gen 2 cell still does not contain any silicon, the anode is pure graphite. So chemistry wise, the anode is largely the same as Gen 1, but with Gen 2, the anode is 4% less thick. The cathode thickness is also down by 17%, which can reduce heat generation during charge and discharge and could improve charging speeds in the future.

During the teardown, as expected, it was confirmed this cell was only using dry batter electrode for the anode, but Tesla has told us they're expecting to go full-dry by quarter-four of this year, which means DBE finally for the cathode. We're also still expecting that Cybertruck charge curve update improvement that drew Baglino promised back in April. Jordan said if and when Tesla starts adding silicon to the cell, then this could boost the watt hours per kilogram up to 300. Plus, Tesla still has other improvements it can make to the cell like lithium doping and asymmetric lamination. But as it is right now, this Gen 2 4680 cell is on par with the best high nickel battery cells on the market, and again, that's before the production. And that's supposed to be one of the biggest breakthroughs. Now, I'm sure many of you out there are well aware of all of the negativity around the 4680 project this past year, which really all started thanks to one Reuters report.
在拆解过程中,正如预期的那样,我们确认这个电池仅在阳极使用了干电极技术。然而,特斯拉告诉我们,他们预计在今年第四季度将全面实现干电极技术,这意味着阴极部分也将使用干电极技术。我们还期待着Cybertruck的充电曲线更新改进,这是Drew Baglino在四月份许诺的。Jordan表示,如果特斯拉开始在电池中添加硅,那么每公斤瓦时的能量密度可能会上升到300。此外,特斯拉还可以对电池进行其他改进,比如锂掺杂和不对称层压。目前,这种第二代4680电池已经可以与市场上最好的高镍电池相媲美,而且这还是在大量生产之前。而大量生产被认为是最大的突破之一。我相信你们很多人都意识到去年围绕着4680项目的负面消息,这些消息主要源于路透社的一篇报道。

Separately, there was this report that Cybertruck deliveries were being held hostage by 4680 problems. We literally had some analysts and industry observers saying that if Tesla doesn't figure out 4680 soon, they may scrap the program altogether by the end of this year if they don't hit certain targets. Right when that came out, I said to me, that sounds like nonsense. Even if they missed the targets by the end of this year, it would make no sense to scrap that entire program after all of the work they've put in. Especially given that we've actually known they've continually been making progress, it was just a bit slower than some we're hoping for. But thanks to Jordan and people like Brian from Futuraza and the whole team that was involved in this teardown and this study, we now have reliable data that really tells us Tesla is actually one of the big boys now. The Gen 2 4680 cell is already on par with Panasonic's 2170s with a full roadmap of improvements still ahead. And Tesla is doing this while reducing the cobalt content significantly and Jordan also said that Tesla may be working on an NMC 973 which would lower the cobalt content even further.
顺便一提,有报道称Cybertruck的交付因4680电池问题受到阻碍。一些分析师和行业观察人士甚至表示,如果特斯拉不尽快解决4680电池问题,他们可能会在今年年底前,如果未达成某些目标,就完全放弃这个项目。这个消息一出来,我的第一反应就是,这听起来像是无稽之谈。即使他们今年年底没有达成目标,也不可能在投入了这么多工作之后完全放弃这个项目。尤其是我们已经知道他们一直在取得进展,只是进度比一些人预期的要慢一点。但多亏了Jordan以及来自Futuraza的Brian和参与拆解与研究的整个团队,现在我们有了可靠的数据,确实表明特斯拉现在已经跻身大玩家之列。第二代4680电池已经达到了松下2170电池的水平,而且还有完整的改进计划。而且特斯拉在降低钴含量方面也取得了进展,Jordan还提到特斯拉可能正在研发一种NMC 973电池,这将进一步降低钴的含量。

Now there's no guarantee that Tesla can scale up mass production of the DBE for the cathode but there are a lot of signs that they're making great progress from that regard. Even if Tesla could not pull that off, they already have a competitive cell that they're producing themselves making them less reliant on third parties. But if they can crack the cathode DBE production at scale later this year and add in these future improvements, things are now looking incredibly bright for the 4680 program. Most people really won't understand the magnitude of this statement but Tesla has a clear path to become an industry leader when it comes to making batteries vertically integrated and if they can reach mass scale, the costs will continue to come down putting them in a beautiful situation. Not too bad for just a car company. And I would strongly encourage you to go watch Jordan's full video. There's plenty of other detail I did not include. I'll have it linked below.

Like it, share it around, show him your appreciation for content like this. And again, this wouldn't have happened without people like Brian from Futuraza contributing greatly so I'll have his link below as well. Go follow him, show him some support. He's been a long time friend of the channel and his Tesla coverage is criminally underrated. Omar said, 10-10 will be the most significant moment for Tesla since the unveil of the Model 3, to which Elon said, in my opinion, yes. Forbes was reporting how the Irvine Police Department bought a Foundation Series Cybertruck. They said the Cybertruck won't be used for patrolling and will instead become part of the department's drug abuse resistance education unit or DARE. It's something we can highlight at our events where kids can come and take pictures.
喜欢的话就分享给大家,向创作者表达你的感谢。这些内容的出现离不开像Futuraza的Brian这样的人,他做出了很大的贡献,所以我会把他的链接放在下方。去关注他,给他一些支持。他是我们频道的老朋友,他的特斯拉报道非常出色但没有得到应有的认可。Omar说,10月10日将是特斯拉自Model 3发布以来最重要的时刻,Elon表示,他也同意这个观点。据报道,Irvine警察局购买了一辆Foundation系列的Cybertruck。他们表示这辆车不会用于巡逻,而是将成为该局的防毒品教育计划的一部分,也就是DARE。这将是我们在活动中展示的东西,孩子们可以来拍照。

This is a smaller one but highlights a bigger trend that Tesla's been undergoing lately and that's buying up distressed properties to convert into showrooms and service centers. This time around in North Hollywood, Tesla will take over a vacant Kmart to turn it into a showroom, service center and vehicle spray booth. They said the building should be ready for operation, potentially within the next 30 days. Another one along the same lines, Tesla's taking over an old theater building that they planned to convert into a delivery and customer pickup center. This one in Chatsworth, California. If you happen to be in Anaheim, California, today or tomorrow you can visit Tesla at the largest renewable energy event in North America. The Tesla setup and team will be in Hall D like Dylan.

As Sawyer pointed out, the Tesla shop in China is now offering a Model Y rear skylight which is really more of a canopy for about 100 US dollars. It's waterproof with UV50 protection and they said it's easy to install without additional fixing to the ground. So hopefully this eventually makes its way to North America. Heinrich Zane gave us a pretty detailed video about the Tesla semi-factory progress. So if you're into construction especially, I think this video would appeal to you. And I did want to share this view as things are now coming together pretty quickly after months and months of not much of anything. James May, who has had an illustrious media career, finally got a chance to drive the cyber truck in Fun Fact. He actually owns a Model 3 refresh. So I would just like to say about the cyber truck because it's got the quietest electric windows I've ever encountered.
正如索耶指出的那样,特斯拉在中国的商店现在提供一种售价约为100美元的Model Y后天窗,实际上更像是一种车顶蓬。它是防水的,并具有UV50的防紫外线保护,他们表示安装很容易,不需要额外固定到地面。希望这种产品最终也能在北美推出。海因里希·赞恩(Heinrich Zane)给我们带来了一个关于特斯拉半导体工厂进展的详细视频。所以,如果你对建筑感兴趣的话,我觉得这个视频会吸引你。我想分享一下目前的情况,在几个月几乎没有任何动静之后,现在一切都开始快速成形了。詹姆斯·梅(James May)拥有光辉的媒体生涯,终于有机会试驾了赛博卡车。顺便说一句,他实际拥有一辆Model 3改版。我想说的是,赛博卡车的电动车窗是我遇到过的最安静的。

For that, I think that's probably better than an S-Class. Okay, look, here's what I think. I think the cyber truck is actually very ballsy and quite humorous. But I am quite glad it exists and if I could make a little appeal to Elon Musk, could you make something about the size of the Model Y or maybe even a little bit smaller, still like a Tesla, still with all this Tesla stuff on it, but styled like this? I'd go for that. Honestly, kind of an underwhelming video overall, but maybe the cyber cab will appeal to James in the future. And how about this study I found the effects of EV charging stations on the economic vitality of local businesses. I said earlier this week, most business owners should be rushing to get chargers at their locations as soon as possible.
对此,我认为这可能比S级车更好。好吧,听我说,这是我的看法。我觉得这个Cybertruck(赛博卡车)真的很大胆,也挺幽默的。但我很高兴它的存在。如果可以的话,我想对埃隆·马斯克提个小建议,你能不能做个尺寸和Model Y差不多,或者再小一点的车?依然是特斯拉风格,依然保留特斯拉的所有特色,但外形像这样的?我会选择这样的车。老实说,整体上这个视频有点乏善可陈,但也许未来的赛博出租车会吸引到James的注意。还有,我找到了一个研究,研究的是电动车充电站对当地企业经济活力的影响。我这周早些时候说过,大多数商业老板应该尽快在他们的场所安装充电设备。

The study analyzed data from over 4,000 EV charging stations and 140,000 business establishments in California. Results show installing one EV charging station boost annual spending at a nearby establishment by 1.4%. Or about $1,500 in 2019 and then 0.8% about $400 from 2021 to 2023. The effect is more pronounced when a point of interest is within 100 meters of an EV charging station, where spending increases by 2.7% in 2019 and 3.2% from 2021 to 2023. EV chargers tend to attract higher income exploratory visitors and local residents. Moreover, they notably enhance business in underprivileged areas defined as disadvantaged or low income areas. The study highlights EV charging stations as drivers of local economic growth and stresses the economic benefits of multi-host EV charging station setups.

It's kind of obvious to us, but we've had some weddings earlier this year and the hotels we had to stay in, most of them still don't have EV chargers. We got a new press release from this company, Factorial, that's been working on all solid state batteries, and they're saying they've come up with something in partnership with Mercedes-Benz. The press release highlights all of the breakthroughs of their all solid state battery solstice. They're touting energy density of up to 450Wh per kilogram, and get this incorporates a novel, dry cathode design for more efficient and sustainable production. I bet that sounds familiar. Solstice's high energy density can extend EV range up to 80% while significantly reducing vehicle weight and increasing vehicle efficiency. I'm sure everybody's thinking, alright, awesome, when can I buy this 500 plus mile range Mercedes? Well, they said Solstice is expected to be available to customers by the end of the decade.

Now, if you ask me, this press release is about 5 years too early. I'm still out here hoping that Tesla either invests in XAI or it's opened up to Tesla investors somehow, and along those lines, OpenAI is now in talks to raise $6.5 billion at a valuation of $150 billion, which is a pre-money valuation and one that's a bit higher than the $86 billion valuation that people were talking about earlier this year. However, the sources that I shared for everything I said in the original post were mainstream media articles. However, some of the sources that I cited for everything I said in the original post were actually mainstream media articles. Thus, people were saying, I'm a hypocrite. But, just because I would argue that a majority of the articles coming from mainstream media are filled with noise, does not mean that they can't ever add some value here and there. There are still some good journalists working at these companies that bring insight we would not otherwise have if it weren't for them.
现在,如果你问我的话,这份新闻稿至少早了5年。我仍然希望特斯拉要么投资于XAI,要么以某种方式向特斯拉投资者开放。与此同时,OpenAI 正在洽谈以 1500 亿美元的估值筹集 65 亿美元,这个估值比今年早些时候人们谈论的860亿美元估值要高得多。然而,我在原帖中分享的所有信息来源都是主流媒体的报道。因此,有些人说我是个伪君子。但我想说,大多数来自主流媒体的文章虽然充满了噪音,但并不意味着它们完全没有价值,还有一些好的记者在这些公司工作,他们带来了我们可能不会获得的见解。

What I'm trying to get at here, especially after the debate the other night, is that we need to deploy discernment no matter who we're listening to, no matter what we're reading. And look, a lot of the news we talk about on this very channel comes from the mainstream media. Some of it's been true and others have been egregiously false. But this right here, what Elon said hits home to me because there's people very close to me that I've seen being fleeced or programmed, whatever you want to call it, about many different topics. And many times when I meet somebody new, they'll ask what I do, I tell them, and then they go on a mini rant about something about Tesla and it's usually negative. And most of the time, it's coming from legacy media or the nightly news. So yeah, I plan to continually call out the media categorically because I think it's well warranted, but that does not mean there aren't still some gems that we can extract from this overall industry. And the hope is that citizen journalism ultimately takes over in the long run and slowly replaces this media establishment. But that's enough ranting.

I really do need any electrified after dark. Tesla stock closed the day at $228.13 up 0.87% while the NASDAQ was up 2.17%. It was a normal volume day for Tesla trading about 8 million shares above the average volume the past 30 days. Hope you guys have a wonderful day. Please like the video if you did. You can find me on X-linked below and a huge thank you to all of my Patreon supporters.

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