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Elon Drops New Optimus Timeline / Wall St. Firm Flips on TSLA / Tesla & Uber Deepen Ties ⚡️

发布时间 2024-09-11 00:33:26    来源
Welcome to Electrified, it's your host, Dylan Loomis. Quick shout out to my updated patron, Leo S. Thank you for continuing to support the channel. Thanks to the US presidential debate tonight, I will be aiming for more brevity than usual to be mindful of everybody's time. On Tesla's IR page, they've made it official. The Robotax event will be in Los Angeles. You can now sign up for a chance to attend the event on October 10th. It's a random drawing and all entries must be received by September 17th. Invitations are non-transferable, and to enter, you'll have to verify you own shares as of July 31st this year. Travis Axelrod, who works at IR at Tesla, said each share that you own will be an entry into the random drawing. The results will be announced the week of September 23rd, and they said space is extremely limited. To everyone hoping to attend, from yesterday, I wanted to clarify on the 4680 report, the Panasonic plant in Kansas right now is only 2170 production, but there have been reports that eventually they plan to expand for 4680 production. Nikkei has reported that this new investment Panasonic is considering for the Kansas factory could be roughly the size of Panasonic's current DeSoto plant, or around $4 billion. And that the additional capacity is to be used for the production of 4680 cylindrical cells. We're hoping to hear an official decision from Panasonic by the end of this year.
欢迎来到Electrified频道,我是你们的主持人Dylan Loomis。首先感谢我的新晋支持者Leo S. 感谢你继续支持我们的频道。由于今晚有美国总统辩论,我会尽量简短一些,以节省大家的时间。 在特斯拉的投资者关系页面,他们已经正式宣布了机器人出租车活动将在洛杉矶举行。你现在可以报名,争取参加10月10日的活动。报名采用随机抽签,所有报名必须在9月17日前提交。请注意,邀请不可转让。要报名,你必须验证自己在今年7月31日之前已持有特斯拉股票。特斯拉投资者关系部门的Travis Axelrod表示,你每持有一股股票就相当于获得一次抽签机会。结果将于9月23日那一周宣布,他们表示名额非常有限。 对于希望参加活动的朋友们,从昨天开始,我想澄清一下关于4680报告的内容,当前位于堪萨斯的松下工厂目前只生产2170电池,但有报道称他们计划最终扩展到生产4680电池。Nikkei报道,这笔松下考虑用于堪萨斯工厂的新投资,规模可能与目前的DeSoto工厂相当,大约为40亿美元。而新增的产能将用于生产4680圆柱形电池。我们希望能在今年年底前听到松下的正式决定。

Honestly, though, US-made 2170s should mean great things for Tesla vehicles qualifying for tax credits into the future. If they're still around in the future. Ark Invest put this out today talking about Tesla's new AI roadmap. Tasha said Elon suggested in June the time between interventions was approaching one year's worth of driving, which on average would be equivalent to every 12,000 miles. Again, though, as I've been saying, where this data is actually coming from is anybody's guess. Ark is estimating for Tesla to compete with Uber or Waymo, Tesla would need only 10,000 cars to offer similar levels of service in a US city, suggesting CapEx of $250 million or about $25,000 per car. Obviously, I think the actual number of cars Tesla would need would be very dependent on what that city is, but that's what Ark is saying. We're now exactly 30 days away from the event.

The EU has made another round of small downward revisions for the new tariffs for EVs from China. Last time, they said Tesla's rate would be 9%, but they're dropping that again down to 7.8%. It may not be major, but on every $40,000 car, that extra 1.2% is going to save somebody $480 per car. I say somebody because it will be up to Tesla to ultimately determine what level of these additional costs they'll be paying for will flow through to the end consumer. The new highest rate for Chinese producers is now 35.3% down 1% from before. These rates still are not set in stone, they could continue to be adjusted as discussions between the EU and relevant parties continue. Elon sat down with the besties at the All-In Summit and he did have a few comments Tesla related. It's a Tesla designed AI inference computer, which by the way, still the best.
欧盟对中国电动车的新关税进行了新一轮小幅下调。上次,他们表示特斯拉的关税率为9%,但这次又降到了7.8%。虽然降幅不大,但对于每辆4万美元的汽车来说,这额外的1.2%可以为每辆车省下480美元。我说“某个人”,是因为最终由特斯拉决定到底有多少这些额外的成本会传递给终端消费者。现在,中国生产商的最高关税率降到了35.3%,比之前降低了1%。这些关税率还不是最终确定的,随着欧盟和相关方的讨论继续,可能还会调整。埃隆在All-In Summit会议上与好友们坐下来,他确实发表了一些关于特斯拉的评论。他提到特斯拉设计的AI推理计算机,顺便说一句,仍然是最好的。

There isn't a better thing we could buy from suppliers. So the Tesla designed AI inference computer that's in the cars is better than anything we could buy from any supplier. By the way, that's one talking point I rarely see people on Wall Street mention every time they talk about Tesla competitors moving to these end to end large training models. None of them are really saying what these competitors are going to use for the inference part of that equation. You can't get AI for off the shelf. You know, there's this training inference and we do have those two projects at Tesla. We've got Dojo, which is the training computer and then our inference chip, which is in every car inference computer. And Dojo, we've only had Dojo 1. Dojo 2 is we should have Dojo 2 in volume towards the end of next year. And that will be, we think, sort of comparable to sort of a B200 type type system, a training system. So I guess there's some potential for that to be used as a service. I guess I have some improved confidence in Dojo, but I think we won't really know how good Dojo is until probably version three. It usually takes three major iterations on a technology for it to be excellent. And we'll only have the second major iteration next year.
我们不能从供应商那里买到更好的东西。因此,特斯拉设计的车内AI推理计算机比我们能从任何供应商那里购买的任何产品都要好。顺便说一句,我很少看到华尔街的人在讨论特斯拉的竞争对手转向这些端到端的大型训练模型时提到这一点。他们并没有真正说出这些竞争对手会使用什么来进行推理部分的计算。你无法从货架上直接买到AI。要知道,AI分为训练和推理两个部分,而我们在特斯拉也有这两个项目。我们有Dojo,这是训练计算机,还有我们的推理芯片,每辆车上都有一个推理计算机。Dojo,我们目前只有Dojo 1,而Dojo 2,我们预计将在明年底实现量产。在那时,我们认为这个系统将会大致相当于B200类型的训练系统。因此,这可能有潜力被用作一种服务。我对Dojo的信心有所提高,但我认为我们可能要等到第三版才能真正了解Dojo的性能。通常一项技术需要经过三次重大迭代才能变得非常出色,而我们明年只会有第二次重大迭代。

The third iteration, I don't know, maybe late, you know, 26 or something like that. So, so optimist, obviously, is humanoid robot. It is way as much less than it's much smaller than a car. So the, you could expect that in high volume, and I'd say that you also probably need three production versions of optimists and then you need scale production to sort of the million unit plus per year level. I think at that point, you know, the labor and materials on optimists is probably not much more than $10,000. Optimists will cost less than a small car at scale volume with three major iterations of technology. And so if a small car, you know, costs $25,000, you know, it's probably like a $20,000 for an optimist. I would say major iterations are less than two years. So it's probably on the order of five years, maybe six to get to a million years a year.

He did have some other Tesla commentary in the chat, but it's largely things that we've heard many times before. When it comes to Dojo as a service for third party training, I would not expect anything like that from Tesla until 2028 at the earliest. As Elon said, in a sense, they're really just working to ramp up to the third iteration of Dojo, which may be coming late 2026, but most likely sometime in 2027 or 28. However, by far, my biggest takeaway from those clips was that Elon said he has improved confidence when it comes to Dojo. The last few months publicly, Elon has been pouring a bit of cold water on the Dojo narrative, so this was a nice change of pace.

The weekly Tesla China number came in at 16,200 comparing that to the same week in quarter two, that number was 12,000. Thus quarter over quarter, Tesla China domestically is now up 25.2%. Comparing this weekly number two quarter three of last year, that number was 10,700. So year over year, Tesla China domestically is now up 15.5%. For this metric to hit a new quarterly record over the last three weeks of the quarter, they would need to average just over 14,500 per week. With the incentives currently available in the Chinese market, that is squarely in play. That's another great reading for Tesla China for the week, and just a fun fact, I found the breakdown for Model 3 and why this week it was 6400 for the new Model 3, which is the second best week ever since they started delivering the refreshed Model 3.
特斯拉中国的周度数据显示,本周为16200辆,而在第二季度的同一周,这一数字是12000辆。因此,环比增长了25.2%。与去年第三季度的同一周相比,当时的数字是10700辆,所以同比增长了15.5%。为了在这个季度的最后三周内创下季度新纪录,他们每周需要平均交付超过14500辆汽车。鉴于目前中国市场上的各种激励措施,这是完全有可能的。这是特斯拉中国本周的又一个好消息。顺便提一下,我查到了关于Model 3的具体数据,本周新款Model 3的交付量为6400辆,这是自开始交付改款Model 3以来的第二高周度交付量。

This one may be more for me, but as a Florida guy at heart, the flagship Tesla location in Sarasota has just opened December 3rd of last year, I was able to grab this quick video of the location as it was under construction. This is right by the UTC shopping center, which Ashley and I are big fans of at the event they had cyber quad rides. They had cyber trucks with pretty cool wraps. There was a DJ set up in the vault of a cyber truck powering his equipment with the cyber truck, and they did have a food truck there as well. But this is a very high traffic area. So pretty excited about this new flagship store.

Kia is now coming directly after Tesla. According to a bulletin that Kia sent to dealers on September 5th, they're now specifically targeting Tesla owners with a new conquest cash incentive. The program only goes to the end of this month, so they may just be testing the waters, but the cash incentive is either $1,000 or $1,500 depending on the Kia you choose. It's a national incentive, and it can be combined with other Kia offers like their $7,500 customer cash deal and their 0% financing on the EV9. I'm not sure if $1,500 will be enough to move the needle for many Tesla owners. Elon did say on X, here's the rub, Tesla never has to bribe Kia drivers to buy a Tesla. From that perspective, it does feel like maybe Kia should target the ICE models rather than going after the other EV models.

On X, Brandon shared a new video of a software update showing that not just the cyber truck but some other Tesla vehicles will now have these lines of where your tires are about to go. You can see these gray path shadows that adjust as your wheel trajectory changes. This should be available with .27.5 or .32. I would imagine this may eventually roll out to the entire fleet, but for now they're noting this is in the cyber truck, the Model Y and the 3.
在X平台上,Brandon分享了一段关于软件更新的新视频,显示不仅是Cybertruck,其他一些特斯拉车辆也将具有显示轮胎行驶轨迹的功能。你可以看到这些灰色的路径阴影,它们会根据方向盘的转动而调整。这个功能应该会在.27.5或.32版本中推出。我想这可能最终会推广到整个特斯拉车队,但目前他们指出Cybertruck、Model Y和Model 3将首先拥有这一功能。

Deutsche Bank has a new Tesla stock analyst Edison Yu who has launched coverage with a buy rating in a $295 price target. The average analyst price target for Tesla stock is $218 and the highest on the street is Adam Jonas at 310. Edison said this is not just an automaker but rather a technology platform attempting to reshape multiple industries deserving of a unique type of valuation framework. Tesla is in a league of its own and represents our highest conviction secular leader poised to reshape multiple industries. That sounds great but Edison's tip ranks rating is not so hot. Honestly I really don't weigh these tip ranks weighting super heavily but I always do like to at least have a glance. Just FYI Deutsche Bank did have coverage on Tesla before but Emmanuel Rosner the prior Deutsche analyst has left to go to wolf research. Thus Edison Yu is just stepping into Emmanuel shoes with a much more bullish take than Rosner had.
德意志银行有一位新的特斯拉股票分析师Edison Yu,他首次覆盖特斯拉股票并给予“买入”评级,并设定了295美元的目标价。特斯拉股票的平均目标价为218美元,目前市场上最高的目标价是Adam Jonas的310美元。Edison表示,特斯拉不仅仅是一家汽车制造商,而是一个试图重塑多个行业的技术平台,应该用一种独特的估值框架来评价。特斯拉独树一帜,并且是我们最坚定的长期领导者,有望重塑多个行业。这听起来很不错,但Edison的TipRanks评级并不是特别高。说实话,我并不太看重这些TipRanks的评级,但我还是喜欢至少了解一下。顺便提一下,德意志银行之前确实覆盖过特斯拉,但此前的分析师Emmanuel Rosner已经离职去了Wolf Research。因此,Edison Yu只是接替了Emmanuel的职位,并且比Emmanuel更乐观。

Holmars shared some screenshots showing that Uber is now using the Tesla API to send destinations to the Tesla navigation. For Uber drivers who use a Tesla ordinarily they book their trips in the mobile app on their phone and they would have to type in the destination in the Tesla UI and the nav manually. But now the Uber app will be directly linked to the Tesla UI sending that navigation data so the Uber driver doesn't have to do anything. This is all made possible because late last year we learned that Tesla was finally opening up its fleet API allowing for third parties to plug directly into the Tesla system. Not only will the navigation routes auto populate but Uber drivers can make the rides share app aware of their current battery range in order to only send trip requests within that range. When you connect the Uber app to your Tesla you can enable battery aware matching so you'll only see trip requests within your Tesla's battery range. However this specific integration may be made possible by Smartcar which develops APIs for automakers. In 2015 Smartcar emerged as the first company to give developers a seamless and scalable way to integrate their apps with Tesla vehicles. And they've been developing this ever since. But here's why I think this is the case last year Smartcar and Uber announced a partnership of their own. With Smartcar's connected car platform eligible EV drivers on Uber can ensure their only assigned rides within their remaining battery range. As we've been saying this past year, deeper ties between Tesla and Uber seem like a foregone conclusion. This is yet another step in that direction on top of many other steps we've been talking about over the past year.

Full disclosure, some people are saying this won't actually be available until later this year but it's coming. Lucid just held its tech and manufacturing day and they announced through August this year the company has already delivered more cars in 2024 than in all of 2023. But in 2023 they only delivered 6000 cars. They highlighted their next generation drive unit dubbed Atlas which is in development and undergoing testing. The drive unit is destined for the company's upcoming midsize platform. Lucid said the upcoming Gravity SUV will be equipped with a Nax charging connector in 2025. It's still scheduled for production later this year. They shared this teaser image of their upcoming midsized platform that's set to go into production late 2026 and have a starting price under $50,000.
完全披露,有些人说这实际上要到今年晚些时候才会上市,但它确实会来的。Lucid刚刚举行了他们的技术和制造日,并宣布截至今年8月,公司在2024年的汽车交付量已经超过了2023年全年。然而,2023年他们只交付了6000辆车。他们重点介绍了下一代驱动单元,名为Atlas,目前正在开发和测试中。这款驱动单元将用于公司即将推出的中型平台。Lucid表示,预计在2025年推出的Gravity SUV将配备Nax充电接口。目前,这款SUV仍计划在今年晚些时候开始生产。他们还分享了一张即将投产的中型平台的预告图片,该平台预计在2026年底投入生产,起价低于$50,000。

Importantly, the Nax port on the Gravity will be on the rear of the driver side of the vehicle. AKA same location as a Tesla. Rawlinson also poured cold water on any pickup from Lucid. He said, I really think it's very tough to make an electric pickup truck work today. Not one that's usable and cost effective. Why? Pickup trucks are big and heavy, their owners demand the ability to tow things, an activity that deals a major blow to EV range, pickups, electric or otherwise aren't exactly known for their efficiency. All of this necessitates huge battery packs that drive up costs to consumers. That's at odds with Lucid's driving philosophy, which is a deep focus on getting the most miles out of the smallest battery pack possible.

He continued, if you want a 300 mile range pickup, which is not enough because the things got to tow, you're already into a pack size of 120 kilowatt hours. I think the minimum threshold for a usable pickup is probably 150 kilowatt hours. Remember the cyber truck is 123. Peter added, this is why I'm very reluctant. I don't want Lucid to start thinking about a pickup truck. For a Lucid pickup to be realistic, he said it'll need a profound improvement in gravimetric energy density of cell chemistry. This image we saw a while back of a potential Lucid pickup, at least for now, can be taken off the table.

I'm not sure Peter's arguments check out, but I actually agree with him in that I don't think Lucid has any business trying to develop a pickup truck anytime soon. It doesn't seem to fit with their company ethos, and they really do need to focus on the gravity and making that a successful launch, and then they have the midsize platform after that. Some Lucid trademark filings suggest the name for this upcoming midsize vehicle may be Earth. It's not a guarantee, but right now the expectation is this high volume model will be built at their new factory in Saudi Arabia. If you'd like to nerd out on their slide deck from the event today, I'll have this linked

West's a cyber truck engineer said battery armor and rock sliders will be available as a retrofit option by the end of this year. Also, if you plan to drive into fences, probably best not to remove the front bumper and aluminum skid plate that comes stock. The cyber truck's underbody does have some protection, but this battery armor should be an additional add-on for people that are really heavy into off-roading, so if the cyber truck were to get stuck on a rock or something like that, it's added protection. For the rock sliders, companies like Unplugged already have third-party options, but it'll be nice to have an option direct from Tesla.

More welcome news when it comes to Tesla charging, they said, were more than doubling annual openings of the destination charging network. As a Tesla owner, I can confirm, anytime we take a small trip, one of my main considerations is does that location have a Tesla charger.As a business owner, if you do this over the long term, you're likely to garner many more customers. The convenience of leaving a hotel or a shopping center or restaurant with a full charge is a beautiful thing. Thanks to the EV tax credit loopholes, some EV leases are now $20 a month. EV leases accounted for a record 32% of EV transactions in the US during the first quarter of this year. That's up from 11% one year ago and well above the auto industry wide rate of 19%. If you didn't know, leases classify the vehicles as commercial, which allows them to qualify for the full credit, even if they don't meet the requirements.
特斯拉充电站传来了更多好消息。据说,他们计划将年度充电网络的开放数量增加一倍多。作为特斯拉车主,我可以确认,每次我们短途旅行时,我首先考虑的就是那个地方有没有特斯拉充电站。作为商家,如果您长远来看这样做,您很可能会吸引更多的顾客。离开酒店、购物中心或餐馆时车子充满电,这真是太方便了。 由于电动车税收抵免的漏洞,现在一些电动车租赁每月只需20美元。今年第一季度,美国电动车租赁达到了创纪录的32%的交易份额,比去年同期的11%大幅增长,这一比例也远高于整个汽车行业的19%。如果您不知道,租赁将车辆归类为商用车,这使它们可以获得全额税收抵免,即使它们不符合要求。

In Colorado, some new Nissan Leaf models were available this summer for as little as $20 a month. Clearly, many manufacturers are choosing to pass on that $7,500 credit to the consumer. Bear in mind, Tesla's lease rate has steadily been below 5% now for some time, so this is largely being driven by non-Tesla vehicles. On that point, Elon shared some of the EV incentives available right now in Colorado saying it's the best deal in America for a Tesla.

I just found this one to be funny, both Rohan Patel and Martin Vieja are getting in on the fun of poking fun at all of Toyota's announcements about future solid state EV battery plans. Tesla stock closed the day at $226.17 up 4.58% while the NASDAQ was up 0.84%. It was a normal volume day for Tesla, trading about 2 million shares above the average volume the past 30 days.
我觉得这个很有趣,Rohan Patel 和 Martin Vieja 都在调侃丰田关于未来固态电池电动汽车计划的各种公告。特斯拉股票今天以226.17美元收盘,上涨了4.58%,而纳斯达克指数则上涨了0.84%。对于特斯拉来说,这一天的交易量算正常,比过去30天的平均交易量多了大约200万股。

Hope you all have a wonderful day. Please like the video if you did. You can find me on X-Link to allow, and a huge thank you to all of my Patreon supporters.

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