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Markets Weekly July 27, 2024

发布时间 2024-07-27 16:54:40    来源
Hello my friends, today is July 27th and this is Markets Weekly. So this past week, what a roller coaster markets, we got some sizable down days and some updates as well, a lot of volatility. What really caught my eye was the tremendous appreciation in the Japanese yen. If you look back, you'll see that over the past couple of weeks, it appreciated from about 161, 2 as low as 152 on the USD JPY cross. So my best guess is that there was some serious delivering happening and that's what I'll write about in my note this week. Now is this the end or is this a correction? I have no idea. Personally I bought the dip and so we'll see how that turns out in the coming weeks.

But today I want to talk about three things. First, let's talk about the really good soft landing data we got in the US the past week. And secondly, let's talk about an acceleration in the global rate cutting cycle where a bank of Canada cut for the second time the past week. And lastly, Stephen Moran and Norel Rubini came out with some interesting work that details how the Treasury has been boosting the markets and to what extent. So let's talk a little bit about their findings. Okay, starting out with soft landing. So this past week, we got two really important data set data prints. One of course, GDP for the second quarter and the other, the PCE inflation, which is the Fed's favorite measure of inflation. Now GDP came out and it was great. 2.8% annual rates.
但今天我想谈三件事情。首先,让我们讨论一下过去一周美国发布的非常好的“软着陆”数据。其次,我们谈谈全球降息周期的加速,加拿大银行在过去一周内进行了第二次降息。最后,Stephen Moran和Norel Rubini发布了一些有趣的研究,详细说明了美国财政部是如何推动市场的,以及到什么程度。所以,让我们稍微讨论一下他们的发现。 首先,讲一下软着陆。上周,我们得到了两组非常重要的数据。一组是第二季度的GDP数据,另一组是美联储最喜欢的一项通胀指标——个人消费支出(PCE)通胀率。GDP数据非常好,年增长率达到了2.8%。

Now recall on the first quarter, we got kind of a softest GDP print and many people were thinking that, you know, we're falling into recession and so forth. But this 2.8% totally blows out of the water. I think economists tend to think that the underlying potential growth rate of the US is about 2%. It's really hard to say now since we've had so much migration and when you add more people, the potential growth rate for the economy increases in the short term. So but it in any case, 2.8% definitely, definitely suggest that US economy continues to do well. There is no immediate sign of recession.

Now one of the things that the professional forecasters look at when they look at these GDP data is the private final sales domestic consumers because they think that is a more accurate measure of underlying demand, kind of like looking at core CPI instead of CPI. Now the last time around when we had a weak headline, a GDP print, they were suggesting that the underlying private sell, private final sales to domestic consumers, what was pretty good so that headline print was misleading and they were right.

Now this time around when you look at the same number, it's still suggesting very strong underlying private final demand at 2.6%. Now that suggests that going forward, the GDP is probably going to be fine looking at the Atlanta Fed. Now GDP casting, again, we only have a few weeks of data. It's also suggesting that so far based on everything that we see, GDP continues to be above trend. So things are going well when it comes to growth on the soft landing part. Now what about the other part? Inflation. And that's been the Fed's focus for the past few years, much less so today as inflation has come down.

Well PCE, the Fed's favorite inflation measure, are printed at 2.6% year over year. Again that is above the 2% target but if you look at the trend over the past few months, or past few quarters, inflation is definitely moderating towards the Fed's target. Now on a month over month basis, core PCE printed at 0.2%. Now look at this data series over the past few months. You'll notice that so we had of course the inflation surprise at first quarter, we're on the month over month basis, core PCE spiked and kind of freaked everyone out. But since then it's been definitely moderating, suggesting that that spike up in the first quarter could have been a blip.

So looking at this core PCE measure, I think that the Fed is going to take a lot of comfort in it and indeed the market right now is pricing in about three cuts this year. And as we have a Fed meeting this week, I think the expectation is widely that the Fed is going to try to guide the market towards a September cut. So when you're thinking about Southland and again growth is strong, inflation coming down, things are looking pretty good so far. But that's not the case in all other countries and so that takes us to our next topic, what's happening in Canada.

So as you recall this month, the Swiss National Bank kicked off the global rate cutting cycle by cutting rates. They have since cut again the ECB joined in cut rates as well with the market thinking that they're going to do so again this year. And Bank of Canada also cut rates earlier in the year and again for the second time this past week with Governor Tifmaklim thinking that they're going to do it again. So what is driving this second rate cut in anticipated series of rate cuts in Canada? So let's look at the data first. So according to the bank's latest monetary policy report, you can see that inflation really has been coming down towards their target towards target range very well. It's been gliding towards what they want so I can understand from their perspective there's really no need for policy to be as restrictive as it has been. But more importantly though, there are worrying signs that growth is slipping away. Now when you look at their aggregate numbers, GDP growth is about 1.5%.
好的,以下是这段话的中文翻译,尽量简洁易懂: 正如你记得的,本月瑞士国家银行率先开始了全球降息周期,它们已经连续两次降息,欧洲央行也加入了降息的行列,市场认为它们今年还会再次降息。加拿大央行在今年早些时候降息,本周又降了第二次,行长麦克林预计它们还会再次降息。那么,是什么驱动了加拿大这次及预期中的一系列降息呢?首先,我们来看一下数据。根据央行最新的货币政策报告,可以看到通胀率确实在逐步下降,趋近它们的目标范围。从它们的角度来看,政策不需要像之前那样严格。但是,更重要的是有迹象表明增长正在放缓。现在查看它们的总体数字,GDP增长率大约是1.5%。

So it's positive, it's not a recession but that really hides some important per capita numbers. So one way you can grow your GDP which is really just the amount of goods and services produced in the economy is simply by adding more people, more people even if they're not doing super important things. Now they're producing stuff and so you produce more goods and services. Now Canada increases its population by 3% in a year and it's growing at 1.5%. So on a per capita basis, it's actually shrinking 1.5%. So even though they are not technically in a recession, the average citizen is definitely in a recession because their living standards are declining. Now an interesting chart they show is that per capita GDP has actually been declining for four quarters.

So it's I think putting a lot of pressure on households. Now one thing you know that's really interesting about Canada is that their interest rates. So again, the way that monetary policy works of course is through interest rates. For a lot of the people there, if you have a mortgage, you have to renew it say once every five years. So in a sense, you're someone on a floating rate standard. So as we've been in this rate hike cycle for a few years, more and more people who took really low rate mortgages a few years ago are now having to renew their mortgages at much higher rates and that is pinching their wallets and reducing their ability to spend money on other things.

So again, there seems to be heading towards a recession and so that is causing bank of Canada I think to be a bit more cautious on growth. So with inflation really close to their target and growth slowing, obviously they're going to be projecting a easier monetary policy. Now looking at the labor market and you add a whole bunch of people in even as your demand is slowing, that is foreshadowing a pretty weak labor market so far has been fine. But Bank of Canada has this really interesting statistic showing that the percentage of unemployed people each month that are able to find a job is declining really rapidly and it's approaching pretty low percentages if you look at this time series.

So again, they seem to be very worried that the economy is heading towards the wrong direction. So what does that mean for their markets? Now I think the biggest impact is probably going to be in their currency. Now Governor Tiff Maclem and Sherpaal had a conference in Washington a few months ago and someone asked Governor Maclem, you just do whatever the Fed does, right? Do you guys just copy the Fed? And Governor Maclem was very clear that no, they do their own monetary policy and they have an escape valve which is the currency. So when they have different economic conditions, so things slowing Canada but are fine in the US, they can cut rates and that will be buffered by changes in their currency which will continue to act as a source of easing, making their exports more competitive.

And if you look at CADUSD, you'll notice that it's been surging so the Canadian currency has been depreciating over the past few days. Now it seems like there seems to be some kind of soft ceiling about 1.39. I don't know if we're going to punch through. We've definitely been hanging around that level for the past few quarters but if the Canadian rate cutting cycle proceeds, whereas the US economy continues to do well, you can easily imagine that the Canadian dollar depreciate further against the USD. So we'll see how that goes.

Okay, now the last thing I want to talk about is this really interesting paper by Stephen Moran who used to work at the US Treasury, also a great follow on Twitter and Nouriel Rubini, also known as Dr. Doom, a famed forecasting of the subprime crisis in 2008 during the Great Financial Crisis. So what they're writing about here is something we've talked about over the past year and many people have also noted that when the Treasury seems to be doing something with their issuance that is in a sense easing financial conditions. Now in their paper they provide a very clear description of how this works and also they have an estimate as to how much they think this is impacting the markets. So at a high level, now when the Fed is doing QE, what they're doing, well they're doing a couple things. One of course is that they're buying a whole lot of longer-dated Treasury securities and by decreasing the supply of Treasury securities in the market, no basic supply and demand, if you decrease the supply of something, the price of something rises and so in bond terms that means it puts downward pressure on interest rates and the Fed is totally open, that's what they expect to do, right? Doing QE, buying longer-dated bonds, fewer longer-dated bonds available for private sector investors and so that puts down more pressure on interest rates. The second thing the Fed does is that the way that it purchases this is basically prints a whole bunch of money and so during times of QE the money supply increases and if you are a monetarist you would think that has something to do with economic activity. To be clear, that perspective has been very wrong for decades and decades. But in any case these are the two common channels people think of when they think of QE, supply of duration and money supply.
好的,现在我想谈谈的是一篇非常有趣的论文,作者是Stephen Moran,他曾在美国财政部工作,也是Twitter上的大V,还有著名的经济学家Nouriel Rubini,绰号“末日博士”,因预测2008年金融危机中的次贷危机而闻名。他们在这篇论文中讨论的话题是我们在过去一年中多次提到的,许多人也注意到,当财政部在操作国债发行时,从某种意义上来说是在放松金融环境。在他们的论文中,他们详细解释了这个过程,并估算了它对市场的影响程度。 简单来说,当美联储进行量化宽松(QE)时,他们主要做两件事。首先,他们会购买大量的长期国债。根据供需原理,若市场上的国债供应减少,其价格就会上升,这意味着利率会降低。美联储完全公开表示,他们希望通过这种方式压低利率。其次,美联储在购买这些国债时,会印刷大量货币,所以在进行QE期间,货币供应量会增加。如果你是货币主义者,你会认为这对经济活动有影响。要明确的是,这种观点多年来一直被证明是错误的。但无论如何,这就是人们通常想到的QE的两条常见渠道:国债供应的影响和货币供应的变化。

Now this a new paper suggests that when the US Treasury is changing the composition of its debt issuance, issuing more Treasury bills, fewer coupons, that has a very similar impact. So this is how they think of it. So if you say you have to issue a trillion dollars in debt, while the US Treasury by simply issuing let's say a higher fraction of that in short-dated bills rather than coupons, you are also decreasing the amount of coupons, the amount of long-dated bonds that the private investors have to digest. Mechanically that's very similar to QE, fewer supply of duration, downward pressure on interest rates. So that's pretty clear as well.

The other point that they make is that Treasury bills, that's basically kind of like money. So if you think about it, a Treasury bill is just an IOU from the United States government, kind of like a dollar bill that pays interest. Now this analogy is especially apt because Treasury bills have very few interest rate risk and also they are very liquid. So just like the Fed is printing a whole bunch of money to buy coupon Treasuries, when you're issuing more bills, you are mechanically in a sense increasing the money supply. Again, it's not technically money in the sense that you can't use it to go and buy stuff at their denny's, but it's money like. And so when the Treasury is doing this, they are basically doing a form of QE in effect.

So looking at what the Treasury has done over the past few quarters, you note that the Treasury guides having about 15 to 20% of its issuance in bills over the past few quarters, it's gradually increased its share of bills so that it sits comfortably above 20%. Now their paper looks not just at the overall outstanding bills as a share of overall outstanding, but also looks at the flow of issuance over the past few quarters and notes that the issuance over the past few quarters has been highly disproportionate in the Treasury bills, suggesting that the Treasury has been having an impact on financial conditions.

Now the way that you estimate just how much of an impact though, again, this is going to the realm of econometric models, which for reference only, but looking at different ways that you can estimate this, they come up with an estimate, let's say about 25 basis points on the tenure. So they're thinking that what the Treasury did, increasing the share of bill issuance has lowered the tenure yield by about 25 basis points and they equate that to about 100 basis points worth of cuts by the Fed. Now again, this is all for reference only, but the overall idea has been that, yeah, the Treasury is doing this and they are in fact easing financial conditions and this in part explains why despite high interest rates, the economy continues to be strong and financial assets have gone through the roof.

Again we've talked about this I think a couple weeks ago when say Treasury official Josh Frost gave a speech explaining why he's doing responding to pushback that he's been getting that he's a goose in the markets. So the Treasury is responding, the Treasury is thinking that yeah, we're not doing that much. So, you know, we're just doing something routine and Treasury Secretary Yellen actually explicitly responded to this paper in commentary saying that it's not our intention to use financial conditions. And I don't know if that's true or not, but I think I agree with this paper that it's definitely having an impact on markets if at the very least psychologically because there are certain market participants who believe it's easing financial conditions.

Now one other really important thing about this market is the potential future unwind. Oh, just to the side. So in addition, their estimate of the size of this issuance is about $800 billion in missing coupons. That is to say that if Treasury were faithful to its 15 to 20% share of bills, they would have been increasing coupon sizes. But and if they did that, they would have been issuing $800 billion more coupons. So again, that's a that's a big number. What they're worried about though is that in the future, obviously you can't, well, you shouldn't continue to be increasing bills as a share a total debt. One day, if we have a new Treasury Secretary or things change, what is going to happen when that new Treasury Secretary needs to unwind this and get a bill share back down to about 15 to 20%.

Now they're thinking that when that happens, you could have a sizable increase in long related yields, maybe 30 basis points. And that could be very, I think that would tighten financial conditions going forward if we have maybe next year or maybe in a future administration when they finally want to wind down what the just this administration has done. So that seems to be again, keep in mind that Dr. Doom is well known for having concerns. So for I know this could continue indefinitely.

I think if you look across the world, many, many countries have large share of floating as large share of short data debt as part of their, as part of their overall debt stack. But we'll see if they want to remain faithful to 15 and 20% definitely, definitely there could be some financial turmoil in that process.

Okay, so that's all I prepared for today. Thanks for tuning in. This week is an FOMC week and I will be back on Wednesday to give you my thoughts on the FOMC meeting. Again, if you're interested in hearing my thoughts, don't forget to check out my blog at FEGI.com and don't forget to subscribe and subscribe to this channel.

All right, talk to you guys soon.

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