Tesla Is So Back...Right? ⚡️

发布时间 2024-07-02 23:25:00    来源


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Welcome to Electrified, it's your host Dylan Loomis, quick shout out to my newest patron, Ister Gray. Thank you for choosing to support the channel. As we've often said, things can happen fast in Tesla Land and these quarter to numbers are a great reminder of that. Tesla Energy crushed its prior deployment record and it brings with its some implications for Tesla's stock going forward. Analysts like Adam Jonas are saying they're admitting they were not bullish enough, calling the energy number for this quarter a show stealer that was twice their forecast.
欢迎来到Electrified频道,我是主持人Dylan Loomis。首先感谢我们的新赞助者Ister Gray,感谢你选择支持本频道。正如我们经常所说的,在特斯拉的世界里,事情变化得很快,而这一次的季度数据再次证明了这一点。特斯拉能源部门打破了之前的部署记录,这对特斯拉的股票未来走势有着重要影响。像Adam Jonas这样的分析师们都表示,他们之前对特斯拉的预期不够乐观,并称本季度的能源数据远超他们的预测,成为了一大亮点。

There's also a lot to break down with this delivery number that also far exceeded the whisper number and as predicted, the market liked it. Although if it's a sharp market, I think they'd be liking the energy figure even more. On the auto side, Tesla's production came in at 410.8,000 and deliveries were 443.9,000, meaning Tesla cleared over 33,000 vehicles from inventory. This should mean that Tesla's global inventory from a days of supply standpoint should be back down to around 20 days from near 30 days where it was exiting quarter one.

And as we said, after quarter one, we needed to see quarter two play out because Tesla's production in quarter one was 46.5,000 units higher than the delivery figure. Naturally, there was debate about if those vehicles would find buyers throughout quarter two and this number proves yes, they did indeed. However, I don't think it's all roses here as Tesla's production was down 5% quarter over quarter, coming in 22.5,000 units below quarter one.

And then it gets a bit worse because Tesla's production in quarter two of last year was 479.7,000, meaning year over year Tesla's production is down over 14%. So clearly Tesla factories are operating at less than full capacity and the quarter two numbers this year include the cyber truck ramp and we can't use the Model 3 refresh as an excuse for low production because throughout much of quarter two it was back to normal levels. So I'm reading Tesla's production levels as then being a bit cautious so as to not over produce, meaning they may have slightly needed demand expectations heading into quarter three and quarter four.
然后情况变得更糟了一些,因为去年第二季度特斯拉的产量是47.97万辆,这意味着同比下降了超过14%。显然,特斯拉的工厂运转并未达到满负荷,而今年第二季度的数字还包括了Cybertruck的产量提升,我们不能因为Model 3的改款作为产量低的借口,因为在第二季度的大部分时间里,Model 3的产量已经恢复到正常水平。所以我认为特斯拉的产量表现得有些谨慎,以避免过度生产,这意味着他们可能对第三季度和第四季度的需求预期稍微调低了一些。

On the bright side, Tesla's inventory sitting around 20 days of supply does not factor in Tesla's cars in transit. Remember, it takes time for a car to exit one of the factories and ultimately make it to the end consumer for delivery. So anyone arguing Tesla has an inventory problem, I believe is sorely mistaken. Tesla's far below the industry average, which was 50 days of supply and higher and as Tesla grows with more locations, it's actually going to need more vehicles available on site for customers to experience.

One other thing on deliveries since the other models category now includes cyber truck and the cyber truck was likely between 10 to 13000 for production and delivery for the quarter. That means Model S and X sales are a bit below the 15 to 20,000 quarterly figure that we would like to see. But cyber truck is on track to more than make up for it and with each passing quarter, the cyber truck margins will get better and better as Tesla reaches scale.
关于交付的另一个问题,现在“其他车型”类别包括了Cybertruck,而Cybertruck在这个季度的生产和交付量可能在1万到1.3万辆之间。这意味着Model S和Model X的销量略低于我们期望的每季度1.5万到2万辆。然而,Cybertruck的销量可以弥补这一缺口,并且随着时间的推移,Cybertruck的利润率会越来越高,因为特斯拉将逐步实现规模化生产。

And look, there are headlines out there about a disappointing quarter for Tesla and ultimately that just boils down to expectations. Zooming out, it is true that year over year for quarter two, Tesla's deliveries are still down about 5%, falling short by 22.1,000 units. But the only expectations that really matter are Wall Streets and Tesla did exceed those materially. And shout out to Brian from Futuraza and James Cat for being the closest retail investors on the delivery numbers with predictions of 430,000. This time around though, the Wall Street consensus won the day as that final estimate was 436,000.
看看,各大媒体都在报道特斯拉这个季度的不尽如人意,这实际上归结于预期的问题。总体来看,虽然与去年同期相比,特斯拉第二季度的交付量确实下降了约5%,少了22,100辆,但真正重要的是华尔街的预期,而特斯拉实际上是超过了这个预期。要特别感谢Futuraza的布莱恩和James Cat,他们作为散户投资者预测的交付量最为接近,达到了430,000辆。然而,这次华尔街的预测赢了,他们最终估计的交付量是436,000辆。

But all eyes per the usual will be on Tesla auto margins, X credits, and this number should see a boost with a nice delivery bounce quarter over quarter. An extra 57.1,000 units delivered in quarter two compared to key one with fixed manufacturing costs should lead to positive margin tailwinds and free cash flow may come in strong as well given Tesla's reduction in inventory. But the final free cash flow number will depend on Tesla's cash outlays for the quarter as we know they're spending heavily on AI and compute.
但像往常一样,所有的目光都会集中在特斯拉的汽车利润率、监管信用积分(X credits)上。这个数字应该会因为季度间交付量的显著增加而有所提升。与第一季度相比,第二季度额外交付了57,100辆汽车,考虑到固定制造成本,这应该会带来积极的利润率影响,自由现金流也可能因为特斯拉减少库存而表现强劲。不过,最终的自由现金流数字还会取决于特斯拉在这季度的现金支出,因为我们知道他们在人工智能和计算方面投入了大量资金。

On the energy side, I went through a little analysis to contextualize the 9.4 gigawatt hours of battery deployments on X. I'm not going to get into it here but the TLDR is that this number could translate into about $5.3 billion in revenue and $1.3 billion in gross profits for Tesla energy. Previously, Tesla energy's record quarter for revenue was $1.6 billion and the record for energy profit was $403 million.
在能源方面,我做了一个小分析来理解 X 上 9.4 吉瓦时的电池部署数据。我在这里不详细展开,但简单总结一下,就是这个数字可能会为特斯拉能源带来大约 53 亿美元的收入和 13 亿美元的毛利润。之前,特斯拉能源的季度收入记录是 16 亿美元,能源利润记录是 4.03 亿美元。

I did use the assumption that Tesla's average selling price for the megapack was $2 million throughout the quarter but throughout Q2 Tesla was gradually lowering the price of the megapack and currently it's all the way down to about $1 million per megapack. We have to remember though Tesla will not actually recognize these revenues and profits until a future quarter once certain project milestones are met but they are going to hit at some point in the foreseeable future and this should be a great reminder of what Tesla energy is capable of and why we've been calling it a sleeping giant for years. Just wait until Tesla ramps up it's Shanghai megapactory next year.

Some are saying Tesla's megapactory and Lathrop is already operating at full capacity since 9.4 gigawatt hours annualized is 37.6 gigawatt hours and Lathrop's capacity is 40 gigawatt hours. But remember that 9.4 gigawatt hour number includes Powerwall and it's likely that Tesla produced some megapacks in quarter one that just didn't get deployed until quarter two. Plus on the key one call this year we learned Lathrop is ramping as planned. Tesla has its second general assembly line now ramping allowing them to increase the megapack rate from 20 gigawatt hours per year to start this year up to 40 gigawatt hours per year by the end of this year. So we're well on our way but I would not say Lathrop is at full capacity just yet.

I like how the K framed it on X in terms of auto revenue using a bit different numbers though if Tesla energy does indeed generate around 5 billion dollars in revenue from these quarter two deployments that's equivalent to the revenue Tesla would earn from 100,000 cars at an ASP of 50,000 dollars. And as we know Tesla energy currently has higher margins than Tesla auto so not too bad for just a car company. And finally that does not even account for Tesla energy's backlog or its reserve. Tesla is building up revenue and profits that are recognized in future quarters and that means each quarter Tesla will be recognizing some of that reserve from prior quarters which after quarter one sat at 3.86 billion dollars.

Looking at this chart from Sawyer for my visual learners it appears as though the Tesla energy coming out party has finally begun. At least for now the Tesla megapack ordering page is now live again so that's how we can see if we drop the quantity to one we can see the estimated price is roughly 1 million dollars again it depends on the state. Which means yes year over year Tesla's megapack pricing is down roughly 50% as for part of 2023 it was 2 million dollars per megapack. You know how we've read some articles about an oversupply of battery cells coming from China well that's most likely the primary driver of Tesla lowering cost to this level.

And even one of the sharper Tesla energy analysts out there in my opinion Matt Smith said that the new number is shockingly low. Now we're going to have to wait until quarter three and quarter four to start to see what Tesla energy margins might look like after this big revision because again most if not all of Tesla's megapack sales in quarter two were not at that one million dollar price point. There was a time last year when the Tesla megapack backlog was about two years out but as it sits right now it's roughly three quarters out.
在我看来,即使是对特斯拉能源分析最敏锐的分析师之一,Matt Smith, 也表示这个新数字低得令人震惊。现在我们得等到第三季度和第四季度,才能开始看到这次重大调整之后特斯拉能源的利润率会是什么样子。因为再次强调,大多数如果不是全部的话,特斯拉在第二季度的Megapack销售并不是在那个一百万美元的价格点上。去年曾经有一段时间,特斯拉的Megapack订单积压大约有两年,但现在来看,大约是三个季度。

So this Tesla energy deployment number for quarter two was absolutely incredible but moving forward we have to cap some of our upside with this new megapack pricing on X Elon replied to whole Mars but it was not kid friendly Elon did say once Tesla fully solves autonomy and has optimists in volume production anyone still holding a short position will be obliterated even gates. SMR said Tesla delivers a few more vehicles than expected plus 9% Tesla on the cusp of autonomy down 50% from all time high down 8% year to date can't wait to see what happens when people figure out robot taxis are happening and the implications to which Elon said yeah this is small relative to vehicle autonomy and optimists Dan I've said the new bull run in Tesla has begun in our view with the mojo front and center for Elon with a historical robots axi day August 8th and demand turning around for Tesla most undervalued AI play in our view and bloomberg highlighted the three month call skew which measures the premium of call options over puts is the widest it's been since February 1st 2021 translation Tesla option traders are as bullish as they've been in the past three years just so you know a Tesla option with a 25 delta would just mean that for every $1 that Tesla stock price moves the option value would move by 25 cents and given every option contract is for 100 shares that would mean the expected move in your position would actually be $25 for every $1 move in Tesla stock another way of saying it if the option has a delta of 25 that means it has a 25% chance of ending up in the money what do you know can accord genuity decided to raise its Tesla stock price target $254 wonder. why they did that today but more importantly they said one metric is going to stand out head and shoulders above the rest that one being Tesla's fsd take rate their autonomy uber bulls but they believe in its current form Tesla would be best served with another fsd price reduction but we'll see maybe fsd take rates are through the roof unfortunately for george i'm not sure we're actually going to get that number and as so you're highlighted cumulatively since Tesla began production of the model s back in 2012 with these q2 numbers Tesla is now over 6 million cars delivered sitting at 6.2 million and just a little fun fact i don't think it's official yet but based on some estimates from Reuters they're saying byd sold 426 000 full evs in quarter two meaning for quarter two Tesla once again has the full ev leader crown taking a look at some more feedback for 12.4.2 dirty Tesla posted a video saying it took him 40 miles needing only one accelerator tap the entire drive zack said he took it up the canyon to pick up lunch and it was the best drive up this narrow canyon he's had on fsd to date stayed in the lines perfectly and at a great speed way more confident compared to other versions balancing those out from an og tester tech geek he said there seems to be minimal recognizable progress with fsd since 12.3.6 came out and he's someone who's been using 12.4.1 and 12.4.2 but in the comments Rocco said it was a significant improvement for me i think it depends on the area my speed limits were terrible before and a slew of other issues that have all improved but in the comments tech geek did say that 12.3.6 he would rate an 8 out of 10 and 12.4.2 he would give a 9 out of 10.
第二季度特斯拉能源部署的数字实在是令人难以置信,但展望未来,我们必须对一些上行空间进行限制,这是因为新的Megapack定价。Elon(马斯克)在回复Whole Mars时说了些不适合儿童听的话。他曾表示,一旦特斯拉完全解决自动驾驶问题并且Optimus机器人量产,所有做空特斯拉的人都会被消灭,即使是盖茨也不例外。 SMR提到特斯拉交付的车辆比预期多了9%,目前特斯拉处于实现自动驾驶的关键时刻,尽管股价较历史最高点下降了50%,今年迄今为止下降了8%。期待看看当人们发现机器人出租车即将到来及其影响时会发生什么,Elon对此回应称:“对,和车辆自动驾驶及Optimus机器人相比,这真的算小事。” Dan表示,从他们的观点来看,特斯拉的新一轮牛市已经开始,Elon带着他的活力和信心迎来了历史性的机器人出租车日(8月8日),特斯拉的需求也在回升,他们认为特斯拉是最被低估的人工智能公司之一。彭博社指出,衡量看涨期权相对于看跌期权溢价的三个月期权偏度是自2021年2月1日以来的最高水平。意思是特斯拉期权交易者目前的看涨情绪是过去三年中最强烈的。 这里解释一下,特斯拉期权的delta值为25意味着,每当特斯拉股价波动1美元,期权的价值变化为25美分,而每份期权合约包含100股,因此特斯拉股价每波动1美元,你的持仓将变动25美元。换句话说,如果期权的delta为25,则意味着它有25%的可能性在到期时有内在价值。 Canaccord Genuity今天决定将特斯拉的目标股价上调至254美元。不知道他们为什么选择今天调高,但更重要的是,他们表示有一项指标将明显胜出,那就是特斯拉的FSD(全自动驾驶)采用率。他们是自动驾驶的超级牛派,但认为以目前的状态来看,特斯拉最好再降低FSD的价格,我们拭目以待,或许FSD的采用率已经高得惊人。不幸的是,对于乔治来说,我不确定我们是否会实际得到这个数字。 值得注意的是,自2012年特斯拉开始生产Model S以来,累计数据显示特斯拉迄今已交付620万辆汽车。根据路透社的某些估算,比亚迪在第二季度销售了42.6万辆纯电动汽车,这意味着在第二季度,特斯拉再次夺得纯电动汽车领导者的桂冠。 关于FSD 12.4.2版本的反馈,Dirty Tesla发布的视频显示他行驶了40英里,整个过程中仅按了一次加速器。Zack表示,他开车上峡谷去买午餐,这是他迄今为止在狭窄峡谷中使用FSD最好的驾驶体验,车完美保持在车道中,速度也很合适,相比之前的版本更为自信。然而,老用户Tech Geek表示,自从12.3.6版发布后,FSD的可识别进展似乎很少,他是用过12.4.1和12.4.2版本的人。不过在评论中,Rocco表示,这对他来说是一个显著的提升,之前他的限速很糟糕,还有一堆其他问题,现在都改善了。Tech Geek在评论中表示,他会给12.3.6版打8分(满分10分),12.4.2版打9分。

James Locke said went for a longer 12.4.2 drive around sanaklareta and it didn't go quite so well had to save the intervention ran a red light and completely missed the navigation route as it did not move over lanes quick enough so as you may expect there are still mixed reviews when it comes to 12.4.2 elon did repost whole maras saying yeah fsd is awesome once you use tesla autopilot fsd for commuting you won't use any other car honestly though for somebody like me i wouldn't want any other car even if tesla didn't have fsd at all. free dead one who works at altimeter capital had a great write up on the autonomy space she's now tested almost all of the auto makers both level two and tesla's fsd. after that here are some of her thoughts talking about some of the major chinese brands overall they exceeded my expectations the rides were not overly cautious and handled complex situations quite well but nothing compares to tesla's approach i see imitation learning and end-to-end as the only effective approach for self-driving while chinese peers perform well on main roads they struggle on frontage roads due to reliance on high precision maps and rule-based methods despite that chinese evs self-driving capabilities are far ahead of those from the us and eu brands i doubt any chinese players can profit from level two self-driving not because it's not useful but because it's hard to differentiate and price wars dominate the market in china on the robo taxi scene in china for companies like pony, dd and bydo the user experience is nearly perfect but expansion is the real question chinese robo taxi companies. are very sophisticated interestingly most companies express the preference not to operate fleets themselves they aim to be asset light and let fleet managers handle operations china has a very clear approval process driven by data autonomous driving distance fully driverless distance intervention rate passenger ratings etc so according to frita many chinese auto makers are making great progress with tech like level two and some of the robo taxi players are great but the same questions about scaling exist and most importantly tesla is still in a league of its own when it comes to actual self-driving i value this opinion from frita who has now experienced all of these different technologies in china a lot higher than somebody just watching videos of experiences online
詹姆斯·洛克说,他在圣克拉丽塔周围进行了一次更长的12.4.2版本的驾驶测试,但并不太顺利,他不得不干预系统,因为闯了红灯,而且由于车道转换不及时,完全偏离了导航路线。因此,正如你所预料的那样,对于12.4.2版本的评价还是褒贬不一。埃隆(马斯克)转发了Whole Mars的帖子,说“是的,全自动驾驶很棒,一旦你用特斯拉的自动驾驶功能进行通勤,你就不会想用其他车了”。老实说,对于像我这样的人,即使特斯拉没有全自动驾驶,我也不会选择其他车。Free,来自Altimeter Capital的一位员工,对自动驾驶领域有很好的见解。她现在已经测试了几乎所有的汽车制造商的二级自动驾驶系统和特斯拉的全自动驾驶系统。 以下是她的一些看法,谈到了一些主要的中国品牌。总体来说,这些车超出了我的预期,驾驶体验并不显得过于谨慎,能很好地处理复杂情况。但没有什么可以和特斯拉的方法相比。我认为模仿学习和端到端学习是实现自动驾驶的唯一有效方法。虽然中国同行在主干道上表现良好,但由于依赖高精度地图和基于规则的方法,它们在辅路上表现不佳。尽管如此,中国电动车的自动驾驶能力远超美国和欧洲品牌。我怀疑任何中国玩家能从二级自动驾驶中获利,不是因为它没用,而是因为很难区分,而且中国市场上的价格战激烈。对于中国的自动出租车公司,如Pony(小马智行)、滴滴和比亚迪来说,用户体验几乎是完美的,但扩展才是真正的问题。中国的自动出租车公司非常先进,有趣的是,大多数公司表示不希望自己运营车队,它们打算资产轻型化,让车队管理者来处理运营。中国有非常明确的审批流程,由数据驱动,比如自动驾驶距离、完全无人驾驶距离、干预率、乘客评分等。因此,根据Frita的观点,许多中国汽车制造商在二级自动驾驶技术和一些自动出租车公司方面取得了很大进展,但同样的扩展问题依然存在,最重要的是,在真正的自动驾驶方面,特斯拉仍然是独一无二的。我更加重视Frita的意见,因为她亲身体验了中国的这些不同技术,而不是仅仅通过观看网上的体验视频。

giga brilin has appointed a new head of production christian adrien who's been working at tesla now for the past four years tesla said christian will be responsible for all production processes here at the factory the only exception is the cell division which is currently done exclusively for the cyber truck the last update we had giga brilin was making parts of the 4680 cell and then shipping them to the united states for final assembly giga brilin's plant manager andre tereg emphasized the purpose of the reorganization is to increase production efficiency on x alex shared a study from the german center of automotive management their study said that bmw was the most innovative automaker globally to which elan shared this german phrase which translated on google gives us dumber than moldy bread so if that's the saying how could i not share that
Giga柏林任命了新的生产负责人克里斯蒂安·阿德里安,他在特斯拉已经工作了四年。特斯拉表示,克里斯蒂安将负责工厂里的所有生产流程,唯一的例外是目前仅为赛博卡车生产的电池部门。我们上次更新的信息是,Giga柏林正在制造4680电池的零部件,并将它们运到美国进行最终组装。Giga柏林的工厂经理安德烈·泰瑞格强调,这次重组的目的是提高生产效率。 在X(推特前身)上,亚历克斯分享了一项来自德国汽车管理中心的研究。研究表明,宝马是全球最具创新力的汽车制造商。对此,伊隆分享了一个德语短语,通过谷歌翻译后意思是“比发霉的面包还笨”。伊隆表示,既然有这样的说法,他怎么会不分享呢。

according to hondelsblott vw and rivian could now significantly expand their partnership not only are they working on that software and electrical engineering collaboration but now they're saying that they may be working on hardware and production together both the hardware collaboration and joint production are being discussed in particular vw's us electric brand scout could be included in the partnership with rivian gm released some q2 data and for full evs year to date they delivered 38.3 thousand in the first half of this year 21.9 000 of those coming in quarter two alone in quarter two it was deliric with 7.3 000 sales and the one i've been wanting to see the chevy blazer ev did 6.6 000 in q2 up from 600 in quarter one the hummer ev actually sold 2.9 000 up from 1.7 000 in quarter one so for gm in quarter two the leerick the blazer and the hummer were the only evs over 2,500 for the quarter all of the rest were below 2,500 which includes vehicles like the silverado the bolt and the equinox
根据《Hondelsblott》报道,大众汽车(VW)和Rivian可能会显著扩大他们的合作关系。他们不仅在软件和电气工程方面合作,现在还表示他们可能会在硬件和生产方面展开合作。尤其值得注意的是,美国大众电动车品牌Scout可能会被纳入与Rivian的合作伙伴关系中。 通用汽车(GM)发布了一些第二季度的数据,今年上半年其全电动车交付量达到了38,300辆,仅第二季度就交付了21,900辆。其中,Lyriq车型在第二季度销售了7,300辆,而我一直关注的雪佛兰Blazer电动车在第二季度销售了6,600辆,比第一季度的600辆大幅增长。另外,Hummer电动车实际销售了2,900辆,比第一季度的1,700辆有所增加。所以对于通用汽车来说,第二季度销量超过2,500辆的电动车只有Lyriq、Blazer和Hummer。其余的车型,包括Silverado、Bolt和Equinox,单季销量均未超过2,500辆。

some quick thoughts on tesla stock because i know there's a lot of hype right now out there and it's totally understandable tesla stock is now up about 65% in just over two months that's certainly worth celebrating if you had the proper positions on but i just wanted to point out tesla's forward pe now sits at 96 based on expected 2024 earnings of 2.42 this reading of 96 for tesla's forward pe would be the highest in the past two years now we never make any decisions based on one metric alone but what i wanted to say is that at some point tesla is going to have to start earning its way into its valuation but it's very true and we've seen it before both on the upside and the downside the market can remain detached from the fundamentals longer than one would like to admit at the end of the adam jones note he said as aye acceleration spurs a multi-generational increase in energy demand electricity generation and data center investment we believe investors will begin to pay more attention to tesla energy little more than two weeks ago our clients were preparing for shareholders to reject elon's comp plan potentially setting up a change of management and strategy compounding many months of negative news flow fast forward to today and clients are beginning to ask us about positive catalysts into second quarter results and beyond we're getting asked for our proprietary tesla energy model and even our humanoid robot addressable market model is this the same tesla from early june we know there are times with tesla stock where it seems like nothing is happening for the longest of times but don't ever forget that then things can happen very quickly
以下是对特斯拉股票的一些简短思考,因为我知道现在外界对特斯拉充满了炒作,而这完全可以理解。特斯拉的股价在短短两个月内上涨了约65%,这确实值得庆祝,如果你持有了合适的仓位。但我想指出的是,特斯拉的预期市盈率(PE)现在基于2024年的预计收益2.42美元,达到了96。这96的预期市盈率是过去两年里最高的。我们从不单凭一个指标来做出决策,但我想说的是,总有一天特斯拉需要开始通过其业绩来匹配其估值。这非常真实,我们过去也见过这种情况,无论是上涨还是下跌,市场可以长时间脱离基本面,这是令人难以承认的。 在亚当·琼斯的笔记结尾处,他提到随着人工智能加速,能源需求、电力生成和数据中心投资都会有跨世代的增长,我们相信投资者将开始更多关注特斯拉能源。仅在两周多前,我们的客户还在准备股东对埃隆的薪酬计划投反对票,可能会导致管理层和战略的变更,叠加了许多个月的负面新闻。快进到今天,客户们开始询问我们对第二季度业绩及以后的正面催化剂,有人开始向我们索取我们独家的特斯拉能源模型,甚至对我们的类人机器人市场模型感兴趣。这还是我们六月份初所了解的特斯拉吗?我们知道,有时特斯拉的股票似乎长时间处于不变状态,但永远不要忘记,事情可以在短时间内迅速发生。

and in an attempt to keep us grounded if you look at tesla stock historically after the crash we saw last summer tesla stock has a run up and a pullback then a run up followed by a pullback and right now we're in the midst of a run up which eventually will most likely be followed by a pullback but tesla could absolutely have more room to run and if sometime during the month of july it can actually push into the two sixties and break out of this wedge then things could definitely get interesting and by that i mean three hundred would be squarely on the table now as always i hesitate to even get into this on the surface level because none of this is financial advice but i think it's fun to make predictions and over time i think it's a great way to sharpen your skills and try to continue learning just know there's plenty more where this comes from and i'll just say coming soon tm tesla has now extended the free fsd transfer one extra month now it's going to expire september thirtieth my upload schedule for the rest of the week is in flux sometimes around the fourth of july the news is incredibly slow so i'd recommend signing up for the electrified newsletter linked below it's free if i had to guess i would say wednesday newsletter thursday no upload and then friday upload but we'll see
为了让我们保持冷静,回顾特斯拉股票的历史表现:在去年夏天的崩盘之后,特斯拉的股票经历了一次上涨和回调,然后又是一次上涨和回调。现在我们正处于一个上涨阶段,之后很可能会有一次回调。但特斯拉的股票还有可能继续上涨。如果在七月份的某个时候,它能突破260美元并摆脱目前的楔形趋势,那么情况可能会变得非常有趣。我的意思是,300美元的目标是完全有可能实现的。 当然,我总是谨慎地提出这些看法,因为这并不是金融建议。我觉得做出预测很有趣,而且随着时间的推移,这是磨练技能和持续学习的好方法。请记住,这些只是我个人的看法,还有更多内容即将发布。顺便提一下,特斯拉现在将免费FSD(完全自动驾驶能力)的转让期限延长了一个月,到九月三十日。 至于本周剩余时间的上传计划,目前还不确定。通常在七月四日前后,新闻会非常少。所以我建议大家注册下面链接的“电气化”通讯,这是免费的。如果要猜的话,我会说周三发布通讯,周四没有更新,周五再上传一次。但具体情况还要看。

tesla stock closed the day at $231.26 up 10.2 while the nazdak was up 0.84 it was the highest volume day we've had in a long time potentially all year trading 123 million shares above the average volume the past 30 days tesla's market cap now sits at 737 billion i hope you guys have a wonderful day please like the video if you did you can find me on x-linked below and a huge thank you to all of my patreon supporters