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Tesla Trillions: Why Everyone Is Talking About It Again Now ⚡️

发布时间 2024-06-27 23:40:48    来源


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Welcome to Electrified, it's your host Dylan Loomis. Apologies for missing yesterday's video, was fully planning on getting one out, but it was an unexpected night for me to say the least and eventually I'll fill everybody in. I was not able to get a newsletter out either and what can I say other than sometimes things happen and I appreciate your understanding. According to new data from Mark Lyons, a company that provides auto insight said in the 12 months through May of this year, Tesla sold around 618,000 cars in the US. That's compared with about 597,000 fully electric cars sold by all other manufacturers. Thus, this Bloomberg article is highlighting that sometime this year, Tesla may lose its EV market share majority that it's had for over 6 years. But as we've said for years, Tesla's share of the US EV market cannot stay over 50% forever. It's really just math as more players come into the market. And I think this is a good reminder that Elon and many Tesla execs have also said the number to focus on is Tesla's share of the overall auto market, not just the EV segment.
欢迎来到Electrified,我是主持人Dylan Loomis。抱歉昨天的视频没有更新,本来计划要发的,但昨晚的情况有点出乎意料,我之后会和大家详细说明。我也没能发出新闻简报,只能说有时候事情会这样发生,非常感谢大家的理解。 根据Mark Lyons公司的最新数据,这家公司提供汽车市场洞察。他们数据显示,今年5月截止的12个月内,特斯拉在美国售出了约61.8万辆汽车。而其他所有制造商共售出了约59.7万辆纯电动汽车。因此,彭博社的这篇文章指出,今年某个时候,特斯拉可能会失去已经保持超过6年的电动车市场份额的多数地位。但正如我们多年来所说的,特斯拉在美国电动车市场的份额不可能永远保持在50%以上。随着更多玩家进入市场,这其实是个数学问题。我认为这也是一个很好的提醒,埃隆·马斯克和许多特斯拉高管也曾说过,应该关注的数字是特斯拉在整个汽车市场的份额,而不仅仅是电动车的份额。

Now, would we like Tesla sales in the US to be a bit better? Would we like them to have a more affordable vehicle? Absolutely, but something like this was bound to happen, it really was just a matter of time and math. We got Tesla China's production number for May. It came in at 67,309. Looking further down the table right here, P is for production. So for months January through May of 2024, Tesla is currently at 354.7,000 vehicles produced. That compares to the same time last year when Tesla was at 381.9,000. So this year when it comes to production in China, Gigasang High is down 7.7%. A reminder W is for wholesale and D is for domestic.

I would not be making the argument Tesla is selling every car that it makes right now, because even if eventually all of the cars Tesla makes do get sold after going through inventory for a time, Tesla is not making every vehicle it can make right now. Gigasang High, Gigas Texas, and likely Gigabrelin are all operating below max capacity. Tesla's Vision Auto Park is now available outside of North America .

for the first time for cars with and without ultrasonic sensors. It's confirmed to have been released in countries like Spain, Germany, France, and Italy, but it does require either enhanced autopilot or FSD. Starting tomorrow, Tesla Korea will officially begin deliveries of the Model 3 performance. This may give a slight boost to quarter to numbers, but I'd imagine a majority of these deliveries will happen in July. Tesla is still participating in the end of quarter delivery push as it's being reported that Tesla China is hiring back some of the people that were laid off, mostly from sales and service for the end of quarter push. But they're saying doing so has been challenging because some of those former Tesla employees have already been hired by competing EV companies in China.
第一次针对有和没有超声波传感器的汽车。在西班牙、德国、法国和意大利等国家已经确认推出,但需要具备增强自动驾驶或完全自动驾驶功能。从明天开始,特斯拉韩国将正式开始交付Model 3性能版。这可能会对第二季度数据有所提升,但我预计大多数交付将发生在七月份。特斯拉仍在进行季度末的交付冲刺,有报道称特斯拉中国正在重新雇佣一些被裁的员工,主要来自销售和服务部门,为季度末的冲刺做准备。但他们表示,这样做面临挑战,因为一些前特斯拉员工已经被中国的竞争电动车公司雇佣。

The word is right now that Tom Zu, who is now back in China, has been going around to all of the physical stores in China in an attempt to boost employee morale and they're saying that it's working. Jonas and Morgan Stanley put out a new Tesla stock note this time, a 10-pager talking about the humanoid opportunity so here are the highlights. We believe the humanoid opportunity is far bigger and faster adopting than autonomous cars and we'll see a greater quantum of capital behind it. Tesla is at the epicenter of the theme, investors may need to add new tabs to their excel models. They built a proprietary addressable market model examining labor dynamics and humanoid optionality across 830 job classifications and concluded the global labor market is a $30 trillion opportunity. They used a long-winded argument for why humanoids are the right form factor, the TLDR is the world is built for humans. Just so you know, that 30 trillion labor number came from them taking 3.4 billion people employed from Statista, which I personally don't trust, multiplying that by $9,000 per worker for an annual salary to get that 30 trillion number. But then for the US market, they did zoom in a bit further saying we forecast a humanoid population of 8 million units by 2040. That number would be for a cumulative or an installed base, not 8 million humanoids per year. They said, additionally, major public companies across industries ranging from automotive to consumer electronics are actively involved in humanoid development.
消息称,现已回到中国的Tom Zu正在全国各地的实体店巡游,试图提升员工士气,据说效果显著。Jonas和摩根士丹利这次发布了一份长达10页的特斯拉股票报告,讨论了类人机器人机会。以下是重点: 我们认为类人机器人机会比自动驾驶汽车规模更大,采用速度更快,我们会看到更多资本的投入。特斯拉位于这一主题的中心,投资者可能需要在他们的Excel模型中增加新的标签。他们构建了一个专有的可寻址市场模型,研究劳动动态和类人机器人在830个职业分类中的可选性,得出全球劳动市场是一个30万亿美元的机会。他们用了冗长的论据来解释为什么类人机器人是正确的形式因素,总结一下就是:世界是为人类打造的。 值得一提的是,这30万亿的劳动力市场数字是他们基于Statista的数据计算得出的,他们引用了3.4亿在职人数,这个数据我个人不完全信任,每个工人年薪9000美元,然后乘以总人数得出30万亿美元的市场规模。但在美国市场,他们进一步预测到2040年类人机器人将达800万台,这个数字是累计安装基数,而不是每年新增800万台。他们还提到,汽车到消费电子等行业的主要上市公司都积极参与类人机器人的开发。

Imagine for a moment a humanoid robot standing in front of a kitchen island on which an onion sits on a small plate next to a paring knife. Now imagine a large warehouse with 1,000 humanoid robots each standing next to a kitchen island with a onion on a plate next to a knife. As each trial and error accumulates among the group, the entire population learns at the collective rate of the best robot at any point in time. The aggregated learning of the cybernetic collective spools up to achieve an accelerated frontier of group learning. When the physical practice is completed with a winning robot having peeled its onion better than the other 999, best practices can then be shared and further improved through hundreds of millions of trials among their digital twins in a simulated omniverse.

And Omniverse is the name that NVIDIA used for its simulated humanoid training. They said when it comes to robotaxes, the operating domain is extremely complex, public roads, riddled with unpredictable elements. We believe that the humanoid time to commercialization will materialize faster than autonomous vehicles given the variability of the AV operating environment, aka the real world, and corresponding safety implications, human passengers and pedestrians. In contrast with the humanoid form factor which can learn in a geofence domain, like a warehouse or a factory.
Omniverse 是 NVIDIA 用于模拟人形机器人训练的名称。他们表示,谈到无人驾驶出租车,其操作环境非常复杂,公共道路上充满了不可预测的因素。我们认为,考虑到自动驾驶车辆(AV)的操作环境的多变性(即真实世界)以及相关的安全影响(如人类乘客和行人),人形机器人的商业化时间将比自动驾驶车辆更快实现。相比之下,人形机器人可以在一个受限的地理区域(如仓库或工厂)内学习。

Even though humanoids have more physical outputs, the difficult operating domain safety concerns and regulatory scrutiny that autonomous vehicles face pushes their adoption curve out to the right in our view. Perhaps the most important point they made I think is right here. They noted how advancements in AI, different models, neural net training and compute, may progress faster than the physical science of robots and by that they mean the optics, actuation, battery, and ultimately the manufacturing.

Remember Tesla has designed and manufactured most if not all of the parts when it comes to Optimus, it's nothing that they're going to suppliers for or finding off the shelf. Elon has said given Tesla's manufacturing expertise that's going to be a huge edge for Tesla relative to many of these other humanoid startups. How that may play out is that eventually there could be hardware bottlenecks for humanoids and who better to solve those bottlenecks than a company like Tesla, a hardcore manufacturing company. Morgan Stanley said building humanoid robots could range from $10,000 to $300,000 depending on configuration and downstream application.

They said per primary component supplier price quotes and proprietary analysis, we estimate Tesla's Optimus current bill of materials is $50,000 to $60,000 per unit X software. And then they shared this image with a breakdown of potential different costs for each different hardware piece of Optimus. And while the actual dollar amounts may not be super accurate given Tesla's vertical integration and thus lack of sight into those numbers, Morgan Stanley said the most expensive component of Optimus would be the hands making up about 17% of the total. That would be followed by the waist and the pelvis and the shoulder at around 14.2% each.

As far as odd has said the robots are coming and now Wall Street is preparing at least Morgan Stanley by building their extra Excel tab. And if Elon is correct that sometime next year there will be 1000 Optimus humanoids working at Tesla factories, I think it's time for the rest of Wall Street to follow Morgan Stanley's lead. There's one thing I know even more about the Tesla and yet I haven't talked much about it at all publicly. The past five years I've been held down by a parasite that I didn't know I had for years. I'm still working some things out with a gut specialist but performance and the mind muscle connection are my real specialties.

I don't have time to dive into this now but I want you to know if you're still breathing your story is not over. I don't care if you're 15 or 75, keep challenging yourself and learn to love the process. Find your vision from first principles and then go after it and even on the days you're not really feeling it something is better than nothing. Just like how an absurd number of Americans are malnutritioned, some AG1 may be able to help. You guys know the drill, it's rigorously tested, Huberman and Atia are on board, they just finished independent research studies showing 97% of participants felt more energy after taking AG1 for just 30 days.
我现在没时间深入探讨这个问题,但我想让你知道,如果你还在呼吸,你的故事还没有结束。无论你是15岁还是75岁,不断挑战自己,学会享受这个过程。从最基本的原则出发找到你的愿景,然后去追求它。即使在你感觉不太好的日子里,做一点总比什么都不做好。就像许多美国人营养不良一样,AG1可能能帮上忙。你们知道这套流程,它经过严格测试,Huberman和Atia也参与其中,刚完成的独立研究显示97%的参与者在仅仅服用AG1 30天后感到精力更充沛。

AG1 sponsors the channel but let it be a message that I'm about life optimization using the skills we've each been given to the best of our ability. And if you'd like to support electrified and your overall wellness you can grab five travel packs and vitamin D3K2 for free at drinkag1.com slash electrified linked below or you can use the QR code on the screen. Get to work. In case you missed it Elon said FSD12.4.2 is much smoother, challenges keeping safety high while increasing ride comfort. That build was supposed to go to internal testing as of yesterday. Which means if things were to go very well then potentially it could go to wide release as soon as this weekend if not sometime next week. Or it's not where they want it and we end up having to wait for .3 before we get a wide release. Time will tell. Omar's did say hopefully in customers hands over the weekend if all looks good to which Elon said yeah we just need to confirm there are no safety regressions. Personally I'm not expecting a wide release until next week at the very earliest.
AG1赞助了这个频道,不过我希望传递一个信息,那就是利用我们每个人拥有的技能,尽最大努力进行生活优化。如果你想支持Electrified以及你的整体健康,可以在drinkag1.com/electrified(链接见下方)免费领取五包旅行装和维生素D3K2,也可以使用屏幕上的二维码。加油。 如果你错过了消息,Elon表示FSD12.4.2版本更加顺畅,面临保持高安全性同时提高乘车舒适度的挑战。昨天这个版本应该已经开始内部测试。如果一切顺利,最早可能在这个周末发布给广大用户,最迟也可能在下周某个时候发布。否则,如果不达标,我们可能需要等待.3版本才能广泛发布。时间会告诉我们结果。 Omar说希望这个周末能到客户手中,如果一切顺利,Elon也回应说是的,我们只需要确认没有安全性的倒退。个人认为,最早下周可能会广泛发布。

Replying to Tesla Konami saying that Tesla Robotaxes will be a 5 to 7 trillion dollars situation Elon said maybe higher. And we know Tesla trillions it just sounds right. To that point Alex said the year is 2034 Tesla operates close to 100 million Robotaxes and over 1 billion Optimus robots while Tesla is a 24 trillion dollar stock. Legacy Media headline says random new scheme is the next Tesla killer. To which Elon responded saying that is probably inaccurate prediction. And not that anybody out there is keeping score but that would be roughly a 38x from where Tesla stock is today.
回复 Konami 所说的特斯拉Robotaxi未来将会是一个5到7万亿美元的市场,Elon表示这个数字可能更高。我们都知道特斯拉达到万亿市值是合理的。在这个背景下,Alex说到了2034年,特斯拉将运营近1亿辆Robotaxi和超过10亿台Optimus机器人,而特斯拉的市值将达到24万亿美元。传统媒体的头条却说,有一个新的随机计划将成为下一个特斯拉杀手。对此,Elon回复说,这可能是个不准确的预测。尽管没有人在记录,但这大约是特斯拉当前股票价值的38倍。

When it comes to Elon's compensation trial today a judge McCormick ordered both parties to begin preparing briefs laying out their views on the effect of the shareholder vote on the case. She also asked the parties to agree on a date in late July or early August for oral arguments on the issue. Judge McCormick will hear oral arguments over the legal fee on July 8th and she might take at least a few weeks before ruling. Even if she does not reverse her January ruling she might recognize the shareholder vote demonstrated there was little value in winning the case because Tesla shareholders want the record breaking compensation. That would undermine the plaintiff's attorney's fee request which is based on the value they provided to the company by rescinding the pay package. It sounds like we're looking at late July or early August before we get an actual ruling on the plaintiff's attorney's fees.

From Heinrich Zane Tesla will be an exhibitor at the IAA transportation trade show in Hanover Germany September 17th to the 24th. Dan Priestley the head of Tesla's semi-program will be a speaker and the last time he was at an event like this we got some interesting takeaways on the semi-program. On the Tesla shop they're selling Model Y Gemini wheel covers in the dark variants but currently it is out of stock $45 for one. There may be some Model 3 performance variants in Tesla's inventory that are currently receiving a discount for demo vehicles. I looked where am at there were none available here but just a heads up it may be worth a look. Mercedes said we're currently assessing how Tesla's latest announcements may affect our plans. We assume Tesla will fulfill its contractual obligations and we continue to aim for Mercedes customers to have access to the Supercharger network in North America later this year. A senior US Lithium industry executive is calling for Western car and battery companies to pay a premium for Lithium refined in the US arguing that prices for the metal are too low to cover the cost of building and running processing plants here.
海因里希·赞恩的消息:特斯拉将于9月17日至24日在德国汉诺威举办的IAA运输贸易展上参展。特斯拉半挂车项目负责人丹·普里斯特利将作为演讲嘉宾。上次他在类似活动上发言时,我们了解到一些关于半挂车项目的有趣信息。在特斯拉的线上商店,有黑色版本的Model Y Gemini轮毂盖在售,但目前已售罄,每个售价45美元。此外,特斯拉的库存中可能有一些Model 3高性能版的演示车辆正在打折。我查看了我所在的地区,暂时没有现货,但提醒大家可以关注一下。梅赛德斯表示目前正在评估特斯拉最新公告可能对公司计划产生的影响。我们假设特斯拉会履行合同义务,并继续努力确保梅赛德斯的客户能够在今年晚些时候使用北美的超级充电桩网络。一位美国锂行业高管表示,西方汽车和电池公司应支付溢价购买在美国精炼的锂,因为目前这种金属的价格太低,无法覆盖建设和运营加工厂的成本。

This coming from an exec at Albemarle the world's biggest Lithium producer probably thanks in part to the fact that Lithium prices are down 80% since the start of last year. A lot of that pricing is driven by the Chinese market. He said you can't use a China price in a US market. It's a different product. It should have a different differentiated value. The IRA does offer a 10% tax credit for production facilities but he said that's not sufficient. Look he may not be wrong given the higher processing and higher labor costs here in the United States. The problem is for these automakers most of them are already doing everything they can to reach profitability and paying higher prices for Lithium is not going to help. You know it's almost like Tesla cutting out the middleman and refining its own Lithium in the US was actually the right way to go.

Rivian did have its investor day today but it was almost a 4 hour event and given everything I have going on personally right now I have not had a chance to watch it. I did scrub through and zip through the transcript though and the main thing they were focusing on are all of their cost reduction efforts and their goal of achieving gross profitability by the end of this year. Rivian also outlined long-term financial targets of about 25% gross margin, 10% free cash flow and adjusted profit margin in the high teens but they did not give a timeline for those targets. Rivian also put out a new slide deck for their partnership with VW and as you can see there are currently five vehicles they have under a sheet taking a page out of Tesla's book.

I would not read too far into the shape of these sheets though they could just be placeholders it doesn't have to be the actual vehicle. On the far left we have Rivians R1 lineup and the EDV then we have the refreshed version of R1 with a new vehicle yet to be unveiled. In the third column we have the R2 and R3 with another vehicle yet to be unveiled and MSP down here for Rivian stands for mid-sized platform which leaves three new vehicles they're dubbing affordable mass market. Rivian did also pre-announce its quarter two expected delivery number and they're saying it should be between 13 and 13.3 thousand for the quarter.

That number should be just shy of Rivian's Q1 number which came in at 13.6 thousand vehicles delivered in quarter one. And then for quarter three and four of 2023 Rivian was averaging about 14.8 thousand units delivered per quarter. I do plan on trying to make some time this weekend to watch the whole event. I actually had a friend text me about this yesterday and the headline was Randall Cobb who plays in the NFL and his family survive a house fire that was caused by a Tesla charger. And there are plenty of headlines just like that already out there but if you go to read the article look what you find.
那个数字应该略低于Rivian第一季度交付的13,600辆汽车。而在2023年的第三季度和第四季度,Rivian平均每季度交付约14,800辆。我计划这个周末找时间看完整个活动。实际上,昨天我有个朋友发短信告诉我一件事,标题是NFL球员Randall Cobb和他的家人从一起由特斯拉充电器引发的房屋火灾中幸存下来。还有很多类似的新闻标题,但如果你去读那篇文章,看看你会发现什么。

Fire investigators have yet to confirm whether or not the Tesla charger was the cause. And this right here was the post from Randall Cobb's wife and if you look at the actual picture it's tough to tell but this right here is an electrical panel. Nowhere in this image do you see a Tesla charger and look maybe it was caused by the Tesla charger but until we get actual confirmation can everybody relax with all of these headlines. The heat around the US MCA is picking up that's the US Mexico Canada trade agreement. That was the one negotiated by Trump and enacted in 2020. Its rules could let Chinese autos assembled in Mexico enter the US either duty free or at a nominal 2.5% tariff rate.
火灾调查员尚未确认特斯拉充电器是否是起火原因。这里是兰德尔·科布妻子的帖子,如果你看实际图片,很难判断,但这是一块电气面板。图片中没有任何特斯拉充电器的踪影。也许火灾确实是由特斯拉充电器引起的,但在得到确切确认之前,大家能不能别再被这些标题吓到了。 美国-墨西哥-加拿大贸易协定(USMCA)最近热度上升,这是特朗普在任时谈判并于2020年生效的协定。根据该协定的规则,中国在墨西哥组装的汽车可以免税或以象征性的2.5%的关税进入美国。

But to diffuse this threat the US has some options. One customs officials could rule Chinese EVs do not qualify for the low duty or duty free benefits of being assembled in Mexico. Two US policymakers could also pressure Mexico to keep Chinese vehicles out of that country which is already happening. And three they could bar Chinese EVs from the US on the grounds that they would threaten America's national security. And unfortunately that third option will likely be the easiest one for the US government. No matter which option the US goes with though it's likely going to face legal challenges from companies that want to import the Chinese EVs. But they're saying for a Chinese company like BYD to actually qualify for that duty free treatment it's going to be quite challenging because even some North American automakers can't meet certain requirements.

But Chinese EV makers could get access to that 2.5% tax if they can show assembling their EVs in Mexico involved a substantial transformation that essentially turned them from Chinese into Mexican cars. Tesla is in the crosshairs again when it comes to air quality issues at Fremont this time yet again thanks to emissions from the paint shop. Tesla has to hire a third party consultant to evaluate the current air quality management practices and Tesla will be required to develop and submit an implementation plan for those recommendations. Earlier this year Tesla was required to pay a $1.5 million fine thanks to environmental concerns from the Fremont factory. I know everybody has been eagerly awaiting JD power's initial quality study for 2024 and today is your lucky day. The rankings are based on problems per 100 vehicles and RAM is actually in the top spot with 149 to lower the number of the better. Rivian Tesla and Polestar are not officially included in the list because they don't meet certain criteria but Tesla's score was 266 which would have been second to last on this list and the only company scoring worse was Dodge. The survey looks at 227 problems things like climate, driving assistance, exterior features, infotainment, interior powertrain, seats and others.
但是,如果中国电动车制造商可以证明他们在墨西哥组装的电动车经过了实质性转变,基本上从中国车变成了墨西哥车,他们就可以获得那2.5%的税收优惠。特斯拉再次成为关注焦点,这次是因为弗里蒙特工厂的空气质量问题,尤其是喷漆车间的排放问题。特斯拉需要聘请一个第三方顾问来评估当前的空气质量管理措施,并且特斯拉需要根据这些建议制定并提交一个实施计划。今年早些时候,由于弗里蒙特工厂的环境问题,特斯拉被要求支付150万美元的罚款。 我知道大家一直在期待JD Power发布的2024年新车质量初期研究报告,今天是你们的幸运日。排名基于每100辆车的问题数量,RAM实际上以149的问题数名列第一,数值越低越好。Rivian、特斯拉和Polestar没有正式列入榜单,因为它们不符合某些标准,但特斯拉的得分是266,将会是倒数第二,唯一得分更差的是道奇。这项调查研究了227个问题,比如气候控制、驾驶辅助、外部特征、信息娱乐系统、内饰、动力系统、座椅等。

In the press release they said gas and diesel powered vehicles average 180 problems per 100 this year while BEVs are 86 points higher at 266 problems per 100. I bet many of you can guess why Tesla is not doing well here but in case you can't while there are no notable improvements in BEV quality this year the gap between Tesla's BEV quality and that of traditional OEMs has closed. Both currently sit at 266 problems per 100. In the past Tesla has performed better but that's not the case this year and the removal of traditional feature controls like turn signals and wiper stocks has not been well received by Tesla customers. Tesla stock closed the day at $197.42 up 0.53 while the NASDAQ was up 0.3%. It was an average volume day for Tesla trading about 1 million shares below the average the past 30 days.

I wanted today's video out a bit earlier as I know many of you will be watching the presidential debate tonight so get your drinks ready for that one if you're watching this early. Don't forget check out AG1 linked below if you're interested. Hope you guys have a wonderful day. Please like the video if you did. You can find me on X linked below and a huge thank you to all of my patreon supporters.