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Emergency Press Conference: Over 50% of US Car Dealers Are Shut Down Due To Cyber Attack

发布时间 2024-06-21 00:09:01    来源


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Alright, emergency situations call for emergency videos. You guys don't often see me like this. I'm actually on vacation with my family. And it's been a pretty wild two days. So let me share with you my hot take around what's happening and the potential solutions and what the future can look like. So to quickly recap the situation, CDK was underwent a cyber attack over the last 36 hours. And overnight, last night or in the morning, I mean, sometime overnight, they got hit with another attack. Now, it's hard to really know right now that you're in the fog of war, who really knows what's happening? And if this was the same attacker and just had some more, the systems were still compromised maybe internally and weren't actually fully recovered. And when they started turning systems back on, maybe the attacker, again, did what they did, it's really tough to know right now. I feel for CDK and all dealers going through this because it's just terrible.

I tweeted that automotive is like three to three and a half percent of GDP. You have CDK powering roughly 50% of the industry and their systems, right? Like people are DMing me from everywhere all over the country like, hey, I can't buy a car now or I can't sell a car. I mean, it's a really bad situation, all right? Let's take it a step further, right? I'm gonna assume that CDK is gonna figure this out soon, shortly, right? A couple of things to note here. Number one is dealers are texting me of lots of things, but some of the themes that I'm hearing is, number one is like everyone is in just wartime mode, right? Like you have people flooding your showroom, you're trying to put cars on the road, it's really tough.

Everyone's trying to like figure out, what are we doing, pen and paper? Are we spotting cars? Like, right, we're putting them on the road, we're gonna sell them in a couple of days when the systems are back up. Service is a huge pain point for people because service is not as easy as a solution, it's just spotting cars. And so service has been a really big challenge for dealers, trying to figure out how to get the cars in and out with parts and it gets really complicated on the service side. But the other thing to note is that the number one thing I'm hearing from dealers is they're asking me or they're just talking about hedging, right? Because everyone now is like, this is traumatic moment when you have hundreds, if not thousands of employees, they can't work and customers, right? The first thing you think about is like, more than ever is how do I hedge this? Now, it doesn't mean that dealers have not been hedging already before this, but now it's just to go to an extreme level. And so what I would say this is like, if I'm CDK right now, I think that there's a couple options.

I think that, and I'm not, I don't know economically what this means, I'm just kind of giving you my hot takes here. But I think number one is every single dealer that is experiencing this right now, the first thing that's going through the mind is going to, after it's over is, you know, what do I do? Do I have two DMSs now? Do I switch a DMS, all these stuff? Right now, the reality is this can happen to anyone. Obviously the more well prepared and equipped you are, the less likely, and it doesn't mean that CDK wasn't prepared. We don't know the details yet. But the point is everyone is prone to cyber attacks. But what I would do if I was CDK, or I think at least an option is I would offer some form of like on-premises servers to all my dealers, complimentary, or at some subsidy, right after the fact here, because dealers will hedge. That's going to happen, 100%.

The question is how will they do it? And so, you know, on one hand, they may go for, to have to run through DMSs, which is, which will be, you know, extremely inefficient, and costly, but it's going to route that absolutely some dealers will do. And by the way, I know many dealers that have two DMSs. That's not like a novel concept. But I think the second thing is like, if I'm a CDK, I'm thinking, okay, how do I hedge this? Without having my dealers go for a second DMS, right? Is there a way for me to provide that security? And I think that we're going to go back to many more on-premises servers. Just like we've all used, right? These are servers on-site. I remember when we installed our first on-premises server and I was like, what is this? Hey, piece of technology. But hey, lo and behold, in many cases, it's probably better. And that doesn't mean that that's not prone to attacks and hacks and stuff like that.
问题是,他们将如何实现这一点?你知道,一方面,他们可能会选择通过DMS系统来运行,这种方式极其低效且昂贵,但肯定会有一些经销商这样做。顺便说一下,我知道许多经销商有两个DMS系统,这并不是一个新颖的概念。 但我认为第二个问题是,如果我是CDK公司,我会想,如何在不让我的经销商使用第二个DMS系统的情况下,对这一风险进行对冲?有没有办法让我提供那种安全保障?我认为我们会回到更多的本地服务器。就像我们都用过的那种服务器,它们是放在现场的。我记得我们安装第一台本地服务器时的情景,我当时在想,这是什么科技产品?但事实证明,在很多情况下,可能这种方式更好。虽然这并不意味着这些服务器不会受到攻击和黑客入侵。

Everything can be, and I'm also not a cybersecurity expert, but I do understand that, you know, that likely is a bit tougher to breach because it's on-premises, it's not in the cloud, yada yada yada. So really tough situation overall. I really do feel for all the employees and just people that are experiencing this because it's just really unfortunate. And it's definitely not something for anyone to, you know, glee about or for competitors to spend its time trying to upsell or, you know, trying to kind of take business.

I mean, no one wants to buy your shit right now, right? If you're a vendor, if you're anyone that's selling anything to someone that's experiencing this right now, no one wants to buy your shit, right? Everyone just wants to figure out what you're doing. I see some people posting about, it's like, it's really tone deaf actually, trying to go and sell on a time like this. Like, don't do that, right? And by the way, it doesn't matter, I'm not talking about like competitors, like, you know, dealership management system competitors.

I'm referring to, you know, if you're a vendor selling anything, or you could be selling like detailing products. But if you're doing this, someone with a customer that's affected and I see people posting stuff, it just feels really tone deaf. My two senses don't do that, you can do whatever you want, but that's my two cents. So anyways, that's my hot take. And hopefully this is figured out soon because it's really, really unfortunate for thousands and thousands and thousands of people across the country.

I keep you posted.