Climate change made heatwaves 35 times more likely

发布时间 2024-06-20 14:25:00    来源


A group of scientists from an organisation called the World Weather Attribution group have said that recent heatwaves in North America and Europe were made 35 times more likely because of global warming. There have been heatwaves in parts of southeast Asia, in Greece and Turkey. Also hundreds of people have died in Saudi Arabia, where 1.8 million are taking part in the annual Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca, because of temperatures exceeding 50 degrees Celsius (120 degrees Fahrenheit). Also in the programme: Vladimir Putin visits Vietnam ; and how shockwaves can help regenerate heart tissue after a bypass operation. (Photo: India issues heatwave red alert, New Delhi Credit: HARISH TYAGI/EPA-EFE/REX/Shutterstock)

