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Disappear For 2-4 Hours A Day (The Millionaire Productivity Routine) - YouTube

发布时间 2024-02-18 04:15:31    来源


Block out one hour a day, work on one meaningful project, aim for one vision for your future. Take it one day at a time. You don't need more motivation, you need more clarity, you don't need more time, you need more focus. This video will teach you how to unlock insane focus on demand. And the reason for making this is because most people think that they have to work like a millionaire in order to become a millionaire. But the first misunderstanding there is that most people don't know how millionaires work. And there are two examples of this, the first being Sam Altman from OpenAI. Quoting Sam, focus is a force multiplier on work. Almost everyone I've ever met would be well served by spending more time thinking about what to focus on.
每天预留一小时,专注于一个有意义的项目,朝着一个未来愿景前进。一天一天地来。你不需要更多的动力,而是需要更多的清晰;你不需要更多的时间,而是需要更多的专注。这个视频将教你如何在需要时激发惊人的专注力。制作这个视频的原因是,大多数人认为必须像百万富翁那样工作才能成为百万富翁。但首先的误解在于,大多数人不知道百万富翁是如何工作的。有两个例子,第一个是来自OpenAI的Sam Altman。引用Sam的话,专注是工作的力量倍增器。我认识的几乎所有人都可以通过花更多时间思考该专注什么而受益。

It is much more important to work on the right thing than it is to work many hours. Most people waste most of their time on stuff that doesn't matter. Once you have figured out what to do, be unstoppable about getting your small handful of priorities accomplished quickly. I have yet to meet a slow-moving person who is very successful. And a second example is Tej Dosa, who is a low key copywriter and just a cool guy to follow on Twitter. I know an entrepreneur who works 14 hours a day and is stuck living in the basement. I know an entrepreneur who works 5 hours a day and is built and sold 3 companies for 100 million plus each. The value isn't in how many hours you work, but where you focus your attention, awareness, consciousness.
比起长时间工作,做正确的事情更为重要。大多数人浪费了大部分时间在无关紧要的事情上。一旦你找到了要做的事,就要坚定不移地快速完成少数几项优先事项。我还没有遇到一个行动缓慢却非常成功的人。另一个例子是Tej Dosa,他是一个低调的文案写手,也是Twitter上一个很酷的人。我认识一个企业家,每天工作14个小时,却还困在地下室里生活。还有一个企业家,每天只工作5个小时,却已经建立并出售了3家公司,每家公司都超过1亿。价值不在于工作了多少小时,而在于你把注意力、意识、精力集中在哪里。

And third is myself. I would argue that 90% to 95% of my work days are 4 hours or less. Sometimes they go down to 2, sometimes they go up to 6. Sometimes when I'm building something, they go up to 12, but honestly never usually that much. Like I take breaks in between that. So the point here is that you don't need more time than you already have. That's the realization you need to make if your excuse is time to that is preventing you from actually starting building your dreams. Because it doesn't make sense. It's impossible to have more time than you have.
第三点是我自己。我认为我的工作日有 90% 到 95%的时间是 4 小时或更少。有时工作时间会降到 2 小时,有时会增加到 6 小时。当我在建造某些东西时,工作时间有时会增加到 12 小时,但实际上很少有这么长。我在中间会休息。所以重点是,你不需要比现在更多的时间。如果你因为时间问题而无法开始追逐梦想,那么你需要意识到这一点。因为这个理由不成立,你不可能拥有比现在更多的时间。

Everyone starts somewhere. People don't start with a fake millionaire routine. They start with what they have. So while I've mostly worked for 4 hours a day, up until now, it wasn't like that when I was just starting out. I didn't have 12 hours a day. I didn't have 4 hours a day. I worked a job. I had other responsibilities. I was building something on the side. During that time, I worked for 1-2 hours a day and that's what led to this. The entrepreneurs that decide to work more usually enjoy working more.

And a lot of them, I mean, I preach the 4-hour workday as if it's a fit for everyone. Because that's how you get the point across. You'd be confident and somewhat polarizing so people actually, so your words don't get watered down and people actually get used from them. So I understand why entrepreneurs that work a lot of time tell people to work a lot of time. This is the birth of hustle culture. But oftentimes, the people that feel like they have to work a long time and try to force themselves to work a long time and they don't see that work as a play, it's often at their own psychological expense. They are lacking quality in their work because they are working too long.

And therefore, if their work were higher quality, they would see better results in less time with less work and their life would just be all around better. Productivity is like fitness and you wouldn't train 8 hours a day with no food or sleep and expect to make progress. There are two types of work. First is building. When you are building the foundation of something new, like a product, service, or brand, this requires a lot of upfront work. The second is maintenance. When you are feeling the foundation you've built with a streamlined productivity system, like writing content, marketing yourself, building an audience, or fulfilling on your product or service, this requires 1 to 4 hours a day depending on your skill level or choice of work.

People trying to change their life or quit their job often get discouraged at the amount of work it takes to build, not maintain. And people don't understand that building isn't a permanent thing. It may be 6 weeks of working extra or working more on the weekends and maintaining things along the way. But it's not permanent. That's not your permanent state. That's something you do maybe once or twice a year to reverse entropy of your business and keep yourself alive and relevant and to keep new revenue generating. So I'll actually be writing about this in a future newsletter and therefore a future video. But I will be talking about Co's Law, my name law, which is a spinoff of Parkinson's Law, which is work expands to fill the time allotted for completion. Co's Law is the next level of that. It's the evolution, it's transcendence of your work.
人们在尝试改变生活或辞职时,往往在面对大量的工作量时感到灰心,因为这些工作是为了建立而不是维持。而人们常常不了解,建立并不是一个永久的状态。这可能意味着需要花费六周的时间在工作日外加班或在周末多工作,同时还要维持现有的事物。但这并不是一种永久状态。这只是一年中你可能会做一两次的事情,用来逆转企业的熵增,保持自我生机和相关性,并确保新的收入来源。因此,我会在未来的时事通讯中写到这个话题,也会在未来的视频中讨论它。不过,我还会谈到“Co’s Law”,这是我的命名法则,是对“帕金森定律”的演绎。帕金森定律指出,工作会扩展以占满完成它所需的时间。而“Co’s Law”是这个定律的进化版,是你的工作在超越中的体现。

So Co's Law is work evolves to earn more in the same amount of time allotted for it so that you can maintain your 4 hours and make more money because your work has to evolve to account for that as your skill set increases. And with that, you need to understand that with the building and maintenance work that focus compounds and you get better at what you're doing with time. When you build one thing, it takes two weeks. When you build the second thing, it takes two days. When you build the third thing, it takes two hours. Nobody starts building the first thing that takes two weeks so they never give themselves the chance to build the third thing that takes two hours. Focused work is only one part of changing your life.
So Co's法则表示,工作会不断发展以在相同的时间内赚取更多的钱,从而使你可以保持每天4小时的工作时间并赚取更多的收入。随着你的技能提升,你的工作也需要不断进化来适应这个变化。而且你需要明白,在建设和维护工作中,专注是会有复利效应的,随着时间推移,你会越来越擅长自己的工作。当你建造第一件东西时,可能需要两周;当你建造第二件东西时,可能只需要两天;当你建造第三件东西时,可能只需两个小时。很多人没有从需要两周的第一件东西开始,所以他们永远没有机会建造需要两个小时的第三件东西。专注的工作只是改变你生活的一部分。

Yep, that's me. You're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation. You see, after losing a few hairs and my already high genetic hairline receding a bit further, I had an existential crisis even though I probably didn't actually lose anything. My hairline was just that bad. After worrying for weeks on end because I was overly identified with my glorious hair and researching the buzz cut with hopes to look like Joe Delaney, I decided to cut off the piece of myself that lived on my head to see if my worries would hold their weight. And I just wanted to know what I look like.

Your mind is a supercomputer and your attention is the RAM. Thoughts, regrets, and tasks are the programs slowing your performance. Writing, mindfulness, and focus are the reboot you can access at any time. RAM, R-A-M, or Random Access Memory is one of the most important parts of the computer because it determines performance. The more RAM you use up with different programs running, open browser tabs, and the performance requirements of what you have running, the slower your performance will be. This is no different from your focus or what you hold in your conscious attention. Humans can process 50 bits of information per second, which adds up to around this is approximate 125 billion bits in their lifetime. I talk about all of this in my book The Art of Focus, which is a philosophy for working less, earning more, and enjoying life. Focus is only one part of it and focus is so much more than just deep work. There's one chapter on deep work in the book. The rest is the holistic philosophy for living a better life, doing what you want, creating your own career, not being a signed one, and just doing the things you've always wanted to do and how to navigate that mentally, and become, build that mental strength and emotional resilience.
你的大脑是一台超级计算机,而你的注意力就是它的内存(RAM)。各种想法、遗憾和任务就像在拖慢你运行速度的程序。写作、正念和专注就如同能随时访问的重启按钮。RAM,全称随机存取存储器,是计算机中最重要的部分之一,因为它决定了计算机的性能。使用过多RAM来运行不同的程序和浏览器标签,会导致性能变慢。这和你的注意力或意识中的内容没有什么不同。人类每秒钟可以处理大约50位的信息,这一生大约可以处理1250亿位的信息。 这些内容都可以在我的书《专注的艺术》中找到,这是一本关于如何减少工作时间、增加收入和享受生活的哲学书籍。专注只是其中的一部分,专注不仅仅是深入工作。书中有一章讲深入工作,其余内容是关于如何通过整体的生活哲学过上更好的生活,做你想做的事,创造属于自己的事业,而不是被动接受,如何去实现你一直梦想做的事情,如何在心理上导航这些挑战,建立心理韧性和情感弹性。

Most people live with multiple high demand programs running that are draining the limited creative energy they have. Thoughts about regretful past mistakes, thoughts about stressful future happenings, desires for hunger and entertainment to escape those thoughts, an internal cry to break out of their conditioned way of living, a list of mixed priority tasks that need to be finished, and open loops of tasks they were supposed to complete but forgot about. The list goes on and on. The modern mind has its attention split in infinite directions by default. We go about our lives stressed out and near sickness rather than living with singular focus.

And what I mean by singular focus is it's like a funnel, it's like a cone where your mind is open to your vision for your ideal future, and it is focused on the present steps that you were taking to get there. And along the way, the clarity that you have to create and maintain to prevent your mind from declining into chaos are the goals, the skills, the education, the awareness that you gain along that path, and you can't expect to know everything along that path. That's why it's open to the future, having faith and trust in your ability and taking action on a daily basis to get there. If you understand entropy, you understand that by doing nothing with your life, you choose to slowly drown in chaos. You don't stay the same, you dig yourself deeper into a hole without trying.

The good life demands consistent effort toward your own goals. Entropy is the supreme law of the universe and without getting too complicated, entropy is that everything tends toward disorder or chaos or everything falls apart with time. Everything around you, the building you're in, your skin, your hair, the food in your fridge, the cleanliness of your bed, the cleanliness of your room, it's all going to tend toward chaos unless you put focus and effort into solving the problems that lead to it being better or it being maintained. Now, entropy is the driving force of evolution, since everything tends toward, let's say death, we are aware of that. And out of fear, we are pushing towards something related to immortality or youth extension and problem solving is the way we do that, right? If things didn't tend toward disorder, we would not be in the situation we are today. We wouldn't have any motivation to do anything. We wouldn't have a reason to be here. We wouldn't have a purpose. Our purpose is to solve the problems that lead to the dissolution of barriers in our own minds so that we can pass those lessons down and solve problems in other people's lives to remove the limits from their minds. That's what a problem is. It is a limit on your mind and potential. And once it is solved, you increase your level of mind or level of consciousness so that you can navigate the world better and lead to a better humanity. And if this is done on an individual level across the globe by, let's say one vessel to do this is a personal brand, the creator economy, writing, putting your word out there to help other people selling a product so you earn a meaningful income like I always talk about by solving your own problems and selling the solution, which we'll talk about in the next video. That's what I mean. Entropy is important.
好的生活需要持续不断地朝着自己的目标努力。熵是宇宙的最高法则,简单来说,熵意味着一切都倾向于无序或混乱,或者说随着时间的推移,一切都会崩溃。你周围的一切,无论是你所在的建筑、你的皮肤、你的头发、冰箱里的食物、床的整洁程度、房间的清洁程度,都会倾向于混乱,除非你投入精力和努力去解决这些问题,使一切变得更好或保持良好状态。 熵是进化的驱动力,因为一切都趋向于死亡,我们对此有清楚的认知。出于对死亡的恐惧,我们努力追求某种形式的不朽或延长青春,而解决问题是实现这一目标的方法。如果事物不倾向于混乱,我们今天就不会处于当前的境地。我们不会有任何动机去做任何事情,也不会有任何存在的理由或目的。 我们的目的是解决那些导致精神障碍的问题,使我们能够传授这些教训,并解决他人生活中的问题,从而消除他们心中的限制。这就是问题的本质:它是对你的心智和潜力的限制。一旦问题解决,你的心智或意识水平就会提升,让你更好地驾驭世界,从而带来更美好的未来。 如果这种努力能够在全球个体层面上实现,比如通过一个个人品牌、创作者经济、写作、发表观点帮助他人,或者通过售卖产品获得有意义的收入,像我常说的那样,通过解决自己的问题并销售解决方案,那么我们将在下一个视频中讨论这些内容。这就是我的意思:熵很重要。

Now, if you don't put effort into cleaning something like your room, eventually with time, it's just naturally going to turn into a disgusting nest of filth. So related to the mind and psychic entropy, most people's minds are a disgusting nest of filth because they don't take the care to solve their own problems. They focus on them. It multiplies and it ruins their life because they can't zoom out and practice what I talk about in my book to learn how to navigate their mind. You aren't productive because you don't have clarity. You aren't productive because you focus on one distraction. Don't correct yourself and slowly become overwhelmed by the chaos in your mind. Distractions are problems in your productivity system that must be solved if you want to unlock laser focus. There are two ways to identify distractions and correct yourself. These are boredom and anxiety. So here is a graphic that I've shown multiple times before.

This is adapted from me high to accept me high from his book flow. On the y-axis up and down, there's the challenge level on the x-axis left and right. There's the skill level. If the challenge is too high, but your skill is too low, you are going to get anxious or self-conscious. And if your skill is too high, but the challenge is too low, you're going to get bored or your focus is going to be self-centered. But when you live at your edge, when you live at the edge of your abilities and you pursue a challenge or a problem that you want to solve, and your skill is up to par with that. This is when you feel good. This is when all of this life stuff makes sense because the flow state, arguably AP experience, a spiritual experience, once you tap into that state, I believe that's nature signal that you are doing something right. And so if this aligns with entropy and problem solving and by continuously solving more complex problems that increase the complexity of your mind and therefore ripple out to the minds around you when you interact with people because ideas replicate. We reproduce on a spiritual level as well.

Every single word that I'm saying to you right now is forming your identity, which is your mental body, not your physical body. I'm not giving birth to a child. I am shaping the identities of people with the content that I'm creating. And then you are going to go and tell people these ideas, or you're going to just shape your words and actions because of them and you're going to move in a different life direction. And that is going to ripple out to hundreds of thousands, if not millions, if not billions of people in your lifetime, simply because of the network effect, whether you're online or not. If you are online and you're able to reach more people, then that number multiplies even more. So your actions matter and being in the flow state to lead evolution, it matters. So the balance between boredom and anxiety, let's make sense of boredom, how to notice if you're in the state, the boredom stems from self centeredness, your focus breaks, a new desire pops into your head and related thoughts start to fill your attention. If you are bored of the task, you will start thinking of better things you could be doing. That's what you're trying to notice.

The anxiety stems from self consciousness, your focus turns inward and negative thoughts flood your mind about how you aren't good enough. If you look in the mirror and spot a pimple or hair that is going to be on your mind for the rest of the day, it will impact every other area of your life. The ram of your mental supercomputer will be consumed by rogue programs until your performance suffers as a whole. The chaos induced by boredom and anxiety can only be cured by clarity. When you have the skill and knowledge that matches the challenge of the task, life becomes a video game of quests that you love to play. Now, let's create your own productivity system under the philosophy of the four hour workday, which we will expand on in a few videos from now. And we have already talked about in multiple videos, humans find meaning in stories, humans love playing games. Why? Because they present a clear hierarchy of goals that our mind can adopt as an indestructible frame. They follow the curiosity, intensity, consistency, cycle of the universe. First, you're lost, then you're curious, then you're obsessed, then it's a consistent part of your life with little extra effort.
焦虑源于自我意识,你的注意力转向内在,负面想法充斥脑海,感觉自己不够好。如果你照镜子发现了一颗痘痘或一根乱发,那件事会萦绕你一整天,影响生活的方方面面。你的心理超级计算机的内存会被这些杂乱无章的程序占据,直到整体表现受到影响。只有通过清晰的目标,才能治愈焦虑和无聊带来的混乱。当你的技能和知识与任务的挑战相匹配时,生活仿佛变成了一个你热爱玩的任务类电子游戏。 现在,让我们在四小时工作日的理念下,创建你自己的生产力系统,我们将在后续的视频中详细探讨这一点。我们已经在多个视频中提到过,人类在故事中找到意义,人类喜欢玩游戏。为什么?因为游戏提供了一清晰的目标层次结构,我们的心智可以将其作为一个坚不可摧的框架。它们遵循宇宙的好奇、强度和一致性循环。首先,你迷失方向,然后你产生好奇,接着你变得痴迷,最后这成为你生活中的一部分,几乎不需要额外的努力。

Most people get lost, focus on distractions, and never put effort into a goal, even if they don't see the meaning in it yet to reverse the whole they're digging themselves into. Understand that nothing is perfect. There are bad lyrics of a good song. There are ugly pixels of a beautiful image. There are low stocks and a high mutual fund. It's like a story. Life is story. Life is song. Life is game. Uni verse one song. The universe is one song playing and it's harmonious. There are highs there are lows, but it is perfect. It is absolutely perfect. When you single something out, that is not going to be perfect. You having the perspective of reality or life or the universe is what makes life perfect. But when you focus in on something that's just a figment of consciousness or just an idea that we have labeled in our minds, then that's when imperfection starts to come into play. Because in a story, there are lows. There are lows, there are climaxes, there are there's death, there's decay, there's growth. We find most interest in the lows. We find most interest in the drama, but when it happens in our own lives, we hate it. Why?

Like a video game, you will have to progress from beginner to advanced by completing a series of quests to level up. It will take time. If you want maximum enjoyment in your focus and your work, here are the guidelines that you must have to create your productivity system. The first is identity or solving productive problems. Ever since I can remember, I've always had the goal of working four hours a day. A nine to five job was the bane of my existence. I observed society and realized the life I didn't want. I observed the successful and realized the life I did want. Over time, that perspective shaped my identity. I was attached to that desire of not working a job. And most people tell you desire is bad, but not if the outcome is positive, because the goals are the axis of your suffering. And you get to choose which goal you want to pursue.

Most people have goals that are assigned to them. And that's why they suffer and they can't escape it. But when you choose the problem you want to solve that leads to meaningful living and challenge and purpose in life, there's going to be suffering along with that. But it's worth suffering through. That's a good sign that you're on the right path is that you're willing to take the suffering that comes from pursuing the goal that you chose. Perspective is everything. It allows you to identify problems and opportunities that when solved, result in achieving the goal of that perspective. It was nearly an automatic decision to be where I am today, because anything that threatened the idea of me working for us a day was seen as a problem. Most people don't do this. They work their expect. They expect to work eight hours a day.

So anything outside of that is perceived as a problem. Like, oh, after work 30 minutes extra today, that sucks. I'm anxious. I'm bored. Like, I don't want to do this right now. I'm overwhelmed. For me, that happens at four hours. But the thing is, is that I'm allowed to create that lifestyle because I chose a vessel that you go with time. I worked a job as well, but you choose a vessel that allows you to control and create your own lifestyle over time. So if you don't have that, that's step one. That becomes your identity is one, the job is the problem, and you're going to have to work at it until you can get out of it. So by me wanting to work four hours a day, that's what led to me doing freelance work, me understanding the power of social media. People don't realize it's power now because they don't have the identity that isn't an employee mindset. So identity is the first thing to keep in mind.

But the second thing you need is a project, which we talked about in the last video on how to learn any high value skill fast so you can finally change your life. Your identity is shaped by your vision for the future. Your vision is the all encompassing goal that you're pursuing in your life. It is at the top of your hierarchy. Everything falls under it. So now you need a project, a tangible project. I keep repeating this because you need a fucking project to work on in the first one to two hours of your day, create a project, please for the love of God, because you need something to build that will result in your ideal future. If you aren't building your future, then that future isn't going to be built. Does that make sense? And you also need something that exposes you to problems to solve, because if you aren't building something, then the only problems that you're encountering are the ones that your mind fabricates.

And lastly, you need clarity for your work. So you have a place to anchor your attention. So it doesn't go to the negative thoughts and fabricate problems. And if you watch the last video, you understand that building a project and teaching as you build is the best way to learn something. Studying and getting trapped in tutorial hell is not learning something. Learning comes from struggle, not memorization. It's a principle in my book. Step one is to create an outline, brain dump everything you know that should be built in the project, you will add to this outline as you build. Number two is to create milestones. So break the project down into manageable goals you can achieve in one to four hour work sessions, depending on your current responsibilities.

Now understand this, your vision or your project as well, your project falls under your vision and you continue building projects until you reach that vision, your project isn't going to be perfect. You need a minimum viable product in business, you need a minimum viable vision in life, you need a minimum viable project in everything, you just get something out on paper, it doesn't have to be ready for you to start building it, you build it so you can identify what's not in it. We're building cortex right now, the second brain software, and we've changed it completely from what it was originally planned to be. How do you think we figured out how it's going to be better by building the bad version first so you can improve it, you can't improve something that doesn't exist. So what should your project be?
理解这一点,你的愿景决定了你的项目,而你的项目是为了实现这个愿景不断进行的,即使你的项目不会是完美的。在商业中,你需要一个最小可行产品;在生活中,你需要一个最小可行愿景;在任何事情中,你都需要一个最小可行的项目。你需要先把想法写在纸上,不必等项目完美再开始,你需要通过实践来找出项目的不足。我们正在构建 Cortex 这款第二大脑软件,目前它已经完全不同于最初的计划。你知道我们是怎么让它变得更好的吗?就是先构建一个糟糕的版本,然后逐步改进。你无法改进一个不存在的东西。那么,你的项目应该是什么呢?

I have no fucking clue, I can't tell you that. Stop outsourcing your critical thinking and just life to someone on the internet. But what I can tell you is that it should probably be a business as that's the vessel for your purpose. It is the catalyst for the good life that breaks you out of robotic living. Entrepreneurship is modern survival and your psyche is wired to hunt. You aren't meant to be a monkey and a cubicle. Along with that and just the other domains of your life or the projects in your life, your health, your relationships. Now the third guideline for focused work or the four hour work date is deadlines, which are the procrastinators edge. You aren't productive because you aren't public, which is another point for building an internet business on social media.

The flow state requirement of challenges and deadlines is baked in. When I set a launch date for a lead magnet or a product or something that I'm going to do, I better finish it before that date because people are expecting it and people probably pay for a pre-order. One important thing here, procrastination isn't bad, it's human nature. Most successful entrepreneurs are lazy, they wait until the last minute to get work done. But during that last minute, they enter the most enjoyable season of their lives. Their mind becomes a magnet for ideas. Their best work happens in these periods of obsession and intensity.

They don't have a choice but to get it done because their survival is at stake. Now onto time blocks and breaks. Focus is a muscle and success is reserved for those who train it. Identity, vision, projects and deadlines all narrow your attention on the present moment from the big picture to microscopic action. Time blocks take that a step further, narrowing your attention and making it easy to get into flow. So what I would recommend you do is just set a timer on your phone for 45 to 90 minutes. You can start with 45, you can start with five, you can start with 10, start with whatever, start with something because like building a muscle in the gym, it's going to take time for your focus to actually grow.

After that timer goes off, take a break, go on a walk, engage an active rest, rest of your mind. Don't think about work or set an intention for your next work block and allow your subconscious mind to munch on potential ideas as you're on your walk, as you're cooking food, as you're doing something, just get up, get out of your chair, stop burning your eyes with blue light, just enjoy yourself. It's like a rest between sets at the gym. You're not going to, you can't keep benching until like once you hit failure, you can't go past failure. Like if you actually hit failure because most people train like little bitches.

Now the next after time blocks is leverage. So doing the right things. I'm going to save you a lot of pain. Choose a career that allows for a four hour workday, start a one person business, become a value creator, use the internet to do what you love. Learn the skills that allow for this. Evolution is the process of solving problems that reverse entropy. Labor work and long workdays are a massive problem. People hate it. So social media, the internet and artificial intelligence were born. AI will solve the problem of overwork, potentially in this lifetime, especially if we solve the problem of aging.

What I'm saying here is that you are better off banking on the creative ability of your mind than you are going into a labor work job. If you want quick cash, then yes, that is actually a very good option right now. The future and to earn unlimited because your intelligence is scalable infinitely, then you need to choose a work that allows for four or four hour workday and you need to contribute your time, energy and focus into the aspects of reality that you want to see flourish. Now your work should consist of two to three, if not more, if you can handle more, but start with two to three lever moving tasks that move the needle towards your project and the project moving the needle towards your vision for the future. Some people can handle more tasks. Some people can handle less.
我在这里说的是,你更应该依靠你的创造力,而不是去做体力劳动。如果你想要快速赚到钱,那么体力劳动确实是个不错的选择。但是如果你想在未来获得无限的可能性,因为人的智慧是可以无限扩展的,那么你就需要选择一种每天只工作四个小时左右的工作,并且将你的时间、精力和注意力投入到你希望能够繁荣发展的领域。 你的工作应该包含两到三项关键任务,当然如果你能应付更多任务也可以,但一开始建议从两到三项开始。这些关键任务应该推动你的项目进展,而你的项目能够推动你对未来愿景的实现。一些人能够处理更多任务,而另一些人则能处理较少任务,这取决于个人能力。

There are actually nine priority tasks spots in my planner, the foci planner, which I wrote in this morning. I just wrote out my tasks and I write my notes for the day at the top as I'm sitting here at work. Now the next thing is routine or becoming efficient. You have a routine, even if your routine is no routine. And I discussed this in depth in my video, the daily routine that changed my life for habits that most people ignore. Routines are how you condition your mind to run on new systems. If you want to solidify a new identity, you must start stick to and refine a specific routine that encourages the growth of that identity. For the first month, building your project will feel uncomfortable. You're supposed to feel overwhelmed with this. It means your mind is expanding into a new identity slowly, then all at once everything flows with ease. You begin making exponential progress. You move from intensity to consistency and let the results compound.
实际上,我今天早上在我的计划本(Foci Planner)里写下了九个优先任务。我把当天的任务列出来,并在工作的地方上方写下我的日记。接下来要讲的是关于日常习惯或提高效率的问题。即使你没有固定的习惯,这也是一种习惯。我在我的视频《改变我生活的每日习惯》中深入探讨了这个问题。习惯是你训练自己接受新系统的方式。如果你想巩固新的身份,你必须开始并坚持一个特定的习惯,并不断优化它,以促进该身份的成长。 在第一个月里,建立你的项目可能会感到不舒服。你应该感到不知所措,因为这意味着你的思维正在缓慢地扩展成一个新的身份,然后突然之间,一切都会变得顺畅。你开始取得指数级的进步,从强度走向持久性,让结果逐渐积累。

Last, we have to wrap this up with rest, which is the secret of the greats. The clever man may work smarter, not harder, they say, but the creative man doesn't work at all. That's a quote from Alex Sujung Kim Pong from the book rest. Now I've always had some form of aversion towards Western work culture, which is just filled with 80 hour work weeks, high pressure environments, and little time for rest and recovery. It just never seemed right to me. Why would I want to waste my entire day knowing that 2-3 hours in my work quality would suffer because focus is finite.

And this has been a talking point for a long time now for not only me, but other people like Alex and the book, and people like Sam Altman who are open about how long they work and how they use that work. It's starting to become well known in the creator economy remote work and just the new economy in general. Ancient Romans, Ancient Greeks, Steve Jobs, Charles Darwin, and an infinite list of visionaries, strategists, and innovators attributed their success to surprisingly low work times. Writers from multiple domains like Hemingway and Tarantino would spend the majority of their days lounging by the pool, spitting game with girls, and doing everything aside from what they deemed work. Work for 1-4 hours. Then stop.
这一点已经成为讨论焦点很久了,不仅是我,像Alex和书中的其他人,还有像Sam Altman这样公开谈论他们工作时间和工作方式的人都在讨论这一点。在创作者经济、远程工作以及整个新经济中,这已开始变得众所周知。古罗马人、古希腊人、史蒂夫·乔布斯、查尔斯·达尔文和无数的先见者、战略家和创新者都把他们的成功归功于出人意料的低工时。来自多个领域的作家,如海明威和昆汀·塔伦蒂诺,大部分时间都在泳池边放松,与女孩子调情,做他们认定为工作之外的一切事情。工作1到4小时,然后停止。

This is arguably the most difficult part of your day. At the end of my work sessions, I go to the gym. That is my hard transition from work to rest. And when I get back to my morning focused work, my mind is just refreshed and the writing flows so much more seamless and the rest of my work feels manageable and I can get it done on a consistent basis that leads to exponential results over time when the focus does compound. I hope you enjoyed this video. This one, these are always my favorite topics to make. Let me know what you think of a hair probably growing it back. We'll see. Unless I go bald.

The art of focus is available on Amazon, first link in the description. Two hour writer if you want to learn the most valuable skill of the 21st century, which is high impact digital writing. If you want to learn how to turn yourself into a business, check out digital economics. Just like, subscribe, look at those, have fun. Enjoy your day. Thank you for watching. Bye. Oh my god, the comments are gonna go crazy over this one.