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Big Win for Tesla Sales / Starlink Mini and TSLA / Shareholder Votes Now "In Court"⚡️

发布时间 2024-06-18 00:42:12    来源


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Welcome to Electrified, it's your host Dylan Loomis. Quick shout out to my newest patrons, Mike Ellen Nickham. Thank you for choosing to support the channel. Chuck Cook put out some highlights from his experience with 12.4.1 and his unprotected left. Here's his commentary. Smooth and medium. Wait in the median. Nice. Nice. Don't go. Okay, don't scare me here because these cars are coming very, very closely. I'm going to hit the cameras for you there. Um, okay. Now it can go in the left lane, right now. Oh boy, it prerolled that car. The preroll in 1236 almost hit a car. That preroll was smooth and it didn't scare me. So guys, this is an improvement. Chuck has of course run thousands of tests on that specific turn and then replying to Chuck, Elon said so much is new in 12.4. It'll take a few more point releases to smooth it out. I can understand why some people may think 12.4 may not go to a wide release now until maybe dot three or dot four, but I don't think that has to be the case. Example dot two could be good enough for a wide release and then Tesla continues the smoothing from there after the wide release. You can take these comments. However, you will Alex on X said the $25 trillion Tesla bought valuation is too conservative to which Elon replied. Yeah, more importantly though, replying to CERN on X, Elon said bots would be offered both as rentals as well as to buy but the former first pretty wild to think at some point in the future a Tesla vehicle could autonomously deliver an optimist bought to your home for the day, use it for whatever task you need it for at the end of the day, it gets right back in the Tesla car and back to the hub or wherever it goes and replying to SMR talking about arks base case and that meaning Tesla adding $1.5 trillion in market cap every year for the next five years.
欢迎来到Electrified频道,我是你们的主持人Dylan Loomis。首先要感谢我的最新赞助者,Mike Ellen Nickham。感谢你们选择支持这个频道。 Chuck Cook分享了一些他在12.4.1版本以及无保护左转上的体验亮点。以下是他的评论:“顺畅且中等。在中央隔离带等候。挺好的。不要走。好的,不要吓到我,因为这些车开得非常近。我将为你打开摄像头。好了,现在可以进入左车道了,对吧。哦,天哪,它预滚了那辆车。在1236版本中,预滚差点撞上一辆车。不过这次的预滚很顺畅,没有吓到我。所以大家,这是一个进步。Chuck当然已经在那个特定的转弯上进行了上千次测试。”在回复Chuck时,Elon说12.4版本有很多新变化,需要几个小版本的更新来使其更加平滑。我可以理解一些人可能认为12.4版本要到.3或.4版本才会大范围发布,但我认为不一定非要这样。比如,.2版本可能就足够好可以大范围发布,而Tesla可以在大范围发布后继续优化。大家可以自行理解这些评论。 Alex on X说估值25万亿美元的Tesla机器人太保守了,Elon回复:“是的。不过更重要的是”,回复CERN on X时,Elon说机器人会提供租赁和购买两种服务,但先推出租赁。想想看,未来某一天,Tesla车辆可以自主将一个Optimist机器人送到你家,让你使用一天,然后它会返回Tesla中心或其他地方。这简直太疯狂了。 在回复SMR关于ark的基线方案时,Elon提到,Tesla将每年增加1.5万亿美元的市值,连续五年。

Elon said AI just breaks all conventional valuations on that front. Elon said working on Tesla master plan four, it'll be epic. If you go back to Tesla's master plan part three sustainable energy for all of earth, that was published on April 5th, 2023 master plan three included a repowering the existing grid with renewables switching to EVs switch to heat pumps in residential business and industry electrify high temperature heat delivery and hydrogen production, sustainably fuel planes and boats and manufacture the sustainable energy economy. Just a guess but given that master plan part three was really earth focused and sustainable energy focused master plan four may be a bit more Tesla focused and specifically optimists and robot axes and perhaps a more tangible way for Tesla to actually benefit from all of the distributed compute with the inference computers in Tesla vehicles around the world. Of course when they're just sitting idle given the depth and the length of master plan three it was a 40 page document I would expect master plan four to include some things that many of us are not even thinking about right now. Also important to note Elon said working on master plan part three March 17th 2022. So from that post to when it was actually published was roughly 13 months. I do think it's reasonable to expect part four to be released sometime in 2025 if not early 2026 reading the tea leaves this also means good things for Elon committing to Tesla longer term and most likely he's expecting a new compensation plan sometime in the next two to three years. Tesla has sued its former supplier Matthews international for allegedly stealing trade secrets related to Tesla's battery manufacturing process and sharing them with Tesla's competitors. The lawsuit said Matthews owes damages that Tesla conservatively estimates will exceed one billion dollars for misuse and company trade secrets related to dry battery electrode DBE manufacturing tech Pittsburgh based Matthews began supplying Tesla with manufacturing machinery in 2019 Tesla said it shared secrets with Matthews related to DBE and the lawsuit said Matthews shared Tesla's innovations with unnamed competitors by selling machines and other technologies embodying Tesla's trade secrets.
埃隆表示,人工智能在这方面打破了所有常规的估值。埃隆说,他正在制定特斯拉的第四版总体规划,这将是史诗级的。如果你回顾一下特斯拉的第三部分总体规划——为全地球提供可持续能源,这在2023年4月5日发布。第三部分总体规划包括用可再生能源重建现有电网,转向电动汽车,在住宅、商业和工业中使用热泵,电气化高温热能输送和氢气生产,为飞机和船舶提供可持续燃料,以及制造可持续能源经济。猜测一下,由于第三部分规划主要关注地球和可持续能源,第四部分规划可能更多聚焦于特斯拉,特别是Optimus机器人和自动驾驶出租车,并且可能采用一种更具体的方式,使特斯拉受益于全球各地特斯拉汽车中的分布式计算设备。当然当这些设备闲置时,鉴于第三部分规划的深度和长度——那是一个40页的文件,我预计第四部分规划会包括一些许多人目前还没想到的内容。还需要注意的是,埃隆在2022年3月17日表示正在制定第三部分规划。从那时到实际发布大约花了13个月。我认为可以合理预期第四部分将在2025年某个时候发布,如果不是2026年初解读这一趋势,这也意味着埃隆会更长期地致力于特斯拉,并且很有可能他预计在未来两到三年内会有一个新的薪酬计划。 特斯拉已经起诉其前供应商Matthews国际公司,指控其窃取与特斯拉电池制造工艺相关的商业机密,并将其泄露给特斯拉的竞争对手。诉讼称Matthews因滥用公司商业机密,导致特斯拉的损失预计将超过10亿美元,这些商业机密涉及干电池电极(DBE)制造技术。总部位于匹兹堡的Matthews从2019年开始向特斯拉提供制造设备,特斯拉表示与Matthews分享了与DBE相关的秘密,而诉讼称,Matthews通过销售体现特斯拉商业机密的机器和其他技术,泄露了特斯拉的创新给未具名的竞争对手。

It also said Matthews claimed Tesla's inventions as its own in patent filings. Tesla asked the court to block Matthews from misusing its trade secrets and hand over patent applications in addition to requesting monetary damages. This could turn out to be a pretty big deal as DBE was one of the most important ingredients of Tesla's secret sauce for its new battery chemistries and as we've seen it's also become one of the hardest problems to solve for Tesla as far as we know they're still trying to crack the code on the cathode side. In response Matthews came out and said Tesla's lawsuit is simply a new tactic in their ongoing efforts to bully Matthews and improperly take Matthews valuable IP and that it would vigorously defend the matter. For now we don't know which competitors got which trade secrets.

For now we don't know which competitors got which trade secrets. Tesla's refreshed model three long range all-wheel drive variant that previously has not qualified for the tax credit is now officially eligible for the full $7,500. How exactly Tesla is pulling this off is still a bit of a mystery. You could speculate maybe 2170 production at Gig and Nevada is up but you also have to keep in mind this variant for Tesla is its highest volume vehicle under the model 3 umbrella so that 2170 production would have to be way up. Either way though turning this slider off the long range all-wheel drive vehicle now starts at $47,490 so taking off the $7,500 would bring it down to $39,990 which yes is most likely going to bump most customers up to the long range trim rather than the rear wheel drive because it's only about $1,000 more expensive after the tax credit.
目前我们尚不清楚哪些竞争对手获得了哪些商业机密。特斯拉的新款Model 3长续航全轮驱动版本之前不符合税收抵免资格,现在正式符合全额$7,500的税收抵免。特斯拉如何做到这一点仍然有些谜团。你可以猜测可能是内华达Gig工厂的2170电池生产增加了,但你也要记住,这款车型是特斯拉在Model 3系列中销量最高的车辆,所以2170电池的产量必须大幅增加。不管怎样,现在长续航全轮驱动车型的起价是$47,490,扣除$7,500税收抵免后价格降至$39,990,这很可能会让大多数客户选择长续航版本而不是后轮驱动版本,因为税收抵免后两者的价格相差只有大约$1,000。

As of now the base model does not qualify for any tax credit. You guys know I'm not one to attribute daily Tesla stock moves to any one news item but this one could break that rule. That's because this is a higher volume vehicle for Tesla and overnight it just became $7,500 cheaper for many consumers. The Texas Secretary of State posted on X welcome to Texas Tesla I'm proud to sign the papers bringing the companies in corporation to the Lone Star State. I'm guessing when Tesla fully wraps up the Delaware court case they focus on a dual class structure in Texas with that second class being voting shares only. That would be one way to get Elon to his desired 25% voting control of Tesla without anything from a new compensation plan.

Last week we talked about how Tesla was granted approval for FSD testing for 10 vehicles in Shanghai. Now we're also learning an additional city Hwang Zu may also issue approval for Tesla to test FSD. As expected the initial test will be conducted by the Tesla staff. Replying to a Mark Andreessen post on X Elon said the new Tesla Roadster can fly. If I was someone who put down a big deposit for the Roadster around 7 years ago I would be responding with it better fly and then some. In case you didn't know the Dubai Police Department has a luxury fleet of vehicles to which they have now added a Tesla Cybertruck. Also in their police fleet a Lamborghini eventador Audi R8 Bentley Continental McLaren MP4 Bugatti Varon Aston Martin and the list goes on and on.
上周我们谈到了特斯拉获准在上海对10辆车进行FSD(全自动驾驶)测试。现在我们还了解到,黄祖市也可能会批准特斯拉进行FSD测试。正如预期的那样,初步测试将由特斯拉员工进行。在X平台回复马克·安德森(Mark Andreessen)的一篇帖子时,埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)表示新款特斯拉Roadster可以飞。如果我是七年前为这款Roadster支付了大额定金的人,我的回应会是它最好真能飞,而且还要有更多功能。顺便说一下,迪拜警察局拥有一支豪华车辆队伍,他们现在又新增了一辆特斯拉Cybertruck。除此之外,他们的警车队伍中还有兰博基尼Aventador、奥迪R8、宾利Continental、迈凯伦MP4、布加迪Veyron、阿斯顿·马丁等,名单还在不断延长。

On Friday some members in the Cybertruck owners club forum were saying that their deliveries for the weekend were now being delayed roughly one week thanks to a wiper motor issue. And just so you know there are multiple users reporting this problem and their delivery dates being pushed back roughly a week it's not just one anecdote. And there are plenty of awesome Cybertruck wraps out there but I'm not sure I've seen one that's cooler than this. For all of the marketing that Tesla does with the Cybertruck towing around that glass box with the Model Y for example I think it should be wrapped with this one right here. For audio listeners it's an American flag.
星期五,Cybertruck 车主俱乐部论坛上的一些成员表示,他们原定周末的交货日期因雨刷电机故障被推迟了大约一周。而且,不止一个用户报告了这个问题,很多人的交货日期都被推迟了大约一周。这不仅仅是个别现象。市场上有很多酷炫的 Cybertruck 车身贴膜,但我不确定是否见过比这个更酷的。考虑到特斯拉用 Cybertruck 牵引装有 Model Y 的玻璃箱进行的各种营销活动,我觉得这个贴膜应该用在这些车辆上。对于只听音频的朋友来说,这个贴膜是美国国旗图案。

Tesla isn't wasting any time with getting Elon's compensation squared away as they're now looking for legal recognition of the shareholder vote. Tesla wrote to Judge McCormick that the parties in the pay package case should now lay out their legal interpretations of Thursday's ratification of Elon's pay. In the letter Tesla said the approval of ratification by Tesla's stockholder significantly impacts the claims and issues in this action including the court's final judgment. Greg Virallo the nine share shareholders attorney in the case said the ratification had no legal effect on the case and that he would explain his argument in a brief due Friday. On the surface that does seem crazy because if you remember the main thrust of McCormick rescinding Elon's comp plan was that the shareholders were not fully informed and this time around they most certainly were. However Tesla has said the ratification process was novel and it was unclear if McCormick in the Delaware court would accept the result. Can you imagine if after all of this Judge McCormick still shoots down Elon's 2018 pay plan and decides to award the lawyers with six billion dollars in fees. It truly would become a spectacle of epic proportions. Now I do think the chances of that happening are very unlikely but it's not fully off the table yet.
特斯拉没有浪费时间,他们正在为埃隆的薪酬安排寻找法律承认。目前他们正在寻求对股东投票的法律认可。特斯拉写信给麦考密克法官,表示薪酬方案案中的各方现在应该阐述他们对周四批准埃隆薪酬的法律解释。信中,特斯拉称股东的批准显著影响了本案的索赔和问题,包括法院的最终判决。代理九名股东的律师格雷格表示,这次批准对案件没有法律效力,他将在周五的一份简报中解释他的论点。 表面上看,这似乎很疯狂,因为如果你还记得的话,麦考密克主要推翻埃隆薪酬计划的原因是股东没有完全知情,而这次他们显然是完全知情的。然而,特斯拉表示这个批准过程是新颖的,不确定特拉华州法院的麦考密克法官是否会接受这一结果。 你能想象,如果经过这一切后,麦考密克法官仍然否决了埃隆2018年的薪酬计划,并决定给律师们支付60亿美元的费用,那将是多么轰动的场面?虽然我认为这种情况发生的可能性非常低,但这还未完全排除。

You may remember earlier this year Tesla released a new API on the energy side specifically for solar, powerwall and EV chargers. This effectively gave third party developers the ability to interact with Tesla products. You may also remember that a while back we talked about Tesla partnering up with Octopus Energy for a new smart energy program but later thanks to market conditions Tesla decided to retire the Tesla energy plan from the UK and partnership with Octopus. But now we're learning of a newer version of this partnership something they're calling Octopus Flux. With this new version of the partnership Octopus is certified to install Tesla Powerwalls in Spain and the UK. Tesla Powerwall customers in both countries will be able to access Octopus's range of smart tariffs including intelligent Octopus Flux which is designed to respond flexibly to prices throughout the day charging batteries when prices are low and selling when they're high to support the grid during peak periods. Octopus says this can save customers around $315 annually when compared to a standard import and export tariff. Step one if you're in Spain or the UK you would need to become an Octopus Energy customer.
您可能还记得今年早些时候,特斯拉在能源领域发布了一个新的API,专门用于太阳能、电池储能系统(Powerwall)和电动车充电器。这实际上让第三方开发人员能够与特斯拉产品进行互动。您或许还记得之前我们提到过,特斯拉与Octopus Energy合作推出了一个新的智能能源计划,但后来由于市场条件的影响,特斯拉决定在英国终止这个计划以及与Octopus的合作。然而,现在我们了解到这项合作的一个新版本,他们称之为Octopus Flux。在这个新版本的合作中,Octopus被认证可以在西班牙和英国安装特斯拉的Powerwall电池。两国的特斯拉Powerwall用户将能够使用Octopus的一系列智能电价计划,包括智能Octopus Flux。这个智能计划设计为全天灵活响应价格变化,在价格低时为电池充电,价格高时出售电力,以在高峰期支持电网。Octopus表示,与标准的进口和出口电价相比,这可以为用户每年节省大约315美元。如果您在西班牙或英国,第一步需要成为Octopus Energy的客户。

There's a CNBC article going around talking about the used EV price crash and they're trying to insinuate that the value of electric vehicles is effectively plummeting but you have to keep in mind there are many factors that affect used car pricing. Specifically for Tesla you have to factor in one the new car prices so as Tesla lowers those that will bring down the used car pricing. Second you have to keep in mind what Hertz has been doing over the past six months which has been flooding the used EV market with their Tesla inventory upwards of 20,000 vehicles. And zooming out industry wide it can be tough to discern the true value of a used EV without doing some battery health tests and things of that nature. So this does not mean that EVs can no longer be premium vehicles and if you're looking for a good value now may be a good time. Thing is big we could have a jacuzzi or something but what's going to be different about the front with the gravity? You'll be able to drive up to your favorite beauty spot open the front and lounge there and watch the sun going down. There will be seats. It seats in the front. We anticipate a version of gravity starting from under $80,000. Well I think that if we look back in time 10-15 years ago Tesla was the tech leader. I think there's a degree of distraction now and I think that Lucid has taken that moment. I believe we're a number of years ahead in terms of our core technology from Tesla. I announced earlier this week that we've hit a landmark level of capability that we're hitting the magic five miles per kilowatt hour. No one else is even close.
CNBC最近有一篇文章在流传,讨论二手电动汽车(EV)价格暴跌,并试图暗示电动汽车的价值正在显著下滑。但你需要记住,影响二手车定价的因素有很多。特别是针对特斯拉,你必须考虑到新车价格。随着特斯拉降低新车价格,这也会压低二手车的价格。此外,你还要考虑到过去六个月赫兹(Hertz)公司对二手电动汽车市场的影响,他们投放了多达2万辆特斯拉车辆。放眼整个行业,不做一些电池健康测试等,就很难辨别二手电动汽车的真正价值。所以这并不意味着电动汽车不再是高级车辆。如果你在寻找好的价值,现在可能是个好时机。 另外,有人提到我们可能会有一个大浴池或类似的东西,但有个不同的设计。你可以开车到你最喜欢的美景地点,打开前备箱,在那里悠闲地观看落日。这里会有座椅。我们预计一种型号的价格会从8万美元以下起步。 如果回看10到15年前,特斯拉曾是技术领导者。现在我认为特斯拉有些分心,而Lucid抓住了这个时机。我相信在核心技术上我们已经领先特斯拉多年。我本周早些时候宣布,我们达到了一个具有里程碑意义的能力——每千瓦小时行驶5英里的魔法数字。目前没有任何其他公司接近这个水平。

So this is a tech race. It's yet to run its course and we have taken the mantle of leadership make no mistake. Now look in fairness Lucid does have an edge when it comes to certain efficiency metrics but I think as we all know what really matters is selling EVs profitably at scale and the truth is right now Lucid is not close to doing either of those. There are some pictures circulating around the web of a new Starlink mini dish and Elon has said that this is going to roll out in a few months. So an even more portable Starlink dish Elon said I just set it up right now and I'm writing this post through space. Took less than five minutes easily carried in a backpack. This product will change the world. About half the price of the standard dish to buy and monthly subscription but you can still watch multiple 4k video streams simultaneously 23 millisecond latency. Elon continued yes better paying than many cable internet connections. Here's where Elon said it rolls out to select areas in a few months and mini can be a great low cost option for a good backup internet connection if your landline goes out. At this point I think Starlink news is carrying a bit more relevance for Tesla investors given that Elon confirmed long-term Tesla shareholders will have first access if Elon does IPO any of his other ventures. According to FCC documents the mini dish is supposed to be about the size of an Apple MacBook and it will feature a kickstand. Based on the standard Starlink dish pricing the mini could be around $250. And in that screenshot from Elon it was showing 100 megabits per second down and 11.5 up. Waymo posted their fifth generation Waymo driver provides more than 50,000 trips to paying riders per week.
这是一个技术竞赛。它还没有跑完,我们已经承担了领导的责任,毫无疑问。公平地说,Lucid在某些效率指标上确实有优势,但我认为我们都知道,真正重要的是能以盈利的方式大规模销售电动汽车。而事实是,目前Lucid在这两方面都没达到标准。网上流传着一些新款Starlink迷你天线的照片,Elon说这款产品将在几个月内推出。所以,Elon说这是一个更加便携的Starlink天线,他还说:“我刚刚设置好了这个设备,现在通过卫星写这篇帖子,不到五分钟就搞定了,轻松放进背包里。这款产品将改变世界。售价约为标准天线的一半,月订阅费也更低,但你依然可以同时观看多个4k视频流,延迟只有23毫秒。”Elon还提到,它比很多有线互联网连接更优越。Elon指出,这款迷你天线将在几个月后在特定地区推出,作为一个低成本的备选网络连接,如果你的有线网络断开,它将是一个很好的备用选择。目前来看,Starlink的新闻对于特斯拉投资者更有相关性,因为Elon确认,如果他将任何其他公司进行IPO,特斯拉的长期股东将优先获得认购机会。根据FCC文件,迷你天线的大小约为一个Apple MacBook,并配备一个支架。基于标准Starlink天线的定价,迷你天线的价格可能在250美元左右。从Elon截图中展示的连接速度来看,下载速度为每秒100兆比特,上传速度为每秒11.5兆比特。Waymo发布消息称,他们的第五代Waymo驾驶系统每周为付费乘客提供超过50,000次出行服务。

Now they're introducing their sixth generation Waymo driver as it begins sensor testing and validation. They said it'll have a simplified and cost-effective design that can autonomously navigate colder cities and help us further scale. There's not much out there on this new vehicle yet but clearly it looks more like a van and is still very sensor heavy. As far as we know right now Waymo's fleet is still only around 500 vehicles so hopefully Gen 6 and this lower cost architecture may bump that up by an order of magnitude. I did look for a corresponding Waymo blog post about this but nothing so far. Kia has announced its upcoming EV3 for North America will be built in Mexico to take advantage of the tax credits meaning a vehicle that starts around $30,000 you may be able to get for around 22,500. As you can see the EV3 is essentially a smaller more affordable version of the EV9. They're saying production in Mexico could start as soon as next year. Mercedes put out some official EPA range figures for its upcoming EQB vehicles and let's just say it may be DOA. On the low end you're looking at 205 miles of range and on the high end you're looking at 251 miles. This for a vehicle that starts at $53,000. This vehicle will not qualify for the tax credit as I believe it'll be built in Hungary for the US market.

This little guy right here from a company called Eli Zero is coming to the United States in quarter three of this year. It costs around $12,000, has a range of up to 60 miles but it only goes 25 miles per hour. What do you guys think though because personally I just cannot see this catching on in the United States. For me the first thing that comes to mind is what would happen if my family was in this in an accident. Plus that top speed of 25 miles per hour really limits where you can go. However for a potentially small niche this vehicle should be coming soon. Tesla stock closed the day at $187.44 up 5.3% while the NASDAQ was up 0.95%. It was a higher volume day for Tesla trading about 26 million shares above the average volume the past 30 days. Hope you guys have a wonderful day. Please like the video if you did. You can find me on X and the electrified newsletter linked below and a huge thank you to all of my patreon supporters.
这个小家伙是由一家名叫Eli Zero的公司生产的,它将在今年第三季度进入美国市场。售价大约为12,000美元,续航里程可达60英里,但时速只有25英里。你们怎么看呢?因为我个人觉得,这种车在美国是不会流行起来的。首先我想到的是,如果我的家人在这种车里发生事故会怎样。另外,25英里的最高时速真的限制了行驶范围。不过,对于一个小众市场来说,这款车即将问世。特斯拉的股票今天收盘时价格是187.44美元,上涨了5.3%,而纳斯达克指数上涨了0.95%。今天特斯拉的交易量很高,大约有2600万股,超过了过去30天的平均交易量。希望大家有美好的一天。如果你喜欢这个视频,请点赞。你可以在视频下方找到我的X账号和电动新闻简报链接,非常感谢所有的Patreon支持者。