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June 2024 FOMC Debrief

发布时间 2024-06-13 05:00:37    来源


federalreserve Hawkish but ignored.



Hello my friends, so we just had the June FOMC meeting, so this is my FOMC debrief. Now before we get into what happened, let's level set a little bit. So today was a June meeting and these quarterly meetings are special because we got a dot plot. Now the last time we got a dot plot was in March and at that time the Fed guided towards three cuts this year. However, between then and now inflation has not declined as expected. It's actually been pretty sticky, so Chair Powell a few weeks ago made it a point to tell the market that he's not happy with progress on inflation. So the market adjusted accordingly. Now this morning we got a CPI print, it was better than expected and heading into this meeting then the market was pricing in two cuts this year.

Now the dot plot we got this time around I think it was pretty hawkish and certainly much more hawkish than I expected. I was expecting along with the market two cuts to be priced in for the rest of the year. However, the June dot plot actually only has one cut and in addition to that a couple other changes were made as well. So first the Fed revised its long-term mutual rate upwards from 2.6% to 2.8%. So the new short rate is basically a standard by which the Fed judges how restrictive it is. So when policy is above the new trade that means that the Fed is trying to slow down the economy. When policy is below the new trade that means the Fed is being accommodative and giving a tailwind to growth and inflation.

Now by revising upwards the new trade from 2.6 to 2.8%, the Fed is saying that you know actually I'm not as restrictive as I thought and which might be why they're only projecting one cut this year simply because it seems like the economy is more resistant to interest rates than they previously thought. Now to be clear when you look at the market the market is pricing in a neutral rate and about 3.8% and so the Fed is I think 2.8% is still far below the market and far below my personal expectations of where the new short will be. But slowly though over the past few meetings the Fed has been revising that upwards.

Now the second thing that they changed that I thought was noteworthy was they revised the neutral or the long-term unemployment rate upwards from 4.1% to 4.2%. Now I think this is pretty hawkish as well. Now the way that the central banks look at monetary policy they usually view it as having a trade-off between employment and inflation. So for example the Fed could hike rates significantly so the economy down and get inflation under control but the side effect to that would be higher unemployment. Now today the unemployment rate is 4%.

Now by revising up the Fed's perceived long-term unemployment rate to 4.2% that means the Fed thinks that there's still some room unemployment can arise before we get to that part where the trade-offs become harder because right now unemployment rate is still below where they think the long-term rate would be long-term unemployment rate would be. So all in all I thought this was a hawkish hawkish dot plot. Now what surprised me though is that the market didn't really seem to care and now usually with this kind of hawkish structure we would expect that the equity market to sell off and we would expect interest rates to rise.

But we didn't really see any of that I think towards the end of the session yeah we got some declines in equity markets and it looks like the interest rates rose a little bit but it wasn't a very strong reaction. So I'm getting the sense that the market is not placing too much weight on the dot plot and is thinking that you know the Fed the data will change and the Fed would change as well and maybe the market has its own view on data. Now to be clear as Chipau noted now the dot plot reflects data up to this morning so the good CPI print is also incorporated. During the press conference I thought it was not too interesting it was seemed you know the Chipau seemed a bit flustered I didn't didn't get the sense that there was a very coherent message.

His message that I thought that stood out the most to me was you know if you want ray cuts two paths same thing he said last time we need to have more confidence on inflation coming towards 2% target or we have an unexpected loosening of the labor market which as I've been writing is my expectation. One interesting thing from the from the press conference was a reporter asking Chipau basically you know what would happen if you cut rates one time why don't you just cut it. Let's listen to his reaction.

A lot of focus on how many cuts could be expected this year but can you give us a sense of what one cut by the end of the year would actually do to the economy what you think would be a meaningful difference if there was a cut by the end of the year or even two. So that's not how we look at it you know really the whole rate path matters and I do continue to think that when you know when we do start to loosen policy that will show up in a significant loosening in financial market conditions and the market will price in what it prices in I don't I have no way of saying we're not at that stage so I don't know.
今年可能会有多少次降息备受关注,但您能否说明如果今年年底前确实进行一次降息,这对经济会产生什么实际影响?如果年底前有一次或甚至两次降息,您认为会带来哪些显著的变化? 这不是我们看问题的方式。实际上,整个利率路径都很重要。我确实继续认为,当我们开始放松政策时,这将显着反映在金融市场条件的宽松程度上,而市场会自行调整。我无法确定具体情况,因为我们还没有到那个阶段,所以我也不知道。

Basically Chipau was saying that you know if I cut rates everything was surged we're going to crash up and you know I got to be careful when I do that but the thing is I think everything is surging in anticipation of your first cut and when you actually cut maybe things accelerate. Alright so that's all I have to say about the FOMC press conference. Surprisingly I think Hockish but also surprisingly not that influential on markets today. Alright talk to you all this weekend.
基本上,Chipau 的意思是,如果我降息,一切都会飙升,然后我们会陷入崩盘。所以我在降息的时候必须非常小心。但是,我认为现在一切都在提前上涨,以期待你第一次降息,而当你实际降息时,这种上涨可能会加速。 好了,这就是我对联邦公开市场委员会新闻发布会的所有看法。我感到意外的是,这次发布会的立场有一些强硬,但却对今天的市场影响不大。好了,周末再和大家聊。