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Tesla Insider Trading Lawsuit Explained / RJ Scaringe on EV Demand / Supercharger Access⚡️

发布时间 2024-06-01 01:31:53    来源


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Welcome to Electrified, it's your host Dylan Lumis. PCMag is reporting that GM and Polestar may be delayed when it comes to accessing the Tesla Supercharger network. Both companies were supposed to have access by spring of 2024 and the last day of spring this year is June 20th. Polestar is now saying it's not going to happen for them until later this year. The timeline has been adjusted to later this summer but we do not have further details to share it this time. A GM Rep said adapters will be available to purchase through the GM vehicle brand apps later this year. But she then clarified the timeline is still spring of 2024 but that GM does not have a specific date for when adapters will go out. As it stands now, it's Tesla, Ford and Rivian customers that have access to the network.
欢迎来到Electrified,我是你的主持人Dylan Lumis。PCMag报道说,通用汽车(GM)和Polestar在接入特斯拉超级充电网络方面可能会延期。两家公司原计划在2024年春季获得接入,而今年春季的最后一天是6月20日。Polestar现在表示,他们的接入将推迟到今年晚些时候。时间表已调整到今年夏末,但我们目前没有更多细节可分享。一位通用汽车代表说,适配器将在今年晚些时候通过通用汽车品牌的应用程序购买。但她澄清说,时间表还是2024年春季,只是通用汽车没有具体的适配器发放日期。到目前为止,只有特斯拉、福特和Rivian的客户才能接入这个网络。

Separately direct to inside EVs, the GM Rep said we plan to stick to the timeline that we previously announced and that's kind of all I can say. I think spring 2024 is accurate. It's just speculation but about one month ago, Tom told us from state of charge that Tesla was indeed manufacturing these adapters for other automakers. So possibly as part of Tesla's layoffs, these adapters are now also delayed. We know Nax is an open protocol so there's a chance in the past few weeks some of these other automakers have bun-up production of these adapters on their own but that seems like a pretty short timeline. So until I hear confirmation otherwise I'm going to stick with Tesla is still solely responsible for making these officially approved adapters for other companies. In fairness to Tesla, we really don't know how much these other companies need to do on the software side so could they be responsible in part for these delays? There's certainly a chance.
单独对Inside EVs的一位通用汽车代表表示:“我们计划遵循之前公布的时间表,这就是我所能说的全部内容。我认为2024年春季是准确的。”这只是猜测,但大约一个月前,Tom告诉我们,Tesla确实在为其他汽车制造商生产这些适配器。所以可能是由于Tesla的裁员,这些适配器也因此被推迟。我们知道Nax是一个开放协议,所以在过去几周内一些其他汽车制造商可能已经自主开始生产这些适配器,但这似乎时间很紧。所以,在听到其他确认消息之前,我会认为Tesla仍然是唯一负责为其他公司制作这些官方批准的适配器。公平地说,我们真的不知道这些其他公司在软件方面需要做多少工作,所以他们可能也对这些延迟负有部分责任吗?这确实有可能。

Joea, a company that makes Tesla accessories said Tesla sales are ripping all over the world now. We're getting web traffic jumps from everywhere. Haven't seen a spike like this in over six months. In case you saw this, I just wanted to clarify, they don't have any proprietary Tesla sales data obviously but over time they've noticed that their web traffic actually is a decent proxy for actual Tesla sales. So I know everybody's looking for a glimmer of hope for quarter two sales for Tesla but given Tesla did 466,000 in Q2 last year, it's tracking like we're still going to be significantly below that number for Q2 this year.

The Tesla shuttle or the Tesla train in Gigabirlin is going to be shut down for a few weeks in the middle of June as they're actually replacing some diesel cars for electric ones. The shuttle is used by around 3000 passengers per day and it's not just Tesla employees, anyone can actually use this service, it makes up to 26 trips in each direction every day. The electric rail cars from Siemens will be running on the route in the future after a break of several weeks. You know what they say about when it rains, it also pours. Elon is now being sued in a new lawsuit for insider trading. If you're not familiar, these suits can be a joke like the one that was brought against Elon from some doge investors last year. And in that case, it didn't take long for Elon to return the attack. But I think it's always good to check the facts of the case.

A Tesla shareholder brought this suit alleging that Elon was using insider info when he sold over $7 billion of Tesla stock at the end of 2022. Specifically, that Tesla was going to miss on production and delivery numbers for quarter four of that year. The suit said Elon profited from his misconduct in his exploitation of material and adverse inside information. And get this, they're asking Judge Kathleen McCormick to order Elon to return the profit from his improper trading to Tesla. If somehow it was not already clear, this is the same judge that just rescinded Elon's 2018 pay package. I did go ahead and read through the case and it's not just Elon that's a defendant, but the entire Tesla board. To set the stage for what happened here on the Q3 call, Elon made some comments like quarter four is looking extremely good. We have excellent demand for Q4 and we expect to sell every car we make as far into the future as we can see. Then they go on to say that once those fourth quarter numbers came out, the production and delivery gap widened by around 36,000 vehicles during the fourth quarter. But what they failed to mention was that in 2022, Tesla's deliveries grew 40% year over year to 1.31 million and production grew 47% year over year to 1.37 million. But for the purpose of this episode, this is the main thrust of the lawsuit.

Elon was in possession of material non-public information that motivated his sales of shares. Here are the actual Tesla stock sales. The first one was November 4th, followed by the seventh and the eighth, totaling $3.9 billion. Then the second lot started on December 12th, followed by the 13th and the 14th for a total of $3.5 billion. Unfortunately for Elon, those sales were not reported as sales pursuant to a 10B51 plan, so these were not predetermined sales. And again, Elon admitted he had no 10B51 plan for the November and December 2022 sales. The suit said Elon's sales in December 2022 were followed by announcements of material adverse news of events at Tesla, which are reasonably believed to have been known to Elon when he made those sales. They argue that Elon's insider profits turned out to be around $3 billion. They also pointed out on August 19th, 2022, Elon tweeted in the hopefully unlikely event Twitter forces the deal to close and some equity partner does not come through. It's important to avoid an emergency sale of Tesla stock. For the timeline, Elon closed the Twitter purchase on October 28th, 2022. Then in the first week of December 2022, Elon was in talks to take margin loans on his Tesla stock to refinance around $3 billion of Twitter stock. The suit says none of the reports indicated Elon or Twitter were being required by the bank lenders of the $3 billion to refinance.

Earlier in 2022, presumably linked to the Twitter acquisition, Elon sold $8.5 billion of Tesla stock in April and $6.9 billion in August. That's when Elon tweeted no further Tesla sales planned after today. And they said there was no public announcement before Elon's November sales that the November sales were part of Elon's plan in connection with the financing of the purchase of Twitter. And yes, there were multiple times throughout this suit where there are errors, whether it's spelling or numbers, as they said, models three and four, which they mean model three and why. Then the majority of the remainder of the lawsuit goes on to argue that Tesla's board is not actually independent and they should have ultimately stopped Elon from making this Tesla stock sale. Also of note, Tesla's Q4 deliveries in 2022 were 405,000. The analyst expectation for that quarter was 427,000. What did we talk about though when we learned that Elon's 2018 comp plan was rescinded and that the board was not independent, that opened the door wide open for other suits just like this. And the relief the plaintiff is actually looking for in this case, awarding the company Tesla the discouragement of all insider trading profits from Elon. But that's not all. They're also looking for the defendants to pay pre and post judgment interest at the highest rate allowable by law on the amount of damages awarded to the company. And finally, granting such other and further relief as the court deems just and proper. Hopefully that gives you a decent idea of the timelines and the things that Elon is currently being accused of, but in the lawsuit, plenty of it was actually redacted. So we'll wait and see what happens on X.
2022年早些时候,可能与推特收购有关,埃隆·马斯克在4月卖出了85亿美元的特斯拉股票,在8月卖出了69亿美元的特斯拉股票。那时,埃隆在推特上发文说,今天之后不再计划出售特斯拉股票。他们说在11月出售之前,没有公开宣布这些出售是埃隆为了融资收购推特的一部分。是的,在这个诉讼过程中,多次出现了错误,包括拼写或数字错误,例如他们说的“模型三和四”,其实是指“模型三和Y”。 诉讼的大部分内容都在争论特斯拉的董事会实际上并不独立,他们应该阻止埃隆出售特斯拉股票。还值得注意的是,特斯拉2022年第四季度的交付量是405,000辆,而分析师对该季度的预期是427,000辆。当我们了解到埃隆的2018年薪酬计划被撤销且董事会不独立时,我们讨论过这为类似的诉讼打开了大门。 原告在本案中实际寻求的救济是授予特斯拉公司来自埃隆的所有内部交易利润。此外,原告还希望被告支付判决前后期间的最高法定利息,以及法院认为公正合理的其他救济。 希望这给你对时间线和埃隆目前被指控的事情提供了一个大致的了解,但在诉讼中,很多内容实际上被删除了。我们将拭目以待,看看在X平台上会发生什么。

Paul Graham said technological shifts often enable new entrants to displace incumbents when they do it tends to be permanent, whether we like it or not our default assumption should be that this is the new order of things. This being China, now a global leader in auto exports and specifically EVs. Paul's follow up. Thank God the US at least has Tesla imagine if we had to depend on GM to compete with this Tesla put out a creative marketing piece with some photos of optimists teaching people how to actually vote their Tesla shares goes without saying had optimists done this in a video, that would have been even better unplugged has made it official on X their first cyber truck upfit is ready for police patrol. The only problem is people may now want to be thrown in the back of a squad car in Tesla's spring update in service mode. It'll now tell you the health of your cabin filter in general Tesla recommends replacing your cabin filter every two years. And if you have the HEPA filter, it's every three years. This update will show you a percentage the lower that percentage the higher the likelihood you need a new filter starting today.
保罗·格雷厄姆曾说技术变革常常使新进入者取代现有企业,而一旦发生这种情况,这种变化往往是永久的,不论我们是否喜欢,我们都应默认这是新秩序。而目前中国作为全球汽车出口特别是电动汽车(EVs)领域的领导者,正体现了这一点。保罗继续说道:“感谢上帝,美国至少还有特斯拉。试想如果我们只能依赖通用汽车(GM)来竞争,那会怎样?” 特斯拉发布了一则富有创意的营销宣传,其中包含一些乐观主义者教人们如何投票给特斯拉股票的照片。毋庸置疑,如果这些乐观主义者能制作一个视频,那效果会更好。日前,Unplugged宣布他们的首个为警用巡逻准备好的Cybertruck改装版已正式就绪。唯一的问题是,可能现在人们都希望被扔进特斯拉警车的后座。在特斯拉春季更新中,服务模式现在会告诉你车内空气滤清器的健康状况。一般来说,特斯拉建议每两年更换一次空气滤清器,如果是HEPA滤芯则是每三年。这个更新会显示百分比,百分比越低,就越需要更换新滤清器。从今天开始,这些功能已生效。

The Kia EV 9 will be manufactured in the United States at a factory in West Point, Georgia. This three row SUV is available in six or seven seat configurations. The smaller battery pack is 76 kilowatt hours that gets 230 miles of range and the larger 100 kilowatt hour pack is good for 304 miles of range. The EV 9 starts at $54.9000 for the base rear wheel drive variant. Hyundai has two battery plants that are expected to go online in Georgia later this year. So they're expecting the EV 9 to qualify initially for the partial tax credit and then later at some point in 2025 for the full credit.
起亚EV 9将在位于乔治亚州西点的一家工厂进行生产。这款三排SUV有六座或七座版本可供选择。较小的电池组容量为76千瓦时,续航里程约为230英里;较大的100千瓦时电池组续航里程则为304英里。EV 9的后轮驱动基础款起售价为54,900美元。现代在乔治亚州有两家电池工厂预计将在今年晚些时候投产。因此,预计EV 9最初将符合部分税收抵免条件,并在2025年的某个时候符合全部税收抵免条件。

Tesla's audible and visual seatbelt reminder signals were not going off at the time they were supposed to. So Tesla will be issuing an OTA update to fix that. We got some more information on the Jeep Wagon near S launch edition that will start at $71.9000 with an estimated 300 miles of range. A lot of people out there saying this is Jeep's first electric vehicle. It really isn't. It's just the first one to be sold in the United States. Jeep already has the Avenger in Europe. When Jeep unveiled this vehicle, they were touting at least 400 miles of range, so it's coming in 100 miles under that figure.
特斯拉的声音和视觉安全带提醒信号在该启动的时间没有启动。因此,特斯拉将通过OTA(空中下载)更新来解决这个问题。我们获得了一些关于Jeep Wagoneer S首发版的更多信息,该车型售价为71,900美元,预计续航里程为300英里。很多人认为这是Jeep的第一款电动车,但事实并非如此。这只是Jeep在美国销售的首款电动车。Jeep在欧洲已经推出了Avenger。当Jeep发布这款车时,他们宣称续航里程至少为400英里,因此实际续航里程比这个预期要少100英里。

This 5-seater will have a 100 kilowatt hour pack and a 400 volt architecture. They're touting 45 inches of glass display, but there is a segment just for passengers. The passenger display can talk with the main display, so passengers can share driving directions and other info. It will have wireless Apple Car Play and Android Auto, and this car is likely to qualify for the $7,500 credit. This vehicle is supposed to hit EV certified dealerships this fall, and it's going to be built in Mexico. There will be a 3 cubic foot trunk compared to the Model Y, which is 4.1 cubic feet. Sadly, they're saying this vehicle will use the CCS connector for now with NACs coming in a few years.
这款五座汽车将配备一个100千瓦时的电池组和400伏特的架构。它有一个45英寸的玻璃显示屏,其中一部分专门为乘客设计。乘客显示屏可以与主显示屏互动,所以乘客可以分享驾驶方向和其他信息。它还将支持无线Apple CarPlay和Android Auto,而且这辆车可能符合$7,500的税收抵免资格。预计这款车将在今年秋季登陆经过EV认证的经销商,并将在墨西哥生产。相比于Model Y的4.1立方英尺,这款车的后备箱容积为3立方英尺。遗憾的是,目前他们说这款车将使用CCS连接器,但几年来将会改用NACs。

RJ Scoringe said the slowdown in EV adoption will shift towards stronger growth with the introduction of new models in coming years. He said there are not enough compelling EVs in the market to get more US customers out of their ICE vehicles. He said I think it's really important to have choice. We haven't had choice, so we've had a singular dominant market share player in the space today, but I also think that as you see more choices for EVs, it'll really help drive more EV demand. On Rivians one month factory shutdown, he said those changes alone took thousands of dollars of cost out of the pack and the modules, taking the number of components and the R1 battery pack from 41 down to 16. They also renegotiated with suppliers and the plant was reorganized to increase line speed by 30%, but only a relatively small number of revised R1 models with the lower cost structure will go on sale in the quarter.
RJ Scoringe 说,随着未来几年新车型的推出,电动车(EV)的普及放缓将转向更强劲的增长。他说,目前市场上没有足够吸引人的电动车型来让更多的美国客户弃用内燃机汽车(ICE)。他认为选择很重要。因为我们没有选择,所以目前市场上只有一个占据主导地位的玩家。但他也认为,随着电动车选择的增多,这将有助于推动更多的电动车需求。 关于Rivian一个月的工厂停工,他说,仅这些变更就让电池组和模块的成本下降了数千美元,将R1电池组的组件数量从41个减少到16个。他们还与供应商重新谈判,并重组了工厂,以将生产线速度提高了30%。但只有少量成本结构较低的新版R1车型将在本季度上市。

In a nice change of pace, we got a new proxy document from Tesla, this time somebody actually making arguments for Tesla's redomestication to Texas. These arguments were made by Nate Fisher, a Tesla shareholder and the CEO of New Founding. A venture firm that's headquartered in Dallas, Texas. One line to get the gist of his arguments, the reality is that Tesla has become a target of partisan lawfare today because many left-wing activists view Elon as a threat to their sensorious regime. The tornetta case was not the first time, nor will it be the last. Looking around the Tesla space right now, one thought keeps coming to mind. It's usually darkest just before the dawn. Tesla stock closed the day at $178.08 down 0.4% while the Nasdaq was down 0.01%. It was another lower volume day for Tesla, trading about 25 million shares below the average the past 30 days.
为了改变一下节奏,我们从特斯拉收到了一个新的代理文件,这次文件中有人真正提出了特斯拉重新迁移到德州的理由。提出这些理由的人是Nate Fisher,他是特斯拉的股东,也是总部位于德克萨斯州达拉斯的新创公司(New Founding)首席执行官。简而言之,他的论点是:现实情况是,特斯拉如今成为了党派法律战的目标,因为许多左翼活动家认为埃隆·马斯克对他们的审查制度构成威胁。Tornetta案不是第一次,也不会是最后一次。环顾目前的特斯拉领域,一个想法不断浮现在脑海中:黎明前总是最黑暗的。特斯拉股价当天收于178.08美元,下跌了0.4%,而纳斯达克指数则下跌了0.01%。当天特斯拉的交易量也较低,约为过去30天平均交易量的2500万股。

Hope you guys have a wonderful and a safe weekend. Please like the video if you did. You can find me on X-Link's below and a huge thank you to all of my Patreon supporters.