Ep 449. Focused Compounding's Plan for Parks! America

发布时间 2024-05-10 16:29:58    来源


PRKAproxyfight.com   The implementation of this plan is contingent on the election of Focused Compounding’s four (4) director-nominees at the Company’s Annual Meeting. The financial forecasts contained herein are not a guaranty of what will happen, but rather are based on our market knowledge, and what we believe to be conservative forecasts. Focused Compounding is currently in a proxy contest with the Company, the outcome of which may determine the future of the Company. The Plan outlines what Focused Compounding’s nominees would propose to do if they are elected to the Board of Parks! America at the Annual Meeting, subject to their fiduciary duties.   Additional Information and Certain Information Regarding the Participants On May 7, 2024, Focused Compounding Fund, LP filed a definitive proxy statement (the “Proxy Statement”) with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) in connection with the 2024 annual meeting of Parks! America, Inc., which is currently scheduled to be held virtually on June 6, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. Eastern Time. FOCUSED COMPOUNDING STRONGLY ADVISES ALL SHAREHOLDERS OF PARKS! TO READ THE PROXY STATEMENT BECAUSE IT CONTAINS IMPORTANT INFORMATION. SUCH PROXY STATEMENT IS AVAILABLE AT NO CHARGE ON THE SEC’S WEB SITE AT HTTP://WWW.SEC.GOV. IN ADDITION, FOCUSED COMPOUNDING WILL PROVIDE COPIES OF THE PROXY STATEMENT WITHOUT CHARGE UPON REQUEST. REQUESTS FOR COPIES SHOULD BE DIRECTED TO FOCUSED COMPOUNDING’S PROXY SOLICITOR, INVESTORCOM, AT 19 OLD KINGS HIGHWAY S., SUITE 130 DARIEN, CT 06820, PROXY@INVESTOR-COM.COM. SHAREHOLDERS MAY CALL TOLL-FREE: (877) 972-0090. BANKS AND BROKERS CALL: (203) 972-9300.

