Be it Resolved, Israel should take out Iran’s nuclear facilities.

发布时间 2024-04-30 14:16:19    来源


Iran’s missile and drone barrage at Israel earlier this month was the most brazen attack the Islamic Republic has ever conducted against the Jewish state. While Israel did respond with a limited strike, some say Israel should go further and destroy all of Iran’s nuclear facilities. The Islamic Republic doesn’t have nuclear weapons, but it has the material and know-how to put some together in a matter of weeks. But attacking Iran’s nuclear installations comes with enormous risks: It would likely result in significant military retaliation by the Iranian government – something that could lead to a wider regional war that could draw in Israel’s allies in the west. Arguing in favour of the resolution is Gadi Taub. He’s an Israeli historian, author, political commentator, and co-host of the popular Tablet Magazine podcast, Israel Update. Arguing against the resolution is Trita Parsi. He’s the executive vice-president of the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft.    SOURCES: Al Jazeera English, Times Radio, BBC News The host of the Munk Debates is Rudyard Griffiths. Tweet your comments about this episode to @munkdebate or comment on our Facebook page To sign up for a weekly email reminder for this podcast, send an email to   To support civil and substantive debate on the big questions of the day, consider becoming a Munk Member at Members receive access to our 50+ year library of great debates in HD video, a free Munk Debates book, newsletter and ticketing privileges at our live events. This podcast is a project of the Munk Debates, a Canadian charitable organization dedicated to fostering civil and substantive public dialogue -   Executive Producer: Ricki Gurwitz Senior Producer: Daniel Kitts Editor: Kieran Lynch

