Elon Has Been Warning Us of This Moment for Years / Tesla and Uber / Tesla Semi Losing Orders ⚡️
发布时间 2024-04-20 01:44:39 来源
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Welcome to Electrified, it's your host, Dilimimus, quick shout out to my newest patron, Zippo85. Thank you for choosing to support the channel. This is the type of integration that Tesla has been setting the foundation for for years and hopefully in years to come, they can do a lot more of. Tesla sent this email to some owners in the UK saying order food on the go. You can now place an order through just eat takeaway on your vehicle touch screen and pick up meals or groceries immediately upon arrival at a supercharger. Simply go to the facilities menu for available supercharger locations including Tottenham, Gatwick, Park Royal, Cardiff, Leeds, West Draton and Manchester South. This just eat takeaway is a food delivery marketplace connecting consumers with over 699,000 partners in 20 different countries. Their website shows they operate in the United States and Canada through Grubhub. Back in June 2021, this just eat takeaway completed their acquisition of Grubhub. But whether it's Grubhub, DoorDash, Uber Eats or even the restaurants and stores that are around supercharger locations directly, Tesla has plenty of opportunities for more deals like this. Now hopefully over the next week or so, we get some customers over in the UK that have this option sharing some videos on the specifics of how it'll work. David on X said looks like white interior Tesla Model 3's will begin delivering in the US starting today. His delivery window is April 19th to the 26th. Over the past few weeks, many white interior customers continually had their delivery dates pushed back. It appears as though the Tesla Mega Pack has not escaped Elon's plans for streamlining and overhauling the sales and delivery program. Now on the website, you no longer have the option to place an order directly. Even scrolling all the way down to the bottom, all you'll find is a form to inquire about the Mega Pack.
欢迎来到《电动化》,我是您的主持人迪利米斯,特别感谢我的最新赞助者Zippo85。感谢您选择支持本频道。这是特斯拉多年来为之奠定基础的集成类型,希望未来能做更多的事情。特斯拉向英国部分车主发送了一封电子邮件,称在路上订购食物。现在您可以在车辆触摸屏上通过Just Eat Takeaway下单,并在到达超级充电站后立即取餐或购物。只需转至设施菜单查看可用超级充电站位置,包括托特纳姆、盖特威克、帕克皇家、卡迪夫、利兹、西德拉顿和曼彻斯特南部。Just Eat Takeaway是一个食品配送市场,将消费者与20个不同国家的超过699,000个合作伙伴联系在一起。他们的网站显示他们通过Grubhub在美国和加拿大运营。在2021年6月,Just Eat Takeaway完成了对Grubhub的收购。无论是Grubhub、DoorDash、Uber Eats甚至是超级充电站附近直接的餐馆和商店,特斯拉有很多机会来达成类似交易。希望在未来一周左右,我们在英国有这个选项的客户分享一些关于它如何运作的视频。David on X表示看起来白色内饰的特斯拉Model 3将从今天开始在美国交付。他的交付时间窗口为4月19日至26日。在过去的几周里,许多白色内饰客户不断被推迟交付日期。看起来特斯拉Mega Pack并没有逃脱埃隆的对流程优化和销售交付计划的计划。现在在网站上,您已经不再有直接下订单的选项。即使滚动到底部,您只能找到一个询问Mega Pack的表格。
All I know is that the contact form would in theory help Tesla weed out some customers who maybe aren't as serious as they may think. Perhaps customers were placing orders and then ultimately backing out or having questions or problems, so this way Tesla can filter through who's actually serious. That's pure speculation though on my part. While the Tesla Semi having more time for testing and iteration does have some benefits, it comes with some tradeoffs as well. According to Pepsi executives, as of this month, they've only received 36 Tesla Semi's of the 100 that they've ordered. On that order, Pepsi has secured over $20 million in government grants to cover the cost of 32 of the Semi's plus federal subsidies of $40,000 per vehicle. A Pepsi spokesperson said the company's plans for the Semi's can shift when technology and the need to establish infrastructure is involved. On the other hand, we have a transportation director from a company in Norway saying we are not happy with the situation at Tesla. It's almost 7 years now, it's a long time to wait. This individual placed an order for 10 Semi's in 2017. UPS reserved 125 Tesla Semi's also in 2017. A spokesperson for them said it's working closely with Tesla to determine a date for us to take delivery of the trucks. Meanwhile, potential Tesla Semi customers like UPS, Walmart, Canada, Cisco and Snyder National have all said they're turning to Daimler truck who makes the Freightliner E-Cast Gadia. All four companies said they had begun to put dozens of E-Cast Gadia trucks on the road. An officer from Pepsi said they're working on building out the infrastructure to support an electric fleet, including employees who can service the vehicles and power grid strong enough to charge them. You're talking about a system. All of those things have to happen before we can electrify the fleet. That Norwegian company is using electric Semi's from Skanya in Volvo while it waits for Tesla. He said Tesla told him Tesla's prioritizing Semi-deliveries to Pepsi and other US customers.
我所知道的是,联系表格理论上会帮助特斯拉筛选出一些可能并不像他们想象的那样认真的顾客。也许顾客们曾经下订单,最终却放弃了或者出现了问题,所以这样特斯拉就能筛选出到底哪些顾客是认真的。但这只是我猜测的。尽管特斯拉半挂卡车有更多时间进行测试和迭代确实有些好处,但也伴随着一些妥协。据百事公司高管称,截至本月,他们只收到了100辆订购的特斯拉半挂卡车中的36辆。在这个订单中,百事已获得了超过2000万美元的政府补助,用于 covering成32辆半挂卡车的成本,另外还有每辆车40000美元的联邦补贴。一位百事的发言人表示,公司对半挂卡车的计划可能会因涉及技术和建立基础设施的需求而发生变化。另一方面,挪威一家公司的运输主管表示我们对特斯拉的情况不满意。现在已经将近7年了,等待时间太久了。这个人在2017年订购了10辆特斯拉半挂卡车。联邦快递公司(UPS)也在2017年预订了125辆特斯拉半挂卡车。他们的一位发言人表示,他们正与特斯拉紧密合作,确定一个交付卡车的日期。与此同时,潜在的特斯拉半挂卡车顾客如UPS、沃尔玛、加拿大、思科和施耐德国家都表示他们正在转向戴姆勒卡车制造的Freightliner E-Cast Gadia。这四家公司表示他们已经开始将数十辆E-Cast Gadia卡车上路。一位百事的官员表示,他们正在努力建设基础设施,以支持电动车队,包括能够维修车辆的员工以及强大的电网来给它们充电。你正在谈论一个系统。在我们电动化车队之前,所有这些事情都必须发生。等待特斯拉的挪威公司正在使用斯堪尼亚和沃尔沃的电动半挂卡车。他表示特斯拉告诉他,特斯拉正在优先考虑向百事和其他美国客户交付半挂卡车。
I do believe the world deserves an update here on the Tesla Semi program. Taking customer deposits in 2017 and still leaving people hanging 7 years later is just not a good look. I know the illness happened, but really that's not a great excuse. You may recall, on an earnings call at the end of 2022, Elon said that Tesla was planning to build a 50,000 Semi's annually starting in 2024. And listen, most people would understand if Tesla would just communicate about what's really going on, what's holding this project back. Things happen, and Tesla is trying to do something here that's never been done before. There are plenty of holdups on the infrastructure side, and that has to come first as we've been saying, but at some point we all need some more clarity on what's going on.
And as Heinrich Zane pointed out earlier this month, the site where this new Semi-production facility is going to be, the foundations have not really even been laid yet. The most recent update we got from Tesla was they're looking at volume production of the Tesla Semi by the end of 2024, and as we look at things right now, that doesn't look very promising. Losing a few customers is certainly not the end of the world, and many of these other trucks have inferior specs relative to the Tesla Semi, which is why people have been waiting for so long. But a bit more communication along the way would be nice.
正如 Heinrich Zane 本月早些时候指出的那样,新的半生产设施将建在一个地方,但基础工作实际上还没有开始。特斯拉最近发布的更新显示他们计划在 2024 年底之前推出特斯拉半挂车的大规模生产,但从目前的情况来看,情况并不乐观。失去几个客户当然不是世界末日,而且许多其他卡车相对于特斯拉半挂车来说规格较低,这就是人们一直等待的原因。但希望在路上有更多的沟通。
Even though Mercedes Level 3 technology is a bit gimmicky, in my opinion, and is only available in very limited circumstances, we have to tip our caps for them at least trying. In California and Nevada, the only two states where they can actually sell these Level 3 equipped cars, so far they have made about 65 customer deliveries. These first deliveries are for the US market, Mercedes has been selling these vehicles in Europe now for a few years. In the US, the annual subscription will set you back $2,500. Their CTO is now expecting Level 4 autonomous tech will be available to consumers by 2030. Tesla has voluntarily issued an actual recall in this case for over 3,800 Cybertrucks.
It's the problem we've been talking about, the pad on the accelerator pedal that can come loose and get stuck. Why it happened, an unapproved change introduced lubricant soap to aid in the component assembly of the pad onto the accelerator pedal, residual lubricant reduced the retention of the pad to the pedal. At no charge to the customer, Tesla will replace or rework the accelerator pedal assembly. And as of April 17th, Cybertruck vehicles in production were already equipped with a new accelerator pedal component. Even though the brakes still work, if this problem existed, Tesla was still fortunate to escape with no injuries or accidents.
Naturally, that was getting most of the attention today, most people were missing the fact that nearly a half a million Ford Bronco, SUVs and Maverick pickups were also recalled. Those vehicles failed to detect a low battery charge, which could lead to a loss of engine and electrical power while driving. AKA problems with a 12 volt battery that could cause these cars to stall when coming to a stop. On X, Scott said Y hasn't Tesla integrated Uber into its entertainment system for ride hailing drivers, to which an Uber employee responded working on it. Omar said Uber's already able to see the battery status of my Tesla to send out rides that are within range, they should start using the API to send addresses too.
当然,大多数人今天都在关注这个问题,但很少有人注意到近50万辆福特Bronco SUV和Maverick皮卡也被召回了。这些车辆无法检测到电池电量低,可能会导致在行驶中丢失发动机和电力。也就是说,这些汽车中存在着一个12伏特电池的问题,可能导致在停车时熄火。在会上,Scott提到为什么特斯拉还没有将Uber整合到其娱乐系统中供乘车司机使用,一个Uber员工回应称正在努力解决。Omar说Uber已经能够查看我特斯拉的电池状态来派造出在范围内的乘车,他们应该开始使用API来发送地址。
Earlier this year, Uber started sharing data with Tesla on where its drivers need charging infrastructure the most, which includes areas where drivers do most of their trips. Uber was also offering its drivers purchase incentives up to $2,000 for Tesla's Model 3 and Y. I'm of the camp that Tesla doesn't need to partner with anybody when it comes to autonomy and actually operating the ride hailing app. But having strategic partners or large customers is rarely a bad thing, this will be one to watch. I'm playing this one partly as a warning and partly because I just enjoy Dan Ives and his quips.
今年早些时候,优步开始与特斯拉分享数据,了解其司机最需要充电基础设施的地点,其中包括司机进行大部分行程的地区。优步还向其司机提供了高达2000美元的购车激励,用于购买特斯拉的Model 3和Y。我认为特斯拉在自动驾驶和运营叫车应用方面不需要与任何人合作。但拥有战略合作伙伴或大客户很少会出现问题,这将是一个值得关注的情况。我参与这个项目部分是出于警告,部分是因为我喜欢丹·艾夫斯和他的幽默。
I think right now the big nervousness is Model 2, that's a key part of the grid, that's 50-60% in the incremental growth next 2-3 years. RoboTax is autonomous, that's not for another 5-6 years, and I'd say look, we've seen over the last decade, we've been through a lot of white knuckle moments from Musk and Tesla. This is up there and this has really been a Cinderella story that in the near term has really turned them to a nightmare on Elm Street, it all starts next Tuesday, needs to control the narrative because if there's no adult in the room, there could be darker days ahead. So if it really does say we're going to play this long game and it's going to come at the expense of the two, you would re-rate.
我认为现在最大的焦虑是模型2,这是电网的一个关键部分,在未来2-3年的增长中占50-60%。 RoboTax是自主的,还需要5-6年时间,我想说,我们在过去十年中已经经历了许多来自马斯克和特斯拉的惊险时刻。这是其中一个,并且这真的是一个灰姑娘的故事,而在短期内却变成了梦魇街,一切将在下周开始,需要控制叙述,因为如果没有成年人在场,之后可能会更加黑暗。所以如果他真的说我们将玩这个长期游戏,并且这将以两者为代价,你将重新评价。
That would be, if that happened, it would be a disaster of epic proportions. But this for the, I'd say for the first time in five, six years long term, Tesla, bulls are really caught and feels like they're about to hit the elevator if they don't hear what they want on Tuesday. Now I don't agree that RoboTaxis have to be five or six years away, but the key is that Elon is the wild card here when it comes to next Tuesday. Is he going to be the G.F.Y guy or is he actually going to try to answer some of Wall Street's questions and bring some clarity to what's going on at Tesla right now in many different directions. All I'm saying, if history is our guide, then the former is probably more likely.
如果发生了这种情况,那将是一场规模空前的灾难。但是对于特斯拉的长期看好者来说,我要说这是五六年来第一次真正被困住了,感觉他们即将摔入电梯里,如果周二听不到他们想要的消息的话。 现在我不同意自动出租车还需要五六年的时间,但关键是,埃隆在接下来的周二会是个未知数。他会成为那种令人恼火的家伙,还是他会试图回答一些华尔街的问题,为特斯拉目前在许多不同领域所面临的情况带来一些清晰度。 我要说的是,如果历史是我们的指导,那么前者可能更有可能发生。
We got this video of the new pull star phone being unboxed for the first time and the word is deliveries are slated to begin in China toward the end of April. Some background in the Chinese market, Android Auto and Apple Car Play do not exist, so many automakers have to do their own software. Some of the features with the phone, the ability to customize backgrounds and wallpapers like a laptop or a tablet, run multiple apps at once in various windows and use the smartphone's camera for video calls are all things they plan to bring in total sync with the actual vehicle.
我们拿到了新晋巨星手机首次开箱的视频,消息是预计在四月底开始在中国发货。在中国市场,Android Auto和Apple Car Play不存在,因此许多汽车制造商必须自行开发软件。手机的一些功能包括能够自定义背景和壁纸,像笔记本电脑或平板电脑一样同时运行多个应用程序在不同的窗口,并利用智能手机的摄像头进行视频通话,他们计划将所有这些功能与实际车辆完全同步。
I have three weeks until I'm home from this golf trip and then my focus will be squarely on fitness and performance from a physical standpoint. Most people have no idea what you can accomplish at home with less than 20 minutes or so a day. I won't say too much now but while I have your ear, I want to encourage you to start wherever you're at in prioritized health and movement if you're not. Coming from the fitness world, it was an easy choice to partner with a company like AG1 and yes, they sponsored the channel but having been in that world, I can tell you much of the wellness industry is a scam.
AG1 actually goes the extra mile to explain its sourcing, to put its products up to third party studies, to bring on leading researchers and experts in the field, and a list of other moves that have given me confidence in the company and the product. I'm a human, I have days where I order out or go out with friends and I'm just not in the mood for whatever's in the fridge. On those days, AG1 is even more important for me because it does actually give me peace of mind knowing that I'm feeding my body what it needs even on days my discipline is not there. Every serving has 75 vitamins and minerals with only 50 calories, 6 carbs, and less than 1 gram of sugar.
And hey, maybe a little skin in the game can provide you an extra boost to make good choices and if you want to try it out for yourself, you can still grab 5 travel packs in a 1 year supply of vitamin D3K2 for free. You can use my link below or the QR code right on the screen. Enjoy. Look, most of you guys know I am not an alarmist, however, I've been thinking about this a lot as of late and I just want to lay out some data points and some things to consider. And full disclosure, I do feel strongly that if this vote for Elon's compensation plan goes south, that can mean some not great things for Elon and Tesla both in the short term and in the longer term.
There are prominent people out there saying that this vote should pass no problem for Elon. Personally, I am not so sure and I'm about to share the reasons why, but at the very least, I hope this little exercise encourages you to actually vote your shares, not just sitting back and expecting everything to just work out. Back in 2018, when the first vote happened where it passed with about 73%, it was a much different company. That was before profitability, before the huge Tesla stock run up, so the investors at that time were a closer knit community more of the early supporters. I've also seen people say if Elon doesn't get this comp plan, it's no big deal because most of his wealth is already tied up in Tesla, that's just not true.
The most recent estimate for the SpaceX valuation is about $180 billion, as far as we know, Elon owns about 45%, putting his stake in that at about $81 billion. Then when you consider a future IPO for Starlink, this then becomes a huge driver of Elon's net worth. Tesla's valuation right now is right around $470 billion, if Elon only owns that 13%, that's $61.1 billion. So I'm not saying I think Elon would quit if he doesn't get this pay package, but what I'm saying is that after projects like FSD and Optimus, which aren't going to leave Tesla and those two alone will most likely keep him there to some degree, keeping Elon at Tesla beyond those two projects then becomes a major question mark.
SpaceX 最近估值大约为 1800 亿美元,据我们所知,埃隆拥有大约 45% 的股份,价值约 810 亿美元。再考虑到 Starlink 的未来 IPO,这将是埃隆净值的巨大推动力。特斯拉目前的估值约为 4700 亿美元,如果埃隆只拥有 13% 的股份,那就是 611 亿美元。所以我并不是说如果他没有获得这笔薪酬计划,他会离开,但我的意思是在像 FSD 和 Optimus 这样的项目之后,这些项目不会让特斯拉独立出去,这两个项目很可能会让他在那里待到一定程度,那么让埃隆留在特斯拉超过这两个项目之后就成为一个重大疑问。
Plus, many of the newer investors both retail and institutional after 2018 are actually going to be down on their Tesla holdings. It's also been pretty obvious that as Tesla's investor base has grown over the past years, so has the negative sentiment toward Elon. Plus, Tesla entered the S&P 500 in December of 2021, so there were many passive index funds now buying Tesla. In the past, Elon has said decisions are being made on behalf of actual shareholders that are contrary to their interests, major problem with index and passive funds. Elon was talking about companies like Glass-Lewis and ISS, institutional shareholder services, that actually make recommendations to these passive funds on how they should vote for each company's proposals. Elon said far too much power is concentrated in the hands of shareholder services companies like ISS and Glass-Lewis because so much of the market is passive index funds, which outsource shareholder voting decisions to them. ISS and Glass-Lewis effectively control the stock market. So why does any of this matter? Elon also said I call them ISIS referring to ISS, there's a lot of activists that basically infiltrate those organizations and have strange ideas about what should be done.
Further, Vanguard, who uses both ISS and Glass-Lewis, is Tesla's biggest shareholder. And if you go back into the archives in 2018, both ISS and Glass-Lewis recommended against Elon's last pay package. So my point here is these two companies who have sway over a much larger portion of the people that are now voting this time around could certainly sway the outcome. ISS has also said if an executive already owns 15 or 20% of a company's outstanding shares is not already motivated to act in the interests of shareholders, there's no credible argument increasing that stake to 25 or 30% will suffice to accomplish that goal. Plus, ordinarily, the turnout is much greater on the institutional side when it comes to voting because they have so much money at stake. In contrast to that, the turnout on the retail side historically is not that great. It is worth mentioning, although a lot of this was misleading, that one of Tesla's biggest individual shareholders, Leo Koguwan, is planning to vote against Elon's comp plan. But if you do the math, his 27 million shares are only about 0.8% of Tesla's outstanding float. And I know it's anecdotal, but I'm telling you, I'm in the forums and the comments every day now and I've been doing it for a couple of years. The sentiment now amongst the retail community is most certainly more anti-Elon than it was back in 2018.
此外,先锋集团是特斯拉最大的股东,他们同时使用ISS和Glass-Lewis。回顾2018年的档案,ISS和Glass-Lewis都曾建议反对埃隆的最后一笔薪酬计划。我的观点是,这两家公司对这次选举的许多投票者具有影响力,他们肯定能左右结果。ISS还表示,如果一名高管已经拥有公司15%或20%的流通股份,他已经没有充分动机为股东利益行动,增加这一比例到25%或30%并不能实现这一目标。此外,机构方面的投票率通常更高,因为他们有更多的利益。相比之下,零售方面的投票率历史上并不高。值得一提的是,尽管其中许多内容都具有误导性,但特斯拉最大的个人股东之一Leo Koguwan计划反对埃隆的薪酬计划。但是如果做一下计算,他持有的2700万股仅占特斯拉流通股的0.8%。虽然这只是个案,但我可以告诉你,我每天都参与论坛和评论,已经这样做了几年。零售投资者中的情绪现在明显更加反对埃隆,而不像在2018年那样。
Now this data from the Dow Jones indices is about three years old, but it's still going to prove the point. There was a record at that time, $5.4 trillion parked in funds that passively track the S&P 500. Then when we look at Tesla's weight in the S&P 500, of course, these numbers aren't currently accurate, but if we use 1%, it'll certainly get us in the neighborhood. 1% of 5.4 trillion is $54 billion. Now, if Glass Lewis and ISS are encouraging most of that $54 billion to vote against, that right there alone would effectively be on par with the same amount that Elon owns in Tesla. So again, I'm not trying to argue I think this is likely, but I do want to be on the record in saying if this is the beginning of the movement of Elon eventually leaving Tesla or being less involved, it will not be a good thing for Tesla stock. I just have to say at this point, I have a very strong sense that there are many people that are not fully grasping the potential ramifications of this scenario. To everybody saying that the odds are very high, that Tesla shareholders will approve Elon's comp plan. I thought it would be wise to share some counterpoints to the other side of the argument. I want to be clear, I'm not predicting I think the vote is going to fail, I'm just saying I think things are significantly different now than they were back then, so let's not get lazy with this one.
现在道琼斯指数的数据大约三年前的,但仍将证明这一观点。当时有创纪录的5.4万亿美元被投资在 passively 跟踪标普500指数的基金中。然后,当我们看到特斯拉在标普500指数中的权重时,当然,这些数字目前并不准确,但如果我们使用1%,那肯定会接近。5.4万亿的1%是540亿美元。现在,如果 Glass Lewis 和 ISS 鼓励大部分这540亿美元反对,那么单单这一点就会有效地与埃隆在特斯拉中拥有的相同金额相当。因此,我并不是在争辩说我认为这很可能发生,但我确实想说明的是,如果这是埃隆最终离开特斯拉或减少参与的开端,这对特斯拉股票不利。我不得不说,我强烈感觉很多人没有完全意识到这种情况可能带来的潜在影响。对于那些认为特斯拉股东将批准埃隆的薪酬计划的人,我认为分享一些与反对方观点相反的观点会很明智。我想明确一点,我并不是预测说我认为投票会失败,我只是认为现在和那时的情况明显不同,所以让我们不要对此掉以轻心。
And maybe most importantly, the crux of the matter, Elon saying he was uncomfortable working to make Tesla a leader in AI and robotics without having 25% voting control of the company. The unfortunate truth is if a group of nefarious actors working through ISS or Glass Lewis wanted to take over Tesla in some shady way, now when we're near peak uncertainty would definitely be the time to do it. Think about it, if they can limit Elon's ownership and thus control at Tesla, if they can get Kimball and Murdoch off the board replaced with somebody they would prefer in there.
也许最重要的是,问题的关键在于,埃隆表示,他在没有公司拥有25%的投票权的情况下,感到不舒服去努力让特斯拉成为人工智能和机器人领域的领导者。令人遗憾的事实是,如果一群险恶的人,通过ISS或者Glass Lewis操纵想要以某种暗地里的方式接管特斯拉,现在,当我们正处于最不确定的时刻,无疑正是他们行动的时机。想想看,如果他们可以限制埃隆在特斯拉的所有权和控制力,如果他们可以让金博尔和默多克下台,换成他们更喜欢的人。
A couple years from now, we could be staring at a Tesla company that looks very different than the one that many of us have been envisioning for the past few years. Tesla's thought closed the day at $147.5 down 1.92% while the NASDAQ was down 2.05%. It was a normal volume day for Tesla trading about 5 million shares below the average volume the past 30 days. Don't forget check out AG1 linked below if you're interested, maybe kick off the weekend on the right foot.
Hope you guys have a safe and wonderful weekend. Please like the video if you did. You can find me on X linked below and a huge thank you to all of my Patreon supporters.