Wartime Elon Taking Action / What Could Happen to TSLA Stock / New Tesla Semi Customer ⚡️
发布时间 2024-04-17 01:15:47 来源
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Welcome to Electrified. It's your host, Dylan Loomis. Quick shout out to my newest patron, Keith H. Thank you for choosing to support the channel. Last night at Tesla's Fremont Factory in California, there were some pro-Palestine protesters that were causing some havoc around the factory grounds. And as a result, Tesla closed the facility to protect the workers. The demonstration, one of several in the Bay Area taking place today. Others taking place nationwide. It was all part of a wider effort to disrupt the nation's global economy today. And that included, as you saw, blockades on bridges, roads used for that purpose. As for why Tesla in particular was targeted organizers pointing to a lawn must decision to invite Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to the plant last year. This was most likely short-lived and just a temporary disruption, as far as we know Fremont should be back open and operating today.
Some more information about these layoffs that Tesla have been trickling out over the past 12 to 24 hours. Be careful with all of these, as you have some frustrated employees, ex-employees, I'm sure. Sources are saying some departments are losing around 20% of their staff, and they are not excluding high performers. These layoffs were largely due to poor financial performance. They noted many of those affected were working on projects that have fallen lower on Tesla's priority list. This one was interesting, it looks like Rohan Patel actually gave a comment to TechCrunch, and he said he decided Sunday night to leave Tesla because of big overall changes at the company. Rohan declined to be specific, but he noted in a message, it would be better for me not to speculate. Tesla is going to be stronger than ever, and change is good.
特斯拉最近逐渐披露了关于这次裁员的一些更多信息,大约在过去的12到24小时内。请小心处理这些信息,因为肯定会有一些受挫的员工和前员工。消息来源称,一些部门将失去大约20%的员工,而且他们并没有排除高绩效者。这次裁员主要是由于财务表现糟糕。他们指出,许多受影响的人正在从事特斯拉优先级较低的项目。有趣的是,Rohan Patel似乎在TechCrunch上发表了评论,他说他在周日晚上决定离开特斯拉,原因是公司发生了重大变化。Rohan拒绝具体说明,但他在一条消息中指出,最好不要猜测。特斯拉将比以往任何时候都更加强大,而且变革是好的。
Drew Baglino also decided to comment and confirmed what we speculated about yesterday. He said, I feel good about the impact I've been able to achieve, my leadership team is strong, the energy business I'm responsible for are doing well, etc. Hassan Nizar, who is also on Tesla's policy and business development team, had some really nice farewell words for Rohan saying no one cannot work him, understand every corner of the business better, or immediately take over a room like Rohan. The guy can grasp and process interdisciplinary concepts better than any engineer or scientist I've ever known. Rohan is fearless, he once told me his biggest weakness is he has never seen a pitch he doesn't want to swing at. Knock to throw salt in our wounds here, I just think it's nice to see these Tesla leaders finally get some of the recognition that they really deserve.
德鲁·巴格里诺(Drew Baglino)也决定发表评论,确认了我们昨天的猜测。他说,我对我所能实现的影响感到满意,我的领导团队非常强大,我负责的能源业务表现良好等等。同样在特斯拉政策和业务发展团队的哈桑·尼扎尔(Hassan Nizar)对罗翰送别时有一些非常友好的话语,说没有人能像罗翰一样工作,理解业务的方方面面,或者像罗翰那样立刻掌控整个房间。这个家伙比我认识的任何工程师或科学家更能掌握和处理跨学科概念。罗翰是无畏的,他曾经告诉我,他最大的弱点是他从未见过不愿挥拍的投球。拍打伤口的是,我只是觉得很高兴看到这些特斯拉领导者最终得到了他们应得的认可。
Lars, who is still at Tesla, also had some really nice words to share with Drew Baglino, I'm not going to read it, but it's on the screen, so pause if you haven't seen it. Elon liked this post from Chris Zang, he said, I told you Elon has re-entered wartime CEO mode, this scene is familiar to the veterans of the Tesla community, today Elon decided to bet the entire company on Robotaxi, I don't know if all in Robotaxi is right or wrong, I don't have the answer. Naturally, the question becomes, was Elon liking the wartime CEO part of that comment or the betting the company on Robotaxi part? This bet the company narrative gets thrown around a lot in all reality, of course it's not true, Tesla has a strong fundamental business even if Robotaxis don't pan out on the timeline we're expecting.
However, I do think it would be somewhat accurate to say this is a bet devaluation of the company type of move. That's because if Tesla can't solve for Robotaxis in the next few years and they're left with a re-rating of Tesla's valuation just on the current business lines, it's definitely not going to have a PE around 60 where it stands today. Looking at today's numbers just focusing on the bottom for Wall Street's fiscal year 2024 EPS estimates, they're now down to $2.81 for the year, which puts Tesla's forward a PE at 56. I hope this would go without saying but never make financial decisions based on one metric alone, but if we take Wall Street's expectations for this year, given Tesla's stagnant growth right now, even if Tesla's forward PE were to drop to let's call it 40, that would be a Tesla stock price of $112. As always, I just want everybody to be prepared for the possibilities of what could happen here if Elon doesn't go out of his way to calm Wall Street's fears and all of the uncertainty around Tesla right now and there's some sort of delay or hiccup with the Robotaxi rollout, a different type of valuation for Tesla at least in the near term the next 6-12 months could be right around the corner.
Sawyer had pointed out that all inventory vehicles for Tesla not just the Model Y had those inventory discounts removed. The only ones that still have discounts are demo vehicles. Replying to that, Elon said, we are simplifying and streamlining the whole Tesla sales and delivery system, it has become complex and inefficient. I'm not exactly sure what this has to do with inventory discounts and or whether this change has more to do on the internal Tesla side or the external customer facing side, but in the next few days we'll probably have some more info. There is plenty of chatter out there right now that Tesla might start to offer low interest rate financing which would be a really nice offer but for now that's just speculation. Yesterday I had mentioned that it looked like Tesla was not doing any sort of hiring freeze but fast forward to today and that may have changed. If you go to their careers page and search for just North America, there are currently only 5 job listings remaining. Zero in the Middle East. But there are however tens if not hundreds for Asia Pacific and in Europe. This could definitely just be something that's temporary as Tesla and all of the staff globally adjust after these mass layoffs so something to monitor in the weeks ahead. I would guess that some will eventually come back but most likely not all given Tesla's renewed focus on certain departments. There are still a few jobs listed on the official Tesla account on X but not too many.
索耶指出,特斯拉所有库存车辆,不仅是 Model Y,都取消了库存折扣。唯一还有折扣的是展示车辆。对此,埃隆表示,我们正在简化和优化整个特斯拉销售和交付系统,它已变得复杂且低效。我不确定这与库存折扣有何关系,或者这种改变更多地涉及特斯拉内部还是外部客户服务方面,但在接下来的几天里,我们可能会有更多信息。目前有很多关于特斯拉可能开始提供低利率融资的传言,这将是一个非常不错的优惠,但目前仅仅是一种猜测。昨天我提到特斯拉似乎没有进行任何形式的招聘冻结,但快进到今天,情况可能已经改变。如果你去他们的招聘页面并搜索只在北美地区,目前只剩下 5 个职位空缺。中东地区没有。但在亚太地区和欧洲,有十甚至上百个职位。这可能只是暂时的,因为特斯拉和全球员工在裁员后进行调整,未来几周需要密切关注的事情。我猜有些人最终会回来,但很可能不是所有人,考虑到特斯拉重新专注于某些部门。在 X 账户上特斯拉的官方账户仍有一些职位空缺,但并不多。
Replying to James Stevenson, Elon said every half decade or so, Tesla has to do a complete organizational overhaul to reach the next level. That said, our executive tenure is unusually high at well over 10 years at Tesla. We can all speculate as much as we want from outside of the stadium but over the next two years we're going to find out if this is enough from Elon and Tesla to get them to the next level. I know not all of you agree with me here but I want to be on the record right now as saying I think the answer to that is going to be yes. With the Brazilian authorities in full on censorship mode, Elon was quick to recommend a VPN and in a second post about using VPNs he was saying how easy they are to use. Then while Elon's posts as far as we know are not sponsored by Surfshark, today's episode is. While things in America, arguably, are not as bad as things in Brazil yet, in my opinion it's still wise to use a VPN like Surfshark. Clearly even our government is very interested in abusing its power to spy on us by any means necessary and when you layer in the level of nefarious actors online rising, it's questionable why you wouldn't use a VPN like Surfshark. Simply put, a VPN encrypts your online data and activity giving you your online privacy back. It works at home, at your family's house, in the airport or anywhere you're at and Surfshark is one of the only VPNs to allow one account for use on unlimited devices. Surfshark also offers a bunch of other features like changing your IP address to look like it's coming from another country, unlocking new libraries of content, it can get you better deals on flights and hotels, the clean web feature will clean up those annoying websites with ads everywhere, and all of that and more costs less than a cup of coffee per month. So if you'd like to secure your privacy with Surfshark, you can enter my coupon code electrified for an extra three months free at surfshark.deals slash electrified linked below.
Tesla's new spring software update is looking pretty exciting, but sadly it's going to be mostly for those with AMD based cars. So if you're out there still rocking an Intel based chip on a 2021 or prior vehicle, I'm sorry on this one. Model three and wise with the AMD chip are going to get this new immersive full screen vehicles control view when the vehicle is parked. It'll have bigger playback controls and quick access to recent favorites and up next in the media player. It'll also have expandable autopilot driving visualizations with a smaller map in the top right for trip guidance. Auto shift beta is coming to the model SNX 2021 and later.
特斯拉的新春季软件更新看起来相当令人兴奋,但遗憾的是,它主要是针对装有AMD芯片的汽车。所以如果你仍然在使用2021年或之前车型上的Intel芯片,很抱歉这次是无法更新的。搭载AMD芯片的Model三和智能车将在停车时获得这种新的沉浸式全屏车载控制界面。它将具有更大的播放控制按钮,以及快速查找最近的收藏和下一项媒体内容的便捷功能。此外,它还将具有可扩展的自动驾驶可视化功能,右上角有一个较小的地图以供旅行指导。自动换挡测试版即将推出Model SNX 2021年及之后的车型。
This can now also shift between drive and reverse based on your surroundings in addition to shifting out of park. Audible is now available as a native media app and as an audible user that's great to hear. By the way, if you have any recommendations drop them below. You'll be able to sync your Spotify queue across vehicles and devices and adjust the playback speed. Now if you listen to electrified on Spotify, that 2x option for my slow speaking self should be there. There's a new hands-free trunk option but only for model SNX 2021 and later and the upgraded model three.
现在,除了从驻车档换挡,还可以根据周围环境在驾驶和倒车之间进行切换。Audible现在作为一款原生的媒体应用程序可用,作为一名Audible用户,这听起来非常棒。顺便说一句,如果您有任何推荐,请在下面留言。您将能够在车辆和设备之间同步您的Spotify队列,并调整播放速度。如果您在Spotify上收听“电气化”,那么我自己说话慢的那个2倍选项应该在那里。还有一个新的免提行李箱选项,但仅适用于2021年及以后的SNX和升级版Model 3。
You just stand still behind your trunk with your phone key and then the trunk will open on its own. Maybe this feature is excluding the model Y for now because it does not have ultra-wideband support but that's just a guess. In select countries, you can now get a preview if there's a Sentry Mode event right on your phone. If Sentry Mode triggers the alarm state, you can press and hold on the notification to see a quick video clip. There's increased regenerative braking for SNX 2021 and later on the highway and then rear passengers can now see current trip details time and temperature at the top of the rear touchscreen. No native YouTube music yet and no auto shift for model three and why like many were speculating.
只要站在你的行李箱后面,用手机钥匙按一下,行李箱就会自动打开。也许目前这个功能还没有包括 Model Y,因为它没有超宽带支持,但这只是猜测。在部分国家,你现在可以在手机上立即预览是否有 Sentry Mode 事件发生。如果 Sentry Mode 触发了警报状态,你可以按住通知来查看一个快速视频片段。SNX 2021及更晚版本在高速公路上实现了更强的再生制动力,而后排乘客现在可以在后置触摸屏的顶部看到当前行程详情的时间和温度。目前还没有原生 YouTube 音乐,也没有 Model 3 和 Model Y 自动换挡,就像很多人猜测的那样。
If you're not sure what hardware your Tesla has, just go to controls and then software and then additional vehicle information. In a recent drone flyover from WUWA of the Shanghai export lot, there are some what we believe to be model three ludicrous variants ready for export. There's about 40 of them ready to go, maybe headed to showrooms so I would expect an official announcement sometime in the next two to three weeks if not sooner. The weekly Tesla China data came in at 6230. If you wanted to compare that to week two of quarter one, that number was 7400. I did adjust our little scoreboard right here so in the blue, we have the quarter over quarter comparison which right now through the first two weeks, we're down about 23.3%. The green still shows Tesla's best quarter to date for this metric but that's not really in play in my opinion this quarter.
如果您不确定您的特斯拉配备了什么硬件,只需进入控制面板,然后点击软件,接着查看附加车辆信息。最近,来自WUWA的上海出口区的一次无人机航拍显示,有一些我们认为是Model 3的疯狂版本已准备好出口。大约有40辆准备好发车,可能驶向展厅,因此我预计在两到三周后会有正式公告。每周的特斯拉中国数据为6230辆。如果您想将这个数字与第一季度第二周的数字进行比较,那个数字是7400辆。我在这里调整了我们的小记分牌,所以在蓝色区域,我们有季度对比,目前通过前两周,我们下降大约23.3%。绿色部分仍显示特斯拉迄今为止在这一指标上表现最佳,但在我看来,这个季度并不是真正的竞争对手。
And at the bottom in the light orange, we have the year over year comparison so for the first two weeks of quarter to this year, we're currently down about 58.3% relative to last year. It's worth noting April 4th through 6 was the tomb sweeping holiday in China so that could have impacted deliveries a bit. Jim Fan and Vidia's senior research manager said humanoid robots will exceed the supply of iPhones in the next decade, gradually then suddenly. Elon added, yeah. I'm not sure if Jim was talking about the annual supply or the cumulative number. All I do know is in 2023, Apple sold about 235 million iPhones. I'm genuinely curious about what you all think about this. Just say yes or no below if you think something like this is going to happen by 2034.
在浅橙色背景下,我们可以看到今年对比去年的情况,所以在本季度的前两周,与去年相比,我们目前下降了大约58.3%。值得注意的是,4月4日至6日是中国的清明节,这可能对交付产生了一些影响。吉姆·范和维迪亚的高级研究经理表示,人形机器人在下一个十年里将超过iPhone的供应,逐渐地然后突然间。埃隆接着说,是的。我不确定吉姆是在说年度供应还是累计数量。 我只知道在2023年,苹果售出了大约2.35亿部iPhone。我真的很好奇你们对此有什么想法。如果你认为2034年之前会发生类似的情况,请在下面简单回答是或否。
This TikTok video went viral about the cyber truck accelerator pedal or the cover that actually was sliding off and would then get stuck causing unintended acceleration. It seems like an easy fix but the safety regulators have contacted Tesla about this issue. Some cyber truck deliveries the next few days have been canceled or delayed so it sounds like they need until about April 20th to get this problem fixed. In the spring software update, there are some new things for the cyber truck as well, the first one being the much anticipated power share. The colorizer option is now there for the UI so you can pick the color or see your cyber truck in a new wrap. There's new horn and lock sounds, cabin overheat protection, and the turning circle is now improved by 1.6 feet. No word on autopilot or FSD but it's pretty wild that the turning radius can be shrunk by 1.6 feet with just a software update.
这个 TikTok 视频在网络上疯传,内容是关于赛博卡车的油门踏板或者踏板盖实际上是滑动着脱落,导致意外加速。看起来这个问题很容易解决,但安全监管机构已经联系了特斯拉关于这个问题。接下来几天的一些赛博卡车交付已经取消或延迟,听起来他们需要到4月20日左右才能解决这个问题。在春季的软件更新中,赛博卡车还有一些新功能,其中最引人期待的是功率共享。现在用户界面有了颜色选择器选项,因此您可以选择颜色或者看到您的赛博卡车以新的包装。还有新的喇叭声音和锁定声音,车厢过热保护功能,转弯半径现在提高了1.6英尺。关于自动驾驶或完全自动驾驶的消息还没有,但仅仅通过软件更新就可以将转弯半径缩短1.6英尺,这相当惊人。
I'm guessing after the earnings call next Wednesday, there will be some headlines about Tesla's spiking inventory levels. As far as we can tell, they may jump from around 16 now to the high 20s so figured it was worth showing everybody this chart. This green line is the EV days of supply from Cox Automotive so this is for the US market. The industry average for EV days of supply is 114 days. The industry average for ICE vehicles is 74 days so even if Tesla's days of supply goes into the 30s which I don't think it will, it's still significantly below the industry averages. And what this chart does not factor in for a company like Tesla is that as Tesla grows with more showrooms, they need more inventory on hand for customers to actually experience. I'm not necessarily predicting this but I won't at all be surprised if that inventory number goes back down in quarter two for Tesla. They haven't done price cuts, they've actually had price hikes, they've removed those price cuts for the inventory vehicles.
我猜想,在下周三的财报电话之后,会有一些关于特斯拉库存急剧增加的头条新闻。据我们所知,它们可能会从目前的大约16跃升到20多,所以我觉得值得向大家展示这张图表。这条绿线代表的是Cox Automotive的电动车供应天数,这是针对美国市场的。电动车的供应天数行业平均值为114天。传统燃油车的供应天数行业平均值为74天,所以即使特斯拉的供应天数达到30多天,虽然我认为不会,但仍然远远低于行业平均水平。而这张图表未涵盖像特斯拉这样的公司的因素,随着特斯拉开设更多展厅,他们需要更多的库存以让客户实际体验。我并不一定预测会这样,但如果特斯拉的库存数量在第二季度下降,我一点也不会感到惊讶。他们没有进行价格削减,实际上还涨价了,并且取消了库存车型的价格优惠。
So really that means one of two things either Tesla has seen their margins go too low and they do actually now have a margin floor that they don't want to go below or there's been a slight uptick in demand that we'll see in the numbers in quarter two. Jordan from the limiting factor shared a helpful chart from BatteryLine that shows us all of the different automakers and battery makers and their 4680 plans. You'll probably have to screenshot and zoom in here but it's interesting to see the game of follow the leader that Tesla has begun. Let's not forget the form factor isn't really the magic sauce here, it's actually what goes inside of the form factor. There are certainly benefits but also some trade offs with a larger form factor but again what we really should be focusing on are things like the tablets design or dry battery electrode, all of the chemistry that's happening inside. It's not just 4680s though there are three companies EVE, BMW and Gosh and that are focusing on the 46 95.
这实际上意味着两种情况之一,要么特斯拉的利润率下降得太低,他们现在实际上已经设定了一个不想低于的利润率底线,要么市场需求有所增加,我们将在第二季度的数据中看到。来自《限制因素》的Jordan分享了BatteryLine提供的有用图表,展示了所有不同的汽车制造商和电池制造商以及他们的4680计划。您可能需要截屏并放大这里的内容,但看到特斯拉已经开始的“跟随领导者”游戏还是很有趣的。让我们不要忘记,外形尺寸并不是这里的魔术关键,真正关键的是形状内部的内容。大尺寸外形当然有好处,但也有一些折衷,但我们真正应该关注的是诸如锂电池设计或干式电极等的事情,即发生在内部的所有化学反应。不仅仅是4680电池,还有三家公司EVE、宝马和宝石,它们专注于46 95电池。
I think one of the most important takeaways here though is that the main Tesla suppliers are all working on some variants of the 46 XXL. If I could ask Elon one question about batteries it might be how much of Tesla's internal cell IP they're willing to share with their suppliers. Sawyer pointed out that Best Buy and Tesla are still partnering together this time around for the Power Wall 3. On the Best Buy website there's a dedicated page to the new Power Wall 3 with some videos and infographics and a link taking you direct to the Tesla site. Martin Broward, a logistics company has come out of the woodwork saying they've been running a pilot with the Tesla Semi since earlier this year.
我认为这里最重要的一点是特斯拉的主要供应商都在研发46 XXL的一些变种。如果我能问埃隆一个关于电池的问题,那可能会是特斯拉愿意与供应商分享多少内部电池技术。Sawyer指出,百思买和特斯拉这一次仍在合作推出Power Wall 3。在百思买的网站上,有一个专门页面介绍新的Power Wall 3,附带一些视频和信息图表,并提供链接直接跳转到特斯拉网站。物流公司马丁·布劳德表示,他们从今年年初以来一直在与特斯拉半挂车进行试验。
And real quick we have to give our resident semi-tracker Heinrich Zane some recognition here as he was weeks ahead of this one. We talked about his post back in March when he said Tesla was working with a new customer. So Heinrich if you see this thank you for your efforts keep it up I'll have his X account linked below if you want to go give him a follow. Martin Broward is among several companies in the US to use the Tesla Semi. They called Tesla a leader in the space and said the pilot used two Tesla Semi's running routes to restaurants. They said overall our drivers had positive feedback on how the vehicle performs. The Tesla Semi rises above any other tractor with mobility, center seat configuration and precise movement that allows the driver to navigate safely. The Tesla Semi experience has been impressive since day one. Our drivers had no problem learning the systems and maximizing the features that set these tractors apart. We've been able to push these tractors well beyond expectations and look forward to our electric future.
Martin Broward will review the results of the pilot to consider implementing the Tesla Semi's into our west coast fleet as California state regulations begin to push ZEV starting in 2026. Dan Priestley who works at Tesla on the Semi said these demonstrations with the Semi have provided great product feedback on how to make the best Class A truck while also showing customers how it can fit in their operations. I know people out there are frustrated waiting for the Tesla Semi to enter volume production but one this testing phase is certainly necessary for Tesla to work out any kinks for these vehicles and then two you have to remember we need an entirely separate charging infrastructure for the Tesla Semi. There could always be other supply chain bottlenecks we don't know about but for expectations going forward I'm not expecting any type of volume production of the Semi until 2025 at the earliest.
It's already the middle of April and the foundations have not even been laid at the new Tesla Semi site at Giga Nevada. After a nine week delay Ford has resumed ascending 2024 F-150 lightnings to the dealers. Ford still has not given any information as to what the quality issue actually was. Sawyer shared this video of three GMC vehicles doing the crab walk side by side on the snow. I'm just gonna scroll down a touch here and go ahead and leave this up for a second or two.
Boston Dynamics the company that Hyundai bought back in 2021 announced it's retiring its famous hydraulic humanoid robot Atlas after debuting over 10 years ago. They shared this farewell video with footage of Atlas with some of the failures along the way and while some parts were actually really funny I found myself feeling somewhat sentimental which was pretty weird because I wasn't really even an Atlas fan I just knew what it was. I'm sure Boston Dynamics is retiring this to work on whatever they have next with the billions of dollars flowing into the humanoid space right now. Probably something with more of a commercial focus if I had to guess. At least now people won't be able to make the foolish comparison about how far behind Atlas Tesla is with Optimus.
Rivian just dropped a pretty slick software update of their own where they're actually now grading different charging stations. It grades stations across the US and Canada and gives real-time reliability scores from A to F for different stations. Factors in things like network uptime, the number of successful charging sessions, and peak performance of the chargers. The scores are integrated into Rivian's trip planner and then your car will prioritize which stations have the highest scores when planning your route. They'll be grading not only the Rivian Adventure network but the Tesla Supercharger network as well.
Nissan said they expect to mass produce EVs with some next-gen batteries by early 2029. They're hoping to leap ahead with a new type of battery. They're expecting to start a pilot production line by March of 2025 with commercial production in 2028. Tesla stock closed the day at $157.11 down 2.71% while the NASDAQ was down 0.12%. It was a normal volume day for Tesla trading about 1 million shares above the average volume the past 30 days.
One of the reasons I share this volume metric is so that over time we can see what type of news events actually bring a lot more activity in Tesla stock either way. You also may recall when I started sharing this metric the average volume the past 30 days was about 109 million. So on a daily basis we're now about 14 million shares lower and if you just say an average of about 165 dollars a share that's 2.3 billion dollars that was trading Tesla that's now effectively on the sideline. Again just daily averages here but the point is that there is some money that's waiting to see what's going to happen whether it's the Q1 call or something else.
You guys know I'm not one to hype up any quarterly call for Tesla but I will say given all of the uncertainty right now it would be a great time for Elon to actually lay out some plans and some expectations. I'm not at all personally expecting him to do that but for Tesla stock in the short term it would go a very long way. Don't forget Elon's nudging that VPNs are easy to use your surf shark deal will be linked below. Hope you guys have a wonderful day please like the video if you did you can find me on x linked below and a huge thank you to all of my patreon supporters. you.