AI integration for enterprise ft. CJ Desai of ServiceNow
发布时间 2024-04-03 19:02:14 来源
Chirantan "CJ" Desai, President and Chief Operating Officer of ServiceNow, discusses implementing AI at enterprise scale, ...
This year, at AI Ascent, we are doing a few things differently. One of those things is the what's next section that we talked about, these visionary ideas. Another is the what's now that Sonya has been talking about, about how are people taking things in AI and implementing them. As part of this, we don't just have the amazing foundation model CEOs like Sam, Ann, Arthur, and Daniella. We've also brought in two exceptional leaders in the space of taking AI and making it enterprise-ready at scale. One of those is CJ. CJ has been the president and COO of ServiceNow for the past seven years. And in addition to ServiceNow being a Sequoia backed company for over a decade, ServiceNow is in an exceptional business.
今年,在AI Ascent上,我们正在做一些不同的事情。其中之一是我们谈到的下一个部分,即这些具有远见的想法。另一个是索尼娅一直在谈论的现在是关于人们如何接受AI并将其实施的。作为其中的一部分,我们不仅有像Sam、Ann、Arthur和Daniella这样的令人惊奇的基础模型CEO。我们还引入了两位卓越的领导者,在将AI应用并使其具备规模化的企业就绪性上。其中之一是CJ。CJ在过去七年担任ServiceNow的总裁和首席运营官。此外,ServiceNow作为一家由Sequoia支持超过十年的公司,在业务上表现卓越。
It's the kind of business anyone in this room should aspire to be like. Pat, I believe, sourced the business in 2012. Is that right? 2009. And what was the scale of the business then, Pat? 20. What? Million of ARR. Okay. Anyone have a guess as to where ServiceNow is now in terms of ARR? Annie, I feel like you know this. 1.4. Billion? One more guess. 20 billion? Okay. Somewhere in that range is correct. So ServiceNow is the third largest software-to-service company in the world. It has a market cap of $155 billion. It is about to cross 10 billion of ARR. It's at 9.75 billion of ARR. Remarkably, when you took over as president and COO seven years ago, it was at a billion of ARR.
So it's 10x growth. And it was 13 billion of market cap. So it's been a 12 plus x multiple from there. It's adding 600 million of ARR a quarter. So let that be something to aspire to. And I mentioned it's the third largest SaaS company in the world. Well, number one is growing at 11% a year. Number two is growing at 12% a year. And ServiceNow is growing at 26% a year. So we all argued at math that ranking doesn't last very long with that kind of growth. And CJ told me virtually all of this has been organic. They've made some acquisitions like Element AI. We'll talk about that in a little bit. They've been very ahead of the curve on AI. But really, it's been organic.
这就是增长了10倍。市值已经达到130亿美元。从那时起,增长了12倍以上。每个季度增加6亿美元的ARR。所以让这成为一个值得追求的目标。我提到过它是世界第三大SaaS公司。第一名每年增长11%,第二名每年增长12%,而ServiceNow每年增长26%。所以我们都认为,在这种增长情况下,排名并不会持续很长时间。CJ告诉我,几乎所有这一切都是有机发展的。他们进行了一些收购,如Element AI。我们稍后会谈到这个。他们在人工智能方面处于领先地位。但实际上,这是有机的增长。
It's called ServiceNow, but it does not have services margins. This is an 82% gross margin business. The free cash flow is 30%. Operating income 27%. This is a rule of 56 business on the rule of 40 terms. And since IPO since Pat sourced it in 07, I don't know what kind of multiple it's had. What was the valuation then Pat? What did Moon me invest in? 260 million posts. That's pretty good from 260 million posts to 155 billion nicely done. Since IPO, it's been up 42 times, 42x returns. So an exceptional story and one that I think is both grounding and also aspirational for everyone in this room.
One of the main reasons why we were so excited to have you come CJ is ServiceNow has been way ahead of the curve on AI. We first met actually in a conversation where you were talking about the AI vision with NVIDIA, with Jensen and the NVIDIA team. And we might have a clip actually, but just yesterday at the NVIDIA conference, ServiceNow was a main feature, the specific use cases on the NVIDIA platform. And at the previous conference, it comes up as a main user. My first question for you CJ is, please tell us how you got here to this exceptional role as COO where you do much of the product work. And then please tell us how you've gotten the AI suite, what it is today and how you've gotten the AI suite to where it is.
Yeah. So first of all, thank you for inviting me. And he asked me a fun fact and the fun fact is that I'm a failed stand-up comedian. So I'm constantly working on the material to try something out, a very high self-deprecating humor that you will see from time to time. And at the highest level, I want to say that we are extremely, extremely grateful to Sequoia.
Here is a simple story. The story is that before we were going public in 2012 is when we went public, with a modest market cap of $3.9 billion. Okay. That's when we went public in 2012. And it was a meh IPO. People like it. Yeah. Facebook was pretty good back there. It was called Facebook. Same year. And Workday was another one. And we had a meh IPO. But before that, VMware made an offer to service now for single-digit billions, single-digit billions below five. And Doug Leone and the Sequoia team convinced the management team, which would have been happy to take that offer because they're like, wow, we don't have to go public. We can be part of a great company like VMware at the time. And Doug Leone, to his credit, convinced not only the board, but also the management team that you can become big.
So we are extremely grateful for Sequoia's coaching at that point in time. And for the $2 billion offer, which we could have taken, versus today's $155 billion in just a matter of 12 years, it's incredible. So thank you to Sequoia and the team for sourcing us and believing in us and allowing us to get here because it would have been a very easy thing for Doug to say who was on the board. And the return would have been amazing for Sequoia at that point in time. And we still walked away. CJ Taxon, to me before I said, excited to see you can't wait to be part of the cult that is Sequoia. Yeah. You're already in it now. I am. But I just wanted to be thankful and grateful. And you guys work with great people at Sequoia. And I never take that lightly. And on the path to our growth, we never forget our friends and supporters. So I just wanted to start there.
因此,我们对 Sequoia 在那时提供的辅导非常感激。对于那个时候我们可以接受的 20 亿美元的报价,与今天仅仅 12 年就达到的 1550 亿美元相比,这实在是令人难以置信。所以我要感谢 Sequoia 和团队为我们提供支持和信任,并让我们走到今天这一步,因为那时那个坐在董事会上的 Doug 可能轻而易举地说了不。那个时候,对 Sequoia 而言回报会很惊人。但是我们还是离开了。CJ Taxon 在我之前说过,很高兴看到你,迫不及待地想成为 Sequoia 的一部分。是的。你现在已经是其中的一部分了。但我只想表达我的感激之情。你们在 Sequoia 和优秀的人员合作。我从不轻视这一点。在我们成长的道路上,我们永远不会忘记我们的朋友和支持者。所以我就想从这里开始。
Number two on the scale. So I joined the company. So Frank Slootman hired me. And Frank Slootman was also placed by Sequoia at ServiceNow. And Frank Slootman had two choices at the time, which is, I think, public knowledge. But Frank's data domain gets acquired. And then he decided, and I make fun of Jess all the time on this topic, but he decides that he's going to be a VC. And he joined Greylock. And if you have met Frank Slootman, which I'm sure some of you have, he is not a Sandhill guy. So he said, no, I need to go back to operational CEO job. And it was Sequoia that convinced him, Frank had two offers, Palo Alto Network CEO, or ServiceNow CEO. And he picked ServiceNow. At that point in time. And there was also Sequoia was behind it.
在权重表上排名第二。所以我加入了这家公司。所以弗兰克·斯卢特曼雇了我。而弗兰克·斯卢特曼也是 Sequoia 在 ServiceNow 公司任命的。当时,弗兰克·斯卢特曼有两个选择,我认为这是公开的信息。但是弗兰克的数据领域被收购了。然后他决定,我总是拿杰斯开玩笑,但他决定要成为一名风投者。所以他加入了 Greylock。如果你们见过弗兰克·斯卢特曼,我相信有些人见过,他不是产自桑德希尔的人。所以他说,不,我需要回到运营首席执行官的工作岗位。Sequoia 说服了他,弗兰克获得了两个工作邀约:Palo Alto Network 首席执行官或 ServiceNow 首席执行官。他选择了 ServiceNow。当时,Sequoia 也在背后支持。
So when Frank hired me, we were doing billion plus in ARR. And Frank said CJ, by 2020, if we can get to four billion of ARR, that would be a massive W. And let's go for it. And our founder who created the company close to at age of 50, Fred Luddy, who became bankrupt. So this is not a classic Stanford Harvard story, but it's like he went to Indiana University and it's originally from Indiana. And he said, I'm going to create a platform that can solve multiple use cases. And so we always knew that TAM was pretty much unlimited. And the platform provided everything you need to create a product or multiple products.
所以当 Frank 雇佣我时,我们的年度重复销售额超过十亿美元。Frank 说,CJ,到2020年,如果我们能达到四十亿美元的年度重复销售额,那将是一个巨大的胜利。让我们努力实现这个目标。我们的创始人 Fred Luddy 在近50岁时创立了公司,曾经破产过。所以这不是一个经典的斯坦福哈佛故事,而是他毕业于印第安纳大学,原籍印第安纳。他说,我要创建一个可以解决多种用例的平台。因此,我们始终知道潜在市场规模几乎是无限的。这个平台提供了你创建一个或多个产品所需的一切。
And when I joined, we were one-ish billion. We had one large product and two or three small products. And since then, it has been brutal execution on which buyers we go out of. Like the simple question on when my product team comes and says, hey, we can create this great product. My first question is, who is the buyer? Do we have access to that buyer? Is that buyer next door or two doors down or five doors down? And will current buyer introduce us to that buyer or those two buyers don't talk to each other? Those kind of simple questions on who is the buyer? Who are we competing against? And even though this is very simple, the third one, what is the size of the price? That if we nail this use case, can we create a billion dollar ARR product? Again, another product.
So we have been doing that level of precise execution. And that's what has helped us on organic innovation. We haven't bought revenue. We are the only SaaS company that has not bought revenue on our path to 10. And we always buy amazing companies, which has great people. And then we make them work on our platform. But that's how we have scaled now from 2016 billion plus to 2023. When we exited the December quarter, we already reached 10 billion of ACV. And then of course the revenue trails a little bit. And we guided for 10.75 billion growing at 21%. I mean, these are some of the numbers, but it has been, hey, you have an underlying platform that's cloud based.
What products do you create? What are you solving for? Who is the buyer? Right, that brutal focus on who is the buyer? Do we have access to the buyer? And what is the size of the price? And without that, with my product team and engineering team, and I joined as a head of products and engineering, Frank hired me and left after that. But that's been the focus.
And on AI, it's as simple as we had a fundamental belief from supervised machine learning and as AI evolved all the way to Gen AI today. We have been very focused on AI in service of our use cases. Because if we can infuse AI in our use cases, it's a very easy conversation with a JP Morgan Chase or a Citibank or United States Army that, hey, you are using service now for this use case. AI will help accelerate X or accelerate Y. And so we have been acquiring or gaining small teams that are AI experts at various stages all the way from 2016.
2017 was our first one. 2016, we started the journey. And then when we bought Element AI, they were trying to be the next Google of Canada. And they had somewhere between 170 to 180 engineers between PhDs, data scientists, and engineers. And they were in this amazing team. A lot of very well-known people, Yoshua Bengio, who won the Turing Award, was part of that team. There are people who have written some seminal paper on transformer model. That's the kind of team we got. And the call I got from Allen and Company was, hey, this is a great team. They have no revenue, zero.
2017年是我们的第一年。2016年,我们开始了这段旅程。然后当我们收购了Element AI时,他们正在努力成为加拿大的下一个谷歌。他们拥有大约170到180名工程师,包括博士学位持有者、数据科学家和工程师。他们是一个令人惊叹的团队。很多知名人士,比如获得图灵奖的Yoshua Bengio,都是那个团队的一部分。团队中还有一些人写过一些关于转换器模型的开创性论文。这就是我们得到的团队。我从Allen and Company那里得到的信息是,嘿,这是一个超棒的团队。他们没有任何收入,零。
And they are trying to figure out what use case AI can be applied to. And this was during pandemic. And I went to my boss, our CEO, and I said, hey, man, these people don't have any revenue, but it's a great talent. And we need to spend some money and to build credit. He said, absolutely, if you believe this is a great talent, let's take them. And that, they showed me chat GPT 1015, two-or-demos in 2020, late and early 2021.
他们正在努力找出人工智能可以应用到哪些用例。 这发生在大流行期间。我去找我的老板,我们的CEO,对他说,嘿,这些人没有任何收入,但是有很强的才华。我们需要投入一些资金并建立信誉。他说,如果你觉得这是一种很棒的才华,那我们就接纳他们。他们给我展示了2020年末和2021年初的两个Chat GPT 1015演示。
And then when this whole thing just blew up in 2022, we exactly knew where we could apply LLMs to our use cases. And again, I don't know if it's a term, but SLMs, we are very use case-specific LLMs that we apply in service now. And we started our monetization strategy in September. So that's the story. I know it was a simple question, but I had to give a pretty long answer, because there's a lot of history to it. Really incredible.
And I didn't realize, frankly, until this conversation that you guys are the only SaaS business ever to cross the 10 billion ARR plant fully organically. That's remarkable. And frankly, I've talked to a bunch of people at ServiceNow. You are so much of the product brain. It's such a pleasure to get to learn from you. This question is on-product.
So you guys had a little bit of a head start a few years, because I know you and Bill had been talking about AI even ahead of the element acquisition. But then with the element acquisition, you got to think about how you're going to integrate into your product. Tell us about how you got up the curve, and now how AI is in ServiceNow products, maybe a couple of examples. Yeah. So I'll just take the recent example.
We are a big fan of open source community when it comes to AI. Even on the NLU models, we worked with Stanford to figure out which libraries we can use, which was four or five years ago. But we are a big fan of open source community. And the team in Canada, working with hugging face, figured out for which use cases of ServiceNow you can apply AI. So then we said, okay, now listen, you talked about our gross margins. Our gross margins are 82%. And all of you run the companies, your profitability starts at your gross margin level. That's your first step or staircase, 82. Then you add R&D cost, sales and marketing cost, DNA cost, and then you get to profitability.
So we are world class in terms of our gross margin at scale. So I don't have the luxury. It's a constraint-driven optimization problem that I don't have the luxury to say, I'm going to run open AI everywhere in my farm, in our cloud, because we are 100% cloud company, with 170 billion, who knows 2 trillion parameters now, with 4.0. I don't have that luxury. So the constraint was, can I run smaller models faster with lower latency for ServiceNow use cases. And there was a constraint-driven innovation, and we partnered with hugging face our science and research team. And we came up with the first model on text to code. And we are not trying to do text to code like GitHub co-pilot with Java or anything.
因此,从规模上来看,我们在毛利方面是世界一流的。我没有这样的奢侈。这是一个受限制的优化问题,我没有奢侈地说,我要在我的农场、我们的云中到处运行open AI,因为我们是一个100%的云公司,目前拥有1700亿,谁知道现在是2万亿个参数,使用了4.0版本。我没有这种奢侈。因此,约束是,我能否为ServiceNow的用例运行更小、更快、延迟更低的模型。这是一个受限制的创新,我们与Hugging Face的科研团队合作。我们提出了第一个文字转代码的模型。我们并不试图像GitHub的合作伙伴那样用Java或其他任何语言进行文字转代码。
Our text to code was specifically ServiceNow code, how you configure ServiceNow. And there was our first breakthrough working with hugging face. And then once we do that, and you know, you talked about Jensen, he's a big fan of Canada. So when we acquired element AI. Canada. Yes. So when we acquired element AI, it was the first phone call he made and said, CJ, loudly Canadian talent, we should do more together. And that was in 2020. Because his history with you, Toronto, and ImageNet and all of those things.
我们的文本转代码工作特别针对ServiceNow代码,以及你如何配置ServiceNow。这是我们第一次与hugging face合作取得突破。然后我们做到了,你知道,你提到了Jensen,他是加拿大的忠实粉丝。所以当我们收购element AI时,加拿大。是的。所以当我们收购element AI时,他打的第一个电话就是告诉CJ,加拿大有才华,我们应该更多地合作。那是在2020年。因为他与你、多伦多、ImageNet等方面的历史。
So what we did is that Canada team, working with hugging face, we figured out smaller models, one tenth the size of open AI. And I told Jensen, hey man, dude, you are constantly pushing the next round H class, plus plus. I need these to run on A100. And that's what we'll work for because we are a public company. So you have 1% gross margin, D cell, and the number of questions I get from investors, like you get from VCs all the time, are not fun. So, yes. We basically said I want smaller model that can run on A100. And I can replicate that in every cloud.
所以我们做的是,加拿大团队与Hugging Face合作,我们找出了比OpenAI小十分之一的模型。我告诉詹森,嘿伙计,你一直在不断推动下一轮的H类加加。我需要这些在A100上运行。因为我们是一家上市公司,所以我们将为此而努力。我们有1%的毛利率,D级销售,以及像你从风险投资人那里获得的那样多的问题,真的很不容易。所以,是的。我们基本上说我想要一个小型模型,可以在A100上运行。而且我可以在每个云端复制它。
He's still always trying to push me. He's a great salesman, even though he acts like he isn't. He's always trying to push for H to say H is faster, more efficient, which is right. But we wanted something to run on A. So the smaller model, smaller models is where we are going with use cases. Well, I hear you're really going to need Blackwell. Yes, I know. 30,000 dollars? Exactly. Yeah. What's that to you? Fabulous. Team, I have one more question for CJ, and I'm giving you that heads up so that you come up with a couple of questions top of mind.
CJ, we've got a room of builders here. And they're building many consumer companies, but also many enterprise companies. Frankly, you're a dream customer for a lot of the companies in this room. What can you tell people building products in this room to help guide them towards being a great AI builder that ServiceNow might consider partnering with and being a customer of? Yeah. So I said there are two places. So just when you look at me, look at my forehead, and it's a one billion dollar spend I have in my cloud and software. So if you want to sell something to me, make it quick, and I'll buy.
CJ,我们这里有一群建造者。 他们正在建造许多消费类公司,还有许多企业公司。老实说,对于这个房间里许多公司来说,你是一个梦想客户。 你能告诉这个房间里正在建造产品的人些什么,以帮助他们成为一个ServiceNow可能考虑合作并成为客户的出色AI构建者吗?是的。 所以我说有两个地方。 那么当你看着我时,请看我的额头,那是我在云端和软件上花费的十亿美元。 所以如果你想向我销售什么东西,那就快点吧,我会买的。
Okay. But I spent one billion dollars, no jokes, on cloud and software and on the infrastructure a year and growing at 25% in line with our revenue. So that's how much I spent. So I can be a great customer of yours, or at least a prospect. In terms of what works is, if you understand ServiceNow, which if you go to our website, you will not understand what ServiceNow does. But if you understand ServiceNow, we do basically a lot of workflows as in tasks that get orchestrated, digitally, in a certain sequence between human and machines. That's what we do.
Because people at a large bank or a customer tell me that they can get a Tesla faster than getting a PC from the bank or a Mac from the bank when they order something. That's the reality of large corporations, large governments, and so on. So when you request a PC at a bank, say, and banks try to be very efficient, the process is that it goes through, does it require two levels of approval? Some banks have four Mac four levels of approval. Then once those approvals are done, it needs to go to shipping department. Do they have inventory? They need to base image it. They need to put security crowds on it. And then it goes to, okay, what is going to her home address or is going to? These are the workflows.
And these are the things that we automate behind the scene. So all you say is, I want to pick this PC. I want to pick this monitor. I want it to be delivered via FedEx tomorrow morning. That's the idea, right? But because of these complex workflows and the banks want to harden the image of the Mac that they give you if you're doing on a trading floor, that's where it takes us. So that's what ServiceNow does. And then we infuse AI in making it simpler and faster. So for us, if you understand ServiceNow, and you can say, hey, CJ, for your use cases, here is the great technology that we have built. And you can consume this technology, whether it's your LLMs or whether it's a use case specific AI that you have done or some kind of analytics, whatever it is.
Then you have my attention that if I can make the use cases for our customers better, I have your attention and I'll buy your product to make us go faster so we can deliver for our customers, right? We have only 8,000 customers, only 8,000. And if you think about 8,000 customers, 10 billion ARR, you can do the math pretty fast. But we have only 8,000 customers. And so I'm obsessed, like OCD level obsessed, that if you come in and say, here is what it can do for your use cases, I will listen to your page every day. Okay? So that's one. And I have enough money to spend if we can serve our customers better. And number two is we have a great go-to market team.
So besides our engineering, AI, science, research team, we have a great go-to market team. And if you have something coming back to the buyer next door down person or two doors down person, and you want to leverage, CIO is our prime buyer. If you think about CIOs, 10, 15, 20 years ago, till service now came, CIOs were serving other C-suite. Hey, for sales, I need to put sales force in. For marketing, I may need to put Adobe in. For finance, SAP, I need to put for the CFO. We were the first platform we said, this is the CIOs platform.
So if you say that CIO is your buyer and you want access to the CIO, there is no better company to partner with than service now, right? The two companies that really sell to CIO well is ServiceNow and Microsoft. These are the two companies that sell really well. Brilliant. I'm sure quite a few people in this room are interested in that $1 billion of cloud span. All right, we've got time for, let's say, three to four questions. Michelle, hello. Thanks, UJ. Many of us have dreams of an act two. Some of us might already be thinking about act two in terms of a product. Any advice in the early days of how you think about resourcing and philosophy around experimentation versus intentional bets around act two's product development?
Correct. So I will share a story that the reason our IPO was very mid is because people said that our TAM was only 1.8 billion. So one of the industry analysts said, these guys are not going to do well and their TAM is limited. Same thing happened to many, many companies where people say, I don't know if the TAM is there. So for us, that actually created a chip on our shoulder because we believed that the TAM for ServiceNow was a lot bigger than what the industry analyst community said it was, which was sub 2 billion. And this was in 2012, not too long ago. So one thing is on your core, core being core, you really, really have to understand what is the TAM, which is an art combined with science. Before you start saying, I want to go multi-product, I want to go now to different buyers or the same buyer, but multi-para-arex, whatever the strategy you want to go after with the buyer access, but the core has to be core.
The reason you exist is for something. You have tried to solve a problem. So really understand the TAM behind that core and then figure out before you go into the next act, why are you really going after that next act? So we prevented going after the next act till we hit 1 billion in ARR. And then overnight we flipped it and we said we are going to go after these three buying centers, security, HR and customer service, in addition to IT. And here is the go to market for it, here is the buyer for it, and we are going to rely on the CIO to make introduction to those buyers because we nailed the CIO.
So core has to be core. And you really have to understand the TAM before you say, I'm now taking because it's so easy to say, I'll sales, typical thing I hear from entrepreneurs, CEOs, smart people like yourself, we have a great product, but I don't have a great sales team. And then they flip constantly chief revenue officer, they do some of you probably do. And I always, when I'm asked for advice, which rarely happens, but when I'm asked for advice, I say, what problem you are really trying to solve? Is it the chief revenue officer or you really don't know what product you are building?
So that focus, that like maniacal focus on main thing being the main thing and what is the TAM really in there before you pivot or before you go to second act is something that we look out for. So that's what we learned. We said main thing should be the main thing till it hits billion before we go to the three other things. Any Sequoia company can discuss act two after a billion of ARR is what I'm hearing. And I think a very powerful insight there, CJ, will we get the next question set up is just the power of the CIO? I think a lot of people overlook that that HR and security would look to them.
Charlie. I have a question which is just service now as a broad platform with many capabilities. You have other ways you interface with customers like customer support. How do you think about prioritizing where you want to integrate AI? So one of the things, it has been hard in figuring out where AI could truly disrupt a use case. Right? Because that's always the hardest thing because it's still very bleeding edge. And on the buyer side, if you're talking to a large bank, if you're talking to a large government, and I'll share one story on this.
So US public sector, which is federal, state and local, you have to invest a lot in US public sector for certification of your product, the cloud, Microsoft has regions for IL-5, IL-6. So our chief revenue officer came to me and said, we want to go all in on US public sector. And I said, okay, what, and we had to invest 100 million plus in Infra before we can start really making money in US public sector. And now, whether it's US Army, US Navy, Air Force, to all public sector institutions, even on civilian side, are all service now, all to all customers.
And coming back to the question, we always try to figure out the pain point and can AI really disrupt that use case in a positive way that customers gets higher value from service now. So if I infuse AI in a use case, because not all use cases are created equal, right? You have a product for multiple use cases. Not all use cases are created equal, but which use case will really provide higher value because when customers spend money on you, all they are looking for is how much value I'm going to get out of this investment.
And that software ROIC, including AI ROIC, is hard. Like right now, we are trying to tell everybody that, okay, we have Gen AI infused in service now products. Number one question is, how much will it cost? And what's the return I'm going to get? And if you're not doing outcome based selling, so if you're not doing outcome based selling, it's like you are another guy coming in there and giving the AI pitch to the customer. And truth is, nobody gives a shit. I mean, they don't because you have to be very, very clear and specific on here is where you will get the ROIC on that.
这款软件的投资回报率(ROIC),包括人工智能ROIC,是困难的。就像现在,我们正在努力告诉每个人,好吧,我们在服务产品中注入了Gen AI。首要问题是,这将花费多少?我能得到多少回报?如果你不是基于结果的销售,那么就好像你又是另一个人在那里向客户推销人工智能。事实是,没人关心。我是说,他们并不关心,因为你必须非常明确并具体地说明在这里你将获得ROIC。
So wherever the highest ROIC is, that's what we prioritize that customers can say, okay, I could see if CJ is saying $10 million productivity for this large bank, most likely because it's CJ is going to be $3 million, but $3 million is still better than zero. Yeah. Andy.
You're going to have to start to close understanding what the CIO wants. Yeah. Beyond HR support services, security IT. Yeah. What's the next set of use cases that the CIO is super excited about beyond what service now is currently harvesting? Yeah, I would say if you think, and one thing you all should know, this is what I learned is in my seven years that service now, they constantly told me about CIO being chief irrelevant officer, okay. And they said, all the power is with developers and CJ, you are selling to the wrong door, you need to be like other people and sell to developers.
Yes, developers will buy XYZ, all that is fine. But the irrelevancy of CIO has been exaggerated. And right now, CIO is the most technical person on a C suite at most of the large companies which are your buyers, right? You may have a CTO, the product person, right? Product tech person and you have the CIO, but product tech person is focused on innovation, not about what they will buy from you.
So coming back to CIO, CIO's irrelevance has been exaggerated and over exaggerated year after year. And now, you know, we mainly sell to Fortune 500. In Fortune 500, the CEOs are only asking CIOs, give us the AI roadmap, give us this, give us that and so on. So that's number one that CIO is still very relevant and very important, okay. It's not that developers are not.
But if you're telling, if you're selling to developers, I mean, I was one, very fickle people, right? They churn and sell thing and someday they like this and I read this on freaking Reddit and now I like this. That's a hard thing to sell. CIO is right now with the state of economy today or focused on two main things. One, where can I take out the cost, just enterprise-wide using technology. So where can I take out the cost? And second, how can I help in the path to revenue? If I can help on the path to revenue, whether it's code to cash or whether it's any part of the sales front end or front office, CIO is constant.
但是如果你在跟开发人员打交道、做销售,我是说,他们是非常善变的人,对吧?他们频繁地变化和出售东西,有一天他们喜欢这个,我在 Reddit 上读到了这个,现在我喜欢这个。这是一个难以销售的事情。 CIO 现在在面对当今经济形势时,专注于两个主要方面。第一,我能从哪里节省成本,通过技术在整个企业范围内。所以我能从哪里节省成本呢?第二,我如何能在增收之路上提供帮助?如果我能在增收之路上提供帮助,无论是从代码到现金,还是销售的任何部分,CIO 都是不变的。
Like today, I'll tell you our service now. It still takes us a time when we propose a bill of material to our customer and customer says, well, I want to change quantity here, quantity there. Then we have to respin the order form, make sure it's in SAP, make sure it's in our CPQ system. That process is still three, four hours sometimes. And at the end of quarter, three, four hours feels like eternity. So how can we do that fast? But CIOs right now are the two. The CFO and CRO are their biggest stakeholders. And if your product is in path to that, you'll always get that CIO meeting. But you have to make it like really quick. Because I talked to seven, eight CIOs a day. And that's what I constantly see on the pattern matching. Excellent.
We have time for one more question. Peter. You talked a lot about use cases. I'm curious if you have any stories of use cases with AI that worked really well and use cases with AI that really did not work at all. Yeah. So one of the things I would say, trying to read documents and understand documents, which is a consumable invoices and this and that, it is still very hard for AI to crack that. And we have tried multiple different ways. And people talk about OCR and this and that. And there is a junkyard of technologies that we have tried and not been able to crack through. Because if you can automate the paperwork in voice matching and other things, there is still a lot of dollars to be had on productivity, on booking the revenue and so on.
Where we have seen the most is simple things like predicting X for our use cases, specifically for our use cases. So for example, say a large bank, their policy is that if you use your computer, every three years, you can refresh your computer, say your Mac. We can do that now with AI and we can say, hey, Julie, you're four months away from your entitled computer refresh. And we have already notified IT and you will get your new computer on that third, so the depreciation and all the schedules work. And say yes, if you agree, because we still want human in the loop, because nobody likes so far companies don't like it, we just make the decision. That's where we see that when we see the pattern matching and can we predict better and make it easy is where we are seeing the highest leverage on even generative AI. Amazing.
CJ, this is fabulous. I want to tie together some findings here. Really, this is unique in that we had two separate areas. First is application layer. We've been talking about this throughout the day and here's someone who has done it incredibly successfully at massive scale. You talked about who's the buyer, what is the size of the prize and who are you competing against? And also the overlooked customer. In this case, the chief irrelevant officer, you said that really actually is incredibly powerful. I'll tell a quick story, which is I dinner with you and Bill from ServiceNow a little while ago, you guys said to me, hey, you get to a building, you go to the elevator, what floor do you go to? So I don't know what floor. The top. Okay, great. You get off at the top floor, where do you go from there? Bathroom? No, the corner. That's the person who's the buyer and that seems like it permeates your mentality. And two, actually focusing on the customer, each of you in this room, if you succeed, we'll try to sell to the likes of ServiceNow, a billion dollar cloud spend business. And you give us a great guide here with AI. For you, you're looking at small language models, not just the biggest ones. You're looking at cost, you're looking at open source. 1% gross margin matters to you. That's how you build an 82% gross margin, 160 billion dollar business and actually understand the customer. Don't just go to the marketing website and try to guess what ServiceNow does, talk to people of built in. This is fabulous.
CJ, any parting words for the team? Nothing. It was a pleasure. And I'm always around if you want any words of wisdom. I made a lot of mistakes as well, too many in terms of scaling ServiceNow from a product perspective, engineering perspective, which use cases you prioritize, which you don't. How do you ring fence the team when you go for the second act and really, really get focused. So lots of mistakes as well. But we are constantly learning. So, I'll be able to see one last question for you. Will you do stand up for us later tonight? No, I will not do stand up today. It's my stand up when I used to do it. Nowadays, I'll get canceled very fast and Bill will not appreciate that. So, I will not do that. There we go. That was all for now. Thank you. Thank you.