Professor Shirley Meng: Sodium Ion Batteries // Deep Dive
发布时间 2024-03-26 13:56:45 来源
Professor Shirley Meng, Chief Scientist at Argonne National Laboratory, has been leading the charge on Sodium Ion Batteries.
Welcome back everyone, I'm Jordan Geesege, and this is The Limiting Factor. One of the most promising upcoming battery chemistries is sodium ion, which, thanks to its use of cheap and abundant sodium instead of lithium, should reduce the cost of batteries by 30% or more. But what's often less known about sodium ion batteries is that the United States could be the ideal place to scale the sodium ion industry, because we have the largest reserves of sodium carbonate in the world by orders of magnitude. So to get a better understanding of sodium ion batteries and how the industry is evolving, I reached out to Shirley Mung, who's a chief scientist at Argonne National Laboratory. Let's get into it.
Before we begin, a special thanks to my Patreon supporters, YouTube members and Twitter subscribers, as well as They specialize in helping investors manage concentrated positions. RebellionAir can help with covered calls, risk management, and creating a money master plan from your financial first principles. First, thanks for making the time to chat today. It's always a real privilege to talk to you. Pleasure to be here, Jordan. So you hold several positions at UC San Diego, UC San Diego, University of Chicago, and Argonne National Laboratory. Did you walk us through how those roles intersect with sodium ion batteries? Of course, yeah. I'm like a delocalized electron. All these places at the same time. Yeah, so I spent 12 years as a professor in University of California, San Diego, until 2021. And in fact, the majority of the basis of sodium battery research in my group was built in UC San Diego. About two years ago, I took the job at the University of Chicago at the same time, served as the chief scientist for Argonne National Labs Collaborative Center for Energy Storage Science. So the goal is that to move the research for sodium battery research, battery-related materials and electrolyte and systems to a bigger scale. And I certainly hope in the near future that there will be no more details of the plan that will be reviewed. But it's precisely because the University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory will provide a bigger platform where we can accelerate the research for sodium batteries. That is one of the reasons that I moved from San Diego to Chicago.
在我们开始之前,特别感谢我的Patreon支持者、YouTube会员和Twitter订阅者,以及。他们专门帮助投资者管理集中持仓。RebellionAir可以帮助您进行Covered Calls、风险管理,并从您的财务第一原则创建一个金钱大师计划。首先感谢您今天抽出时间和我聊天。和您交谈总是一种特权。很高兴能在这里,乔丹。那么,您在加州大学圣地亚哥分校、芝加哥大学和阿贡国家实验室担任几个职位。您能向我们介绍这些角色如何与钠离子电池交集吗?当然,我就像一个离域的电子,同时出现在所有这些地方。是的,我在加州大学圣地亚哥分校担任教授长达12年,直到2021年。实际上,我在UC San Diego的研究小组中建立了大部分钠电池研究的基础。大约两年前,我同时在芝加哥大学担任职务,担任阿贡国家实验室能源存储科学合作中心的首席科学家。因此,目标是将钠电池研究、电池相关材料和电解质以及系统研究推向更大的规模。我确实希望在不久的将来会有更多有关计划的细节被审查。但正是因为芝加哥大学和阿贡国家实验室将为我们提供一个更大的平台,我们可以加速钠电池的研究。这就是我从圣地亚哥搬到芝加哥的原因之一。
Okay, and what's driving that? Is this, have University of Chicago and UC San Diego? Is this two independently have decided to do this? Or is this being orchestrated more broadly by the Department of Energy or something like that? So earlier in the days, for example, 2010, when I received the National Science Foundation Career Award, I wrote the proposal about sodium batteries in 2010. And yeah, at that time, the topic was not mainstream and a lot of people were doubtful about the impact of sodium batteries. Yeah, so after 10 years, I'm confident to say, you know, we also spin out to the company Unigred. I think later we'll dive deeper into what Unigred is doing. But right now, I would say that probably it's because the work we are doing in UCSD are recognized by many researchers in the world or even the Department of Energy. I think people seeing there is a real potential impact for the sodium batteries to scale and to, you know, enter both the mobility and stationary storage. Yeah, so I think it's not exactly synchronized, but I always believe in destiny. So I think in the first 12 years of hard work, now we can really try to do something at scale. That's fantastic. So you're really ahead of the curve on that. So could you walk us through the strengths and weaknesses of sodium ion as a chemistry? Of course, yeah. So let me speak off a little bit of history of sodium batteries. I think a lot of people don't recognize that before lithium ion we have sodium ion batteries. Actually the 1960s, you know, when the whole world was experiencing oil in Bago and the battery research, that time French scientists, actually a lot of them were working on sodium ion batteries. One of the most well recognized one is Professor Claude Demas from University of Bordeaux. In fact, he's early thesis in the 1960s. It's all on the layered oxide for sodium intercalation. And in fact, you know, maybe the thesis was not digitized. A lot of people didn't have a chance to read it, but I had the pleasure actually visiting Professor Demas back in 2005 before I decided to go again to do sodium batteries. I want people to recognize that, you know, at that time we did not succeed in making sodium ion batteries. And then lithium actually overtakes, you know, starting 70s, Professor Weitingham published this lithium metal with titanium disulfide. And suddenly the whole world recognized the potential of lithium ion batteries. Sodium ion batteries were actually around for a very long time. And from 1990s to 2010, there were almost no research funding in the area of sodium batteries.
Yeah, so let's talk about the strength and the weakness. So the strength for sodium batteries, I think in the group one of periodic table, I think everybody knows hydrogen, lithium, and below lithium is sodium. Yeah, so sodium is a bigger ion. Actually, the abundance of sodium is magnitude higher than lithium. So a lot of the sodium ash deposits are widely available in the United States. And the distribution of the sodium is also less sparsely distributed like lithium. So I think sodium's biggest strength is its abundance. The second strength, I think people, it's a bit counterintuitive because a bigger ion, people always think the ions will move slowly. It is absolutely not true. And I can give a whole class about why actually sodium ions can have a very high mobility because of the way how its electronic structure is and how it is arranged in the intercalation compounds. So typically lithium, the oxide will be more closely packed but if you have sodium in it, actually the oxide will be less closely packed. It will be more loosely packed. So the diffusion channels for the sodium will be much bigger. So sodium actually can move really, really quickly. So I think that's actually to me, the second strength for sodium is that it can really enable fast charging and the fastest charge. It can be a very powerful battery. And then the weakness, I think sodium, unfortunately, it's the standard electrochemical potential is slightly lower than that of lithium. So typically voltage is not that at this for four volt range. And sodium also suffers a little bit because it is a bigger ion. So it occupies more space. Volumetric energy density is lower. But later we can talk about how can we actually make sodium batteries same energy density as the graphite LFP. I think many calculations have shown that it can be achieved. So given the sodium's weakness of lower energy density and a little bit lower potential, I think the only possibility for sodium to compete, I wouldn't say compete to complement what lithium can do. Probably we should really focus on the really super long cycle life. I think that's something sodium battery field we have to figure out how we make the case for users instead of choosing LFP, you're going to choose sodium batteries. Yeah.
Now, one thing that I've seen mentioned previously is that the round trip efficiency might not be as good. Is that just because, is that actually the case? And is that something that will just be resolved as the technology matures? Yeah. So I think that because there's a gap of 20 years of lacking of research or activities in sodium, yeah, so in the old days, yes, the round trip efficiency or the voltage efficiency may not be great, but I do think that we made a lot of progress already. Today, I think the efficiencies can be as good as that of lithium ion if you kind of make the cells as good quality as of the lithium batteries. And also, I would say the variety of the sodium materials is still lacking. You know, unlike lithium, you have LFP, LNMO, NMC, LCO. Yeah. So in the sodium, the cast of the materials choices are very limited. And then for a while, a lot of people were studying so-called Persian blue or Persian white type of intercalation materials. Those energy density and round trip efficiencies are not as good as layered oxide. I think nowadays the layered oxide and also the French group, the company TMR, specialized in vanadium phosphate, multi-valent NIN, cathode. And those are having excellent, excellent round trip efficiencies and the voltage efficiencies.
What's the current state of sodium ion battery chemistry in terms of technology readiness level? Is this mostly a solved problem or when can we expect to see sodium ion batteries really hitting the market and scale? Yeah. That's a really good question. And I think from what I know, the activity is happening in China. The layered technology readiness level is very high. I'm talking about seven, eight, you know, and already trying to scale from megawatt hour to gigawatt hour is being planned and probably in process as being executed. I think the downside of this very quick commercialization is that when I look at the current chemistry, they're using hard carbon and then a kind of layered oxide that is using similar precursors that are coming from the lithium. So as you know, NMC or the lithium materials use the co-precipitation method making layered oxide. So they are trying to leverage the infrastructure that's built for all the lithium intercalation compounds to make the sodium intercalation compounds. So when you combine these two, the challenge is of course some of those castled materials have very slopey, like you know, quickly decline voltage curve and then combining with the hard carbon is extremely fluffy, you know, low volumetric energy density. So the overall energy density of the sodium ion batteries that generation one that China is releasing to the market will only be suitable for very low end immobility and very, you know, maybe it's stationary storage that you don't need a lot of energy density requirement. So for that generation one, I think it's ready. It's commercially ready and we heard through the grapevine that probably gigawatt scale already being executed in China.
In other parts of the world, I would say that there's this constraint about resources, you know, how much effort you put on lithium productions versus sodium. So I think that, you know, we're still seeing, in my opinion, two little activities in both Europe and the North America about the sodium battery research because most of the effort and most of the resources are poured into how we secure our lithium battery supplies first. So I would say, unfortunately, you know, today you can still cannot buy it on the market, right? For the sodium batteries in the US particularly, I hope in the next two years or three years, the situation will be changed. Yeah, I'm optimistic about it. All right, so in your view, there's no real showstoppers for sodium ion batteries. It's just a matter of shifting investment and resources to sodium ion batteries to really start scaling it. I think there is a showstopper. The real showstopper is that we decided that we are not going for energy transition. Yeah, so I mean, let me be more serious about it. The showstopper right now is the crash and mineral price of nickel and the lithium. All the companies who are betting on the sodium batteries, the investment companies are betting on the ever rising price of lithium and the nickel.
I think that's understandable, but probably not the most strategic approach because the two drivers for sodium should be the security of supply chain. And as we build those machinery for gigafactories, for making of precursors solid cast on materials, those infrastructure, once you build, ideally, you should be switching between the chemistry. So how wonderful it is that you could actually do lithium when the supplies are there, when you do sodium, when the supply of materials are there. So then the factories can run 24.7. As you know, we draw them, we already did the Tesla's master plan, and my own group's number is the same. The whole world will need 200 to 300 terawatt hour batteries to secure the energy transition. That's given if hydrogen is successful, hydrogen have to come to successful. And even that, we will need a couple hundred terawatt hour battery. And today, we only have two terawatt hour production capacities. So when we look at this picture, the major driver for me is that a lot of places will have to build infrastructure for building batteries. Regardless, is the lithium chemistry or sodium chemistry.
And it's wonderful if we can have a very robust supply chain of the different chemistries and utilizing similar manufacturing facilities to build those batteries. And I think that the recycling facility should be similar, like we should be able to be very versatile towards what materials we're working on, because they are all layered oxides, they are all alkalimatose. I think there's a lot of similarities there. And how far would you say the US is behind China and other countries with sodium ion chemistries? I think it's particularly important for the US because we're so dependent on China's supply chain for lithium ion batteries. It's something that we should really be pushing as hard as possible to diversify and create stability. So how far behind would you say we are and what are we doing to grow the sodium ion battery supply chain here? Yeah, I have to say when I was graduating from MIT 2005, China was learning from us in US. So I've been in this field so long. So I think it's about persistency and the willingness to invest the time and the resources. It's not far at all where behind.
However, it's this consistent instead of looking inwards, we're always looking for reasons why we didn't do well because China blah, blah, blah, and I was always saying, why do we examine inwards? What could we do better to catch up? So I think the timeline, number one, is the lack of patience from many large companies is concerning because they all wanted to in two to three years to completely turn around the ship. I think that's unrealistic. There's a reason why Japan, South Korea, and China are leading because their company and the government takes decades to position themselves as the world leaders. And I think the determination here is that, okay, 20 years later, can you imagine in 2040, 2045, who will be the leader? Because for me, the game is just starting.
So if I think about, I need 200 terawatt-hour, right now the whole world have three terawatt-hour batteries, we are less than 2% complete. And then the rest of 98% who are going to be the big players and who will be the winner? And I think there will be many winners if people just focus on how to get things executed and how do we every time hit the milestones and the KPIs and to move the, you know, move forward instead of always thinking about, oh, what happened to China? What did we do wrong? I think it's a very frustrating for me to see so many kind of resources, the energy putting on how we kind of prevent, I would say, that interaction with China instead of thinking about how can we do better? How can we push the field forward? And then, you know, it should be a friendly competition. You know, the real competition is with oil and gas, right? We are all trying to do the right things to utilize more renewables and to make battery itself more sustainable and more lower carbon footprint. And all of us know based on the numbers from Asia, this is the area we can all improve.
所以如果我考虑一下,我现在需要200太瓦时的能源,全世界目前只有三太瓦时的电池,我们完成不到2%。那剩下的98%将会成为大玩家,谁会是赢家呢?我认为如果人们只专注于如何执行和如何每次达到里程碑和关键绩效指标,以推动前进,而不总是想着“中国发生了什么?我们做错了什么?” 我认为看到这么多资源和能源被用于如何“预防”与中国的互动,而不是考虑怎样才能做得更好,怎样推动该领域向前发展,是让我感到非常沮丧的。然后,你知道,这应该是友好的竞争。真正的竞争是与石油和天然气竞争,对吧?我们都在努力做正确的事情,更多地利用可再生能源,并使电池本身更可持续,减少碳足迹。所有人都知道基于亚洲的数据,这是我们都可以改进的领域。
So when you have a sodium batteries or you have a solid state batteries, these are all golden opportunities for us to think about the manufacturing process, the robust supply chains. So I would really like to say that the game is still on, you know, think about energy transition by 2050. We have 27 years left. Long game. Yeah, I hope people realize that it's a marathon. It's not 100 meters sprint we're doing here. Yeah, a lot of people that I've interacted with or talked to that they think this is going to happen in about five to 10 years. But this is something that we still have plenty of time to tackle this. We just need to engage the problem rather than taking a more defensive approach. Absolutely. Yeah. Well said. All right. All right. So what I'll do now, I'm going to shift into some more technical questions. I don't know if you have the answers to these, but there's things that have been playing on my mind. Just because I have a fascination with things to do with the supply chain.
So first off, is sodium cheaper to refine than battery grade lithium? That's absolutely right. Yeah, because the sodium are present in the format of carbonate and hydroxide readily, you don't need to concentrate too much in some sodium ash deposits in the United States. Yeah, so I think that the price, if you look at the metric town price, there's three magnitude order differences in price for the lithium versus sodium precursor.
On that note, well, when we move along to from processing the sodium to actually making the cathode that goes into the battery cells, manufacturing high nickel lithium cathode material is notoriously difficult, is my understanding, because it's very reactive. Would sodium on cathode material be easier to manufacture and work with? Yes, and no, I think the no part is really because the quality of the cathode still have to be very high because the battery will be operated around like three to four between three to 3.6 volt. So still, it's way above where most of the stability of the liquid electrolytes.
So I think the quality control still is important. But no, I mean that we really don't need the sodium cobalt oxide. Nobody will need to use cobalt, a lot of cobalt in the sodium intercalation materials. We may need to use a little bit of nickel, but I think the main trend is to use cathode without the cobalt or nickel so that we can actually really eliminate this supply chain constraints for the sodium batteries. Yeah, and I want to say, yeah, sodium batteries also don't use copper current collector.
Yeah, because sodium does not alloy with aluminum in the low potential. So both electrodes will be our aluminum current collector. So everything that goes into the battery cell is going to be dirt cheap. Everything that you use in is going to be highly available and relative to lithium ion batteries.
Yeah, I think the quality control is still needed. And then the electrolyte is the key. In fact, the electrolyte for sodium, you know, it still needs to be very dry, just like lithium because the potential is still way above the water decomposition voltage. So I think electrolyte is still quite important.
Now you've mentioned power, charging speed, and discharging speed for sodium ion a few times. And I'll take a moment here to digress here a little bit because I'm curious about that. What kind of charge rates can you expect for sodium ion batteries as opposed to lithium ion batteries? I think here we're really talking about the dreams about five to six minutes charging discharging.
Yeah, so 15 to 20 CE kind of power capabilities. Yeah, I can explain a little bit because the electrolyte used in the sodium is different from lithium. Yeah, so you have a different solvent and the salvation structure of the sort is different. And I hope people will actually study more interesting science in this area and realizing that that salvation architecture change will change the way how sodium ion is transported to the through electrolyte. And then particularly from the electrolyte to electrode interface.
We found that really fascinating evidence about how that process is very different from that of lithium. And the other important thing I already mentioned in the solid state that cathode can actually enable much faster rate because the structure of sodium interplation compounds allows sodium to be in the so-called prismatic side. I think we did the video about the lithium where the lithium sits in the octahedral side of the oxides. So if your oxides are packed more loosely, you're going to open up so-called prismatic side for ion intercalation. And that ion when they move, there's almost no activation barrier.
So you can make batteries fast charging and it can make batteries operate at a very low temperature. And those are all possibilities. All right, so you're giving me ideas for future videos now. So just to make sure I have this clear, so when I start following up, I'm asking the right questions. So there's a few reasons why sodium ion batteries have faster charge and discharge capabilities. One is the way that they're packed into the cathode crystal structure.
And another is the solvent that's used in the electrolyte. The solvation works differently so it can happen more rapidly. Are those two correct so far? Yes, that's in my knowledge. I think these are the two key enabling factors.
另一个因素是电解质中使用的溶剂。溶解作用不同,因此可以更快地发生。到目前为止这两个是正确的吗? 是的,就我所知。我认为这两个是关键的推动因素。
Now, and this brings us to the anode side of things. Does the anode also play a role? Because my understanding is that sodium ion batteries don't use graphite, they use something else. So does that play a role and could you talk about what that material is? Explaining a little bit of why it didn't work in the graphite for some of the electrolytes.
Okay, so the way how carbonate electrolyte work with lithium is when it touches the graphite surface, the lithium is going to de-sovate from the carbonate and the carbonate elements will go through some decomposition process and form so-called SEI on the graphite interface. And I think we had a lot of prior explanation of how the SEI works. Now, this whole process didn't work for sodium. The first of all is this disservation did not happen properly. If you just use carbonate with graphite using so-called sodium PF6 salts, it didn't work that well.
So the sodium actually cannot de-sovate from electrolyte and go into the graphite. And this is one of the reasons. But if you change to other solvent, actually sodium can integrate into graphite. So never say, you know, sodium is too big to integrate into graphite because potassium actually have no problem to intercalate into graphite. If you make a potassium batteries, potassium ion batteries, you still use graphite as the anode. You can use graphite.
So this is really the magical role of what we call the solvation desorvation from iron from electrolyte into the electrodes. Hot carbon is used because the convenience, you know, like a hot carbon is very easy to source. And it's basically we call it hot carbon because it's basically disordered carbon. And then the problem with hot carbon, people put one gram of graphite and one gram of hot carbon. Like the volume difference would be huge because hot carbon disordered the carbon. It's really fluffy materials. So that actually severely limits the volume metric energy density of sodium ion batteries if people use hot carbon.
Yeah. And then up to today, there's still debate about exactly what's the mechanism for sodium versus hot carbon. How sodium entered the hot carbon? I think there's a lot of studies have shown that sodium does intercalate into the hot carbon. And it can be reversed a little bit more visible. So I think the only problem is that hot carbon is really very poor volumetric energy density. It occupies a lot of volume and then hosts it. Not a lot of sodium. All right.
And so when you're talking about this, that disordered carbon structure, I'll just explain that real quick as I understand it. Graphite, it's stacked in nice sheets and nice layers. Whereas hard carbon, it's tangled up. You still have those sheets, but it's just like a mess. It's like somebody. You have the sheets, but they are much smaller domains. They break up and they align. Yeah, you're right. A mess when they align. Okay. And that has a slightly different voltage too, doesn't it? Hard carbon? Is it slightly different voltage potential?
Okay. Voltage potential different. And then you won't see these nice staging compounds in the lithium graphite case. Yeah. So yeah, I think the mechanism is indeed quite different. And yeah, I think a hot carbon, although yeah, it does work quite well. So the first generation product, I think that there's no doubt how the carbon will be the first generation anode for some of the batteries. And what's because graphite, you can make that from a needle coke or you can get it naturally in the environment.
What is hard carbon usually made from? Oh, so hard carbon, one of the reasons it's so popular is the source of hard carbon is very broad. Yeah, sometimes people always say you can use coconut shell to make a hard carbon, it's possible. Yeah, but the carbon process making the hard carbon is still high temperature and it's pretty environmentally, you know, you make a lot of powder, a lot of, yeah, so I do think that the process of making graphite probably consumes more energy even, hard carbon may be slightly better.
Yeah, I haven't really died deeper to get the exact numbers yet, but I do think that the hard carbon is more widely available. You know, graphite, as you know, battery grade graphite is very, very difficult to make. Okay, so the hard carbon may be easier to scale. Easier to scale. Yes, all right, so there's, I have a few more questions here. How are you doing on time right now? I'm doing good.
Yeah, I think we'll finish sometime. All right, well, we'll get some, more exciting stuff future looking that I want to get into because we're just looking at the state of sodium ion batteries today. And my understanding is that there's a lot of potential opportunities, even though the energy density of sodium ion batteries is low, there's ways that that can be improved. So what is the prospect of higher energy density sodium ion batteries and how would that be done? Yeah, so for sodium batteries, so I think it's very important for people who work on sodium batteries to make the energy density as good as the graphite LFP cells.
So I think that will make a difference when people choose what batteries to use. The road map for sodium battery development, I think an all the side is a mindless the top priority. And I think that the reason why, you know, unigrated startup companies spun out from my group and they particularly focusing on annual innovation. So instead of using the very fluffy graphite, I think we decided to take the approach using alloy. So sodium based metal alloys that you can actually find many in the periodic table.
I think that the volume will be very dense because metals are usually much closely packed. And that also, I would say, could potentially, I think the numbers already there, we can show it can match the energy density of the graphite LFP. So that's one. The second one is, I think we need to continue to search for new castle the materials for sodium ion batteries because at the moment, the operation potential, for example, 3.4, 3.5 volts, I think there's a potential to go four-volt or even higher. There are such materials that waiting us to discover, okay, man-made materials, maybe not previously present.
我认为体积会非常密集,因为金属通常排列得更加紧密。而且,我想说,这可能会导致,我认为已经有的数字,我们可以展示它可以匹配石墨 LFP 的能量密度。这是第一个。第二个是,我认为我们需要继续寻找新的材料用于钠离子电池,因为目前,操作电位,例如3.4,3.5伏,我认为有潜力达到四伏甚至更高。有一些等待我们发现的材料,好吧,是人造材料,也许之前不存在的。
The third direction is really my favorite topic, which is to replace the liquid with solid and then enable anode free sodium solid state batteries. I did a little bit of the initial work. I think it's very exciting to see the volumetric energy density can potentially reach 700-wha-hour per liter. And that will, I think, really change the view of how people look at the sodium batteries because volumetric energy density for any of the free configurations.
I know it's very far out in the, yeah, but I think, you know, since I'm a scientist, I can't allow to dream a little bit. So I think the, yeah, regardless, we cannot do as high as lithium. Like I thought there's, you know, prototypes have shown 1,000-wha-hour per liter. But I think for sodium, we should be able to reach one day, you know, 600-700-wha-hour per liter. And that will be really good for those immobility that provides the in countries that you don't need a lot of ranges, right? So for instance, India, you know, in the metropolitan of Tokyo or Singapore, I think you really don't need the 500-mile per charge cars. So I hope that the sodium batteries, I think, again, you know, China is already demonstrating some of the immobility cars on the road with the sodium batteries.
Yeah, I think that it is very promising for me that to think about one day sodium batteries will be put into those cars. I think, of course, energy stationary storage, you know, for sodium batteries, the number one task we have to show is the safety that it needs to demonstrate a very, very good safety record. So everything is for sodium is just the beginning. But in the next one or two years, I think you'll be very busy making videos about sodium batteries. I think so. I hope so. It's something I am excited about.
And the way I see it is at least the initial sodium ion batteries, it just seems absolutely ideal for grid storage due to scalability and cost. And because it's that volumetric energy density isn't as important. But I had a chat with, is it Darren? Darren Tan of Unigred? Is that? Yes, CEO. Yeah, my formal student, former student. Yeah. Yeah, I had a chat with him and he got me really excited about the potential for sodium solid state batteries. And so bottom line would for a sodium solid state battery, would you be able to get a vehicle that has three to 400 miles of range, something like that? Yeah, in the most ideal case, I think that can be done.
Yeah, I think the sodium solid state is something somebody said, what surely sodium battery is so new? Solid state is so new. You're putting the two together. Yeah, I said, yeah, putting the two impossible together. Maybe it will become possible. So yeah, we really thought that it's important for the people working the battery field to keep things outside the box and to push it about boundaries. Because yeah, I think nothing is impossible if you are not against the thermodynamic principles.
I guess from my perspective, it seems like although it seems like you're compounding the difficulty by doing sodium and with like a solid state type of battery, I think they're at least as I understand it, there's lots of advantages to like a sodium solid state battery. Because for instance, when you use that solid electrolyte material, you need a lot of the active ion in that in order to make that viable. So solid state lithium ion batteries are one of their roadblocks is that they're so expensive. Whereas if you're using a sodium ion chemistry, the active ion there is so cheap that you no longer have that barrier. So you'd have super cheap solid state batteries that provide you with a long range vehicle. That's that's why I'm excited about it.
Yes. Yeah, in fact, I've been criticized many times about how much lithium is in the solid state batteries and can we provide the actual value because there's so much actual lithium. Yeah, so that actually is one of the major driving force that for surely to think hard about how can I, you know, if I stuff a lot of sodium in the solid state that they will not complain that just to close things out. Is there anything that you're working on that you'd like people to know about or what's the best way for people to follow you and keep up with what you're doing? Yeah, I'm pretty active on X, I guess, Twitter previously knows. Yeah, so okay, so if I want to champion for something right now, I just want people to realize I know that hydrogen is very hot. Yeah, but I want people to remember, even if hydrogen is successful, we will need a few hundred terawatt hour batteries. And we want all the people who are investing in the future of the planet to remember this. And we are asking trillion dollars investment in the infrastructure to build the batteries. And that also includes the training or the students or the workforce, the talents. Yeah, so I think that people need to keep the momentum going. I think that's why I will keep treating on the Twitter and the youth linking. I think it's extremely important that people, you know, not stopping the momentum because you think that the job is done, because we are successful at scaling. We have a lot more to do. We only did two or three percent of the job.
Absolutely. And I appreciate your time today. As I said at the beginning of interview, it's always a privilege to talk to you. I got a lot of great insights, a lot of great video ideas. So yeah, thanks for your time. And I'll talk to you later. Until next time. Thank you, Jonathan.
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