Master the Perfect ChatGPT Prompt Formula (in just 8 minutes)! - YouTube
发布时间 2023-07-31 22:00:26 来源
I don't usually over-hide myself, but in this video, we're going over the only formula you will ever need to master prompting on chatgbt and google bard. So let's get started. Hey friends, welcome back to channel. If you're new here, my name is Jeff, I work full of time in tech, and if you're anything like me a couple months ago, you know prompting is an important skill to learn, but you're not exactly sure why some prompts generate outputs that are super generic, while others give you precisely what you're looking for. Since then, I've spent hundreds of hours taking prompt engineering courses and applying what I've learned in my daily life. And so in this video, I'm sharing the six building blocks that make up a good prompt so that you can use this formula to consistently generate high quality outputs. First, it's critical to not only know what the six components are, task, context, exemplars, persona, format and tone, but also know that there's an order of importance to these six components.
我通常不会过度隐藏自己,但在这个视频中,我们将讨论你在ChatGPT和Google BART中掌握提示的唯一公式。让我们开始吧。嘿朋友们,欢迎回到频道。如果你是第一次来这里,我的名字是杰夫,我全职从事技术工作,如果你和我几个月前一样,你会知道提示是一个重要的技能,但你可能并不确定为什么一些提示生成的输出非常通用,而另一些却能精确地给你你要找的东西。从那时起,我花了数百小时参加提示工程课程,并将学到的知识应用到我的日常生活中。所以在这个视频中,我分享了构成一个好提示的六个基本要素,这样你就可以使用这个公式来持续生成高质量的输出。首先,重要的不仅是知道这六个要素是什么,任务、语境、示例、人设、格式和语气,还要知道这六个要素的重要性顺序。
To show you what I mean, let's use this simple example. I'm a 70 kg male, give me a three month training program. The first part is context followed by the task. The reason why the task is higher up in the formula hierarchy is if we just input the task without the context, there's still some sort of meaningful output. But if we just give chat to BTD context, nothing really happens. Put another way, it's mandatory to have a task in your prompt. It's important to include relevant context and exemplars, and it's nice to have persona, format and tone. When you think of writing your prompt, go down this mental checklist.
So this formula will act as a consular reminder for you to include just enough relevant information when writing prompts. And as you'll see in this next part, you do not need all six components in every prompt to have a good output. Now let's break down each building block with specific examples starting with the task. The rule of thumb is to always start the task sentence with an action verb, generate, give, write, analyze, etc. And clearly articulate what your end goal is. It could be one simple task like generating a three month training program or a complex three step task like analyzing hundreds of user feedback, sharing the top three takeaways and categorizing the feedback based on the team responsible for following up.
The second component context is the trickiest to get right because technically there's an infinite amount of information you can give. So I found asking myself these three questions to be super helpful in coming up with just enough information to get a good result from chat JBT. First, what's the user's background? Second, what does success look like? And third, what environment are they in? Back to the workout example we now have. I'm a 70 kg male looking to put on five kilograms of muscle mass over the next three months. I only have time to go to the gym twice a week and for one hour each session. Give me a three month training program to follow. Could I have added more background information? Of course. Only prioritize the muscle groups that make me look good at Instagram. But the key to staying productive with chat JBT and Bard is giving just enough information to constrain the endless possibilities.
第二个组件——背景信息,是最容易出错的,因为从技术上讲,你可以提供无限的信息。所以我发现问自己这三个问题对我来说非常有帮助,可以提供足够的信息,从而得到Chat JBT的好结果。首先,用户的背景是什么?第二,成功看起来是什么样的?第三,他们处于什么环境中?回到健身的例子,我是一个体重70公斤的男性,希望在接下来的三个月内增加五公斤的肌肉质量。我每周只有两次去健身房的时间,每次一小时。给我一个三个月的训练计划。我可以添加更多的背景信息吗?当然可以。只有优先考虑让我在Instagram上看起来好看的肌肉群。但是保持与Chat JBT和Bard的高效沟通的关键在于提供足够的信息来限制无尽的可能性。
By the way, although this video is not sponsored, it is supported by those of you who subscribe to my paid Pong TV newsletter on Google workspace tips. Link in the description to learn more. Moving over to the exemplars component. It's just a fancy way of saying examples. Basically all the research on large language models, LLMs, have shown that including examples within the prompt drastically improves the quality of the output. Starting with a simple example, this is a poorly written bullet point from a resume. We can now ask chat JBT to rewrite this bullet point using this structure. I accomplish X by the measure Y that resulted in Z which is actually best practiced by the way. So actually do this in your resume.
顺便说一句,虽然这个视频没有赞助,但是得到了那些订阅我的付费Pong TV通讯的Google workspace技巧的人的支持。点击描述中的链接了解更多信息。现在转到实例组件。这只是说示例的一种花哨的方式。基本上,所有关于大型语言模型(LLMs)的研究都显示,包含示例在提示中会极大地提高输出的质量。从一个简单的例子开始,这是一份简历上写得不好的要点。现在我们可以要求聊天机器人JBT使用这种结构重新写这个要点。我通过度量Y实现了X,结果是Z,这实际上是最佳实践。所以实际上在你的简历中这样做。
For example, I lowered hospital mortality rate by 10% by educating nurses in new protocols which translates to 200 lives saved per year. Here's a slightly more complicated example for interview prep. Based on my own resume, write me an answer to the interview question, what's your biggest weakness? Use the star answer framework, situation, task, action and results. Here instead of using a full blown interview answer as an example, which would be overkill, the star framework acts as an example structure for chat JBT to follow.
Last example, let's say you need to write a job description. You give some context around the opening and ask chat JBT to reference an existing job description. If I use this one I found on LinkedIn, the output will follow the same formatting and use the same professional HRE language, saving me a bunch of time. Main takeaway here, exemplars are not necessary for every prompt, but including a relevant example or framework will greatly improve the quality of your output.
Moving along, the persona component is basically who you want chat JBT and bar to be. And the pro tip here is to think of someone you wish you had instant access to with the task you're facing. If you injured yourself working out, that person might be a physical therapist with experience helping athletes recover. If you're a job seeker, that person might be a recruiter or hiring manager. If you're working on a creative brief, that person might be a senior product marketing manager who's great at storytelling.
Pro tip, you can also name specific individuals, but I found the results to be good only when they're famous enough, like Warren Buffett, Steve Jobs, Jeff Sue. By the way, just had to share this, we have a team off site with a super hero theme, so I asked chat JBT to draft an email from Batman, and it even included things like, please let Alfred know and sign off as The Dark Knight. So fictional characters work as well, and I'm actually going to use this. The fifth component format, the pro tip here is to literally close your eyes and visualize how exactly you want the end result to look like. A million likes on my third spot Instagram photo. Damn it, didn't work.
Back to the user feedback example, I don't want to read each sentence, so I asked chat JBT to take all the feedback and output a table with three headers. The original feedback, the team is responsible for following up and priority. And now I can copy this directly and paste it into a Google sheet. So prepare and filter by team. Other common formats include emails, bullet points and code blocks, but the one I found to be the most useful as a full-time working professional is paragraphs and markdown. For example, I just received a lengthy industry report from my director. First give me the three key takeaways, then summarize based on topic. Use H2 as section headers. Here is the report. Pro tip, whenever I use chat JBT to proofread any document, I specify that all changes need to be bolded so I can easily see exactly what has been changed.
Let's quickly go through the last component, tone, before we put all this together in one example. The good news is tone is easy to understand. Use a casual or formal tone of voice. Give me a witty output, show enthusiasm, sound pessimistic. The bad news is we're usually not very good at recalling the thousands of potential adjectives and adverbs at a moment's notice. So here's a pro tip. Tell chat JBT the feeling you're going for. For example, I'm writing an email to a team I haven't worked with before and I want to be taken seriously without coming off as too stuck up and cringy. Can you please give me a list of five tone keywords I can include in a prompt for chat JBT? And look, now the actual prompt I can say, use clear and concise language and write in a friendly yet confident tone. Putting all this together, let's look at this comprehensive prompt. You are a senior product marketing manager at Apple persona and you've just unveiled the latest Apple product in collaboration with Tesla, the Apple car and received 12,000 pre-orders which is 200% higher than target context. Write an email to your boss, Tim Cookie, sharing this positive news, task and format.
The email should include a TLDR, too long didn't read section, project background, by this product came into existence, business results section, quantifiable business metrics and end with a section thanking the product and engineering teams. Example, structure. Use clear and concise language and write in a confident yet friendly tone. Tone.
邮件应包括一个TLDR,即太长没时间读的部分,项目背景,产品产生背景,业务结果部分,可量化的业务指标,并以感谢产品和工程团队的部分结束。 例如,结构。使用清晰简洁的语言,以自信而友好的语气写作。愿上述内容对您有所帮助。
Note that if I had an existing email to reference, I could delete the instructions around the structure and simply touch at JBT. The email should follow the exact same format as the one I will share below and paste the email from the four. By the way, you can compare the output from this prompt to that of a simpler prompt.
请注意,如果我有一封现有的电子邮件可以参考,我就可以删除关于结构的说明,只需点击 JBT 就可以了。这封电子邮件应该遵循我下面分享的格式,并将第四封电子邮件粘贴在下面。顺便说一句,你可以将这个提示的输出与更简单的提示进行比较。
I just launched a new product, the Apple car. I received 12,000 pre-orders. Please run email to my boss with this update. There's a pretty big difference in terms of how generic and usable the end result is. Now that you know the basics of prompting, my next video is going to take you from beginner to pro, so make sure you're subscribed for that.
Check out my top five chat GBT productivity tips for work. See you on the next video in the meantime. Have a great one.