The "Incredible Threat & Danger" / Solving EV's Biggest Problem / Tesla Starting Construction ⚡️
发布时间 2024-03-05 02:13:13 来源
Get 3 months of FSD for free (my Tesla referral link): A massive thank you to my ...
I came into this project, I thought that Tesla was not going to be happy about it. I thought they were going to be super protective, they didn't want people modifying their vehicle. Turns out I was way wrong. They have been nothing but super friendly, super supportive, and insanely excited about the modifications that we've done to the Cybertruck, which in turn made me much more of a Tesla and Cybertruck fan because I see that they genuinely care about their customers and their vehicles and they're willing to do cool stuff. And they got a great captain at the helm with Elon Musk. So overall, they definitely want to be over and earn a lot of my respect. Welcome to Electrified, it's your host Dylan Loomis. Kristen, Alexander, and a few others have put together a Tesla shareholder letter writing campaign to Judge McCormick regarding that $6 billion fee the lawyers are requesting. Important to note, Elon does approve of these efforts. If you'd like to help sending a letter of your own, here's the address to send it to, register letters would be better, and of course, the sooner you can send it, the better. I think it may be helpful to reference the case number somewhere on your letter, so here it is if you'd like to do that. Here's the letter that Alexandra is sending just to give you a template and some ideas. Don't forget, you can use Grok, you can use Bard, you can use Chat GPT to help you get a baseline and then add anything or edit whatever you'd like. I do think these letters will have more of an impact if they are written respectfully. On appeal in 2021, the Delaware Supreme Court highlighted a shareholder approval letters in upholding a lower court's dismissal of claims, stating the letter showed market validation of the deal price. So, while letter writing campaigns alone rarely dictate case outcomes, when coupled with other evidence, letters from shareholders can reinforce legal arguments and influence courts' final rulings on appeals. If your international and sending a letter is going to take a few weeks, you may want to look into A big shout out to everybody organizing this, the Tesla community is pretty special. This image of the upcoming Tesla diner supercharger location was shared, saying that it's almost ready. That's certainly up for debate, I would not expect this to open until maybe the fall of this year. But you can see on the right, this is the north side of the location, one screen is going up. The word is a welder on site said the second screen on the west side over here cannot go up until these power lines are taken down, which AT&T has to do. Holmars shared a solid meme, drive Cybertruck with no autopilot, or drive Model S with FSD version 12. Sharing though, because Elon said that is an actual choice I face every day, which means not even Elon has FSD on his Cybertruck. Historically, Elon has had the most cutting edge FSD on all of his vehicles, so I would say this is a bearish indication for full self-driving coming to the Cybertruck anytime in the near term.
我加入了这个项目,我以为特斯拉不会高兴。我以为他们会非常保护,不希望人们修改他们的车辆。结果我错得离谱了。他们非常友好、支持我们所做的对Cybertruck的改造,并且对此感到非常兴奋,这让我更加成为特斯拉和Cybertruck的粉丝,因为我看到他们真正关心他们的客户和车辆,并且愿意做很酷的事情。有一位出色的领航者埃隆·马斯克。总的来说,他们绝对赢得了我的尊重。欢迎来到电动化,我是主持人迪伦·卢米斯。克里斯汀、亚历山大和其他几个人已经发起了一场关于律师们要求的60亿美元费用的一封特斯拉股东信件写作活动给McCormick法官。重要提醒,埃隆批准了这些努力。如果您想要帮助寄送一封自己的信件,这里是要寄出的地址,挂号信较好,当然,您寄出得越快越好。我认为在信件中提到案件编号可能会有帮助,所以如果您希望这样做,这里是案件编号。这是亚历山德拉要寄出的信件,以供您参考和借鉴。不要忘记,您可以使用Grok、Bard、Chat GPT等来帮助您,然后添加任何内容或编辑您喜欢的内容。我认为这些信件如果写得尊重一些会产生更大的影响。在2021年的上诉中,特拉华州最高法院强调了股东批准信件,支持下级法院驳回索赔,称这封信表明了交易价格的市场验证。尽管单靠写信活动很少会决定案件结果,但当与其他证据相结合时,股东的信件可以加强法律论点并影响法院对上诉的最终裁决。如果您是国际投资者,寄信可能需要几周时间,您可能需要考虑使用。特别感谢所有组织这项工作的人,特斯拉社区非常特别。分享了即将到来的特斯拉用餐区超级充电站的位置图片,说已经准备就绪。这肯定还有待商榷,我不指望这个地方在今年秋天之前开放。但您可以看到右侧,这是位置的北侧,一个屏幕正在搭建。消息是一名现场焊接工说这里西侧的第二个屏幕不能搭建,直到这些电线被拆除,AT&T需要做这件事。Holmars分享了一个好玩的梗,是开Cybertruck而不用自动驾驶,还是开Model S使用FSD 12版本。因为埃隆说这是他每天面临的一个真实选择,这意味着甚至埃隆自己的Cybertruck上也没有FSD。历史上,埃隆的所有车辆上都安装了最尖端的FSD,所以我认为这对Cybertruck在近期内实现全自动驾驶是一个不利的迹象。
The two obvious reasons would be one, different camera placements and heights on the Cybertruck compared to the other Tesla vehicles, and two, different driving dynamics on the Cybertruck, things like steer by wire, rear wheel steering, etc. When it comes to a wider release of version 12 on any Tesla vehicle, Tesla scope has some bad news, delayed for the unforeseeable future due to a specific incident that happened. They said this incident was a crash that occurred a little under one week after the initial deployment of .2.1 and required an internal investigation the following day, but nobody was injured and the vehicle only experienced minor cosmetic damage. If I had to guess, I would say this might be that parking lot instance we reported on last week.
Tesla scope was expecting a wide-er release of version 12 this weekend, not a full-on wide release, but that has been delayed and no new timeline has been given. It's unfortunate, but also a good reminder that even if one person lets the testing go too far, then ultimately everybody else is going to pay for that. In a new Tesla service bulletin, it says for the Cybertruck, an updated rear steering actuator that provides a tighter turning radius is available for retrofit. The previous rear steering actuator does not affect or impact vehicle safety or reliability. The word is newer Cybertrucks should be coming from the factory with this updated actuator.
The official Cybertruck owners manual is now live, so I'll have it linked below. Sometimes these can be fun to browse through. Thanks to the owners manual, Tesla scope had a chance to look through it and confirmed that currently delivered Cybertrucks do not currently have access to steam due to the lack of a dedicated GPU and the infotainment board only having 8GB of RAM when Tesla currently has the requirements at 16GB for steam. Their speculation here is that Tesla might introduce the more powerful infotainment computer soon, either in the cyber beast or prior. You may have seen this ridiculous video of a Cybertrucks front end up over and into the garden of the Beverly Hills Hotel.
The initial reporting was it was being driven by the valet that caused this accident, but Gregor truck got a message from the organization saying that was not the case. The valet business owner himself took the time to reach out and to say that the Cybertruck was not driven by the valet last night, it was the owner. Holmar said Cybertruck is the most comfortable Tesla and Elon said that is what surprises people most. Early early on in Cybertruck production there were some anecdotes that showed the tonneau cover didn't really keep the vault fully dry if it was raining fairly hard. Maybe there was an update Holmar said drove through a ton of rain and the Cybertruck vault kept every drop out.
Matthew Chorello on X said love Tesla and his Cybertruck but quote catastrophe failure with steering and brakes while on a road trip with my wife and toddler. Pretty pretty not good oh and service center not open today. And no this is not just some random fud he's getting absolutely flamed in the comments and you can tell by his responses that he is a fan of Tesla he zoned for Tesla's previously this was a real thing that happened. Just one hour ago Portia South Orlando on their site had that Cybertruck they just bought for $244,000 listed for sale.
Luckily someone from the Cybertruck owners club forum took a screenshot of the listing to prove that it was real they had it up for $289.9000 so I'm not sure if they sold it or just took the page down but there you have it. There's also another nice looking black one on listed for 237,000. One person that's already sold his Cybertruck the CEO of the auto wholesale business give me the His firm was the one that sold it and he said there have been a significant number of Cybertruck buyers who want to resell their pickups for a profit but they're afraid Tesla will sue them because of the no resale clause. He said we tried to buy a gazillion of them but everybody freaks out because of the $50,000 threat from Tesla. We worked 30 deals to get that truck bought because everybody flaked out when they realized Tesla was going to sue them which so far was just speculation.
His firm also sold another one privately. There are several more Cybertruck's being bought from private sellers that will likely make it to auction soon. A Reddit user shared a photo of a Model X with LiDAR attached to the roof doing some camera validation in Munich, Germany.
他的公司也私下出售了另一辆。还有几辆Cybertruck是从私人卖家那里购买的,很快可能会进入拍卖会。一位Reddit用户分享了一张在德国慕尼黑进行摄像头验证的车顶安装了LiDAR的Model X的照片。
I wanted to make it clear that yes it's encouraging to see Tesla doing this validation testing in Europe but this does not mean that an FSD release is imminent in Europe. This is strictly my speculation but I do not expect Tesla to release FSD in the EU until version 12 has gone to a wide release in the United States. Don't forget there are still regulatory hurdles for Tesla's FSD in Europe.
The good news is over the next few days a meeting is going to be held. If a certain proposal is adopted it could be implemented as soon as September of this year which could pave the way for FSD in Europe. However that's not a guarantee because the regulatory body has stated that the DCAS regulation driver control assistance systems will not cover full driving automation.
Tesla scope has said Tesla has been working on significant upgrades to their auto shift functionality and notably the necessity to swipe on the screen will be heavily reduced. No internal timeline has been provided but the engineer communicated that they're very close to a finalized version to send to wave 1 as just a few minor adjustments are needed. Tesla scope speculation our estimation is a tentative release in the first week of April.
So far there has been no indication that this feature is going to roll out to the older Model 3 or the Model Y, the vehicles that still have the stocks. Boca On X shared two pictures of the upcoming Model 3 performance. I believe this tape looking material is actually Velcro that helps to keep the covers on the car or the camouflage. And it's going to be hard for you to tell with this so zoomed in but right here it certainly does look like this is a front bumper camera.
到目前为止,还没有迹象表明这个功能将推出到较旧的Model 3或Model Y,这些车型仍然有存货。Boca On X分享了即将推出的Model 3 Performance车型的两幅图片。我相信这种带状材料实际上是帮助保持车身覆盖物或伪装的胶带。通过这么放大,你很难看出来,但在这里,这确实看起来像是一个前保险杆摄像头。
Before we all go crazy let's not forget before the Model 3 Plus was actually launched the word was it was going to have a front bumper camera and then when it came to market it did not. But if those supply chain issues have subsided there's a chance. I guess there's also a slight chance that's not even a camera but it really does look like one from this picture.
在我们都疯狂之前,不要忘记Model 3 Plus实际推出之前,传言说它将配备前保险杠摄像头,但是当它上市时并没有。但是如果那些供应链问题已经消失,这有可能。我想也有一点可能性,那甚至不是一个摄像头,但是从这张图片看起来确实像。
Zooming out a bit we can see the upgraded seats. Having a look at the charge port in the back that would confirm the rumors out there that the Model 3 performance will be launched first in the EU. This image of some bigger 20 inch wheels also leaked and people are saying these are called warp wheels. I think personally this does not look good at all with the lug nuts being exposed like this.
放大一点我们就可以看到升级后的座椅。看看后面的充电口,可以证实外界关于Model 3 Performance将在欧盟首先推出的传言。一张20英寸大的轮毂的图片也被曝光了,人们说这些轮毂被称为“Warp Wheels”。我个人认为这样的设计一点也不好看,像这样暴露在外的轮毂螺母我完全不能接受。
So for now just bear in mind this is not the production variant. Even if this vehicle doesn't get launched in the EU in China until sometime in April I would still have some optimism that it reaches the United States toward the end of quarter two if not the beginning of Q3. Currently Tesla's offering 5000 free supercharging miles if you trade in a vehicle and take delivery before March 31st. These miles will expire after two years from the date of delivery.
This was not just a one off Brad did this test in the same location three times and it did it successfully all three times. Tesla donated one of its cars that was involved in an incident that led to a fire for research purposes. I just wanted to share some data from this article the agency has recorded six EV car fires in Australia since 2010 all of which occurred after their battery packs were damaged.
The head of energy and infrastructure said the small number of incidents do not match the fear mongering from some commentators and the statistics prove EVs are safer than traditional motors. The relative rates of these vehicle fires are such that EVs catch fire about one tenth to one twentieth as often as petrol and diesel vehicles.
I'm not sure if this new Tesla product upgrade will roll out anywhere else but Tesla Chan said they launched a Model Y rear seat upgrade for about four hundred and ten dollars. This image was from the Tesla Taiwan page and this adds three centimeters of leg support. WUWA finally gave us an update on Tesla's mega-pactory in Shanghai.
我无法确定这个特斯拉新产品升级是否会在特斯拉以外的地方推出,但特斯拉专员说他们推出了一款售价大约410美元的Model Y后排座椅升级。这张图片来自特斯拉台湾页面,增加了三厘米的腿部支撑。WUWA最终为我们提供了特斯拉在上海的超级工厂的最新消息。
They said according to the plan Tesla's Shanghai energy storage plant will start construction in the first quarter of 2024 and go into production in the fourth quarter. The battery cell supplier will be Ningdee Times while the utilization rate of self-produced battery cells will be increased in the future.
Said he talked to somebody who is doing other works at the site and he said the construction of this land will be started soon. As you can see there are some building houses and concrete floors on the wet ground which are on the outside of the fence of the energy storage plant. Tesla is in talks with Thailand's government for a potential production facility in the country after having conducted a site survey late last year. The Thai government is offering Tesla 100 percent green energy to run the facility which could produce EVs or batteries. When it comes to peak DC fast charging speeds we now have a new top dog gravity with their flagship location in New York. They just launched 24 500 kilowatt chargers at an indoor parking garage. Yes most EVs on the market cannot even accept these rates but the company has said this is to future proof their stations. There will be on-site attendance and their touting plug-in charge with no authentication for all vehicle types and no interface required. They said our technology can provide a car with 40 miles of range in one minute of charging. In the press release nothing was mentioned about the connector type and I think I know why if you dig around a bit on their website you'll see that for now they have liquid cooled CCS cables. Hopefully in the future they add NACS natively. This is their first full public deployment of their equipment with many additional sites already in development.
Gravity now has the capacity to manufacture and deploy thousands of chargers per year to sites that it operates. Just a little fun fact about the gravity these yellow Mach-E taxis in New York are actually operated by this same company gravity and their fleet includes model-wise as well. The company is claiming its system will support up to 250 kilowatts when charging Tesla vehicles using a CCS adapter. Motor Trend announced its 2024 person of the year, their selection, Sean Fane of the UAW. Look I get it, Fane won historic contracts for his people. I just hope that in a few years it's not those very contracts that are the reasons some of these businesses and these jobs are gone completely. Turns out Samuel Garcia was writing checks he could not cash yet again. No construction has begun on Gigamexico despite Garcia saying it was starting today. Tesla Management's response? Not yet.
重力现在有能力每年制造和部署成千上万台充电器到它经营的站点。关于这家名为gravity的公司,纽约的这些黄色Mach-E出租车实际上也是由这家公司gravity运营的,他们的车队还包括不同的车型。该公司声称他们的系统将支持使用CCS适配器为特斯拉车辆充电最高达250千瓦。Motor Trend宣布了他们2024年年度人物,他们的选择是UAW的肖恩·费恩。我明白了,费恩为他的人民赢得了历史性的合同。我只是希望几年后,正是这些合同成为一些企业和工作岗位完全消失的原因。结果发现塞缪尔·加西亚再次开出了他无法兑现的支票。尽管加西亚说今天将开始在Gigamexico进行建设,但实际上工程还未开始。特斯拉管理层的回应?还没有。
Hunter on X said Burlington Washington will soon have their third Tesla V4 supercharging site, encouraging to see that these are still going up in the United States, albeit at a slow pace. Jay Leno put out a new video on the Model 3 Plus with Lars and Franz, just a few things that you may not have heard before. This is now Tesla's most aerodynamic car at a .219 drag-co-efficient. Franz mentioned Tesla has aerodesigners from the Formula One world that are basically on the same team as the design engineers helping to balance downforce and efficiency. This vehicle has better side-crash performance and it might be the only sedan to score the IIHS top safety score in that specific test. There's also a new airbag in between the driver and the front passenger to help prevent heads colliding from a side impact collision. This actually goes beyond what safety regulators have recommended. Tesla moved one of the subwoofers out of the corner of the trunk in the prior version to make the trunk bigger and they put the sub in a different place where it's more efficient. One slightly unfortunate takeaway if you were expecting it, Jay had said it would be great for Tesla to put three motors in the Model 3 but Lars said it would be very hard to fit three motors. So no, I'm personally not expecting a tri-motor Model 3 performance. But who knows, maybe they were just trying to keep that under wraps.
猎人在X上说,华盛顿伯灵顿将很快拥有他们的第三个特斯拉V4超级充电站,令人鼓舞的是这些充电站仍在美国逐渐建设中,尽管速度较慢。杰伊·莱诺发布了一段有关Model 3 Plus的新视频,视频中与Lars和Franz一起讨论了一些可能之前没有听说过的事情。这辆车现在是特斯拉最具空气动力学的车,阻力系数为0.219。Franz提到,特斯拉拥有来自一级方程式世界的空气设计师,他们与设计工程师基本上是同一团队,有助于平衡下压力和效率。这辆车具有更好的侧面碰撞性能,可能是唯一在特定测试中获得IIHS最高安全得分的轿车。驾驶员和前座乘客之间还有一个新的气囊,有助于防止侧面碰撞时头部碰撞。这实际上超出了安全监管机构的建议。特斯拉将先前版本中的一个低音炮移到行李箱的角落,从而使行李箱更大,他们将低音炮放置在一个更有效的地方。有一个稍微令人遗憾的地方,如果你期望,杰伊曾表示特斯拉将在Model 3中安装三个电机会很棒,但Lars表示很难安装三个电机。所以,我个人并不指望看到三电机Model 3性能版。但谁知道呢,也许他们只是试图保守秘密。
So we use a new kind of shock-absorbing technology called FSD, not full self-driving but frequency selective damping. And what that does is it's a passive system not like adaptive damping like in your Model S. But it really focuses on isolating different frequency ranges. So when you're on bumpy roads, we let the dampers open up and we make sure we get nice and you know free-flowing wheels so you get a comfortable ride. But when you put that steering response in, we can actually separate that input and frequency and make sure you get damping force to get a nice quick response.
因此,我们使用一种名为FSD的新型减震技术,这不是完全自动驾驶,而是频率选择性阻尼。这项技术是一种被动系统,不像您的Model S中的自适应阻尼那样。但它真正专注于隔离不同的频率范围。所以当您行驶在崎岖的道路上时,我们让减震器打开,确保车轮顺畅自由地运动,从而让您享受舒适的行驶。但当您转动方向盘时,我们可以实际分离输入和频率,并确保您得到阻尼力以获得快速响应。
And Brett Adcock, the CEO of Figure AI, said something very astute I think all Tesla investors should know. Most of you may already know this but it's good to share this with those friends and family that definitely don't know. He said for a long time he was worried about keeping things secret so that nobody else would copy him. But now he said what matters is my team's ability to execute at the fastest possible rate and continue innovating over time. He then gives a list of reasons on why sharing publicly is beneficial but his conclusion, the rate of technological progress is the only true competitive advantage. This right here is one of Tesla's superpowers that most normal folks are not aware of.
Brett Adcock,即Figure AI的CEO,说了一些非常睿智的话,我认为所有特斯拉投资者都应该知道。你们大多数可能已经知道了,但是与那些肯定不知道的朋友和家人分享是很好的。他说,很长一段时间,他担心保守秘密,以防别人抄袭他。但现在他说最重要的是我团队能够以最快的速度执行,并在未来持续创新。然后他列举了分享公开信息的好处,但他的结论是,技术进步的速度是唯一真正的竞争优势。这就是特斯拉的一项超能力,大多数普通人并不知道。
On the solar front we have this problem in the United States when it comes to cost but there's a reason for why. Right now rooftop solar is three to four times more expensive in the United States than almost everywhere else in the world at around four dollars per watt. Rohan Patel said one simple solution every single authority having jurisdiction should adopt the solar app which is an organization establishing the national standard for instant solar plus permitting. The Tesla energy team has worked closely to develop the solution with many governments and industry partners. This expediting of permitting can be in any city or county in America that wants to adopt it. Baglino chimed in saying yes streamlined and standardized permitting for residential solar and storage will be massively enabling for the US solar market.
It does seem weird that something can be a non-profit open source and somehow transform itself into a for-profit closed source. I mean this would be like let's say you funded an organization to save the Amazon rainforest and instead they became a lumber company and chopped down the forest and sold it for money and you'd be therefore like oh wait a second that's the exact opposite of what I gave the money for. Is that legal? That doesn't seem legal and if it is and in general if it is legal to start a company as a non-profit and then take the IP and transfer it to a for-profit that then makes tons of money shouldn't everyone start shouldn't that be the default? An analogy too good not to share.
Some out there are attributing Teslas very red day to China sales which is laughable if true. Tesla's wholesale number for February came in at 60,365. Naturally everybody's comparing that to February of last year when that number was 74.4,000. The problem last year the Chinese New Year fell in January this year it fell in February. Meaning that's comparing three weeks for this February to four weeks last February. Given the breakdown of 36.5,000 domestic sales and 23.8,000 exports if you do the math given the weekly China data that we get that would tell us that the reading for tonight or tomorrow could be somewhere over 15,000 for the week. Obviously it's not just Tesla with this negative year over year comp. BYD's February sales were down 37% year over year for the similar reason.
The Hyundai Ionic 5 for the global market has gotten a bunch of updates and upgrades one of which is a bigger battery pack. It's going from 77.4 kilowatt hours up to 84 but they've yet to share the new range. This new variant is launching later this month in South Korea and then will expand globally from there. Polestar CEO Thomas Ingenloth had some interesting comments. There's an incredible threat in danger if you don't embrace future innovation and believe in that technology. The electric drive trains the innovation in battery, the innovation in modern electronics and software. If you don't participate in that and think you can wait and customers are ready for it, it's an incredible trap. It's an incredible opportunity for Polestar that in that sector of premium performance cars there is indeed not that much competition coming. To tell you the truth, I think it's about being open for innovation in the future technology. I see far too many people hesitating with that and being scared of change. That is just not a good recipe for the future. If you've been around the channel, you will have heard me say something along these lines numerous times usually when talking about Toyota. On Friday California regulators did authorize Waymo's expansion to Los Angeles and more parts of San Francisco. Here are the updated active areas for Waymo.
全球市场的现代IONIQ 5已经获得了一系列更新和升级,其中之一是更大功率的电池组。电池容量从77.4千瓦时增加到84千瓦时,但他们还没有分享新的续航里程。这款新的车型将于本月晚些时候在韩国推出,然后将在全球范围内扩展。Polestar首席执行官托马斯·英格洛斯有一些有趣的评论。如果你不接受未来的创新并相信这项技术,那就会面临巨大的威胁。电动传动系统,电池创新,现代电子和软件的创新。如果你不参与其中,认为你可以等待客户准备好,那就是一个巨大的陷阱。对于Polestar来说,这是一个巨大的机会,因为在高性能豪华车领域,确实没有太多竞争。说实话,我认为关键是要对未来技术的创新持开放态度。我发现有太多人在这方面犹豫不决,害怕改变。这不是未来的好处。如果你一直关注这个频道,你会听到我多次提到这样的话,通常是在谈论丰田时。上星期五,加州监管机构批准了Waymo扩展到洛杉矶和旧金山更多地区的计划。以下是Waymo的更新活动区域。
Nissan has dropped the price of its entry level aria by $3,600 and other trim levels by up to $6,000. And again today, BYD launched a new version of its best selling car at a price lower than the final price of its discontinued predecessor. BYD launched a new version of the ADO3 that's almost 12% lower than the final sales price of the version it replaced. Despite Tesla insurance having not rolled out to any new states now in over a year, Coverger is reporting that Tesla insurance ended last year with $497 million in written premiums up 115% year over year. Given the few states where Tesla is doing this in partnership with State National, with these latest figures, Tesla Insurance Services has become State National's largest producer. The question remains what in the world is going on with the rollout.
Tesla North America posted wraps for the Model 3 Y and Cybertruck are now available at their Austin South Collision location. This would be the first expansion outside of California. Tesla stock closed the day at $188.14 down 7.16% while the Nasdaq was down 0.41%. Rivian and Lucid were both also down over 3% and Polestar was down 9%. It was the highest volume day for Tesla that we've seen in the last few weeks trading 27 million shares above the average 30 day volume.
特斯拉北美在奥斯丁南部碰撞修理店发布了Model 3 Y和Cybertruck的包装,这将是他们在加利福尼亚州之外的第一个扩张点。特斯拉股价收于每股188.14美元,下跌了7.16%,而纳斯达克指数下跌了0.41%。瑞恩和卢西德的股价也下跌了超过3%,Polestar下跌了9%。这是特斯拉近几周来交易量最高的一天,超过了30天平均交易量的2700万股。
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