BYD Exec Talks Tesla / VW's Dire Comments / Tesla's Liquidity Situation ⚡️
发布时间 2024-02-27 01:41:20 来源
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Welcome to Electrified, it's your host, Dylan Loomis. Quick shout out to my newest patron, Matt B. Thank you for choosing to support the channel. Samuel Garcia, the governor of Nuevo Leone, who has said and predicted many things on Friday said that on March 3rd, work at Tesla's factory in Mexico will begin, but he did not specify what type of work or whether they would be from the state or from Tesla itself. Any of that work by the state would be those infrastructure projects we have talked about where they're building some roads, highways and bridges in the surrounding area. This could be many different types of work and Garcia has been wrong with his predictions in the past, but something to note.
The Model 3 ludicrous, if we're going to go by the badge that was on this vehicle, was spotted in Valencia, Spain with some professional level filming taking place, maybe for some promotional content. As you'll see in a second, clearly the group involved did not like this individual filming, so that ludicrous badge is not just a customer group slapping on an aftermarket badge, this does seem to be official. Tesla engineers have already said last year that Tesla did leave some things on the table with the old version of the Model 3 performance variant. There have also been some complaints of the hardware being too similar to the long range versions. We have to keep in mind, at the time of the Model 3 launch, Tesla was hyper focused on the mass market appeal of the more base and long range variants, their entire business survival was based on those vehicles succeeding so they couldn't dedicate proper resources to the performance variant. But now things are drastically different years later, so Tesla has the ability to focus on something special for the Model 3 ludicrous or performance, whatever they end up calling it.
在西班牙瓦伦西亚,一辆配备着“ludicrous(离谱)”标识的Model 3被发现,正在进行一些专业级别的拍摄,可能是为了一些宣传内容。正如你将在一秒钟内看到的那样,显然涉及的团队不喜欢这个人在拍摄,所以这个离谱的标识并不仅仅是一个客户团体贴上的售后标识,这似乎是官方的。特斯拉工程师已经去年表示,特斯拉确实在老版本的Model 3性能型上留下了一些潜力。也有一些抱怨硬件与长续航版本过于相似。我们必须记住,在Model 3推出时,特斯拉非常专注于更基础和长续航版本的大众市场吸引力,他们整个业务生存基于这些车型的成功,因此无法将合适的资源投入性能版本。但如今数年后,情况已经大为不同,因此特斯拉有能力专注于为Model 3的离谱版或性能版(无论他们最终将其称为什么)打造一些特别的东西。
Here's a quick rundown of all of the rumored updates we've seen over the past year. A front splitter and a new front fascia, a splitter is basically just to balance the front in rear distribution of downforce. A new rear diffuser split into three different sections, red brake calipers, a new spoiler, lower suspension, the new seats, potentially staggered wheels, front to back, new wheels and new arrow covers, and a big question, could this vehicle qualify for the IRA tax credits? The old Model 3 performance did qualify, and given that this variant will be lower volume relative to the rear wheel drive and the long range, that means it'll need less cells. There's a chance the Model 3 rear wheel drive and long range may qualify for tax credits by the end of 2025 when that Panasonic self-factor comes online, supplying Tesla with more 2170 cells. The problem for the Model 3 variants that are available right now, the cells for those vehicles are coming from South Korea and China. But if Tesla can source enough supply from Giganavada of 2170s, the price should be under the $55,000 cap for the credit, so there is a chance.
在过去的一年中,我们看到了关于所有传言更新的快速概述。前唇和新的前部外观,唇部其实就是用来平衡前后的下压力分布。一个分为三个不同部分的新后扩散器,红色刹车卡钳,一个新的扰流板,更低的悬挂,新座椅,潜在的前后错位轮毂,新轮毂和新的箭头覆盖物,还有一个大问题,这辆车是否符合IRA税收抵免条件?旧的Model 3性能确实符合条件,考虑到这个变种相对于后驱和长续航量会是一个较低的销量,这意味着它需要更少的电池。到2025年底,当Panasonic的自主工厂投入运作时,提供Tesla更多的2170电池,那时Model 3后驱和长续航量也许有资格获得税收抵免。目前可用的Model 3变种的问题在于,这些车辆的电池来自韩国和中国。但如果Tesla能够从吉加纳瓦达采购足够的2170电池,价格应该低于55,000美元的抵免限额,所以有可能。
Personally, I think a lot of the magic of this vehicle may come from the suspension and the handling dynamics some things on the software side that we just don't know about that would ultimately make it more track capable as opposed to just straight line speed. I've seen some people out there saying they're expecting this car to do 0-60 in under 2 seconds, but given that the Model S plaid sits at 1.99 seconds, I do not think Tesla's going to do that. My guess for 0-60 of this car is going to be somewhere around the 2.5 second mark. For context, the old Model 3 performance variant did it in 3.1 seconds. Arash On X shared this post that went viral, saying the Cybertruck is California proof, the armored glass beats criminals trying their best to break in, and yes, this criminal was at one point on the roof of this Cybertruck. This guy had some sort of cutter that he was expecting to just cut the glass in as he quickly learned. It was not that easy. Here he was caught jumping off of the vehicle. Now yes, clearly some damage was done, but this guy was not ultimately able to get inside the vehicle. Here's the picture where he was trying to cut a hole through the roof unsuccessfully. Hopefully if they haven't already, the internet and the police force can catch this clown. Then Matthew D.R. shared a post of a Cybertruck getting rear ended with minimal damage, it just needed a new bumper. The Ram truck, however, that did the rear ending was totaled. Here's a better look at the damage to the Cybertruck, and the Ram truck not really living up to its name.
在我看来,这辆车的许多魔力可能来自悬挂系统和处理动力学,以及一些软件方面的东西,我们不知道的东西,最终会使它在赛道上更有能力,而不仅仅是直线速度。我见过一些人说他们希望这辆车在0-60英里内能在2秒内完成,但考虑到Model S Plaid的0-60时间是1.99秒,我不认为特斯拉会做到那一点。我猜想这辆车的0-60时间可能会在2.5秒左右。以前的Model 3 Performance车型能在3.1秒内完成。Arash On X分享了这样一篇帖子,称Cybertruck经得住加州的考验,装甲玻璃能阻止犯罪分子的入侵,是的,这名犯罪分子曾经爬上了这辆Cybertruck的车顶。这家伙拿着一种切割工具,期望能迅速切破玻璃,但很快就明白了,事情没那么简单。他被发现从车辆上跳下来了。是的,显然有些损坏,但这个家伙最终进不了车内。这是他试图在车顶上切割一个洞的照片。希望互联网和警方现在都能抓到这个小丑。然后Matthew D.R.分享了一篇Cybertruck在被追尾后仅受到轻微损坏的帖子,只需要更换一个新的保险杠。然而,追尾的Ram卡车却报废了。这是对Cybertruck的损坏更清楚的描述,而那辆Ram卡车并没有真正体现出其“名副其实”。
Rohan Patel said no doubt we will sell the Cybertruck in Canada. Insanely huge interest. We have to file some routine paperwork, but hoping that can be wrapped up soon. Unfortunately, this is Tesla's favorite undefined word. Kodak lens on Instagram posted a photo of a matte black Cybertruck and tagged Jay Z. That image was posted by the VP of rock nation, so now the word is that Jay Z and Beyonce also own a Cybertruck. We knew the Cybertruck was going to be an icon type vehicle, but there are already some very heavy hitters as new owners in just the first few weeks. 7.5,000 people liked this picture of a baby blue Cybertruck, so I'm wondering what do you guys think about this color.
罗汉·帕特尔表示毫无疑问我们将在加拿大销售Cybertruck。对此有着极高的兴趣。我们需要办理一些常规文件工作,但希望很快可以完成。不幸的是,这是特斯拉最喜欢的一个没有明确定义的词。Instagram上的Kodak lens发布了一张哑光黑色Cybertruck的照片,并标记了杰伊·Z。这张图片是由摇滚国际的副总裁发布的,所以现在有传言称杰伊·Z和碧昂丝也拥有一辆Cybertruck。我们知道Cybertruck将成为一种标志性的车型,但在短短几周内已经有一些非常重量级的新车主。7.5万人喜欢了这张粉蓝色Cybertruck的图片,所以我想知道你们对这种颜色的看法是什么。
We had Dan Neal, a writer for the Wall Street Journal, actually sing the Cybertruck's praises, so he didn't say anything that we don't already know, but the news here is that somebody from the Wall Street Journal was speaking very positively about Tesla and the Cybertruck. The TLDR of what Dan Neal said in his piece, this is a phenomenal piece of engineering. Responding to Holmar is saying the Cybertruck is a hit, Elon said, until you drive it, you don't realize how fun it is. And we got this picture of a gloss white Cybertruck, which I am very confident my wife would also be a huge fan of. I have to admit, I don't mind that myself.
A Cybertruck owners club member said Tesla is currently manufacturing roughly 80 Cybertrucks per day. This comes from a friend of a friend who actually works in the Cybertruck assembly plant. Just one more anecdote, take all of this as always with a grain of salt, but this user on X said I met a guy about a week ago that works at the Austin factory and he said they're making 60 per day. So whether it's 60, whether it's 80, whether those are burst rates or sustained rates, we don't know for sure. But what we do know is progress is being made. We don't have all of the details about this one, so I would proceed cautiously.
But Arthur on X was sharing a video from this user where his FSD 12 was navigating a parking lot. It did actually drive into a parked vehicle hitting its rear bumper. Here's the video. The driver was saying that he thought the Tesla vehicle was going to stop reverse and do a three point turn. But as far as we know, FSD 12 still does not go in reverse. And as I say, every single time, the driver is ultimately always responsible. He should have not let it get as close as it did. And this could have been avoided. At the same time, though, this is a great reminder to never let yourself become too complacent. No matter how well FSD 12 has been performing.
但在X was(一种视频分享平台)上,Arthur分享了一个视频,视频中展示了一个用户的FSD 12在一个停车场里导航的情况。视频显示它实际上开进了一个停放的车辆,碰到了它的后保险杠。视频如下所示。驾驶员表示他认为特斯拉车辆会停下来倒车然后进行一个三点转弯。但据我们所知,FSD 12仍然不会倒车。如我所说,每一次,驾驶员始终要负起最终的责任。他不应该让车靠得那么近。这本可以避免的。与此同时,这也提醒我们永远不要变得太过自满。无论FSD 12表现得多么出色。
Sometimes I think we can all agree we love to see people spouting nonsense get dunked on. Dan O'Dadd was up to his usual foolishness talking about Tesla and Elon and then Aaron wolf responded. He shared some brutal images of an accident saying my kids still have a mom because of Tesla and Elon when this Chevy passed illegally over the double yellow line, slammed head into her model X going 75. She walked away and tragically the young man driving the truck died at the scene. Three years FSD, it's very, very safe. Now, I don't know if FSD was active or not in this scenario, but the point here is not about FSD.
It's about the overall safety of Tesla vehicles. There are countless stories like this where had they not been in a Tesla, the passengers may not have survived. Then Ro Han Patel had a slight dunk of his own saying what I'm tired of the announcements of the new EV models and press releases about EV investments by manufacturers who then spend huge amounts of lobbying dollars to weaken pollution standards and market after market. Generally, these polluters have not been very successful, but their tactics to weaken pollution standards directly lead to an anti-EV public debate. Certainly frustrating, but when you understand the reality that all of these legacy OEMs, if they start making more EVs and lose billions of dollars, those sales will, guess what, eat into their sales and ultimately profits of their core ICE business. They're really just stuck in a lose-lose situation and as you'll see later in the video, VW execs are saying exactly that.
Charlie Bolello dropped in with the updated average price of a used Tesla chart. We're now at 19 months in a row where the price of a used Tesla has continuously dropped. We're now sitting at $32,984. I'm not going to read you the list of why this is happening because I've covered this in videos in the past, but here they are on screen, so pause and read if you'd like. Here's some cold hard evidence that Tesla is actively listening to the community, regardless of what people may say. John from Dr. Know It All gave some feedback for the supercharger team, suggesting some features he'd love to see like the ability to prefer 250 kilowatts supercharger locations, having a clock time rather than just how many minutes remaining before it's done charging, to which Martin Viecha responded saying, I especially like the departure time suggestion. Great idea. The team has your list. So not only are Tesla executives monitoring feedback from customers online, but more importantly, Tesla has the ability to actually implement these changes with their computer on wheels. Other automakers now are also touting their OTA updates, but when you actually look at what their capability is versus what Tesla can do, it's not even in the same realm.
查理·博莱罗带来了一份更新的二手特斯拉价格表。我们现在已经连续19个月看到二手特斯拉的价格持续下降。目前价格是32,984美元。我不会再列举为什么会发生这种情况,因为我以前在视频中已经讲过了,但这些原因在屏幕上展示出来了,如果你想的话可以暂停阅读。这是一份坚实的证据,表明特斯拉正在积极倾听社区的意见,不管人们怎么说。Dr. Know It All的约翰为超级充电团队提供了一些反馈,建议一些他希望看到的功能,比如优先选择250千瓦的超级充电站,拥有一个时钟而不仅仅是显示还有多少分钟充电完成。马丁·维查回应说,我特别喜欢出发时间的建议,太棒了。团队收到了您的清单。因此,特斯拉高管不仅在网上监控客户反馈,更重要的是,特斯拉有能力通过他们的电脑实际实施这些改变。其他汽车制造商现在也在宣传他们的OTA更新,但当你实际看看他们能做些什么,和特斯拉所能做的,根本不在同一水平。
Publication car up is already saying that Tesla Sweden might be on track for a record 2024. Personally, I think that's a bit premature, but as of late February, Tesla Sweden has delivered 1.54000 cars to customers more than double the same time last year. Just an encouraging data point given the EF metall strike is still ongoing and accelerating. No worries, we're not going to get into the buyback or not debate. Just wanted to highlight Larry Goldberg had a very solid post over the weekend, laying out a rationale for why Tesla may not be eager to do a buyback, basically given all of the future business lines Tesla is in the midst of developing, clearly some of these business lines like next gen car factories, the new semi factory, roadster development, more megapack factories, Optimus production equipment, and then Larry didn't even mention things like Tesla's spend for compute power for AI training. Again, as Elon recently said on an X spaces, we may be looking at double digit billions in terms of spend from Tesla just for AI compute in the next few years to remain at the top of the field.
根据最新的报道,特斯拉瑞典可能会在2024年创下记录。个人认为这可能有些为时过早,但截至二月底,特斯拉瑞典已经向客户交付了15,400辆车,是去年同期的两倍以上。这是一个令人鼓舞的数据点,尽管EF金属罢工仍在继续并加剧。不用担心,我们不会涉及是否回购的争论。只是想指出,Larry Goldberg在周末发表了一篇非常扎实的文章,阐述了为什么特斯拉可能不急于回购的逻辑,主要是因为特斯拉正处于发展中的所有未来业务领域,包括下一代车辆工厂、新的半挂车工厂、跑车开发、更多的超级电池组工厂、Optimus生产设备,甚至还有像为AI训练购买计算能力等项目,而Larry甚至没有提到特斯拉为了保持在该领域的领先地位,在未来几年仅在AI计算方面就可能花费数十亿美元。正如埃隆最近在一个 X空间说的那样,特斯拉可能在未来几年仅在AI计算方面就可能花费数十亿美元,以保持领先地位。
And if you go back to Tesla's investor day slide deck, you'll see we expect our pace of investment to scale with operating cash flow growth. So to reach that 20 million annual vehicle production number, Tesla is estimating having to spend between 150 and 175 billion dollars of total investment, 28 billion of which they've already spent. We know Tesla has around $29 billion in cash and cash equivalents, but what nobody really mentions is that Tesla also has total current liabilities of $28.7 billion. Just to be thorough, Tesla's total current assets sit at $49.6 billion. And subtracting the total current liabilities from the total current assets would give you your work in capital, which for Tesla sits at around $21 billion. I think those arguing for buybacks would point to the fact that Tesla has not had a negative free cash flow quarter since quarter one of 2020. What that means is that for almost three years now, Tesla has been self funding itself, so it's bringing in enough income from operations to continue to spend all of its capital expenditures and still be left with free cash flow leftover each quarter. So if that trend continues, then Tesla's cash balance should not actually come down unless they do something like payoff debt or something else.
However, the counter argument would then go well in the future if Tesla's free cash flow dips negative for a few quarters, whether it's because of the economy, a failed product launch, spending too much and not hitting efficiencies of scale soon enough, whatever the reason, then Elon and Tesla don't ever want to be in a situation where they were forced to raise capital at potentially unfavorable interest rates. The main reason I wanted to share that is because I see a world where in the next two to three years, Tesla's annual CapEx goes from around $10 billion up to $15 billion or $20 billion very quickly. Sawyer highlighted some 2024 model parts content for Tesla vehicles coming from US and Canada, just wanted to highlight for the Model 3 long range it's now at 35% for 2024, compared to 75% last year, which as you may be guessing is most likely, primarily driven from Tesla switching from 2170 cells from Panasonic to 2170s from LG in South Korea. Deliveries of the Model 3 Plus in Canada are set to begin in the next few weeks as the first batch of cars from China arrived in Vancouver over the weekend. While the ship may have arrived in BC, it looks like none of the deliveries will be going to customers in BC, at least not for now. S&P just put out its 28th annual Automotive Loyalty Awards for 2023 and no surprise Tesla brought home some more hardware. I don't think they get any actual hardware, but you know what I was saying, for 2023 the Tesla brand scored repeat wins for overall loyalty to make, highest conquest percentage, alternative powertrain loyalty to make, and ethnic market loyalty to make. Here's the full list and for the overall loyalty to manufacture, the winner was GM, winning for multiple years in a row. The awards reflect an analysis of 12.6 million new retail vehicle registrations in the US during 2023. Loyalty is determined when a household that owns a new vehicle returns to market and acquires another new vehicle of the same make model or manufacturer.
然而,如果特斯拉的自由现金流在未来几个季度出现负增长,无论是因为经济原因、产品推出失败、支出过多且不及时达到规模效益,或者其他原因,那么反对意见可能会在未来得到支持,届时埃隆和特斯拉绝对不希望被迫以潜在不利利率筹集资金。我想分享这个主要原因是因为我看到未来两三年内,特斯拉的年度资本支出将迅速从大约100亿美元增加到150亿或200亿美元。索耶突出了2024年特斯拉车辆的部件内容,这些内容来自美国和加拿大,只是想强调一下,对于2024年的Model 3长续航版,目前占比已经达到35%,相比去年的75%,可以猜测,这主要是由于特斯拉从日本松下公司的2170电池转向韩国LG公司的2170电池。 Model 3 Plus在加拿大的交付预计将在未来几周开始,因为来自中国的第一批汽车于周末抵达温哥华。尽管船只抵达不列颠哥伦比亚省,但看起来目前没有任何交付将送往不列颠哥伦比亚省的客户。标准普尔刚刚发布了2023年第28届年度汽车忠诚度奖,毫无意外地,特斯拉又获得了更多奖项。我不认为他们会得到任何实际的奖品,但你明白我的意思,对于2023年,特斯拉品牌再次获得了整体忠诚度、最高征服百分比、替代动力系统忠诚度和民族市场忠诚度等奖项。以下为完整名单,对于整体忠诚度制造商奖,胜出者是通用汽车,已连续多年获胜。这些奖项反映了2023年美国1260万辆新零售车辆登记的分析。忠诚度是指当一个家庭拥有一辆新车并重返市场购买同一品牌、型号或制造商的另一辆新车时。
The Executive Vice President of BYD, Stella Lee, had some interesting comments about Tesla. We feel like we have a high respect for Tesla. Their marketing leader, they gave a great education for the market. Without them, I think the global YIV market could not run so rapidly. So we respect them a lot. I think they are partner and also they are like way together. We can really help the whole world to educate the market, to push in the market for transaction, and pushing the whole auto industry to transact to the future electric car. What do you tell that driver that's looking at these two cars? You're saying that BYD is a tech company. Elon Musk says Tesla is a tech company as well. What's the value proposition? What is the BYD car in comparison to the biggest competitor out there, which is Tesla? That's a very interesting question. I ask our team in China because Tesla is very successful in China. The overlap for BYD and Tesla customer is less than 15%. So you can see we don't need even to convince them because we only have an overlap of 15%. All the EV company, we should be way out of partner. Our real competition is the I-SCOR company. I-SCOR is not EV. The more people jumping to produce EV, PG EV is better for the industry. Renault just announced its new R5. As far as I know, this is just for the European market. I have not found anything about this ever coming to the United States.
The first version that I launched in the second half of this year will have a 52kWh battery with a range of around 249 miles. They said it'll be followed as quickly as possible by a less powerful 40kWh version getting around 189 miles of range for about $27,000. BYD's Yang Wang brand just unveiled the U9 that will be exclusively for the Chinese market and will start around $233,000. It's supposed to compete against Ferrari and Lamborghini. Yang Wang is already selling its U8. They've sold about $3.6,000 as of the end of January. That one goes for about $153,000. Today GM announced its direct to consumer sales of the Cadillac Lyric will start March 23rd in France. This is the third market in Europe for GM's direct to consumer Cadillac business. I'm not enjoying sharing this to make a point but it was reported that Subaru restarted production in Japan after an on-the-job death resulted in a week-long suspension and lost output of about 20,000 vehicles. The way this accident happened was pretty gruesome and a painful reminder that the business of making vehicles can be fairly dangerous. We also know that if something like this were to happen at Tesla, it would be headline news at every station for at least a week. It's now official. We have a US manufacturing advocacy group urging the Biden administration to raise the tariffs on Chinese imports up from 27.5% where they stand now. That's the number for Chinese vehicles but clearly the industry is concerned that the Chinese are putting plans in place to come into the United States most likely through Mexico. Very important that you know there was a happy ending to that Tesla pie story. Over the weekend, apparently hundreds of customers showed up at the shop after hearing about the story and they also received many donations. A Tesla manager has also offered to pay and reimburse her for the $2,000 worth of supplies and Tesla offered the owner a new catering job for 3,600 mini pies for women's day in March. But for now, she had to turn that down because of all of the other business she ended up getting. If you're new and you haven't been following Tony Seba, the time is probably now, he has made some incredible predictions over the past decade that most of which have come true. In 2014, he predicted the market would offer a 200 mile EV for $11,000 by 2025 and BYD and some other Chinese OEMs are one year ahead of that curve. That's a very important narrative not to forget with all of this talk about EV sales slowing. Over years, there's going to be pockets of demand based on macro factors and availability, but ultimately, as long as the cost of batteries continues this downward ascent and the production of batteries continues to increase, we should be sitting pretty for the years ahead. Another reminder of sorts, Elon replied to Peggion X saying interesting to his post talking about Tesla making around $7,000 gross profit per EV sold, BYD at $1,300, and a few other automakers deeply in the red.
我今年下半年推出的第一个版本将配备52kWh电池,续航里程约为249英里。据说紧随其后的40kWh版本将尽快推出,续航里程约为189英里,售价约为27,000美元。比亚迪的杨王品牌刚刚发布了专为中国市场定制的U9车型,起价约为233,000美元。它将与法拉利和兰博基尼竞争。杨王品牌已经推出了U8,截至一月底已售出约$3.6万辆,价格约为153,000美元。今天,通用汽车宣布凯迪拉克Lyric的直销将于3月23日在法国开始。这是通用汽车在欧洲第三个进行凯迪拉克直销业务的市场。我并不是为了指责而分享这个消息,但据报道,受一起工作人员死亡事故影响,斯巴鲁在日本重新启动了生产,停产一周,损失约20,000辆车。这起事故发生的方式相当残酷,痛苦地提醒我们汽车制造业可能相当危险。我们也知道,如果特斯拉发生这样的事故,至少会成为每个新闻台一个星期的头条新闻。现在已经正式宣布。一家美国制造业倡导组织敦促拜登政府将目前27.5%的中国进口关税提高。这是中国车辆的关税数字,但行业显然担心中国人正在计划通过墨西哥进入美国。很重要的是你知道特斯拉馅饼的故事最终有了一个幸福结局。周末,据说数百名顾客听说这个故事后纷纷涌向店铺,并获得了许多捐赠。特斯拉经理还表示愿意支付和赔偿她价值2,000美元的供应品,并提供给店主一个新的饮食工作,为三月的妇女节制作3,600个小馅饼。但目前她不得不拒绝,因为她得到了其他生意。如果你是新来的,并且还没有关注托尼•席巴,现在可能是时候了,他在过去的十年中做出了一些令人难以置信的预测,其中大部分已经实现。2014年,他预测到2025年市场会推出一款售价11,000美元的续航里程为200英里的电动汽车,比亚迪和其他一些中国OEM厂商正比这个曲线提前一年。这是一个非常重要的叙述,不要忘记关于电动汽车销售放缓的所有讨论。多年来,将会有基于宏观因素和供给的需求热点,但最终只要电池成本持续下降,电池生产继续增长,我们未来将会坐享其成。另一个提醒,埃隆回复了Peggion X的帖子,称他的帖子很有趣,提到特斯拉每销售一辆电动汽车获得约7,000美元的毛利润,比亚迪为1,300美元,还有几家车企深陷红字。
Here we have some fiery comments from VW's brand executive Thomas Schafer. These comments coming from a confidential event about the current status and future of VW. His findings, VW is facing by far the most difficult phase in its recent company history. A history that we can't forget also included dieselgate. One of the managers listening to his comments said, I often couldn't believe my ears. Many of his messages were so explosive and worrying. Although Thomas appeared confident as usual, the seriousness of the situation was still evident in his face. Schafer said the company is in a precarious situation.
在这里,我们从大众汽车品牌高管托马斯·沙弗尔(Thomas Schafer)那里听到了一些激烈的评论。这些评论来自一次有关大众汽车目前状态和未来的机密活动。他的调查显示,大众汽车正在经历近年来最困难的阶段。这一历史令人难忘,也包括柴油门事件。一位经理听到他的评论后表示,我经常简直不敢相信自己的耳朵。他的许多讯息都如此爆炸性和令人担忧。尽管托马斯看起来像往常一样自信,但情况的严重性仍然显而易见。沙弗尔表示公司正处于一个岌岌可危的境地。
Schafer said the company is in a precarious situation and he wants to have the number of overtime hours at VW saying, we have an unbelievable number of hours of extra work on which we spend millions and millions of euros. Schafer is said to have ruthlessly disclosed grievances in an internal briefing. And the employees are unsettled. When it comes to the performance program, which is VW's cost cutting measures over the next few years, he said they cannot waste any time. The brand boss painted a bleak picture of the global economic situation, which is reducing the willingness to spend money. He said there are crazy things going on in China and at Tesla, referring to Tesla's repeated price cuts. If we don't do anything, it'll become increasingly difficult to present our successes.
There have been reports that 20% of jobs in this indirect sector in which 20,000 people are employed were to be cut. Employees in the areas of administration, sales, development and production should be explicitly affected. He said there are too many committees and decision making levels, aka too much bureaucracy. In order to save costs, the brand boss also advocates consistently outsourcing repetitive activities that are not core business. Certain activities should be relocated to the best cost countries. Translation, VW is in full blown panic mode.
You've probably seen this by now, but one of the Tesla engineers shared that this is their fastest gate ever for optimists at 0.6 meters per second, over 30% speed boost since their last video in December. They've improved their vestibular system, their foot trajectory and their ground contact logic. They've upgraded their motion planner and made cuts to the loop latency across the bot. Optimists is more stable and more confident overall, even during turns. We also added a slight torso and arm sway. Milan said if these challenges speak to you, join our amazing controls team.
We don't know for sure if this was being teleoperated, if it was being remote controlled, or if this was actually in a fully autonomous mode and following a specific path. Look, don't worry, I'm not going to be that guy spamming his Tesla referral link everywhere, but now that I do have one finally, a few of you have already reached out and asked. So just to make things easy, it'll always be in the description below. And on X, you can click it right through my link tree in my bio. And to anybody who considers using it, thank you.
Tesla stock closed the day at $199.40, up 3.87%, while the Nasdaq was down 0.13%. But we had Rivian Lucid and Polestar all up over 4% on the day. It was an average volume day for Tesla trading about 3 million shares above the average 30 day volume. Hope you guys have a wonderful day. You can find me on X linked below. Please like the video if you did. And a huge thank you to all of my Patreon supporters.