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FSD V12 Impresses, But... / GM Rushing New "Crash Program" / This Is So Broken ⚡️

发布时间 2024-02-21 02:37:08    来源


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Welcome to Electrified, it's your host Dylan Loomis, quick shout out to my newest patron, John W. Thank you for choosing to support the channel. Last week we touched on the graphite market heating up after those Chinese export controls and over the weekend, Saraw Resources started its active anode material production at its new facility in Vidalia, which is in Louisiana. This positioned Saraw as the first vertically integrated natural graphite supplier outside of China and from this facility in Louisiana, it's meant to supply Tesla. This chart from mining.com showed that in 2020, graphite made up 97% of the anode materials used in a lithium ion battery and they're predicting that by 2030, graphite will remain at 90%. Yes, silicon adoption could exceed expectations over the next few years, but the point remains graphite is not going anywhere. Plus, in terms of weight when it comes to lithium ion batteries, graphite is usually the largest component making up roughly 20 to 30%. But due to losses in the manufacturing process, it can take 30 times more graphite than lithium to actually make these batteries.

We touched a few times last week on Tesla finally making an appearance at some of these national auto shows both in the United States and in Canada, and here's a quick 5 second video of why that's most likely a good decision for Tesla. We got the Tesla China data for the week. It's almost not even worth covering though because this week it was predominantly covered by the Chinese New Year celebrations, which this year ran from February 10th to the 17th. With that in mind, the figure for the week was 2,600 and if you wanted to compare it to the same week in quarter four, that number was 16.3,000. So given the holiday shutdown for quarter one, Tesla has now fallen behind the best record quarter ever for China, which was quarter four. If you want a better comparison, quarter one of 2023 would work because the first seven weeks of that quarter did actually encapsulate part of the Chinese New Year. Thus, through the first seven weeks of quarter one in 2023, Tesla was at 47,135, meaning so far this year, Tesla is 14.3% ahead of that pace. I'm not sure what to make of this one and it was last week, but just so everybody is aware, China Finance News reporting that they learned from Tesla China, there is no Model Y facelift plan for the Chinese market this year. Keep in mind, Tesla China has already done a partial refresh of the Model Y. For example, they have the interior ambient lighting, but it's only in the front of the vehicle not for the back passengers. If there was any truth to that report, it's most likely just Tesla playing a sales game trying to avoid the Osborne effect. I'm still expecting a full refresh to Model Y from Giga Shanghai sometime later this year.
上周我们多次提到特斯拉最终在美国和加拿大的一些国际汽车展上露面的情况,以下是一个快速的5秒视频,说明为什么这对特斯拉很可能是一个明智的决定。我们获得了上周特斯拉在中国的数据。尽管这周主要是中国新年庆祝活动,这一周从2月10日持续到17日,几乎没有什么值得报道。这周销量仅为2,600辆,与去年第四季度同期的16.3万辆相比,这一数字几乎可以忽略不计。因此,鉴于第一季度的假期停工,特斯拉现在已经落后于中国有史以来最佳季度——第四季度。如果要更好地比较,可以看看2023年第一季度,因为那一季度的头七周确实涵盖了部分中国新年。因此,在2023年第一季度的前七周,特斯拉销量达到了47,135辆,这意味着今年到目前为止,特斯拉比那个速度领先了14.3%。关于上周我不确定,但是中国金融新闻报道称他们从特斯拉中国了解到,今年中国市场没有Model Y的翻新计划。请记住,特斯拉中国已经对Model Y进行了部分更新。例如,他们增加了车内氛围灯,但只在前排座位有,而后排座位没有。如果这个报道是真的,很可能只是特斯拉在玩一场销售游戏,试图避免奥斯本效应。我仍然预计上海吉利工厂将在今年晚些时候对Model Y进行全面更新。

On X, Tesla, Konami said it's a matter of if not when Tesla reaches between 10 to 20 million vehicles delivered per year. Replying to that, Elon said it will be a very hard climb to 10x output, doable, but it is an immense amount of work. From everything I read online, it seems like most Wall Street analysts have written off that 20 million unit per year number for Tesla, so if Elon still thinks it's doable and seemingly is striving for it, there's certainly still some alpha there over the next decade.

I'm sure most of you have seen over the weekend, Tesla's FSD version 12.2.1 is going out to Tesla employees and special groups for the first time. This build does include support for hardware for vehicles. And fast forward just one day, and we have FSD version 12 going out to randomly disperse groups of Tesla owners as well, not just influencers or special groups. AI driver shared a clip saying FSD v12 handles a large dip in the road. I've tested this exact scenario on nearly every version. This is the first time it's succeeded. He also posted a quick video saying FSD version 12 can make you turns, but the best part, there was...
我确定大多数人在周末看到了特斯拉的 FSD 版本 12.2.1首次发放给特斯拉员工和特殊群体。这个版本包括对车辆硬件的支持。仅仅过了一天,我们就看到 FSD 版本 12 开始随机分发给特斯拉车主,而不仅仅是对意见领袖或特殊群体。AI 驱动共享了一个视频,显示 FSD v12 处理了路上的大洼地。我几乎在每个版本上都测试了这种情况。这是它第一次成功。他还发布了一个快速视频,展示 FSD 版本 12 能够进行 U 形转弯,但最重要的是...

...a reply to this post from Paril Jain, the head of planning for Tesla's AI and optimus who said the best part, no dedicated effort went into, quote, let's make you turns work. So quite literally no programming, no custom written code for this specific scenario, just the neural nets actually watching other drivers do this maneuver and then deciding, hey, you know what, I can do this myself. That highlights what we've been talking about now for the better part of a year. Version 12 is going to be all about the rate of improvement. So the faster Tesla can roll out version 12 to a wide release, the more data it's going to collect, the more edge cases it can cover and the faster it can learn. It won't be limited by engineers having to write manual code for each and...

...every edge case, it's just feed more data of something similar so the car can learn on its own. It's certainly still worth pointing out that by and large, the auto wiper feature is still brutal. Two things of note as Arthur said on X, version 12 handles speed bumps perfectly and it performed a California roll through a stop sign meaning it did not come to a complete stop. On the other side of the coin though, Holmar said of this new version, disappointing. Very slow and hesitant compared to the previous version, found myself getting frustrated, could be typical new version cautiousness or the rain. Then he said...

...second drive painfully slow as well, both zero takeover drives but extremely slow and more jerky compared to the last build. Rain pretty heavy so could be a factor. Two things to keep in mind, first with new releases there can often times be new regressions, second when these releases go to a wider audience, sometimes Tesla will nerf certain features to make the system a bit more cautious, more careful because obviously more people have it that might be new to the system. I will say of all the early feedback I've read online, most of it is very positive, same thing, superhuman like Colin said Holmar's was not overhyping V12 if anything he's underhyping...

...A follower of Pete Trane's FSD said certain behaviors that consistently would make mistakes on version 11 are now just completed effortlessly. It also passed the wife test as she said there's something palpably different about this software. And at least for this anecdote, they did not notice any regressions. In response to Tesla girl on X highlighting Tesla's problem with auto wipers persisting, Yoon Tassai said the new improvement should go out soon. If you didn't know, Yoon is a senior staff engineer for Tesla AI.
一位Pete Trane 的 FSD 追随者说,某些在版本11上经常犯错误的行为现在仅仅轻松完成。他的妻子也通过了测试,她说这个软件有明显的不同之处。至少在这个轶事中,他们没有注意到任何倒退。对于特斯拉女孩在 X 上突出出现的特斯拉自动雨刮器问题,尤恩·塔赛表示新的改进应该很快出台。如果你不知道的话,尤恩是特斯拉AI的高级工程师。

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你们中的一些人可能知道我正在进行曝光隐身模式浏览的骗局。我是说,看看细则,就在这里。想想这个实际问题。每当你使用Wi-Fi时,不管是在家里、家人的家里、机场、酒店,该网络的管理员都能追踪到你的在线活动,即使你在隐身模式下。更糟糕的是,你的家庭互联网服务提供商可以看到和追踪你的在线活动,然后他们实际上可以将这些数据出售给广告商,而且他们还能逍遥法外。这只是我支持Surfshark VPN的部分原因,这个视频的赞助商。VPN加密了你的所有网络活动,使你的数据保持私密。Surfshark可在你的所有设备上运行,而且更好的是,一个账户可以保护整个家庭。非常容易使用,单击一下你的鼠标,几秒钟内就可以得到保护。Surfshark还可以帮你找到更好的飞机票和酒店优惠,解锁全球各地的新内容库。不知为何,我觉得人们认为VPN很昂贵,但事实并非如此。我们说的是每月少于一杯咖啡的价格。所以,如果你想支持这个频道,重拾你的隐私,你可以使用我的代码electrified,在surfshark.deals/electrified下获取额外三个月的免费服务,或者你可以直接在屏幕上使用QR码。

You Canadians be encouraged, Tesla scope was asking about FSD subscriptions for the Canadian market, Rohan Patel say looking into this one now, unless there are legal or other blockers I don't know about, we'll get this done. It gets better, drive Tesla asks, could you please look into annual premium connectivity subscriptions and Rohan said apologies for not looking into this sooner, we'll get better answers on this one as well. These simple messages highlight a much bigger story, one that is the adoption of Tesla's FSD does not have to be people paying 12 grand up front for a software they don't know much about, the subscription feature is a big deal and it's not available in that many markets. Yes, right now the Tesla configurator is only live for about 45 different countries around the world, say there's roughly 190 total, that's only about 23% of global countries that Tesla is actually selling vehicles into. Compare that with a company like Toyota who on their own website says that they have sales in countries and regions totaling 170 plus. Well Dylan, why isn't Tesla in more countries by now? Well one, before they enter a country successfully they need infrastructure to be set up, namely for charging. Tesla is still a relatively new company and this type of thing takes time but the point is there's a huge total addressable market for Tesla to still grow into.
加拿大人们,请振作起来!特斯拉的范围正在询问加拿大市场的FSD订阅服务,Rohan Patel表示正在调查这个问题,除非有我不知道的法律或其他障碍,我们会完成这项工作。更好的是,Drive Tesla询问说,你能否请查一下年度高级连接订阅,Rohan说抱歉没有及时查看这个问题,我们也会对这个问题提供更好的回答。这些简单的消息凸显了一个更大的故事,即接受特斯拉FSD并不需要人们一次性支付12,000美元购买他们不太了解的软件,订阅功能是一个重要的功能,但在目前许多市场尚不可用。是的,目前特斯拉的配置页面仅在全球约45个不同国家开放,全球总共约有大约190个国家,这仅占特斯拉实际销售车辆的全球国家的约23%。与丰田这样的公司相比,丰田在他们的网站上表示他们的销售业务遍布170多个国家和地区。那么Dylan,为什么特斯拉现在还没有进入更多的国家呢?首先,他们要成功进入一个国家,需要建立基础设施,尤其是充电设施。特斯拉仍然是一家相对年轻的公司,这种事情需要时间,但重点是特斯拉仍有巨大的潜在市场可以发展。

I saw two interesting takeaways from a new Tesla stock note from Morgan Stanley. They did a three question survey of 84 investors, part of the results, less than one in four of those surveyed C Tesla as a good way to play the AI theme. That just brings me to what I said over on X, this is what the market thinks Tesla is up here and most of us here know this is what Tesla really is. So if you ever need to explain to somebody what's going on with Tesla stock, well this is a great analogy and picture to use. The water may be receding slower than some would like but the time is coming when all of this is going to be revealed. One of the questions, where do you expect Tesla shares to bottom before the end of 2024? 48% said about $150. But get this another 20% said $100 and 7% said below $100. Only 25% think Tesla has already bottomed at $180. Now look, given that only 24% of people said yes they think Tesla is a good way to invest in the AI theme, I would not be putting any confidence into any of these predictions by this group of investors but understanding the sentiment out there can be of our advantage.

Cybertruck deliveries are expanding to new states, now we have Utah on the list and add North Carolina to the list while you're at it. This kid's reaction to just seeing the Cybertruck was too good not to share. There are now a total of 5 different colors for a Cybertruck PTF wrap but still this is only available from 4 locations in California. If for whatever reason you doubted the impact that the IRA has had so far, maybe this will change your mind. CATL is quite literally restructuring its entire company just to take advantage of IRA tax credits and to avoid being treated as an FEOC for an entity of concern. Now yes, officially CATL is saying this is to help it adapt to changes and to improve its decision making power. However, this restructuring is coming shortly after Biden actually released some of the requirements for what classifies as a foreign entity of concern. It's also true that Robin Zhang is the chairman of CATL who previously held over 25% of CATL shares but he has very close ties to the Chinese government. We also know that that joint venture between Ford and CATL that was earmarked for Michigan has been facing a ton of backlash because of concerns about Chinese ties. This wouldn't just be a big deal for Ford and CATL though, obviously CATL is a major supplier of Tesla which would greatly open up their optionality for battery supply in the North American market.
Cybertruck的交付正在向新的州扩展,现在我们的列表中有犹他州,还可以把北卡罗来纳州也加入其中。这个孩子看到Cybertruck时的反应太棒了,不分享一下可惜了。Cybertruck PTF包装现在总共有5种不同的颜色,但目前仅有4个加利福尼亚州的地点提供。如果出于某种原因您怀疑IRA迄今为止所产生的影响,也许这会改变您的看法。CATL正在彻底重组整个公司,以利用IRA税收优惠,并避免被视为受关注实体。现在CATL官方表示,这是为了帮助公司适应变化,提高决策能力。然而,在拜登实际发布了一些外国受关注实体的分类要求后,这一重组发生在此时。另外,CATL董事长Robin Zhang之前持有CATL超过25%的股份,但他与中国政府有着非常密切的联系。我们也知道,福特和CATL之间在密歇根州计划的合资企业由于涉及中国联系而面临大量批评。这不仅仅对福特和CATL来说是一个重大问题,显然CATL是特斯拉的主要供应商,这将极大地拓展他们在北美市场的电池供应选择。

According to an analysis by EV Data, Tesla is installing more charging plazas than any other company funded by the 2021 infrastructure law. Tesla has one almost 13% of all EV charging awards more than any other company. That's earned Tesla a total of more than $17 million in infrastructure grants. But there's a better story than just those numbers. Tesla is proposing stations that are bigger than what other companies are building. Meanwhile as we've known Tesla is building their stations at sharply lower costs.

Many states have tried to entice charging companies to pay for a higher percentage of the cost of building each station than the federal government requires. That requirement by the way is 20% meaning that's the amount the companies have to pay. Meaning if the total project bid was $100,000 whatever company gets that bid has to pony up at least $20,000 to qualify. However, more than other firms Tesla has refused to do so. Why is that? As we know Tesla doesn't really need this money, it's really just a cherry on top. The founder of EV Adoption said speaking of Tesla, they're just a machine. They have a massive team of suppliers and vendors. They can just get this done at the speed of light.
许多州试图诱使充电公司支付建设每个充电站成本的更高比例,超过联邦政府的要求。顺便说一句,要求的比例是20%,这意味着公司必须支付这个金额。也就是说,如果总项目投标为100,000美元,无论哪家公司得到该投标,都必须至少支付20,000美元才能符合资格。然而,与其他公司相比,特斯拉拒绝这样做。为什么呢?我们知道特斯拉实际上并不需要这笔钱,这只是锦上添花而已。EV Adoption的创始人说到特斯拉时表示,他们只是一台机器。他们有庞大的供应商和供应商团队,可以以光速完成这项工作。

Federal guidelines call for these locations to have at least four charging stalls, but in many cases Tesla is proposing 8 or 12. Despite that Tesla's average funding per site is $414.5,000 dramatically lower than most other suitors. Rather than giving in to the demands of the state to try to get more money, Tesla is capping its contribution at that 20%. Then the CEO of EV Adoption said their cost structure is just so much lower than everybody else. This is a case of the rich getting richer.
联邦指导方针要求这些地点至少有四个充电桩,但在许多情况下,特斯拉提议8或12个。尽管如此,特斯拉每个站点的平均资助为414.5万美元,远低于大多数其他竞标者。特斯拉并没有屈服于国家的要求,试图获得更多资金,而是将其贡献限制在20%。然后,EV Adoption的CEO表示,他们的成本结构比其他公司低得多。这是富者越富的情况。

It looks like Elon has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by Marius Nielsen, a politician from Norway. Part of the reason, Elon's adamant defense of dialogue, free speech and enabling the possibility to express one's views in a continuously more polarized world. He also applauded Starlink in places like Ukraine and Israel and he said the multitude of tech companies, Elon founded Owns or Runs, aimed at bettering societies, increasing knowledge of both Earth and Space in addition to enabling communication and connectivity globally has helped make the world a more connected and safer place.

A short list of nominees for this Nobel Peace Prize will be drawn together through March and then judges will review and nominees will be announced in October. The current administration seems to be backing off some of those tailpipe emissions regulations by 2030 in response to all of the public pushback. Under the revised final regulation expected to be made public as soon as next month, the EPA will slow the pace of its proposed yearly emissions requirements through 2030. The new pace is expected to result in EVs accounting for less than 60% of all vehicles produced by 2030, when before, of course, it was going to be more than 60%.

The revisions are expected to increase stringency more gradually and occur over a greater period of time. The new proposals remain under review and just a quick aside, they did say that Tesla officials had a separate White House meeting on February 9th. Among those lines, Tesla's policy advisor, Rohan Patel, said a few weeks ago, Lars and the Tesla engineering team hosted a broad set of government academic and non-governmental organization leaders. This safety research day was focused on Tesla safety advancements, both active and passive.
预计修订将更为逐渐地增加严格性,并将在更长的时间内进行。新的提议仍在审查中,顺便提一句,他们说特斯拉官员在2月9日与白宫进行了独立会议。在这些方面,特斯拉的政策顾问Rohan Patel在几周前表示,Lars和特斯拉工程团队邀请了政府、学术和非政府组织的领导人参加了一个广泛的活动。这一安全研究日聚焦于特斯拉在主动和被动安全方面的进展。

Rohan said we're most happy to share these learnings with regulators and researchers to get the maximum benefit for the public and not just Tesla owners. These are the types of things I wish the general public knew about Tesla. They're actually sharing all this information that it's learned in-house from its own testing and all of the iteration to then actually help the industry and ultimately other auto manufacturers to make their vehicles safer as well, making the roads a safer place for everybody.

Tesla club India said Tesla India seems to be gearing up to have its first Indian office space operational in Pune, India. The video is from a live films which makes corporate videos and ads. I think most of you have heard about this by now but in case you haven't, Elon posted on X, Tesla has been able to do real world video generation with accurate physics for about a year. It wasn't super interesting because all of the training data came from the cars, so it just looks like video from the Tesla, albeit with a dynamically generated not remembered world. We have been short on training compute for FSD so we haven't trained with other video but we certainly could. We'll do it later this year when we have some spare capacity. AKA, Elon thinks sometime later in 2024, Tesla will not be compute constrained when it comes to training FSD. On a space last night, Elon said in passing that spending between 2 to 4 billion dollars on AI compute this year to remain at the top of the field may jump to double digit billions by 2025. Clearly, if there's going to be one limitation for version 12 throughout 2024, it's obviously that Tesla is already training compute constrained and adding all of this extra video training data is not going to help the matter. So it could be until 2025 when they're not constrained where we start to see some pretty incredible progress. Clearly that doesn't mean that we're not going to see any progress from version 12 throughout this year, it's just something to keep in the back of your mind. And Tesla having this skill in its back pocket, the ability to do real world video generation should greatly help with those edge cases on FSD 12. Rather than waiting for a car in the real world to approach that random edge case time after time, they can just create that exact scene by inputting some text.
特斯拉印度俱乐部表示,特斯拉印度似乎正准备在印度普纳设立其第一个印度办公空间。该视频来源于一家制作企业视频和广告的实况电影公司。我认为大多数人现在都听说过这个消息,但以防万一你还没有听说过,埃隆在X上发布消息说,特斯拉已经能够在现实世界中生成精准物理效果的视频已经有一年时间了。由于所有的训练数据来自汽车,所以视频看起来就像来自特斯拉的视频,尽管世界是动态生成的而不是记忆中的。我们在自动驾驶整合(FSD)的训练计算方面不足,所以我们还没有与其他视频进行训练,但我们当然可以这么做。等到今年稍后我们有一些空余容量的时候我们会这么做。也就是说,埃隆认为在2024年稍后的某个时候,特斯拉在训练FSD时将不再受到计算限制。昨晚在一个场合上,埃隆顺便说今年在人工智能计算方面投入20亿到40亿美元,以保持行业领先地位,到2025年这个数字可能会增加到两位数的十亿。显然,如果2024年整个版本12将有一个限制,那显然是特斯拉已经受到训练计算的限制,而添加所有这些额外的视频训练数据并不会帮助解决这个问题。因此,直到2025年他们不受限制,我们才会开始看到一些非常惊人的进展。当然,这并不意味着我们在今年整个版本12中不会看到任何进展,这只是一个要记在心里的事情。特斯拉拥有这项技能,即在现实世界中生成视频,这应该会对FSD 12中的这些边缘案例有很大帮助。与其等待现实中的车辆一次又一次地遇到那种随机的边缘案例,他们可以通过输入一些文本来创建完全相同的场景。

The Rave Model 3 Plus reviews continue as it won the 2024 drive car of the year best urban EV under $100,000. This award is arguably the most hotly contested arena for EVs. This is a new category for 2024. Today, locals living near Gigabrelin have voted against plans to expand the facility in a non-binding public survey. There were 3,499 votes against and 1,882 in favor. This equated to a turnout of around 70% of the small settlement east of Berlin. Opponents of the expansion say part of the project will impact a water protection zone. Economic Minister York Steinbach said Tesla should try to approach the result as an opportunity to fine tune the plans. It shows that the scales tip considerably towards people's concerns and fears. I see the result of this vote also as a motivation for the local authorities and for Tesla to find conceptual solutions in the coming weeks and months for those concerns not yet assuaged. To be very clear that was not an official vote meaning the expansion is now dead, it was just a public survey to get a sentiment of how people are feeling about the project.
Rave Model 3 Plus的评论继续,因为它赢得了2024年度最佳城市电动车奖,售价低于10万美元。这个奖项可以说是电动车领域最激烈的竞争。这是2024年的一个新类别。今天,住在吉加布雷林附近的当地居民在一项非约束性的公共调查中投票反对扩建工厂的计划。有3499张反对票和1882张赞成票。这相当于柏林东部这个小聚居地约70%的投票率。反对者认为项目的一部分将影响水源保护区。经济部长约克·施泰因巴赫表示,特斯拉应该把这个结果视为一个微调计划的机会。这表明天平明显倾向于人们的担忧和恐惧。我认为这次投票结果也是对当地政府和特斯拉的一种激励,在未来几周和几个月内找到概念解决方案来解决尚未缓解的问题。要非常清楚的是,这并不是官方投票,意味着扩建计划现在已经取消,这只是一次公共调查,了解人们对项目的看法如何。

For my Australians, construction has begun on a 500 megawatt-hour battery energy storage project in partnership with Tesla in Queensland. What always makes these even sweeter is this is at the site of a former coal-fired power plant and the goal is to have the site energized by mid 2025. The sympathy strikes against Tesla in Sweden have now backfired on companies with collective agreements as ironic as that is. EF Metall convinced Hydro-extrusions, which by the way is a company with a collective agreement to fight against Tesla through these sympathy strikes. Now 20 Hydro-extrusions employees have been laid off. The aluminum supplier had some reservations about joining against Tesla in this strike and among its concerns was that Tesla could quickly replace the parts Hydro-extrusions produced with other suppliers. That's exactly what happened. We've already known this to be the case but on X Elon confirmed Tesla will never make a concept car that does not become reality. So over 10,000 of the cars used by Uber and Lyft in New York City are now electric. That's 12% of the total fleet of the two ride hailing companies. This means the drive transition in both fleets is happening faster than expected.
针对澳大利亚人,特斯拉与昆士兰州合作,开始建设一个500兆瓦小时的电池储能项目。更令人振奋的是,这个项目是在一座曾经的燃煤发电厂的基地上进行的,目标是在2025年中旬让该地点通电。在瑞典对特斯拉的同情罢工中,现在反过来损害了拥有集体协议的公司,这种讽刺更是让人啼笑皆非。 EF Metall说服了Hydro-extrusions公司,后者是一家有集体协议的公司,通过这些同情罢工来对抗特斯拉。现在,已有20名Hydro-extrusions员工被裁员。这家铝供应商有一些顾虑参与这场罢工,其中之一就是担心特斯拉会迅速用其他供应商替代Hydro-extrusions生产的零件。这正是所发生的。我们早已知道这是事实,而埃隆(Elon)也证实了特斯拉永远不会打造一个不会成为现实的概念车。如今,纽约市Uber和Lyft使用的超过10,000辆车现在已实现了电动化,占这两家乘车共享公司总车队的12%。这意味着两家公司车队的电动化转型正在比预期更快地进行。

Spitting in the face of Kia, some dealerships are marking up Kia EV9s by up to $7,000 over MSRP. It's not happening at all dealerships but clearly at some and Kia was already offering to pay dealers $2,000 for every EV9 delivery that went smoothly. The dealership model remains broken. Some people were surprised by this. Ford has cut the prices of the Mach-E between $3,000 and $8,000 but after it lost the $3,750 tax credit at the end of last year, it really did not stand a chance against the Model Y if it didn't add some sort of incentive. Ford credit is also offering 0% financing for 72 months to qualified buyers, plus a $7,500 cash incentive on leased vehicles. Ford did say it wants to make way for the 2024 Mach-E and now the Mach-E starts at $39,800. Over the weekend VW unveiled the new ID7 Tour but this is only going to be for the European market at least to start. So far they said they have no plans to bring this to the United States.
有些经销商在Kia面前毫不羞耻,将Kia EV9的价格高出市场建议零售价高达$7,000。虽然并非所有经销商都这么做,但显然有些经销商是这样的,而Kia已经提议为每一辆交付顺利的EV9给予经销商$2,000的奖励。经销商模式依然存在问题。一些人对此感到惊讶。福特已将Mach-E的价格调低了$3,000至$8,000,但在去年末失去了$3,750的税收抵免后,如果没有添加某种激励措施,Mach-E实际上不可能抵挡住Model Y的竞争。福特信贷也为符合条件的购买者提供为期72个月的0%融资,还有在租车方面的$7,500现金激励。福特表示,他们希望为2024年的Mach-E让路,现在Mach-E的起售价为$39,800。在周末,大众推出了新的ID7 Tour,但这只会在欧洲市场推出,至少一开始是这样。到目前为止,他们表示没有计划将此车型引入美国。

We finally got some info on the 2024 Acura ZDX which yes is going to be on GM's Altium platform. It'll start at $65,000 just higher than the Lyric which starts right under $60,000. The base A-Spec has a 102kWh battery pack and estimated to give 325 miles of range in the rear wheel drive version and 315 for all wheel drive. The ZDX is set to arrive at US dealerships early this spring. Tesla is asking for help yet again when it comes to the nonsense taking place in Oklahoma. These are detrimental bills that could jeopardize Tesla's ability to continue to operate galleries in Oklahoma. If passed these bills could put Tesla locations and Oklahoma jobs at risk. The proposal would ban educational and informational activities about Tesla and its products. As far as I can tell from that hearing it actually passed by a vote of 10-3. So the bill has now passed the Senate and Tesla is asking for help to try to vote it down in the house.
我们最终获得了有关2024年Acura ZDX的一些信息,是的,它将采用通用汽车的Altium平台。起价为65,000美元,比起价不到60,000美元的Lyric要高一些。基础款A-Spec配备了102kWh电池组,预计后驱版本续航里程为325英里,四驱版本为315英里。ZDX计划于今年春天初抵达美国经销商处。特斯拉再次请求帮助处理奥克拉何马发生的荒谬事件。这些是可能危及特斯拉继续在奥克拉何马经营陈列室能力的有害法案。如果通过,这些法案可能会危及特斯拉在奥克拉何马的位置和工作岗位。这项提案将禁止有关特斯拉及其产品的教育和信息活动。据我在听证会上了解到的情况,它实际上以10-3的投票通过了。所以这项法案现在已经通过了参议院,特斯拉请求帮助尝试在众议院投票否决它。

In Oklahoma right now Tesla's workaround has been having these galleries. They can't actually have sales there but they can talk to customers about the products then the customer can actually place an order online. But now clearly Oklahoma is not done trying to get Tesla out of the state entirely. Look the truth is no matter what happens here Tesla is going to find a workaround like it always does and the silver lining. The fact that these politicians in Oklahoma are spending so much time trying to keep Tesla out of the state by any means necessary just goes to show how much of a threat Tesla really is. Just a PSA to those of you in Oregon the EV rebate incentive may come back later this year in case you didn't know. This week we were waiting to hear about South Korea and EV incentives for Tesla. Well they decided to reduce those financial incentives for buyers of the Model Y. The rebate has effectively been cut in half from 3.8 thousand US dollars down to 1.4 thousand. This one is bound to be interesting. According to Auto Week GM is now rushing to get new plug-in hybrid EV variants of the Chevy Silverado and GM CC era to market as quickly as possible in a new crash program. Pretty interesting choice of words for a vehicle.
特斯拉目前在俄克拉荷马州的解决办法是设立这些展廊。他们实际上不能在那里进行销售,但他们可以与客户讨论产品,然后客户可以在网上下订单。但现在很明显,俄克拉荷马州并没有打算就此放弃赶走特斯拉。事实是,无论在这里发生什么,特斯拉都会像往常一样找到解决办法,这也是一线希望。俄克拉荷马州的政客们花费大量时间尽一切手段试图把特斯拉赶出州外,这只表明特斯拉真的是多么的威胁。提醒俄勒冈州的人,可能在今年晚些时候将恢复EV折扣激励措施,以防你不知道。本周我们正在等待关于韩国和特斯拉的EV激励措施的消息。他们决定减少为Model Y购买者提供的财政奖励。该奖励实际上已经从3.8千美元减少到1.4千美元。这个情况肯定会很有趣。根据《汽车周刊》的报道,通用汽车公司正在紧急推出雪佛兰Silverado和GM CC era的新插电混动车型,以便尽快推向市场。对于一辆车来说,选择这些词汇确实很有趣。

GM was trying to hold strong there publicly saying that they were fully committed to a full BEV future but now behind the scenes they're capitulating just like Ford and apparently shifting focus to plug-in hybrids. Now the thing is we knew that this was coming but publicly GM was saying that they're just going to do it casually as they need to to meet their emissions requirements which by the way are being loosened as we speak. But now we're learning if this report is true that GM is rushing to bring these vehicles to the market. Why? Maybe it's because their full BEVs are not coming online as soon as they expected. Top gear just put out a video with the Lucid Gravity SUV. I would show you some but they're notorious for copyright claims so it'll be linked below if you're interested.
通用汽车公司曾公开表示他们完全致力于全电动车的未来,但如今在幕后他们也开始像福特一样屈服,显然将重点转向插电式混合动力车型。我们早就知道这种变化会发生,但公开上,通用汽车一直声称他们只会做一些必要的事情来满足排放要求,而顺便提一句,这些要求正在放宽中。但现在我们得知,如果这份报道属实的话,通用汽车正急于将这些车型推向市场。为什么呢?也许是因为他们的全电动车没能如他们预期的那样迅速上线。Top gear刚刚发布了一段关于露骑士Gravity SUV的视频。我想分享一些内容,但是他们以侵权为名声名狼藉,如果你有兴趣,视频链接将在下方提供。

Tesla stock closed the day at $193.76 per share after dipping down to $189 intraday while the NASDAQ was down 0.92%. It was an average volume day for Tesla trading about 4 million shares below the average 30 day volume. Now for whatever reason people are making these headlines in video dethroning Tesla as Wall Street's most traded stock as this being somehow a good thing for Nvidia and a bad thing for Tesla. I'm not so sure that's the case. Ultimately more trading means more volatility thanks to more derivatives and more attention on the stock which yes can mean bigger swings to the upside but it means the same thing on the downside. Translation, if you don't like volatility this is actually a good thing for Tesla stock holders. Don't forget check out Surfshark linked below literally just a few dollars every month in my opinion it's a screaming value. Hope you guys have a wonderful day. Please like the video if you did. You can find me on X linked below and a huge thank you to all of my patreon supporters.