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Farley: "Elon Doesn't Like You" / Ford Admits to Causing Problems / TSLA Stock Analysis ⚡️

发布时间 2024-02-06 00:30:06    来源


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Welcome to Electrified, it's your host Dylan Loomis, quick shout out to my newest patrons, Gary S. and Bill H. Thank you for choosing to support the channel.
欢迎来到《电动汽车精选》,我是主持人迪伦·卢米斯,在此向我最新的赞助人Gary S.和Bill H.致以快速问候。感谢你们选择支持这个频道。

Just FYI, for today's video, I will be going a bit quicker than usual as I have an event that I need to get to later tonight.

To clear it up, there was some misinformation out there over the weekend about this form, for that was filed on behalf of Drew Baglino, in which he gifted, not sold, 38.1,000 Tesla shares, to a CRT or a charitable remainder trust.
为了澄清一些误解,上周有关这份文件的一些错误信息,该文件是代表Drew Baglino提交的,他将38.1万股特斯拉股票赠送给了一个CRT(慈善余额信托),而不是出售。

In case CRTs are not on your radar, oftentimes the grantor, in this case, Drew would pick a charity and a non-charitable beneficiary. A CRT is indeed irrevocable, meaning Drew could not pull those Tesla shares back later, even if he wanted to.
如果你对 CRTs 不了解的话,通常情况下,出资人(在这个案例中是Drew)会选择一个慈善机构和一个非慈善受益人。CRT确实是不可撤销的,这意味着即使Drew想要,他也无法后悔并收回那些特斯拉股份。

Typically, these are set up so the non-charitable beneficiary can actually receive income from this trust for a set period of time, then after that period of time, the charitable organization actually would receive the remainder of the funds.

Thus, with a CRT, you can give money to charity, get an upfront tax deduction, and also give income to a chosen beneficiary for a set period of time, all at once.

Naturally, folks were out there trying to decipher what this means for Tesla stock going forward. My response would be absolutely nothing. It was only about $7 million worth of Tesla stock, personally, I would not read into it at all.

Over the weekend, lip-site on X shared an image that Tesla is yet again offering FSD transferability if you buy a new Tesla before March 31st, 2024. It also said this vehicle is eligible for a one-time free supercharging transfer, if taking delivery before the same time.

Before I go any further with this one, I need to make this very clear. This is an evolving situation as I record this right now. There's a lot of conflicting information out there from different customers and different geographies, getting different answers from different Tesla reps.

The latest from Drive Tesla Canada confirms FSD transfers are now also available in Canada and it's valid on purchases for the Model 3+. DTC is also confirming that you don't have to trade in your vehicle with free supercharging miles or FSD. You can keep that vehicle. Tesla will just remove those features from that vehicle and transfer it to the new one.
最新的消息来自Drive Tesla Canada证实,加拿大现在也可以进行FSD(完全自动驾驶)的过户,并且在购买Model 3+时可以享受这项服务。DTC还证实,您不必通过交换车辆来获得免费超级充电里程或FSD。您可以保留原有车辆,特斯拉只会从这辆车上移除这些功能,并将其转移到新车上。

This delivery deadline of March 31st definitely makes this a demand lever that Tesla is pulling. It should be noted though, the last time Tesla offered this FSD transfer, they also had a deadline, but Tesla did allow some FSD transfers for deliveries made after the deadline. I would not bank on that leniency again, but delivery deadlines are oftentimes out of the customer's control.

Go ahead and pause and zoom in if you'd like. Here's the FSD transfer agreement. Again, this is a developing story, but the word is for all of North America, for all of the sexy lineup, both FSD and free lifetime supercharging mile transfers are now back if you take delivery before March 31st, 2024.

The word is existing orders currently in the backlog are indeed eligible, and I'm sure a lot of you have got the text that you can get an additional $1000 off if you are a Cybertruck reservation holder.

The last time Tesla offered this FSD transfer, they said it was a one time only thing. Clearly that program had a lot of success and they fired it up again.

Meyer shared a chart that I think is very important for Tesla investors to understand, but full disclosure, I don't agree with his statement that a rematch with a $105 Tesla price is likely, although sure I would say it's of course possible.

What we have here is Tesla stock price in this blue line that I'm following on the screen currently, and then we're also going to focus on the earnings per share revision trends for Tesla stock. The red line here is the consensus for 2025, and the light blue line here is the consensus for 2024.

Thus we have Tesla's EPS expectations for 2024, sitting at about $3.40. What Meyer was highlighting was that when Tesla stock was down around $100 per share at the end of 2022, Tesla's consensus EPS also at the end of 2022 was about $4.

Yes, this is a great chart to understand, but please do not go making dogmatic proclamations because if you look at Tesla's consensus 2023 EPS at the end of 2023, Tesla stock was around $260 per share. Plus, toward the end of the year, these consensus estimates are very close to being actual since they're only waiting on one more quarter of data.

One more counterpoint to argue against the notion that because our EPS consensus is lower than where it was when Tesla stock was all the way down at $100 per share, look at Tesla's consensus estimates for 2021 that were around $1.90. At that time, Tesla stock was literally up near an all time high around $400 per share.

Truthfully, if that chart teaches us anything, it's that trying to predict any short term stock movement, short term being within 12 months, really is a fool's errand no matter what data you're looking at.

That said, I think having the context that Tesla stock for a few years was in a phase of constant EPS revisions upward and they have since shifted to a phase of EPS revisions downward. Thus, it would be fair to reason that until this downward trend of Tesla EPS revisions stabilizes and then hopefully resumes an upward trajectory, it will be very difficult for Tesla to even re-approach some of its prior all time highs.

If now, Wall Street is only expecting Tesla to grow earnings by 10-20% per year instead of 30-50% that some were expecting before. Of course, over time we should expect Tesla's PE to compress and come back closer to some of the other MAG7 companies which have been trading with PE's between 28 and 35. This is not a price target and absolutely no guarantees this would ever happen, but if you take Tesla's 2025 expected EPS, multiply it by a PE of 30, that would be roughly $135 Tesla stock.

In case you're new, I do not condone obsessing over short term stock metrics, but I do think that understanding these concepts can help you be a better investor in the long run.

We did get a new Tesla stock note from Piper Sandler who historically has had very reasonable and cogent takes on Tesla stock. After earnings and looking at the 10k, they now think Tesla will deliver 1.93 million vehicles this year versus their previous estimate of 2.18 million. That's only 7% year over year implied growth. They said more price cuts may be necessary and thus they expect auto gross margins X credits to fall 110 basis points year over year to 16.6%.

Most importantly, they said we are no less bullish on Tesla's multi-year prospects. They said we think Tesla aired in prioritizing Cybertruck over a cheaper vehicle with wider appeal. They're not expecting the next gen vehicle to debut until the fourth quarter of 2025, so they're expecting slower volume growth for this. They've dropped their price target from 295 down to 225.
最重要的是,他们说我们对特斯拉未来几年的前景一点也不悲观。他们认为特斯拉在优先选择 Cybertruck 而不是一款更便宜、吸引更广泛的车型上是正确的。他们预计下一代车型将于2025年第四季度才推出,因此预计销量增长将较为缓慢。由于这些原因,他们将股价目标从295降至225。

Speaking of 2024 EPS cuts, Piper Sandler just reduced theirs to $2.95 from $4.70.

This article was shared over the weekend, but if you actually read the article, you realize we should probably be taking our foot off the accelerator. A professor from Johns Hopkins did an analysis on that Talon Metals mine we talked about last week, saying it could theoretically net more than $26 billion in subsidies just through federal tax credits. He said one of the largest beneficiaries would be battery manufacturers that used Talon's nickel, which could secure more than $8 billion in credits. About half of that could go to the EV giant Tesla. He added American consumers could enjoy nearly $18 billion.
这篇文章在周末被分享,但如果你真的读了这篇文章,你会意识到我们可能应该放慢速度。约翰霍普金斯大学的一位教授对我们上周谈到的Talon Metals矿山进行了分析,并表示通过联邦税收抵免,它理论上可以获得超过260亿美元的补贴。他说,其中最大受益者之一将会是使用Talon镍的电池制造商,他们可以获得超过80亿美元的抵免。其中大约有一半可能会流向电动汽车巨头特斯拉。他还补充说,美国消费者可以享受近180亿美元的好处。

Naturally, people were loving this assessment, but if you read on, these numbers assume that every company and customer qualifies for every tax credit available at each point along the supply chain. In other words, these are high-end estimates meant to lay out the potential of this plan, not showing what is likely to happen from this plan. I would also add these figures are dependent on one Talon actually finding some ore to mine. There are no guarantees. And two, when they do find the ore, how much nickel is actually going to be in it. Talon could also change its plans at any time.
自然而然,人们对此评估感到满意,但如果你继续阅读,这些数字假定每家公司和每个顾客都有资格获取供应链上每一环节提供的每个税收减免。换句话说,这些是高估,旨在展示该计划的潜力,而不是显示该计划可能发生的情况。我还要补充说,这些数字还取决于 Talon 公司是否能够真正找到一些矿石来开采。没有任何保证。而且,当他们真的找到矿石时,其中到底含有多少镍仍然未知。Talon公司也可能随时更改计划。

And if Talon does find some ore to mine, let's not forget the actual mining process, then it has to be approved, which could take a few years. The law does specify that a company has to convert nickel into a highly refined form known as nickel sulfate or process the metal to at least 99% purity by mass to be eligible for tax credits that cover 10% of the operating cost. Then from there, the nickel would still need to be processed and mixed with other metals to produce the cathode active materials that go into a battery. Meaning yes, some share of those subsidies from these two tax credits might go to Tesla.

Tesla is in the midst of finishing up its own cathode facility in Austin, and we know it's going to begin refining lithium so maybe in the future they'll refine nickel as well. It's absolutely true that if this Talon metals mine comes through in the future, Tesla stands to be a major beneficiary. I just needed to add some context to that $4 billion number, saying it's definitely on the high side and it's not a guarantee.

Over the weekend, Elon was out with some friends at the Lola premiere. Maybe you're gonna fire a fat TV, okay. No word yet on what companies.

It appears as though somebody sent Sawyer a screenshot that Tesla is now advertising on X in Japan. After the Q4 call, we knew something like this would be coming and I agree Tesla should be advertising off the X platform as well, which they are, but don't forget the Japanese have a massive presence on X.

Australia just set some new emissions reduction targets for next year. Starting January 1st, 2025 car companies must sell enough low or zero emission vehicles or buy emissions credits from other car makers which have met the targets to offset the biggest polluters in their model lineups and avoid paying fines. Every year, the CO2 emissions target for each manufacturer is reduced making it harder to meet.

On the flip side, car companies that do meet the targets are in line to earn credits, which they can sell or trade with brands which do not meet the standards. The government says its proposal would see Australia catch up with fleet emission standards in the United States around 2028. Car makers will have to meet an average across their fleet. This is not a restriction on what Australians can buy.

Today, we also had SAP, Europe's biggest software company to stop offering Tesla vehicles to its employees. This in response to Tesla's repeated price cuts, they said Tesla's prices are fluctuating more than other manufacturers, complicating planning and increasing risks. SAP did clarify it had never offered Tesla's two employees in Germany, its biggest market for company cars, the brand made up a small portion of the company's global fleet. It's true, price cuts do have consequences on the back end, specifically for companies that have to manage that depreciation. I don't think this is a big deal for Tesla. The most recent data I could find had the SAP Global Fleet at 27,000 cars, and again, they said Tesla made up a small portion of that. Don't forget, SAP has announced that starting in 2025, all new vehicles ordered as company cars will be emission free. So if Tesla prices can stabilize by then, we'll see if SAP can stick to this no Tesla policy.

In case you're in Minnesota, get ready as their new EV rebate program launches February 7th, completed applications will be reviewed on a first come first serve basis. If this applies to you, go ahead and pause for the details.

Dartmouth College just said it's looking to replace half of its Department of Safety and Securities fleet with the Tesla Model Y. They said this was inspired by the adoption of Tesla vehicles by municipal police departments in New England. Definitely cool, but I went to look up the fleet size we're talking about and they're going to introduce four Tesla Model Ys while maintaining three Ford vehicles.
达特茅斯学院刚刚表示,他们计划用特斯拉Model Y取代其安全与安保部门一半的车队。他们表示这受到了新英格兰地区市政警察部门采用特斯拉汽车的启发。确实很酷,但我想查一下我们正在讨论的车队规模,结果他们将引入四辆特斯拉Model Y同时保留三辆福特汽车。

If you followed electrified last year, you will have heard me say that at some point there's most likely an economic reckoning coming for China. Well, the cracks are widening. Here we have foreign investors selling $2 billion worth of mainland China shares just in January. That marks the strongest and longest net outflow in a decade. Now they're calling for forceful actions to prop up the stock market while at the same time suspending stock borrowing via exchanges for short selling. They're also loosening conditions for property purchases in Shanghai. Let's not forget what happened here in 2008. Of note, one of the most sold names was BYD. Nearly 30% of all stocks in China have been halted as their CSI 1000 index slid 8% in a few hours. This means the small cap stocks are getting hammered. Nikkei Asia saying in the aftermath of the bursting housing bubble in China, it could take more than five years for the country to shed excess stock. China's shrinking population is not going to help. Trying to understand how bad things get for China economically this year is obviously going to have an impact on Tesla's operations there.

According to documents from the DMV, it turns out Apple tested its self-driving car more than ever in 2023, logging over, get this, 450,000 miles of autonomous driving in California. That number was almost four times what Apple did the year prior. It may be growth, but this is still a pretty insignificant number.

In the United States, Tesla has raised the price of the Model 3 Plus long-range version by $1,000. Currently it sits at $46,990. This is clearly an indication that demand is outpacing supply, but there are two factors to this equation, so yes it could mean higher demand. Yes it could also mean that new production out of Fremont is slower than Tesla was expecting. For what it's worth, Troy Tesla has been saying that so far this year, Model 3 production at Fremont has been slower than expected.
在美国,特斯拉将Model 3 Plus长续航版的价格上调了1,000美元,目前定价为46,990美元。这显然表明需求超过了供应,但这个问题有两个因素,因此可能意味着需求增加。同时,这也可能意味着弗里蒙特工厂的新生产速度比特斯拉预期的要慢。对此,特斯拉的特洛伊一直表示,今年迄今为止,弗里蒙特工厂的Model 3生产速度比预期要慢。

Lamborghini is now planning to reduce carbon emissions by 40% per car by 2030, but they're looking to do this across the entire value chain, including the plant, the cars, everything. Lamborghini also plans to launch its first full electric model, the Land's Adore in 2028, then one year later launch a full electric super SUV.

Elon may be moving forward with yet another venture on X posting, should I make the Texas Institute of Technology and Science real, it would of course have advanced social studies too.

Today the chairman of Stellantis shot down any rumors that they were planning to merge with Renault. Ford executives acknowledged the automaker has caused pain points for dealers and promised to adapt its transition to EVs in response. Ford's comment was a general statement about multiple issues that have led to falling dealer satisfaction scores. Ford was talking to their U300 which is made up of dealers selling fewer than 300 vehicles annually, and roughly half the company's 3000 US dealers are in that group. Jim Farley said EVs are risky for the automaker and its dealers and he had anticipated the company would not make the transition flawlessly. He promised to continue adjusting its EV certification
process to better support dealers.

According to one attendee, Jim Farley said Tesla CEO Elon Musk does not like you or our model, and we will continue to support you. This after Farley said that Ford bet on its retail network rather than a direct to consumer model like Tesla uses. Remember last week when I said dealers have a lot of sway over companies specifically talking about GM? Well here's Exhibit B.

Glee has launched 11 low earth orbit satellites and they expect 72 to be in orbit by 2025 and eventually have plans for a constellation of 240. These satellites will provide high precision positioning support to self driving cars as well as other commercial functions like connectivity to the consumer electronics sector.

Hyundai's North American CEO said I'm more confident and have a much clearer vision on how we should do this referring to the Amazon partnership where consumers can now buy Hyundai vehicles through Amazon. They're still in the pilot program only but Hyundai did make its first vehicle delivery to an Amazon employee in Seattle. Hyundai said we're working with NADA, the National Auto Dealers Association because they see this is happening in the industry. It's not a one dealer or two dealers or one franchise. This is an evolution of the sales in the industry.

We recently talked about Weamo applying for expansion in San Francisco and LA but they may be running into some challenges. There is legislation in California that was introduced that would require self driving services to be authorized by a local ordinance in each city and county where the service operates. Right now autonomous vehicle deployments are actually regulated at the state level. This proposal Senate bill 915 would return control to the local communities who know their streets the best. And yes, we can probably thank crews and their debacles for this new legislation being introduced. If this bill were to be passed in Weamo's case, it would mean it would need dozens of municipalities to pass ordinances to bring expansion plans to fruition. Deliberations on this bill could begin this week but would likely not receive a vote until later in the year. As it stands now, the PUC has until February 20th to approve, deny, or suspend Weamo's application.

Here we have the first ever Saudi made lucid electric vehicle that's equipped with the drone and AI tech on display at the World Defense Show. This EV is going to start being used within the fleet of security patrol vehicles in Saudi Arabia. The drone will work to fly in photograph places where criminal problems occur. They're also touting this vehicle having other AI tech like a light bar that has six cameras aimed at recognizing faces and identifying license plates of vehicles violating traffic regulations like being over the speed limit, parking incorrectly, or vehicles with expired registrations.

We talked about it last week but Rivian has made it official on X get ready to meet the R2 platform on March 7th. This is that event that's supposed to take place at Laguna Beach in California.

Hertz has now paused plans to buy tens of thousands of EVs from Polestar this year. Between 2022 and 2023, Polestar sold about 13,000 EVs to Hertz. Polestar has now agreed to wave Hertz's requirement to buy its allocated number of cars this year. In return, Hertz is agreeing not to sell its current Polestar vehicles early or too cheaply. They said there's a clear intention to restart large-scale sales to Hertz in the future but the two companies would have to review at the time whether a sales restart in earnest in 2025 makes sense.

Last week we talked about the 2025 Taycon and some of the new peak charging speeds. Well, shortly after that a charging curve came out. We definitely still need more real world tests. We need people like Kyle Connor to get his hands on this vehicle. I'm sure he will. And the question can be posed if you're charging a battery over 300 kilowatts all the way up to around 60% state of charge. Will that have any negative long-term impacts on the battery health when it comes to cycle life? Oftentimes in the battery world everything is a trade-off. It's very early but initial reviews of the 2025 Taycon are looking very promising.
上周我们谈论了2025年的泰康(Taycon)以及一些新的最高充电速度。不久之后,一个充电曲线发布出来了。我们当然还需要更多的真实世界测试。我们需要像Kyle Connor这样的人来试驾这辆车。我相信他会这样做的。问题是,如果你将电池充电超过300千瓦,一直充到大约60%的电量,会对电池的循环寿命和健康有任何负面影响吗?在电池领域,往往一切都是一种取舍。现在还很早,但对2025年泰康的初步评价看起来非常有希望。

A new report from Tesla that came out thanks to a Freedom of Information Act request showed that Tesla has 140 fewer employees at Giga New York than it did at the end of January 2023. Current employment at the factory where they manufacture things like the solar roof, superchargers, adapters and the like has 1,800 nate employees which is comfortably exceeding their minimum requirement for those state funds. That number is 1,460 jobs that Tesla has to stay above to avoid that $41.2 million penalty.

Don't forget we also have that dojo expansion project for Giga New York that may be up and running as soon as this summer that will undoubtedly add some more employment. We may have Ferrari actually benchmarking a Model S plaid at its marinello factory based on this image. Right now Ferrari has really been focused on hybrids. However they did mention a full electric vehicle sometime around 2025.
不要忘记,我们还有吉卡纽约道场扩展项目,可能在今年夏季开始运营,这无疑会增加一些就业机会。根据这张图片,法拉利可能会在马利内洛工厂对Model S plaid进行基准测试。目前,法拉利真正关注的是混合动力车型。不过,他们提到在2025年左右可能会推出一款全电动汽车。

Tesla stock closed the day at $181.06 per share down 3.65% while the Nasdaq was down 0.2%. NVIDIA's Terra continues the only green company on our auto and AI list. They were up 4.79% today. It was also a high volume day for Tesla trading around 24 million shares above the average 30 day volume.

Hope you guys have a wonderful day. You can find me on X linked below. Please like the video if you did and a huge thank you to all of my patreon supporters.
希望你们今天过得愉快。你可以在下面提供的 X 上找到我。如果你喜欢这个视频,请给它点赞。非常感谢所有赞助我的 patreon 支持者们。