Elon Not Messing Around / Is Polestar Done? / MKBHD Hypes Tesla ⚡️
发布时间 2024-02-02 01:24:14 来源
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Yo, I'm impressed. I am very very impressed with this car right here. This is the Tesla Model 3 the 2024 refresh A lot of people are calling it a highland. That's not actually in the name, but this car I've only been testing it for maybe a week now But I've noticed a lot of little things different the main way you're gonna be able to tell this car different from the already very popular Model 3 that's out is a new distinctive angular headlights the new point to your face But there's a lot more that's new to this car that sort of add up to me to feel like Honestly a worthy flagship I know the Model S is you know higher end and it has the plaid variant and all the performance and all that fun stuff But this is the this is the car that people are going to know and see the most often as a Tesla It's model 3 in the model why so you could argue this is their most important car and it kind of feels now like a mini Model S
哟,我印象深刻。我对这辆车非常非常印象深刻。这是特斯拉Model 3,2024年的更新款。很多人称之为“高地”(highland)。虽然这个名字实际上不包括在内,但我只测试了一周,但我已经注意到了很多小细节的区别。与已经非常受欢迎的旧款Model 3相比,你最容易看到的区别是一款新的独特的棱角分明的大灯。但这辆车还有很多其他的新特点,让我觉得它真的是一款值得引以为傲的旗舰车型。我知道Model S是高端车型,有“Plaid”变种和所有性能方面的乐趣等等。但是这辆车是特斯拉最常见、最受人们关注的车型,也是Model 3和Model Y中见得最多的车型,所以你可以说这是他们最重要的车型,它现在感觉起来像是一辆迷你的Model S。
Welcome to electrified. It's your host Dylan Loomis quick shout out to my newest patrons Nick M and John M Thank you for choosing to support the channel Tesla just announced on we chat that the model why out of Shanghai is finally going to get hardware 4 So these vehicles will join the model s and x globally as well as the model y from other regions Tesla has tried to keep which vehicles actually have hardware 4 and hardware 3 somewhat under wraps But as far as we know the model 3 plus doesn't need have hardware 4 the hardware 4 update turned out to be not as Crucial as we were thinking it would be for some time Mostly because of this post from Elon last summer when he said hardware 4 software will lag hardware 3 by at least another Six months as our focus needs to be on getting FSD on hardware 3 working super well and provided internationally However in the Chinese market one of the most common complaints against Tesla is that they don't Refresh or update their vehicles enough especially relative to the rest of the competition So this is something that Tesla will be able to market as a semi upgrade. It's true that in North America All hardware 4 vehicles have FSD beta if of course that customer has paid for it It's just we now know that hardware 4 is not going to be required to operate full autonomy in the future Hardware 3 will be capable enough according to Elon and Tesla
欢迎来到电动化时代。我是主持人迪伦·卢米斯,特别感谢最新的赞助者尼克M和约翰M选择支持这个频道。特斯拉刚刚在微信上宣布,上海生产的Model Y最终将配备硬件4。这些车辆将与全球的Model S和Model X以及其他地区的Model Y一起销售。特斯拉一直试图保密哪些车辆实际上配备了硬件4和硬件3。但据我们所知,Model 3 Plus不需要硬件4。硬件4的更新结果并不像我们之前想象的那样关键,主要是由于去年夏天埃隆发布的这篇帖子中说,硬件4的软件至少要比硬件3滞后六个月,因为我们的重点需要放在让硬件3的FSD功能运行得非常出色,并提供国际服务。然而,在中国市场,对特斯拉最常见的抱怨之一就是他们的车辆更新不够频繁,尤其相对于其他竞争对手来说。因此,这个半升级将成为特斯拉可以进行营销的一个亮点。在北美,所有搭载硬件4的车辆,只要顾客已付费购买,就可以享受FSD测试版。我们现在知道,未来实现完全自动驾驶不需要硬件4,硬件3已经足够强大,埃隆和特斯拉都有这样的观点。
this one did not take long at all Elon said the public vote is unequivocally in favor of Texas Tesla will move immediately to hold a shareholder vote to transfer state of incorporation to Texas if you've been on X the past few days It's clear as day that Elon's been very frustrated with what happened in Delaware And we know that he does not play a game. So this should be no surprise I did find this the Texas governor last year signed legislation to create the Texas business court to hear commercial cases worth more than $5 or 10 million Depending on the type of dispute Specialized state and federal courts are not unusual in the US But in business matters Delaware and New York state law remain preeminent Texas advocates However, believe they cannot only build from scratch a court to challenge the incumbents But it's a worthy use of their resources to do so over the past two years Texas has seen a big influx of corporations moving their headquarters or operations to the state due to lower taxes cheap worker housing and minimal regulation the goal of this new court is to over time build a respected case law where precedent decisions demonstrate sound legal reasoning this chart from the financial times show that of current fortune 500 companies the overwhelming majority are domiciled in Delaware critics in Texas of the new court have worried that it may tilt too sharply towards Corporate interests and that its creation may even violate the state constitution and while Texas has tried to promote a pro-business Landscape its Republican leaders have simultaneously prioritized public attacks on corporate moves on ESG issues as well as supporters in business of DEI initiatives today on ex Elon said change your state of incorporation out of Delaware before they lock the doors They're currently blocking John Malone from changing incorporation from Delaware to Nevada Elon was asked Nevada or Texas to which Elon said for most companies Nevada Tesla is physically headquartered in Texas So it makes sense for us I think most of us already have a feeling of how this vote is going to go
Despite the fact that again 99% of people really have no idea which way is actually better for Tesla the problem is even if Tesla were to lay out a Detail to pros and cons list for Texas and Delaware on this proxy statement. It's not a scientific decision It's more like choosing a spouse or a partner. There are many different factors to consider and oftentimes It's really not black or white even for topics you think may be straightforward like corporate tax in Delaware is 8.7% whereas in Texas corporate tax is zero percent But the problem with that it fails to consider things like excise taxes Franchise taxes ultimately though as a shareholder you have to ask yourself Would you want Tesla to remain in Delaware where your vote has the ability to be overturned by a judge in the future? It's true that Tesla moving to Texas doesn't guarantee that that will never happen again But from everything I'm reading it does indeed seem at least less likely than if Tesla were to remain in Delaware Lastly to zoom us all back out and see the bigger picture whether Tesla is incorporated in Delaware Texas Nevada in the long run It's not going to have an outsized impact on their ability to become the most valuable company in the world a few years from now This will most likely just be another footnote in Tesla's storied history all of that said I do hope that Tesla at least provides us with a moderate amount of information to consider for us to make an informed Vote this one will be very interesting to watch in the weeks ahead
The lawyers who represented the plaintiff in this case against the board and Elon are in line for a record breaking payout Worth potentially billions of dollars These lawyers have said that they could ask the Delaware court of chanceery to pay them up to one third of the benefit conferred by the ruling in other words how much value was restored to shareholders the decision on the fees or the pay Package must also be sound enough to survive any appeal that Tesla may make to the Delaware Supreme Court The lead lawyer for the plaintiff in this case Greg Virallo said it could be a few weeks before his side submitted its fee request The highest fee ever awarded to plaintiffs lawyers in the Delaware chanceery court was 285 million dollars in 2012 which was about 15% of the damages in a lawsuit the word is These lawyers could end up taking fees in Tesla shares interesting because on one hand we have Judge McCormick saying that Elon the richest man in the world Which by the way in 2018 he actually wasn't saying that his pay package was way too big not fair If she goes ahead and approves a fee for the lawyers of the plaintiff That's potentially an order of magnitude bigger than the highest pay fee they've ever seen before Let's just say at least some people will be up in arms
在这个对董事会和埃隆提起的诉讼案中代表原告的律师们将有望获得创纪录的巨额报酬,可能达数十亿美元。这些律师表示,他们可能会要求特拉华州法院支付他们获得的裁决效益的三分之一,换句话说,是为股东恢复的价值。关于费用或薪酬计划的决定也必须足够坚实,以便在特斯拉向特拉华州最高法院提出上诉时生存下来。该案的原告方主律师Greg Virallo表示,可能需几周时间才能提交费用申请。特拉华州特许法院曾在2012年授予原告律师的最高费用为2.85亿美元,约为诉讼损害赔偿的15%。据说,这些律师可能会接受特斯拉股票作为费用。有趣的是,一方面,我们有McCormick法官表示埃隆是世界上最富有的人(顺便说一句,他在2018年并不是),认为他的薪酬包太大不公平。如果她继续批准原告律师的费用,那可能是一个数量级比以前最高的费用要大得多。可以说,至少会有一些人会义愤填膺。
now The word is Tesla is going to enable the adaptive headlight functionality for legacy model 3 vehicles and model wise in Europe we just saw this feature rolling out to some model 3 plus vehicles now It looks like some older model 3s with the matrix headlights are set to get this adaptive functionality Along with some model wise. I've seen a lot of people online argue the reason this adaptive headlight functionality Has not rolled out to the United States is because NHTSA has not allowed this feature I'm pretty sure that's not correct though if you go back to February 2022 This is directly from NHTSA the US Department of Transportation's NHTSA issued a final rule today allowing automakers to install adaptive driving beam headlights on new vehicles the amendments adopted today are intended to allow manufacturers to offer this technology and Established performance requirements for these systems to ensure that they operate safely the easiest way to tell if your Tesla has Matrix style headlights is to see if it has this large round bulb if it does then yes, you have matrix headlights
现在,消息是特斯拉将为老款Model 3车辆和Model Y在欧洲启用自适应大灯功能。我们刚刚看到这一功能在一些Model 3 Plus车型上推出。现在看来,一些配备矩阵式大灯的旧款Model 3也将获得这一自适应功能,以及一些Model Y车型。我在网上看到很多人争论这一自适应大灯功能为什么没有在美国推出,原因是美国国家公路交通安全管理局(NHTSA)没有允许这一功能。然而,我相信这是不正确的。如果我们回到2022年2月,这是直接来自NHTSA的消息,美国交通部的NHTSA今天发布了一项最终规则,允许汽车制造商在新车上安装自适应驾驶束远光灯。今天所采纳的修正案旨在允许制造商提供这一技术,并确立性能要求,以确保其安全运行。判断你的特斯拉是否具有矩阵式大灯最简单的方法是看是否有这个大圆灯泡。如果有,那么是的,你有矩阵式大灯。
We know that dealers have significant sway over the OEMs with GM now bringing some hybrids to the North American market in the next two years. These same car dealers are now saying they're worried the current administration is forcing the industry to move too far ahead of market demand with EVs. This sentiment, the administration is moving too fast with EVs, was shared by 83% of dealer feedback. The dealers are still pushing back strongly against the proposal that might be finalized as soon as March this year.
When it comes to future tailpipe emissions, 55% of the dealers surveyed said EVs were not generating customer interest or sales. One said it's not a range issue or a tech issue based on our experience. It's been the ability of the selling dealer to provide a good service on that EV and meet the expectations of the early Adopter to that technology. It seems like that's where it's fallen short. Another had a comment on the $7,500 tax credit going to point of sale, saying the restrictions on the sticker price, the buyer income, and the battery sourcing, I think it will actually do nothing, meaning the tax credit may not move the needle as much as some had been expecting.
Several dealership executives have been urging the OEMs to focus on affordable hybrids for the EV transition. It's not exactly what you'd want to hear, but when it comes to Tesla continuing to earn more market share, this is certainly a positive development. Speaking of those hybrids coming from GM, we still don't know any details, but we do now know that they're not expected before 2025 at the earliest. This year, GM plans to produce and wholesale two to three hundred thousand Altium-based EVs in North America, which has officially been added to the prediction tracker. We will cover this once at least a few of these have reached an actual outcome.
The configurator for the Model 3 and Y is now officially live in Chile, and they have this little kiosk set up. Rohan Patel said, "Huge excitement and growth potential for EVs, Superchargers, and solar and storage across the continent. Tesla team is fired up to help accelerate sustainable energy and transport." The light vehicle market in Chile does about three hundred thousand units per year. So if Tesla can eventually carve out roughly a 10 percent market share, that would be about 30,000 units in annual TAM from this market for Tesla.
Model 3和Y的配置程序现在正式上线在智利,并且他们设立了这个小摊位。Rohan Patel说:“整个大陆对电动车、超级充电站、太阳能和储能都抱有巨大的兴奋和增长潜力。特斯拉团队非常激动地希望加速可持续能源和交通的发展。”智利的轻型车市场每年约有30万辆。因此,如果特斯拉最终能够在该市场上占据大约10%的份额,那将为特斯拉每年带来大约3万辆的销售额。
Tesla has achieved its success from habits, constant innovation, risk-taking, first principles thinking. Honestly, the game of life is no different, no hacks, no shortcuts. We simply become the habits we develop. One of my daily habits has been trying to give my body the nutrients that it needs, and AG1, the sponsor of this video, has made that a lot easier. Listen, over the past three years, I've had some pretty unfortunate things happen to me health-wise that have been really out of my control. It's just now that I'm finally starting to feel like myself again. And I'm not going to make any proclamations other than stay tuned.
There are so many AG1 copycats out there now, and I've looked into some of them. But with Andrew Huberman and Peter Attia on the advisory board of AG1, that's always giving me confidence that it's backed by science and research. They have all of the independent testing in place, so you can actually be confident what's on the label is what you're getting. I bet some of you guys would agree the past few weeks. It has seemed like everybody has been getting sick. I just want to say, so far, I have not. Seriously though, AG1 has essential vitamins, minerals, and whole food-sourced antioxidants like zinc and citrus biolflavonoids to support our immune systems. Also, if you've never looked into some of the benefits of rhodiola, I would encourage you to do so. And yes, AG1 has it. Truth is, you trying AG1 really is a great way to support the channel. And if you're interested, if you use my link below, you can get five travel packs and a one-year supply of vitamin D3K2 for free.
现在有很多AG1的山寨产品,我已经调查了其中一些。但是由于Andrew Huberman和Peter Attia在AG1的顾问委员会上,这总是让我相信它是有科学和研究支持的。他们已经进行了所有的独立测试,所以你可以确信标签上的内容就是你要得到的。我打赌你们中的一些人在过去的几周里也会同意这一点。似乎每个人都病倒了。但是到目前为止,我还没有。说真的,AG1含有必需的维生素、矿物质和像锌和柑橘类生物黄酮这样的整食来源抗氧化剂,可以支持我们的免疫系统。而且,如果你从未了解过罗迪奥拉的一些好处,我鼓励你这样做。是的,AG1里有它。事实是,你尝试AG1真的是支持该频道的一个很好的方式。如果你有兴趣的话,使用下面的链接,你可以免费获得五个旅行包和一年的供应维生素D3K2。
Talon Metals has received approval to drill on public land in Michigan. Talon Metals can now explore for nickel deposits across 23,000 acres. Talon has agreed to supply Tesla with 165 million pounds of nickel from its Camarach mine in Minnesota. Jumping to that project last year, Talon submitted plans for an underground nickel and copper mine, launching an environmental review of a project that could become a domestic source of metals for EVs. But that could be a lengthy process, and the federal government has already stopped potential copper and nickel mines in Minnesota last year alone, citing that the risk of contamination was too great for the projects to be built.
Talon Metals已获得在密歇根州公共土地上钻探的批准。Talon Metals现在可以在23,000英亩的范围内探寻镍矿床。Talon已同意从其位于明尼苏达州的卡马拉克矿山向特斯拉供应1.65亿磅的镍。去年,Talon转向了这个项目,提交了地下镍和铜矿的计划,启动了环境评估。这个项目有可能成为电动汽车的国内金属来源。但这可能是一个漫长的过程,而且联邦政府去年已经单独停止了在明尼苏达州的潜在铜和镍矿开采,称其对污染的风险太大,无法建设。
Even if Talon's project in Minnesota gets approved, it could then take 18 months to actually build the mine. Back to Talon's Michigan project, their aim is to try to discover new high-grade nickel and copper mineralization in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Currently, the only region with a nickel mine in the United States (remember the one in Minnesota is not). yet Established so yes, it's encouraging to hear that talon can now at least start exploring in michigan But even if they were to find some resources the next phase will be getting approval to actually set up a mine Which could take another few years and will most likely face a lot of pushback from people in the area It's unfortunate because everybody at the top is saying how important it is to decouple our reliance on other countries But when push comes to shove to do what needs to be done to make that happen So far it just has not been working out for my margin trackers out there
Tesla china is currently offering about $1,100 off inventory model y vehicles For the first time tesla will have a few of its vehicles at the chicago auto show Tesla will join the pack on the indoor test track for ev's visitors will be able to take a test ride in the model 3 y and x Going to their website. It will be a model 3 plus the show will be held from february 10th to the 19th
特斯拉中国目前正在以约1,100美元的折扣出售库存的Y型车型。这是特斯拉首次在芝加哥汽车展上展出几款车型。特斯拉将加入室内试驾赛道,让游客可以在模型3、Y和X上进行试乘。可以通过他们的官方网站获取更多信息。展会将于2月10日至19日举行,其中包括一款Model 3车型。
Six years ago in 2017 Volvo spun off polestar to be a standalone performance ev brand fast forward to today and Volvo has now decided that they're basically done supporting and funding polestar altogether going forward Volvo will stop funding polestar and their handing responsibility for the struggling luxury car brand over to july Right now, Volvo owns about 48 of polestar shares But they have already said they're going to be divesting at least some they just have not announced how much july already came out and said That they will continue to provide a full operational and financial support to polestar going forward just last week We talked about polestar job layoffs. We talked about how they said they were not going to get involved in this price war They wanted to remain a luxury player and since making that decision last year They have missed their sales targets the latest we've heard polestar was aiming to become cash flow break even by 2025 Some analysts are arguing that polestar should just be folded up into july Analysts have been complaining that volvo stake in polestar has been a drag on volvo's own resources Having provided roughly $1 billion in funding to polestar instead Volvo will concentrate its financial resources on its own needs Volvo's CEO said i'm still bullish on ev's But i'm also bullish on the fact that we have a very strong plug-in electric hybrid lineup
Certainly kind of a bummer some of you may recall that my second favorite ev brand behind tesla was actually polestar I really liked their styling and their ethos and what they were trying to do But it is a cutthroat world out there in ev land and i'd be the first person to admit that the value for Polestar vehicles is really not great It's encouraging to hear july quickly come out and say that they'll continue to give them funding and support their operation Hopefully they can get another three to five years to try to figure things out
We'll see an eu draft has been leaked when it comes to their 2040 renewable energy targets and battery energy storage is a key element of that draft The eu is targeting 90 renewable electricity by 2040 in the eu and sees battery energy storage as one of several key areas of investment to get there If you head to the tesla china configurator You will see that quicksilver is now available in shanghai as a pink color Tesla stock closed the day at $188.86 up a point 84 While the nasdaq was up 1.3 Very low volume day for tesla stock trading about 18 million shares below the average 30 day volume
As you may expect polestar had a tough day down over 15 All time polestar is down 81.7 percent but for the non-performance version, which this is It's complete It's great. It's a flagship. It's a mini model s. It's refined. It's well-built I'm very impressed By the new model 3 don't forget check out ag1 linked below if you're interested Hope you guys have a wonderful day Please like the video if you did you can find me on x linked below and a huge thank you to all of my patreon supporters
正如你可能预料的那样, Polestar 这一天过得很艰难,下跌超过 15%。在全部时间里,Polestar 的下跌幅度达到了 81.7%,但对于非性能版来说,就是这个。它是完整的,伟大的旗舰,就像迷你版的 Model S 一样。它精致,做工精良,给我留下了非常深刻的印象。对于新的 Model 3,希望你们不要忘记查看下方的链接 AG1,如果你有兴趣的话。希望你们有一个愉快的一天。如果你喜欢这个视频,请点赞,并且你可以在下方找到我的链接。非常感谢我所有的 Patreon 支持者。