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Live: Tesla Q4 Earnings Call 2023 (TSLA)

发布时间 2024-01-25 00:21:41    来源


Listen to Elon Musk and Tesla management discuss Tesla's Q4 2023 financial results and answer questions from investors and ...



We announced at about 3 p.m. Central time in the update that we published at the same link as this webcast.

During this call, we will discuss our business outlook and make forward-looking statements. These comments are based on our predictions and expectations as of today. Actual events or results could differ materially due to a number of risks and uncertainties, including those mentioned in our most recent filings with the SEC.

During the question and answer portion of today's call, please limit yourself to one question and one follow-up. Please use the race and button to join the question queue. But before we jump into Q&A, Elon has some opening remarks.

Thank you. So the Tesla team did an incredible job in 2023. We achieved a record production and deliveries of over 1.8 million vehicles in line with our official guidance. And in Q4, we're producing vehicles and annualized run rate of almost 2 million cars a year. This is really a phenomenal achievement. Looking at just the 3 month factory alone, we made 560,000 cars. This is a record. In fact, it's the highest output of one motor plant in North America. And people often surprised that the highest output factory, car factory in North America is in the San Francisco Bay Area. It's a little counterintuitive perhaps. And it's really had an incredibly positive impact on that entire area. What would have been a rundown strip wall is the highest productivity car plant in the Americas. Think about that. It was derelict when we got it. And now it's the most productive plant in this entire part of the world. And it's enriched the community in so many different ways. It's really a gem. So I'm super proud of the people that work there.

Model Y became the best selling vehicle globally as predicted. The best selling vehicle of any kind, not just electric vehicles with over 1.2 million units delivered.
Model Y成功成为了全球最畅销的车型,如预测所示。它不仅是电动车中最畅销的车型,而是包括了所有类型车辆在内,已交付了超过120万辆。

The energy storage business delivered nearly 15 gigawatt hours of batteries in 2023 compared to 6.5 gigawatt hours the year before. So tremendous year over year growth. Triple digits. And yeah, I think we can continue to continue to see very strong growth. In storage as predicted, I said for many years that the storage.

Business will grow much faster than the car business and it is doing that.

Free cash flow remains strong at 4.4 billion in 2023 in spite of. A record spending on future projects. So we had record capex expenses as well as record R&D. Other springs is to 2024. There's like to look forward to 2024.

Tails is currently between two major growth waves. We're focused on making sure that our next growth wave driven by next gen vehicle. MG storage full self driving other projects is executed as well as possible.

For full self driving we've released version 12, which is a complete architectural. Rewrite compared to prior versions. This is end to end. Artificial intelligence. So another bit nets basically photons in and controls out. And. It really is quite a profound difference. This is currently just with employees and a few customers, but we will be rolling out to. All who all those all customers in the US who request. Full self driving in the weeks to come. That's over 400,000 vehicles in North America. So this is the first time AI is being used not just for object perception, but for path planning and vehicle controls. We replaced 330,000 lines of C++ code with neural nets. Truly quite remarkable.

So as a side note, I think Tesla is probably the most efficient company. In the world for AI inference out of necessity. We've we've actually had to be extremely good at getting the most out of hardware. This hardware three at this point is several years old. So I don't I think we're quite far ahead of any other company in the world. In terms of AI inference efficiency, which isn't going to be a very important metric in the future and in many arenas.

See that the new model three is now available globally. So we didn't update it model three. While the call looks similar, a lot of work is going to make it better in every way. It is significantly quieter, more refined, better equipped, has longer range and many other improvements. And I recommend taking for test drive. If you have not driven a model three in a long time, you should really try the new one. So steady improvements.
看到新款Model 3现已全球上市,因此我们没有更新Model 3。虽然外观看起来相似,但我们对其进行了大量改进,使其在各个方面变得更好。它在噪音方面显著降低、更加精致,配置更好,续航里程更长,还有许多其他改进。我推荐你去试驾一下。如果你已经很久没有驾驶过Model 3了,真的应该尝试一下新的车型。我们一直在不断改进。

And we're very far along on our next generation low cost vehicle. This is an earnings call not a product announcement. So no doubt be many questions that try to ask us about new product new price coming, but we reserve product announcements for product announcements, not only calls. So, but we were very excited about this. And this is really going to be profound. And not just in its design of the vehicle itself, but in the design of the manufacturing system. This is a revolutionary manufacturing system, significant, you know, far more advanced than any other manufacturer or the main manufacturing system in the world. Like by by a significant margin.

Several years ago, I said that the most important competitive characteristic Tesla in the future will be manufacturing technology and you will really see that counter bear with our next gen vehicle. The first manufacturing location for this will be at a giga factory and headquarters in Orson, Texas. And then we'll follow that up with other locations around the world, probably our. The factory will hold in Mexico. We'll be second and then we'll be looking to identify the location perhaps by the end of this year or early next outside North America.

So in conclusion, we had a great year with record production record deliveries and a strong free cash flow in spite of a very high interest rate environment. And we are focused on exciting new projects that will. I think ultimately. If we execute on all these things and it is very hard to do all these things start a sure thing, but I do see a path. Where it were Tesla could one day be the most valuable company in the world. I would do enough size that is running easy path at a very difficult one, but is it now in the set of possible outcomes and previously I would not have thought at least instead of possible outcome. So and thank you again to all of our investors, our employees and our suppliers for a strong year and looking forward to a great 2024 and years to come. Thank you. Thank you and our CFO. We have some opening remark as well.

Thanks Martin. Good afternoon everyone. As Elon mentioned, we are the record year in terms of both production and deliveries for auto business as well as record deployments in our energy business. This was achieved despite 2023 being a challenging year in terms of higher interest rates and higher inflation. Big thanks to our customer for being with us through this challenging period. I would also like to thank the whole team for the result and dedication throughout.

In terms of 2023 financials, we ended the year with over 96 billion of revenue and generated 4.4 billion of free cash flow to end the year with over 29 billion of cash and investments on hand. Our 2023 cabinet income was impacted by the recognition of one time non cash benefit of 5.9 billion from the release of valuation allowance on certain different tax assets. This was due to our recent history of sustained profitability and is similar to several other companies who have recently gone through a similar change in their account. Accordingly, starting with Q1, our book tax rate will now be more in line with other companies in the SMT 500.
就2023年的财务状况而言,我们的年度收入超过了960亿美元,并且创造了44亿美元的自由现金流,使我们的现金和投资达到了290亿美元。我们的2023年度组合收入受到了一次性非现金利益的影响,因为对某些不同的税务资产进行的估值减免释放,金额达到了59亿美元。这是由于我们最近持续盈利的历史,与其他几家最近进行类似会计变更的公司相似。因此,从第一季度开始,我们的账面税率将更加符合SMT 500中其他公司的水平。

In our wake of business, we continue to see improvements in a per unit cost despite us being in the early phase of cyber truck. As a result, our auto gross margin improved sequentially. That said predicting auto gross margins is extremely challenging since there are many moving parts to this equation. Some of which are out of our control like the change in tariffs or local incentives to name a few. While the teams are focused on cost reductions, we are approaching the limits within our current platforms.

On the demand front, as promised, we made investments in digital campaigns in 2023. We fully appreciate the importance of customer education as we are still in the customer acquisition phase. Our data suggests that around 90% of our wake of bars in 2023 never owned a Tesla before. We are being creative in figuring out ways to bring in new customers and educate them about the benefits of owning a Tesla versus cash powered vehicles. The key among them being total cost of ownership. This concept is mostly overlooked for just the upfront cost. We will be regressed in evaluating our campaigns, curating the content and optimizing spend accordingly to support the overall demand.
在需求方面,正如承诺的那样,我们在2023年在数字广告活动上进行了投资。我们非常重视客户教育的重要性,因为我们现在仍处于客户获取阶段。根据我们的数据,约有90%的2023年销售的Model S从未拥有过特斯拉。我们正在创造性地寻找方法来吸引新客户,并向他们介绍拥有特斯拉与使用汽油驱动车辆的好处。其中最重要的是总拥有成本。人们通常只关注一次性成本,而忽视了这个概念。我们将回归评估我们的广告活动,精选内容并根据需要优化支出,以支持整体需求。

There are two additional things I would like to mention as it relates to the US market. First, for customers who qualify for the higher buyer credit, we now offer that as a point of sale benefit for Model Y, which means an immediate reduction of 7500 at the time of purchase to then customer. Secondly, we continue to offer very attractive lease rates for Model 3 and Y using a partner leasing program. Note that the sales under this program are recognized as upfront revenue and reported within automotive sales.
关于美国市场,我想提及两个额外的事情。首先,对于符合更高买家抵扣资格的客户,我们现在将其作为Model Y的现场销售好处提供,这意味着客户在购买时立即可减免7500美元。其次,我们继续通过合作伙伴租赁计划为Model 3和Y提供非常具有吸引力的租赁利率。请注意,该计划下的销售被认为是预收收入,并在汽车销售中进行报告。

An energy storage business had another record here with deployments more than doubling and revenues increasing by more than 50%. This business is poised to again surpass our auto business in terms of growth rate in 2024. This has been in the works for quite some time with us laying the foundation a few years back by building our mega factory in the through. I would like to thank the whole Tesla energy team for their efforts to make this a reality.

Our services and others business also started contributing meaningfully to our results. And our fleets as our fees goes as we expect the feed based revenues from supercharging use cars and services to continue to increase. For 2024, our focus is to continue growing our output, continuing our cost reduction efforts and increasing investments in our future growth initiatives. Accordingly, we are currently expecting our capital expenditure for 2024 to be in excess of 10 billion.

We believe this would be critical in helping us lay the foundation for the next phase of the road. Once again, I would like to thank everybody at Tesla investors and our suppliers for being with us in this journey. We can open it up to questions, Martin. Thank you. Let's go through investor questions.

Question number one is from Michael. Given that you move the start of the next generation compact vehicle production to Austin, has the timeline improved so that we might see the next generation platform vehicles in 2025? We certainly say things with they should be taking with a grain of salt. Since I'm often optimistic with, you know, I don't want to blow your minds, but I'm often optimistic regarding time. But our current schedule says that we will start production. Towards the end of 2025. So sometime in the second half. That's just what I current schedule says. That there's a lot of lot of new technology like the tremendous amount of new revolutionary manufacturing technology here. The reason I want to put the. This new revolutionary manufacturing line at giga. Giga Texas was because we really need the engineers to be living on the line. This is not sort of. Off the shelf. You know, just just works type of thing. And it's just a lot easier for Tesla engineering to live on the line if it's in Austin versus elsewhere. So. But but work we are currently expecting to start production second half next year. That that is that will be challenging. Production ramp like as a cat. I can't say we're really sleeping on the line practically. In fact, not practically we will be. But I am confident that once it is going, it will be head and shoulders above any other manufacturing technology that exists anywhere in the world. It's next level. So. It's always difficult to predict what that S curve of manufacturing looks like. It always starts off real slow and then it grows exponentially. So and predicting that intermediate S curve is difficult, but. So I don't know. It's hard to say what the unit volume would be next year. We're not going to make any predictions on that front. But it does seem quite likely that we will start production next year. Thank you.

The next question is from Michael again. What has been the barrier to ramping 4680 cells into multi million cells per week? Rafe and when do you expect to get there? Yeah, first I just want to allow any concerns regarding 4680 limiting the cyber truck ramp because I've seen some people commenting about that today 4680 production is ahead of the ramp. With actually weeks of finished cell inventory and the goal is to keep it that way, not only for cyber, but for our future vehicle programs and as Elon said, it is an S curve here too. Like it's hard to predict these things, but I'm just describing our goals. It's a hard problem.
下一个问题是迈克尔再次提出的。什么阻碍了将4680电池扩展为每周数百万电池?雷夫,你预计何时能够实现这一目标?是的,首先我想解除关于4680对Cyber Truck扩产的限制的担忧,因为我今天看到有人评论到4680的生产超过了扩产速度。我们实际上有几周的成品电池库存,并且目标是保持这种状态,不仅适用于Cyber,还适用于我们未来的车辆项目,正如埃隆所说的,这也是一个S曲线。就像很难预测这些事情,但我只是在描述我们的目标。这是一个难题。

Yeah, no, there are entire companies where all they do is make battery cells. That's like the only do indeed. We do a lot of other things and we got a lot of we got a lot of breakthrough technologies that take time to figure out with 46. It's not just that it's a 46 millimeter diameter by 80 millimeter coal cell. That's just the dimension. There's traumatic new technology in the cell itself and manufacturing. Exactly. And just regarding what the team was able to do in P4 Texas successfully swap line one from the model life design of the cells and cyber truck design of the cell, which was the 10% cell energy increase I've mentioned before. And as with any major new product introduction, the factory and engineering teams collaborated to ensure quality of the new design and the process changes as their first priority. And now our focus returns to cost and production ramp in P1. And in terms of what we're doing, we're currently running one production line, one assembly line using two assembly lines in addition for yield and rate improvement trials. And we have a fourth in commissioning and four more will be installed starting in Q3 this year. So definitely this is a big year for ramping for you. We also do want to emphasize that we can also expect to ramp orders from our suppliers. So this is not about replacing our suppliers. It's about supplementing our suppliers. Yes. So we are very appreciative of our suppliers. You know, Panasonic obviously is our longest supplier. They're an amazing company. You know, we've got CATL, we've got LG. And be ready. Thank you.

The next question is from Adam. Should retail shareholders be concerned that Elon has stated. Should retail shareholders be concerned that Elon has stated that he's uncomfortable expanding AI and robotics at this life. He doesn't have 25% of voting. Yeah, I guess let me explain what my concern is here, which is that I see a path to creating. An artificial intelligence and robotics juggernaut. Up truly immense capability and power. And my concern would be I don't want to control it, but if I have so little influence over the company at that stage. That I could sort of be voted out by some. So random shareholder advisory firm. You know, we've had a lot of challenges with institutional shareholder services, ISS. I call them ISIS. And glass Lewis, you know, which there's a lot of activists that basically infiltrate those organizations and have, you know, strange ideas about what should be done. So. So I want to. Have enough to be influenced like if we could do it, dual dual class stock, that would be ideal. I'm not looking for additional economics. I just want to be an effective steward of very powerful technology. And. The reason I just sort of roughly picked approximately 25% was that. That's that's not so much that I can control the company, even if I go bonkers. If I'm like mad, they can throw me out, but it's enough that I have a strong influence. That's what I'm aiming for is a strong influence, but not control. There's some way to achieve that. That would be great. Thank you.
下一个问题来自亚当。作为零售股东,是否需要担心伊隆表态称他不喜欢在现阶段扩展人工智能和机器人技术。他没有25%的投票权。是的,我想我可以解释一下我的担忧,我认为会造成一个巨大的人工智能和机器人垄断。具备巨大的能力和权力。我担心的是我不想控制它,但是如果在公司发展到那个阶段,我对公司的影响力非常小,可能会被一些随机的股东咨询公司投票所排挤。我们与机构股东服务机构(ISS)和Glass Lewis之间存在许多挑战,这些机构遭受了很多激进分子的渗透,提出了一些奇怪的想法。所以,我想要的是足够的影响力,如果我们可以采用双重股票结构,那将是理想的。我不是在寻求额外的经济利益,我只想成为非常强大技术的有效管理者。我选择大约25%的原因是,那个数量不太多以至于我可以控制公司,即使我失去理智,他们也可以把我赶走,但是它足够让我产生强大的影响力。我追求的是有强大影响力但没有控制权。如果有办法实现这一点,那就太好了。谢谢。

The next question is what is your expectation for automotive girls margin X regulatory credits for the full year. Like I said in my opening remarks were focused on reducing the cost of vehicles. This is very extensive and involved exercise where we whereby we look at not just the component cost down to, but down to the packaging used to get the materials to the production from. Each element of the cost is scrutinized to optimize further. A few pennies saved at the sub component level, whether through engineering redesign or for many other things which I mentioned. These two cost reduction. This is a constant exercise and we just have to chase down every penny possible. We have a strong team, which is hyper focused on this. However, this is a very difficult thing to predict. Precisely because they're a lot of no. We don't have a crystal ball, so it's difficult for us to predict this with precision. If the. If they're just rates come down quickly, I think. Modions will be. Good, and if they don't come down quickly, they won't be that good. Yeah. It's always important to remember that the best charity people buying a car is about the monthly payment. It's not that people don't want it. We have tons of. We have lots of people who went by a car that simply cannot afford it. And so and that as that as interest rates drop and that monthly payment drops, then they're able to afford it by the car. It's pretty straightforward. And there are no tricks around to get around this.
下一个问题是您对汽车女孩利润和监管信用的全年预期是什么。正如我在开场白中所说,我们的重点是降低汽车成本。这是一个非常全面和复杂的工作,我们不仅要关注零部件成本的下降,还要关注包装和材料供应等方面。我们会对成本的每个元素进行仔细审查,以进一步优化。通过工程重构或其他方式,在子组件层面上节省几分钱,这是一个不断进行的工作。我们拥有一个专注于此事的强大团队。然而,这是一个非常难以预测的事情。因为有太多未知因素。我们没有水晶球,所以很难精确预测。 如果这些成本降低得很快,我认为Modions将会很好。如果它们没有快速下降,情况就不会那么好。 是的。重要的是要记住,人们购买车辆的最佳指标是月供。并不是说人们不想购买,我们有很多人买不起车。随着利率下降和月供减少,他们才能负担得起买车。这非常直接明了,没有什么捷径可以规避。

Okay, thank you. Next question is does the company anticipate 50% volume Kager to be realized in either 2024 2025. If not, why not? As we've said in a prior guidance, there will be periods where we won't be going at the same rate as before. We are between two major growth ways. The first one began with the global expansion of model three and why. And we believe the next one will be initiated with the next nation platform. 2024 a walling growth will be. Lower as we have said. Because we're trying to focus the team on the launch of the next nation. We'll go.
好的,谢谢。下一个问题是,公司是否预计在2024年或2025年实现50%的销售额Kager增长率?如果不是,为什么?正如我们之前的指引所说,会有一些时期我们的增长速率不会像以前那样。我们正处在两个重要的增长阶段之间。第一个阶段是随着Model 3的全球扩张开始的,我们相信下一个阶段将由下一代平台引发。2024年将是增长趋缓的一年,正如我们所说的那样,因为我们正在努力让团队专注于下一代平台的推出。我们会继续前进。

All right. Thank you very much. The next question is from Michael. When will Tesla start construction on the giga Nevada expansion and giga Mexico? And when can we expect each of these to produce their first product such as 46 80 cells semi and the next gen vehicles? We have recently broken ground for the next phase of giga Nevada expansion to incorporate semi and other projects. But as said earlier as regarding Mexico, we want to first demonstrate success with the next generation platform in Austin. For we start construction. Therefore, we have started the long lead work to get the basics ready and plan to follow our recipe from the three Y ramp. Yeah, with Shanghai where we started with learning from Fremont and ramp really quickly. Yeah, exactly. It's important to emphasize that. I mean model three production was was three years of hell. Some of the other worst years on life frankly. I'm still at mental scar tissue. On that one of the three years as do many. Yeah. But then and then model Y was somewhat of a variance on model three so much a much easier situation. And then we're able to actually do an improved but slightly improved versions of in some cases, particularly improved versions of the model Y production line and sharing high and Berlin. And you know, that's that's the right. I think the sense of the sensible way to go about things is is kind of. Yeah, figure out the core technology that of the manufacturing line and then replicated with improvements throughout the world.
好的,非常感谢。下一个问题来自迈克尔。特斯拉何时开始在内华达超级厂和墨西哥超级厂的建设?我们可以期待这两个超级厂分别开始生产他们的首个产品,比如 4680 电芯半卡车和下一代汽车,需要多久时间?我们最近已经开始了超级厂内华达扩建的下一个阶段,以适应半卡车和其他项目的生产。但正如之前所说,关于墨西哥超级厂,我们希望先在奥斯汀展示下一代平台的成功。在开始建设之前,我们已经开始长期的准备工作,计划按照我们在上海进行的三型车产量的方式进行。是的,我们从弗里蒙蒂学习到的经验,以及快速实施的方式非常重要。没错。要强调的重点是,Model 3 的生产是三年的痛苦。事实上是我生活中最糟糕的三年。我仍然有心理创伤。这三年对许多人来说都是这样。然后 Model Y 在某种程度上是基于 Model 3 的变种,所以情况要容易得多。然后我们能够在上海、柏林等地实际上做到一些改进,部分甚至是显著改进的 Model Y 生产线。您知道,这是一种合理的方式,找出核心制造线的技术,然后在全球范围内进行改进的复制。

Thank you. The next question for Michael is, has there been any progress made with an FSD licensing agreement with another company? You know, I really think lots of car companies should be asking for FSD licenses, but. And we've had we've had some tentative conversations, but I think they don't believe it's real quite yet. I think that that will become obvious probably this year. And I do want to emphasize that if I were CEO of another company, I would definitely be calling Tesla and asking to license. Because of also driving technology. It's definitely the smart move.

Thank you. The next question from Sid Hart. What is the timeline for optimus first production of a volume production line and what are the barriers to getting there? Very optimus obviously is a very new product. An extremely revolutionary product. And something that I think has the potential to. The potential to far exceed the value of everything else that tells the combined. And when you think of an economy, economy is activity per capita times capita. But what if there's no limit to capital? There's no limit to the economy. And the technologies that we've the technologies were built for the car. Translate quite well to a human right robot because the car is just a robot on four wheels. It tells us arguably already the biggest robot maker in the world. It's just a four wheeled robot. So. Optimists is in a robot with a human right robot with arms and legs. It's by far the most sophisticated human right robot that's been developed anywhere in the world. I think we've got a good chance of shipping some number of optimus units next year. It's like I said, this is a brand new product. A lot of uncertainty is when you have when there's a lot of uncertainty in your uncharted territory, it's obviously impossible to make a precise prediction. But we will be updating the public with progress on optimus every few months. And you can see that the it's advancing very quickly. I was just in the optimus lab actually until late last night. It's like midnight or something. If I lift the optimus lab. The team is doing amazing work.

Now that's obviously a case where we want to make sure that. Optimists is safe, especially at scale. And that there's no it should be impossible for. Any centralized control to upload malware to a human right robot. So we're going to want to. Well, then. Localize shuttle that cannot be updated from the. From from a central server. That that's the case where we really have to. Extreme thought to safety. But like said, I do think it has the potential to be. The most valuable most valuable product of any kind. Ever. By far.

Just a comment on the barrier. I think the barrier and we've talked about this is like. Getting it to actually do something useful. Like like we can get it to walk around and get it do things, but it's like that utility part. We can already do some useful things, but like, you know, to making millions of these things. It's like utility got to get the utility. Yeah. A smart robot. That can do that. That's capable of doing generalized tasks. This one will be. In terms of doing. You know, moderately specialized tasks, but can already do that. And it'll just get better through through the course of the year. As we improve the technology in the car, we improve the technology and. Optimus at the same time. It runs the same AI inference computer that's on the car. Same training technology. I mean, we're really building the future. I mean, the Optimus lab looks like the set of Westworld. But admittedly, that was not a super utopian situation. Not the best reference. Yeah. The creators of Westworld. John and all and. At least John and all and friends. Old friends mind actually and. I invited them to come see the lab. I think. Well, come see it hopefully soon. It's pretty well. This is especially this sort of subsystem test stands where you just got like one leg on a test and. Just doing repetitive exercises and one arm and a test and. Pretty wild. Yeah, we're not entering Westworld any time since. Right. It takes safety very, very seriously. Thank you.

The next question from Nerman is how many cyber track orders are in the queue and when do you anticipate to be able to fulfill existing orders? First of all, I want to thank all of these cyber track. The residents for their patients. The reservation to order conversion rate so far has been very, very encouraging. If the trend continues. That's very likely to be. We will soon start out all the bills in 2024. And also, you know, we have new orders coming up to the launch. The other number keep it growing. So we're now all hands on deck focused on ramping so we can fulfill all the demands in a reduced time. Yeah, it's important to emphasize that this is very much a production constraint situation, not a demand constraint situation. And we know obviously we could dramatically raise the price, but that doesn't feel right to us to sort of get a gap. You know, gosh people. Yeah, early delivery. So. But really the demand is off the hook. As long as the price is affordable. I mean, I see us.

Ultimately delivering on the order of. Quarter million, some like quarter million, a sub trucks here in North America. But maybe more, but give or take roughly on that on that. I'm and. It's a. I mean, it's a, it's a sure is it a head turner. Definitely. Yeah. Anywhere you go. People look up to you. Yeah, give you thumbs up. Yeah, I'd say it's like finally the future looks like the future. You know, just it's just a. You know, for the other trucks on the road there, which, and there's some very good trucks on the road. But if you were to switch out the brand name, you wouldn't hardly know which company made it, but you definitely would know the soundtrack. That's our best product ever. All right, thank you.

The next question is, can we get Tesla energy volumes reported into production and delivery release? Yeah, we will strive to do so starting from this quarter. And just a brief update from the business perspective. Megaback continues to see strong demand signals globally driving consistent growth trajectory through 24 and 25. We want to thank all of our partners who put their trust in the MegPAC team to execute on critical infrastructure around. The world and I would like to personally thank the Megapack engineering and production teams for their strong. 2023 execution. Later continues to ramp through 2024 with the operation of a second final assembly line to double capacity from 20 to 40 gigawatt hours by the end of the year. Thank you.

And the last investor question is from seed heart. What are their preliminary results on the return on investment of your ads and education campaign? Given that many people still lack awareness that Tesla average price is less than the average non luxury car price of $45,000. Will you expand educational ads? As you all mentioned, the ultimate solution to increase the adoption is really address the affordability issue.

But at the same time, we do aware there's a awareness issue as well. So in Q4, we ran a series of digital campaigns very targeted digital campaigns across different gos and different channel. The target of these tests is a religious revival awareness and ultimately measure the return of investment on those digital channels. And the messaging with driving is really focused on our product and also try to address some of the misconception of the EV. Such as safety affordability.

In one particular awareness campaign where you've run in Texas, we're reached the audience about 10 billion unique viewers and generally close to half a million visits to our website. A large number of these viewers are first time visitors to our website. The traffic through these digital channels actually behave the very similar to those organic traffic come to our website.

So going forward, which is going to keep exploring different channels and doing our trials to get a better understanding of this deep effectance of this digital campaign. But I would like to caution that we'll be very careful that we don't want to overspend on this side. We want to make sure people are aware, but that's where we'll keep tweaking our methodology about how and where we spend the money. Because we understand the importance of increasing awareness, but at the same token, we don't want to spend a lot of money on just creating awareness.

Yeah, I mean, also I'm geographies where our mock chair is remarkably low, like Japan, for example. Now, we also need to make sure that we have super charges in the right locations and the service centers are there and the part works well in Japan. So that's the third largest car market in the world of any country. So and we should at least have a mock chair proportionate to say other non Japanese car makers like Mercedes or BMW, which we do not currently have. So I think that's the case enough to when I talk to friends mind in Japan, they're like, there is like quite a lack of awareness of Tesla. So, you know, that's the case where we definitely need to increase awareness in countries and regions where there is. Yeah, not that much awareness. Thank you.

Let's go to analyst questions. The first question comes from Pierre Ferra Group from U Street research. Here, go ahead, please. Feel free to unmute. Pierre, can you hear us? Okay. Well, it's really tough to find the unmute button on on teams guide. I'm sorry for being late.
让我们继续提问分析师的问题。第一个问题来自于U Street研究机构的皮埃尔·费拉集团。请继续进行,随意取消静音。皮埃尔,你能听到我们讲话吗?好的。嗯,真的很难找到微软Teams指南上的取消静音按钮。对我迟到深感抱歉。

So yes, my question would be, you know, on like the cost reduction, you've talked about it already a lot. And if I look at it over the last like five, six quarters on average, the coke spare car has been coming down like more than two percent sequentially on average. So that means you're like on a trajectory of coke spare car going down 10% a year. So that's probably like unheard of in the auto industry. I don't think any car manufacturer ever achieved that. But that's very very mundane and very it's a good performance, which is a very normal performance in a lot of other manufacturing industry like my colleagues or consumer clinics.

And so I'd love to hear your thoughts about whether you consider yourself closer to the latter to like a micro exchange business where you have this ability to actually always improve course you have more control and how things are pulled together into your files and you see yourself sustainably taking cost down with that kind of pace. Or do you think your ability to take down curse is actually going to become more like in line with the rest in the industry over time?

Yeah, I think I covered this in a pretty lengthy detail, even in my opinion marks and enough previous question, but to just for that life. We are constantly looking for what we can do to reduce costs. Like I said, it's a game of pennies. We've talked about it before as well. And the team is constantly going and checking where can we reduce the cost further. And do I believe that we will have the same pace which you've seen over the past few years. Probably not because remember we were coming out with a period wherein commodity prices were rising.

So then we did see benefits coming from that. So those are more or less, you know, taken care of. But there is more which we're still chasing and you know, I would say a big kudos goes to the team out here at us lab both the engineering team as well as the supply chain team. Because every time we give them a challenge, they go, they go gangbusters to try and figure out whatever they can to take out for the cost.

But yes, I would like I said, I would want to caution that do not project the previous cost reduction at the same pace completely in the future because with our current platform, we are getting to a place where in, you know, there is there are limitations. The increased scale also sort of helps us there as we introduce new products. We have the opportunity to go renegotiate existing suppliers for better pricing.

We're looking at every penny like web oven, any lawn mentioned, just to give you an example, our inbound logistics cost has come down by 22% year over year. And this is because of optimization on using returnable packaging as opposed to, you know, cardboard, which is even better for the environment. Optimizing trucking routes, negotiating better pricing with shipping companies with trucking companies going with the full truck loads. And just doing that sort of the bigger we become the more we put thought into these things and the more efficient we become as a result of it.

So those those works teams are going to continue. And we are also getting into the tears of supply chain to see where there are opportunities. Getting to the tier two, tier three, tier four levels and then negotiate those pricing as well to get more efficiency out of the system. And then on the design side, we're not static, right? Like, especially in areas where the technology is still improving rapidly. And so, you know, we're looking at the current car electronics as a great example. You know, we continue to bring improvements there that are like fundamentals sort of driven from the device up that result in cost reductions, generation, generation, and they don't only go into the new vehicles. They come to the old vehicles as well.

So that's closer to what you were talking about with like the microelectronic space. Some of that exists in the vehicle. And certainly our car is more computer than car in many ways and there and has a lot of new tech over the last hundred years of online production. And it's great pennies from we have a crazy amount of computing that cars compared to anyone else. It's like, or is magnitude. And we get to ride that down, right? A thousand times.

I mean, like if I just look at the main microcontroller that makes the motor truck go, for example, like when we when I think about what I cost when we stuck it in a roadster in 2006. So we've definitely been riding that electronics cost. Yeah. And then even on the like non which called traditional vehicle side, we do things in know other automakers do to bring costs down through breaking down the way structures are built and the way we put our cars together. And I think that mindset that we have is very much closer to the microprocessor or power electronics industry than the on mortgage.

Thank you. Pierre. Pierre, do you have a follow up? Yes, a quick one. It's, you know, you mentioned this like phase in which you are between two to bigger gross. Gross periods. I'd love to hear you about, you know, what what you consider the size of your addressable market with the pot for you you have today like the three, the wise, the X and the S. What's your estimate of your addressable market you're shipping like probably about like a two million unit run rates today. And given the price points of these cars, what kind of market share of what you address with these cars you think you've already achieved today. I don't know if we've done any, I don't actually don't think we have a firm. Yeah, I'm like idea that's hard to say exactly.

Yeah, this I wouldn't say there's I mean, one way to think about it is look at the automotive industry as well. You know, he was still contribute a very small market share. So yes, our goal is to try and take as much market share out of that pie. But, you know, do I have a specific number to give you? I don't think we can say that with certainty. And it's a growing pie as well. Exactly. It's like it's 9% today, but it could be 20% in the couple of years or in the future. Yeah. And certainly like the way we've looked at it and we've always said this, it's not about how many EVs could sell, how many great cars you can sell, how many vehicles you can sell in that markets.

You know, 100 million a year. And, you know, we're barely 2% of that. I still think there's 98% more to get. You know, I mean, it's worth noting that if you look at say the average selling price of the other top selling vehicles in the world, they are much lower price than the bottle Y. Yeah. So like two out of a wrap for. Corolla, Corolla, connoisseur, you know, they kind of think they're much lower price than ours. So people are really stretching their wallets to be able to afford to test that. It's quite a difficult thing for them to do. And remarkable that it's the best selling car in unit volume, despite being much more expensive than other high volume cars. Thank you. Let's go to the next analyst.

The next question comes from Adam Jonas from Morgan Stanley. Hey, everybody. So I can't wait to see the optimist lab. I'm sure everybody in this call feels the same way your last a day. Elon was September 2022. Can we expect a Tesla a day this year? It seems seems like a lot's changed in that and that relevant. Is this year the time? Yeah, it's a good question. We have found that when we do these a days, some of our competitors literally look at what we do on a frame by frame basis. They do. And then we find these things being copied. Same thing with battery day. So we have to be a little cautious about. You know, revealing the exact recipe of the secret sauce. But I think some kind of update would be good to do. I'm not talking with the team and. Yeah, I think we'll we might do something later this year. I'm in goal with these things is recruiting. So. And to sort of change the perception of Tesla. And people think of Tesla as a car company when they should be thinking of Tesla as an AI robotics coupling.

Maybe as a follow up, Elana, I'd love your thoughts on the topic of. China based OEMs expanding into Western markets as that as the China market kind of gets saturated and there's. A tremendous growth in the supply. How much success. Should Tesla investors. Allow for this competition to achieve in Western markets and can you envision a scenario where Tesla could. Could partner with a Chinese OEM to help accelerate sustainable transport. In markets like Europe in the United States. Thanks. Well. Our observation is generally that the Chinese car companies are the most competitive car companies in the world. So. I think they will have significant success outside of China. But depending on what kind of tariffs or trade barriers are established. Right now, if if they're not trade barriers established, they will pretty much demolish. Most other companies in the world. So. They're extremely good. We don't see an obvious opportunity to partner. You know, certainly we're happy to accept on the the supercharger front. We're obviously happy to. Give any electric car company access to our supercharger network. We're also happy to license full self driving. Perhaps licensed other technologies and. You know, anything that could be helpful in advancing the sustainable energy revolution. Thank you.

And the next question comes from then Levi from Barclays. Hi, good evening. Thank you for taking the questions.

First, I'm wondering if you can just walk through some of the. Gating factors required to unlock your next gen platform. You talked about a number of cost initiatives. Back at the investor day a year ago, things in manufacturing and. And powertrain. Maybe you can just give us a sense of where these initiatives stands and. Do you believe it?

We know that there's a number of new features and technologies and cyber truck things like. 48 volt architecture really employing your 4680 batteries. To what extent do you think cyber truck is really a proving ground. For the next gen platform and is really going to be a gating factor to. Unlocking the cost reductions needed for the next gen platform.

Hmm. Yeah, I don't think that anything on cyber truck should be considered dating for the next time platform. We're obviously doing a lot of manufacturing innovation as you on side for the next generation vehicle. You know, when you do something at that scale, you have to prove it out. You don't just throw it on the line and just build it. So we're going through those validation phases for all of those new manufacturing technologies now. I'm sure 40 volt was definitely something we wanted to carry forward. You know, and it's something we hope the industry adopts as well. We're also open to partnering. Yeah, what do you. If everyone wants to do that. But people that really know that what this is like the inside baseball thing, but. It's man, 48. It's so high time that the water industry moved from 12. The random number of 12 to 48 number of 48. Yeah, well, it's much less random slightly less random based on human injury. I mean dramatically reduces the amount of copper you need in the vehicle and. You know, necessary moving to sort of higher bandwidth communications. It's sort of ethernet level communications of those campus, which is pretty slow, pretty slow. So it's really just bringing cars to the 21st century. Yeah, pretty much. So like certainly like it's not exactly as like normal for a laptop. Certainly bringing that like, you know, is is a evolution in our in our architectures of vehicles, but it's not gating by any means. The gating work is just to finish the design and manufacturing of the car, test them out and get them going. Yeah, programs and execution. Right. Right. So it's taught. It's taught talking about like tooling lead time. Manufacturing lead time. Factory lead time. Factory lead time and executing this program. There's a lot of specialized machines that make the machine for an extra in vehicle. So these are not machines you can just order from anyone. They actually have to design a machine that has never existed to build a car in a way that has never existed. Yeah, so you don't just have like a design validation phase, but you have an equipment design value phase as well. It does make it very hard to copy us because you have to copy the machine that makes the machine that makes the machine. Talk about tears. Yeah, yeah, it's like, you know, exactly manufacturing exception. So, you know, I do think it's quite a powerful, sustainable advantage. Because there just is no place to go to order the machines that make the next gen car. They don't exist.

Great. Thank you.

As a follow up, your release does not mention dojo. So if you just provide us an update on where dojo stands and at what point you expect dojo to be a resource in improving FSD. Or do you think that you now have sufficient supply of NVIDIA GPUs needed for the training of the system?
作为后续,你的发布稿没有提到道场(dojo)。所以请你向我们更新道场的进展,并告知你认为道场什么时候能成为改善FSD(全自动驾驶)的可利用资源。或者你认为现在已经有足够的NVIDIA GPU供应来训练系统了吗?

I mean, the AI hardware question is, that is a deep one. So, we're actually hedging out bets here with significant orders of NVIDIA. GPUs or GPUs are the wrong word. They really need to be there's no graph. You can't like produce graphics. So that's what started graphing across the neural net bus in the middle of something like that. And yeah, GPUs are funny, funny word, like vestigial.
我的意思是,AI硬件问题是一个复杂的问题。因此,我们实际上正在用大量订购NVIDIA的方式在进行保守行动。 GPU或GPU这个词是错误的。在这里,它们的功能并不是生成图形。所以这就是开始在神经网络总线中进行图形处理之类的事情。是的,GPU这个词很有趣,有点像残余一样。

So, and a lot of our progress in self driving is training limited. Something that's important with training. It's much like a human. The more effort you put into training, the less effort you need in inference.

So just like a person, if you if you train in the subject, you'll sort of class 10,000 hours. The less mental effort it takes to do something. If you remember when you first started to drive how much of your mental capacity it took to drive, it was yet to be focused. Completely on driving. Then after you've been driving for many years, it only takes a little bit of your mind to drive. And you can think about other things and still drive safely.

So, the more training you do, the more efficient it is at the inference level. So we do need a lot of training. And we're pursuing the dual path of NVIDIA and dojo. But I would think of dojo as a long shot. It's a long shot worth taking because the payoff is potentially very high. But it's not something that is a high probabilities. It's not like a short thing at all. It's a high risk high payoff program.

Dojo is working and it is doing training jobs. So, and we're scaling it up. And we have plans for dojo 1.5, dojo 2, dojo 3 and whatnot. So, you know, I think it's got potential. But the kind of size enough high risk high pail. So, I think this still makes sense given the, you know, even if it's just a high payoff. You know, even if it's a low probability of success. Yeah, I think, I mean, I'm delivering the subject. It's a very interesting program. It has the potential for something special.

There's also our inference hardware in the car. So, we're, we're known. What's called hardware 4, but it's actually version 2 of the Tesla designed. AI inference chip. And we're about to complete design of. The terminologies, but confusing. We're about to complete design of hardware 5, which is actually version 3 of the Tesla design chip because the. Version 1 was mobile version 2 was Nvidia and then version 3 was, was to with Tesla. And we're making gigantic improvements with. From 1 from hardware 3 to 4 to 5.

I mean, there's a potentially interesting play. Where when cars are not in use in the future. That's the. In car computer. Can do. Generalized AI tasks. Can run a sort of. You know, GPT 4 or 3 or something like that. And if you've got tens of millions of vehicles out there. Even in a robo taxi scenario, we learned heavy use. Maybe they're used 50 out of 168 hours. So, we're able to get a lot of people to leave. You know, well over 100 hours. Of. Time available of compute hours. It's like it's possible. With the right architectural decisions. That Tesla main the future have. More can compute than everyone else combined.
我的意思是,有一个潜在有趣的场景。未来,当车辆不在使用时。那就是车载计算机。可以进行智能任务。可以运行一种类似于GPT 4或3这样的智能系统。如果有数千万辆车存在,即使在自动驾驶出租车的情况下,我们会经受高强度的使用。可能每周只有50个小时是被使用的。因此,我们能够让很多人离开。超过100个小时的时间来进行计算。这是有可能的。通过正确的架构决策,特斯拉有可能拥有比其他所有人加起来还要多的计算能力。

Oh, great. Thanks for taking my questions. As we're thinking about going into 2024. The press release talks about hitting 36,000. It'll slightly above in Q4. And the comments of the release talk about approaching the natural limits. And it sounds like you're continuing to try to whittle that away. But that sort of implies there's not much left. In addition, you have the hourly wage increase, I guess we'll add to that. And I thought you said raw material costs are kind of that benefit is sort of almost late out. So is there an opportunity to continue to go below the 36 or should we kind of be modeling that it kind of stays at this level into 24.

You know, we are definitely aware of the cost increases, which are coming through because of the wage increases. But like I said, you know, we keep looking at other cost opportunities and try and figure out where else can we cut down. So there is definitely more opportunity to bring down cost further. I won't specifically guide to a number, which we'll try and get to. But there's definitely more opportunity there.

Yeah, we're chasing. We're chasing lots of cost opportunities on the design side still for 2024. You know, north of a fingers is what we're being worth. And just in my organization, and largest got a bunch. And then from a commodities perspective, it's such a long. Cycle time through the whole material supply chain that even with what we've already seen to this point, there's more to come on commodities reductions. And there's still some tailwind left on the commodity doesn't mean aluminum and steel. Yeah. I'm bad.

But it still it kind of boggles my mind to think that if we make a 1% improvement in costs, that's a billion dollars. Yeah. Yeah. So it's like on average, if we were to use the cost by one penny. A billion dollars. What? You know, and we started off. Yeah, in that one go. That we're only making like 10 cars a week. And. Yeah. So. Where does it lead ultimately? Yeah, with good execution. Like I said, it's not a, it's not a standard, but with, you know, if we execute very well, I think Tesla could be the most valuable company.

And you Colin, do you have a full off question? Yeah, just a quick follow up. And the commentary you mentioned the taxes would go to the S&P 500 level. I think you've been trending slightly below 10% S&P. I think it's typically 25% is. Is that going to, should we expect that to jump right up next year when we're modeling next year? Or it would be like a gradual change over the next few years. And any cash impact from that tax changes well that we should think considering.
而你,Colin,你有一个完全的问题吗?是的,就是一个快速的跟进问题。在你提到的税收评论中,你说税收将提高到S&P 500水平。我认为你的趋势稍低于10%的S&P。我认为通常是25%。在我们计划明年时,我们应该期待它会立即上升吗?还是在未来几年内会逐渐变化?对于税收变化是否会产生任何现金影响,我们应该考虑什么?

Yeah, so there's no impact on cash taxes from the release of the valuation amounts, which I spoke about. What it does is it's how you account for taxes. On your book on your books. So it's basically an accounting change. Where in, you know, there are certain jurisdictions because we had enough.

And what else, etc. When we didn't have to accrue taxes. Now that the valuation allowance has been released and we recognize different access on the books. That means your tax rate immediately goes up. Okay, I think that's all the time we have for today. Thank you so much for all of your questions and we'll speak to you again in three months. Thank you. Bye bye. Thank you.

All right. Hey everybody, just. Hang on here and we'll do some recapping. Stream down. And then I'm going to turn the volume of my audio up a little bit slowly here just because I'm not sure if they'll match. And hopefully we're at a pretty good level now. And we'll go back through the call and some of the takeaways from from the call. Just going to make sure everyone can hear me. So if you can just let me know that that's always a good check. As we start off here.

Audio good sounds good a little bit louder. Most people are saying good. Okay. All right. So I'm just going to scroll back through. We can kind of start from the beginning and we'll just go through the notes and talk about, you know, some of the highlights. Some of the things that are interesting. If you didn't catch it before, there is a link to the shareholder letter reaction and earnings report. Sort of summarizing that and thoughts on that. That link is in the description.

All right. Let's get into the opening comments. Opening comments. I felt like we're pretty well prepared. I think Elon spent a little bit of time, maybe a little bit more time than he has in recent calls on those opening comments. Maybe that's just because it's a key for and kind of end of year update, but I thought those were well stated and sounded quite optimistic during that period of time, which was nice. So I liked the opening comments. Obviously, a lot of these things are going to be things that we already knew from the earnings deck that they're kind of just summarizing. Because sometimes not everybody reads the earnings deck and things like that. But hopefully everybody is. So I'm just going to kind of go through and see.

So next gen vehicle, they actually sent quite a bit about that. So we'll spend some time on that. All right. FSD V12. So that was maybe the first big news. We've seen it. I think a couple of customers get V12 so far. It sounds like whole Mars has it and then maybe a few other people, not 100% sure. But it looks like they're going to hopefully roll this out to all customers in the US or in North America. It wasn't 100% clear on that. Over 400,000 vehicles in the next few weeks. So hopefully we don't have too long of a wait before we're seeing this more broadly roll out. Obviously, the cadence is usually to test with a small group and then presumably those tests go well. Maybe tweak a few things and then start to expand it. So we'll look forward to that as Elon emphasized, as we all know, this will be the first time they're using neural networks or planning purposes. For entirely for the planning purposes, of course, they've been using it for the perception for a while now. So very exciting and we'll keep an eye on V12.
下一代车辆的消息,他们实际上发送了相当多的相关信息。所以我们会花一些时间来了解这方面的情况。好的,FSD V12。这可能是第一个重要的消息。我想迄今为止已经有一些客户使用了V12。听起来整个Mars地区可能已经有了,还可能有其他一些人,但不确定百分之百。但是看起来他们希望在接下来的几周内将其推广到所有美国或北美地区的客户。对于我们来说,希望不需要等待太长时间才能看到更广泛的推出。显然,通常的做法是先测试一小部分用户,假设测试进展顺利,可能会微调一些细节,然后开始扩大推广。所以我们将期待这一点,正如埃隆强调的那样,众所周知,这将是他们第一次完全用于规划目的的神经网络。当然,对于感知方面,他们已经使用了一段时间了。非常令人兴奋,我们将密切关注V12的发展。

Elon made a good point about just Tesla being very efficient with AI inference. Elon's talked about this before right now. A lot of it is just kind of throwing hardware at problems. And obviously that is very beneficial for Nvidia right now. But because Tesla has been constrained by the hardware that they've had in these vehicles, which at this point, I don't know, what are we? Hardware 3 2019? Was it 2017 even? It's been a long time. So that hardware is very old and Tesla's been able to get to where they are now on that older hardware through better leveraging software. And that should give them a lot of learnings for the future and hopefully make them more efficient when they do have hardware upgrades like we're seeing with hardware 4. As Elon noted, that's version 2 of what Tesla is designed and then version 3 of what Tesla designed with hardware 5. Sounds like it's in the works and maybe we see that actually implemented into vehicles a little bit sooner than we would have seen the change from hardware 3 to hardware 4. So I think a lot to be excited about from that perspective and just a good point to bring up in general. As Elon noted, very important metric in the future in many areas, probably already an important metric today that is under analyzed.

Model 3, I've talked plenty about that. Next generation vehicle, so he said they were quote unquote very far along. Very excited about the vehicle and manufacturing system, far more advanced manufacturing system than any other in the world by a significant margin. We've heard comments like that before, but again, a little bit later, shared a little bit more. Elon for many years has said that long term Tesla's most sustainable competitive advantage would be manufacturing capability, which I think has always been a little bit strange to people. I think people have kind of always assumed it would be, you know, full self-driving technology, things like that. And I think there's good arguments for those things too in their value contribution and competitive contribution, but it is interesting to see Elon continue to reiterate that and be excited about that element. When they are obviously right now very deep in the production line plans for the next generation vehicle. So good to see that.
有关Model 3,我已经谈论得很多了。他说下一代车款的开发已经相当进展顺利。对于这款车辆和生产系统,他非常兴奋,认为其制造系统比世界上任何其他系统都要先进得多。我们之前也听过类似的评论,但稍后他又透露了一些细节。埃隆多年来一直说,特斯拉的最可持续的竞争优势将是制造能力,这对许多人来说可能有些奇怪。我认为人们一直以为它可能是全自动驾驶技术之类的东西,这也有其在价值和竞争力方面的好处,但看到埃隆继续强调和对制造能力感到兴奋是很有趣的。他们显然目前正在深入制定下一代车辆的生产线计划,这很好。

Elon reiterating that he could see a path to Tesla one day being the most valuable company in the world. He didn't say Apple and Aramco combined this time, but of course, I think we would all be happy with an outcome like that as well.

CFO opening remarks. I don't think we heard anything too new here, maybe except for this tax rate. So with the deferred tax now being recognized or released this quarter, which we talked about when the earnings report came out, it looks like the income tax rate is going to increase sharply here. So they mentioned from maybe 10% trailing 12 months or so to something like 25% could be a possibility. I guess I can just look here quickly. I probably have my earnings report stuff still up. So I'm just going to check that it'll take probably 10 seconds here. Alright, so income tax over the last, let's see. It's been about 200 million a quarter, so that's maybe going to double, you know, maybe a little bit more than double. You were looking at more like four, 500 million a quarter for income taxes for the provision for income taxes, if that's the case. So we'd be talking about a couple hundred million dollar impact. That happens below operating income and prior to net income is where that line item falls. So that would be something that would reduce bottom line earnings per share, but would not impact operating margins. So obviously it'll be interesting to see how people interpret that. As you said, there's no change to cash, but obviously sometimes people care a little bit more about how things are accounted for, which it shouldn't be that way, but for simplicity sake, sometimes it ends up being that way. So just wanted to quickly kind of explain what's going to happen with that, but we'll talk more about that. Of course, next earnings around.

Autogross margin, improving sequentially with cost of goods sold decline. They talked about this in their earnings deck in the outlook section. I think they mentioned it in the opening comments here. We got a few questions about it. Really what they're saying is, hey, we've made this progress as we've talked about some of the progress this year has been driven by a reduction in inflationary impacts that were present for the basis, you know, the prior year's basis. So, or prior quarters. So with those things becoming more normalized, those opportunities for cost reductions diminish. And then you have to rely on other areas for cost reductions, right, which Drew mentioned a couple of them from a design perspective. They're looking at, you know, eight figures, so tens of millions of dollars worth of cost reductions. Is that super significant? It's not on Tesla's cost basis. I mean, last quarter, I don't have this quarter up to the other, but I mean, last quarter total. So, I think the other two categories were $16 billion, right? So, if I understood Drew correctly, if you're talking, and if I'm thinking about eight figures correctly, that's 10 million. Right. So, somewhere between, you know, 10 and 100 million dollars isn't too impactful on that. He didn't say that that was exclusively the only cost savings that were out there. He was talking just about design. So, you know, we shouldn't be expecting these quarterly cost reductions that we've been seeing to continue, at least on the current generation of vehicles, right? Once they get the next generation vehicles going, then obviously that's going to change the situation significantly. But for the time being, we just need to level set that, you know, this is kind of where things are with this platform at this point in time.

So, Tesla said a few times, I've talked about it, you know, going back quite a while now that we're in between two periods of growth. And as I said earlier today, this is very normal in Tesla's history. There have been a lot of periods of time like this. You can go back to find years, I don't know, maybe 2014, 2015 or something like that, where growth was like 20%. Right. So, that's around where we were at this year for revenue, if I recall correctly. It's not unprecedented and then next generation comes and the growth, you know, happens again. So, important to keep that in mind. And that's relevant for all parts of Tesla's business.

Automotive costs, revenues, everything. Deliveries. They emphasize that they do fully appreciate the importance of customer acquisition. 90% of new customers this year. I think I got that number right. Had not owned a Tesla before. So, which makes sense as you're obviously growing, you're going to have more new customers. It's, they later, I guess we'll wait until we talk about the other comments, but they did talk a little bit more about advertising too. But they said they'll be thoughtful about customer acquisition strategies. Leasing, energy storage or something. Yeah. So, all this stuff is pretty intuitive.

CapEx in excess of $10 billion. I can't remember what the last 10 Q said. I think it was maybe a range of eight to 10. So, that might actually be a small increase in CapEx guidance, but I'd have to go back and double check on that, which we can do once we, well, we'll see you in the 10 K. So, next gen timeline based on moving to Texas to that accelerated all.

Interesting. I think this was the top question. I didn't really expect an answer for me on this because he talked about how this isn't, you know, product call and I think Tesla would be well served to. Try to keep this on the, you know, not that it can really be on the down though, but try to not talk too much about it until it's ready. But Elon did say that although he's often optimistic current schedule will start production towards the end of 2025. So, we had the Reuters report, which we talked about earlier today. That's, I think it was June or July 2025 was kind of the supplier indicated rumor. So, that seems to fit with what Elon is saying here. Basically, he's saying the second half of 2025. So, obviously, it's going to be a lot of work, a lot of new technology we've seen with the Cybertruck, although there were extenuating circumstances, of course, there that can cause delays when anything like that happens. Certainly with the Model 3 ramp up, there was a lot of, you know, new technology being used there. So, you know, keep expectations with that in mind, but it's exciting to hear them, you know, talking about it in more real terms with specific dates and things like that. And although it still seems a little bit far away, I mean, that's, what is that, 18 months from now? It's really not too far off. So, you know, I was going to say it's not too long since we felt that way about Cybertruck. It's been about 18 months, you know, but we were in that period of time with Cybertruck for quite a long time now. And, you know, now it's here and soon enough, the next generation vehicle platform will be as well.
有趣。我认为这是最关键的问题。我其实并没有期待会有人回答我,因为他说这不是产品介绍,我认为特斯拉会受益于对这个问题保持谨慎。但是埃隆说过,尽管他通常很乐观,但计划将于2025年底开始生产。所以,我们有路透社的报道,我们今天早些时候也谈论过。我想是2025年6月或7月左右供应商暗示的谣言。所以,这似乎与埃隆在这里说的相符。基本上,他在说的是2025年的下半年。所以,显然,这将是一项艰巨的任务,会有很多新技术。我们在Cybertruck上已经看到了一些,尽管当然也存在一些特殊情况,可能会导致延迟。当Model 3量产时,也有很多新技术被使用。所以,考虑到这些情况,请保持适度的期望,但听到他们以更具体的日期等方式谈论这个项目仍然令人兴奋。虽然它似乎还有点遥远,但那是什么呢,18个月后吗?其实并不远。我要说的是,我们对Cybertruck也有相同的感觉,但已经过去了大约18个月了,你知道,我们已经相当长时间处于那个时期。所以,现在它已经到来了,下一代车辆平台也会很快到来。

Explained about the decision in Austin, so I think we've talked about those things. So, I think it's a lot of time to talk about the decision in Austin, and I think we've talked about it a lot of times. Um, tough to predict the S curve. So that was kind of those comments on the next generation vehicle. For 4680s, I was glad how drew, or as happy to see how drew addressed the reporting on Cybertruck being constrained by 4680s, which was nonsense at the time, as we had talked about. And then the other things limiting Cybertruck production at the very beginning of this stage. So there are weeks of inventory on hand of 4680s ready to go into the Cybertruck. Now, as Cybertruck ramps very quickly, that ramp could happen faster than 4680s, which then maybe you get a new supply constraint and a quarter, two quarters or three quarters, whatever the case may be. Hopefully, no ramp and cohesion and 4680s won't be the delaying factor. But of course, you know, just something to monitor as we move forward, not at the current moment.

Um, he always kind of reads through these 4680 updates quick, so I try to catch what I can, but he goes quick. So, Texas, they swapped one of the lines from model Y design to Cybertruck's, you know, Cybertruck's 4680 design. He mentioned the 10% energy density improvement before, which had previously been mentioned as a target. So him saying that, obviously, hopefully supports that they have accomplished that, which is good. Now, their focus is on ramping production, lowering costs, of course, after this has sort of been validated. So it's a good spot to be in. And hopefully one that they can progress from quickly.

Um, currently running one production line and one assembly line.

It sounds like they're adding two assembly lines for rate and improvement purposes.

Or working on rate and improvement with those new assembly lines. And then another install later this year. So I think they'd be going from one to four, if I remember correctly, which I think matches what we had heard before.

Some others have followed the 4680 line production specifically a little bit more closely. Um, 4680s in addition, other suppliers. Yeah.

So, uh, Elon talked about his compensation playing a little bit here. Not really trying for economic incentives. Personally, I don't mind if there are economic incentives tied into this. I think it's, you know, that's probably a positive if there are.

Um, I think if there is a similar, what I liked about the last compensation plan is it's at really lofty targets. If those targets weren't achieved, then there's no compensation, right? That's a very high risk incentive plan. And people complain about it that it was achieved, which is stupid because if it weren't, Elon would have gotten nothing in addition to what he already had. So I don't have a problem with that if these targets are, are lofty targets. And if you set those lofty targets, that says to the whole organization that the number one person in the organization, Elon Musk, CEO, believes that those targets are achievable and is working to achieve those targets. That's pretty impactful for investors. That's impactful for employees, both current employees in terms of being motivated and believing that those things are possible and also for possible hiring purposes.

Because people might sit here and say, I don't want to work for Tesla. It's a $700 billion company or maybe 600 now. I haven't looked, but, um, maybe at that size, there's limited upside, right? But if you are sitting there and you see an Elon Musk compensation package that says that this could be a couple trillion dollar company or, you know, three or four trillion dollar company someday, that might change your perception a little bit about what the future potential is. And maybe investors think that already, but it's important to make those things clear to employees too if that really is a belief that the company has.

So, and if there's some economic incentive for that, like does Elon Musk need more money? I mean, you can debate about that. I think he's going to put that money to you. So it's, you know, it's more about capital allocation than it is about like, oh, this person can now buy more stuff. It's really not that. So, I mean, we can talk more about that, but I think most people here probably understand what the situation would be. So I don't have any problem if there is an economic incentive tied to that too. Obviously, Elon already has a strong economic incentive from his ownership in Tesla, and that would increase significantly in value if those goals were achieved anyway. So there's a lot of things that would need to be discussed on how to structure it, but I think in general, there's a lot of reasons that it's something like that can make a lot of sense.

And that's before we even talk about what Elon is really saying he wants it for, right? And that's, you know, control factor.

So, which, you know, it's obviously valid if you have the opinions that Elon has, his opinion on this also follows and makes sense with those other opinions.

On a gross margin, X credit expectations, they didn't really say too much on that. You know, CFO started in with kind of a long comment. Elon basically said, you know, we don't know. A lot of, it'll depend on a lot of things. Obviously, it'll depend on things, Tesla can control, and also things that Tesla can't control, you know, anywhere along that spectrum.

Giganovetta, so recently broke out in the next phase. So good to see that. I wish they would have shared a little bit more detail on that one specifically started the long lead items in Mexico as they previously said, but want to wait until the platform is proven out, then replicate that in Mexico.

That probably suggests quite a long time from now for Mexico. So although we've seen a little bit of rumors, Samo Garcia keeps talking about how that's going to happen soon. I think we just need to kind of set that on the back burner. It's going to be a while. It's going to be maybe 2026. You know, if you're starting production in 2025 and you really want to prove that out, you probably prove that out in 2026, then you replicate the line. Maybe that takes into 2027.

I know it feels like a long ways away, but that's potentially my interpretation of the comments today. So just kind of keep that in mind. And maybe that happens more quickly. Definitely could. But if that's the process, like, hey, we prove out this production line that's starting in 2025, that's going to take time and then you got to build a new one. So it's just all those things. If they happen in sequence, we'll take a while.

FSD licensing. I think others should be asking. They've had some tentative conversations. We've heard that before. Elon has mentioned that. So that's not really anything new. But he doesn't think they believe it yet. Not surprising.

FSD at this point, it's, you know, it's, tussles got to prove it out. Otherwise, people are just going to continue to write it off. It's it's been a long time with a lot of missed targets in terms of when Elon expected things to be achieved. So, you know, another year, no one's going to take it seriously until it starts happening. Hopefully FSD v12 is a big step in that direction.
FSD目前来说,你知道的,它还需要努力来证明自己,否则人们就会继续对其不予看重。以埃隆预期实现的目标为辅,产品的完成已经耗费了很长时间,错过了许多目标。所以你懂的,在没有实质进展之前,再过一年,没有人会认真对待它。希望FSD v12能朝这个方向迈出重要的一步。

And then as tussles training, you know, gets both more time for training and more resources for training combination of those, plus, obviously, a lot more data from ever growing fleet. Hopefully all of these factors really start to materialize in terms of the progress and the rate of progress on FSD. And if that does happen in a way that is very apparent, right, it needs to be pretty clear that there's massive progress happening. Then you start to see some sentiment change, conversations change, things like that.

I think that probably affects optimists too. But optimists timeline, I think Elon said, good chance shipping some number of units of optimists sometime next year. Not going to hold him to that. You know, this is a, as you said, it's revolutionary new product. A lot of a discontent on software capability. So, just like FSD can sometimes be difficult to predict, that's going to translate to optimists too. And hopefully, we see good things with FSD and, you know, if that stuff is good, then that also reflects well on optimists at the same time.

AI day, maybe at some points. Just mentioned competitive concerns with those. They've shared a lot because they're trying to appeal to, you know, engineers that love those engineering details and want to understand them. But to share, you know, to help them understand that, you have to help your competitors understand that. So, it kind of makes sense their perspective on that. I mean, I'm sure they've withheld things before, but maybe just a little bit more reticent these days.

Cyber trucks, I didn't really catch what they said on the comments. It sounded like they would convert orders into 2024. I mean, I don't know if they're trying to be optimistic from like a demand from a new order perspective to try to not discourage people from ordering. I guess I would kind of hope that they don't work through the whole backlog, which, you know, maybe a million plus orders, maybe a couple million orders. If they work through that in the first year, that's probably not a great sign for the conversion rate, although they did say that they're happy with the conversion rate.

So the problem is that the first year of production, it's going to be lower, obviously, than the full volume production rate as they ramp, probably significantly. So once they do get there, though, 250,000 a year, so maybe more pretty much what you want to said before.

Energy volumes, they'll start adding that with production and deliveries. I think that's a good thing. It does also, though. It's a little silly because of the volatility that's. I almost don't. I want to know that information, right? But adding it to a quarterly release, it just kind of like emphasizes the. you know, that this is an important number to watch each quarter. I don't really think that's necessarily true for energy because of the volatility of it.

Like, do I feel like the energy business didn't do well in Q4 just because it dropped, you know, what, 15% quarter over quarter? No, not at all because I know it's just going to come back next quarter and they're ramping and things like that. But if you don't have that opinion, you open this earnings release with no context or, you know, this production and delivery release with no context and you see, oh, the Tesla energy storage fell, that business must not be doing well, right? So I get that the. you know, people want to see it, I get asking for it. I get Tesla providing it, but, you know, it's one of those things that it's like, you ask for it a bunch and then you get it and you're like, did I really want this? I don't know. Might as well just release it with earnings in my opinion, but that's fine.

It will be nice to have it, for sure. Okay, lay through up, of course, ramping up. All right, what are the preliminary results of ads? So, good question. Of course, they answered it saying ultimately it's an affordability issue, right? Which I kind of had to chuckle because later Elon said something about something else with Tesla being a perception issue. I think it was around AI day where they were using AI day to kind of change the perception around Tesla.

It's like, well, there are other ways to change perception around Tesla, too. In other categories of the business, advertising, obviously being what I'm alluding to there, but. So, it just, that kind of struck me as funny, but anyway, emphasizing ultimately it's an affordability issue, it sounds like, you know, they're a little bit reluctantly doing this at this point based on their commentary.

Obviously, it's good that they're doing it. I wish there was a little bit more enthusiasm for what could be accomplished here. I think Tesla right now is viewing it as like, man, this is not a first principles thing. This is, you know, ultimately it's kind of stupid, right? Like, marketing as a whole. And I was a marketing major, partially, like, a couple majors, but one of my majors was marketing. So, I feel like I can trash talk it. It's all kind of stupid, right? It's really ultimately like you're paying money to influence someone's decision making or their perception or what they think about something.

You know, at best case, it's like you're paying money to tell someone that something exists that they didn't know about. And that kind of makes sense. But if they know about it, then really what you're paying to do is try to sort of frame it not favorably, like manipulate their perception. You can have good intentions to do that. But ultimately, that's kind of what the goal is, right? Like, I want to change how somebody thinks about this. And you can have really good reasons to do those things. But that's, I think that's kind of how like Tesla views it as a first principles perspective is. That's what marketing and advertising really is.

Now, that ignores all the good things about advertising of like, okay, if someone has the wrong perception, should we really be mad about paying someone to help change the perception to something that is correct? If that is the only way to do so in a reasonably quick period of time? I don't know. I mean, we've talked plenty about this. We don't need to get into advertising conversation again. But it just, it seems like there's pretty obviously validity to that in certain circumstances. And it circumstance that Tesla is probably in in some ways, in some regions as you want to comment it on.

There are certain markets where they feel like they're under penetrated in terms of the market share and probably worth spending a little bit more time on awareness and things like that in those markets, which I think is, you know, very logical, makes sense. But maybe all of Tesla is like that, right? Like maybe the current levels of market share are all under where they should be. And there's not really a good way of knowing that until you start trying it. So I'm glad they're starting to try it, but I wish they were really trying it, you know? And hopefully they are. And hopefully it's more of just like them trying to communicate their point of view to someone that maybe disagrees with them. So they're highlighting the things that are sort of pushed back on those types of things, if that kind of makes sense.

Like they're taking the one side of the arguments while still understanding the total arguments. Hopefully that's the case. And I think that probably is the case. And I do think, you know, kind of starting slow, seeing what the return is, things like that all makes sense as we have talked about before. But at the same time, I just hope that there is really a real effort to do it to do it well, to do it as best they can, like anything else. If they're going to do it, I want them to do it like Tesla would anything else, right? I want them to do it well. So hopefully that's also their perspective on things with ads. Not exactly my take on what their perception is from their comments on the call, but obviously, you know, those things can be misinterpreted.

All right, we've talked plenty about that. Annal's questions. Pierre, I think asked about Cog's. We've talked about that. I just, I don't think they were willing to share too much more other than, you know, they're kind of coming to the tail end of it. As I mentioned, after the earnings report, there are still things in their cyber truck 46 80s. Those are negative impacts on Cogs right now. And as they ramp up, they'll be less negative and hopefully in the future, positive impacts. And that can shift things for the total.
好的,我们已经谈了很多关于那个的事情。Annal提出了一些问题,Pierre问了一些关于Cog的问题。我们已经讨论过那个了。我只是觉得他们不愿意分享太多信息,除了他们即将接近尾声。我提到过,在业绩报告之后,他们的Cyber Truck 46 80S还存在一些负面影响。随着他们的逐渐增加,这些负面影响将会减少,希望在未来会有正面影响。这将对整体产生转变。

How that relates to the overall scale of overall cost of goods sold, as I mentioned, you know, whatever, $16 billion. It's a big base. So how significant are those things in terms of contributions to the average? I'm not sure, but they are factors. So hopefully they are factors that are positive in the future.

Drew mentioned things like design. They mentioned things like economies of scale, renegotiating with suppliers. Normal normal cost control things that they're going to they, of course, spend doing and of course are going to continue to do long term. And that obviously test was phenomenal at those things.

Total dressable market. They were honest. They said, you know, they don't don't really have a strong idea of what that would be. I think the market's bigger than what's being sold right now, right? But I don't think that like we've talked about before, I don't think that it moves the needle a whole ton, like whether you're selling 2 million model 3 and model y a year or 2 and a half or 3 million. Obviously those are pretty big differences in terms of percent differences. But in terms of how Tesla is priced and the valuation and future cash flows and all those sort of things. I don't know if that is all that material, right?
总可实施市场。他们很诚实。他们说,你知道,他们对这将会是什么样子没有明确的想法。我认为市场规模要比目前销售的要大,对吧?但我不认为,就像我们之前讨论过的那样,这会对整个局势产生很大的影响,不管你一年销售200万辆Model 3和Model Y,还是250万辆或300万辆。显然,这些都是相当大的百分比差异。但就特斯拉的定价、估值和未来现金流等方面来说,我不知道这是否真的那么重要,对吧?

Like I said before, it's FSD, next generation vehicle, optimists. These are the things that are more important to the future of Tesla and other things that will come, right? You want to talk before about how things that we're aware of are not the exhaustive list of what Tesla is working on. So Model 3 and Model y, it's kind of like, does anyone really care now about SNX a little bit? But we care more about Model 3 and Model y. And someday Model 3 and Model y will be in that category. Maybe not quite to the extreme in terms of the ratio, but, you know, we will look forward to when that is the case. I guess. Optimists.
就像我之前所说的那样,这是FSD的下一代车辆,乐观的人们。这些是对特斯拉和其他即将到来的事物未来更重要的事情,对吗?在此之前你想说的是,我们所知道的事情并不是特斯拉正在开展工作的详尽清单。所以Model 3和Model y,这有点像,现在还有谁真的关心SNX呢?但是我们更关心Model 3和Model y。而且总有一天,Model 3和Model y将进入这个范畴。也许比例并不是那么极端,但是,你知道的,我们期待着当那种情况发生的时候。我想是这样的。乐观主义者。

Yeah, so AI today we talked about Chinese OEMs. The game continues to give them credit. I think we've talked a lot about that and, you know, certainly not surprised to see those comments.

Yeah, kind of a lot of conversation around just next generation vehicle and gating factors and it doesn't sound like there's anything like technologically gating is kind of my assessment of that conversation. It's more about they've got to build the manufacturing line, right? They need to design the equipment, test the equipment, build the equipment. You can't just go and buy it at a cucka store. You've got to, you know, design this equipment itself. So it takes time.

Dojo. I would say more bearish on dojo. Ilana is saying similar words here to what he has said before, like dojo's kind of a long shot. High risk, how reward. But his tone was definitely, I think, slanted a little bit more towards the risk side of it than the potential side of it today. So, and we've seen, of course, some turnover on the team. They do say that they've got dojo training. So I don't know if it's a cost thing. I don't know if it's a performance thing in terms of how Tesla sees that falling in their own business, comparing to, you know, an alternative from Nvidia. But sounds like they're still working on it. Especially public facing when you're trying to recruit talent and things like that. I think you probably lean more towards just being positive and it didn't sound like you own comments were quite that way. So it definitely, you know, feels a little bit more like there's less, a little bit less optimism for dojo than maybe I've heard on previous calls. And obviously that can fluctuate over time, but that's kind of just, you know, my assessment of how it sounded, you know, tonality wise today.

In France and the Carus, we talked a bit about that. Hardware 3 to hardware 4 to hardware 5. And Elon's talked about hardware 5 before, which I was a little bit surprised by, but it does seem like they're kind of going to that next iteration pretty soon. And clearly they have in mind like what these things can be used for when the vehicle is idle because I'm sure they're sitting there right now and they're looking at this and they're like, man, we have all these hardware 3 cars out there that are just sitting there 95% of the time or whatever it is, something like that. Can we use that massive amount of compute for something? And with that old hardware, the answer is probably no or not much or not worth it. But when you're talking about your next generation design, even if you have a robot taxi that is only sitting idle, you know, 40% of the time, 50% of the time, whatever else depends on the market obviously.

But if those vehicles are sitting idle there, and then what's, you know, what's going to be the situation where we can, or how can we design something like that? And then we can then be used during those idle periods for any purpose, anything that can provide some extra value. And I think it's a great way of thinking about it, and I'm glad the Tesla is thinking about it. And I'm sure there are a lot of interesting ideas that people have out there about what it could be used for. I'm sure people that like Bitcoin would definitely advocate for something like that, but it's definitely interesting. So we've talked about that, and come to ask, we talked about that, and it takes us to the end.

All right, well, just checking the stock here. So I know we're down quite a bit. As I said, I actually think the call was fine, right? Like, I think there was quite a bit of optimism, and it felt like the whole team was very engaged. So I think I was pretty happy with the call. It's always hard to kind of differentiate between, you know, how did the stock react, and how do I actually feel about it? I think I feel pretty good about it. I don't think there was any, trying to think if there was any negative surprise here, you know, cost a good soul. I know there was a lot of discussion around that, but they told us that in earnings deck, so I don't think anything there should have been surprising. I mean, next generation vehicle is matching the timeline that had been rumored. I guess the Mexico timeline is a little bit later, but I don't think that's going to be anything that really is pretty impactful at the moment. You know, some negativity around Dojo maybe. But again, it's like, I don't think Dojo is really contributing to the stock price at the time at this moment, at least probably not very significantly. So, yeah, I don't know if there were many negatives in there, maybe just a lack of more positives. Like maybe people are just missing specific guidance for this year, like we talked about before.

Yeah, maybe just kind of the realization setting in of, you know, it's going to be a period of, as Tessel said, a period of time for Tessel between a couple of growth waves. I don't know why that wasn't the expectation before, if that's part of what's contributing here. I think it probably should have been, but that you know, certainly people deciding, hey, I'm just going to come back in 18 months, right? Like there's certainly people that could have that point of view. Now, maybe that's the right point of view. But sometimes the market has a way of surprising you, and that can be good or bad. As many of us know. But there's a possibility of it being good too. I mean, I'm excited about FSD version 12. I'm excited about the training capacity that Tessel has in his Bring it Online and the significant increase in training capacity that Tessel is going to have here and how that will hopefully impact. So you've got the significant increase in training capacity at the same time as you fundamentally rewrote the architecture to be able to take better advantage of that training capacity, which even just the training capacity on its own would be a huge boost. And now you can actually leverage it even better than you could before. Those two things seem to go hand in hand extremely well.
是的,也许只是一种认识到的感觉,你知道,这将是一个时间段,正如Tessel所说的,在一些增长浪潮之间的一个时间段。我不知道为什么之前没有这样的期望,如果这是导致这种情况的原因之一的话。我认为可能应该有这个期望,但你知道,肯定有人决定,“嘿,我只会在18个月后回来,对吧?”肯定有人有这种观点。或许这是正确的观点。但有时市场会出乎你的意料,这可能是好事,也可能是坏事,我们中的许多人都知道这一点。但也有可能是好事。我的意思是,我对FSD 12版很兴奋。我对Tessel在他的Bring it Online中所拥有的培训能力以及Tessel在这方面显著提高的培训能力非常兴奋,希望这将对他产生积极影响。所以你拥有了显著提高的培训能力,同时还彻底改写了架构,以更好地利用这种培训能力,即使仅仅是培训能力本身也会带来巨大的提升。现在你甚至可以比以前更好地利用它。这两件事似乎非常契合。

And maybe it takes time for that to come to fruition, but I just think it's an exciting combination. So does that mean I just want to sit around, sit and wait around for 18 months for the next generation vehicle to start and not own the stock during that period? I mean, not just my own personal opinion, but no. So meaning I don't want to change. I do want to keep my position during that period, even if it is volatile.

I mean, that's always been my perspective, right? Like I've held Tesla forever. So when you start trying to time and getting it out of things, I think there's risk to that that sometimes is hopefully acknowledged. All right. It's a little tough for me to see the super chats on this, but I do see a few of those. So thank you. Thank you for those. I'll try to look here if there's questions. I don't think I can add them on screen.

Feeding value back to the owner on the hardware is important. If you're on starts mining Bitcoin on my car with my power bill, I'm turning the car off every time I park it. Yeah. So I would assume obviously Tesla's not going to start stealing your electricity, right? Like everyone would just turn it off and no one would like that. So that I don't anticipate a scenario like that. More likely it would be Tesla offering a capability and letting the owner benefit.

Right. Just exactly like a virtual power plant would with a power wall. Like yes, Tesla gets probably some benefit from operating the virtual power plant as does the actual person with the power wall that has the hardware. It's mutually beneficial. And that's what Tesla's going to look for. They're not going to look for something that is extracting value from a customer at their cost. It's just not not a good business model and would be very short lived. So I wouldn't worry about that.

Let's see. A lot of folks who want to clean your car are under the impression. Teslas are poorly made fix that. Yeah, that's a tough one. I do agree that there's a lot of misinformation out there about that for, I don't know, whatever reason, maybe just like early days manufacturing issues that have persisted in terms of perception. I don't know how you tell people like, hey, our cars are better made than you think they are. It's kind of a difficult one to market around. I'm sure there's a solution. But if you go out there and you say like, hey, we don't actually have paid all gaps or something like that. It just kind of like it doesn't create that perception that you maybe would hope. So that's a tricky one. But yeah, I mean, obviously there are things, you know, other facets that could also be improved on the market. I'm proved on in terms of the perception out there.

Okay. I think I got to those super track questions. Alright, John is saying Microsoft and Meta are estimated to be buying 150,000 H100 GPUs, Tesla's ample cash in a training bottleneck for FSD progress, low expectations for Dojo and only 10,000 H100 orders. Why not buying more? I don't think that we know. I don't think that we know specifically Tesla's entire order book with Nvidia. I'd have to go back because I think the H100, the 10,000 H100 is if I remember correctly. That's what Tesla just ordered and was taken delivery of. Again, if I remember correctly and have turned on now, so that doesn't mean that that's their entire order book, right? Like I would assume that there are others. So, you know, I don't know if it would be to the level that Microsoft and Meta are using, obviously, but Tesla's looking at this. They're looking at what they have with Dojo. They're looking at what they might need in terms of training. They're looking at what they need to process from the fleet, how they can utilize that. Like this is all stuff that Tesla's really great at. I'm not worried about how Tesla chooses to spend their capital. They're going to do so extremely efficiently. And they're going to, I think, do so effectively as well. So, yeah, this to me seems like right in Tesla's wheelhouse to manage perfectly. So, I don't personally have too many concerns about that. And Tesla's got a big CapEx budget. They're clearly happy with, you know, dedicating a lot of that into artificial intelligence. Elon is very aware of what's happening in the space and obviously leading a big part of that. So, Eric, thank you.
好的。我想我了解了那些超级跟踪问题。好的,约翰说微软和Meta估计将购买15万个H100 GPU,特斯拉有充足的现金但在全自动驾驶进展中存在训练瓶颈,对Dojo的期望不高,只有1万个H100订单。为什么不购买更多呢?我不认为我们知道。我不认为我们具体知道特斯拉与英伟达的整个订单簿。我得回头看看,因为我记得H100只有1万个,这就是特斯拉刚刚订购并交付的数量。再次强调,如果我没记错,并且现在已经打开,所以这并不意味着那是他们的整个订单簿,对吧?我认为会有其他的吧。所以,你知道的,我不知道它是否达到微软和Meta所使用的那个级别,但特斯拉正在考虑这个。他们正在研究Dojo的情况,他们正在评估训练所需的资源,他们正在考虑如何利用车队所采集到的数据。这些是特斯拉非常擅长的事情。我对特斯拉如何选择使用资金并不担心。他们会极其高效地做到这一点。我认为他们也会做得很有效。所以,对我来说,这似乎正好在特斯拉的能力范围内,他们可以完美地管理这个。所以,我个人并不太担心那个。特斯拉有很大的资本支出预算。他们显然很乐意将其中很多资金用于人工智能。埃里克,谢谢你。

Alright. I think we're going to wrap it up here, everybody. But again, make sure to check out the video of the earnings report if you missed that earlier.

And thanks for joining for the earnings call. It's always fun to do these things with people and obviously now get a chance to reconnect a little bit after the, you know, the closing of actual daily episodes. But nice to be back and talking with people.

And obviously, as I said before, I'll continue that. Like I said before, though, I do need a bit of a break. So, I'm not sure exactly when like the next episode will be from this point. We're just going to, it's going to be a little bit ad hoc play by ear.

I'm sure if there's major, major news, I'll hop on and get my thoughts at some point. But if not, certainly plan to do the next earnings call. I'm sure I'll probably have an episode before then, but just want to make sure people are aware that I would have plans to do that. If anything changes at night regard, definitely would let people know.

Yeah. But it's been fun doing this today, getting back into talking Tesla. All right. So, that'll wrap it up for today. As always, thank you for listening. I guess make sure to subscribe. I actually lost a bunch of subscribers after that, which it's fine. No surprise, but it's like I said, I'll still be here. But that's okay.

So, I guess make sure to subscribe and we'll see you next time. Thank you.