E162: Live from Davos! Milei goes viral, Adam Neumann's headwinds, streaming's broken model & more
发布时间 2024-01-19 22:17:15 来源
(0:00) Live from the WEF: "Oh Davos, Kumbaya" (4:25) Why Davos lost its luster, plus major moments: Milei's speech, Jamie ...
Alright everybody welcome to the fifty fourth annual world economic form here in davos you guys didn't know this but as elites ourselves we were invited to kick off the festivities surplus of the you know the all in podcast very popular. And so they wanted us to come and represent the pot in our audience there. And it's been amazing if you haven't seen some of the great musical performances this year i mean they're so notable.
Let's just start off here i mean guys we were here for this live. So get in i mean on the replay. It's so good there's the air flu. Wait wait this is a great moment where she really starts by. Wait for the head shake. I brass regret the head shake comes in about there there it is. I like your mumu i like her mumu. Have you ever played the air flute or just a skin flute? Just a skin flute.
But guys guys this isn't it there were other there was a witch doctor or something i'm not sure exactly what's going on here i'm going to just apologize in advance for mocking this. Or for sex mocking. This was incredible. I don't know exactly what's going on here with the blowing of the hair. But it was a long way from that for sure. So they're blowing the covid on each person's forehead here to spread the code. They've all taken the mrna vaccine but you know we each have a speaking gig each of us is speaking and so i thought to kick this off here gentlemen instead of us just telling everybody our schedule i would sing our schedule. And so let me just grab a let me see if i got my guitar here hold on. Just grab it here oh here it is okay hold on it's happened to have the guitar guitar or real guitar oh no real guitar so but i thought you know everybody is really excited about each of our speaking gigs so i thought we would just kick it off here let me just see if it's in tune. You guys hear that. Oh okay. Why was that i think we got it. My lord. Sax is interviewing Putin my lord a kumbaya. In the dictator lounge at noon a kumbaya. Conquering your up kumbaya. And now i'm going to do a little audience participation here besties. I need you each to sing with me. Okay it's we're going to start here it's going to be just listen one time and then you're going to repeat okay here we go. So just oh Davos kumbaya ready three two oh. Okay very good very good okay now go to the next verse here. Yeah. Hosting Steve Bannon at one p.m. a kumbaya. Freeburg's at two p.m. a kumbaya. Billionaire Bunker panel a kumbaya. Oh. At teal just bought one kumbaya. Hunter Biden after party at one a.m. Eight balls and escorts for everyone brought to you by barisima. That's for you sax. And now you all sing. Oh Davos kumbaya. Wow fabulous. You really are the world's greatest moderator. Let your winner ride. Rainman David Satsan. And as said we open source it to the fans and they've discovered the reason. I'm going all the way.
但伙计们,这还不是全部,还有其他的,还有一个巫医之类的,我不确定具体发生了什么,我要提前向这个嘲弄道歉。嘲笑性的嘲弄。这太不可思议了。我不清楚头发被吹飞是怎么回事,但它肯定与那个相去甚远。所以他们正在将新冠病毒吹到每个人的额头上,传播这种感染。他们都接种了mRNA疫苗,但你知道,我们每个人都有演讲,所以我想在这里开始,各位绅士,我们不仅要告诉大家我们的日程安排,我打算用歌曲来表达我们的日程安排。所以让我拿一下吉他,看看我有没有带上,等一下。就抓一下在这儿,噢,在这里,好,等一下,恰好有吉他,真的吉他,噢不,是真的吉他,所以我想,你们知道,每个人都对我们的演讲非常兴奋,所以我想在这里开始,让我看看它是否调好音。你们听见了吗?噢,好的。为什么呢?我觉得我们做到了。我的上帝。萨克斯在采访普京,我的上帝,一起在独裁者休息室唱《和谐》吧,中午的《和谐》。征服你的《和谐》。现在我要请大家参与一下,亲爱的朋友们,我需要你们一起唱。好的,我们要从这里开始,听一次,然后重复唱,好吗?我们开始了,准备好了,三,两,噢。好的,非常好,好了,接着唱下一节。是的。1点钟接待史蒂夫·班农,《和谐》。2点钟接待弗里伯格,《和谐》。亿万富翁庇护所讨论会,《和谐》。哦,在Teal刚买了一件,《和谐》。亨特·拜登的欢迎晚会在凌晨1点,给每个人都带来可卡因和陪伴女郎,由巴里西马赞助。这是给你的,萨克斯。现在你们都一起唱,哦,达沃斯,《和谐》。哇,太棒了。你真是世界上最伟大的主持人。进一步行动吧,Rainman 大卫·萨特森。正如我所说,我们将其开源给粉丝们,他们已经找到了我全程参与的原因。
All right everybody yes the world economic forum is wrapping up in Davos. If you don't know what the WEF is I'll just give you the brief overview. 3000 people five days tons of parties happens in Davos Switzerland. It's run by a foundation. They call these non-government organizations NGOs. I can think of it kind of like the TED conference topic this year was rebuilding trust. It's politicians business leaders economists journalists all the elites. The mission statement of the WF improving the state of the world by engaging business political academic and other leaders of society to shape global regional and industry agendas it's a money printing machine. I'll give you a funny backstory later if you care to know but basically they try to shake it down for about 40 grand a year to go to this thing.
(Note: The translation attempts to convey the meaning in a more readable manner while maintaining the essence of the original text.)
Tons of notable moments that we can get to on the docket here. Free break any highlights for you watching this you know get mocked on social media.
The shear it's it's been a slow unraveling from this being something that people used to flex about going to Davos. Now people are literally apologizing on social media X Twitter etc.
Explaining why they're going because they're kind of feeling shame and going to this event. So what are your thoughts on the sort of whole flipping of this from being a flex to requiring an apology in advance.
You guys know Andrew Ross Sorkin the journalist for CNBC. I think he posted on Twitter you know I know I know forgive me I got to go to Davos. It's almost like embarrassing now that you are associating yourself with the elite cabal in the Swiss Alps during a time of rising global populism and all the criticism that's been rained down on Davos in the last couple of years and then Davos is trying to adapt by trying to be more cool and appeal to the the populace notions that have criticized them. Thus the flute playing thus the shamanism you know and and thus I think a lot of what Javier Millet has called a general economic support for what he defines as collectivism which I'd love to talk about but why don't we just say that.
So I think yeah there's generally been like a response from the community that attends Davos but there's a lot of conflict here with the fact that folks are flying in on private jets and telling everyone to stop producing carbon the fact that they're all dining and spending lots of money and telling everyone that we should move to more towards socialist conditions and higher taxation it's all a lot of irony wound up in this whole thing. It's almost like a like a like a Simpsons show it's what it's become.
Well and the theme rebuilding trust is kind of insulting at its face at least to me like we don't trust you you don't need to rebuild trust with us we're not going to trust you there's no way for you to do that especially after what happened with covid. Saxid you have any sort of reaction to this year's Davos and just how people are reacting to it. You heard Freiburg sort of thoughts on it.
Well Davos has become a parody of itself and that's why you saw these clips go viral of these ridiculous antics of the priestess doing I don't know what she was doing but the only two sets of marks that actually were taken seriously on their own terms was the speech by Malay from Argentina and then also comments by Jamie Dimon and the reason why they went viral is because they were actually saying sensible things that contradicted the sort of established wisdom or consensus at Davos I mean they were effectively sub tweeting the other elites at Davos I mean Malay gets up there and I think he's introduced by Klaus Schwab and he immediately starts denouncing collectivist experiments and says that the West is in danger because its elites have been co-opted by a vision of the world which leads inexorably to socialism and thereby to poverty so Malay basically says this right in front of Klaus Schwab I mean he's describing the the people at Davos that's why that took off and went viral it was incredible.
I mean yeah in a similar way any flew their commercial I didn't know that yeah it could us to him. Jamie Dimon gave this interview I think it was on CNBC where he basically went full chamat you know he basically admitted that Trump had been right and that you know a lot of the criticism of Trump and all the derogatory comments for years were basically just lazy and he said that you know Trump was largely right on NATO on immigration on tax reform he grew the economy immigration immigration he was mostly right on China he said Diamond said he didn't always like how Trump said things or talked about people but he said his policies were largely sound and only look better in time since we've abandoned them and and he's basically saying that you know look at where we are right now and he questioned the kind of everything is hunky dory narrative that the Biden campaign is pushing out so he really went off script there and like I said I think Chamat said it first here on this pot three months ago and now Jamie Diamond is accepting that so that was a huge sub tweet you could say of all the elites of Davos and the accepted wisdom and you know the narrative that they're all pushing out so you know that was the other big interview that went viral and I think that's really saying something that you know that the elites now have parodied themselves to the point where Davos has become a joke and the only talks or remarks out of Davos that people pay attention to are the ones talking sense to the people at Davos because they're not listening. Chamat here that's look everything has a season and I think that when there was a much more singular hierarchy of status Davos played a very important role to signal to other people that you had made it but you know these things come and go and I think that this is sort of in the the back half of its usefulness and half life what is it probably more than anything else now a glorified enterprise software sales conference where the reason to go to these conferences for a lot of these companies I suspect is that it allows you to close very big deals multi-million dollar licenses of this that and the other thing where you can get the leaders of that counterparty across the table from you and hammer out a deal and I think you pay 40 grand a ticket for the right to get everybody together to do that.
我的意思是是的,在某种程度上,任何人都可以坐商业航班飞行。我不知道那会对他有什么影响。杰米·戴蒙(Jamie Dimon)在接受采访时,我想是在CNBC上,他基本上做出了充满自信的表态,你知道,他基本上承认特朗普是对的,而且多年来对特朗普的大部分批评和贬低的言论实际上只是懒散。他说,特朗普在北约、移民、税改以及促进经济增长方面在很大程度上是对的,他对移民也基本上是对的,他对中国的看法也基本上是对的。戴蒙说,他并不总是喜欢特朗普的措辞或是对人的说法,但他说特朗普的政策在很大程度上是明智的,而且时间推移后这些政策只会变得更好,因为我们已经放弃了它们。他基本上在说,看看我们现在所处的位置,他对拜登竞选团队所传达的一切都产生了质疑,他真的离开了剧本。我想Chamat在三个月前就在这个节目中第一个说过这个观点,现在杰米·戴蒙也接受了这一观点,所以这在某种程度上可以说是对达沃斯精英群体的大量暗示和接受智慧以及他们所推动的叙述成为笑话的回应。你知道,这是另一个引起轰动的重要采访,我认为这真的很重要,因为它表明精英们已经把自己变得荒谬可笑,达沃斯已经变成了一个笑话,人们关注的只有那些在达沃斯对精英群体说真话的人,因为他们并没有在倾听。Chamat在这里说,一切都有它的季节,我认为当权力地位有更加明确的等级制度时,达沃斯扮演了非常重要的角色,向其他人传达你已经成功的信息。但是,这些事情来来去去,我认为它现在处于其有用性和半衰期的后半段,它现在可能更像是一个过度吹嘘的企业软件销售会议,许多公司出席这些会议的原因可能是为了能够达成大笔交易,比如签署数百万美元的许可协议等等,这样你就可以与对方领导人坐在一起商谈交易,而你需要支付4万美元的门票费用来把每个人聚在一起做这件事。
So I think they want to pretend that it's a lot more than what it is and I think what it is is that and I think whenever you have the ability to convene people to close business that's valuable beyond that I think it's sort of in the eye of the beholder and it used to be that the beholder thought that this was important and now I think we realize it's much of nothing it's shame in and air flutes and all kinds of stupidity which is why people have the courage to go and mock it and I think that Malay's comments and Jamie Diamond's comments exemplify that. The only other thing I would say is that I had heard although I haven't seen it so I don't know because Alex Carp apparently did a very thoughtful speech about anti-Semitism. and which was also which was also very counter-cultural to the established logic that the surplus elites at Davos want to believe which is the anti-Israel propallestine line. I haven't heard of those so I don't know how impactful that was but those are the three things that I've just seen on Twitter just kind of telling.
所以我认为他们想要假装这比实际重要得多,而我认为实际上仅仅是这样,而且我认为每当你有能力召集人们来达成交易时,其价值远远超出这些。我认为这是因人而异,过去人们认为这很重要,现在我们意识到它几乎没有任何意义,只是一种可耻的虚荣而已,充满无聊和愚蠢。这也是人们有勇气去嘲笑它的原因,我认为马来的评论和杰米·戴蒙的评论就是这样的例证。唯一还想说的是,尽管我没有看到,但我听说亚历克斯·卡普(Alex Carp)关于反犹主义发表了一篇非常有深度的演讲,这也完全与达沃斯那些奢侈者们想要相信的反以色列、支持巴勒斯坦的观点背道而驰。我没有听说过这些,所以不知道它们有多大的影响力,但这是我刚刚在Twitter上看到的三件事,简直让人感慨万分。
The Malay speech I think is the one that everybody is keying on and correctly so you know obviously he's the he's the new president of Argentina and this speech was amazing. People might not, people might not also know that he was an economics teacher and so this talk about collectivism leading to suffering and regulatory capture and bloat which we'll talk a little bit about when we talk about Boeing today was incredibly powerful. It's super basic, you know, listen free markets work, there are people opting into either side of it. He went over essentially without saying it the rule of 72 and like 200 years of GDP growth and how GDP growth under capitalism rises everybody up and then collectivism aka socialism is a bit of a disaster but it's well worth watching it. There was a really cool thing that a company called Heijen did HEY-G-E-N with their AI tool they just immediately took his speech, put it in his own words and published it and translated it as if he was speaking English because he was speaking in this native tongue so really worth checking it out and yeah it was super notable.
It's very basic but I think I think it's everybody wants to hear this right now which is if you're picking collectivism and socialism and redistribution of wealth Argentina has like a really good history of watching this fail and now they're in the process of dismantling it. I don't say something else before Freeberg says something here which I think is going to be very thoughtful.
Jason, the other reason why Argentina is a really good example to use is that what does Davos represent at a different level? Well what it is is old Europe getting together in a way that allows them to continue to coalesce power and what's interesting is if you had presented the case of any other country trying collectivism and failing it wouldn't get nearly the same attention as Argentina and the reason is that Argentina has so many ethnic Europeans and I think that's another reason which is like when you present people that are telling you it didn't work that frankly look like you speak the same language as you I think it actually goes further in making the point than if you found somebody in South Asia or Africa that said the same thing to these folks which they have which they've not listened to and so this is why I think Malay is so interesting and important because he looks the part of a Western leader and I think that that unfortunately is what it's going to take for some of these folks to listen.
Yeah and everyone's acutely aware I mean I'll say three things on this one is just talking to your point some off about the history of Argentina and how it relates to this position that Malay holds in being able to speak credibly to this second is what he said which I think is really important and third is how it relates to the United States but this was clearly to my from my view one of the most important media events of the year I do think that anyone that's listening to us right now should go watch it and go listen to the entirety of the speech it is so important I hope everyone really takes in what he said
just briefly on Argentina in the mid 19th century Argentina was a colonial nation very agricultural but a lot of free market pioneers in going on businesses were built and an economy flourished in Argentina. This photo I put up here is from 1913 Buenos Aires which at the time was called Paris of the West. That's what I say it looks like Paris right the architecture and everything's beautiful and stunning but here's some statistics a lot of people don't know Argentina at this time was wealthier than France or Germany twice as wealthy as Spain and had one of the top 10 highest GDP per capita of any nation on earth in 1913 and so it was this flourishing vibrant economy with a lot of innovation a lot of arts a lot of building a lot of employment a lot of immigration and then as the series of military coups began. I don't know if you guys are aware but there was a military coup 1930 1943 1955 1962 1966 1976 and in every one of these cases the essence of the coup was one of relativism which is some people have benefited more than others as a result we need to change the way that the government and the social structure is functioning and it has to be taken by force and I think this is the big story of Argentina that says so much more than any other nation of the past century century and a half which is that these cycles happen based on not absolutism but on relativism and I'll just give you what I mean by that.
Millet made this point which is so important from the year 1800 to the year 2020 in the year 1800 we saw 95 percent of the world's population in extreme poverty by 2020 it was less than five percent and this was driven by free market capitalism democracies that allowed people individuals to pursue their own self interest and as a result deliver products into a marketplace that people wanted and were willing to pay for and that incentive that market-based system allowed the entire world to move forward
the relativism problem is that some people move forward faster than others and that causes this great cycle of what some people might call envy or jealousy and Millet said it best the west is in jeopardy which is the key statement he was trying to make in his point that countries are no longer defending free markets this is a quote private property and other institutions of libertarianism due to errors in their theoretical framework and ambition for power opening doors to socialism and condemning us to poverty misery and stagnation socialism has failed in all countries where it was attempted
and then he started to harp on about neoclassical economic theory and the issues with that but I want to show you one last image which speaks so clearly to the point that he's making which is as these governments that are well intentioned and the people that elect the governments and put them in power are well intentioned then try to redistribute wealth by getting the governments to step in and play a market role the market role that they play causes inflation causes degradation and economic opportunity economic mobility and prosperity for most people
and you can see this in this chart which we've looked at many times but everything on the top of this chart this is a chart that shows the 20 years of price change as of various goods and services in the United States everything that's gone up in price is something that the US government has a role in buying or paying for yeah controlling yeah and everything that's gone down in price is where there is a free market that has allowed people to access goods and services at a lower price over time as opposed to a higher price over time and while the intention is that the government is doing good for people by making education health care and other goods and services available to them the government stepping in and intervening in the free market causes the price to go up and ultimately you end up in a really negative cycle that resolves in this collectivism approach that he's talking about
and that's why I just wanted to tie back what he said to what's going on in the US today and the and I just harped on this a lot but the growing role that the federal government is playing and the intention is good but the impact is bad over time and that's really I think why it was such an important speech he was so clear it was so important for me to hear it I'm sorry I harped on but I just really know it's the key of his speeches hey good intentions can lead to a bad outcome here yeah you want everybody to have health care you want everybody to have education the government is providing it and there's no customer and there's no market there's no competition
and the products and services that you are referring to they include medicine they include college they include tutoring they they don't just include and they include air conditioning they include refrigerators and televisions smartphones all of that and picking which system and which set of problems you want to have I guess is what societies need to do and free markets it's a weird reflexive loop though for governments because these people what he also said was these aren't just well-intentioned people they're also a small class of elites that wanted to feel like they were better than everybody else
by implementing things at work and so there is a dark part of this as well which is their desire for power and I think it's important to not gloss that over so this wasn't just a bunch of bumbling do-gooders that screwed things up this was also a bunch of folks that that irrespective of the data had an opportunity to gain influence and power and I think that that's that's an important thing to acknowledge because it created a very negative reflexive loop that governments used meaning if you look at free brooks charts why did that happen well part of what happened was the administrative state became more and more powerful they were able to pass laws they were there to decide who the winners and losers were that is a drug and that drug is very addictive and so what happened as this happened was the laws went and reinforced those dynamics of those people being able to decide winners and losers
The thing that it has that has not happened yet though and maybe we're beginning to see it in some of these markets that the government is too involved in is that it is bred a level of incompetence and incapability that we now have to unwind because the average. everyday citizens lives are either at risk or these services are just so expensive that it's just untenable and I think that's where we are now it's a great segue I think into this bowing issue that we've seen because here's an issue of regulation and safety where you want the government and you want safe planes and you want some level of regulation but then you get regulatory capture so maybe but the government the government has not been the supporter of the safety agenda that citizens think yes meaning when you look at what has happened in the u.s. airline industry there are a handful of end user providers but those are all using OEM equipment from one of two vendors bowing or Airbus so it's a duopoly but in many ways it's a monopoly the way that these folks fight with perspective tariffs and imports and incentives so the United States airline industry is a monopoly of one company now if you look at what's happened what they would say is what planes have become safer and safer and safer yes but they've become safer in some ways in in the most simple and obvious ways but they've become unsafe in that you have these fleets of planes that are now behaving very unpredictably and if you look under the hood what happens is bowing as an example and like the last four years how much money do you think they've spent on lobbyists and packs i'll tell you sixty five million dollars how much have they spent just in the last year almost eleven million dollars they're like the 15th most active spender in in politics in washington now what did they use that money for while that's also documented see the crazy thing is this stuff happens in plane in plain sight so they were able to water down the safety regulations what does that allow you to do it allows you to have a situation like this unfold and then on the other side the pilots unions can lobby those same politicians who are taking money from bowing and prevent systems that would actually make these planes safer you can have more improvements in the guide by wire technology you can have more improvements in gps you can have more improvements in a computer's ability to help improve and augment the capability of the pilot unfortunately that would result either in fewer pilots or less pay and so that doesn't happen nearly as fast and obviously as it should it's the same for air traffic control and all of these issues build up because we've allowed monopolies to build up so as much as we think we are a capitalist society we have veered into this collectivism in certain markets and where it's measurable and obvious we need to point at it and say let's go fix yeah
And this would be a let me just tee up a little bit of what you're referring to in case people don't know but everybody probably saw the news that on January 5th the door blew off of one of these Boeing 737 max jets if you've heard that name before it's because this isn't the first time that the max jets have had problems this plane safely landed thank god and there was nobody sitting in the row with the door blew off and this has to do with some bolts on the doors but this is just the start of problems with the 737 max there's an incredible documentary if you haven't seen it we'll put it in the show notes boings fatal flaw and the version before this the 737 max 9 is one that had the the bolts come off the max 8 if you remember there were two really harrowing instances were tragically 346 people died in these two instances because the plane literally the software on the plane which is called max maneuvering characteristics augmentation system which was designed because they were trying to get more fuel efficiency and they had positioned the engines in a weird way on the wings so they had to kind of help pilots level this stuff into your point about regulatory capture there was all this behind the scenes manipulation of the market to try to get these planes built to try to get them out the door because there was so much money at state
这里我只是稍微提一下你所说的内容,以防有些人不知道,但大家可能都看到了1月5日那个消息,波音737 Max飞机的一个门吹飞了,如果你之前听说过这个名字,是因为这并不是Max飞机第一次出问题。这架飞机幸运地着陆了,谢天谢地,门飞掉的那一排没有人。这与机舱门上的一些螺栓有关,但这只是737 Max飞机问题的开始。如果你还没看过的话,有一部非常出色的纪录片,我们会将它放在节目注释中,叫做《波音的致命缺陷》,在这架飞机之前的那个版本是737 Max 9,这个型号的螺栓脱落,如果你还记得,有两个非常惨痛的事故导致了346人死亡,因为这架飞机实际上在飞机上的软件被称为最大机动特性增强系统,旨在提高燃油效率,而且发动机的位置在机翼上有些奇怪,所以他们必须帮助飞行员调整平衡。关于监管的问题,这在背后进行了一些市场操纵,力图让这些飞机建造并尽快投放市场,因为涉及的利益非常大。
well on these two terrible accidents the plane the nose literally dove and the pilots were fighting it in both cases right they just crashed and everybody on board died and for 20 months the 737 max models were grounded and that cost the company over 21 billion dollars so there is no competition to your point and then in a free market if there were 10 providers would this be much different chamois and absolutely yeah so I think that's what you have to realize here is that these duopoly should think there's competition and a duopoly there is in competition no I mean like for example like if you look at the car market how many instances I think the last big incidents that I remember was I think Ford had an issue with the fuel. tanks of some cars that were exploding right yeah but the reality is when that happens there are alternatives one is that there's legal requirements for Ford to just fix these things quickly there are lawsuits that happened they were class actions there was settlements but there's also the ability for folks that can afford it is just a switch vendor and of which there are 50 other vendors to choose from that as a healthy dynamic so today when you look at the auto market what do you see a plethora of choice and when you see fatalities or safety issues they are overwhelmingly driver air yes and we assume that and we get insurance to deal with that when you look at airplanes you have these three sections of risk that each are compounding because there is no competition number one is that the monopoly vendor has zero pressure to actually test these things adequately because on the other side of building something well is shareholder pressure to deliver something sooner and faster so that they can reap more profits then second is you have a regulatory infrastructure that puts rules on top of rules but then will bend the rules if you donate to them right and that's measured and known and then the third are the folks that actually operate the planes who have this actual incentive to not see technical improvements because it defends their job for longer and in all of these cases there isn't enough competition to shine a light on this to say how does society actually want this market to operate this is collectivism it's not working Freiburg you have thoughts on this Boeing regulatory capture and the issue of only having two vendors they are in the complexity of these machines now in relation to that make you can pull this up this is an audit of the business model for a company called Transtime Group.
就这两起可怕的事故而言,在这两起事故中,飞机的机头直接俯冲,飞行员们都在奋斗,但事故仍然发生了,机上的所有人都丧生。整整20个月,737 Max系列飞机都被停飞,给公司造成了超过210亿美元的损失。所以,正如你所说,在自由市场中,如果有10个供应商,情况会有很大不同。确实如此,这是你必须认识到的,双头垄断应该算是竞争,但在双头垄断中,实际上是没有竞争的。例如,如果看看汽车市场,有多少次类似的事故,我记得最后一次大事故是福特汽车的一些车辆燃油箱有问题,爆炸了。但现实情况是,当这种情况发生时,还有其他选择。首先,福特有法律要求迅速修复这些问题,还有集体诉讼和和解。但也有人可以选择其他供应商,因为还有其他50个供应商可供选择,这种健康的动态就存在了。所以,现在看汽车市场,你看到了什么?多种选择。当你看到事故或者安全问题时,绝大多数都是由驾驶员导致的,我们都有一个共识,并为此购买保险。但是当谈到飞机时,你面临着由三个风险组成的问题,而这些风险相互加剧,因为没有竞争。首先,垄断供应商根本没有压力来充分测试这些设备,因为在研发方面,股东们的压力更多地是为了更早、更快地交付,以获取更多利润。然后,你还有一个监管基础设施,这个基础设施会制定一堆规章制度,但是如果你向他们捐款,他们会放松规定,这是众所周知的。第三,实际操作飞机的人,他们实际上没有动力去改进技术,因为这样可以更长时间地维持他们的工作。在所有这些情况下,竞争不足以在这个领域投射光明,以表明社会实际上希望这个市场如何运作。这是一种集体主义,而不是起作用的自由市场。对此,你对波音的监管控制和只有两个供应商的问题有什么看法?以及机器复杂性方面的问题,你可以看看这个,这是对一个名为Transtime Group公司商业模式的审计报告。
Transtime Group is a aircraft aerospace parts manufacturer they sell certified regulated aircraft parts to aviation companies as well as to airlines private pilots and also the government and they do about seven billion in revenue three and a half billion in EBITDA so JIMOPT here point a couple weeks ago about what's the appropriate competitive EBITDA margin that a company can ultimately achieve their EBITDA margins 53 percent this company better than Facebook insane on seven billion of revenue and growing Nick if you want to pull up their stock chart and you guys can see how the business has performed over the years and their business model has been relatively simple they've acquired aerospace companies got that have certified parts they dropped the cost and raised the price and they do that over and over again and here's the business over the last 10 years this thing is you know roughly 10 bagger eight to 10 bagger in the last 10 years the market cap is 60 billion today no end in sight.
Transtime Group是一家飞机航空零部件制造商,他们向航空公司、航空公司私人飞行员以及政府销售经过认证和监管的飞机零部件。他们的年营业收入约为70亿美元,EBITDA(税息折旧摊销前利润)约为35亿美元。所以,在几周前,JIMOPT谈到了公司最终能够实现的竞争性EBITDA利润率,而该公司的EBITDA利润率为53%,这比Facebook疯狂得多,市值大约为70亿美元,并且还在不断增长。如果你想看一下他们的股票走势图,你就能看到这家企业多年来的表现,他们的商业模式相对简单,他们收购已获认证的航空公司的零部件,降低成本并提高价格,并且一再重复这一过程。在过去的10年里,这个企业的市值大约增长了10倍,今天市值达到600亿美元,没有止境。
and so there was a government audit done of the business by using uncertified cost. data which is one of the most reliable sources of information to perform cost analysis we found the Transtime or excess profit of at least 21 million dollars on 105 spare parts on 150 contracts so they're selling spare parts into the government the government auditor came in audited them and identified because there's no real audit there's no real accountability in government as purchasers but there is regulatory authority on deciding who are the winners and who are the losers in the market transtime has been elected a winner because they have regulatory approval to make and sell these parts the cost to get approval to make and sell these parts is so high that it makes it prohibitive for startups to come in and compete in this marketplace and now that they're a preferred supplier and they get these single contracts where there's no competition to be a supplier they can raise the price every year multiple audit reports over the last 23 years have highlighted the problem of the department of defense paying excess profits on sole source contracts where cost analysis was not used to determine fair and reasonable prices and this problem continues to occur.
now I'm not necessarily saying that this is a negative on transtime it's a fantastic business it's well run it's one of the best run public companies with a multi-ten billion dollar market cap in the world but the condition is that the u.s. government comes in and picks and chooses through its regulatory authority which companies can make products the cost to enter and compete becomes prohibitively high and then the company has complete pricing power and there's very little accountability in the overall system and I think that this plays out not just with this company but obviously also with Boeing and the fact that we've narrowed down the competitive market space to just a few sole source providers that have very little accountability and eventually these sorts of conditions arise either prices get too high quality degrades all the other things that natural market forces would keep a check on yeah.
In terms of competition, Chemoff, the I guess the only thing you could say is consumers could potentially maybe try to avoid the 737 max. I know I did when all these accidents happen. I just told you know my person who books the flights hey do not put me on a 737 max period full stop. And you know what, you're going to wind up paying a lot more. You're going to have a hard time getting certain routes. You're going to reduce it because you know most airlines, I think, have these 737 maxes in there. So you when you have such a few number of providers, to your point about it's not like cars, it's not fragmented like that, you can't avoid a certain car type, a plane type the way you can avoid a car type.
就竞争而言,肯莫夫(Chemoff),我想唯一可以说的是消费者有可能试图避免737 Max。当发生所有这些事故时,我知道我这样做了。我只是告诉负责订机票的人,绝对不能安排我坐737 Max。而且你知道吗,你最终会付很多钱。你会很难得到特定航线的机票。因为你知道,大多数航空公司都有这些737 Max。所以当你只有很少的供应商时,正如你所说,它不像汽车那样零散,你无法避免某一种特定的汽车或飞机类型,就像你可以避免某一种汽车类型一样。
So just wrapping up your Chemoff, what changes should we see in terms of late stage capitalism, something the example like air travel and manufacturers, is there any way to unwind this reasonably or is it too late because we're at this? To all, I go back to some of the examples that we've made fun of before. You have to rely on the government to actually be competent in key moments in time. I think this is one of them. The organization that could do something about it, for example, take the FTC or even take the DOJ. We are investigating Amazon's purchase of the portable vacuum cleaner Roomba, right? Critically important issue. And that is apparently for the American people higher than the sclerosis that the government has enabled in the airline industry, which affects everybody.
So could the right government agencies choose to actually focus on something important here and actually figure out why is this happening? Because I think the door plugs issue is endemic of a much bigger problem. This is a company that's rotting because there is no accountability. And the reason there's no accountability is there's no real functional system. Competition and I have not seen any good answer to accountability other than competition. Yeah, I mean the good news is the FAA really took quick action to ground these 171 Boeing 737-9 max airplanes. But they don't, they do not understand the scope of the problem if they let them back in the fleet. And this is happening the bigger picture problem of lack of competition.
那么,正确的政府机构能选择真正关注一些重要问题,并弄清楚为什么会发生这种情况吗?因为我认为门插孔问题是一个更大问题的典型例证。这家公司正在腐败,因为没有问责制。而没有问责制的原因是没有真正的有效体系。在问责制方面,竞争是唯一我见过的好答案。是的,好消息是美国联邦航空局迅速采取行动,将这171架波音737-9 max飞机停飞。但如果他们重新允许这些飞机重新投入使用,他们并不了解问题的范围。而这正是缺乏竞争所导致的更大问题。
Yeah, they're no no no, my, my point is yeah, my point is like you had to adjudicate the interaction of very complicated hardware and software and that first go around here is just a pure systemic hardware failure. So the point is that whether it's them or their suppliers, there's just some complacency that sets in when you know you will always have the business to Friedberg's point. It is a very corrosive thing in running a business, trying to have motivated employees when they know on the back end of it that they could make anything in the world and they'll just be able to sell it to somebody and they'll have to take it.
That's that example that Friedberg just cited, 20 odd million dollars for just random stuff for it, what is it, 15 pieces? That's crazy, that's just straight up theft.
And so. when you have that how do you expect the employees of that organization to give a s*** i don't see how i don't see how you could expect that and so my point is the FAA has a much bigger problem so for example like the d.o.e. has a loan program to try to create a diverse energy infrastructure in the United States maybe we need to look at some of these sectors and instead of building the administrative state take some of that money instead and just create programs to get more competition all right
in other news Adam Newman you remember from we work infamy slash fame it has a new startup you may have heard of it flow they've raised a ton of money he started buying a bunch of apartment buildings the idea people can rent nice apartments in cool cities that focus more on social interaction and hanging out in common spaces all that great stuff and there's also allegedly or reportedly some sort of rent to own where renters can receive equity in the company over time and i don't think this has ever been released but the idea would be maybe you own shares and flow
在其他新闻中,你可能还记得饱受争议的亚当·纽曼(Adam Newman),他是We Work的创始人之一,现在又有了一家新的创业公司,你可能听说过它,叫做Flow。他们已经筹集了大量资金,开始购买一系列公寓楼。这个想法是让人们在炫酷的城市租用漂亮的公寓,重点是社交互动和在公共空间休闲娱乐等各种美好的活动。据说,租客还可以随着时间的推移通过某种租购方式获得该公司的股权。我不确定这个消息是否已经公布,但想法是你可能拥有Flow的股份。
flow manages around three thousand units most of which were purchased by Newman after he left we work and you know he took down a windfall as an exit package and so according to the real dl this real estate publication Newman had a 60 million variable rate mortgage on one of these properties in june saks maybe you could explain to us what's going on here since you have a lot of experience in real estate well it's pretty simple he can't make his interest payments okay so the reason is because he had floating rate debt so if he had locked in his debt over say ten years back in when he bought this building in 2021 or whenever it was when interest rates were extremely low you know that was during the the zorp period probably could have locked in long-term debt at maybe even three percent through four percent and instead he got floating rate debt and if you look at where commercial debt is now i mean at seven eight nine percent if you can get it which is pretty hard so he maxed out on debt when he bought these buildings he bought them top of market it sounds like in 2021 because real estate like a lot of things moves inversely to interest rates so when interest rates spiked over the last year or so then real estate valuations went down so he bought a bunch of buildings top of market using a lot of debt that was floating rate interest rates spiked perfect storm now he can't make his interest payments
crazy part about this when i was watching it happen to moth and we talked about it i think on the program at the time was and recent hero it's put in like over three hundred million at a billion dollar valuation but they didn't do that and be observed they did that in 2022 when the writing was on the wall
what do you have thoughts on why they would make a bet like that and uh yeah just tech VCs betting on real estate for a second time how does that occur well i don't think it occurs because they cared about real estate i think it allows them to take three hundred million dollars of committed capital and put it out there so that they're three hundred million dollars less available which means that they're three hundred million dollars closer to raising a new fund which means that they can raise they can charge two percent on more money that's why they did it got it yeah so just keep the money train deploying capital it's a place where you can put a big huge check and you can raise your next fund and yeah why not yeah okay well there you have looks i mean let me let me offer i mean i i don't disagree i think that candidly what you've said is exactly how mega funds are thinking about it we have to deploy capital to raise our next fund and if we still have capital in our last fund then we can't put Jason freeberg well if you're gonna have to deploy large amounts of capital wouldn't you feel better deploying that capital with an entrepreneur who's actually run a big business before even though the business failed
No, no if you're if you're if you were not optimized for fees you would do what Peter Teal did and just have the fund and return the money right he and for Peter Teal for that because he's already won but everybody else that's trying to win the only way to win in a world where your your exits are not that great is to actually generate money via fees even though that fees are taxed at current income that's the way to win in venture it's not caring it's by fees
And so it's and and i don't blame and reason i think like that's that's smart for them to do and if they have folks that are willing to enable that by giving the money they should do it but are they going to generate huge rates of return probably not because that's not what real estate is known for real estate is known for long steady tax orbs that's slowly compound for the for the owner of the company over 20 or the owner of the business over 25 to 35 years that's not what a venture fund is supposed to be doing for a 10 year 12 year return cycle so obviously they're doing it for fees that's okay i think that's capitalism but what do the lps then think sacks if we look at this you know you're an lp in a technology firm i'll take in dreason out of it for a second but let's just say some giant lp gives giant amounts of money to a venture capital firm and then they deployed in real estate what happens you know in their minds and is there any kind of tension that would occur well just hand it out in the situation you can never judge a vc based on one investment if we were to do that every vc would have a lot of egg on their face because we're supposed to take big swings and swing for the fences and try and hit home runs and grand slams and a lot of them are gonna make you look foolish you have to look at an investment portfolio and track returns over time so i wouldn't judge any particular investor based on one investment so i don't think that's fair.
Now in the case of this investment if you want me to explain what i think went wrong i think adam newman had a compelling vision his vision was to create a new experience in i guess you call it apartment living and that people will be willing to pay more for that because he would create this national brand in apartments and right now apartments are super local and there's there is no brand in you know apartment living so i think as a entrepreneur as an operator he had a great vision and i think he actually achieved his vision if you read these articles carefully what they say is that his occupancy was high and people were willing to pay at least a little bit more for the experience of being in a flow apartment the problem for adam newman is that at the end of the day his plan to raise rents by creating an experience even though it worked it just didn't raise rents that much and what ended up being much more important were the moves and interest rates and how he capitalized these acquisitions and the price he paid on the acquisitions so there's an old saying in real estate that you make money based on the buy not on the sell meaning that you know when you go and sell your apartment building office building or whatever you're monetizing an acquisition that you did correctly and if you don't buy at the right price you're never going to be able to make money on the sale and i think this is a really good example of this where he bought at top of market his capital stack was over-reliant on debt and he had floating.
Rate debt, I mean those are just financial mistakes and timing mistakes that you can't make up for no matter how good an operator you are in real estate. And in a way, I mean this is the same thing that happened with WeWork, which is he delivered an excellent product. I mean people love WeWork offices, absolutely yeah, they pick them over other offices because of the vibes, because of the culture, because of the community. So he is a mastery of that, but to your point, entry price matters and the economics matter. If you look at WeWork, it didn't fail because the product wasn't good, it was because he didn't pay enough attention to the financial aspects of the business. With WeWork, he leased a bunch of offices at the absolute top of the market and then over invested in TI's (tenant improvements).
With Flow, he bought a bunch of real estate at the top of the market and sort of did it with the wrong capital stack. So this is the problem, is that when you get into a real estate business, it doesn't really matter how great you are as an entrepreneur operator if you're not good at like sort of the legacy old-school real estate part of it. And the old-school real estate guys were saying during WeWork, "this is not going to work, you know, this is regis but with a bad capital structure". And the old-school real estate guys were saying something similar about this and you know it just goes to show that if you are going to try and disrupt a legacy industry, you do have to kind of understand the ins and outs of the market.
That legacy industry and the great paradox of this axe was when he did Green Desk, which was the precursor to WeWork, when he did the first WeWorks in San Francisco and other places, his playbook was find a building that's empty that cannot be leased. So he got 25 Taylor Street like sixth and market, the worst area by the Tenderloin, and we had an office there for a little bit and I have my podcasting studio there for a little bit. This was a terrible area. This was a terrible off this was a terrible area. But he made it hip and cool and it was really cheap and man it sold out and it was packed and the vibes were great. But then as you're saying, then he moved all of a sudden to SoMa and he started opening up these glass-filled ones and he was renting them for less with all their giveaways and six months three and all the stuff then they could have referred. So right, he kind of had mission drift right, the playbook they just they changed the playbook and it economically was not viable.
这个传统行业和这把斧头的巨大悖论,就是当他创办了“绿色办公桌”(Green Desk),也即WeWork的前身时,在旧金山和其他地方开设了第一家WeWork时,他的策略是找到那些无法租出去的空置建筑物。所以他选择了泰勒街25号,位于坦德罗因区最差的地段,我们曾经在那里有过一个办公室,我也在那里有过一个播客录音棚。那是一个可怕的区域,但他让它变得时尚和酷,并且非常便宜,销售一空,人满为患,氛围非常好。但正如你所说的,突然之间他搬到了SoMa区,并开始开设这些充满玻璃的办公场所,他以更低的价格租给客户,并提供各种赠品,有三个月或者六个月的免租期。对,他有这种任务漂移的现象,他改变了策略,经济上是不可行的。
Well, the timing, the timing got really bad and again they didn't pay attention to the financial aspects as much as they should. In this case, I think that if he was trying to execute this play today and doing his acquisitions today he could actually make it where he would need a lot more equity because he wouldn't be able to get as much debt financing. But if he had the equity and could do more of an acquisition based on equity, the prices he'd pay right now would be much lower. And then as interest rates come down, he could ride that wave. He could refi, pull his equity out and put debt on it that is cheaper as the price goes down. So there was a way to maybe make this work but you know with real estate the timing is just so important. Again, your cost basis of when you get in the investment is probably the most important thing in terms of whether you make money or not.
Did you see this by chance, the real estate piece in 60 minutes, the package they did last week's acts? It was basically what we were talking about here a year ago, super compelling if you haven't seen it. It's basically the oil and podcast from 12 or 18 months ago.
Has anything changed on the field in terms of commercial real estate or is it just continuing to change? I think that the all the commercial real estate guys, the sponsors and the deal makers and so forth, they're all kind of hanging on by their fingernails waiting for interest rates to come down and all the leases are still coming off. Right, like people are still who had 678 year leases that were signed pre-COVID before once on the market.
I mean some of the markets are coming back but again what this Flow news show, this Adam Newman news shows is that you could be fully occupied and you could still default. And the reason is because your capital structure, the interest rates have spiked up, you're now paying all of your operating income is being eaten up by your debt service. The only way to make it through that is you go to your bank, this is one of these regional banks, banks, and you work out a deal to extend, you know they call it pretend and extend, and they let you hang on there, you'll like you know extend the term of your kick the can down the road, yeah yeah. Lower your debt payments in exchange for more term and you just try to get to the other side of these high interest rates and then once you get to the other side, you again you're hanging on, you're not defaulting. That's what everyone's doing so if rates don't come down as expected this year you know I think the market's expecting 150 basis points of of rate cuts if that doesn't actually happen there's a lot of real estate sponsors who are in trouble and in turn there's a lot of regional banks who are in trouble because they're the ones who made all these loans to these sponsors so everyone's trying to like you said kick the can down the road yeah.
And the 60 minutes piece also talked about how there's some emergency rezoning going on in New York specifically where they take the floor plate in the middle which I think you talked about SACC you have to have windows if you want to convert to residential and they just make an empty space the void they call it in the middle of the building that you know they'll deal with in the future but they just have this empty space in the middle of the building that's not going to get used and then the rest that has windows gets used to be converted into loss etc in New York so people are starting to think creatively if people don't come back to office okay let me ask you a question just based on that the set of comments given Adam Newman's experience as an investor in this space and this general opportunity wouldn't you rather back a known someone who knows and has been through the market and has experienced versus some founder who shows up and has never run a business in this space I mean this guy has more experience than you're else it's such a great point well here's the thing free bird the great point about that is you don't see a lot of founders who are supposed to come out and say I want to build a hundred billion dollar business I want to build a giant business they're so rare that VCs who have a lot of chips they would like to back those you know swing for the fences folks and so I do understand why people would back him again and they've run at it before they've done it to some degree I think they failed to learn from your mistakes and this time around he learned from the same same mistake so therefore they made the bad bad I'm not advocating by the way I'm just asking you know I understand but to your point for you I can understand people want to bet on somebody who is crazy and swings for the fences this entrepreneur clearly does not learn from their mistakes I think both of those things could be true right Shama what I would say is that I think that where I've made the biggest mistakes in my investing career is when I confused what I was investing in for one thing when it was the other and so when I look back and I had a small Daliance and biotech because I thought oh this is going to be more computational biology and I understand computation so this gives me an edge turned out I was wrong there was another time where I have invested in certain sectors of the economy because I thought they were technology businesses and at best they were tech-enabled versions of an existing industry and when I look at those investments the thing that I got wrong was not listening to the very experienced investors in those sectors and why they passed and that has caused me no shortage of headache and grief and so if I had to learn anything from all of this it would be that if it looks like a duck and it quacks like a duck it's a duck it's not a tech company and so if that duck means it's a real estate business I would talk to a real estate investor. and wonder to myself why they wouldn't have done this deal similarly you know when it's a biotech business I have to ask myself why wouldn't they have done it they know more than I ever will in this space and so similarly I kind of look at this as an example of that which is could be a very talented person in an industry I think just it gets important for us to be very clear and lucid and intellectually honest about what industry that is.
I think it's a great point I mean look I think whenever you're dealing with a tech-enabled business which I would define as a more traditional business model with some sort of software layer you know on top of it you have to kind of assess like how much of a difference does that software really make at the end of the day in this case this is a real estate business with a very thin kind of software slash operating slash technology yeah the experienced layer is a very small part of the overall let's call it P&L of this business.
Such a great point SACS I mean a perfect analogy would be like if you have if you're taking a flight on United the United app is delightful now it's a really good app I don't use this as a commercial airline it's called United Airlines SACS you pay for one ticket instead of the whole plane but have you been to a McDonald's recently? I actually went to McDonald's yeah you order through an app now and there's a big screen. The point is you walk in there and it's probably not the McDonald's you knew 15 or 20 years ago it's not about waiting in line and ordering and that's not how it works anymore there so the point is is that a tech-enabled business or is that still a restaurant well if you spend a lot of your time intellectually contorting yourself to try to justify why the next version of McDonald's is a tech-enabled business you're just going to lose a lot of money it's a restaurant now all restaurants need technology and what you see by McDonald's is even the oldest and most established are running forward very quickly to implement technology because they know that it creates efficiency which then flows to the bottom line for them yeah.
So the reality is that we have lived in this wonderland where we've looked at these software businesses that have 80 and 90 percent gross margins and imposed that expectation on other markets and then made investment decisions by trying to justify how that it's a tech-enabled real estate business a tech-enabled health care business a tech-enabled energy business without being honest with ourselves that those businesses have over decades because of lots of competition found a consistent and reliable resting place in terms of gross margins far below 80 and 90 percent and so instead of willing tech-enabled businesses to be at 80 and 90 and tricking oneself I think it's more realistic to ask yourself why aren't 80 and 90 percent gross margin businesses decaying to 30 and 40 percent gross margins like every other part of the economy when everything will be technology-enabled I think that that's a very reasonable question and I think the answer is there is no safe place I don't think that you can justify 80 and 90 percent gross margins in software when you can use a model and whip up a competitor I just think that we are all going to a place where everything is a tech-enabled version of some.
Yeah marketplaces would be a notable exception there with network effects so DoorDash versus the tech-enabled restaurant asset-light marketplaces you and iSACs have been involved in a bunch of different marketplaces together sometimes they're asset heavy sometimes they're asset-light when they're asset-heavy man it's really hard to make those businesses where our costs act.
Yeah I mean I think we should differentiate between gross margin and then the net operating margin or profit right and so you know gross margin is what is the cost on the margin of providing one incremental unit and the thing about pure software businesses is that on the margin you can provision another instance of the product almost free I mean there's a little bit of hosting cost at AWS or whatever so on the margins it's you know it's like the perfect gross margin business as opposed to a hamburger as opposed to a yeah a restaurant is going to have very large cost of goods sold or cogs the simple heuristic that I use is just does this company have large cogs cost of goods sold and are they physical world cogs if they are it's not a software business it's at best a tech-enabled business so just look for that you know does this business have large physical world cogs.
Now what I would say is if the cogs are virtual like you know it could be hosting costs or it could be paying Twilio for telephony or something like that then at least it's still not like as good a business because the margins aren't as good but it's very scalable right because you're not you don't have that like huge friction of needing to scale up physical world infrastructure physical world supply chains that kind of stuff so I like virtual cogs a lot better there are digital cogs a lot better than physical cogs
I love it when marketplaces though I mean we could speak to that too you know when I had Dara on the pod the other week and when he launches an adjacency hey we're going to sell alcohol hey we're going to sell groceries hey we're going to add this thing that's right next to the already you know portfolio of Uber offerings doesn't. cost them much right they just have to get the supply side up and running but they already have the demand side and I think that's where like these super apps are doing really well or Airbnb adding you know some inventory in a new city that they unlock right well
true true marketplaces are perfect gross margin businesses as well because they don't have a school inventory that they themselves own what you'll see is with a lot of marketplaces they'll cheat by buying the inventory themselves at least to jumpstart the market and then selling it yeah and so when you see that line item on the P&L the you know that they have real cost of goods sold you know wait a second this isn't a true marketplace they're providing the service yeah and so again it's just a way to like catch whether the business is truly one of these great high gross margin businesses or whether it's more of a tech-enabled business that's pretending to be a pure software business yeah
direct consumer got people in a lot of trouble during the last cycle venture capital if you look at a lot of these companies even the best SaaS businesses have seen their gross margins erode by about 15 to 20 percent it used to be that best-in-class software business can generate 90 90 1 8 8 high 80s to low 90s gross margins now that's not true you see a lot of these best-in-class companies that are in the high 60s or low 70s so it already just shows you that that pressure has has come upon the market and so is it that the software-enabled business goes towards 85 or is that the 85 percent gross margin business goes towards 30 and looks like it's the latter that's just what the data says well may I'm just categorizing certain costs differently than you are but I don't know why software business would go all the way to 30 right because again sales and marketing don't count in the gross margin G&A doesn't count even R&D doesn't count in the gross margin it has to be you know a unit cost that you can attribute on the margin to that incremental instance of the product so things like again paying Twilio for meter telephony or paying open AI for like meter to API access all of that is definitely in Cox and I think some customer support costs that can be attributed on kind of a per-instance basis that goes in there but if if sales and marketing and R&D and G&A aren't going in there I mean I don't know why I go all the way to 30
直接向消费者销售在上一个风险投资周期中给很多人带来了很多麻烦,因为即使是最好的SaaS企业,其毛利率也下降了约15至20%。过去,最优秀的软件企业可以实现高达80至90%的毛利率,现在这种情况已经不再成立了。你会看到很多最优秀的企业的毛利率只有60%多或者70%多,这已经表明了市场的压力。所以是软件增值业务的毛利率会降至85%还是85%的毛利率业务会下降至30%,看起来更可能是后者,这正是数据所显示的。或许我只是以不同的方式归类了某些成本,但我不知道为什么软件业务会一直降至30%。因为再说一遍,销售和市场营销不计入毛利率,一般管理费用也不计入,在研发方面也不计入。所以必须是你可以归因于产品增量的单位成本,比如支付Twilio进行通话计费或支付open AI进行API访问等,所有这些都是成本,我认为还有一些客户支持成本可以按照每个实例的基础来归属,但是如果销售与市场营销、研发和一般管理费用都不计入其中,我不知道为什么会一直降至30%。
I guess I'm just saying that I still think software businesses and marketplaces for that matter are still the best kinds of businesses on a margin profile basis the problem is that there's a lot of fake software businesses or fake marketplaces out there that are pretending to be pure tech businesses when actually they're they're more like old school businesses that have the veneer of technology and I think to your point they're like the trick of saying I'm an 80% gross margin business but having no profitability is then who cares so yeah that's true when you look at the profitability of these businesses again you'll be in the 20 to 30 percent that's why when you see companies that are in the high 30s to low 50s they're a very unique and B you should expect that there is something fundamentally monopolistic about them and that is a simplest way to filter out these companies because in a highly competitive market you cannot extract those kinds of profit dollars capitalism says you can't do that so you can only do it when when you have an N of 1 or N of 2 kind of competitive dynamic where there's essentially a mutual to talk with your biggest competitor yeah
it is it is a good point that just because you have good you in economics who could gross margins doesn't mean that the business is profitable at the end of the day yeah it could be I mean you can have 80% gross margins and still be losing a ton of money because you've got too much overhead you've got too much sales and marketing you got too much R&D yes so you're selling to customers who don't really need it and then they eventually cancel right like we see that a lot
look at the streamers look at the streamers that's just a big recycling exercise it's just like people come to the top of the funnel they use the product and then they leave and then you have to re-acquire them over and over again and it and it could be the case that SaaS actually looks a little bit like that too at the bottom line when you hit your natural audience it does get challenging yeah
Well, this is why in SaaS there's a heuristic called the rule of 40 which is for public market SaaS companies you want to see that they're operating margin plus their growth rate equals 40 or is greater than 40 ideally so in other words you could have a SaaS business with a 20% operating margin and a 20% growth rate and that would hit rule of 40 and that would be a very attractive business or you could have I don't know it could be growing 50% year over year and its operating margin could be negative 10% and that'd be okay too because they're losing money but at least the investment is leading to a well above average growth you know or you could be growing you could you know be growing slower you could have a 10% growth rate and have a 30% operating margin and that would also be hitting the rule of 40 so it's just a simple way of like tracking whether this is a good business at scale I don't think startups have to worry about this until they get to kind of the later growth stage yeah when you're in your BC round you're making 50 100 million yeah you got to be really thoughtful about this and the beginning of trying.
to get product market fit and triangulate on something so Shamak just mentioned streaming NBC universal if you didn't know it paid the NFL 100 million dollars for the exclusive streaming rights to one that's right one first round playoff game for the NFL that happened last weekend between the chiefs and the dolphins that was on their service peacock and BC's app basically their version of Netflix or Disney plus it garnered 23 million viewers which makes it the most streamed live event in US history even so that's almost half of what the Packers and Cowboys had about 40 million lines versus Rams same weekend 36 million and so this has brought into question what's going on with streaming have these businesses gotten ahead of their skis just give you a couple of charts Disney plus took off like a massive rocket peaked in Q4 of 2022 at 164 million subscribers are now at 150 million years of chart I mean just amazing how quickly they got to Netflix ish numbers here's Netflix's chart again this is quarterly they're up to now an all-time high 247 million subscribers and the annual growth rate all the way back to 2001 still pretty spectacular and their revenue also very respectable for Netflix however they overspent massively during the peak streaming era 2019 to 2022 and that's when subscriber growth started too slow obviously they were spending way too much and other entrants came in like Apple plus and Amazon prime where they really didn't even think that they had to make a profit they were using streaming maybe to sell more iPhones or to get more Amazon prime subscribers so here is the major problem here's the churn chart basically churn means people cancel right and so as these services have cut what they're offering the number of Marvel shows or Disney you know having Star Wars shows the churn goes way up people are also having subscription overload I don't know how many of these I subscribe to but I think it's all of them or maybe out of these one two three four five six seven eight nine on the chart I think I have seven of these so there is definitely some unbelievable subscription burnout and the streamers in in order to get these businesses above water have raised their prices we all know that you've probably seen your streaming bills you know have three four five bucks added to them every month and at the same time they're cutting how much they're spandering so you're paying more for
Last month, your thoughts on this dynamic. If you bring the chart back up, here's the most important thing that's worth noting. Let's take stars as an example. It turns 12% of their users every month, which means that over a year they've turned 144% of their user base. That means that they have to basically turn their entire membership base one and a half times in order just to tread water, right? So if you start with a hundred, it's a lot of money that you have to spend to make sure you end the year at a hundred. Forget about growing.
If you look at peacock, they're going to lose a hundred percent of their subscribers in a year. If you look at discovery, they're going to lose 75 percent. If you look at max, they're going to lose 50 odd percent. Apple TV same Hulu and Disney Plus will lose 60 percent. Netflix will lose almost 40 percent. So the only winner in all of this is Facebook and Google. The only winners are Facebook and Google because that's where the ads will appear to try to re-acquire these folks, right? So I guess that's a positive indication. But the reality is that money isn't infinite. And so what happens in a dynamic where you have a category where there's just a lot of consumer churn? I think what happens is it evolves in phases.
And in phase one, which is sort of where we are now, where there's a bunch of relatively well-established folks, is that they are going to initially overspend on content because they are going to try to differentiate the cost of acquisition based on content, right? Which makes sense. I have a tent pole, come and watch it here, you can't watch it anywhere else. And I think that was the peacock example where they had this football game and all these people showed up, and they thought, "This is exactly why we're paying so much money for these rights because people will show up." I think the problem is that when everybody is doing it, everybody's doing it. And so you don't know how to differentiate. Even in our group chat, look at the number of times when somebody randomly says, "Is there something to watch?" And everybody's got 50 recommendations. Guess what I do? I tune it all out because I'm like, 50 across six different services. I have no way to track it. And then I lose interest and I'm like, "You know, I'll just stick to Youtube."
So I think what happens is in phase one, folks spend a lot on content. In phase two, they realize that actually what you need to do is spend on a long tail of content in a much more disciplined way. So there's a company that I know about, for example, they just signed a pretty big deal with Amazon, hundreds of millions of dollars. And I was trying to figure out, is that a lot or a little? And it turns out that Amazon's trying to get three or four or five versions of these going, which means that before we probably could have gotten five or six hundred million and instead you get two or three hundred million, still an incredible thing but it just goes to show you that there's a lot of competition. And so instead of having a single mode, right, if you were to graph something where there's a few pieces that just get all the money, now you're smearing this content across all kinds of stuff. And I think that that makes it very difficult to keep folks. So I suspect that you're just going to see a lot of churn.
I don't like this category at all as an investor. So clearly there's been an overspend here, but consolidation is coming.
Free burgundy thoughts on the streaming space.
I just think this is the opposite of what we were talking about earlier where there's a free market competing and it's benefiting consumers. I mean, the point that you made is a really good one, that there's a lot of great content to watch. Folks that raise prices, people cancel, so you got to drop prices. You got to offer good content.
And I actually think this is a really good and healthy thing to see happen, this competition that benefits consumers. And there'll be some set of winners here and some set of losers, but I think ultimately it's just really good to see how it all shakes out. Who's willing to put up the big box? Who's got the smarter algorithm that predicts how fresh your content has to be and how unique it has to be relative to other platforms to keep the audience's attention?
I would argue if you look at those numbers and you look at the performance over time, Netflix absolutely rules the roofed in the sense they're an incredible operating team. They have an incredible capability of predicting what content will work, how quickly they have to refresh content, how much they should be investing in content per quarter per month, and they're clearly retaining users and making money. And others maybe that are newer to the game haven't figured that out yet, but it's just very good to see the competition.
So I don't know how to predict what's going to happen here, but it's good to see it. It's clearly going to be massive consolidation. Also, these folks are launching an advertising-based version. So you probably saw Netflix has an advertising tier. So a lot of these folks didn't have those. Disney Plus, I think it's going to have one as well.
所以我不知道如何预测这里会发生什么,但看到这些情况很好。显然,将会发生大规模的整合。另外,这些人推出了一个以广告为基础的版本。所以你可能已经看到了 Netflix 有广告会员等级。所以很多这些公司一开始并没有这个功能。迪士尼加也会有一个广告会员等级。
You know what no one's paying attention to is YouTube TV. I don't know, you guys subscribe to YouTube TV? I'm a Hulu person. Yeah, I think it's fantastic. If you look at some third-party data on YouTube TV, the subscriptions are going through the friggin roof and it's really interesting to see because with YouTube TV you're basically rebundling the unbundling that happened in cable except you're doing it over the internet and you can access it anywhere.
你知道有个没人关注的东西叫YouTube TV吗?我不知道,你们有订阅YouTube TV吗?我是Hulu的用户。是的,我觉得它很棒。如果你看一些第三方数据,YouTube TV的订阅量飙升得很厉害,这真的很有趣。因为YouTube TV基本上重新绑定了发生在有线电视中的解绑,只不过这次是通过互联网实现的,而且你可以在任何地方使用它。
So they've basically converted the pipe as the value to the service itself as the value which you can access anywhere you want on any TV in any room without boxes while you're on the road on your phone on your laptop and it seems to be kind of highlighting that maybe it wasn't necessarily the bundling that was the problem but the way that the service was being offered.
So who knows maybe bundling versus all of this part and parcel you got to pick five different providers and buy content on the fly maybe that's not what consumers want. Young people don't care about the live channels, old people do. But yeah, Hulu and YouTube TV are really wonderful products because they work really well on Apple TV. The apps work great but they also work great on your iPhone, your iPad.
也许谁知道,在这个整套服务中,将所有的东西捆绑在一起,你就需要选择五个不同的供应商,并随时购买内容,也许这不是消费者想要的。年轻人不在意直播频道,老年人在意。但是是的,Hulu和YouTube TV真的是很棒的产品,因为它们在Apple TV上运行得非常好。这些应用程序不仅在您的iPhone、iPad上运行良好。
So yeah, you know they're really spectacular in that way.
Saks well this is conversation back to what you're talking about with margins and sass and tech-enabled versus real software businesses. I personally have never seen a b2c subscription business that works. The turn is just too high. I mean what I've seen is that the monthly churn rates on a software subscription for consumers is somewhere in the five to ten percent range so on a full-year basis you're retaining maybe fifty percent of your customer base.
You're effectively rebuilding your business from scratch every two years. It's a very tough place to be. This is why I basically skewed towards b2b sass is because a good b2b sass business will have net expansion. Instead of fifty percent churn, you'll do 120 percent expansion and so you're actually building a subscriber base with long-term value.
你实际上每两年都在从零开始重建你的业务。这是一个非常艰难的位置。这就是为什么我基本上偏向于b2b sass,因为一家好的b2b sass企业将会有净增长。而不是50%的客户流失,你将会实现120%的扩张,这样你实际上是在建立一个具有长期价值的订阅者群体。
Now how did Netflix do it? I mean Netflix avoided that prohibitive level of churn by spending literally billions of dollars on content and original programming and again it goes back to the point this is not a pure software pure tech business it includes an old-school studio which is very capital intensive and they financed a lot of the content acquisition with billions and billions of dollars raised during that zirp period from I think both equity and debt and you have to wonder if that could be done again in this post-zirp period where capital is just a lot scarcer.
I think this is going to work really well though for Netflix and Disney. Man, these huge archives that they own, these libraries are going to get them to three four five hundred million global subs and has become money printing machines that I don't think they're going to need a ton of new content. The question is whether you could recreate an archive of that level today given how much more expensive capital is.
My point is that zirp helped Netflix catch up. Yes, to these studios and create this huge library but still I think that what the streaming services have shown in their churn is that if you don't provide original content.
And original programming then users will turn off that so you have to kind of have both you kind of have like the library is filler but if you don't have a hot show come along every so often the subscribers will turn off that.
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You need to have some new content depending on how deep.
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The library feels like Netflix and Disney Plus have done a great job with our libraries just to give you an idea revenue for Netflix for 2023 33.5 billion 247 million subs that's a ARPOU yearly revenue for those folks 136 bucks a year now the reason you're seeing that number not makes sense if you're paying 15 bucks a month is because internationally Netflix is a lot lot cheaper but I love those two businesses I think they're going to be picture ordinary over time.
图书馆感觉Netflix和Disney Plus为我们的图书馆做得很好,给你一个概念,Netflix2023年的营收为335亿美元,拥有2.47亿订阅用户,这是ARPOU年度收入136美元对于那些人,现在你看到这个数字没太大意义是因为国际上Netflix的价格要便宜得多,但我喜欢这两个业务,我认为它们会随着时间的推移成为标志性的存在。
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Netflix has to acquire 100 million people a year just to stay even what's their churn rate for 4% a month I think it's fine right so they're turning half their customer base every year that's my point a hundred million people they're rebuilding their customer base from scratch every two years how does that make sense it's totally fine because what happens is you have people coming off their parents plan getting their own people go through a bad beat they don't like. it you know whatever they unsubscribe but they all come back back and forth back and forth and then it just keeps growing over time.
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I think you're describing something that's true I think David is describing why it's a shit business I mean if they if they make more money than they spend and I don't think they need to do a ton of advertising eventually you turn through so much of the market that actually you can't maintain that growth rate I mean if you reactivate maybe you can do it but I think that's. what's happening from a business perspective the only. logical thing that i would do if i was running one of these businesses is attach it to another business where you can think about it in terms of ltv so the only obvious example of that i think is amazon video because you can stick it beside prime and a bunch of other things and now you have a very different way of justifying ltv and minimizing churn and that seems like a i buy that argument Jason i don't buy like a standalone business like. this trying to do it yeah yucky i i sorry real quick have you guys dug in the netflix's business i mean they're still growing top line the ebata margin continues to expand i mean all those facts might be true but that churn engine and that recapture engine seems to be working in a way that they're printing cash and growing it's pretty impressive i don't know if there's a limit there but i mean i haven't looked at the analyst but i think that is the key to the bundling point apple plus which is the tv component not the hardware product is bundled.
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As part of this apple one program which is kind of like amazon prime and so i think you're seeing a little bundling there netflix also added video games to make it even more sticky so i think there's like a subscription super app coming which the new york times is kind of done right with wordle crosswords the athletic wire cutter and the new york times so i think you're going to start to see honestly you just had a jumble of names that went.
作为苹果一计划的一部分,它有点像亚马逊Prime的服务,所以我认为你会看到一些捆绑服务,Netflix还加入了视频游戏,使其更具吸引力,因此我认为可能会出现一个订阅超级应用程序,像《纽约时报》以及《Wordle Crosswords》、《The Athletic》、《Wire Cutter》等。老实说,你可能刚刚听到了一堆名字。
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in one year and out the other i don't remember a single one you said this is my point for most people Jason not at a media efficient i don't like you new york times is doing fantastic doing the bundling some people come for the crosswords and wordle and that's why they subscribe and they like the news other people come for the news they discover crosswords and wire cutter and the athletic and they stay for that so i do think there's going to be an incredible business here i'll take the other side of it yeah they spent a lot on content though during that period where disney plus came in and i think everybody's now has a little more discipline and the budgets came way down if you didn't know the hulk cost 250 million or something the she-hulk rather that cost 225 million for nine episodes what first avengers 225 million wait sorry 250 million for for nine episodes of the she-hulk yeah and people criticize it for having bad cgi so it's i think there's like new discipline coming to us it's.
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a netflix show a disney plus show a disney plus show yeah i don't i don't know about you guys i've been rewatching the sopranos i find some of the content on hbomax to be the best content out there oh my god i've i've i've watched it so much more watchability on it disney doesn't have that much rewatchability i don't know the only reason i keep my max description is i'm waiting for house of the dragon season two i mean if they didn't have that one show i'd be like yeah i cut it you know yeah i do think this could help netflix because a lot of these streaming services came along we had way too many right we got saturated with streaming services and most of them you subscribe to you may now even remember subscribing you may just subscribe to a free trial to get an nfl game and then you get billed because you forgot to cancel it by the way yeah have you guys ever gone into apple i cloud settings and looked at your subscriptions oh boy yeah get in there guys just go go if you have like an extra five minutes you will say that so much money like going into subscriptions in your settings and just turning them all off i was shocked i was shocked i mean this is part of your austerity measure absolutely you know how many subscriptions to disney plus i had how many this is what's so gross is why they even let me do this i had three what three how's it even possible one for the plane one but i had i had three i had two hbos i had two netflix oh no netflix keeps sending a message saying hey you need to update your payment information but then i'm watching netflix on my apple tv so i'm like i'm clearly playing for paying for it somehow it's so confusing and i have the perfect solution for you there are credit cards now where you can set a spending limit and so what i do is every year i just turn off the limit on that credit card i just take it from unlimited or uncapped down to zero and i do this for business as well and then all the subscriptions time out you're all that what jeff jeff does that for me jeff does it but i mean having somebody go in there and i have a jeff i have a jeff do you know but it's very simple you only use one card for subscriptions and then you turn it off every year see which one you want to keep going it works really well and then you move the other ones to a new point
第三段:一个Netflix的节目,一个Disney+的节目,还有一个Disney+的节目。唉,我不知道你们怎么样,我一直在重温《黑道家族》,我觉得HBO Max上的一些内容是最好的内容。天哪,我已经看了好多遍了,它的可观性更高。迪士尼没有那么多可观性,我不知道唯一让我保留HBO Max的原因是我在等《龙之家》第二季。我的意思是,如果没有那个节目,我可能会减掉它,你知道的。对,我确实认为这可能有助于Netflix,因为很多这些流媒体服务推出来后,我们太多了,我们被流媒体服务淹没了,你可能订阅了很多,现在甚至都不记得自己有订阅了,你只是订阅了一个免费试用来看NFL比赛,然后因为忘记取消而被扣费。顺便说一句,你们有没有进入苹果的iCloud设置,看看你们的订阅?哇哦,进去吧,朋友们,如果你有多余的五分钟,你会省下那么多钱的,只需进入设置中的订阅,然后把它们都关掉,我当时很震惊,这绝对是你节俭的一个措施,要知道我订了多少Disney+的订阅,多少个啊,很恶心的是,为什么他们都让我这么做呢?我有三个!三个!为什么会有三个,这怎么可能?有一个是飞机上看的,但是我确实有三个,还有两个HBO和两个Netflix,天哪,Netflix一直发消息说:“嘿,你需要更新支付信息”,但是我却在我的Apple TV上看Netflix,所以我显然是在支付一种方式,这太令人困惑了,我有一个完美的解决方案,现在有一种信用卡,你可以设定一个消费限额,所以我每年都会把这张信用卡的限额关闭,从无限制或没有额度降到零,我在工作中也这样做,然后所有的订阅都会到期。你们这些都知道,杰夫会为我做这个,杰夫会的,但是很简单,你只需要用一张信用卡来支付订阅费用,然后每年把它关掉,看看你想继续哪一个,这个方法效果非常好,然后把其他的转移到一个新的账号上。
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i don't really want to say how many thousands of dollars i was wasting on like dual lingo i was like i'm paying for dual lingo and then i was paying your Italian it's still terrible yeah terrible and then i i had i had like you have a case against that no then i had dual lingo and i had babble and i had rosetta stone so i'm like my Italian is not improving because of any of these three apps but i was paying them collectively like four hundred dollars
我真的不想说我花了多少千美元在像Dual Lingo这样的应用上,我付费使用Dual Lingo,然后我还在付费学习意大利语,但我的意大利语仍然很差,真的很糟糕。然后我试过Dual Lingo、Babble和Rosetta Stone这三个应用,但我的意大利语没有任何一款应用有所改善,而我竟然为这三款应用共付了四百美元。
Paragraph 2:
i had a whoop subscription i don't even have a loop when rick tomsen started manscaped i was i signed up for manscaped i get all this bald deodorant i've never used it once we know we see next year in poker we know it's not working bro just a message to manscaped i have tried to cancel i have called i have emailed i took it upon myself to try it's impossible to cancel they won't even let you reset your account so you can get a link to cancel it's so hard and still your balls are terrible yeah my balls are phenomenal i've sat next to you in poker man not okay let's get into plastics and get off chamauch balls i mean how did we get here uh subscription services subscription services yes streaming is at a crosswords across roads apparently so they're really trying to make that bald deodorant happen aren't they
我曾经订阅过Whoop,但当Rick Tomsen开始创办Manscaped时,我甚至没有一个取消订阅的机会。我当时决定订阅Manscaped,结果却收到了一堆我从未使用过的光头除臭剂。我们都知道在扑克游戏中,它并不有效,兄弟。我给Manscaped发了取消订阅的请求,打过电话,发过邮件,我自己试图去取消订阅,但根本不可能。他们甚至不让你重置账户,以便你可以收到取消链接,取消订阅太困难了。可是,你的蛋蛋还是很糟糕。是的,我的蛋蛋都很棒。我在扑克游戏中坐在你旁边,你应该知道不太好吧。我们来谈谈订阅服务吧,订阅服务。看来流媒体服务已经到了一个关键时刻,他们真的很想让光头除臭剂出名了。
Paragraph 3:
they're trying to make it happen well they're trying to make fetch happen bald deodorant's not happening i'm sorry i mean what are you supposed to do squat and swipe what has the work i mean is it a spray are you lifting and spraying is it a chat i'm trying to create like a new thing but yeah i was trying to support my friend in signing up for a subscription service and now i can't cancel that's my problem that's my predicament could you also take a shot oh you're so i don't know i just put it out there i i'm trying it's the it's going on there chamau doesn't have to do with the product i signed up because rick was the venture investor that seeded it and started i supported my friend yes and now i want out and i cannot get out every time i try to get out they pull me back in i'm just going to say when it comes to manscaped no testimonials please no testimonials the worst part is like you you know it comes to the house and oh somebody opens your bald deodorant and puts it on your desk they do and no they not be tired staff no as you have sticky balls what that's what's so funny they put it right on the kitchen counter so as i walk through them everybody but i think i think i've walked a i grab it and i'm like who's seen this bottle out there it is what is it there is bottles going oh my god oh man how do you apply it is it just a little dab will do you yeah no i mean you know not a spray it's apparently an oatment sax it's an oatment this is far too much information
Paragraph 4:
yeah i'll try it don't you guys exactly i'll try it get out of the camera you know what i'm going to give you my my prescription it's going to drop oh fall to you why not oh mr promo coach mop for 10 off your use the promo go dictator you get deficit okay you can never cancel but this d i c k tater tater yeah you stick promo dictator oh get 10 percent off your bald deodorant at manscave all right preberg it's your turn to shine no not bald deodorant we wanted to talk about micro plastics a study came out it's terrifying we've known plastics have been terrible for years obviously turned into some sort of political discourse with straws and everything but plastics are horrible we shouldn't be using them but the study confirms a bunch about drinking micro plastics educate us on this study that everybody's talking about right now
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dr freeberg i wouldn't start with the statement that plastics are awful plastics are polymers which are long chains of what are called monomers this is hydrogen carbon and oxygen that comes together to form these specific molecules and then we can kind of bake them into crystal like structures and the reason the plastic industry took off is because it ended up being very cheap to create materials that we could turn into chairs that we could turn into bottles to move stuff around a lot of applications everything from solar photovoltaics to our computers to our laptops to our phones everything has some form of these polymers in it the polymers that are commonly used for making bottles that we consume beverages out of or a pet plastics these pet plastics are made from a combination of natural gas and crude oil so we kind of have a production process where we get the carbon hydrogen and oxygen that's naturally found in natural gas and crude oil converted into these molecules that we turn into long chains and we turn them into bottles and fill those bottles and they end up being a lower carbon footprint than using glass about 5x the carbon footprint to use glass instead of plastic and in making a bottle to store stuff and move liquids around 40% cheaper and a lot of other kind of reasons why the industry and the world adopted plastics not just for bottle beverages but for other applications.
Paragraph 2:
So in bottle beverages because these are polymers there are these long chains of little molecules that are stuck together some of those chains break and then some of those little chunks of those molecules end up floating around in the liquid that we're consuming and what this study did that kind of highlighted a set of data that hadn't really been studied well before is they used a form of spectroscopy so kind of a multi spectral light system shining light at different wavelengths on the liquid in a bottle in a plastic bottle to figure out how many of these little plastic particles there were in the liquid and in doing that they found that there was on the order of 10,000 little plastic particles per liter of water or per liter of soda or drink or gatorade or whatever the beverages that you're drinking the real question then is well how risky is that so if you look at a lot of the health agency studies the kind of well adopted and well researched efforts on is there toxicity associated with PET plastics on its own they find that there's very little genotoxicity or no genotoxicity meaning each other doesn't change your DNA there's no carcinogenicity so it doesn't cause cancer but there are other studies recently that have shown different mechanisms by which these little tiny microplastics might end up in your cells because they absorb into your body and they're small enough that they can cross into barriers they can get into your brain they can get into your cells when they're in your cells there are other mechanistic studies that are done in a petri dish as opposed to being studied in the body where they've demonstrated that they could actually disrupt the function of organelles like mitochondria endoplasmic reticulum so all these little things that operate in your cell they can cause irritation they can trigger chemicals to be produced that might cause allergies that might cause inflammation and so on and so forth so while the general molecule of PET itself isn't known or shown in any way to cause cancer or to cause changes in your DNA there are other mechanisms by which these little tiny plastics might be disrupting cellular function might be causing other health issues and that's now going to open up a big area of research that that's going to be predicated I think on the fact that this study now shows that there are thousands hundreds of thousands of little pieces of tiny plastic in these plastic bottles that we're drinking water and soda and juice from that are getting into our body and into our cells two hundred and forty thousand.
Little pieces in the average one liter plastic bottle. That's a pretty scary statistic when you see that number. Enough to cross the blood brain barrier.
In rats and mice, they've shown that these little micro plastics can actually accumulate in the brain if they consume enough of them. Now the reason this hasn't been well understood or studied in the past is we kind of look at the aggregate amount of plastic that's in a liquid and it's like oh the amount is so small it doesn't matter. But when you start to look at how small these little pieces of plastic are and add them up, the cumulative effect over time, that they can actually cross into cells, cross the blood brain barrier, maybe are not getting removed from the body.
That's opening up a whole lot of research because there's no easy way to just scan a body and say is there plastic in it, how much plastic is there because there isn't a good chemical signature for it. And what these guys did is they use light to look in the liquid to find the plastics, which we can't easily do in the body today.
So Freiburger, you're not going to drink plastic bottle water anymore? I'm not okay Jamal, I've already stopped. This started for me about four months ago. My wife basically said we're getting rid of all plastic and at first, I really pushed back and I'm like this is crazy. And she just kept talking to me about it and showing me all this data, and yeah about a month ago I would say I switched. So now I use glass and a craft like this, yeah much better. We got rid of all of the plastic in our house, in the gym no more bottles, it's wasteful anyway, like why not if you have beautiful filtered water at home put it in a craft sure, but the scary thing, I mean it's a little bit more inconvenient I'll be honest with you but it is very scary and I think that it does alter the phenotype of the human body over time and I think you'd have to be insane to bet against that. And I suspect when you look at the rates of depression and autism and Alzheimer's and dementia and autoimmune diseases crones rheumatoid arthritis to think that all of these environmental factors have no impact I think is is taking a very scary bet.
Here's what I do, I buy these glass bottles on Amazon, you know two or three cases of them, I have the best water filter system at home, we fill them, we put them in the refrigerator and we have them block plastic in years. Sash in years. Only because I care about the environment because I'm a good person.
For you, yeah Jason, I'll also say like that that application is a pretty small like I think on the order if I'm right, 80 percent of bottled beverages are drunk outside the home so people are buying stuff at convenience stores at gas stations at markets taking them with them to work and that's how a lot of plastic bottles are consumed, by the way remember to have us as such a small percentage of the global population, you go to Africa, you go to Brazil, you go to China, there isn't a great like people don't have these amenities that we have in our upper and middle-class America that plastic bottles have provided access to products that consumers around the world otherwise wouldn't be able to afford, so there's a reason they exist.
But by the way, I also want to just be really clear, there isn't conclusive evidence or science that shows these plastic micro particles or nanoparticles are causing these health effects, there's certainly a lot of questions that it brings on, well what is the cumulative effect of these little things getting into cells and they get into cells why do i do when they're either why would anybody bet that it's zero, right? So that's the research website right?
Well, the outside is that people get to access cheap beverages on the street that otherwise people that are living on 13,000 dollars a year that can buy a you know a plastic soda for 25 cents you can also buy it yeah so that's definitely an alternative they're a little more expensive generally, plastic. just became the cheapest container saks your thoughts sorry guys I stepped out to get a drink here I missed anything? It would be better if you had put a straw in your water bottle than we drinking profiled plastic bottle now I understand your level of depression it's just causing it saks you're just killing those arrow water bottles yeah did I miss something yeah that's a high score I stepped out also I I use these beautiful contigos I think some people use yetis or other kind of things and uh I actually carry them with me only because I try to like think about the environment just the amount of plaques is being created I don't know if you've seen this but like you go to Whole Foods now or you go to any supermarket and you see this wall of salads freiburg like this is unconscionable like they were literally giving people salad in a giant plastic box i don't know yeah let me just say a couple things about this because there's this conception that this is just awful awful awful but plastics there there is a degradation
嗯,外面的情况是人们可以在街上买到便宜的饮料,否则年收入为13000美元的人可能只能花25美分买一个塑料苏打。塑料容器通常会更贵一些,但也是一种选择。抱歉,你们有没有漏掉什么?如果你在水瓶里放根吸管,比直接喝塑料瓶水要好一些,现在我明白你有多痛苦了,只会导致塑料瓶堆积如山。我有没漏掉什么?我也刚出去了,我用的是这些美丽的Contigo杯子,我想有些人用Yeti或其他类似的东西。我之所以随身携带它们,是因为我想到环境问题,塑料垃圾的数量真的太多了。不知道你有没有见过,现在你去Whole Foods或其他超市,都会看到一整面塑料盒子里堆满了沙拉,这真是太不可思议了。让我谈谈关于这个问题的几点,因为人们普遍认为这很糟糕,但实际上塑料会自然降解。
Of these petes when they're exposed to sunlight there is a recycling system that many of much of this material ends up in much of it yeah i mean i don't think that's actually correct not a lot but what would the alternative be right so the alternative is you put it in a glass thing and you charge people $15 for a couple pieces of lettuce the reason the reason plus the plastic industry emerged is because it provided a low cost way to transport materials and that we're we're all very wealthy so we have to just step outside of our bubble for a second and recognize that most people you know the dollar difference is a huge difference for most consumers they're not going to make that dollar leap so you know the fact that plastics emerged is to support a consumer market that's grown up all over the world yeah but how does this make sense look at these bananas just as an example to give people an idea bananas already come with a case called that's crazy and they're literally wrapping bananas in plastic now and you know i think this is where regulation makes sense no there must be a gas in here or something because they're trying to keep the bananas from going dad that's why i want to shout out like this is where i think regulation actually do work france spain a lot of countries now are just saying you know what for fruits vegetables like yeah don't put them in plastic please we're not going to allow you to do that and i think i'm not pro plastic by the way i'm not drinking plastic from plastic bottles but we have to be cognizant of where this industry emerged from what the science says about it like i don't want to just be flipping about it like what it's doing to all plastics and that is you're in the oceans freeburg is unconscionable like this this is not like a do-gooder thing it's just thoughtful there's no reason that we need to have plastic as a family i'll give you some good optimism around this there's a lot of efforts right now to develop microbes that can actually biodegrade these pet plastics so there's uh so we're engineering these microbes that will produce enzymes these are little bacteria that'll produce enzymes those enzymes can then be made in the plastic itself so then the plastic will biodegrade within a year after you use it so there's a lot of this kind of effort on how do you make naturally biodegrading plastics using biosources and biological molecules as part of the production process and a lot of big plastic packaging companies and industrial biotech companies are investing in this area this is where collectivism can do good you know like if we actually as a society say we want to do sustainable.
Packaging like because of the tragedy of the commons like you're saying freeburg because it's cheaper capitalism like there's no floor here you know to stop people from doing this and stop from using plastics unnecessarily like wrapping bananas etc
all right listen it's been an amazing episode of the all-in podcast for the dictator wish me luck today boys wish me luck use the promo code dick we'll be following the live stream on the chat following the live stream use promo code dick to get 20% off your baldie order
好吧,听着,这是一期令人赞叹的 "全情投入" 播客节目。希望今天运气能棒棒哒,伙计们祝我好运。使用优惠码 "dick",我们将在聊天窗口跟踪直播。跟随直播使用优惠码 "dick",可享受你的秃头产品订单 20% 的折扣。
hey what do you guys think about actually like running some poker tournaments through the year called all-in 100% that would be super fun no 100% I think we can replace the WSOP pretty quick I mean it'd be pretty annoying so I'm not kidding we have still help you with on our show I think Jason's right I'm not just help me if I think you can get all the pros
嘿,你们觉得我们是否可以在一年中举办一些名为“All-In 100%” 的扑克锦标赛呢?这将会非常有趣,不会100% 我觉得我们可以很快地取代世界扑克大赛(WSOP),尽管这可能有点烦人,但是我是认真的。我们节目愿意帮助你,如果我觉得你可以得到所有的职业选手。
because I think the problem is like those championships have been so watered down right there's 52 of them just in Vegas in June and July and then now you have like these circuit rings so that there's bracelets and rings and then there's the European one then there's this one there's the the hauling all the amazing you you can't have I think in order to be a world champion can you really have like 150 winners a year sex are you bored with hold them well I'll play with you guys but yeah I'm kind of bored with it
yeah I played a tournament yesterday big oh 37 players I came in first I don't know if you play where did you play
I had a speaking gig yesterday in LA after the speaking gig I was going to the airport had a little time and I just stopped by Hollywood Park where you went to New one you're the best and I don't know there's nothing more boring than playing a tournament with people you don't know oh it was great it was great there was like a fight forever I mean I did the WSOP a couple of times and you know I think I lasted like three days it's a long time to be playing poker at table some people chamom I got to the final table and they wanted to chop and I was the short sack
I was like well you know my flights in for a couple hours I'd rather not chop and this woman I got in a fight at the casino almost this woman was wearing a mask and she goes this mother f-ber won't chop and I said ma'am it's my option to not chop madam madam. madam madam whatever they them and she went crazy and the floor came over said ma'am you have to sit down she called me a mother effort twice to my face you went on a win I was the short stack and I went on to win the tournament I kid you're not how much did you win 1400 bucks so what is your what is your early rate on that you make like 14 dollars an hour
it was a hundred dollar buy and so yeah it was 200 bucks an hour but here's what happened so I had this guy massively for seven hours six hours maybe it was awesome it was great I was I had the time of my life it was the first time I played in the tournament for like since we played the one drop that time I haven't played in the tournament since it was so much fun
Jason goes from playing the hundred K. hundred dollar I had a time of my life because I've never played big O before it's where you have five cards and it was high low it was so dynamic oh yeah big O yeah big O is so fun I've never played whole cards and it's high low so I was like I'll learn big O I've never I've literally not played one orbit of big O I won the tournament it was awesome and so then it's me and this one guy and you know I've got like I've got him like three to one or whatever and he's like listen I got to go please I got my kids I was like no problem I'll chop it with you if we take 400 off the top for the dealers
a dealer cried she was like what and I was like yeah just I'll chop it with you evenly and so I won and I just chopped it up and gave a big tip
what did you did you get like a certificate or like I think they put you on the website or something like that like yeah it's on the poker classic website that I or I don't know if it's called the poker classic whatever it is but my point is we would have a great tournament
we do each of the games each of us gets a free role into the game and then everybody else buys it and I like it sacks you like PLO or you just like chest
now no I like hold them but I'm just saying I wouldn't play with a bunch of strangers yeah I like playing with friends you know but to goof off and have fun
yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah like sitting the problem with tournaments your RSVP to my game show up at six and show at eight thirty yeah and then listen to yourself on the pod and then leave
yeah there's a lot of things you can do while at a poker game you can watch your podcast you can edit your podcast for the Sultan of Science the king of David Freiberg and yeah definitely the rain man himself we're live from Davos we'll see you next year bye bye
wait did you give me the shout out am I I did for the dictator himself use the promo code dict no chairman dictator
chairman dictator use the promo code chair man or dick get 10 20 or 30% off can somebody from Manscaped please let me cancel please please it's like ten bucks a month it's just ten bucks a month I'll give you the money I just don't want to get I want to be able to get you ten bucks a month to not send all the order
主席独裁者,请使用促销代码"chair man"或"dick"享受10%、20%或30%的折扣。可以有人帮我取消Manscaped的订单吗?拜托了,请,请,每个月只是10美元而已。我会给你这笔钱,我只是不想再收到订单。
let your winners ride rain man David's and it said we open source it to the fans and they've just gone crazy like a lumpy west ice queen of kinwah besties are gone oh my god this is my dog taking a wish you driveways
we should all just get a room and just have one thing huge or because they're all just like this like sexual tension but they just need to release them out
what your that be what your fear of feet what we need to get merges are YEAH