How China's BYD Overtook Tesla - YouTube
发布时间 2024-01-04 17:00:21 来源
It likes to describe itself as. The biggest car brand you've never heard of. Now, China's BYD has overtaken Tesla as the world's largest seller of electric vehicles. Even if you've never heard of BYD, there's a chance you've been in one of its buses.
While its taxis prowl the streets of some of the world's biggest cities. But buses and taxis aren't the reason why BYD has overtaken Tesla. Instead, it's a fruit of long-term strategic thinking on the part of BYD itself and the Chinese government. And it's setting China up to be the dominant global player in the transportation of the future.
Electric vehicles, a business that could be worth $8.8 trillion by the end of a decade. Here are the three most important things that have made BYD the king of EVs.
The Chinese government has played a huge role in BYD's rise. We've arguably never seen anything like this in terms of the amount of support that China has extended to automakers specifically pertaining to EVs. Beijing has given an estimated $30 billion of tax exemptions to the industry since 2010 and may waive a further $97 billion by 2027.
China actually takes a carrot and stick approach. They set mandatory EV output targets for automakers, but they also offer cheaper loans and cheaper land. R&D subsidies to all those EV makers. And BYD has been a massive beneficiary of that. It still sells most of its electric vehicles in its home market. But of course, Tesla has also benefited from Chinese subsidies, which is where the second reason for BYD's rise comes in.
Most of BYD's cars are simply a lot cheaper than Tesla's. In fact, it sells 10 popular models starting from less than Tesla's cheapest offering for the Model 3 sedan. And BYD sells a lot more of the cheaper vehicles in its lineup. They have very cheap model starting from $10,000. Their approach has been extremely different in the sense that Elon Musk believed that you had to sort of start from the high end with a sexy performance car to get people interested in electric cars and then work your way down the price spectrum. BYD went at it from the other end where it was about cheap taxis and buses that needed a heck of a lot of batteries and really sort of drove down the prices of the batteries that needed a heck of a lot of batteries. And really sort of drove down the prices of the batteries that they could put into passenger cars.
比亚迪(BYD)的大部分车型比特斯拉(Tesla)便宜得多。事实上,它销售的10款热门车型的起售价甚至低于特斯拉Model 3轿车的最低价位。而BYD在其产品线中销售了更多更便宜的车型。他们有一款仅售1万美元的廉价车型。他们的方法与特斯拉截然不同,埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)认为,要让人们对电动车产生兴趣,首先必须推出高端而性能出众的汽车,然后逐渐降低价格。而比亚迪则从另一端入手,首先推出了廉价的出租车和公交车,这些车需要大量电池,从而推动电池的价格下降。因此,他们可以将价格较低的电池应用于乘用车中。
While the average price paid for Tesla is about $45,000, the average BYD sells to roughly half that. That, of course, raises the question, how can it sell them so cheaply? The secret to that price tag lies in what is known as vertical integration. Our vertical integration capability gives us the flexibility to fast the response to the market to a trend, as well as the better support for brand developing and customer service. That's a fancy way of saying that they make a lot of the things that go into their vehicles themselves.
尽管特斯拉的平均售价约为45,000美元,比亚迪的平均售价大致只有一半。这当然引发了一个问题,它是如何以如此低廉的价格销售的呢? 这个价格的秘诀在于所谓的垂直整合。我们垂直整合的能力使我们能够更灵活地快速应对市场趋势,同时更好地支持品牌发展和客户服务。换句话说,他们自己制造了很多进入他们的汽车的东西。
Car makers usually buy most components from suppliers such as Bosch, Continental and Active. Volkswagen, for instance, only makes 35% of the parts in its ID3 electric car. Tesla, meanwhile, makes 68% of the parts that go into its Model 3 made in the US. BYD makes 75% of the parts that go into the seal, its flagship model. The most important factor is that BYD is the only auto maker that produces all of its batteries in-house. That was hugely important during the pandemic when the supply chains were just absolutely in a state of chaos for the industry. The fact that BYD was in control of its own destiny gave them a huge leg up over the rest of the industry. And especially as it pertains to batteries, this is a company that has been in the battery space since the 1990s.
汽车制造商通常从供应商(如博世、康那迪和艾克蒙)购买大部分零部件。例如,大众汽车在其ID3电动汽车中仅生产35%的零部件。而特斯拉在美国生产的Model 3只生产68%的零部件。比亚迪则生产了自家旗舰车型Seal的75%零部件。最重要的因素在于比亚迪是唯一一家在自家工厂生产所有电池的汽车制造商。在疫情大流行期间,供应链完全混乱,这一点尤其重要。比亚迪能够掌控自己的命运,使他们在整个行业中处于极为有利的地位。尤其是在电池方面,比亚迪自上世纪90年代以来一直专注于该领域。
BYD actually stands for build your dreams. It started out in 1995 as a battery company. They make rechargeable batteries for mobile phones and other electronics products. And then the company got into the auto business in 2003. Making its own batteries and other components helped it reduce a lot of costs. That's attracted some big name investors.
Call it the continued BYD promotional roadshow and investor Warren Buffett brought his buddy Bill Gates along for the ride here in Beijing. It was fantastic, kind of amazed at the quality of that vehicle. Warren Buffett was one of the biggest early investors in BYD through his holding company, Berkshire Hathaway. And the battery technology might also give BYD a technological edge over some rivals. It uses lithium-ion phosphate, which is not only cheaper than other batteries. It's also packaged a lot more compactly. And chemistry is a core expertise of founder Wang Chongfu. He's sort of the anti-elan musk. Wang is a chemist by training and an engineer. And an anecdote that one of our reporters was told was that when he was told he needed to dress up a bit for an investor meeting, he stopped to buy shirts just to buy shirts. He's sort of off the street. And so he's far from one of the flashier executives in the auto industry.
This is all set BYD up to be the biggest player in electric vehicles. The question now is whether it can become one of the world's biggest car makers, full stop. And that means growing outside of China. In 2021, BYD started to step up its global expansion. It started to launch more power.
In 2021, BYD started to step up its global expansion. It started to launch more power. In 2021, BYD started to step up its global expansion. It started to launch more passenger vehicles across the global markets, including Middle East, Southeast Asia and Europe. It's still a very new entrant in global markets. The volume contribution is rising but still small. Even so, BYD, inside three years, has become one of the top-selling EV brands in markets such as Thailand, Brazil and Australia. It also remains to be seen whether this company can quickly grow in some of these newer markets that it's entering where it isn't well known. It isn't recognized.
The two most prominent challenges in BYD's global expansion will be first, regulation uncertainties and second brand awareness. The European Union is investigating into Chinese EV subsidies. Chinese automakers are exporting more of their EVs. These are produced in China, so the production costs are pretty low, which allows the automakers to set their prices in the Europe cheaper than the European counterparts, which has been very alarming to the European oil industry. One way around that will be to increase the amount of local production. Definitely localization is one of the very important strategies of BYD's Europe strategy. And so we are considering where evaluation different locations in Europe and where we can build the cost.
Apart from buses and trucks, BYD isn't in the US. The trade tensions between Beijing and Washington are keeping BYD back and giving them pause to entering the US market. For years automotive experts have predicted established car making giants like GM, Volkswagen or Toyota would catch up with Tesla in electric vehicles. In hindsight, it probably shouldn't be a surprise that Chinese rival got there fast.