Tesla Lowers Range Estimates, Samsung Integration, Argus Says TSLA Among Top Picks
发布时间 2024-01-06 03:41:41 来源
Tesla reduces EPA range estimates due to new interpretations guidance ➤ Argus selects TSLA stock amongst top picks for 2024 ...
Hey everybody Rob Manward here, happy Friday. Today we've got updates on the ranges that are listed on Tesla vehicles on their website. We've also got a partnership with Samsung, some news on paint colors for the Model Y, and a couple other items as well.
大家好,这里是罗布·曼沃德,祝大家周五愉快。今天我们将为大家提供关于特斯拉网站上列出的车辆续航里程的最新消息。我们还与三星建立了合作伙伴关系,以及有关Model Y车辆的涂层颜色的一些新闻,还有其他一些项目的更新。
Alright, looking at the stock, sorry, just refresh my memory there, looking at the stock, tessel it down 2.10% today to $237.50, 49 cents, the NASDAQ with its first green day of the year this year, with a finish up 1.10% on the day today. So relatively little movement for both the broader markets and for Tesla on the day.
We'll start off with an analyst update. Argus has indicated that Tesla is one of their top picks for stocks for 2024. You can see that this is a pretty extensive list and cross a number of different sectors, but in the consumer discretionary sector, Tesla being one of their top picks here, they do have a $316 price target on the stock, and they highlighted Tesla's growing dependence on artificial intelligence in their manufacturing process and factory utilization, which they feel is given Tesla a significant competitive advantage. They also point out that Tesla with things like full self-driving, battery self-production, and AI enabled robots becoming a future part, a bigger part of the future at Tesla. And with other electric vehicle makers struggling to right size their future capital expenditure budgets for EVs, they believe that Tesla has the opportunity to grow market share in 2024.
So nice to see that from Argus and actually interesting that they highlighted the AI role in Tesla's manufacturing abilities in this note today, because Tesla also highlighted that on X from their Gigafactory's account, noting that Gigashang Hi today operates at 95% automation on the production line, enabling a cycle time of less than 40 seconds. So kind of a cool video, we won't play the whole thing here, but it goes through from, oh, sound comes on there, but it goes through from the beginning to kind of the end of the production process, and you can see sort of A to B start to finish in terms of all the different processes coming together to finally form a vehicle as it drives out of the factory. So we've known the cycle time, this isn't anything new, but just kind of nice to see that piece together in the way that Tesla has done it on X today.
很高兴从Argus看到这个消息,而且有趣的是,他们今天在这份笔记中强调了人工智能在特斯拉制造能力中的作用,因为特斯拉也在他们的Gigafactory账户上强调了这一点,指出Gigashang Hi今天在生产线上的自动化率达到了95%,从而实现了不到40秒的循环时间。这个视频挺有趣的,我们不会在这里播放整个视频,但它从生产过程的开始到结束进行了展示,你可以看到从开始到最后如何将各种不同的工艺过程结合在一起,最终形成一辆车从工厂驶出。我们已经知道循环时间,这并不是什么新鲜事,但很高兴看到特斯拉今天以这种方式将各个环节组合到一起。
Alright, probably the biggest news for today, Tesla has lowered the EPA estimates on their website for various different vehicles, all the vehicles except for the Model 3 affected, and potentially Cybertruck weft wait and see, obviously, we don't have the full design studio, but for now, I don't think we've seen any changes on the Cybertruck. But you can see here, not a Tesla app recapping the changes to the various vehicles. The most significant was a 9% decrease in the estimated range on the Model S Plata. You can see the various other decreases here sort of in the 5% range. So not hugely impactful, but for some vehicles like Model Y Performance, it's crossing a threshold between 300 miles and 285 miles. So changing that first digit there, which psychologically a little bit more impactful. So a pretty significant change, I would say, in terms of just the stated ranges, even though it is a little bit small in terms of the actual number or percent change.
好的,今天最重要的新闻可能就是特斯拉在他们的网站上降低了美国环保署(EPA)对不同车型的估计数据,除了Model 3之外的所有车型都受到影响,还有可能会影响Cybertruck,不过我们需要等待瞧瞧,显然,我们还没有完整的设计工作室,但就目前而言,我认为我们对Cybertruck没有看到任何变化。但是你可以在这里看到,有一个特斯拉应用程序总结了各种车型的变化情况。最重要的是,Model S Plaid的估计里程减少了9%。你可以在这里看到其他车型的估计里程降低大约在5%的范围内。所以影响并不是很大,但对于一些车型,比如Model Y Performance,它的里程从300英里降到了285英里,这在心理上更有影响力,因为改变了那个第一个数字。所以从所述的里程方面来说,这是一个相当重要的改变,尽管实际数字或百分比的变化可能有点小。
But the reason for this isn't anything to do with the vehicles. There's no difference in efficiency or battery capacity or anything like that that actually is changing the real world range. This is just a clarification on testing from the EPA. So they sent a letter out to auto manufacturers. And what this change has to do with is driving modes. So the test cycles previously, I don't believe had to test for different driving modes. Like for Tesla, you might have sport mode versus chill mode, things like that. My understanding is that any of these driving modes that can be specified for a driver profile or how they put it latched to a driver profile must be tested with the EPA test cycle. And I think the intent of this is so that you don't have a driving mode that is, you know, amplifying efficiency in a way that isn't realistic to how a person would drive in the real world and then trying to use that for the EPA test, which would obviously be pretty deceiving.
But I think how it's actually being implemented is a little bit troublesome in terms of, you know, the actual effect in the real world.
So how this actually works is that if there are, again, these modes that can be latched to a driver profile, the manufacturer can either use the worst case one for the test, or they can determine the best case and the worst case out of all of those different available modes and then test both of those and then average those two.
So I've seen some reporting on this today that says it's an average of all the modes or different ride heights or things like that. That's not my understanding reading through this. It's, you know, a little bit difficult to fully interpret this, but this is kind of the most succinct way that I've seen. It's most succinct way that I've seen it worded in this, in this sort of updated guidance.
So basically take the worst driving mode, best driving mode, average those out throughout the test cycle. Now, this does probably results in more realistic real world ranges.
We've talked a lot about EPA, WLTC, CLTC. I think there was another one in there in China, any something, any DC. We've talked a lot about these test cycles over the years and how they don't necessarily always reflect real world range.
我们在过去的讨论中经常提到环保署(EPA)、世界轻型车型测试循环(WLTC)、城市轻型车型测试循环(CLTC)。我记得在中国还有一个测试标准,名字好像是“any something, any DC"。这些年来,我们对这些测试循环进行了很多讨论,它们并不总是能反映真实世界中的续航里程。
So anything that is causing those to show decreased numbers, yeah, that's going to be a more realistic reflection probably of real world range, especially if we're talking about real world highway range, which is generally probably more important to range figures.
But I think the way that this is going about being implemented, it kind of reminds me of, you know, if you're doing a math homework problem or a math test or something and let's say in grade school or middle school or something like that, and you get the right answer, but you did it in an incorrect way, your math teacher might not give you full points.
This is kind of what that reminds me of. It seems like, yes, maybe it's ultimately yielding something that's a little bit more accurate. But I think the reason for the, you know, the update or the more accurate result isn't really the best implementation because it's really not giving any credit to drivers to be able to understand why they might want to or why they might select different driving modes.
Sometimes those things can be pretty easy to understand, right? It might be as simple as selecting a range mode if you're trying to maximize your range. A lot of EVs have modes like that.
So it doesn't really make a lot of sense for me to say, okay, you know, your driver might not understand that. So even though there's a range mode, you also have to test it in a performance mode that maybe isn't amplifying for those types of things. When if they are trying to travel for long distances, they could pretty easily select a range mode.
Yes, maybe ultimately yielding more accurate real world results, but it seems like the process for getting there is pretty flawed in my opinion and doesn't really respect, you know, drivers capability of understanding these different things.
So I think probably well intention but poorly implemented.
I think in general, the whole sort of EPA testing or WLTC, whatever test cycle is, it really should just be built up from scratch, right?
There are a number of different flaws in here. Certainly with the EPA test cycle, like speed, various different things. There's, you know, these aren't even tested outdoors. So it would be nice if this could just be sort of rebuilt and started from the ground up.
But obviously with all of the things that are tied into this from a legislative and a regulatory perspective tied in EPA ratings and things like that, it's unrealistic to expect something like that to happen. So it's a little bit unfortunate, but nevertheless, I think the biggest thing to understand here is that nothing really changes in terms of the actual ranges of Tesla vehicles, just the updated EPA estimates there.
The interesting thing too that I wanted to point out is that this is only guidance for battery electric vehicles.
I'm not sure why because ICE vehicles could certainly have different driving modes and I don't know if there's other guidance for that that kind of ties that in, but this is specifically for BEVs only.
So I don't know if that's like a level playing field again with some other guidance that applies for ICE vehicles, but kind of strange to see that specifically for just BEVs.
Alright, the other update that we have in the design studio today is the Model Y in North America has now received the stealth gray and ultra red paint colors. So the self gray is available as the included default base color for free.
好的,今天我们在设计工作室还有另一个更新是北美地区的Model Y现已推出了隐形灰和超级红这两种车漆颜色。因此,隐形灰可以作为免费的默认基础颜色。
Ultra red coming in at $2,000 for that color option.
Ultra red的价格为2,000美元,适用于该颜色选项。
So we've seen this now with the model S and the model X now making its way to the model Y in North America. I think we've seen it pop up in. I want to say gigashang high can't recall exactly, but we've seen this before. So now an expansion of these two colors to Tesla's most popular vehicle in North America. So presumably we'll see that update with model three. I think that's where we've seen it before. Now that I'm remembering it internationally and I would imagine that as Fremont transitions will probably see that for the model three as well.
所以我们现在已经在Model S和Model X上看到了这一点,现在Model Y也在北美市场推出。我记得以前看到过类似的情况,可能是在Gigashang高中,虽然不太确定。现在,这两种颜色的扩展也将应用到特斯拉在北美最受欢迎的车型上。因此,我们可以预计Model 3也会进行这个更新。我想这就是我们以前见过的情况。现在我回想起来,在国际市场上,随着弗里蒙特工厂的转型,Model 3很可能也会采用这种更新。
All right, next up we've got an announcement from Samsung. They are announcing that Samsung will be integrating with Tesla's API. Tesla's various products like Powerwall, Home batteries or inverter, Wall connector charging solutions and EVs into their smart things sort of smart home type of system. So for iPhone users or Apple users, this would be something that's sort of comparable to Apple's home kit, where you'd be able to see various different devices. And kind of manage those in one integrated hub.
This now allows Tesla products to be integrated into that with the Tesla API. So kind of cool to see that Samsung's VP or EVP of their internet of things development team said that Tesla energy customers can now manage and monitor the power status of their homes through smart things energy and Samsung devices in addition to the Tesla app, ensuring more access and connectivity. So kind of cool to see that. I would imagine that as this happens with Samsung, we'd probably see this hopefully integrated into other similar setups as well, but kind of nice for those people that do have that smart things set up. So we'll hear a little bit more about that at CES, the Consumer Electronics Show coming up pretty soon.
All right, next up, we've got a report out of Sweden. So Tesla already covering this today, saying that IF metal, of course, is, you know, trying to engage in the strike or sympathy strike, you know, kind of against Tesla in Sweden, which we've talked quite a bit about. They have offered one solution to resolve this, which could be for Tesla to hire a contractor to help with logistics and interface essentially with the transport workers union, which is sort of facilitating the strike against Tesla.
So kind of weird. I mean, basically, they're suggesting, hey, work with a unionized intermediary and that would resolve the issues that they seemingly have. But I thought the whole purpose of this originally was to be striking in sympathy with Tesla workers, and I don't really see how this would change anything for Tesla workers if there's just an intermediary layer, a layer between the entities. It doesn't really seem like that changes anything for the, you know, the end party, which would be Tesla, which apparently this is supposed to all be for kind of their protection, you know, even though the Tesla workers themselves aren't actually striking.
有点奇怪。我的意思是,他们基本上是在建议,嘿,与一个有工会的中介合作,这样就能解决他们 seemingly 有的问题。但我原本以为这一切的目的是与特斯拉员工表示同情的罢工,而且我不太明白如果有一个中介层,也就是两个实体之间的层次,那么对特斯拉员工来说这将如何改变任何事情。这似乎对于最终受影响的特斯拉并没有什么改变,显然这一切都是为了他们的保护,尽管特斯拉工人们并未真正罢工。
It's all very convoluted at this point, but this solution doesn't really seem to match the, you know, alleged issues. So I think it just shows that, again, it's more about the threat to the union than it really is about the workers for Tesla specifically. So we'll see. I don't know if Tesla would pursue that option. I'm not sure exactly how that would come to be. I think Amazon has done something like that. It sounds like, but, you know, we'll obviously continue to keep an eye on it.
All right. We've got another recall quote unquote recall. This is in China. This is the exact same autopilot or very similar autopilot update that we had talked about with all the US recall news that we'd heard about recently. So a couple million vehicles in the US, of course, 1.6 million vehicles in China that are going to receive the over the air software update to update autopilot with some of the things that Tesla integrated in terms of the front camera, the monitoring, things like that that have been on FSD now coming over to autopilot. Most importantly, though, just another over the air update that is again getting reported as a recall. So we've talked plenty about those as well.
All right. Next up, we've got a lucky new cyber truck owner here with Farel Williams, music producer, very involved in the fashion world these days, but pretty big celebrity. I think he's got like 15 million followers on Instagram. He's got a cyber truck now. It looks like so he's pulling up to some event and showing off the cyber truck a little bit. It's some excellent parking there. But getting the job done, I guess, he exciting to see someone of this prominence, showing this off. It's obviously good marketing for Tesla for this to be seen like this. So I think nice to see that and definitely happy for all Williams on that.
好的。接下来,我们有一个幸运的新版网络卡车车主,Farel Williams,他是一位音乐制作人,最近在时尚界非常活跃,是一个相当知名的名人。我想他在Instagram上有1500万粉丝。他现在有了一辆网络卡车。看起来他正抵达某个活动并展示网络卡车。停车得很漂亮。我想他是为了完成任务而购买的,我猜他很兴奋能看到这样一个知名人物展示这个产品。显然,对于特斯拉来说,这是很好的营销机会。所以我认为很高兴看到这样的场景,也为Farel Williams感到高兴。
And then the last couple of things, we do have Elon commenting on a list of things that Tesla has delivered or Elon has delivered over the many, many years here by Alex Voight on X and mentioning some of the things that are coming compact car, full self driving, Robot X, humanoid robot, etc.
But Elon replied to this saying a few other products coming to you. So it's exciting. We haven't heard a whole lot about things that are beyond the roadmap, but Elon has alluded to things like that before that Tesla's working on that we just don't know anything about yet.
So another little teaser for those types of things, maybe not specifically Tesla, but I think these are all Tesla related things. So hopefully that does apply here. So kind of exciting to see that comment from Elon.
And then the last thing for today, just a quick click at the calendar for next week. We will have CPI and PPI reports coming. Those will be on Thursday and Friday morning.
All right, that'll wrap it up for today. So as always, thank you for listening. Make sure you're subscribed and signed up for notifications. You can also find me on the X at Tesla podcast. And we'll see on Monday for the January 8th episode of Tesla Daily. Thank you.