Tesla Sets New Benchmark / Elon Won't Like This / What's Going On With Tesla Leasing ⚡️
发布时间 2024-01-04 00:18:31 来源
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And I haven't driven it yet, but just sitting here in the parking lot listening to the sound system. Holy smokes. 15 speaker sound system. Two individual subwoofers that just rip. It was crazy. Really good sound system. I always say that our Audi E-Tron with the Super Mega upgraded, our banging olives in in that one, those are both amazing. The Bentley name system is amazing. Some Acura's have some really good systems. This is up there with the best of the best. I don't know unless I do a side by side comparison. If this is truly the best sound system I've ever heard, but this is one of those vehicles that you spend $100,000 on a sound system.
And then it also comes with the truck. It's really good in there. The sound sage, the clarity, the separation. It's whoever is doing the Tesla audio system. Props to you guys because this thing doesn't have to have a good sound system and it absolutely sets the benchmark in a truck. Absolutely sets the benchmark. And before that, actually my Rivians Meridian system is an amazing system, great system. This just blows it out of the freaking water. I can't ever review a sound system for you guys or have you experience it because it would just sound like your MacBook speakers or whatever you're watching this on, but really amazing sound quality in this one. I can't stress that enough. I can just sit here and listen to music all day.
然后它也内置了卡车。里面的音效真的很好,音质清晰,分离度高。无论是谁设计了特斯拉音频系统,你们真棒,因为这款车其实不需要一个好的音响系统,但它绝对在卡车领域树立了标杆。绝对是标杆。在那之前,我的Rivian Meridian系统就已经是一个令人惊艳的系统,非常好。但这款车的音响简直让它相形见绌。我无法通过评论来向你们展示或让你们体验这个音响系统,因为它听起来就像你的MacBook扬声器或者你现在正在看这个视频的设备,但这款车的音质真的是非常出色。我可以坐在这里一整天只听音乐而不厌倦。
Welcome to Electrified. It's your host Dylan Loomis. Quick shout out to my newest patrons Joel R. James P. Ryan B. Dave M. Cesar and Laura F. And Jan L. Thank you all for choosing to support the channel. First up today we have the YouTube channel, Yutek Pia, who was able to share parts of the Munroney sticker for a foundation series Cybertruck. As we've all been expecting, I guess now this makes it official. You can see US Canadian parts content 65% and major sources of foreign parts content, which is Mexico, 25%, adding it up for 90% coming from North America. Final assembly, obviously Gigatexas in Austin, Motor Assembly, United States, Gearbox and Transmission, also United States. Don't forget what Lars said on that Jay Leno video. For some reason people don't think of Tesla as an American company. These are all built in America. Built in Texas. It finally has the highest American content, right? Yeah, it does. It does. Model 3 is number 2. There's a Honda in there and then there's Model S and X3 or 4 and 5. And I assume this will be in the top 5 next year as well. I can't think of one part that's really not made here.
欢迎来到电气化世界。我是您的主持人迪伦·卢米斯。首先要向最新的赞助人Joel R. James P. Ryan B. Dave M. Cesar和Laura F.以及Jan L.表示感谢您选择支持我们的频道。今天首先要介绍的是YouTube频道Yutek Pia,他分享了一系列基金会系列Cybertruck的Munroney贴纸的部分内容。正如我们所预料的,现在这一切都成为了官方的。您可以看到美国和加拿大的零部件占比为65%,主要外国零部件来源是墨西哥,占比为25%,总共达到了90%的北美来源。最终组装显然是在奥斯汀的Gigatexas进行,电机组装在美国,齿轮和传动装置也在美国。不要忘记拉斯在那个杰伦·莱诺的视频中说的话。出于某种原因,人们不认为特斯拉是一家美国公司。这些都是在美国制造的。在德克萨斯州制造。这款车终于拥有最高的美国零部件比例,对吗?是的,没错。Model 3排名第二。还有一辆本田汽车,然后是Model S,X是第3或第4和第5。我想明年这款车也将进入前五名。我想不出有任何一个零部件不是在这里制造的。
In case you're wondering for 2023 for the cars.com's American made index, it was actually the Honda Passport that came in in the top 5. No matter what style and options you pick, there's one thing you can be sure of. For F-150 like all of our F-series trucks were assembled right here in the USA. And our competitors did not say that. F-series creates over 500,000 jobs across America. F-series is an American icon, powered by American ingenuity, stamped with American pride, built, Ford, tough and all in on America. As we know, Ford has really been touting that American made slogan, but going back to that car's 2023 ranking, you have to scroll pretty far down to find the first Ford F-150, the lightning coming in at 38. Then you have the F-150 hybrid down at 61. And the regular combustion F-150 all the way down at 66. Before the Cybertruck officially becomes the most American made truck overall, we'll have to get further into 2024. Undoubtedly, other competitors are going to try to make their vehicles more American made, given the incentives for the Inflation Reduction Act. But with that disclaimer out there, it's looking pretty likely that the Cybertruck will indeed be the most American made truck overall, and in the top 5 overall, sitting next to the Model Y3S and X.
如果你对2023年cars.com的美国制造指数感到好奇的话,事实上,本田护照(Honda Passport)是排在前五名的。无论你选择什么样式和选项,有一件事可以确定,像我们所有的F系列卡车一样,F-150都是在美国组装的。我们的竞争对手并没有这样说。F系列卡车在美国创造了50万个就业机会。F系列是一个美国的标志,由美国的创造力驱动,散发着美国的自豪感,坚固可靠,全心支持美国。正如我们所知,福特一直在大肆宣传其美国制造的口号,但回到那辆车在2023年的排名上,你必须往下滚动才能找到第一辆福特F-150闪电版,排在第38位。然后是混合动力F-150排在第61位,常规燃油动力F-150排在第66位。在Cybertruck正式成为最具美国制造的卡车之前,我们还需要进一步进入2024年。毫无疑问,其他竞争对手将会尝试使他们的车辆更具美国制造的属性,鉴于通胀缩减法案的激励措施。但是,根据这个声明,很有可能Cybertruck将成为最具美国制造属性的卡车,同时位列前五名,与模型Y3S和X并列。
The thing is though, now they can. Kyle and Francie from Out of spec put out a video of the Cybertruck nerding out, it's almost 2 hours long. Honestly, a lot of it's stuff we've already been over, but if you've missed some of those in the weeds type of details, this is a good one stop shop for all of that, a good video to share with others if they need to learn about the Cybertruck in one place. It'll be below if you're interested.
然而,现在他们可以了。来自Out of spec的Kyle和Francie发布了一段关于Cybertruck的视频,几乎有2个小时长。老实说,其中很多内容我们已经了解过了,但是如果你错过了一些细节,这是一个很好的地方,可以在一个视频里了解有关Cybertruck的所有信息。如果你需要在一个地方了解Cybertruck的知识,这是一个很好的视频,可以与其他人分享。如果你感兴趣,下面有视频链接。
Here's one that Elon is not going to like, but his competitive side definitely will. However, there's going to come a time when Tesla and Elon have to make a decision. How far do they want to push the Model S in the plaid toward being a track card to set a record like the Nurburg ring, rather than what it's really meant to be a four-door sedan for families to drive to and from work that has insane performance. Now it is true that this Taycon that just did a 707 lap at the Nurburg ring, which is about 18 seconds faster than the Model S plaid has ever done.
这是一则埃隆(马斯克)不会喜欢的消息,但他内心竞争的一面肯定会喜欢。然而,特斯拉和埃隆将不得不做出一个决定。他们想将Model S Plaid推向何种极限,是要成为一辆在赛道上创下类似纽伯格林的记录,还是保持它真正的本意——一辆供家庭驾驶上下班的四门轿车,却具备疯狂的性能。现在确实有一辆泰康(Taycon)刚在纽伯格林赛道上完成了707圈,比Model S Plaid快了大约18秒。
It was a pre-production variant, but this vehicle is set to enter production soon. They're saying this vehicle is going to be dubbed the turbo GT at the top of the line for the Taycon. This new 707.55 was 26 seconds faster than the previous Porsche Taycon record, and they said that they did this time at least very close to it over several laps. A few things, the best time to date for the Model S plaid has been 7 minutes and 25 seconds. The Remots Navera, which is a multi-million dollar hypercar not meant for mass production, has the current record of 7 minutes and 5 seconds.
这辆车是一种预生产型号,但它即将开始量产。他们称这辆车将被冠以Turbo GT的名号,成为Taycon系列中的顶级佳作。这辆新的707.55比之前的Porsche Taycon纪录快了26秒,他们说他们用了几圈接近或至少与这个时间非常接近的时候。到目前为止,Model S Plaid的最佳纪录是7分钟25秒。而Remots Navera是一款价值几百万美元的超级跑车,不适合大规模生产,它目前的纪录是7分钟5秒。
So credit where it's due, the fact that this Porsche Taycon, which will most likely cost a couple hundred thousand dollars, maybe over a hundred thousand more than the Model S plaid, the fact that it's only two seconds behind the Remots Navera is actually pretty wild. The reason is, we don't yet know exactly how Porsche pulled this off with this Taycon turbo GT. They did say they'll put the full onboard video posted online sometime mid-March, which might also coincide with when they plan to launch this new model. And the grand scheme of things is this record a big deal. The answer is no.
给予应有的赞扬,这辆保时捷Taycon实际上与雷莫特纳维拉之间只相差两秒,这是相当惊人的事实,考虑到Taycon很可能要比Model S Plaid贵数十万美元,甚至可能要贵过十万美元。原因是,我们还不知道保时捷是如何通过Taycon Turbo GT实现这个成绩的。他们确实表示将在三月中旬发布完整的车载视频,这或许也意味着他们计划在这个时候推出这款新车型。总体来说,这个纪录真的重要吗?答案是否定的。
However, we know how competitive Elon is, and if you go to his tweets or now posts about the Nurburgring, you'll see this is on his mind more than on just a few occasions. And who knows, if the Roadster 2.0 ever makes it into production, maybe that vehicle becomes more geared toward the Nurburgring, as opposed to just straight line acceleration. I read the forums, I see all the comments, the Porsche team is now talking a lot of smack, specifically on Tesla fanboys, saying that they've got what they've deserved for being so arrogant for all these years.
然而,我们知道埃隆是多么的好胜,如果你去他的推特或现在关于纽伯格林的帖子上,你会发现这个比只是偶尔在他脑海中出现多了。谁知道,如果Roadster 2.0最终投产,也许这辆车将更多地针对纽伯格林赛道,而不仅仅是直线加速。我看过论坛,看过所有评论,保时捷团队正在大量批评,特别是针对特斯拉死忠粉,他们说这是他们多年来傲慢的应得之果。
So yes, we still need to see exactly how Porsche pulled this off, what kind of modifications if any were done, what type of vehicle will go into production, but the ball is now to some degree back in Tesla's court. You guys know, I like to keep you in the loop with the Tesla stories, but I also want to keep you in the loop when it comes to an internet story. To start, have you ever noticed that even when you browse in incognito mode, it gives you a warning your activity might still be visible to websites you visit, your employer or your school or your internet service provider.
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We already got the final quarterly number, but just to zoom in a little bit and check on the Chinese situation for the last week of the quarter, Tesla's registrations were 15.8 thousand. Plugging that data into the table, comparing it to the same week back in quarter three, that was 7200.
So zooming out for quarter four, Tesla had delivered domestically in China, 31,600 more vehicles than quarter three, and compared to the best quarter ever for this metric, which was quarter two of this year, Tesla beat that number by 7,912. The typical sources I see have not listed a breakdown for model three or why, but we did start to see model three pick up over the prior two weeks.
首先来看第四季度的整体情况,在中国国内,特斯拉交付了比第三季度多出31600辆的汽车。相比于今年第二季度这一指标的最佳表现,特斯拉超过了这个数字7912辆。我所看到的典型来源没有列出Model 3的详细数据或原因,但我们确实开始看到Model 3在过去两周有所增长。
We also got the wholesale number four Tesla China, which includes both domestic and exports, came in at 94,139 for December. This number is now the second best month ever for the wholesale figure from Giga Shanghai. Number one was back November of 2022, when they did 100,291. This also makes for a new record quarter for the wholesale metric at 248,6000, narrowly beating out quarter two earlier this year, which was 247,2000.
Given that the domestic registrations will have us around 75,000 for December, that means exports will most likely come in around 19,000 for the month. We should have that official data in the next few days.
Zooming out to take a quick look at the United States market for the year, this is from Auto News. We have 2023 volume projected to rise to between 15.4 and 15.5 million, up from 13.87 million for 2022. Doing the math, that's an 11.7% recovery for the overall US auto sales in 2023.
For 2024, most analysts have expectations right around 16 million light vehicle sales for the United States market. Don't forget, though, between 2015 and 2019, the US market was consistently doing above 17 million per year. Of course, other analysts are lower, citing higher interest rates, and then we have the CEO of Hyundai North America saying this. The competition is going to be arguably very heated in 2024. Everybody is going to have inventory. Everybody is going to be back marketing and advertising, sales promoting, merchandising, putting incentives in the marketplace. It's going to be monthly hand-to-hand combat versus our key competitors.
You may recall that lawsuit stemming from a fatal accident a few years ago where a teenage driver was going over 100 miles an hour around a curve that was a speed limit of 25. It's the one where Elon reportedly called the family after the accident. Elon is not a party in this lawsuit, but a Florida State Appeals Court just ruled that Elon cannot be forced to testify. He will not have to give a deposition. This is the case where the family argued that a Tesla technician removed the speed limiter on that vehicle that was supposed to limit the vehicle to 85 miles per hour.
In case you saw an article from Electric about Tesla vehicles being banned from schools in Norway, that's driving schools. Just because they don't have the stocks and the turn signal is pretty difficult to use on the wheel going through roundabouts. Basically, the instructor said it wasn't safe. It's quite the predicament though because if these students are eventually in the real world going to drive a Tesla anyways, they might as well learn how to use it properly when they're learning how to drive. The actual source article was back from mid-December.
One thing to keep an eye on for Tesla throughout 2024 will indeed be its least penetration rates. That's because historically when you do the math, it works out to roughly a 40% gross margin business line for Tesla. So if less of their vehicles are actually going to be subject to lease accounting, that would have a negative impact on margins. But as is always the case with margin discussions, it's just one small factor in a sea of thousands. For a frame of reference, the lease percentage or those subject to lease accounting going back to quarter one of 2020, you can see roughly this number has been a little bit of less fluctuated between about 3.5 and 7.5% each quarter. Once we get the final data for quarter four, that number will most likely be between 2 and 3%. Just wanted to point out, it has dipped to 3.2% back in quarter three of 2022.
If you're wondering how I calculated that gross margin percentage for Tesla's leasing business, I just used data for the nine months ended, September 30th, 2023, found the automotive leasing revenue line, which was 1.6 billion. Then you subtract the cost of that automotive leasing revenue, which was 972 million. Then you would of course divide that by the leasing revenue, which was 1.6 billion for about 40%. And yes, there are some costs that that quick calculation does not account for, but it's a general rule of thumb.
And what I'm about to say is a major simplification, but why Tesla's lease penetration rates may be down. Obviously with higher interest rates, it becomes more difficult to offer attractive leasing rates. Pair that with the fact that the lease game really all boils down to the residual values. So if the residual values are lower, which they are because Tesla has been pretty dramatically lowering the prices, that just means over the life of the lease, Tesla has to effectively charge the consumer a higher amount. That's of course the compensate for the lower residual values. Really not a big deal for Tesla, this number has fluctuated historically, it's going to continue to fluctuate, especially given macro changes. But hopefully part of that rambling helps you understand the situation a little bit better.
Morgan Stanley actually just brought this up in a new Tesla stock note saying for comparison, BMW in 2022, 16.2% of its global unit volume was leased. The point they were trying to make, they see significant potential for Tesla to leverage captive financing. The problem with that is Tesla told us last year they really do not want to have that consumer credit risk on their balance sheet.
Yet again, we have Ford adjusting the pricing for various F-150 Lightning trim levels. The biggest price hike was for the XLT variants of $10,000 for the 2024 model year. Then we have the Platinum trim getting a $7,000 price cut. Ford also said one XLT variant and a Lariat with the standard range battery has now been eliminated for 2024. But of course they had to say demand for F-150 Lightning continues to grow, the EV segment remains dynamic and will continue to make adjustments. Listen, if demand was really growing they would not be cutting their production forecast with their suppliers in half. Which in case you missed that episode is exactly what they've already done.
再一次,我们看到福特调整各种F-150 Lightning的定价。其中2024年型号的XLT变体的涨幅最大,达到了1万美元。然后,我们看到白金版的定价减少了7000美元。福特还表示,2024年将取消一款XLT变体和一款带标准续航电池的Lariat。但当然他们不得不表示F-150 Lightning的需求仍在增长,电动汽车市场仍然充满活力,并将继续进行调整。听着,如果需求真的在增长,他们就不会将供应商的产量预测减半了。如果你错过了那一集,他们已经做过这样的事情了。
GM is now saying certain EVs that have lost the $7,500 tax credit, GM is going to fill in that gap and offer that $7,500 themselves. That's because according to GM the setback is only temporary due to two minor components in the EV models. So following a sourcing change GM expects the Chevy Equinox, the Sierra Denali, the Cadillac Optic to all qualify for the $7,500 credit. Until then GM told dealers it'll give the same EV tax credit incentive for any vehicles that became ineligible due to the new guidelines. We'll find out soon when Chevy plans to end bulk production but for now for 2024 they both do qualify for the full credit. However as we've talked about the Bolt is supposed to be moving over to the Altium platform and then we'll see what happens.
通用汽车(GM)现在表示,对于失去了7500美元的税收抵免的某些电动汽车,GM将填补这一差额,并自行提供7500美元的补贴。这是因为据GM称,这个挫折只是由于电动汽车模型中的两个次要零部件,所以在采购方面的变动后,GM希望雪佛兰Equinox、Sierra Denali和Cadillac Optic都能符合7500美元的税收抵免标准。在那之前,GM告知经销商,对于任何因新的准则而失去资格的车辆,将提供相同的电动汽车税收抵免激励。我们很快就会知道雪佛兰计划何时结束大规模生产,但目前来看,到2024年,它们都有资格获得全额抵免。然而,正如我们之前讨论过的,Bolt计划转移到Altium平台上,届时我们将看到会发生什么。
The real reason GM can offer to do this right now is because they're just not selling that many Altium EVs yet. For Q4 the Cadillac Lyric sold 3,820 units making for 9,154 for the entirety of 2023. In Q4 the Blazer EV sold 463 units which makes for 482 for the entirety of 2023. Respectfully for the year both Bolt versions did over 62,000 units but again they are ending production of this specific variant. The Silverado EV also only did 443 units for the quarter which makes for 461 for the year. In fairness if you're new both the Silverado and the Blazer EV didn't start sales until quarter 3 of last year. And the Hummer EV did 3,244 units for the year. Earlier in the year I said I heard a rumor that the bright drop vehicles which is their commercial line just were not selling and that's confirmed here as they only sold 497 throughout the whole year. They can choose to blame this on battery problems and delays all they want. Zooming out and looking at GM's BEV sales in the US the red bars are for 2023. This is by quarter. You can see they are struggling to get anywhere significantly above that 20,000 mark per quarter. And if you take that over 60,000 for the Bolt variant away from these red bars well you get the picture on what's going on with the Altium platform sales so far.
通用公司能够现在提供这样的服务,真正的原因是他们并没有销售很多Altium电动车。在2023年第四季度,凯迪拉克Lyric电动车销售了3,820辆,全年总共销售了9,154辆。在2023年第四季度,Blazer EV销售了463辆,全年总共销售了482辆。至于Bolt的两个版本,全年销量超过了62,000辆,但他们将停产这个特定的车型。Silverado EV第四季度仅销售了443辆,全年销售了461辆。公正地说,Silverado和Blazer EV直到去年第三季度才开始销售。Hummer EV全年销量为3,244辆。今年早些时候,我听说过谣言称BrightDrop车辆(即商用线路)销售不佳,这在这里得到了证实,因为他们全年仅销售了497辆。他们可以选择把这归咎于电池问题和延迟,但纵观通用公司在美国的电动车销售情况,红色柱状图为2023年的数据,根据季度显示。你会发现他们很难在每个季度取得明显超过20,000辆的销量。如果你从这些红色柱状图中减去Bolt车型的60,000多辆销量,你就能看出目前Altium平台销售情况的全貌。
According to a 3 year study done by the DOE the average paid fast charging session at a non Tesla charger was 42 minutes. This across 2.4 million charging sessions. For a free public charging session that average jumps to 1 hour and 18 minutes. Now if you include Tesla superchargers in that data the time drops to 31 minutes on average.
Now we have VW hyping up some solid state breakthroughs with its partner QuantumScape. During their testing for PowerCoVW's battery unit they said they have a new sell with 5% storage capacity loss after more than a thousand charging cycles. They said industry targets for this development phase are 700 charging cycles and a maximum loss of 20% capacity.
However, if you follow this stuff closely you may remember in quarter 3 of last year QuantumScape already talked about this breakthrough in their Q3 earnings call. So I'm just speculating here but maybe VW is choosing to talk about this now in an attempt to steer the media narratives trying to cover up something that's either going on or that we're about to hear about in the future.
I won't get into it but pretty much all last year QuantumScape spent its time backing away from some of its early solid state promises. They eventually came out and said they were looking to come to market with a smaller battery that would only do as well or a little better than the 2170's that are already on the market. Backing away from their initial 450 mile EV battery promises. So yeah, color me as skeptical as you can get with this one.
Just a name to store away we now have Goshin a Chinese company officially making energy storage products assembling them in Silicon Valley. They're actually in Fremont and this factory is dedicated to portable and residential energy storage but they are developing too much larger factories in the United States including an EV battery production plant in Michigan and a split production plant in Illinois with annual production capacity of 10 gigawatt hours of battery packs and 40 gigawatt hours of lithium battery cells aimed for EVs and battery storage.
Don't forget check out Surfshark linked below, grab that holiday deal, take your privacy back, it's very affordable. Hope you guys have a wonderful day, please like the video, if you did you can find me on X linked below and a huge thank you to all of my Patreon supporters.