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E159: The Bestie Awards! Recapping the best and worst of 2023

发布时间 2023-12-29 17:00:44    来源


(0:00) Welcome to the fourth annual Bestie Awards! (4:14) Biggest Political Winner (10:26) Biggest Political Loser (15:14) Biggest ...



All right, everybody, welcome back. It is our fourth annual Bestie Awards. Yes, everybody is incredibly excited to hear the biggest winners in politics and losers in business. Best science breakthroughs. So many amazing categories with me again. Chairman dictator, Chamath, Polly Hopatia, our billionaire, Pock. Welcome back to the program, Chamath. Bye, Pock. That's right. I said billionaire, Pock. billionaire, percent color. Yes, please get it right. And running the all in DEI group, the Rainman of South David Sachs. Welcome back to the program. Good to be here. Okay. And the Sultan of Science. Welcome back to the program. Are you ready with your selections, gentlemen? Are we ready to do this? J. Cal, this is the holiday episode. You got to have a little more cheer. This isn't all business, dude. Cue the music, Nick. Three, two.
好的,大家好,欢迎回来。这是我们第四届年度“最佳奖”颁奖典礼。是的,大家都非常激动地期待着政治界的大赢家和商界的失败者。还有最佳科学突破。有很多令人惊叹的类别,我继续担任主席独裁者,Chamath、Polly Hopatia、我们的亿万富翁Pock。欢迎回到节目,Chamath。再见,Pock。是的,我说的是亿万富翁Pock,亿万富翁,有着色彩。是的,请记住。还有我们的多元融合团队的领导人,南方的Rainman David Sachs。欢迎回来节目。很高兴能在这里。好的。还有我们的科学教父。欢迎回到节目。各位先生准备好选择了吗?我们准备好了吗?J. Cal,这是节日特辑。你得更有喜庆气氛。这不仅仅是生意,伙计。来点音乐,Nick,3、2、1。

Yes. And here we are, everybody back again for the 2023 Bestie Awards. This is where everybody goes crazy. Oh my God. Standing ovation. Hold on. Who's drinking some champagne with me? I need some champagne popping. What are you guys drinking? These are the awards. Everybody wants to know who's going to be a winner. You're right. I need a drink. Hold on. He needs a drink for this. I need a drink too. Can I go get a drink? Hang on. Everybody get a drink and loosen it up. I'm at my office. I'm in an alcohol here. Look in your second draw. Winner's ride. Rain man. David.
是的。我们又回到了2023年的最佳朋友奖项。这是每个人都疯狂的地方。天啊,掌声雷动。等一下,有谁和我一起喝些香槟?我需要一些香槟的声音。你们在喝什么?这些是颁奖典礼。每个人都想知道谁将成为胜利者。你说得对。我需要喝一杯。等一下,他为此需要一杯饮料。我也需要一杯。我可以去拿一杯吗?等一下。大家都去拿一杯饮料,放松一下。我在我的办公室,这里有酒。去你的第二个抽屉看看。获奖者的出场。Rain man. David.

All right, everybody. Welcome to the Bestie Awards for 2023. What are you drinking? I got a little Vovkleko. You know, I love my. You're actually going to drink it? You know, I people don't know this about me, but that was my beverage of choice was the old Vovkleko when I would go out in New York.

What have you got there, Saks? What are you drinking for the 2023 Bestie Awards? What are you drinking? I'm drinking my class as old Repassado in the class with a single big rock, and I broke out my patriotic great silly United States class. This is a tribute to the border. You got a little bit of Mexico, a little bit of the United States. And is it flowing between the border and you? Is that it? It's open border now. Open border for 20 years. Open at this point. Gotcha. Okay. Just flooding in.

You're not drinking. You're at the office. Freeburg. I mean, I didn't plan. I brought my props to wish everybody happy holidays. Oh, nice. It's beautiful. And that's best sweater. Amazing.

Freeburg, everybody knows that you're a quiet solo drinker in your darkest hours. What are you drinking? There's no surprises there. What are you drinking? I'm always drinking what I got to hang out with you, J. Cal. I'm drinking a Victoria beer. A Victoria beer. That is true, actually. Yeah. I don't think you hang out with J. Cal so we're doing.
弗里伯格,大家都知道在你最黑暗的时刻你是个安静的独自饮酒者。你在喝什么?没有什么意外。你在喝什么?我总是喝我拿来和你一起消磨时间的东西,J. Cal。我正在喝一瓶维多利亚啤酒。一瓶维多利亚啤酒。这是真的。是的。我觉得你没有和J. Cal一起出去。

Oh, everybody. There it is. I do not. We've got the Vuvkliko. Unfortunately, at my ski house, I can't find the flute, so I'm going to put this in a wine glass for the sacrilege. But cheers. Here's to another amazing year of the all-in podcast and the Bestie saying, Cheers. You want to say it to words, J. Cal? I'd like to say a few words in memoriam of the year. Yes. Working with you guys has been delightful, miserable, and everything in between. Congratulations on all of our success. And here's to an amazing 2024. And hopefully we find a CEO and we can keep this thing going for another 150 or so episodes. Nobody thought we would get here. Everybody hates us for our success. And the mids and the haters. Love you, Besties. Cheers.
大家好,这就是它。我并不觉得有什么了不起。我们有Vuvkliko(一种酒)。不幸的是,在我的滑雪小屋里找不到长笛,所以我准备将它放在酒杯里。但是干杯吧!祝愿全新的播客和最好的伙伴们度过另一个令人惊艳的一年。你想用几个词表达吗,J. Cal?我想对这一年表达几句缅怀之情。是的。和你们一起工作是愉快的,也是痛苦的,所有事情就在中间。恭喜我们的成功。愿2024年精彩非凡,并希望我们能找到一位首席执行官,使这个项目继续进行150集左右。没有人认为我们能到达这里。每个人都讨厌我们的成功。中等人和讨厌者。爱你们,最好的朋友们。干杯。

I would like to make a toast. Here we go. Here is to three of the most talented, warm, friendly guys and J. Cal. Yeah, he was coming. I couldn't jump for him out from me. I can touch in that one. I can touch in this direction. Don't ever forget him, brother.
我想发表个祝酒词。让我们开始吧。为这三个最有才华、热情友好的小伙子和J. Cal干杯。对,他也来了。我无法用言语形容对他的深深思念。他在我心中留下了痕迹。我可以感受到他的存在。永远不要忘记他,伙计。

All right. Well, to three of the most sincere, heartfelt, intelligent, loving individuals, and David Sachs. Welcome to the program. I'm here for you. And let's just get to it. We're going to give our 2023 award for the biggest winner in politics. Last year, Chamath, you said that your prediction for 2023, now we're going to give the actual award for 2033. But in our predictions episode last year, you said you were long, Nikki, alien, short to Santa's. What a prescient call. What do you have this year? That's bread trade paid off in spades. Yeah. But it's a great trade. Looking back, I think the biggest political winner was Donald Trump. I think that the documents case galvanized his leadership in the Republican nomination. And I think that this move by the Colorado Supreme Court basically sealed the deal. I think he is going to run away with the Republican nomination. And barring some catastrophic meltdown, has a better chance to get into the White House than before this Colorado case. So he was the biggest political winner, I think of 2023. It just seems to me that if I had to really put it in a nutshell, I think that the dem in this weird way actually want Trump back in office more than the Republicans do, because everything they've done has been near sighted. And I think has actually galvanized his support and increased his popularity and his ability to fundraise more than anything else.

Friedberg, who is your biggest political winner of 2023? Who did I give it to last year? Do you remember? You gave it to MBS and Saudi that they would have the your prediction was they would have the money. But in some ways, I think they are center stage. That's what I am giving my biggest winner.

I'm giving my biggest political winner award to the nation state of Saudi Arabia. Oh, why? Like they are sitting in the middle of the US, China, Iran, Israel, Russia, they have relations with all of those nations and relations where they are trying to be productive. Extraordinary leverage with both their capital, their geographic positioning and their energy resourcing and painting a very positive future on how they want to reinvest their capital and modernize the country.

And I think one of the biggest who's that they pulled this year was turning Jay Kal to being a big promoter of Saudi after his visit to the Middle East. And so I think they're entering 2024 with great strength and leverage. So I give them credit for writing out many storms this year and coming out ahead. So it's just it's been interesting to watch. I'm not I'm not close or tied to them in any way, but I just think from a global leverage point of view, they seem to be in a very strong place. So that's my yeah, my award.
今年他们拉拢了让杰·卡尔成为沙特的强大推广者,我认为这是他们pull off的最大策略之一。因此,我认为他们以极强的力量和影响力进入2024年。所以我要称赞他们在今年度过了许多困难时刻并获得胜利。观察这一切真的很有趣。虽然我与他们没有任何关系,但我认为从全球影响力的角度来看,他们似乎处于非常有力的地位。这就是我的奖项评选。

I can't disagree with you that the place has made incredible progress. Personal freedoms, economic freedoms, the country is evolving and embracing every country on the planet. So you have to take that as a win. I have no business interest there, but I am impressed with the progress. So SACSAT means it's your turn to give a short 2023 biggest winner.

My biggest winner in politics, Jay Kal, I think you'll like this one is abortion rights. Abortion rights. Affibortion rights after Dobbs abortion rights are winning on every battle where they're at issue. It's one referendum in very red states like Kansas, Kentucky, Montana, and Ohio. It swung legislatures to the Dems and swing states like Michigan, Pennsylvania, Virginia. It swung states from court races in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin. I'd go so far as to say it's the Democrats only winning issue and they are putting it on the ballot everywhere they can. Ruth Bader Ginsburg pointed out around 30 years ago that we likely could have reached this resolution decades ago if the courts hadn't stolen the issue from the political process because abortion rights were in the process of being liberalized everywhere. And in my view, the political process is messy, but it's how we finally move past the issue as a nation, which is why I think Dobbs was the right decision, even if it was a difficult one.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani Huh, interesting. So you are smoothing over Trump's taking away the right for women to choose and saying that this is a net positive for the country. If I'm reading it correctly.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani Well, Trump didn't take anything away. That's string board. Dr. Justin Marchegiani He's placed for people who do it. The string courses go on. I just explained it. You're not listening. String court gave the issue back to the democratic process. The democratic process is now voting to maintain abortion rights. And that is gonna settle the issue once and for all. So interesting for all of your fears that abortion rights would fall by the wayside because that's from court decision have actually proven to be null and void. What we're ending up with is a better solution where the country doesn't need to fight about this anymore because the voters have expressed the will of the people.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani Fantastic framing. Great save for the Republican party there.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani Well, it will be unless they learn how to talk about the issue.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani Yeah. I mean, the way I would frame the same issue is that Trump stacked the deck to take away women's right to choose in order to get elected. But your framing is pretty good too. And you're a master of framing these things.
杰斯汀·马尔奇耶尼(Justin Marchegiani博士):是的,我的意思是,特朗普为了当选而采取措施削弱了妇女的选择权。但你的表达方式也相当不错。你在这方面很擅长。

So I was torn here for mine. I had two different choices. I was either gonna go with Nikki Halli because what an amazing feat for her to even be getting close to Trump in some of these primaries. But I think the biggest winners in this year of 2023 were non-traditional candidates actually becoming somewhat viable in capturing the imagination of young people, Vivek RFK indeed, Phillips being I think the three leading candidates. So I'm gonna go with the non-traditional candidates being the big winners for 2023. And for last year, I had said that my prediction was what the for 2023 was that Trump would get indicted, win the nomination, and then agree to not run because he gets a pardon. So I think I've got two or three of those in the parlay in the bag.
所以我在这里为自己感到犹豫。我有两个不同的选择。我要么会选择Nikki Halli,因为她在这些初选中能够接近特朗普真是了不起。但我认为,2023年最大的赢家实际上是非传统候选人,他们在吸引年轻人的想象力方面变得有些可行,象征人物确实是Vivek RFK, Phillips,我认为他们是三位领先的候选人。所以我要选非传统候选人作为2023年的大赢家。至于去年,我曾预测特朗普会被起诉、赢得提名,然后同意不参选,因为他获得了赦免。所以我认为我在这些预测中有两到三条准备好了。

Let's go on to biggest loser. The biggest loser in politics. When we did our predictions for 2023, Chamath, you said that you were short to Santis. Here we are. We're giving our actual award for the biggest political loser in 2023.

Freeburg, I'll start with you. Who is your biggest political loser for 2023?

My biggest political loser is the DEI movement. Oh, I heard obviously post October 7, the Hamas attacks on Israel. And then the following support for Hamas that came out of what have historically been groups that are aligned with DEI interests and then the DEI driven leaders of the universities that went in front of Congress to defend their freedom of speech rules around anti-Semitic protests caused a lot of folks that I know who are very liberal and very influential to wake up to the negative impacts of the DEI movement. And it's linkage to potentially anti-Semitism, which is massed in this oppressor oppressed ideology. That is the basis of a lot of these DEI protocols. And so I think it really shined a negative light on DEI this year in a way that hasn't been the case in a broader way with very influential people in a very long time. And so I think that that movement is going to take a big hit and took a big hit the end of this year and will continue to, I think, be questioned by donors and supporters of the ideologies of that movement.

Okay, Saks, who is your biggest loser in politics for 2023?

My biggest loser in politics for this year is Vladimir Zelensky, the president of Ukraine. And you can see this pretty clearly by just looking at the cover of Time magazine. He began the year, fresh off of winning Time magazine's person of the year. And by the end of the year, the same author at Time magazine was writing a new cover story saying that Zelensky had become delusional, he had become messianic, he was ordering his troops on suicide missions, and his own inner circle had turned on him. And of course, who could forget that other photo from the middle of the year at Vilnius, when all those Euro snobs turned their back on Zelensky. That was a brutal image that went viral on social media, literally the European elite turning their backs on a frustrated Zelensky. Sadly Zelensky had the opportunity in April of 2022 to make a sign a peace deal. And unfortunately, he took Boris Johnson and Joe Biden's advice to pressure Putin rather than make peace. And I think that gamble has turned into a disaster for him.

Chmoth, your biggest political loser in 2023?

I had a different choice, but I think, hmm, game time change? Yeah, hearing David has convinced me, I will go with the death of the acronyms. It was close for me between that. And I actually think that Joe Biden, unfortunately, had a very difficult run of it in 2023. When you actually think about it, the Ukraine thing was a fiasco. All of this stuff around maybe putting the hand on the scale, whether it's on Elon or against Donald Trump. It's all just very messy, I think, for him. But I do think that Freeberg is right. This is probably the beginning of the end of the acronyms. And if you look at ESG and DEI together, ESG is a little bit more measurable, but sustainable asset ownership and ESG ownership across the world, shrank by 15%, which you may say, is that a big number or not? That's $5 trillion. So where the money goes typically, so goes everything else in modern society. And so when the money starts to scurry, I think that you can pretty much expect that people's patience and support of these kinds of movements are waning. I'll go with death of the acronyms. Start of the biggest political system.
我原本有一个不同的选择,但我想,嗯,游戏时间改变了?是的,听到David的话让我相信了,我会选择不再使用缩写词。对我来说,这真是一个艰难的抉择。我实际上认为,Joe Biden在2023年确实经历了很艰难的一段时间。当你仔细考虑一下,乌克兰事件真是一场灾难。所有这些围绕着是否支持Elon或反对唐纳德·特朗普的事情都非常混乱,我认为对他来说真的很困难。但我确实认为弗里伯格是对的,这可能是缩写词的终结的开始。如果你把ESG和DEI放在一起看,ESG的可持续资产拥有和全球ESG拥有率都下降了15%,你可能会说,这是一个大数字还是小数字?那是5万亿美元。通常情况下,钱去哪里,其他现代社会的一切也会跟着走。当资金开始离开时,我认为你可以相当确定人们对这些运动的耐心和支持正在减少。我选择不再使用缩写词。开始最大的政治体系。

So you started, you were going to say Biden, but you changed it in real time, and you went DEI ESG acronyms. HACRINIMS, yeah. Okay. Death of the acronyms. You know, I had a lot of talks with folks about this one. People had a lot of input. Some people said DeSantis, some people said Biden. I think the biggest 2023 loser in politics is the American people who are now faced with a Biden Trump rematch, both of those individuals, clearly being in different stages of decline, being over 80. And the GOP just can't quit Trump. And it seems like the Democrats can't quit Biden despite 70, 80% of the country not wanting the rematch. So I'm going to give the American people or the biggest political losers are 2023.

All right. Here we go. Biggest political surprise. This is the biggest political surprise of 2023.

SACS. What's your biggest political surprise?

Well, I think the biggest political surprise, and it was a very negative one, was the Hamas attack on Israel on the morning of October 7th, which really seemed to come out of nowhere. Only eight days before Jake Sullivan, whose Biden's national security advisor had declared that the Middle East had been quieter than it had been in two decades.

And those words obviously proved very old time, but he wasn't alone in thinking that I think almost everybody was really surprised by this attack. I think until then, the Middle East seemed to be on a path of progress with the Abraham Accords being negotiated between Israel and several Gulf monarchies. And I think that October 7th has really changed the political paradigm, certainly in Israel, in the Middle East, and I think even in American politics.

Okay. Free break is a little bit of a nuance take on that, but I said the rise of Hamas was the biggest political surprise. Hamas is a self-proclaimed political party that was thrust to the center of geopolitics and domestic social issues across the West after October 7th, which was, I think probably a surprise to many that planned these attacks as well.

Basically, it feels to me like Hamas is the pawn that crossed the chessboard and became a queen. It's an organization that had resourcing and was influenced by many have shown connections to Iran and other wealthy states and had very low attention levels prior to October 7th on a global basis and post October 7th now has recognition and sympathy and a great deal of interest in the root cause of their party. So really incredible surprise. I don't think anyone could have predicted this at the start of the year that not just the attacks happened, but the resulting shift in the discourse and influence that's happened.

Chamath, biggest political surprise of 2023. I'm going to go with a domestic choice and I think it's quite obvious, but the biggest political surprises are of Kennedy, Robert of Kennedy Jr. I don't think anybody would have predicted that he would both drop out of the Democratic Party, run as an independent and essentially collect. He is in terms of favorability in the polls. He's the leading 2024 candidate right now. It's incredible. People like him. That's for sure. And nobody would have predicted it. That's a really good one.

What do we think he will get if he runs as an independent, just percentage wise, Ross Perot as a third party candidate to get 19%. You think better than 19% because the country is much more fragmented today. There's a lot more protest votes today. There's just a lot of reasons where RFK can garner a lot of support and build a plurality among centrists. That wasn't possible when Perot was running because when he ran, you have to remember, the country was in a very different place psychologically than it is right now.

I too had third party candidates as being my biggest surprise. I didn't give it to a specific one. I was debating these third party candidates against the GOP not being able to feel the better option than Trump. But I think I'm going to go again with third party candidates. But I'll include Dean Phillips in that breaking ranks. I'll include Vivek, just a very young, very smart individual capturing people's imagination. Third party candidates, for me, is the biggest surprise. And I do think it could have a meaningful impact.

If you're right, that he gets over 19%. Who does that? Chemoth in your mind? Who does that benefit? And who does it hurt if the candidates are Biden and Trump? It hurts by the most. You believe that? Okay. What about you, Sacks? Who do you think it hurts the most? Unclear right now. I mean, I think on the issues, I can see a lot of populist voters wanting to go with RFK. But on the other hand, maybe he does peel away some Democratic party voters. So I'm not sure to be honest.

I've heard this before. Any thoughts free burn on that? What's the question? If RFK were to get as Chima thinks more than perot, so that's 20% or more of the popular vote, who is that going to harm? And who's it going to hurt? Trump or Biden? I saw a Gallup survey that showed that there's a real shot at more than 40% of Americans being interested in the third party. And so I'm sorry, I could be totally wrong on that. But I'm pretty sure I saw that. And it really kind of resonated with me. And I think our discourse here and, you know, obviously conversations with our friend group, Nick might have something on this support for third US political party up to 63%. This is the Gallup data. Yeah. So I was right.

I think that this is one of the most kind of profound shifts in American politics, at least in our lifetimes, that the right has gone very right. The left has gone very left. And they've been so rooted in identity politics that you can't really see any of these issues kind of finding compromise and finding a way to lean across the aisle and get things done. And I think that's where a lot of people are just fed up. So I would love to see a third political party emerge. And if RFK breaks the dam on this, it would be fantastic. It will take, as these things always do, a number of years for a group of independents to coalesce around what that third party looks like, and how it's going to be governed, and so on. But this could be a really interesting shift in the dynamics of American politics. So pretty cool. I'm not into politics in the US that much, but pretty cool.

I think opportunity to reframe, you know, how do we want to build America going forward and thinking about using a new party as a way to do that? And we haven't even heard of no labels, the third party platform, they're probably going to announce Joe Manchin any day now. And so that could change things as well. So that's a very interesting take.

Biggest problem that we have, this may sound really dumb, but I think it's true in launching a third party is a viable name. I think it's the most important boundary condition to have a sustainable third party is a good name. Like an iconic person. The chair notes party. Like whatever we call this party, the name of the party, not the person they feel. No labels is a terrible name. That's a terrible name. The chair notes party is pretty terrible. The party is terrible. The party party is terrible. The party, freedom party, they're all terrible because they all feel like they're rooted in some, you know, either conservative or liberal cause. There's got to be some element of like, what's the right decision on each, on each topic, not necessarily, you know, how do we fight the identity politics? I think that's the key piece that's missing. I like the rational party, like a party of rational individuals. Disparaging to a degree, you know. Yeah. It's branding. Branding. So what would you call it? The third party Republicans. People's Republic of. Saxon. So Mark, do you have an idea for a name? I'm not going to comment on this.

Something brewing.

Would you have a name for a third party? You like the rational party.

The rational party or something like that where it kind of evoked. You know, people who are being thoughtful and we're trying to make rational decisions in everybody's best interests, right? Something that was not about us versus them, abortion or, you know, DEI or ESG, just something focused more on getting things done. They're getting things done in party. Something like that. Getting things done, party. So it's better on the nose, but better than the deranged one party. Yeah.


All right. Let's keep going. That's keep going.

Here we go. Oh, man. Is there a try to derail this show? I want that in catch with something. All right. It's time for our biggest business winner. Biggest winner in business. Who you got, Jamal? Who's your biggest winner in business? I mean, I don't think this is even close, but I think it's Elon Musk. Oh, huh? Three things, obviously, three different companies, but the rebasing of Twitter actually had an even more profound impact, I think, on Silicon Valley that it necessarily did on Twitter. Second was, I think SpaceX has really turned a corner. Starlink is really at scale. Starship looks like it's viable. And then the third is Tesla really consolidated its leadership in EVs and batteries and battery technology and FSD. So I think on the merits, it was not even close.

Okay, Saks, who you got? Who's your biggest business winner? The Magnificent Seven. These are the seven companies that accounted for almost all of the stock market gains this year. You can see it in this chart. It's about a 63% gap between the performance of the top names, top seven names in the S&P 500 and then the other 493 of them. I think that the S&P 493 had a 12% gain this year, which isn't bad, but it was dwarfed by the Magnificent Seven, which was almost 80%. Incredible.
好的,萨克斯,你们选了谁?谁是你们最大的商业赢家?真正的七巨头。这是今年几乎所有股市收益的七家公司。你可以在这个图表中看到。标普500指数的前七家公司和其他剩下的493家公司之间的表现存在大约63%的差距。我想S&P 500指数的其他493家公司今年有12%的增长,虽然也不错,但与七巨头的近80%的增长相比就相形见绌了。令人难以置信。

All right, Saks says the M7, Freeburg, who you got? Yeah, I'm going to pick one of the seven, which is Microsoft, just a shot down the middle of the fairway here, despite only seeing, I think, roughly 8% top line growth, the business saw its market cap grow by over a trillion dollars, 1.7 to 2.7 trillion this year. Just an incredible number. I mean, can you imagine if we ever said that 10 years ago, whether anyone would believe it? Consumer enterprise strength and strategic strength, the fact that they were able to close the activation acquisition in the regulatory environment. And then the strength that Saks showed and the speed at which he acted during the OpenAI weekend debacle, where he set up this whole thing, where he got Sam on board and was going to retain all this value that he was extracting from OpenAI and partnership was, I think, great leadership and cemented his position and standing as being a really thoughtful, fast acting strategic leader for a business that's been around forever, but amazingly added a trillion of market cap in 12 months. So I just throw it to Microsoft this year. It's very hard to kind of break that business apart and say, here's all the things that are wrong with it. It's just, you know, it's just moving.

All right, very well done. We got Elon Musk. Did you work there for a while? One year. Twitter? No, Microsoft. Microsoft. One year. I was actually, no, I was locked up for two years in the wake of the Yammer deal. Yeah, I was a corporate vice president at Microsoft. Do you like it? Yeah, it was, I mean, it's a high quality company for sure. Yeah. I mean, I was like super active for one year because I was still in charge of, I still had a P&L running Yammer, but then after one year, Yammer was sort of assimilated into the Borg and I didn't have anything to do. That was kind of just like on call. Right. Right.

All right. I am going to talk my own book on this one and give it to Dara and the team at Uber. They got into the S&P 500, became profitable, planning stock buybacks. They resolved almost all of the regulatory reserve issues, including getting the taxis in London to be on the app, which was their big adversary and they were going to get kicked out of London. If you remember, this is a company that five years ago, the press and the fake news were saying could never be profitable and was going to fail. And now it is the most successful new startup in the last cycle, bigger than everybody. And so congratulations to the team over there.

All right. Biggest loser in business, the biggest loser. It's 20, 23. Freeberg, just so you know, last year, your prediction was capital intensive series, B, Cs and Ds of growth companies. Well done on that prediction. But give me Freeberg, your actual, who was your biggest loser in 2023? Hosts Sultan of science. It's sort of tied up, obviously, does a tale to the effect, but it's VCs who deployed most of their capital in 2021. Obviously, it was the year where a venture capital deployments peaked. And what I've heard from institutional MPs this year is that, you know, not only will that vintage underperform, but it could torpedo as many as 50% of firms that are managing capital today in Silicon Valley. And it could switch the capital allocation model that reduces allocation to venture as an asset class significantly because of the torpedo that the 2021 vintage represents in performance. So that was my biggest loser for the year. Good for me and Saks, because we were diligent during that time.

All right. Let's go to you, Saks. Is your biggest loser in business in 2023? My biggest business loser is Disney. It seems that every aspect of Disney's business is the bed in 2023. I mean, all their majors, the actual releases flopped and missed a conservative backlash against its woke social stances. You may recall that the actress who played Snow White in the remake accused Prince Charming of being a stalker. I mean, there's a million examples. Even their, their Marvel franchise suddenly had bombs. They had to fire Jonathan Majors, who was doing a fantastic job playing Kang and an entire franchise arc that they're going to have to reset now because of a criminal conviction involving him.
好的。我们去你那里,Saks。 你在2023年的最大商业失败者是谁?我的最大商业失败者是迪士尼。似乎迪士尼的所有业务方面在2023年都遭受了磨折。我的意思是,他们的所有重点项目、实际上的发布都以失败告终,并因其觉醒社会立场引起了保守派的反弹。你可能还记得,在《白雪公主》重新拍摄版中,扮演白雪公主的女演员指责王子是一个跟踪者。我是说,有成千上万的例子。甚至他们的漫威系列突然间也失败了。他们不得不解雇了乔纳森·梅杰斯,他在扮演康恩角色方面做得非常出色,而整个系列的剧情情节现在因为他的一项刑事定罪而不得不重置。

Disney Plus subscriptions fell off a cliff, even attendance at its theme parks declined dramatically because they charged way too much for families to visit. And then finally, Bob Iger picked a fight with Elon Musk over advertising. Remember, Elon probably told Iger to G.F.Y. Good for you.

Yeah. Yeah. And tens of thousands of Disney Plus subscribers canceled their subscriptions because of that. And it all makes you wonder if Iger now wishes he had stayed retired.

I too picked Disney. I put Disney Warner Brothers. Both of them had their comic book franchises collapsed simultaneously on the on the Warner Brothers side and the DC side, the Flash and Justice League. Everything came apart. Streaming was too expensive. And you didn't mention these horrific strikes that they had to deal with. And it feels like they had to give a ton of concessions.

So Disney was my biggest loser as well with Warner Brothers as their little brother, the Archimoth. We have a consensus there. Rare consensus between Saxon and I.

What did you have for your biggest loser in business? Well, you guys partially win. Okay. Because I'm going to have to agree with you guys. But I think the biggest loser in business was the GoWoke community who tried to synthetically and artificially use all these social movements as a way to drive revenue and just got totally burned. So Disney, Bud, Target. And I think the statement from consumers is, look, just sell a product, stay in your lane, make a better and better product for us at lower and lower prices. And otherwise, just let the politicians and the voters decide social issues. And I think that was pretty clear.

All right. There you have it, folks. If you're going to make Bud Light, people just want to drink the damn beer. They're not interested in your politics.

All right. Here we go. Biggest business surprise of 2023. Who do you got, Sax? Who is your biggest business surprise of 2023? I think it was the Fed's bank term funding program or BTFP in response to the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and the regional banking crisis. As you may recall, it wasn't just SVB. There were several old dominoes in the regional banking system that fell. It was SVB, signature, first republic. And even in Europe, credit Suisse basically fell apart all because of the sudden spiking interest rates. A lot of people tried to blame VCs for this, J-Cal. Yeah. Even when me took some heat. The truth is that if the dominoes had fallen in a slightly different order, no one would have thought to blame VCs for this. It was obviously the fact that rates had spiked up and these banks got caught off sides because their deposit base is volatile and they had loaded up on government bonds at a 1% interest and then the value of those bonds plummeted.

The Fed then stepped in to prevent this from turning into a contagion. That was where the BTFP came in and I'm ambivalent about it because I think that we don't know the long-term consequences of the Fed basically providing this liquidity to the banking system. However, it's very clear to me that there was a regional banking crisis underway and the Fed stepping in, I think probably saved us from having a recession this year. Amazing.

So the Fed there, I picked Facebook for my biggest surprise this year. They changed the name of the company to New York City Code to meta. They were pouring tens of billions of dollars into VR, which nobody wanted to use. The CEO was focused on the wrong thing, but they turned it around. The stock dropped to 90 and Zuckerberg, I guess, didn't want to lose. And so he laid off tens of thousands of employees, said no more middle managers. Everybody's got to get to work. And they doubled down on their existing businesses and they've made some great progress on AI. So my biggest business surprise was the resurgence of Zuckerberg and Facebook.

Chamath, who did you have for your biggest business surprise? I'll pick Jay Powell and the Fed capitulation. I think that I've been saying for a while that rates will be higher for longer for quite a while now.

And I was really surprised when Jay Powell had this press conference in December, in early December, and just basically capitulated and just said, you know what, guys, we're going to be cutting probably three times next year. That was effectively the gist of what he said.

And immediately the 10 year basically just completely changed course. And it went from almost at 5% to below 4% within a matter of two and a half or three weeks. And then the stock market has basically done nothing but goes straight up. That's a huge surprise to me because I think now what the setup is for 2024 is basically we will melt up up until the first cut. And then there'll probably be some real selling. And I would not have predicted that.

The markets have become a lot more accommodative as a result. I didn't expect that. So Jay Powell really, I think, surprised a lot of us. He could have been more tempered, but he essentially decided to give away the playbook in the last month of the year here.

And it's important for everybody to understand the Fed acts independently of the administration. It's just a coincidence, correct, SACs, that their cuts are going to come just in time for Biden economics. And if it happens to go up in the next nine months, that has nothing to do with the Biden administration. Who might benefit from that if the economy was back?

Jason, Nick, I have a quote that I sent Nick. This was what Larry Summers said. And I just think it's such an unbelievable quote that is just worth internalizing if you just start reading here.
Jason,Nick,我有一句我发给Nick的引语。这是Larry Summers说的。我只是觉得这句话太难以置信了,如果你刚刚开始阅读这里,它绝对值得深思。

So I prefer the Volcker Greenspan approach, which is to recognize that the Fed is a little bit like the Delphic oracles. People regarded them as omniscient and omnipotent, but they were in fact neither. So the oracles kept their pronouncements vague and oracular, not concrete and specific, because it was impossible to be concrete and specific without being wrong frequently and undercut.

Incredibly, I mean, that is just the perfect general. Yeah. Keep it summary of what probably should have happened in these pressures. And this was an example where it was the exact opposite and the market just took it and said, I'm off to the races.

Just to agree with that and buttress it. It's not only the fact that they gave this kind of this year, as you remember, back when we started having inflation, the Fed still stuck to the story that it would not be raising rates for some extended period of time.

And a lot of these banks that had problems basically, because they bought too many long-term government bonds, a lot of those bonds were bought during that period when the Fed was assuring and it wasn't going to be jacking up rates. So if the Fed hadn't misled them, maybe they would have made better risk decisions. Yeah. So it works both ways.

Freeburg, got a business surprise for 2023 for the audience here at the Bestie Awards. The biggest surprise was Sam Altman's Alster in return all in a weekend. So that was kind of crazy. So I just give it to that. Nothing else to be said. Okay. The flip flop. Love it. Okay. Best science breakthrough.
在这里为Bestie奖观众们带来2023年的一项商业惊喜,Freeburg。最大的惊喜是山姆·奥尔特曼(Sam Altman)在一个周末里以全新状态回归的Alster。所以那真是有些疯狂。所以我只是给出了那个。没什么别的可说的。好吧。令人兴奋。喜欢它。好吧。最佳科学突破。

This is everybody's favorite. Also the time when Saks goes and takes a leak, 2023. Biggest science breakthrough. I'm going. You got Saks. You're awake during the second one. Yeah. What's the biggest science breakthrough for you? Saks. According to NASA, there's a new look at Uranus. That's right, J. That's right, J. Cal. These are never before seen deep penetrating shots of Uranus. How deep and penetrating are these? Very deep, very penetrating from the James Webb Space Telescope.
这是大家最喜欢的。同时也是Saks去小便的时间,2023年。最大的科学突破。我要去参观。你要和Saks在一起。你会在第二个时段醒着。是的。对于你来说,最大的科学突破是什么?Saks。根据NASA的说法,他们对天王星进行了新的探索。没错,J。没错,J. Cal。这些是以前从未见过的深入探测天王星的图像。这些有多深和强烈?非常深入,非常强烈,来自詹姆斯·韦伯太空望远镜。

Freiburg, when your anus gets probed this deeply, what's your takeaway? What's the feeling you get in this deep probing of your anus? Oh, wonder. Mystery. Odd wonder? Yeah. Well, that's a space call inoscopy. Something gets moved with it. Absolutely. I'm going to save you for last free broke.

Trimoth, you have one? Yeah. I think that this unfortunately did not get nearly the attention. It deserves, but I'm going to pick the CRISPR FDA approved CRISPR treatment of sickle cell anemia. I think that this is just an incredibly important breakthrough. And so sickle cell basically is just a condition where the shape of your red blood cells change. It causes a lot of very painful inflammation and damage. Disproportionally affects the black population, African American population.

And so now there's an approved therapy, which goes in and makes the gene edits and fixes these folks. So congratulations to Vertex and CRISPR and I think it's just incredible.

There was my big breakthrough was this brain decoder technology. We didn't talk about it here on the show, but this project was crazy. They did MRI scans or F MRI scans of blood flow to different areas in the brain. They then had people listen to podcasts like the moth and they tracked individuals' brain activity with specific words that were said during the podcast and they had them repeat words. Then they attached it to a language model, GPT-1, I believe, and narrowed down what people were thinking. Then they had people think thoughts and it started to use the predictive model of GPT-1 and combined it with what was happening in their brain chemistry. Now this is a far away from being able to read people's minds, but for somebody who couldn't speak, let's say the idea that you could think and then have your thoughts and the story you were telling actually come out of a computer just by thinking would be miraculous. Obviously, Neuralink does this with a direct connection, but fascinating work being done right now.

Sex still thinking about Uranus. He's going deep into Uranus right now. He's reading that paper. I can see it in his eyes. You guys know I got a colonoscopy. Thank goodness. How was it? I got it on. Did they put you under? Tuesday. Yeah, but I didn't get the propofol. I got Demerol. I think Demerol. You got to go probe. I had the twilight sedation. It was great. Don't get me wrong, but it was like 15, 20 minutes. It was not. You were kind of awake and lucid. I woke up halfway through. You woke up halfway through? Did they give you a drink, a little red wine or anything? Nothing? No, it didn't talk to me. I just saw the screen. I was like, what the hell? And then I just went back to the sleep. Let me tell you, propofol, it's drip, drip, drip. And then you wake up four hours later. It's the most stressful sleep you ever had. That's the way to go. No, dude, I had a 50-day time. I had like a 20-minute twilight sedation. That was it. I asked them to go back up in there twice just to make sure. Free break.

Enough about your anus. What was your biggest science surprise of 23? I know it's hard to surprise you. I know you guys want to hear some crazy specific thing, but I actually just said that there were too many breakthroughs with machine-learn models with AI this year to list. LLMs that can run on small desktop machines that are open source, that outperform all models that were in existence even a few months prior. It highlights the leaps and bounds of this trajectory of development in models. There's other specific examples like we talked about DeepMind's Graphcast model, which is a graph neural network on the show, and obviously all the generative models in imagery and movies and music. But it's just such an extraordinary time to see us leverage our combined capabilities to drive these extraordinary games. So your surprise is the pace of language models, the pace of AI development? Just all these breakthroughs in aggregate. It's hard to pay attention to any one. There's a constellation of change underway. It's incredible.

Now it's time for our biggest flash in the pan. Who is your biggest flash in the pan, Trima? Oh my gosh, this is a. Well, it could be business. It could be society. It could be pop culture. I wrote down SBF. I think from what looked like a too good to be wonderkind, frankly, just turned out to be an Adderall-addicted grifter. Saks, I hope that doesn't hit too close to home. Who is yours? Same ballpark. I said effective altruism. The EA movement took a big hit with SBF. I would have thought that'd be enough to polish it off. But then we had the OpenAI board, Oust, Sam Altman, like we talked about. Apparently that was driven by a couple of their non-profit board members who were effective altruists. I think the failure of that whole debacle will put the nail in the coffin of the EA movement.
现在是我们最大的昙花一现的时候了。Trima,你最大的昙花一现是谁?天啊,这是一个。嗯,可以是商业,可以是社会,可以是流行文化。我写下了SBF。我认为,从一开始看起来像是个不可思议的奇才,实际上最后只是一个对阿得拉尔上了瘾的骗子。Saks,希望这不会太贴近你的心。你的呢?差不多。我说的是有效利他主义。EA运动在SBF的重创下遭受了重大打击。我本以为那足以把它击垮了。但后来我们有了OpenAI董事会,解雇了Sam Altman,就像我们谈过的那样。显然,这是由几位他们的非盈利机构董事会成员所推动的,他们是有效利他主义者。我认为这整个事件的失败将给有效利他主义运动画上句号。

Okay, Freiburg, you got a flash in the pan for 23. The obvious breakthrough in superconducting room temperature material, LK99. It came and it went. Everyone thought it was going to change the world. A couple of weeks later couldn't be replicated, was disproven ultimately. For a hot minute there, everyone thought the world was going to change. It was super exciting to see room temperature, superconductivity in the search for room temperature, superconducting materials get so much attention. As I mentioned, it's something I've thought a lot about since I was 13 years old. It's super cool, but didn't happen. Came and it went.

I went with a wildcard here. I said George Santos, the diva, drama queen and congressman who slayed from 2023 to 2023. Electric campaign funds to buy, get both Botox. He asked Queen and Sephora. My bad. Ask Queen, just making bank over at Cameo. I'm going to have him come in. He's going to do a quick cameo here on all in podcasts.

All right. Best CEO. Your best CEO.

Best CEO. I'll go first. I'll go first. I haven't got first yet. I picked a wildcard here. I went Taylor Swift, $4 billion in revenue from the tour and the merchandise and the movie and everything. Each tour stop generates $90 million for the city she lands in. She's getting 85%. She went direct to movie theaters with that concert movie and made a quarter billion dollars. She stands down. The best CEO of 2023 for me.

We got you, Mom. Subtian Adele, CEO of Microsoft. I just think the gross tonnage of market cap dollars he added in 2023 plus figuring out how to close Activision plus retaining maximum optionality with OpenAI. It's just the masterclass in heads down management. Well done.
亲爱的妈妈,我们明白你的意思。这是微软首席执行官Subtian Adele说的。我只是觉得他在2023年增加的市值总量,以及如何成功收购动视暴雪,并保持与OpenAI的最大选择性,都展现了出色的专注管理。干得漂亮。

Sax, who do you got? I have Jensen Wang, CEO of NVIDIA and King of the GPU. We talked about the Magnificent Seven, but none was more Magnificent than NVIDIA, whose stock is up 235%. And earnings and forecasts keep blowing doors off. Jensen has been planning this moment for many years before the whole AI frenzy took hold. And NVIDIA is now repeating the benefit of that.
萨克斯,你认为谁会赢?我找了Jensen Wang,NVIDIA的首席执行官和GPU之王。我们聊过《七神财宝》,但没有一个比NVIDIA更为辉煌,他们的股价上涨了235%。而且收益和预测持续超预期。在整个人工智能狂潮兴起之前,Jensen早已计划了多年,现在NVIDIA正在重复这种好处。

Who do you got? Friedberg. I give it to Sam Altman because I don't think any individual has generated more attention on a private company and its effect on the world and the future than Sam Altman and OpenAI. And I think that he's been aggressive in raising capital. This guy can raise like he can raise. And then he over bets on people. He finds talent. He gives them extraordinary compackages, gets them to come and work on this extraordinary effort and then gets them to deliver results. He pushes the limits. He pushes the boundaries even beyond what's comfortable for his board members. Clearly, that comes with the good and the bad. And then even after he got ousted by his board, his entire employee base threw a crew and got him back and sure everyone's got their economic motivations to see that happen. But I still think that the setup was largely his work. So he does deserve credit for that. So all in, I think it's an incredible year for Sam Altman.

Now we move on to 2023 Best Investor. Chamaap, who was your best investor for 2023 here at the Bestie Awards? It was a continuation of the last couple of years, but it's the pot shops and specifically Citadel. So I give that award to Ken Griffin. You know, pot shops, I think, have really become the hallway bully of the public capital markets and Citadel is the kingpin. They returned $7 billion to their investors in 23. I think if you go back since 2020, they've returned more than $20 billion. They generated 15% very steady returns uncorrelated to the market. It's just a machine. I mean, it's an incredible business that he's built. So he is, there's nobody close.
现在我们来到2023年度最佳投资者奖项。Chamaap,在最佳奖项颁奖典礼上,你的2023年度最佳投资者是谁?这是对过去几年的延续,但它是关于大麻商店,特别是雄狮资本。所以我把这个奖颁给了Ken Griffin。你知道,我认为大麻商店已经成为了公共资本市场上的霸凌者,并且雄狮资本是头目。他们在2023年向投资者返还了70亿美元。我认为如果回顾自2020年以来,他们返还了超过200亿美元。他们创造了15%非常稳定的回报率,与市场无关。这只是一个机器。我的意思是,他建立了一个令人难以置信的企业。所以他是无人能及的。

Saxo, do you? I've got Bill Ackman here for timing the bond market perfectly. He shorted bonds for most of the year, making hundreds of millions of dollars. And then on October 23, he announced that he was covering his positions and that it was too risky to stay short in bonds and he was going long. And that very day was the high point of the 10 year bond yield. The market made a bottom on October 27th since then yields have plummeted, which means that the value bonds is soared. And the best part of it is that Ackman is using his new FU money to take on Ivy League University presidents for their Woke DEI double standards, grifting and plagiarism. Well done.
你说呢,Saxo?我这里有比尔·阿克曼(Bill Ackman),他完美地把握债券市场的时机。他在大部分时间里做空债券,赚取了数亿美元。然后在10月23日,他宣布平仓,并表示继续做空债券太过冒险,他要换向做多。而那一天正是10年期债券收益率的高点。自那天起,市场在10月27日达到了底部,此后收益率大幅下降,这意味着债券价值飙升。最棒的是,阿克曼利用他的新资金来对抗常春藤联盟大学校长们的拜金主义、剽窃行为和“觉醒多元包容”双重标准。做得漂亮!

All right. Three break. We got I also said Ackman for his timing on the treasury trade. I was right there with you guys, except I wanted to go with the wild card. I am astounded by the growth of TikTok. And I just worked backwards. Arthur Dancik, who I've never met from Susquehanna International Group referred to a SIG in the industry, still owns according to sources, 15% of this company, which could be worth three, four, five hundred billion dollars when it goes out. And despite all the saber rattling, the CCP has not divested from it, even though Trump and Biden both said they were going to try to do that. And by dance was caught spying on American journalists using their TikTok data. So the fact that that investment is still in place to me is extraordinary. So congratulations to them. But I'd sell it quick.

All right. Now we move on. We'll move in quickly here.

2023. Best turnaround. Who's your best turnaround your month? This was like three years in the making, but I'll give it to Novo Nordisk. I think the amount of attention that Novo has gotten for his epic, wagovii and Rybelsis in 2023 was incredible. But you have to go back to the last decade where the first five years, there was just not much activity and they had to maintain their investment, stay strong, stay focused. And then starting in about 2019, the stock has been about a four or five X in the last four or five years. And I think these semi-quitite GLP ones are here to stay. They're transformational on society. So that was an enormous task of corporate focus. So I'll give the turnaround award to Novo Nordisk.
2023年,最佳复苏。你本月最佳的复苏是谁?这个奖项花了三年的时间,但我会给它授予诺和诺正士(Novo Nordisk)。我认为诺和诺正士在2023年为他的Epic, Wagovii和Rybelsis所受到的关注数量是令人难以置信的。但要回溯到过去十年,前五年几乎没有多少活动,他们不得不保持投资、坚持和专注。然后从2019年开始,股票在过去四到五年里增长了大约四到五倍。我认为这些半合成GLP类药物是会长留下来的。它们对社会有着深远的影响。因此,我将将复苏奖授予诺和诺正士。

Saxo, you got in light of what's happening right now in the crypto markets. I'm going to go with Solana. Oh, wow. Wow. Wow. It began the year at about $9 a token. It's now at 92 as of this moment. Obviously, it's very volatile, but it's up roughly 10 X this year to date. And in light of the fact that various unscrupulous actors on the internet, it cues some of us of buying Solana at a discount and dumping it on retail without any evidence. And that wasn't true. Let's just say that those of us who are still holding bags of Solana are very happy campers right now. That's all there for the win. After the best.

Freeberg, who do you got? Biggest business turnaround. I give it to Dara and Uber. When he took over that business, I think it was an eight to nine billion dollar net loss in 2019. $5 billion, but I'll run right now incredible forecasting, incredible skill in forecasting the sensitivities in that business, by the way. Same more. Same more. And obviously, he's seen the market cap just this year grow from 50 billion to 126 billion as of today. So give it to Dara for the big turnaround. Product sucks, though. I will say it's gotten expensive, hard to get an Uber, sit around and wait forever. So Dara, please fix that. Otherwise, good job.

Well done. I went with one that you guys gave a words to and on all the previous words, Sam Waltman is all over this year's besties. I thought going from being fired for malfeasance to becoming a martyr. And then I'm the captain now. You can throw in the I'm the captain now meme right here, Nick, for the pod in about 10 days. He captured three full new cycles was named CEO of the year. And the palace intrigue raising money for an Nvidia killer in the Middle East. I mean, this guy is like James Bond plus a CEO. So what a great turnaround from fired to desired Sam Altman.

All right, let's go to our next one here. 2023, the worst company of the year. This is the company that is lo-sum and horrible in our opinions. And that's all it is, folks. It just for dudes opinions sacks. In your opinion, what was the worst company of 2023? I'm gonna go with Pfizer. Just last week, the Wall Street Journal had an expose on the inner turmoil at Pfizer as its market cap has lost $140 billion in valuation in 2023. By the way, that headline is ridiculous. Pfizer did not save the world. The reason why they are off so much is because of a massive drop in demand for tax loathed and for COVID boosters. Apparently, people do not see the value in those products. They finally figured it out. I would say that the company is also suffering from a credibility crisis by not leveling with the public about the efficacy and safety of their vaccines. The CEO Albert Burla was confronted in Davos by citizen journalists for this lack of transparency back in January of this year. And what's interesting is that if you read the Wall Street Journal piece, even his own employees are questioning Burla's candor when he announced on a company-wide virtual town hall that the company was embarking on a cost-cutting effort, the chat room erupted in snark, quote, future is bright, but you might get fired as how one employee characterized Burla's spin. This led another employee to reply, quote, dumpster fires are always bright.

All right, Friedberg worst company of 2023 for you. You have a worst company, most of them? I do. I'm going to get through this without getting interrupted. The worst company of 2023 is muyuan food stuff. This company is pure evil. It's got 137,000 employees. It's based in China. It's the world's largest slaughter of pigs. Slaughter is 2.1 million pigs per year. With the world's largest pig farm near Nanyang, where they basically take pigs from birth and breed them all the way through to slaughter. During their entire lives, these pigs never get to move more than a few inches. They live in these multi-story housing units that they never get to see sun or the light from the outside. Through their whole lives, they're kept separate from their families. Pigs are as smart as most dogs and even young children. At the end of their very painful, awful existences, they're slaughtered and fed to a growing population. China consumes over a billion pigs a year. It's a horrific situation. That's the most loathsome company of 2023.

Sounds delicious. I'm sorry. You went off camera a little bit. You went off camera. No, Jacob. You started laughing. It's not a funny thing. I saw you laughing. That's why I started laughing. I mean, I had 15 jokes, but I'm not going to make any of them. Yeah, but not a sulfur factory farming. It's horrible. Who was your worst company, Trimap? Come on, Trimap. Get in the game here. Who was your worst company? It's a tie between FTX and Silicon Valley Bank. One stole customer accounts and the other one just was run by a CEO and a risk management infrastructure that really imperiled and almost imperiled an entire industry. There you go. For me, it was Fox News. They deceived their loyal customers by knowingly spreading fake news about voting machines. They wound up firing their most loved host in our fifth bestie, Tucker Carlson. They paid record setting fines for misleading the public and creating massive division in our country. They're facing an even bigger lawsuit, a $2.7 billion lawsuit with another election technology company that will happen in 2025. Pension funds are now suing this loathsome company because they lost so much money for them. My worst company of the year is Fox News.

All right. Actually, I'm just sorry. I'm going for the microphone. I'm not going to defend Fox after they fire Tucker. Exactly. That's why I put it in there. I do think the judgments are the magnitude of the judgments are ridiculous. Okay. Now it's time. We have a little bit of fun here. Best meme. Your best meme. Fun stuff. I'll start it off this year. I love the Boston cop on a slide. I don't know if you guys have seen this one, but it went super viral. They've made millions of versions of it. This is the cop in Boston going down a slide. And the backstory here, bunch of cops were told there's a slide that's too dangerous in Boston. One of them tried to do their duty and confirm that it was in fact dangerous. And he got injured coming down the slide. And now anytime something is going off the track, whether it's a market or a company, you play that clip. Sax, you're a master of memes. What do you got for us this year in the 2023 bestie awards? Well, I think the meme of the year had to be at the GFY. Iran's answer to Bob Eiger's attempt to blackmail him. Nick, but we need to see this in the gift version. The way the hand motions are, it's this, then this, and then it comes back in.

Good for a conductor of an orchestra. It's just a standard good for you. Chamath, did you have a favorite? Chamath, a favorite meme of 2023? Yeah, Nick, if you want to just throw it up there. I'm a journalist and it's the kid. Yeah, I'm a journalism journalist. What is this talking about? I think it's what we all know. And I think it was further exposed this year, just the brazen naked ambition and corrupt nature of the mainstream media. Jason, you said it really well. And I really made an impact on me. So I want to give you credit. We are all citizen journalists, investigative journalists now. And I think that that's true. I think we all have a responsibility to pick the information source and to vet it. Yeah, they've never been more true than this. You got to have multiple sources trying to like the truth for yourself. Yeah, I wouldn't trust the mainstream media at this point, you know, as but one of many sources, Freeberg, you got a favorite meme? Got a favorite meme? No, I didn't put anything on this.

Okay, you gave us six minutes on pigs being killed, but you can't come up with one meme. Okay. Can't come up with a meme. Come on, man. I think it's kind of funny, actually. It's kind of funny. It has no memes meme.

All right, best new tech. Best new tech. We got to keep things moving. Last year, it was fusion and GPT across the board. This year, I'll just get a mine out of the way real quick. I'm going to go with something more specific. Chat GPT's app has been extraordinary. It now has 4.0 and it has dolly in it. I've been making incredible images to go with my, my substac and my blog posts that I would have paid thousands of dollars. You know, for each one of those when I was doing magazines and they have voice chat. If you haven't connected, Chat GPT's voice app to the new action button on the iPhone 15, there's a button above your volume called action. You can map it to a specific feature inside of any app. I mapped it to voice chat on Chat GPT. When I'm driving with my kids, they have a question. We put it in and we just started asking questions about history, science, whatever it happens to be, pop culture, music to Chat GPT for. And it is an extraordinary breakthrough app. And it's, you know, been downloaded, I think hundreds of millions of times now or over 100 million incredible, incredible progress there.
好的,最好的新技术。最好的新技术。我们必须保持事情的进展。去年是核聚变和GPT在各个领域都很流行。今年,我会很快介绍一个相关的话题。我要选择一个更具体的内容。Chat GPT的应用程序非常出色。它现在已经更新到4.0版本,里面还有人工智能助手Dolly。我用它创作了一些令人惊艳的图像,用于我的子网站和博客文章,这些图像如果我以前在杂志上做的话可能要花费数千美元。而且它还支持语音聊天。如果你还没有将Chat GPT的语音应用程序连接到iPhone 15上的新动作按钮,可以在音量上方找到一个叫做“动作”的按钮。你可以将它映射到任何应用程序中的特定功能。我将它映射到了Chat GPT的语音聊天功能。当我和孩子们一起开车时,他们有问题时,我们就把问题提问给Chat GPT,无论是关于历史、科学,还是流行文化、音乐等等。它是一款非常突破性的应用程序。而且,它已经被下载了几亿次,或者说超过一亿次了,进展真是令人难以置信。

Chamath, you had a best tech? Best new tech? I don't think there was anything meaningful in 2023. I think there was a lot of improvements to things that were founded and started in 2020 or 2021 or 2022. Nothing new that couple, this year, Saks.

I have Starling for JetSuite X. Of course, I've never used it, but I heard it's great. But if you do fly with other humans who you don't know, I would be impressed to Starling for private aviation as well. But I've heard it's a real game changer on commercial flights and every kind of flight.
我有一个Starling加入JetSuite X。当然,我从来没有使用过,但听说它非常棒。不过,如果你和不认识的其他人一起飞行,我也会对Starling私人航空印象深刻。我听说它在商业航班和各种航班上都是一种真正的革命性产品。

Freeber. Best new tech? My best new tech of this year, I think is really important as we race to keep the promise of AI alive in the face of increasing government regulation, which is open source locally run LLMs. So you can take an LLM and you can run it on your machine. You don't have to be connected to the internet. You don't have to have a third party service provider making an LLM available to you. And so this allows the continued development and pursuit of productivity gains and new capabilities that emerge from these LLMs by making them local, offline, disconnected from the internet and away from the screwed ability of agencies that want to check your model and make sure it's okay. So this is really important to me. I do think my broader trend right now is I think that there's this really scary, big shift of you're either going to end up in a new enlightenment or you're going to end up in a new dark ages. And I think we're seeing this play out in all these conflicts around the world, in all of this regulation and all of the technology that's being deemed either a threat or an opportunity. And so I think any technology capability that allows us to pursue the enlightenment is a winner for me. So anyway, this was a big shift that happened this year and there's multiple models that are publicly available that are free, open source that you can run.
Freeber. 最好的新技术?我认为今年最重要的新技术是LLMs的本地开源运行。由于政府监管的增加,我们亟需保持人工智能的承诺,而这一点非常重要。因此,你可以把一个LLM下载到你的计算机上运行。你无需连接互联网,也无需依赖第三方服务提供商来获取LLM。这样一来,就可以继续开发和追求从这些LLMs中获得的生产力提升和新能力,因为它们是本地的、离线的,与互联网隔离,远离那些想检查你的模型并确保其合规的机构。所以对我来说,这真的非常重要。我现在认为整体趋势是,要么你最终陷入新的启示时代,要么你最终陷入新的黑暗时代。我认为我们正在看到这种趋势在全球各地的冲突中发生,以及所有被划定为威胁或机会的技术中体现出来。所以,任何能让我们追求启示时代的技术能力都是我支持的。总之,今年发生了一个重大转变,现在有多个公开可用、免费、开源的模型可以运行。

Okay, 2023, best trend. Shama, what was the best trend 2023 for you? I actually didn't really couldn't figure one out. Okay, Saks, you got a best trend for 2023. Something that happened often it became a trend. My best trend is the return of color blindness as the standard and the pushback on DEI. We already talked about the university presidents and what Bill Ackman is doing. I would add to that that the Supreme Court banned race based affirmative action and university admissions in June. And Red State governors like Greg Abbott and Ron DeSantis took that as a green light to shut down DEI programs in their public colleges and universities. I think that this is a good trend and hopefully it continues next year because America should be a colorblind meritocracy.

Friedberg, what was your best trend of 2023? The profitability focus at young companies, particularly in an age of AI, co-pilot tools for software development. From what I've seen, it's pretty incredible. Single person efforts can yield what historically is required 612 or more people to do using co-pilot tools and AI. So software development is accelerated, new products and entire companies can be built by single individual at very low cost building totally customized software. So from what I've seen, it's not widely adopted. These capabilities, as you guys probably have seen as well, it's starting to be. But just imagine once the majority of people are using these co-pilot tools to write software and start to learn how to use these tools, it's really going to increase productivity globally as it finds its way into every business and everyone can become an entrepreneur and so on. So it's incredible to see. I too, SACS was looking at the issue of DEI and I framed mine as DEI dying and meritocracy thriving. That was the best trend for me. So we are once again, Simpatico, UNI, DEI dying, meritocracy, thriving. Nicely done. You really are proving you're a centrist. Or I just listened to MLK's speech and I thought, that seems like the most logical thing to do. Yeah, you're right. Absolutely. 100%. 100%. We figured this out some time ago. Yeah, I don't know why we have to rehash it.

Okay, 2023, worst trend. I'll lead it off. I had three here of worst trends. Number one, antisemitism, absolutely disgusting and horrible. Two, Trump's rehabilitation. We'll just leave it at that. And then three, people of low moral character using the freedom of speech movement to whitewash their horrible personal behavior. Yes, I'm talking about Alex Jones to all the mids in the comments. Saks, what was the worst trend for you? You had to have three, didn't you? Well, I'm going to go with antisemitism. Those are my two runners. Two runners. Fair enough. I think you guys are like my worst trend. It is the metastasizing national debt. This chart really makes it clear. You can see here the national debt as a function of deficit and revenues. And it's a upside down hockey stick. Jesus. If a company could produce user growth that looked like this, I would invest all day long. However, this is not growth. This is basically how much we owe. And it is a bipartisan problem. It's been going on for really 20 plus years, but it is getting worse and worse under Biden. Yeah. 8 trillion added to the deficit under Trump and looks like 5 to 6 trillion under Biden. Well, you know, we did have a COVID. We did have felt down where the economy was down 30% year over year. So the tax that's in COVID. Yeah. Both parties supported that bailout. And in hindsight, it was excessive. Yeah. Biden's quote unquote stimulus was passed on straight party lines after COVID was ready over. Yeah. So I think we should just make sure to apportion the blame correctly. But like I said, bipartisan problem. Yeah, I agree. By Patterson and Trump did a very ill timed tax cut before COVID. So it's a double hit. If you want to compare it in eight years, Obama added 8 trillion. So it was one trillion a year. These new guys getting close to 2 trillion per year. So they doubled the velocity of spending just completely disastrous.

Jamal, what's the worst trend for you? I just think it's the general state of affairs amongst our young people. Our 20 year olds and our 30 year olds, I think are really struggling. And it's gotten worse. I'll give you two examples here. You see on your screen this year, 158,000 more Americans died than expected, which is more than all the wars combined in Vietnam. And when you look at where those death rates are, those death rates were coming from 35 to 44 year olds, which was up 26% and 25 to 34 year olds, which was up 20% about pre COVID levels. And all we can point to from the government establishment is that it's smoking at a bad diet, which doesn't really hang together. And then the second trend is when you look at just general marriage rates amongst these same cohort of people, it's meaningfully worse than every cohort above it. So just societally, these folks are not tracking in whatever dimension you want to measure sort of like happiness, fulfillment, stability, safety. Something is meaningfully wrong in these cohorts of people and we owe it to them to figure it out. The one thing you missed there, Atchamath in the Western world, at least 36% increase in suicide over the past two decades. So a lot of it's another one. It's another one. So that might be the main one I think in this is the mental health issues are acute.

Okay, we have free bear, you're left for the worst trend, the bestie award for worst trend of 2023. What do you got? I don't know, I had one, I'm going to change it on the fly. I'm going to go with the normalization of spending. I think it's probably the worst trend. Like it's, you know, it used to be a big deal. Remember when the TART program happened in 2008, and it was an incredible single line item of $800 billion to support the troubled asset relief effort to try and keep the economy stable by buying up all of this failing debt and supporting all of these equities and keeping these businesses going. And now it's like $100 billion for this, a trillion for that. It's like we've normalized spending and COVID just made it worse. So to your guys's point earlier about the acceleration of spending, once you spend a dollar, you think it's okay to spend a dollar. And then next time you spend two, it's not that bad. It's only a dollar more. And the next time you spend five, it's only three bucks more. And suddenly it becomes normal. And this normalization catches up to us. I've harped on this enough. So I won't go into it too much. But I mean, that's the worst. Who did you change from? What was your original? My original was the merging of the oppressor oppressed ideologies that are in diametric opposition to each other. I just found this more ironic than the worst trend, I think, which is like LGBTQ groups that were pro Hamas that were marching and supporting Hamas, which is anti LGBTQ. It was just so mind blowing to me to see some of the behavior over the last couple of months that made absolutely no sense. And it shows how little first principles thinking people are actually doing about the things that they're standing up for. Standing up for a free Palestine is one kind of point. But being pro Hamas, when Hamas would have a responsibility of eradicating people like you, it's just it's just nuts to me. So there's just some of the stuff that I've seen where the oppressor oppressed ideology is trained to fit everything, even if it makes absolutely no sense. So it's just really frustrating to see.

Okay, now we go on to a little casual. The best awards for 2023 favorite media favorite media new things that came out in the media could be a video game book, music or a TV show. I'll lead us off here. Just get it out of the way real quick. For me, the secession finale, extraordinary, one of the best pieces of television ever made. And my sleeper was the bear season two, very niche show on FX. I think I turned a lot of you onto it. And season two had an episode episode five, which is the forks episode in which Cammy sends Richie to intern at a very elite restaurant and he's charged with polishing silverware and Garrett and him get into it. Why am I doing all the stupid stuff? And he just tells him listen, every day here is a freaking Super Bowl. And it's just a great, great, amazing episode of television with extraordinary performances and writing.
好的,现在我们来聊一些轻松的话题。2023年最佳奖项中,我最喜欢的媒体新作可能是一款视频游戏、一本书、一首音乐或者一部电视节目。我先来说说我的选择。首先,我要提到电视剧《继承者》的结局,真是太出色了,可以说是电视史上的经典之作。而我认为大家可能不太熟悉的是FX频道的一部小众剧集《熊 第二季》。第二季的第五集是剧中的一个重要环节,角色Cammy让Richie去一家非常高级的餐厅实习,负责擦拭银器,结果和Garrett发生了一些摩擦。Richie觉得自己为什么要做这些愚蠢的事情,然后Garrett告诉他,这里的每一天都像是超级碗一样重要。这一集是一部极其精彩的电视剧,表演和剧本都非常出色。

Chamath, did you have any favorite media this year? Anything that Taylor Swift did this year was Whitehall. Here are Swiftie. She is a tour de force. She's incredible. And she's a genius. What can you say? Nothing.

Zach's. I'm going to use my spot to draw attention to some podcasts that you may not have heard of. Some geopolitics and world affairs podcasts. So that probably my number one is the Duran with Alexander McChirus and Alex Christophoro. I'd also give honorable mention to Judge Napolitano's podcast and Colonel Daniel Davis. I have found these three podcasts to be quite useful in understanding what's happening in the rest of the world. And I found their reporting and analysis be more accurate than anything you're going to get in the mainstream media.
嗨Zach,在这里我要利用我的机会来引起你对一些你可能未曾听说过的播客的关注。其中一些关于地缘政治和世界事务的播客。所以我认为我最喜欢的第一个是Durian播客,由亚历山大·麦克基罗斯和亚历克斯·克里斯托弗罗主持。我还要特别提及法官纳波利塔诺(Judge Napolitano)和丹尼尔·戴维斯上校的播客。我发现这三个播客在了解世界其他地区发生的事情方面非常有用。我发现他们的报道和分析比你在主流媒体上得到的任何东西都更准确。

Free break. Any favorite media for you as we get close to wrapping here. I recently read a book that I liked. I don't know if I talked about it called the idea factory on the history of Bell Labs and the great age of American innovation. Strongly recommended it. I had no idea how much this Bell Labs institution touched modern life from radar to the transistor to the nuclear bomb to computing. Even information theory was developed inside of Bell Labs. It was an incredible organization that took its roots in an institutionalized monopoly, which then enabled them to have one customer that was always a built-in customer, but gave them the freedom and the resourcing to build all of these great things. And for anyone that wants to say that monopolies, stifle innovation, I encourage you to read this book because it really says the opposite may be true that a monopoly enables investment in long-term thinking and long-term ideas that you never otherwise see. So I give it to that.

I also had a softer one. Have you guys ever watched Bobby Altoff's podcast? I found this so funny this year. You guys ever seen it? Her interview with Drake is hilarious. It's so funny. So she interviewed Drake. She's interviewed Cuban. Oh, yes. I know you're talking about the deadpan. Yeah, the deadpan. So she's got this like wholly disinterested persona, and it totally encapsulates like a Gen Z personality in a way that you don't get in any other media. And she's hilarious when she does these interviews. And she's very unique, like Andy Kaufman or Jim Carrey, in that sense, unique in how she does this. I just think like we'll see if the stick lasts. Like she may end up kind of being tired soon and see if she has a second act. The Drake interview was really good. The one with Cuban had two problems with it. One, they sat on the ground and then two, Cuban's feet were really dirty. Did you see the one with Shaq? And so I was like, bro, like, yeah, just keep the shoes on and just, the Shaq one was hilarious. But anyway, she's got great content. It's hit or miss, by the way, I'll also say it's not consistent. Hit or miss, but I don't know. I just found her to be a little bit of a unique standout in content this year. Everyone's kind of me too, me too. It looks the same. She she stood out a bit for me.
我也有一个较轻松的一面。你们有没有看过Bobby Altoff的播客?我今年发现这个太有趣了。你们看过吗?她采访Drake的那一期太搞笑了。真的太搞笑了。她还采访过Cuban。哦,是的,我知道你在说那个冷静的其中一个。是的,冷静的那个。所以她有这种完全不感兴趣的形象,完全体现了Gen Z的个性,其他媒体中没有这样的。她采访的时候真的很搞笑。而且她很独特,就像Andy Kaufman 或者 Jim Carrey一样,以某种方式,她在这方面很独特。我只是觉得我们会看看这个角色能持续多久。也许她很快就会感到累了,然后看看她是否有第二幕。Drake的采访真的很好看。和Cuban的那一期有两个问题。首先,他们坐在地上,然后Cuban的脚真的很脏。你看过那一期和Shaq的吗?所以我就说,哥们,别脱鞋,而且Shaq的那期真的很搞笑。但是无论如何,她的内容很棒。顺便说一句,有好有坏,不太一致。好坏参半,但是我不知道。我只是觉得她在今年的内容中有点独特,大家都差不多,差不多。她对我来说有点出众。

In that vein, have you seen Z-way Z-I-W-E? She is a woman who interviews people and then she asks people very uncomfortable questions about race. Like how many black friends do you have named them? And it is hilarious. It is like the greatest bit ever. Shout out to Z-way. And since we went there on, who's seen it? You saw it, yeah. I mean, if you're on TikTok, you'll see it because she just had like, yeah, she just has anybody in pop culture. She had the George Santos on. She had George Santos on her here. Yeah. Wow. And it was just so incredible. Crazy.
在这方面,你看过Z-way Z-I-W-E吗?她是一个采访人们并且问非常尴尬的种族问题的女人。比如你有多少个黑人朋友,她要你一个一个说出名字。这真的很有趣。这就像是有史以来最好的节目。向Z-way大喊一声。那么,有谁看过吗?你看过,是吧。如果你在TikTok上,你会看到的,因为她会邀请所有的流行文化人物。她邀请过George Santos上她的节目。是的,太不可思议了。疯狂。

On the podcasting front, shout out to our friend, Gwen of the Paltrow. If you don't listen to the Goop podcast, she does like interviews every other time. Really good. Red Scare, another great alternative podcast I'd like to listen to from the dirt bag left, as they call it, and shout out Pre-Barara's cafe insider cafe.com.
在播客领域,向我们的朋友Gwen of the Paltrow表示致敬。如果你不听Goop播客,她每隔一段时间都会做一些访谈。非常不错。Red Scare是另一个我很想听的很棒的另类播客,正如他们所说,它是“肮脏左翼”的一部分。还要感谢Pre-Barara的cafe insider cafe.com。

All right. I think is this the end producer, Nick? Are we here? Did we make it?

Last one. Last one. We have a special award here, the Self-Imulation Award. This has been named after Rudy Giuliani. So Rudy Giuliani, Self-Imulation Award. And this is a tough one to give this year, Saks. What do you have? Because it's going to be quite self-referential here. Go.

I am going to name Liz McGill, the now former president of the University of Pennsylvania, who had been vomiting on herself for two months in the aftermath of October 7th, before she even appeared at that congressional hearing with the presence of Harvard MIT. She answered what was clearly a moral question with a tone deaf legalistic answer, saying that advocacy of genocide against Jews depends on context, falls into question whether one is smart enough to be university president. It's not a job that demands that much intelligence, but it does require an instinct for knowing when and how to cover your own ass. When she was finally forced to step down, it felt like a mercy killing. Yeah.

Was she the one smirking to? She had the awkward smarts? That was what I found the most appalling was the awkward smirks.

Chamath, who let themselves on fire, most of all, they share who poured gasoline over their heads and just lit up a stogie. I think it's the brand and reputation of the IVs. I think that there was irreparable harm. Well done.
尽可能易读的表达: Chamath,他们让自己着火了,最重要的是,他们分享了是谁给他们的头上倒汽油并点燃了雪茄。我认为这与IVs的品牌和声誉有关。我认为造成了不可挽回的伤害。干得好。

Yes. We've had generations now that have been taught that that is where we send our best and brightest kids, but it turns out that they're getting indoctrinated into some very kind of extreme rhetoric that then produces these incapable first principles thinkers. That will be the destruction of our society if we don't fix it. I think Harvard applications were down 17% already. I expect that trend across the IVs to go way up. I expect contributions to go down. I expect governments to ratchet down their spending in those schools, and I expect some folks to try to take away their non-profit status. So I think that we are going to reallocate the brand equity of the IVs to good schools. And we will know what the good schools are based on their independence, their ability to churn out first principles thinkers, and their respect for freedom of speech without being moral idiots.

Friedberg. What do you got?

Well, well, Sanchima. Ivy League presidents. Okay. Well done. No need to add too much more there, I guess.

I was torn here between the namesake of this very award. If you missed it, Rudy Giuliani had a $150 million judgment against him maybe two weeks ago for slandering two poor, innocent people in his electoral scam that he ran with Trump. And he, I think, is going to get indicted next year for these fake electorates. So follow the fake electorates one. But that was a close one for me because Kanye West also lit himself on fire in the past year with the Adidas contract and his anti-Semitism getting kicked off Twitter X. But I feel like that was mental illness. And I think Rudy Giuliani is just stupid. So I give it to Rudy Giuliani, the namesake of this award. And I hope that's all about that, J Cal is I'm not going to defend him or his actions at all. However, I do think I do think that judgment was excessive. And it's part of a pattern of ridiculous judgments that we see when you have, for example, a DC jury poll judging a conservative or a Republican whose politics they disagree with. The plaintiffs only asked for $48 million. The jury awarded three times that it's an excessive award. I think a few million dollars as a penalty would have been a perfectly nice award. I think to bankrupt the man, which is what you're talking about is becoming a bit of a pile on. And I'm all in favor of Rudy being the butt of jokes until the point where really you're talking about destroying his life. I think it's gone way too far. Yeah, these words are curious and how large they are. They all get appealed though, and they all come down. So I'm sure that'll come down by some massive percentage in the near future.

This has been the year end episode. Can you believe it? We made it another year, guys. Here we are at the end of 2023. We'll do our predictions next week. So you'll get our amazing predictions for 2024 in the next episode. Any closing thoughts on the year we just had Freeburg? How are you feeling here at the end of the year? Are you hopeful? Are you cheery? Are you sad? Are you excited?

I've been up since 5am and I just drank beers, so I'm pretty tired. But with respect, that's kind of how the whole year feels actually. Feel like exhausted.

Yeah, I just got up early, cranked through the day, had some beer and I'm ready for a nap. But I'm probably more optimistic going into 2024 than I was going into 2023 because that's on a personal basis.

And I think, yeah, there's just a lot going on today in the world. Yeah, it's complex, isn't it? I do think as long as we embrace the enlightenment and don't embrace the dark ages, we stand a shot at keeping progress alive. And I think that's the defining characteristics of human civilization, its progress. And that's, I think ultimately resolves all the conflicts and other things. We just got to keep it alive.
我想, 是的, 当今世界上发生了许多事情。是的, 这是复杂的, 不是吗?我认为只要我们接受启蒙思想而不走向黑暗时代, 我们就有机会保持进步的活力。我认为这就是人类文明的决定性特征, 就是它的进步。而这, 我认为最终能解决所有的冲突和其他问题。我们只需要保持这一切活力。

Well, Sam, how are you feeling here as we wrap up 2023 and looking into 2024? I think 2022 and 2023 have been looking back the most important two years of my professional career. I think I've benefited like we all, I think all four of us could say this, of just an incredible set of tailwinds and 22 and 23 for the first time where I was in a position of influence and capital and power where I had to confront that those tailwinds can quickly become headwinds and that we are not impervious to them. So I like Reedberg, I'm looking forward to 24 where I can try to put all these learnings to good use. So it's been generally good.

And 23 was the most important year of my life in the sense that I got remarried. So that's been a huge personal highlight. Yes, beautiful. Love that you guys all came to that as well. That's a highlight for us too. Absolutely beautiful. But yeah, I'm ready to turn the page on this year and start 24.

Sax, any closing dots here? Well, I think one of the biggest surprises of 2023 is that we didn't have a recession. I mean, I think most people were betting on a recession in 23. They thought that a soft landing would be almost impossible. And in fact, the data is that soft landings almost never occur. Remember what Larry Summers said to us at our all-in-summit this year, which is soft landings or like second marriages, it's the triumph of hope over experience, meaning they almost never happen. And so the fact that we didn't get that, I think that was basically a pretty important bullet dodge. Now that being said, I do think that the whole B2B software industry definitely went through a recession. But fortunately, I think we bottomed out and are starting to see green shoots now. So things are returning to normal. On the global stage, things are still okay in the sense that the US is not directly in a war, but man, it is pretty scary. We could be pulled into a very dynamic. It's very dynamic. We could be pulled into a war in the Middle East anytime. We still have a proxy war going in Ukraine. So there are a lot of risks still on the horizon.

I'll just say for the gentlemen and for the audience, it has been wonderful to have all of you, the audience, the fans of the show, and you besties in my life. Over two really tough years. It was also very proud of myself going into them. I knew I was built for war and it was a war the last few years. It was difficult. It was hard. But we all, I think, learned a lot and came out stronger because of it. And I just want to give a particular shout out to all of you guys for making this brand extraordinary and taking it to new heights almost all the times I've built things brands and gadget, Silicon Amazingly, and I'm just so excited to see what we do in 2024 with this amazing brand memberships to kill us another 50 episode and a great all-in-signment next year, I hope. So shout out to my guy, Free Bird for the dictator, the Sultan of Science, Chairman Dictator. Sorry, I apologize for getting that correct there. We'll get it right. Chairman Dictator and the Rayman, David Sachs. I am the world's greatest moderator and we will see you in 2024. Bye bye. Happy New Year. Love you guys. Happy New Year, bitches. Bye bye. Happy New Year. Oh man, my eyes are really weak. We should all just get a room and just have one big huge orgy because they're all just like this like sexual tension but they just need to release them out. What? You're the big. What? You're the big. What? You're the big. What? We need to get the most. I'm going all-in. I'm going all-in.
我只想对先生们和观众们说,能够拥有你们所有人、观众、节目的粉丝和我生活中最好的朋友们是多么美妙。在这过去的两年中,经历了很多艰难。但我也为自己感到非常骄傲,我知道自己有战斗的能力,这几年确实就像一场战争。困难、艰辛,但我想我们都从中学到了很多,并因此变得更加坚强。我想特别向你们所有人致以崇高的敬意,因为正是你们让这个品牌变得非凡,并将其推向新的高度。几乎每一次我创办品牌和推出新产品,都令人惊叹不已。我非常期待我们在2024年为这个令人惊叹的品牌再制作另外50集,明年也要完成一个伟大的任务。所以向我的朋友Free Bird致以致敬,也向科学的独裁者、主席独裁者道歉,抱歉没有说对。我们会改正过来,主席独裁者和Rayman David Sachs。我是世界上最优秀的主持人,我们将在2024年再见。再见,新年快乐。爱你们,伙计们。新年快乐,各位。再见。新年快乐。哎呀,我的眼睛真的很弱。我们应该大家聚一聚,搞一个大规模的乱交活动,因为大家都有这种性的张力,他们只需要释放出来。什么?你最了解了。什么?你最了解了。什么?我们需要最多的。我决心全力以赴。我全力以赴。