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Why Temu is a NIGHTMARE

发布时间 2023-12-23 11:50:54    来源


Temu has quickly become a trend online with influencers and youtubers using the platform to buy and promote ridiculous products selling for ridiculous prices. This is the latest peak in unbridled consumerism but its meteoric rise has much bigger implications than just another cheap knockoff website. Subscribe to Future Proof! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-OJ-24roEfQ_-PCnLJSckg?sub_confirmation=1 Join our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/FutureProofTV Stay updated on our socials Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/futureprooftv/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/futureprooftv TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@futureprooftv Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/futureproof/ For further reading, check out the sources for this video here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQNIXKN_7BTPCZk8EqDq0XvyD4ASRyylTon9UqHT2ifLDd26I502jm6IJmi4P-7C5X3OkZU72wgK5-0/pub Script: Caroline Eaton Pickard Editor: Kirsten Stanley Project Manager: Lurana McClure Rodríguez Host: Levi Hildebrand Want to work with Future Proof? Suggestions? Hate mail? Get in touch with the project manager, Lu: contact@befutureproof.ca



Timu was first introduced to the world through a series of advertisements during the Super Bowl, and since then has become a trend of its own online with influencers and YouTubers using the platform to buy and promote ridiculous products for ridiculous prices.
Timu首次通过一系列Super Bowl的广告向世界推出,从那时起,它已经成为线上的一种趋势,影响者和YouTuber利用该平台购买和推广荒谬的产品以荒谬的价格。

Timu is just the latest peak in our world of unbridled consumerism, but its meteoric rise has much bigger implications than just another cheap knockoff website. Timu, to summarize for those not fully in the loop here, is a discount online marketplace to sell stuff for hella cheap prices. This is the newest and craziest version of Alibaba, Wish.com, and stuff like that. It's basically the sketchy version of Amazon. And it makes me sad.

Timu's slogan shopped like a billionaire is because you can find dupes of luxury products for just a couple of dollars. And it's not just clothing and stuff that you would get on Xian or something like that. Timu sells electronics, kids stuff, home goods, and a bunch of miscellaneous stuff that we had no idea even how to categorize because it's really just random shit. Were you looking for the perfect jumbo earbud for the big-eared people on your wish list? Because Timu's got you covered along with a whole bunch of weird gifts that nobody ever wanted.

Now before you go over there to Timu and buy 27 products for $35, please let us tell you why Timu is the literal worst and no one should ever shop there.

So Timu was launched in the US in 2022 by a company called PDD Holdings Inc which is a Chinese owned company headquartered in Shanghai. A couple of months later they launched in Canada and aired a fancy Super Bowl ad and then just two months after that they had launched in Australia, New Zealand, and all over Europe. So in literally just six months this company went from obscurity to a global phenomenon. By the end of 2022 the Timu app was the most downloaded free app in America.
Timu于2022年由一家名为PDD Holdings Inc的中国公司在美国推出,总部位于上海。几个月后,他们在加拿大推出了该应用,并在超级碗!上播放了一则精美的广告,然后仅仅两个月后,他们又在澳大利亚、新西兰和整个欧洲展开了推广。所以,仅仅在短短的六个月内,这家公司从默默无闻变成了一个全球现象。到2022年底,Timu应用成为美国下载量最多的免费应用。

One of the reasons why Timu skyrocketed in almost no time is because these PDD Holdings people knew what they were doing. They launched a similar platform in China called Pinduo Duo where this whole business model started from. This is kind of like when Mountain Dew released Mountain Dew Code Red. They knew that what they were making was a bad thing but they knew that if they made more of it people would buy it and in both cases they were right.
Timu在几乎没有时间内迅速崛起的原因之一是因为这些PDD Holdings的人知道他们在做什么。他们在中国推出了一个类似的平台叫做拼多多,整个商业模式都是从这里开始的。这有点像Mountain Dew发布Mountain Dew Code Red的情况。他们知道他们制造的东西是不好的,但他们也知道如果他们生产更多,人们会买它。在这两种情况下,他们都是正确的。

Timu prices put Amazon to shame and this is completely on purpose. In fact I wouldn't even say that these two companies are in the same category because shopping on Timu is crazy. I went onto the website for the first time when we were researching for this video and the landing page alone is unbelievable. Lightning deals ending today 90% off electronics and home sales down to 39 cents. This big bold high-pressure sort of sale tactics is what Timu is built on. Below every product there's a notification showing when somebody last bought them and this is the lowest price in 30 days or whatever like it's all designed to make you feel like you should buy it right now. The design of the website is to get you to buy something that you didn't need or don't need only because it's a great deal. They're working with a lot of classic gamification and that idea of treasure hunting that you feel when you get a discount on a product you know and that reward system in your brain makes you want to keep coming back because you feel a certain kind of excitement when you're able to get 77 items for $100. So of course people are going to come back for more and of course people are now addicted to shopping on Timu.

Another reason why Timu is everywhere is because they are hardcore with their ads and sponsorships like these guys do not hold back. Futureproof. This channel gets a ton of sponsorship requests from Timu which is ironic to say the least because I don't know if they've seen a single video that we've made but like it's not really the place where we're going to be promoting $5 smartwatches. And of course we are not the only YouTubers who are getting these kinds of emails. They are known to harass YouTubers and creators with emails even finding new email address to spam them when they've been blocked out of the first one but a ton of influencers don't seem to mind this because they partner with them anyway which is why you can't be on the internet for more than a few minutes before running across a Timu ad or sponsored content but we'll get into that later in the video.

First what I want to talk about is the prices because that's kind of what this whole thing is built on right. Any business whose sole mission is to be the cheapest supplier of a particular good should be treated with a certain level of scrutiny right off the bat. If you're getting a great deal like a great deal chances are there is someone along that product's life course that isn't getting a great deal.

Now listen here if you're future proof we we do our best to look at all sides you know of course we're still biased we're just people here writing scripts and making videos but sadly there is not a lot of nuance with this one because Timu is a nightmare for everyone involved. Timu works similar to how Amazon does in the sense that manufacturers put their products on Timu and sell their stuff directly to the consumer which is supposedly how they are able to keep their prices solo because they eliminate the middleman or whatever but that is just complete bullshit. Consumers are getting bad products vendors are being exploited manufacturers are being inhumanely treated and don't forget that all of this shit is coming at the expense of the planet that we live on as well.

How can I say this with any kind of confidence well all you need to do is look at the prices as the OG Hank Green pointed out there is simply no way an e-commerce site can price products that low without doing something shady so how do they get those prices so cheap in the first place well as we said when influencers are promoting Timu explaining away the price is just being the warehouse price without the upcharges of regular stores etc etc that is not true Timu is purposefully losing money on their orders in order to become the go-to marketplace for cheap garbage it's similar to what Amazon did when they lost money selling cheap books to undercut the rest of the book market to become the top bookseller in the world yeah that happened too bookstores are great and we shouldn't buy books on Amazon because Amazon's the worst do we have to make a video about Amazon I feel like everybody knows all the terrible things that Amazon does right we don't have to make that video like this video if we don't have to make that video because I don't want to get mad again.
我怎样才能有自信地说这句话呢,只需要看价格就可以了。正如OG Hank Green指出的那样,没有什么电子商务网站可以以如此低廉的价格销售产品而不做一些不正当的事情。那么,他们是如何做到如此低廉的价格的呢?就像我们所说的,当推广者推广Timu时,解释价格只是仓库价格,没有普通商店的额外费用,等等,这是不正确的。Timu故意在订单中亏本,以成为廉价垃圾的首选市场。这与亚马逊销售廉价图书亏本打击其他图书市场以成为全球最大图书零售商的做法类似,是的,这也发生了。书店很棒,我们不应该在亚马逊上购买书籍,因为亚马逊是最糟糕的,我们需要制作一个关于亚马逊的视频吗?我觉得每个人都知道亚马逊做了多少可怕的事情,对吗?如果我们不需要制作那个视频,请点赞这个视频,因为我不想再生气了。

Timu is losing an average of 30 dollars for each order because the products are marked down so low which means that somewhere along the line people are not getting compensated for their labor and what would you look at that we're right it turns out that Timu essentially pressures their manufacturers to sell their products at extremely low prices that Timu sets for them some sellers have anonymously reported that they make no money selling their stuff on Timu just in order to break into the US market again we have seen this business model of selling stuff at a loss it's not uncommon when a business is first starting out but we rarely see it done to this extreme probably the most frustrating part about this whole site and the popularity of it is just how purposeless and poorly made these products really are like I want to believe that people would be able to recognize that you do in fact get what you pay for and basically anything on this site is going to be in your garbage can in a week after you buy it but sadly that is not the case.

A recent wired article described how Timu steals the exact photos product descriptions and even test certifications from Amazon sellers and list them as their own on Timu the test certifications even have the seller's business address on them so Timu is doing nothing to cover its tracks they know that it would take a lot of time money and energy for a small seller to go after a giant corporation like Timu which is how they can rip off their entire Amazon storefront and get away with it they also get away with it because of this new dupe trend that has emerged we made a whole video about dupes if you want to watch that it's pretty interesting and this video is a perfect follow up to that one if I can say that there's anything perfect about Timu to summarize that one a little bit people would almost rather be seen wearing knock off Gucci than they would wearing the actual thing now just to be clear backing up a little bit we understand that buying low priced items is a necessity for some people we're not here to shame that but the vast majority of the consumers who are shopping on Timu are not buying low cost necessities they're buying low quality shit that they don't even need just because it feels good.

Now the list of sketchy shit that this company gets up to is too long to include into a reasonably linked video if linked is even a word so let's just summarize a few of them.

Timu is not accredited with the better business bureau orders often end up late or don't show up at all Timu is definitely selling your data on the black market these claims have been verified but it is also worth knowing that Timu sister app Pin duo duo has been pulled from the google play store for data risks and Timu itself was temporarily suspended from the apple store for violating privacy rules just for a fun fact they found loopholes to avoid tariffs on imported products which means that these products also hurt local businesses within north america who can't compete on this level they have also been linked to the oppression of the weaker people in china who are currently under attack by the chinese government in ways that vaguely meet the definition of a genocide so if you can imagine a scammy shady business practice that would fit into some kind of blade runner 1984 dystopia then this company is the Tyrell corp of the real world that we're living in right now.

do you feel sad then like this video and make sure you subscribe for more because that's what we do apparently uh all right so let's try and shake off some of those gloomy glooms all right let's let's let's bring it to the finish line here because i think that what you need and what i need is something to go off of and that is more depressing shit so what does this mean for the future i can imagine a lot of you are thinking hey low prices aren't the end of the world if team who wants to lose money to gain market share and that's their choice fine make hay while the sun is shining right but here's the thing those artificially low prices create a expectation for people that has a big ripple across the entire industry if somebody can buy five pairs of smiley face slippers for ten dollars then they are slowly becoming conditioned to that kind of standard now the forced labor the exploited retailers the emissions in the environment and the trash in the landfill they become expected what team who's success says about us as a society is that we've entered an almost dystopian like culture of consumerism where we expect to get whatever we want whenever we want it and for the best deal possible and we're willing to overlook pretty much any logical thinking in order to get it and with companies like team who getting the best deal means spending even less than what the products are worth to make which is just not how anything works in the race to make it to the top of the 1% these corporations are stuck in a race to the bottom they have to promise more and more to consumers just to stay competitive with absolutely zero consideration for the consequences so now we've been trained to expect this from everything adding on to this whole rip off dupe culture that team who operates their entire business model on and we're destroying the opportunities for makers and small businesses to succeed because not only can they not compete with prices on team who but their stuff is getting straight up ripped off now look I know the buying shit is hard that's why this whole channel is successful because we try to explain the products and the companies that are making the stuff that we have to buy in order to live our lives right these days just buying a tomato at a grocery store means that you are unwittingly supporting toxic pesticides exploiting labor contributing to global warming humans think that they're making one choice but they're actually making dozens of choices they don't even know they're making but when we see sites like team who pop up and we see their popularity we have to consider more than just the good deal what does this website mean for society if we want a future that's thriving instead of drowning in cheap garbage we need to think about what we're buying and where our money goes and what purchases we make actually mean for the world around us now I know we're just a few weeks shy of the most consumeristic time of the year and we can only imagine that team who sales are going to skyrocket out of control as people buy stuff that they think they're supposed to buy for the people that they love we are going to be making some more content about Christmas heading into this wonderful holiday season which hopefully you're excited about but please if we can give you one little bit of unsolicited advice it's to not shop for things on T.M.U. this year because you're just wasting your money and probably making somebody's life worse in the meantime god that was a grim ending is that really where we're gonna cap this video we should have said something like you know buy local and like support small businesses and you know maybe buy experiences instead but no we're gonna end on whatever the hell that was see you in the next one everybody