Idra Enters the Thixomolded Magnesium Game // But What is It?
发布时间 2023-12-20 13:53:07 来源
Idra Group, which pioneered the Gigacasting machines that Tesla uses for their massive underbody castings, is now working on ...
Welcome back everyone, I'm Jordan Geisigee, and this is The Limiting Factor. Eidra Group, which pioneered the gigacasting machines that Tesla uses for their massive underbody castings, is now working on gigascale machines for chip cast magnesium, also known as Thixomolded Magnesium. This matters because die cast magnesium parts weigh roughly a third less than die cast aluminum parts. The question is, what is Thixomolding? Today I'll answer that question along with how it compares to other casting technologies and the engineering challenges that Eidra and their partners had to solve to make Thixomolding work for large castings. Before we begin, a special thanks to my Patreon supporters, YouTube members and Twitter subscribers, as well as They specialize in helping investors manage concentrated positions. RebellionAir can help with covered calls, risk management, and creating a money master plan from your financial first principles.
欢迎大家回来,我是乔丹·盖西吉,这是《极限因素》节目。Eidra Group是一家首创吉加斯铸造机的公司,特斯拉使用这种机器进行大型底盘铸造。现在他们正在研发吉加规模机器,用于芯片铸造镁,也称为热塑成形镁。这很重要,因为压铸镁件的重量大约比铝件轻三分之一。问题是,什么是热塑成型?今天我将回答这个问题,以及与其他铸造技术的比较以及Eidra及其合作伙伴为使热塑成型适用于大型铸件而必须解决的工程挑战。在我们开始之前,特别感谢我的Patreon支持者、YouTube会员和Twitter订阅者,以及。他们专门帮助投资者管理集中头寸。RebellionAir可以帮助处理盖被式认购、风险管理,并基于您的金融基本原则制定财务规划。
First, for those concerned about the flammability or corrosion characteristics of magnesium, I'd recommend watching the first video of the magnesium series linked in the card above. In short, the flammability and corrosion concerns around a magnesium aren't the primary challenge for the adoption of magnesium for vehicle structures because they're solved problems. The primary challenge is actually size limits on high quality mass produced castings and cost and availability. In this video and the next, I'm tackling the challenge of large, high quality mass produced castings in a subsequent video on Magrathia, I'll cover cost and availability as well as how magnesium can be produced with net zero emissions.
To understand what magnesium Thixomolding is, let's start with familiar territory. The gigacasting process Tesla uses for aluminum, which I'll just call gigacasting for short, and go from there. With gigacasting, the molten aluminum is held in a crucible near the casting machine, ladled into the shot sleeve, and then injected into the die at high pressure. Besides the high injection pressure, the die is also under vacuum to reduce trapped air and the cast part. That's important because trapped air leads to porosity, which can reduce the quality of the cast part. Next, the molten aluminum is rapidly cooled using large banks of thermal management units. After the metal solidifies, the casting is removed and then trimmed.
With Magnesium Thixomolding, the first difference is of course the metal used. When magnesium is in its molten state, there's a risk that under the right conditions, it can react with oxygen in the surrounding air and start on fire. That reactivity varies a lot depending on how hot the molten material is, whether it's pure magnesium or an alloy and the surface area to volume ratio of the magnesium. That is, it's not a major issue with good processes, but it's still a risk-percasting magnesium that aluminum doesn't have to the same extent. Thixomolding levels the playing field and effectively eliminates the reactivity and ignition risk submagnesium. How? The injection chamber is connected to a hopper that holds chip magnesium. It houses an auger and it's surrounded by an array of heating elements. The magnesium chips from the hopper are compressed and conveyed by the auger and heated by the heating elements until they become a slurry that contains both molten magnesium and solid magnesium, like shaved ice in water. That slurry is in what's called a thixotropic state, which is how Thixomolding gets its name. It's a molding process that uses a thixotropic liquid. We don't need to get into what a thixotropic liquid is today. The key point is that we're talking about a viscous or slow-flowing metal slurry that's only partially molten.
As a side note, the viscosity of the slurry can vary quite a bit depending on the ratio of solid to molten metal. It can range from the consistency of warm butter to solid enough that it can form slugs for injection into the dye.
Getting back on track, the Thixomolding process limits the reactivity of the magnesium with the oxygen in the air in four ways. First, magnesium doesn't become reactive with air until it's molten, and the hotter the molten metal, the more reactive it is. With Thixomolding, the magnesium is in a semi-moulton state, which means only a fraction of the metal is molten and reactive, and the metal that IS molten is cooler than the metal that would be used with a fully molten process.
Second, argon gas is often used in the hopper to displace oxygen. Argon is a nerd and it's not a greenhouse gas, and it's used in a sealed chamber so it's less of a concern than cover gases, which I'll cover in a moment.
Third, even if argon wasn't used, the air between the magnesium chips is forced out by the compression of the auger before they even reach a temperature where they might react with oxygen.
Fourth, when the magnesium IS injected into the dye, just like with gigacasting, the dye contains no air because it's under vacuum. After the magnesium cools, it's then removed and trimmed for use in a vehicle. So end to end, with Thixomolding, molten magnesium is never exposed to oxygen, which eliminates flammability risks in confined spaces like factories.
On that note, Thixomolding is easily confused with rheocasting. Rheocasting is short for rheopectic casting. Rheopectic, in this case, is again just another word for the semi-moulton metal used in the casting process. Technically, a rheopectic liquid is different than a thixotropic liquid, but for the purposes of today's video, the characteristics of the two liquids is the same. They're both liquids that contain a suspension of solid particles, or slurries. What differs and what matters is the process involved in casting them.
With rheocasting, the process is very similar to gigacasting. The metal is heated until it's fully molten in a crucible near the casting machine, but because it's magnesium, this time a cover gas is used in the crucible. A cover gas is a heavy inert gas that sits on top of the molten metal to protect it from reacting with the surrounding air, and it also reacts with the surface of the molten metal to form a protective film.
At some point between being melted in the crucible and transferred to the shot sleeve, the metal is cooled to a semi-moulton steak. There are two ways that can be done. The first is to ladle the metal from the crucible to a cooling unit, where it's formed into a slug for injection into the die. The second is to cool the metal in the crucible to a semi-moulton steak, and then pump it into the injection chamber with a transfer tube.
After the metal is transferred to the injection chamber, it's injected into the die, the metal is cooled to its solid state, and then it's removed for trimming. The rheocasting process creates a number of challenges and disadvantages.
First, the most commonly used cover gases for rheocasting are SF6 and SO2, which are sulfur hexafluoride and sulfur dioxide. These gases are non-toxic, but because they can displace air and therefore oxygen, they do pose an asphyxiation risk to workers in confined spaces. That's a small risk when managed properly, but a risk nonetheless. Additionally, sulfur hexafluoride is over 23,000 times more potent as a greenhouse gas than CO2.
Because the magnesium is heated to a higher temperature, and then cooled to its semi-moulton state, rather than being heated just enough to partially melt the metal-like fixo molding, rheocasting uses more energy and wastes more of it than the thixo molding.
With the ladle method, there's a brief period of time where the molten metal is fully exposed to air. That's a fire hazard. One that can be controlled with good processes, but it still adds additional risk.
Despite the challenges of rheocasting, it does offer one primary benefit. After the parts are cast and trimmed, the scrap can be directly recycled by throwing the scrap metal back in the crucible and re-melting it. That's opposed to the thixo molding process, where the trimmings have to be melted, formed into ingots, and then re-chipped before being put back in the hopper and melted again for casting.
So overall, rheocasting and thixo molding are comparable processes, but thixo molding is a safer process because the molten magnesium is never exposed to air and it doesn't require a cover gas, which is generally either a potent greenhouse gas and or an additional human hazard in confined spaces.
Those are likely the primary reasons why Idra decided to pursue a thixomolding process for magnesium casting rather than rheocasting.
With that said, in my view, another potential reason is the simplicity.
With rheocasting, the molten and semi-m molten metal is handed off or transferred between different machines or different parts of the casting machine, whereas with thixo molding, everything happens within the injection chamber.
That should allow for continuous temperature monitoring from chipped metal to the final cast part.
Why does temperature control matter? Because for semi-m molten metal, small changes in temperature can have a big impact on the liquid to solid ratio, which affects its flowability during injection.
Flowability has a big impact on the ability of the semi-m molten metal to completely fill the die during injection and the porosity of the cast part.
So temperature control is a big factor in quality control.
On that note, earlier in this video and in the last video, I said that size limits on high quality mass-produced castings were one of the factors holding magnesium back as a structural metal.
Size limits is shorthand for a number of requirements that go hand in hand to make large magnesium castings that are commercially viable for mass-produced vehicles.
Let's take a closer look.
By size limits, I mean parts larger than 10 kilograms.
By quality, I primarily mean low porosity, which makes for stronger and more ductile parts.
And by mass-produced, I mean hundreds of thousands of parts per year.
In the past, there wasn't a casting process for magnesium that could do all of these things at once.
Some people might point out that Tesla's gigacasting machines produced large, high quality parts and at a high rate.
Why not just swap out the aluminum for magnesium?
That's a good point.
Cold chamber high-pressure die casting machines like the Gigapress can actually be used to cast magnesium by swapping out the aluminum in the crucible with magnesium and by using a cover gas.
That's an oversimplification, but it's the general idea.
Interestingly, the ability of gigacasting machines to cast magnesium is how Eadro was able to design their thixome molding machines as a bolt-on option for their gigacasting machines.
That is, a company like Tesla could buy the thixome molding unit, attach it to their existing gigacasting machines and start producing thixome molded magnesium castings.
So again, if that's the case, why not just forgo the expensive thixome molding unit and just use fully molten magnesium with a gigacasting process?
It's because casting parts with thixome molded magnesium is superior to casting parts with molten magnesium.
Why? Starting with the quality requirement, with gigacast aluminum, when the aluminum is injected into the die, the pressure is so high and the molten metal is so flowable that the aluminum is essentially sprayed into the die.
That creates turbulence that traps air and results in porosity.
That's as opposed to viscous semi-miltin metal that creates a laminar flow that's less susceptible to trapping air.
That means that despite the fact that gigacasting machines use a vacuum to reduce the porosity of cast parts, thixome molded parts have even lower porosity.
Why does porosity matter? Low porosity can dramatically increase the strength and ductility of cast parts.
The image on screen shows that of the casting techniques included in the plot, high pressure die cast parts have the lowest quality.
Next is vacuum assisted die casting, which I assume is the vacuum assisted high pressure die casting Tesla used for gigacasting, which has low to medium quality.
Finally, semi-solid casting.
My solid casting encompasses thixome molded and rheocast parts, which have such high quality that they're competitive with forged parts.
That's important for magnesium because it tends to be a weaker and less ductile metal than aluminum.
So in order to make cast magnesium competitive with cast aluminum, thixome molding is the best option.
As a side note, with regards to the cost continuum shown on this slide, I'll take you deeper into that in the next video of the series.
Next, as for speed, magnesium thixome molding produces parts at a similar rate to aluminum gigacasting.
For example, on screen is a comparison between a hot chamber die casting machine on the left and a thixome molding machine on the right.
I timed the thixome molding machine at 44 seconds per cycle and the die casting machine at about 50 seconds.
So the thixome molding machine is a bit faster.
Although the speed advantage that magnesium has here could, in part, be related to the size or complexity of the part being cast, I have confirmed with people in the industry that it's generally true that thixome molding is typically similar in speed to gigacasting.
Moving on to part size, up until a few years ago, the maximum part size for thixome molding was less than 5 kilograms.
And it was only in the last year that part size reached 10 kilograms.
How was Edra able to increase the part size to 20 kilograms and is 20 kilograms large enough for gigacastings?
First, as I said a moment ago, thixome molding requires precise temperature control for high quality parts. But there's another reason why temperature control is important outside of quality. If the magnesium goes from being semi-moulton in the auger to solid, it can destroy the auger, which, including downtime, can cost millions of dollars to replace. If Edra is increasing the size limit of thixome molded castings, it means they've solved the temperature control challenge. My guess is with better electronics and control software. The second challenge for large thixome molded parts was backflow.
The auger not only conveys and compresses the magnesium chips, it acts as a piston to inject the shot into the die. So it has to be able to both rotate freely and create a tight enough seal to generate high injection pressures. Edra solved that by making the auger and the injection piston separate functions. The auger conveys the molten metal to an injection chamber.
Then, as far as I can tell from the image, the auger moves forward to seal against injection chamber pressure at the tip of the auger. And the piston generates the necessary pressure to force the metal into the die. Edra calls this thixotropic piston injection, or TPI, and it should sidestep both the backflow issue and allow for much higher injection pressures and larger cast parts.
While we're on the topic of injection pressures, it's worth noting that even though thixome molding requires higher injection pressures, it actually requires lower clamping forces for a given part size. Why? As I explained in my original gigacasting video, the die is like a giant catcher's mitt. But in this case, the baseball is a 60 kilogram slug of molten aluminum that's injected into the die at 22 miles per hour. That's why gigacasting machines require massive clamping forces of over 6,000 tons, and they weigh over 400 tons. With thixome molding, the shot of metal is the consistency of soft butter rather than a liquid, which results in slower injection speeds. Or a slower moving molten metal baseball, and therefore requires a smaller die, or catchers mitt for a given weight of material. The implication here is that gigacasting machines that companies like Tesla already use for aluminum should be large enough to cast full underbody castings made of magnesium, and that the limiting factor for casting size is Idra's ability to increase the injection pressure for the thixotropic piston injection process.
Furthermore, for the same shot weight, magnesium can make a larger casting because it's a lighter metal. That means a 20 kilogram thixome molded magnesium casting is roughly equivalent to a 30 kilogram aluminum casting. For reference, the rear casting on the Model Y is about 65 kilograms, and for the front casting it's closer to 80 kilograms. So if Idra can double or triple the injection pressure of their thixotropic piston injection units, a company like Tesla should be able to manufacture full underbody castings with their existing gigacasting machines.
此外,对于相同的注塑重量,镁可以制造更大的铸件,因为它是一种较轻的金属。这意味着一个20千克的凝胶模铸造镁铸件大约相当于一个30千克的铝铸件。以参考为依据,Model Y的后部铸件大约重65千克,前部铸件更接近80千克。因此,如果Idra能够将他们的琥珀糖体柱塞注射机的注射压力提高一倍或三倍,像特斯拉这样的公司应该能够使用他们现有的巨型铸造机制造完整的底盘铸件。
As a final note, with all the benefits of thixome molding, why is Idra focused on thixome molded magnesium instead of thixome molded aluminum? My guess is that it's because magnesium has more to gain from thixome molding than aluminum does, and that's for two reasons. First, as we saw earlier, thixome molding solves the cover gas problem for magnesium, whereas aluminum doesn't require a complex injection system to avoid contact with oxygen in the atmosphere because it's not as reactive.
Second, thixome molding gives the corrosive aluminum additional parts to corrode, which adds expense.
What do I mean by that? Let's start by looking at aluminum gigacasting as an example. The molten aluminum used for gigacasting is more corrosive to the steel dye than the semi-multen magnesium used in thixome molding. That's because the hotter the metal, the more reactive it becomes, and molten aluminum is much hotter than semi-multen magnesium. Additionally, even at similar temperatures, aluminum is more reactive with the dye than magnesium.
The result is that dyes for thixome molded magnesium last about two to three times as long as they do for aluminum gigacasting. While it is true that with aluminum thixome molding that the aluminum would be cooler than it is with gigacasting, it would still be hotter than magnesium because aluminum's melting temperature is slightly higher than magnesium's. Furthermore, as I said, even at similar temperatures, aluminum is more reactive with the steel dyes than magnesium.
What all that means is thixome molded aluminum would chew through dyes more quickly than thixome molded magnesium, but it would also have a new part to react with. The expensive steel auger that's used to convey the semi-multen aluminum to the injection chamber. That means higher maintenance costs.
With that in mind, in my view, it makes more sense to use thixome molding with magnesium. That's because compared to aluminum, thixome molded magnesium will offer lower maintenance costs due to longer dye and auger life and produce larger parts for the same shot weight, which should have equal or greater strength and ductility thanks to lower porosity. The only question is whether there's enough magnesium on the market at a low enough price to make thixome molded magnesium viable.
In short, as I'll cover later in the series, currently magnesium is expensive and scarce, but that will change as the decade progresses, so EDRA is positioning themselves well with their magnesium thixome molding gambit.
In summary, at a high level, thixome molded magnesium uses the same high pressure cold chamber die casting machines that gigacasting uses, but it requires an injection system that can generate high enough pressures to inject semi-multen magnesium into the dye chamber instead of fully molten aluminum.
So thixome molded magnesium is a more difficult engineering challenge than aluminum gigacasting, but it's worth it. By using magnesium instead of aluminum and semi-multen metal instead of fully molten metal, it dramatically improves the quality of the cast part by reducing porosity, which improves the strength and ductility of the magnesium part, while producing parts that are a third lighter.
The challenges with magnesium meant that up until a few years ago, the size of thixome molded magnesium parts were limited to less than 5 kilograms, and automotive use cases tend to require larger parts. However, that's changing with EDRA's new thixome molded piston injection units that can handle shot weights of up to 20 kilograms. And in my view, the same way that gigacasting machines are now almost two and a half times larger than the first machines that were introduced a few years ago will likely see EDRA offer much larger shot weights in the next few years for thixome molding.
So in the next video of the magnesium series, I'll go a level deeper to explore how thixome molded magnesium would affect the manufacturing and design of castings compared to aluminum gigacastings, where they could be used and their advantages.
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