Cybertruck Keeps Getting Better / Mercedes Desperation / Waymo Expansion ⚡️

发布时间 2023-12-19 00:37:56    来源


Go to and use code GRATITUDE until the end of the year to get 47% off your order, + a free frother ...



Welcome to Electrified, it's your host Dylan Loomis, I'm finally back home. Did I miss anything last week? We won't dive into it now, I just wanted to say after listening to all of the sentiment in the community over the past few days, I still think it's going to take some time before we have Optimus being produced at any sort of scale, doing meaningful work where it actually impacts Tesla's financials. That's not at all to brush aside the hardware improvements and the pace of iteration, but just as a reminder, we don't know anything about the reliability, for example, how many takes were required to get those scenes that we saw in the final video.

The update was very exciting, let's just do our best to keep our expectations in check, it's still going to take time for this business line to become impactful both to Tesla's business and to its financials.

Cybertruck orders for the Foundation series have now been expanded from just Texas in California to across 26 states. I'd also be fairly confident in saying that rumor about Tesla only making 1000 of these Foundation series trucks may have just been an inaccurate rumor, I think there's a chance Tesla produces many more than just 1000. For obvious reasons, I think it would make a ton of sense for Tesla to sell as many as they can, rather than making that some limited edition type vehicle. Pause if you'd like, but here's a list of the states where customers have been invited to place their order.

Sawyer shared what I believe are screenshots from customers who are being invited to order the Foundation series, so first option for the all-wheel drive, estimated delivery, January 2024 to March. The other Foundation series option, the Cyber Beast, estimated delivery mid to late 2024. As far as we know, both of these delivery dates are only for new orders, it's not that the previous orders are being delayed. The dates being pushed back from early 2024 could be production challenges, it could also be higher than expected demand.
梭耶分享了我认为是顾客接受邀请预订《基地系列》的屏幕截图,所以第一个选项是四轮驱动,预计交付日期是2024年1月至3月。另一个《基地系列》选项是 Cyber Beast,预计交付日期是2024年中至晚期。据我们所知,这两个交付日期仅适用于新订单,之前的订单并未被延迟。之所以从2024年初推迟,可能是因为生产方面的挑战,也可能是超出预期的需求量。

As Ashok said on X, high fidelity park assist is shipping to customers without ultrasonic sensors as part of the holiday release. Good news though, he added yes, it should eventually go to cars that do have ultrasonic sensors as well. There are still questions if this will only be available on cars with the AMD chip, and that those with the Ryzen processor won't be able to handle these type of graphics.

Responding to Holmar saying Tesla added LiDAR-like capabilities to millions of cars overnight via a software update, Tesla's head of AI and Optimus, Pariel said even better, it does shape completion and extrapolation beyond occlusions that raw LiDAR measurements won't. I just want to say, remember this is going to be version 1, so it's the worst iteration that we will see of this new feature, it should only get better. Pariel also said yes, ultrasonic sensors may miss, low curves or thin objects, it obviously is not perfect yet, but like any new feature, it's already a step improvement and will keep getting better. With this feature, each 3D model is gray, but changes color the closer the car gets to the object. The objects go from gray to yellow to orange and then to red. And here are some early examples of this feature. And yes, I would guess that over time, the lines for this feature will become much more defined. The question remains, when will Tesla's vision park assist be on par or better than with the ultrasonic sensors? I don't know, but this is certainly a step in the right direction.

The $5,000 EV subsidy in Germany that was supposed to end at the end of this year was actually just ended abruptly due to a budget crisis. Berlin also just announced that the EV subsidy would not continue in 2024 at a reduced rate. Given that the subsidy has now ended about 2 weeks early, Tesla Europe and Middle East posted, Tesla will compensate for the termination of the government EV subsidy in Germany for new Model 3 and Y orders starting December 18th for vehicles delivered by December 31st. Adding, they will also maintain the manufacturer's share of about 2,500 US dollars. Effectively, the roughly 6,750 euro subsidy was split between the manufacturer and the government. This will be a slight hit to margins for Tesla, but it's also a really nice thing to do.
德国原计划于今年年底结束的5000欧元的电动汽车补贴,因预算危机而被突然终止。柏林还刚宣布,2024年电动汽车补贴将以降低的比例继续。鉴于补贴提前结束约2周,特斯拉欧洲和中东分部宣布,从12月18日开始对于在12月31日前交付的新Model 3和Y订单,将对德国政府电动汽车补贴的终止进行补偿。此外,他们还将保持制造商部分的大约2500美元。实际上,大约6750欧元的补贴被分配给制造商和政府各半。这将对特斯拉的利润率造成轻微影响,但也是一件非常好的事情。

In case you were wondering about the difficulty of removing the side mirrors on the Cybertruck according to this video, it may not be as difficult as some were expecting. It looks like under this panel right here that can simply be peeled back, there are 3 and 8 bolts that just need unscrewed and then the side view mirrors come right off. I am curious of all of you that plan to own a Cybertruck, are you also planning to remove the side view mirrors on yours?

Some of you guys will remember, over the past few years I could not drink coffee. I ended up getting a parasite, turned into a whole thing. During that time though, I was looking for a natural coffee alternative, something that could help with focus and energy.

After some research, I found Mudwater, the sponsor of this video. If you get jittery with coffee, this could be a great solution for all day sustained energy and wakefulness. Also, if you guys have not heard about lion's mane and the benefits, I'd encourage you to check it out sometime, but for now, it's known to promote positive brain and nerve health.

The average cup of coffee has around 100mg of caffeine and this cacao blend of Mudwater has 35mg per serving. Plus, with every order, you'll get a free rechargeable USB frother that Ashley and I use all the time.

Right now, I'm just getting ready to go to the gym, I used to do pre-workout, but I've been trying to get away from all of that caffeine and the post-workout crash that would sometimes come with it. Honestly, I do enjoy the taste of Mudwater just in regular water. If I had to explain it, I would say it's like cacao and chai had a child. If you want to check it out, you can head to slash electrified, linked below to get $20 off your subscription. You'll get the free rechargeable frother and some samples of their coconut, creamer and sweetener with MCT oil. It's slash electrified. Enjoy.

Jay Leno dropped a new video on the Cybertruck with Lars and Franz, so I just want to zip through some of the main takeaways. Jay said he was amazed what he was able to do with the Cybertruck. The Tesla team did initially want camera side view mirrors, but Tesla could not get the regulations changed. Cameras for side mirrors are becoming a thing in Europe, but they're still not allowed in the United States. There is actually an aero benefit of having the wiper blade off to the side. The wiper probably would not exist without the truck having moved to 48 volts. It requires between 600 to 800 watts of power to move it back and forth. They did confirm Tesla has received over $2,100 deposits for the Cybertruck.
杰伊·莱诺(Jay Leno)发布了一段与拉斯和弗朗茨一起的有关Cybertruck的新视频,因此我只想简要概述一些要点。杰伊说他对Cybertruck所能实现的功能感到惊讶。特斯拉团队最初确实希望使用摄像机侧视镜,但特斯拉无法改变规定。在欧洲,使用摄像机作为侧视镜已经成为风靡,但在美国仍不被允许使用。将雨刮器放在一侧实际上有利于空气动力学。而且,如果卡车没有转向48伏特,雨刮器很可能就不会存在了。这需要600到800瓦特的电力来使雨刮器来回移动。他们确认特斯拉已收到超过2100美元的Cybertruck预订定金。

All of the doors open to 90 degrees. They have the L-track in the vault for accessories. Franz said Tesla is about twice as good as the competition when it comes to pack size and efficiency. Lars said he could not think of one part of the Cybertruck that is not made in America. They talked about the 17.5 inch true ground clearance at the highest setting, in which you can drive up to 10 miles per hour. They touched on Tesla's Wade mode, where you can take the Cybertruck through a bit more than two and a half feet of water without getting water into the cabin. Tesla calls it the scuba pack, where they took the air suspension system and pressurized the battery. All you have to do is press a button on the UI called Wade mode and it forces air into the pack to create a bit of positive pressure to keep water out.

Lars said the glass on the Cybertruck is Borosilica to provide chip resistance, but if you do get a chip it will not propagate and if you want to repair it, you just get safe light glue and fill it in. They talked about how steer by wire results in less fatigue when off-roading because it can still provide feedback from the terrain but not so much that it becomes tiring to handle like it would with a mechanical system. Lars also said that Tesla partners with Goodyear to create some custom tires and some of the lowest rolling resistance tires on the market.

They showed an Easter egg of sorts. This one is for the off-road light. On the roof rack mount there's a 48 volt wire that can be plugged in directly to the off-road light that can light up a half a mile down the road. You do have the option to bolt on a skid plate to the battery pack for more serious off-roading. They also walked through some off-road mode customizations and they have easy terrain modes like all-purpose, sand, gravel, and rocks and then Tesla will adjust the suspension properly. All of the switches for the outlets are right in the user interface and Franz did confirm that Tesla is working on induction charging for vehicles with pads for your garage. You just drive right over it and your car will start charging, nothing to plug in. And yes, earlier this year Tesla bought Wiferyon but they later sold part of that company and there was a chance that technology was just going to be used for factory induction charging, for robots, but this is confirmation from Franz that consumers and vehicles will also be getting induction charging from Tesla in the future.

It's pretty long but even just the part about Lars talking about the windshield wiper alone and all of the engineering that went into that one part of the vehicle was very impressive and there is still so much more to learn about the Cybertruck. My bank account needs these videos to stop coming out as soon as possible.

Sandy got a tour of Gigataxis where they handle the HFS panels. It was very technical in nature. I did learn that there are two different dimensions or thickness for the panels. The doors are 1.8 millimeters and the rest of the truck like the sales are 1.4 millimeters. However, due to the technicality of the video, the full thing will be linked below.

When it comes to Tesla and India, I'm not sure how much of this is posturing and negotiating publicly but here's what we have. They're saying Tesla has been reluctant to share crucial details about its plans, specifically the targeted price point for launching its vehicles. The company also is not providing its high in line for commencing the construction of its plans and initiating local manufacturing.

It sounds like the Indian government is worried about the high price of Tesla vehicles currently saying the high price point won't give enough volumes to Tesla to justify building a plant in India. Saying even if Tesla were to have a more affordable vehicle in that market, the company may not find the market appealing and then it could depart after leveraging years of duty cuts. It sounds like the overall amount of Tesla's investment is still being negotiated.

Tesla has provided a bank guarantee for their proposed investment but Tesla has been demanding to include their charging infrastructure and the dealership network in the investment calculation. But right now it sounds like India only recognizes investment made in constructing plants and machinery as eligible investment. That eligibility has to do with Tesla then in return getting a break on the import duties.

As we've talked about before, Tesla still wants to import completely built up units at the same rate that they offer to knocked down units which is that 15% import duty. So the latest is that according to Indian officials, Tesla is not being forthcoming enough with its plans but I would guess that Tesla just may not know exactly what they want their plans to be in this market where they have very little experience. That's because so far the Indian government really hasn't given Tesla much of an opportunity to test out the market with some realistic incentives.

Plus we've already heard rumblings that Gigatexas, Gigas Shanghai, Gigabrelin and Gigamexico are all eventually going to manufacture the $25,000 vehicle so it's not like Tesla needs another factory for this vehicle right now. As I've said before though, I think long term Tesla and India will definitely work something out. It's just they may go on negotiating for another year or so before we actually get a final announcement.
此外,我们已经听到了关于吉加德(Gigatexas)、吉加上海(Gigas Shanghai)、吉加柏林(Gigabrelin)和吉加墨西哥(Gigamexico)最终都将生产这款价值25000美元的车型的传闻,所以特斯拉目前并不需要另一个工厂来生产这款车型。然而,正如我之前说过的,我认为特斯拉和印度在长期上肯定会商议出一些解决方案,只是在我们真正得到最终公告之前,可能还需要再谈判一年左右的时间。

You may have heard in the news the last year or so most of the other car manufacturers have agreed to adopt Tesla's charge port. That is our first car company Ford and then GM are starting in February of 2024. Once they have the charge port and the software to interface with our charging stations they will actually be open to those vehicles. We're opening up to most of the other car manufacturers in stages just to make sure we don't get swamped all at once.

These would then be open. We wouldn't anticipate being able to construct and tell maybe this spring if we get all the approvals so this would begin to be open to other car manufacturers. Perfect. So in time other car manufacturers will be allowed to use this. We're phasing them in over a year so we can get everybody up to speed. Thank you for answering that question. This is Tesla's design manager of charging infrastructure and as you just heard it sounds like GM and Ford are going to have access to the Supercharger network in February of next year.

Then the rest of the automakers that have adopted the NAC standard will also be added into the system sometime in the following year. Clearly they don't want to add all of these OEMs at once so they can actually test the integration in the software with the OEMs and check on congestion at the sites. Hopefully some of these Ford and GM customers have such a great experience with the Tesla Supercharging network and the interface that they think to themselves. Well I wonder if I should go check out a Model 3S X Y or Cybertruck.
接下来,采用 NAC 标准的其他汽车制造商将在随后的一年内被加入到系统中。显然,他们不打算一次性添加所有这些 OEM,以便能够与 OEM 在软件集成和站点拥堵状况方面进行实际测试。希望一些福特和通用汽车的客户能在特斯拉超级充电网络和界面上有如此美妙的体验,以至于他们会想,嗯,我是否应该去看看 Model 3S、X、Y 或 Cybertruck 呢?

There are reports out there that Tesla has removed the Disney Plus app from the Tesla UI and this would make sense after Elon's choice words for Bob Iger when it comes to X and advertising. I'm not sure of the extent of these removals but the good news is you can get this app back in your car you just go to it'll go full screen and then the app will be re-added to the Tesla theater. Ultimately a move like this really only hurts the end Tesla consumer. I understand why Elon would want to do it but isn't the best idea you can certainly debate that.

Either way hopefully this workaround remains in place for those that want to use the app.

Over the weekend the acting head of NHTSA has stepped down and Carlson should leave her post on December 26th due to a law limiting how long officials can remain in a temporary role.

For now NHTSA's deputy administrator Sophie Schulman will serve as acting administrator but for much of the last six years NHTSA has been without a Senate confirmed administrator. During the Trump administration no nominee was ever confirmed to head NHTSA.
目前,美国国家公路交通安全管理局(NHTSA)副局长Sophie Schulman将担任代理局长,但在过去的六年中,NHTSA一直没有通过参议院确认的局长。在特朗普政府期间,从未有任何候选人被确认为NHTSA局长。

The thing is with our government agencies it's tough to know what's really going on behind the scenes and Carlson actually failed the Senate confirmation for this role amidst criticism from lawmakers and industry groups over her past climate activism. So whether Carlson's departure really is due to this law or it's more about Republicans in their opposition to her being in that role in the first place we may not know for sure but far too soon to tell if anything will be changing with NHTSA going forward.

Quick fun fact from the DOE in June of 2022 there were 2,720 electric school buses operating or delivered and ordered or awarded funding. Fast forward one year to June of this year that number has roughly doubled to 5,982.

In a recent local council meeting Grunhaidah's treasurer has shared that Gigabrelin is the municipality's largest taxpayer.

We have Canada set to roll out some new regulation that will require all vehicles to be zero emission by 2035. The electric vehicle availability standard is supposed to be announced in the coming days. It will require ZEVs which include electric hydrogen and plug-in EVs to make up 20% of all new car sales in 2026, 60% in 2030 and 100% in 2035.

LK and Nezomotor's in Shanghai have just agreed to joint development of a 20,000 ton gigapress and various other businesses. This will expand integrated die casting applications to the entire car body chassis of B-class vehicles and larger size models. The two companies will also look to establish a die casting research institute. This would officially be the largest clamping force die cast machine in the world. This write-up made the partnership sound more like a research project than this gigapress being used immediately for a specific vehicle, but we'll see.

Waymo is launching curbside pickup at the Sky Harbor International Airport in Phoenix. Waymo has been offering rides to and from the airport since November of 2022, but to date the service only went to an airport shuttle stop. So now they're actually going to navigate the terminal curbs which is an entirely new challenge. To start they'll have limited hours from 10pm to 6am and only terminals 3 and 4. Initially this will only be available to a select cohort of active riders in Phoenix. Waymo intends to open these pickup locations to all its riders and expand to 24-7 service in the coming months. Waymo has been pretty quiet as of late and given what's going on with crews that may not be such a bad thing.

We also have a Toyota backed startup May Mobility looking to offer driverless rides in Arizona. Their autonomous Toyota Cn and minivans Will Ferry select residents of a retirement community in Sun City along public roads beginning today. May Mobility actually contracts directly with the local municipalities and in this case riders may choose between 18 departure points and stops in the services initial rollout. The vehicles are not on a fixed route and riders can hail a ride via the May Mobility app. The autonomous Cn as will operate within a 4.5 mile service area.
我们还有一家得到丰田支持的初创公司May Mobility计划在亚利桑那州提供无人驾驶服务。他们的自动驾驶丰田Cn和迷你巴士将开始在Sun City的退休社区的公共道路上为选定的居民提供服务。May Mobility实际上直接与当地的市政府签订合同,在这种情况下乘客可以在18个出发地点和服务初步推出的停靠点之间选择。这些车辆没有固定路线,乘客可以通过May Mobility应用程序叫车。自动驾驶丰田Cn将在一个4.5英里的服务区域内运营。

NIO is set to receive a $2.2 billion strategic investment from a fund backed by Abu Dhabi. This will be a dilutive move but it will also take bankruptcy off the table for NIO for at least another few quarters. CYVN holdings will acquire 294 million newly issued shares which will increase their ownership to 20.1%.
NIO将会收到来自阿布扎比支持的一只基金的22亿美元战略投资。这将会带来股份稀释,但也将在接下来的几个季度内,彻底避免了NIO破产的可能性。CYVN Holdings将会收购2.94亿新发行的股份,使其持有率增加到20.1%。

Now we have 16 major investors in the Nordic region threatening to sell their Tesla shares if they don't sign a collective agreement. If Tesla does not change its mind it may become relevant to sell the shares in the company and leave the part ownership. They did say however this is a last resort. One of the groups involved Norway's largest pension company KLP. This article was from today and it says KLP owns 0.027% of shares in Tesla with a market value of $211 million. This investor group is asking for a meeting with Tesla in early 2024 to go over some of their concerns.

We don't know how many hundreds of millions or billions of dollars would be at stake here but the truth is this would most likely hurt these pension funds and these investment groups much more than it would actually hurt Tesla at least in the long run. And yes I would gladly buy some of these shares if they go up for grabs.

A recent poll that was released by Novus has showed that 58% of Swedes believe the union is right to take the fight with Tesla. Adding only 20% of those who answered believe the union's industrial action is wrong. I do not think this is something widespread yet but something to keep an eye on.

Chuck Cook said driving FSD beta 11.4.9 Tesla was going around manhole covers in that so could this be the first hint of driving around objects like potholes or raised manhole covers. I'll repeat Chuck's question, have any of you been experiencing this behavior?
Chuck Cook说他在开FSD beta 11.4.9 版的特斯拉时,遇到了绕过路面井盖的情况,这可能是第一个绕过坑洞或凸起的井盖的暗示。我再重复一遍Chuck的问题,你们有没有遇到过这种情况?

In case you're wondering how things are going over at Mercedes this was shared on Facebook. This news release is being given out at local Mercedes dealerships to spread FUD. A friend of this person brought a Mercedes in for service and was given this by the service advisor. Here's the Mercedes business card with the headline of the recent Tesla recall to me this reeks of desperation.

I'm working on looking into this but given my cross country travels I have not had the time I've wanted to but Matt Smith and the team over at Rebellionair are saying that Tesla is claiming 95% domestic content for their megapacks. This would of course have big implications when it comes to incentives for the megapack but the question becomes how is Tesla pulling this off. Are they funneling some 4680 cells into the megapack? Do they have an LFP cell supply coming from somewhere that allows this to be possible? We'll see and I don't want to dive into this yet because again I have not had the time to look into it properly but I did want to put it out there if any of you also want to go down the rabbit hole.
我正在研究这个问题,但由于我经常跨国旅行,我没有想要的时间。但是Matt Smith和Rebellionair团队表示,特斯拉声称其Megapack产品中有95%的国内零部件。当涉及到Megapack的激励措施时,这当然会有重大影响,但问题是特斯拉是如何做到的。他们是将一些4680电池导入Megapack中吗?他们有一种LFP电池供应来源,可以使这成为可能吗?我们将拭目以待,我暂时不想深入探究这个问题,因为我还没有足够的时间来适当地调查,但我想将其提出来,如果你们中的任何人也想深入了解的话。

It was at this point my camera died. My continuous power source is not working, new part is on the way. We'll continue for the day without my mug on the screen.

The 2020 former sates AMG EQE is only going to have 235 miles of EPA range with a 90.6 kilowatt hour battery pack for a vehicle that costs over a hundred thousand dollars.
2020年前的AMG EQE只有235英里的EPA续航里程,搭配的是一个90.6千瓦时的电池组,而这款车的价格超过十万美元。 表达意思:2020年之前的AMG EQE车型只能以235英里的EPA标准续航里程行驶,而其配备的电池组容量为90.6千瓦时。然而,这辆车的价格却超过十万美元。

Trevor Milton was finally sentenced today by a US district judge and he'll be ordered to spend four years behind bars for lying to shareholders about Nikola's progress. Milton was in tears as he asked the judge to sentence him only to probation. He said he did not intend to mislead investors and made mistakes due to a lack of experience saying I was not a very seasoned CEO.

Elon was interviewed in Italy at the Atreu event. The only thing he really said specific to Tesla was that they have around 140,000 employees globally. Full interview will be linked below.

Don't forget check out mudwater linked below especially for those days when you're looking for a coffee alternative. Hope you guys have a wonderful day. Please like the video if you did. You can find me on X linked below and a huge thank you to all of my Patreon supporters.