Cybertruck Parts Catalog Reveals New Details, India Update, Autopilot Changes
发布时间 2023-12-15 02:12:23 来源
New details on Cybertruck from Tesla's parts catalog: ➤ Rivian and AT&T announce ...
Hey everybody Rob Now we're here and today we're going to be talking about some new details for the Cybertruck from the parts catalog which has been published by Tesla. We've got some updates on Tesla in India, some more details on the autopilot updates that we talked about yesterday and more, but generally a little bit quieter of a day today than yesterday.
Tesla stock though, an exception to that Tesla with a really nice day today of 4.9% to close at $251.5, the Nasdaq today up just 2.10% of a percent and underperforming the S&P in the Dow. So a really nice day and outperformance for Tesla in that type of an environment, but in general automakers seem to do pretty well today Ford and GM both up 7% Lucid and Rivian up 14% not sure what's going on with Lucid.
Rivian today alongside with AT&T announced that AT&T has signed a purchase agreement for Rivian commercial vans as well as some R1 vehicles interestingly to begin to add to AT&T's fleet beginning in early 2024. No details on the size of the commitment here the number of vehicles they'll be integrating but could have been a factor in Rivian's performance today. Not too surprising to see a contract like this announced to remember we'd recently talked about Rivian making the announcement that these would be available for other customers outside of Amazon which originally was exclusive.
As for Tesla stock we did have an update to note from Adam Jonas today but it was more of a blog style update like we have talked about from Jonas before just giving his thoughts on the autopilot recall so nothing too major but technically a reiteration of the overweight rating and 380 dollar price target from Morgan Stanley.
One of the more interesting updates for Tesla today was the publishing of the Cybertruck's electronic parts catalog. I'll link directly to this down in the description for those that do want to poke around it kind of gives us some interesting insight into how the vehicle is put together. For those that are a little bit more engineering inclined we can see some details on the high voltage system the steering the overall construction of the vehicle but for those that are a little bit less engineering inclined one of the interesting details that comes from the parts catalog is prices for those parts.
Now not everybody can see the prices I believe you have to be a repair shop setup with Tesla for this but fortunately for us QMX on the Cybertruck owners club forum has shared a lot of details on some of the prices that are showing up. Of course a couple of major items that people are going to be wondering about are the windscreen and that massive windshield wiper. Apparently the park costs for that windshield wiper blade is $75 so a little bit higher than what you would have for normal wiper of course but given the size of it, I don't think it's too egregious. The windshield wiper arm and blade together would be $165 and then the massive windshield glass that is listed at $1,900 in the parts catalog. And again this is just the price for the part so labor is going to be an additional cost on top of that but most of the reaction that I have seen so far to these prices in general spend that they are pretty reasonable. Feel free to share your opinions on that in the comments today but moving through the rest of the prices that were disclosed here the front steering actuator $3300 the side windows are $260 for the front $225 for the rear and $200 for that small front quarter triangular piece of glass. The powered from $1910 the front fascia $935 front fenders $550 a piece and finally for pricing that is disclosed we have the all terrain tires at $470 each. So nice to have some of those new details and we'll keep it out for any other pricing info that comes through.
Alright next up we've got yet another update on the status of electric vehicles in India. We've had quite a few of these updates but most recently the reporting was that India was considering significantly lowering tariffs on imported EVs for a certain number of years which would theoretically help those manufacturers establish a business and then maybe invest domestically in India. So a report from Bloomberg today saying that India's government said it is not currently considering reducing taxes on imported electric vehicles with the junior minister of commerce and industry saying that quote presently there is no proposal either to provide an exemption from local value addition cost or to provide a subsidy on the import duty on electric vehicles in India. End quote.
So that statement is a little bit different than both the headline which says that India is not planning to reduce any of these import taxes and the opening sentence which says that they are not currently considering any reduction. This actually says that there is not a current proposal to me that definitely doesn't rule out consideration or even a plan to eventually do that in the future. So I think that's important to note and then just in general on this topic as we have talked a lot about this it has gone back and forth a lot. So there does seem to be some posturing some negotiating happening and even with some of the previous reports it's not like those were necessarily official statements.
Sometimes those reports were coming from sources familiar with the matter and things like that. So this is presented as a quote unquote below to Tesla's efforts in India. I'm not really interpreting it that way. Sure it's not as exciting as an update that says that there is a proposal and we expect the proposal to go forward or something like that. But I also think it's a far stretch from saying that the conversation is completely over. Of course we'll continue to keep an eye on that.
Next we've got some updates on items we discussed yesterday. First on the Tesla bot quick one here one of Tesla's interns on the Tesla bot team shared a photo of that team on X. It's nice photo. I think it's just important to recognize how big of an effort how many people Tesla has working on this doesn't mean they're not working on other things too.
But as we have talked about with some of the job listings that Tesla has posted for the Tesla bot, this is a serious effort from Tesla with serious talent behind it. I think for most of us that has been clear for a while now especially with the rate of progress that we have seen. But as usual probably not widely appreciated enough.
And then the second thing we talked about was the quote unquote recall from NHTSA regarding autopilot yesterday. So it looks like whole Mars has gotten those release notes. I think this has maybe just started to roll out or is going to be rolling out soon. But it gives us more details on exactly what the changes to autopilot will be given this adjustment. We'll have to wait and see of course in practice.
然后我们谈到的第二件事是关于昨天美国国家公路交通安全管理局(NHTSA)关于自动驾驶的 "追溯" 。因此,整个马斯火星都已经得到了这些版本说明。我认为这可能刚刚开始推出或即将推出。但是,这将提供关于自动驾驶系统的修改的更多细节。当然,我们还需要等待并观察实际情况。
But from the release notes, it doesn't look like it's anything incredibly major. The first point is on autopilot suspension, which is if you get disengaged by the system, not your own disengagement, but the system disengages you for lack of attentiveness. If that happens five times, you get suspended from autopilot and you can't use it for the next week. That's exactly the same I believe as the FSD beta system is right now. And to me, that seems quite reasonable. In my experience, if you really are paying attention, that's not too hard to avoid.
And then Tesla says they've improved the visibility of driver monitoring warning alerts by increasing the text size and moving notifications to a more prominent position on the Model 3 and the Model Y only. All right, fine. I don't think that really changes anything. They added the option to activate autopilot with a single stock press instead of two, which we've already seen them do for FSD. That's optional. So really no way that that's not just a general improvement outside of this.
然后特斯拉表示,他们通过增加文本大小并将通知移动到Model 3和Model Y上更显著的位置来改善了驾驶员监控警告的可视性。好吧,不错。我认为这并不真正改变任何事情。他们增加了使用单击一次而不是两次的选项来激活自动驾驶,这一点我们之前已经在FSD上看到过。这是可选的。所以这确实只是除了这个之外的一个普遍改进,没有其他的可能。
Then they say they've increased strictness of driver attention requirements when using auto steer and approaching traffic lights and stop signs off highway. Sounds fine, but we'd really have to see that to understand how well the implementation is done. And then the last point, just reiterating that suspension policy that we had talked about.
So pending that increased strictness part, I don't think there's anything too crazy here. And again, this is the resolution of a two year long investigation from NHTSA that a lot of people viewed as potentially having significant liability towards Tesla and towards autopilot. That liability not being completely gone, but at least askewed for now. I think there's a good reason to view that as a net positive, at least when we're talking about the business or the stock.
All right, moving on to our last item for today. We've got a couple updates on Cruz. Yesterday it was reported by various media that nine key leaders at Cruz had been dismissed in the wake of course of the San Francisco DMV's suspension of Cruz's operating license and then eventually Cruz's own suspension of their autonomous fleets elsewhere.
Then today, it was announced internally and confirmed by CNBC that Cruz is laying off 900 employees or about 24% of their workforce, which puts their previously about 3700 person workforce down to now about 2800. So not too surprising to see this. If anything, maybe surprising that it's not even more people. 2800 people is still quite a few people. And I wouldn't be too surprised if over the next year, Cruz continues to scale back and reorganize things.
I think it's a business that's going to look very different a year from now.
That'll wrap it up for today though.
So as always, thank you for listening.
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And we'll see you tomorrow for the Friday, December 15th episode of Tesla daily.
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