Wild Tesla Bot Update, Tax Credit Changes, Autopilot Resolution, Musk’s University
发布时间 2023-12-14 00:36:27 来源
FOMC meeting and interest rate expectations ➤ November PPI report ➤ Tesla releases bot updated video ➤ Model 3 tax credit ...
Hey everybody Rob Maer here and today we actually have a lot going on. We have a Tesla bot update, actually a pretty quick one after the last one with a lot of progress from Tesla. So we'll talk about that. We've got the FOMC meeting. We've got EV tax credit changes in terms of how interpretations are being made for Tesla and quite a few other items. We had a big recall from Tesla today, which over the air software update, but actually some interesting details on that as well. So lots to go through.
大家好,我是Rob Maer,今天我们确实有很多事情要说。我们有了特斯拉机器人的最新进展,这是在上次就特斯拉取得的很多进展之后的一个非常快速的更新。所以我们将会谈谈这个。我们还有 FOMC会议。在特斯拉和其他几个项目中,EV税收抵免政策的解读也发生了变化。今天特斯拉还进行了一次大规模召回,但实际上关于这个召回还有一些有趣的细节。所以有很多内容要讨论。
Tesla stock up 1% on the day to day, closing at $239.29. Still a bit of an underperformance to the NASDAQ up 1.4%, but less of a trail than we saw from Tesla early on in the day. If we look at the charts for both, you can see the NASDAQ mostly flat throughout the day, Tesla down around 2 o'clock Eastern time with the FOMC statement release. This is when things changed for the day and continued through close. So we've got to talk about that.
If we look at the FOMC meeting statement, here is the previous meeting in November. Here is the statement now from December. And you can see they changed the language here to say recent indicators suggest that economic activity expanded at a strong pace in the third quarter. Now to read that recent indicators suggest that the growth of economic activity has slowed from its strong pace in the third quarter. Right when I read that, I knew the market would be up by that, which is counterintuitive, but with slowing economic activity, that means a greater chance of declining interest rates. The market at this point in time is going to prefer that. Of course, because the economic data is already there, the interpretation of from the Fed of how that affects their interest rate decisions is what the market is going to be looking at from a statement like this. They also added that inflation has eased over the past year, but remains elevated. Previously that statement just said remains elevated. So again, more language there that would indicate more likelihood of cutting rates if inflation is better controlled. And they said in determining the extent of any additional policy firming, though, you know, taking into account things that they've done so far, the any was added there. That was not previously in the previous statement. So again, that makes it a little bit more likely that they are heading toward rate cuts rather than continuing to increase.
On that piece, Fed Chair Jerome Powell in his press conference did say that they are likely at or near peak for this cycle, but they don't want to take the possibility of rate hikes off the table when he was asked about the addition of that any. He said really they're seeing strong growth moderating. They're seeing labor market conditions coming back into balance and inflation making real progress said, quote, these are the things we've been wanting to see and quote. So with that in combination with this statement here, they also released their summary of economic projections or SEP. We'll just look at the dot plot. We don't need to go through everything here, but this is one of the first things that people are going to be looking at as well when the statement comes out. We get these quarterly.
So here is the September version of the dot plot. This is interest rate expectations from each committee member by year. So if you look 2024, maybe they were expecting around five or five and a quarter to be the rate that they were at. They at that time expected for the rate increases in 2023. Now the axes here are the same. So you can see how these dots have shifted course. Now we're through 2023. This last meeting for the year, but you can see expectations for both 2024 and 2025 dropped by call it half a basis point or sorry, half a percent around 50 basis points in terms of where those expectations are coming in at. So that's basically highlighting a further expectation from committee members that rates will be cut in 2024, which we're heading into now.
If we look at one more thing that came out this morning, the producer price index, those came in a little bit below expectations across the board. You can see roughly one to two, you know, 10 to 20 basis points in terms of how those actuals came in versus estimates. So with all of this new data today, we look at the CME Group FedWatch tool and look at rate expectations. We're on March right now. So it's two meetings from now, but you can see expectations for a rate cut by that point in time have increased now to about 85% from previously sitting around 40%.
So it shows the impact of the FOMC meeting today in the comments, as well as the PPI report, but mostly, I think the kind of the dot plot here that we're seeing. So basically the Fed kind of happy with where things are. They're of course going to say that they're going to wait and see and interpret data as it comes in as they have been saying consistently, but more devilish, I guess, in terms of where interest rates are going to go going forward. So the market likes that. And that's why we saw this spike here and that kind of continuing throughout close. So that's going to be a key thing, you know, over the next long time, but shifting into Tesla specific news, we got a very exciting update here from the Tesla Optimus account on X. Say there's a new bot in town.
So even though we just had a Tesla bot update not too long ago, Tesla is now introducing the next generation hardware for the Tesla bot. So this video is really dedicated to showcasing what this next generation hardware can do. The last video update that we had talked about was more about the training process and how the bot was interpreting the world with its software with neural networks and things like that. This is more of a hardware demonstration, I think. So they say introducing the generation to Optimus here. And already we can see some things that we have not seen previously with the Tesla bot.
So really cool to just see these hands in motion, you can see the actuation on the neck, which we have not previously seen as a reminder, what we had been looking at before from Tesla bot was gen one, which was this version. So already a huge step forward in terms of just the look of the Tesla bot matching more to the original unveiling. This is much, much closer. We're seeing some cool features added like the little LED around the head or face area there, which Tesla may have plans for that to kind of indicate things for the Tesla bot in the future. So kind of cool to see something like that. And just overall a smoother design. This is the version that I assume would be built with Teslas in-house actuators. They had said I think on the Q3 earnings call might have been Q2, that they were very close to putting that into production with the Tesla bot.
So you can see the smoothness in the hands there, very lifelike, very human like. You can see the walk speed and this isn't sped up or anything like from this playback here. You can see the walk speed improved 30%. Again, much, much smoother. And if you compare this to, I think, AI day two when Tesla had the bots on stage and it was tethered and things like that, this is night and day in a very short period of time. The progress that Tesla has made here. So really exciting to see this. This one I love. It's just again a shot of the hands in motion. You can just see the dexterity, the fluidity of all those things. And then Tesla doing a nice demo here of the bot handling an egg, showing the touch capacity of the fingers there, the interpretation of what it's sensing, the force and things like that and the pressure. Then they say stay tuned to see what Optimus will do next. And then there was a little bit of an Easter egg after that egg video with the bots dancing here at the end. Maybe a little bit of a call back to the original unveiling of the idea of the Tesla bot, which of course had someone in a Tesla bot suit doing a little bit of a dance. Then they kind of pointed the camera there at the end too, which is kind of fun.
So overall, just really cool to see this update on the Tesla bot. And again, I think the pace of progress that we're seeing here on the Tesla bot is tremendous. I think this is something that is underappreciated, not that it's a should necessarily carry hundreds of billions of dollars of market cap value right now, but the implication or the possibility for that kind of value in the future should be understood, should be discussed. And I think the Tesla community is doing that. But beyond that, I think it's largely written off as some sort of hope and dream that is never going to materialize. But if the rate of progress on the hardware that we're seeing here continues, if the rate of progress on the software with neural networks, if that continues as well, there's a lot to be excited about with Optimus. And I'm glad Tesla is sharing these things with us as they progress. In particular, the hands, I think, just are so impressive. So exciting to see this, exciting to just watch this journey and we'll look forward to more from Tesla.
They do also say a couple of Tesla engineers here saying that they're with this video, everything was done in real time. So the previous video, it did have a little bit of speeding up. Tesla did indicate that just to be clear, but it did have a little bit of that. This is all real time speed. And they say that this is not any CGI or anything like that. So all just, you know, shots of the Tesla bot. Now, they could have done those demos, of course, many times to get out the footage, but important that it is, you know, real no CGI again. Nope, didn't mean to highlight that. All right.
So exciting there for the Tesla bot. We'll move on. We do have a few other updates here on the tax credit situation for Tesla. This has been something that's been a little bit in flux over the last few months as people try to understand interpretations of this legislation. I think those interpretations and the guidance around those interpretations has changed a couple of times just in recent weeks.
It's kind of frustrating that it is, you know, we're coming up in the year end now just a few weeks away from significant changes and how the structure works, both from a point of sale perspective, from the battery materials perspective, all those sort of things. Those changes take effect in the new year.
So Tesla's been waiting to get clarified guidance on some of these things, how they impact Tesla's lineup. Looks like they've gotten some of that guidance today. They announced on X that unfortunately the federal $7,500 EV tax credit will end entirely for model three real wheel drive in long range delivered after December 31st. Of course, that is a strong incentive to if you're looking for that tax credit to order before then. They also of course are now highlighting that on the delivery page or the order page for the model three.
特斯拉一直在等待明确的指导,以了解这些事情对特斯拉车型的影响。看起来他们今天已经得到了一些指导。他们在X上宣布,不幸的是,联邦7500美元的电动车税收抵免将于12月31日后完全终止对于后驱长续航版Model 3。当然,如果你希望获得这项税收抵免的话,这是一个很有吸引力的奖励,你应该在之前下订单。当然,他们现在在Model 3的交付页面或订单页面上突出显示这一点。
With the model three, of course, we know that as we head into the new year, we are expecting some sort of an update to the Highland Model three at Fremont at some point. With this change happening, I would expect that Tesla decides to do that in Q one. That was already my expectation, but certainly that that would make sense because you're going to have people pulling forward some demand on the model three to try to take advantage of this tax credit before it ends.
And you're going to have people that are then so that's going to pull forward some demand and then you're going to have people that are of course waiting for the Highland update, which is already affecting model three, I think. So that's just the perfect time to do it. It's really if just just if Tesla can execute it because they now have this understanding of how these tax credits are going to affect these vehicles seems to particularly affect the LFP or lithium iron phosphate battery packs. We could see them decide to make some changes in terms of how the Highland Model three will work and where those batteries are coming from to maybe try to maximize this tax credit.
当然,对于Model 3,我们知道在新年来临之际,我们期待弗里蒙特的高地Model 3会有某种更新。随着这种变化的发生,我预计特斯拉会选择在第一季度进行更新。这已经是我的期望,但当然这是有道理的,因为在税收减免到期之前,会有人抓紧需求,试图利用这一税收减免。另外,还会有人在等待高地更新,这已经对Model 3产生了影响。所以现在是执行这一更新的绝佳时机,只要特斯拉能够执行,因为他们现在对这些税收减免如何影响这些车辆有了了解,尤其是对LFP或磷酸铁锂电池组似乎影响较大。我们可能会看到他们决定对高地Model 3的工作方式和电池来源进行一些改变,以最大化这一税收减免的效益。
It's a good time for this to change because without any other changes, the Model three compared to the Model Y with a tax credit was going to be kind of a weird positioning. So Tesla's going to have to kind of figure that out. Otherwise you potentially have a Model Y for cheaper than a Model three. That kind of makes it a little bit difficult to sell Model three. Certainly some people will prefer that form factor, but arguably the Model Y is, you know, a more valuable vehicle with its size and a little bit more utility.
现在是改变的好时机,因为没有其他改变的情况下,与享有税收抵免的Model Y相比,Model 3将会处于一种奇怪的定位。所以特斯拉将不得不解决这个问题。否则,你可能会以比Model 3更便宜的价格购买到Model Y。这会让销售Model 3变得有点困难。当然,有些人可能更喜欢Model 3的外形,但可以说,由于其尺寸更大和稍微更多的实用性,Model Y是一种更有价值的汽车。
So positioning for the Model three is tough, but I think Highland will help that. And this gives Tesla an opportunity as they are going to sort of reset the lineup anyway to maybe think about that in terms of how this all comes together post Highland update in the US. So I don't want to belabor that point too long, but Tesla, you know, I think we'll I think we'll probably see some changes in just in terms of how this line up is structured with the Model three. Of course, the performance would still be eligible because that would be the, you know, the different batteries. So how that will work is still a little bit unclear. Tesla has added some language in the detailed view of the tax credit situation here to say that reductions are likely after December 31st on the Model Y page here. And I did double check that that is a little bit different than what they say on the Model three details, which specifically says that they'll end for those long range and rear wheel drive versions. So this does seem to indicate that Tesla does still expect some reductions for the full $7,500 tax credit to be reduced a bit on the Model Y as well.
所以对于Model 3来说,定位很困难,但我认为Highland会帮助解决这个问题。而且这也给了特斯拉一个机会,因为他们正打算对车型进行重新调整,可以考虑在Highland更新后,美国市场上的整个产品线如何组合起来。所以我不想太长时间纠结在这个观点上,但是特斯拉,我认为我们可能会看到一些变化,就是关于Model 3车型的结构。当然,性能车型仍然是有机会符合条件,因为那将是不同的电池。关于这个将如何运作,还不太清楚。特斯拉在这里对税收优惠情况的详细说明中添加了一些条款,表示在12月31日之后,对Model Y的减免可能会减少。我确实核实了一下,这与他们在Model 3详细说明中的说法有些不同,后者明确表示长续航和后驱版本的减免将结束。所以这似乎表明特斯拉仍然希望对Model Y的完整7500美元税收减免进行一定的减少。
Not as clear in this case on the Model Y. And of course, we have seen a 4680 Model Y before, which should be fully eligible for the tax credit. That is not currently the case with the Model Y lineup. So a lot of uncertainty. Unfortunately, it would be nice. Again, if that was a little bit further planned out or made clear a little bit further out, but we'll see how Tesla adapts to it because obviously that can be pretty impactful.
在Model Y的这种情况下并不是很清楚。当然,我们之前看过一款使用了4680电池的Model Y,它应该是符合税收减免资格的。然而,目前Model Y系列车型还没有符合资格。这带来了很多不确定性。不幸的是,这很遗憾。如果事先有一点计划或者更清晰地说明一下就好了,但我们将看到特斯拉如何应对,因为显然这会产生相当大的影响。
All right, moving on, we do have a new incentive from Tesla. This is in partnership with Uber. So this is for Uber drivers. They can potentially get up to $3,000 off when they buy a new Tesla vehicle before the end of the year. Now that discount amount depends on their status as an Uber driver. So blue and gold drivers receive $1,000 off, platinum drivers $2,000 off, diamond drivers $3,000 off.
I don't know if this credit is provided by Tesla, Uber, or some combination of the two of them. And it's not exactly clear if this credit is something that happens at the point of sale or afterwards. But my take from the language here, they say that's, I mean, I guess it is kind of clear here, but they say the Tesla incentives will be electronically transferred to the drivers registered. Uber account within 30 days of the driver completing all the requirements of this promotion, as set forth in terms of incentives awarded on the Uber platform are taxable income to the recipient and subjects that said 99 NEC reporting.
我不知道这个信用是由特斯拉、优步还是两者的结合提供的。而且并不完全清楚这个信用是在销售时还是之后提供的。但从这里的语言来看,他们说,我是说,我觉得这里有点清楚,他们说特斯拉的激励将在司机完成此促销的所有要求并在优步平台上注册后的30天内电子转账到司机的优步帐户。根据优步平台颁发的激励条款所规定的,该激励所得将作为受领者的应税收入,并适用99 NEC报告。
So one of the stipulations is they just have to complete 100 trips by February 15. So once they do that, then they get this credit, which means that I believe the inventory discounts that show up when you were to go through to the Tesla order page. And though this $3,000 potentially stacks on top of that, and then of course you've got the tax credit and stuff too. So should be a pretty compelling promotion for Uber drivers that are interested in this to take advantage of it before the end of the year. And again, I don't know if that is supplied fully by Tesla or some sort of a partnership, but a little bit new structure and center structure that we have not seen previously.
All right. Next up, we've got a pretty exciting announcement from Best Western here. Not something I expected to really say, but exciting announcement from Best Western, they are going to be adding universal wall, excuse me, universal wall connectors from Tesla at selected hotels across North America. So this is going to begin in 2024. This of course will offer much greater access to charging for Tesla, destination charging style access for Tesla vehicles and for third parties with this being the universal wall connector.
好的。接下来,我们有来自Best Western的一个非常令人兴奋的公告。这不是我预料到会真的发生的事情,但Best Western正在选择性地在北美的一些酒店增加特斯拉的通用壁式连接器。这项计划将从2024年开始实施。当然,这将为特斯拉车辆和第三方提供更广泛的充电访问,采用目的地式充电方式,并且使用通用壁式连接器。
This is very similar to the announcement that we heard from Hilton. So we talked about this back in September. They said that they're installing up to 20,000 of these at 2000 hotels. Unfortunately, Best Western doesn't give us those specific numbers in their press release, but it's worth noting that they do have approximately 43 4300 hotels in 100 countries worldwide. So I don't know the split between North America and worldwide, but it's of a similar magnitude as that Hilton announcement, at least in terms of the number of hotels they have. We just don't know on the exact exact number of chargers. Still exciting to see this.
这与我们从希尔顿酒店听到的公告非常相似。所以我们在九月份讨论过这个问题。他们说他们将在2000家酒店安装多达20,000个充电器。不幸的是,Best Western在他们的新闻稿中没有给我们具体的数字,但值得注意的是,他们在全球范围内大约有43,300家酒店,分布在100个国家。所以我不知道北美和全球之间的分布情况,但在酒店数量上,它与希尔顿的公告具有相似的规模。我们仅仅不知道确切的充电器数量,但看到这个消息仍然令人兴奋。
When we heard this Hilton announcement at the time, we talked about how this might put pressure on other hotel chains to do the same. This further adds to that pressure as well as just being another step in that process. So very exciting to see that more access always better.
Okay. Next, we've got an update on Gigamexico, millennia today reporting that the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources has now authorized the change of land use designation for the Gigamexico site area. So exciting to see that. We had previously had, I think, state approval. There was, you know, you need state and federal approval. So this would be the federal approval. The governor of New York, who we often hear from, has said that they can now start their plant. Now that doesn't mean that Tesla will start that immediately. Of course, that is still up to Tesla's discretion. But for this step to be out of the way is definitely exciting. It just means that when Tesla is ready to take that step, things should hopefully move pretty quickly from that point forward. So good to see that regarding Gigamexico.
Over in Gigamexico, we've got a great flight, great drone flavor here from Joe Tegmeyer spotting 23 different cyber trucks here outside of the factory. I think this is the biggest number that we've seen so far. Also noted that these do appear to have them in Roni stickers in the sort of dash here, which would likely indicate that these are vehicles that would be eventually delivered to customers, vehicles for sale. So exciting to see these. Hopefully we'll continue to see these in future drone flavors and hopefully bigger and bigger groupings of cyber trucks going forward. But nice to see that sign of hopefully, hopefully a sign of progress in the ramp.
在Gigamexico,我们有一个很棒的航班,在这里Joe Tegmeyer发现了23辆不同的电动卡车停在工厂外面。我想这是到目前为止我们见过的最大数量。还注意到这些车的仪表盘上有Roni贴纸,这很可能表明这些车辆最终将交付给顾客,是待售的车辆。真兴奋能看到这些。希望我们将来还能看到更多这样的无人机拍摄,并且希望看到越来越多一起出现的电动卡车。但能看到这些迹象无疑是进展的希望。
And also relating to cyber truck, the car wow, cyber truck review is now out. It looked like they just had a little bit of time to drive it around and test some things at Gigatexas, but about a 25 minute long review here. Good to hear their thoughts. Obviously one of the bigger car review channels. So they opened it up just trying to try to damage the cyber truck here or I guess more accurately showing that it was not easily damaged. Just the whole crew kind of kicking the vehicle as hard as they could. So just showing off some of the impressive exterior strength. We had heard a little bit about some of the potential sharpness in some of these panels. So Matt here was running his hands across it saying that it's rounded off and it wasn't cutting him or anything like that. So that's a good contrast to some of the other comments that we had heard about that potentially being something that would happen. You can see here a little bit of a view of the backspace. So this is with the cyber truck passenger seat slid forward, but I don't think we had seen a view of that yet. But you can see just how much space that that potentially grants if there isn't somebody occupying that front passenger seat. He said it's like a limousine for him back there. So he enjoyed that. We got a nice little comparison of the loaded or the load capacity in terms of volume for the bed. So you can see 2800 liters for the Tesla cyber truck versus 800 liters for the Rivian R1T, 1000 liters for the EV Hummer, 1500 liters for the Ford F-150 lighting. So almost double the best case performance from these other trucks, EV trucks in terms of just the volume capability there in the bed. So nice to see those comparisons. And then just a couple of negative things he did point out that just getting into the vehicle, there wasn't, you know, with the the sill here, there wasn't really a great way of avoiding that for getting in. So he noted that his legs were getting dirty if he was wearing pants that those would have maybe been dirty from from getting in. Obviously, it's it's a little bit of a minor detail, but something that he noted. He also noted the rear camera was for the vehicle they were driving was quite dirty, just based on, you know, dust and things like that kicking back up into it. So a couple of minor things there. But overall, he recommended this as a buy for, you know, his conclusion of the review. He said he's going to do his best to order one and try to get try to get one over to the UK somehow. So we'll see if he's able to accomplish that, but overall very positive towards the cyber truck.
关于Cybertruck,现在发布了关于这辆车的评测视频。他们似乎只有一点时间在Gigatexas开车测试了一些东西,但是这个评测大约有25分钟长。听到他们的想法很好。显然,这是一个较大的汽车评测频道之一。所以他们试图打开车门并尽可能用力踢击Cybertruck,以展示它并不容易受损。整个团队都很用力地踢车,这样展示了一些令人印象深刻的外部强度。我们之前听到了一些关于一些面板可能太锋利的评论。所以Matt用手触摸它并说它被圆滑处理过,没有割伤他之类的事情发生。这与我们之前听到的一些关于可能发生这种情况的评论形成了对比。在这里你可以看到一点后备箱的视图。这是Cybertruck乘客座位被向前滑动的状态,但我不认为我们之前看到过这个视图。但是如果前排乘客座位没有人占据的话,你可以看到这样的空间有多大。他说对他来说,这里就像一辆豪华轿车。所以他很喜欢这个。我们为载重量的容积做了一个很好的比较。所以你可以看到Tesla Cybertruck 2800升,Rivian R1T 800升,EV Hummer 1000升,Ford F-150 照明版 1500升。所以这个载重量的容积几乎是其他电动卡车的两倍,非常令人满意。很高兴看到这些比较。然后他指出了一些负面的事情,比如进入车辆时,没有很好的方法避免弄脏腿部。所以他指出,如果他穿长裤,那么进入车内时可能会弄脏裤子。显然,这只是一个细节问题,但是他注意到了这一点。他还指出,他们正在驾驶的车辆的后置摄像头非常脏,因为灰尘等会飞溅进去。所以有一些细微的问题。但总体而言,他推荐购买这辆车,在评测的结论中表示他会尽力订购一辆并努力把它运到英国。所以我们将看他是否能做到这一点,但总体对Cybertruck的评价非常积极。
All right. Next up, we've got a recall today, quote unquote recall, right? This is another over the air update that gets reported as a recall. If we go to the top here, try to get back to my place, but you can see two million vehicles. So of course, that drives a lot of headlines. This is relating to the ongoing for quite some time, you know, quote unquote investigation from NHTSA into autopilot. So we've talked about this on a number of different occasions dating back to August of 2021. It's it opened a preliminary evaluation. That's usually one of the items that spawns eventual recalls like this. So preliminary evaluation into autopilot. Remember this related to stationary first responder vehicles on highways. They were wondering if there was an outsized frequency of Tesla colliding with those type of vehicles, potentially due to autopilot and any of things that could be updated to fix there. They eventually upgraded that to an engineering analysis. So sort of the second stage of an investigation, which we had talked about at that time. And now we're seeing the final result from from these reviews and these investigations. So this is a multi year thing that is now being resolved. Actually thinking that's more of a positive that this is something that has been hanging out there for so long that is now sort of coming to an end with this resolution.
And what the resolution is specifically, Tesla is going to be, I'll come back to that one.
Oh, we'll go to this first. So before we get to the resolution, they just note that some of the issues are that in certain circumstances when auto steers engaged, the prominence and scope of the features controls may not be sufficient to prevent driver misuse of the SAE of L2 advanced driver assistance feature. So you know, basically just that they may may be unprepared to intervene fail to recognize that the features canceled are not engaged or fail to recognize when the features operating in situations where it's functionality may be limited.
哦,我们先看这个。所以,在我们讨论解决方案之前,他们指出的一些问题是,在某些情况下,当自动驾驶启用时,功能控制突出性和范围可能不足以防止驾驶员误用SAE L2高级驾驶辅助功能。基本上就是说,他们可能没有准备好介入,无法意识到功能被取消了或者无法意识到功能在功能受限的情况下操作。
So to resolve what the conclusion is that this is an issue, what they are doing is depending on the vehicle hardware, the additional controls that they're implementing will include increasing the prominence of visual alerts on the user interface, simplifying engagement and disengagement of auto steer, additional checks upon engaging auto steer.
And while using the feature outside controlled access highways and when approaching traffic controls and eventual suspension from auto steer, use if the driver repeatedly fails to demonstrate continuous and sustained driving responsibility while the feature is engaged. So of these, I think the most notable one in terms of the user experience is probably going to be this additional checks upon engaging auto steer and while using the feature, just to, you know, that's the sort of thing that we see from from the nags as well as potentially the please pay attention notices. If your eyes aren't, you know, from the camera, if the camera's perception of your eyes isn't that they are focused on the road, then you get those sort of warnings. So that seems to be the fix in terms of what this over there update will do. Just in certain circumstances kind of increase those, those types of monitoring type of checks.
So as an autopilot user as an FSD user, though this relates specifically to autopilot, I think many people find those nags to be annoying. That's I guess part of the intent of them. It is kind of frustrating though because I do think the eye monitoring, at least for the FSD version of the software is so good that the nag feels pretty redundant and unnecessary. So to have both of them be required is a little bit annoying when I think the eye tracking does does well. But apparently, NHTSA and Tesla have kind of come to this agreement that this is is the resolution. So Tesla did say that they don't necessarily I don't think I have it highlighted here, but they did say that they don't necessarily agree with it, but just to resolve this. Yeah, so here we go. While not concurring with the agency's analysis and the interest of resolving this engineering analysis up here, they Tesla's determined on December 5th to voluntarily administer a recall and provide the remedy described below that we just walked through. So a little bit of a, you know, of a middle, middleing solution here, I think in terms of how how it benefits the customers or, you know, how it relates to Tesla. On one hand, great to have this now resolved. On the other hand, hopefully this doesn't become, you know, sort of overbearing in terms of the monitoring requirements. And unfortunately, we'll just have to kind of wait and see how those changes impact the user experience. So we'll keep an eye out for that, but ultimately, I think positive to have this matter hopefully, at least for a while, probably not forever. But hopefully for a while kind of puts a bit.
作为一个自动驾驶用户,尤其是 FSD 用户,我觉得很多人都认为这些提醒很烦人。我想这也是它们存在的目的的一部分。不过,这有点令人沮丧,因为我认为眼部监测至少对于 FSD 版本的软件来说非常好,这种提醒感觉相当多余和不必要。所以同时需要它们确实有点烦人,我认为眼部追踪的效果已经很好了。但显然,美国国家公路交通安全管理局和特斯拉已经在这个问题上达成了一致。所以特斯拉确实说他们不一定同意,但为了解决这个问题,他们同意自愿召回并提供下面我们刚刚讨论过的解决方案。所以从某种意义上来说,这是一个折衷的解决方案,对于顾客或者与特斯拉有关的问题,它有一些好处。一方面,很高兴现在这个问题得到了解决。另一方面,希望监测要求不会变得过于严格。不幸的是,我们只能等待并观察这些改变对用户体验的影响。所以我们会继续观察,并期望这个问题能够得到解决,至少是一段时间,也许不会是永远。
All right, last item for today, Bloomberg today reporting that Elon Musk is founding a school called the foundation in Texas. So there is an IRS filing that actually gives us quite a few details on the school. I'm going to have to remember my notes here. There's a lot of paperwork, but in terms of, let's see.
So this one I had highlighted because the school initially is going to be a primary school, a primary and secondary school. And then it could they ultimately intend to expand it to a university. So it'll start there as kind of a small primary school. And then over time is something that could grow into being a full university, which would be, you know, pretty significant. This part of the filing says that the school, when it becomes a university, would be doing world class research. And to that end, will develop intellectual property as part of its research and educational functions. So I thought that point in particular showed the sort of scale of aspirations of what the school eventually hopes to become, which is obviously pretty significant if they are saying that this would be doing world class research, which would have an IP rights. So kind of interesting to see that we can see that this was funded a hundred million dollars worth.
I don't know exactly when that funding would have been, you know, given to the school, it looks like that happened within the tax year from July of last year to June this year. And then you can see some expected funding amounts for the next couple of years. Looks like about 15 million dollars there. Let's see.
Again, bear with me as I remember my notes here. But one thing that was interesting, they had to fill this out within 27 months of the end of the month in which the entity was formed. So if we look a little bit closer at the filing, we can see that this entity was formed that will eventually become the school was in October of 2021. We go back to Elon's posts around that time, October 29th versus the filing on October 18th. October 29th, Elon said he's thinking of starting in the new university, of course, Texas Institute of Technology and Science. We don't know if that will end up being the name. It still could be on the table. Of course, this was the name of this LLC, which will become the school is the foundation. So that could be the school or the school name could of course still be to be determined, which this could be one possible option that obviously Elon was considering at the time this formation happened.
So interesting to see this, it does seem like this is getting very close to happening. They actually have their student body lined up for the next year. I believe that's their fiscal year too. And that starts, it looked like in June. So they have 50 students lined up already. All the students would be on scholarship as indicated here. But it looks like this is something that is happening pretty soon. And they again, already have those students kind of selected. So we'll keep an eye on this. It'll be an interesting thing to follow, I think, in the future as it seems again, that they have pretty big aspirations for it.
All right. Long one today, as I said, we had a lot of news, but that'll wrap it up for today. As always, thank you for listening. Make sure you're subscribed and signed up for notifications. You can also find me on the X at Tesla podcast. And we'll see you tomorrow for the Thursday, December 14th episode of Tesla Daily. Thank you.