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Munro Cybertruck Review, Dojo Lead Departs, Piper Sandler Reiterates TSLA Confidence

发布时间 2023-12-08 03:48:25    来源


Munro gives initial impressions of Cybertruck drive https://youtu.be/aWQpEBtZEno ➤ More details on Cybertruck referral prize ...



Hey everybody Rob Bower here and today we've got a pretty quick new review from Sandiman Ro of the Cyber Truck. We've also got a transition in leadership on Tesla's Dojo team, a new updated note from Piper Sandler on Tesla, and a few other items as well.
大家好,我是罗布·鲍尔,今天给大家带来一个非常简洁的新评论,来自Sandiman Ro关于Cyber Truck的。此外,特斯拉的Dojo团队迎来了领导层的变动,Piper Sandler针对特斯拉的最新报告也有更新,还有一些其他的消息。

Looking at the stock, Tesla up about 1.3% today to $242.64, a little bit of an underperformance, I guess actually an equal performance.

We do also have a couple of forum forums here, a few of them for Tesla today. These are all relatively minor, so we've got three of these same forums from Drew Biglino, Tom Zoo, and Tesla's new CFO via Bob Dinesia. These are restricted stock units that Tesla's granted, we can see that down here, those stock units were then acquired by the executives, and about half of them disposed in association with tax withholding. That's kind of what the transaction is here for all three of these, and they're all relative to these total share counts, all relatively minor share count amounts.
我们这里还有一些论坛,其中几个是关于特斯拉的。这些都是比较小的论坛,我们有来自Drew Biglino、Tom Zoo以及特斯拉新任首席财务官Bob Dinesia的三个同样的论坛。这些论坛是特斯拉授予的限制性股票单位,我们可以在下面看到,这些股票单位随后被高管收购,其中大约一半被用于税款扣除而出售。这就是这三个论坛的交易内容,它们相对于总股数来说都是比较小的份额。

Nothing too significant there, again just these restricted stock units being granted, and some of them being sold to cover tax withholding. Nothing major there, I don't know why the stock units are granted, maybe something related to the cyber truck delivery, now finally happening.

Speaking of the cyber truck delivery, we do have an updated review from Sani Munro, so first impressions here looked like you got a bit of time with this vehicle at Gigataxis, so not a full review, I'm sure we'll see that at some point from Sandy and looking forward to that, but a few of his initial impressions, he said that this thing handles like a dream, we've heard a lot about this four wheel steering, and I think the four wheel steering as well as front rear wheel steering as well as a steer by wire, so Sandy noting the benefits of that in just the handling of the vehicle, he said he cannot believe the visibility in this vehicle, we've heard some criticism of rear visibility, so here he's speaking to front and side visibility, which MKBHD's review actually wasn't as positive on front visibility, so I'm going to hear a little bit of a different perspective on that in particular, he also found a couple of cool features like the HEPA air filter, this is actually just installed behind a panel in the front trunk, so you can just remove that pretty easily as we can see Sandy do here, just clips in and out, and then you can replace that filter relatively easy to what the air filter replacement process is, and some other vehicles, I'm sure people have given that a shot as well, not the most difficult thing, but this will be a lot simpler, so nice to see Tesla engineering in that simplicity there, and then just kind of a fun thing here in the sort of Smuggler's Bay as Tesla's calling it in the bed, that compartment there, Tesla does have a drain plug in there, I think we previously knew that, so just reiterating that, but also a nice little cyber truck detail on that drain plug cover, and then a couple other things from Sandy, he said the backseat, he was a really big fan of the amount of space in here, we've heard this from a couple other people as well, and this was the case for the prototype, but with this vehicle being a little bit smaller, it's good to see that Tesla has maintained such a large backseat area, large backseat area, in particular he said he's been critical of the rear seat and headroom in the rear seat in the past, but in this vehicle no issues, he said plenty of room for even the tallest people, and said overall just an amazing amount of room, so you can get a good feel for that there, but good to see that reiterated with this slightly smaller from prototype vehicle.
说到Cybertruck交付,我们确实有了Sani Munro的更新评论,所以首次印象看起来你在Gigataxis公司有了一些与这辆车度过的时间,所以这不是一篇完整的评论,我相信我们很快会从Sandy那里看到完整的评论,期待这一点,但是他的一些初始印象是,他说这东西开起来像做梦一样,我们听说了很多关于这种四轮转向的事情,我认为四轮转向以及前后轮转向以及电动转向的好处是显而易见的,所以Sandy在车辆的操作性方面注意到了这些好处,他说他简直不敢相信这辆车的可见度,我们听说了一些关于后面的可见度的批评,所以这里他是在谈论前面和侧面的可见度,而MKBHD的评论对前方可见性并不太乐观,所以在这方面我想听听不同的观点,他还发现了一些很酷的功能,比如HEPA空气过滤器,这实际上是安装在前行李箱后面的一个面板后面的,所以你可以很容易地取下来,就像我们在这里看到的Sandy这样,它只是夹在里面,然后你可以相对容易地更换那个过滤器,相对于其他车辆的空气过滤器更换流程来说,这会简单得多,所以很高兴看到特斯拉在这方面简单化的工程技术,然后在卡车床上一一美国人称之为的“走私者海湾”中还有一些有趣的东西,那里有一个排水孔,我们以前知道这一点,所以只是再次强调一下这一点,但是在排水孔的盖子上还有一个很好的Cybertruck细节,然后Sandy还提到了其他一些事情,他说后座位他非常喜欢这里的空间,我们已经听到其他一些人也这样说过,对于原型车来说也是一样的,但是由于这辆车要小一些,所以很高兴看到特斯拉还保持了如此大的后座空间,特别是他说他之前对后座和后座头部空间持批评态度,但在这辆车上却没有问题,他说即使是最高的人也有足够的空间,而且总的来说空间非常惊人,所以你可以在这里感受到这一点,但是很高兴看到这一点在稍微小一些的原型车上得到了重申。

One little complaint I guess would be that the, we've heard a lot about the rear visibility, with the tunnel cover closed of course you can't see anything out of the rear view mirror, so Tesla's solution for that is the rear camera, and as you can see here, Sandy was driving in kind of rainy weather in Texas, and with that being the case, as we can see everything super sharp on this display except for pretty hazy rear camera visibility here, and especially when you do have that as just a portion of the screen, I do think that makes it a little bit trickier, or maybe just even a little bit uncomfortable, the side view cameras were actually still very clear in this type of a scenario, likely just due to their positioning, but we can see that this could be something that is a little bit problematic.

For the front camera, I don't know if we've talked about this yet, but the top gear review showed, I think it was the top gear review, maybe MKBHD, it showed that Tesla does have a washing mechanism to clear that front camera off, it would be awesome if they could implement something like that for the rear view for cases like this where you are getting a little bit of haziness, especially just because of the tonneau cover and the added challenge that that presents with rear visibility.
关于前置摄像头,我不知道我们是否已经讨论过这个问题,但《Top Gear》的评测显示,我记得是《Top Gear》的评测,或者是MKBHD的评测,显示特斯拉确实有一个洗涤机制来清除前置摄像头上的污垢,如果他们能够为后视摄像头实施类似的机制,那将非常棒,尤其是在像这样的情况下,你会因为舱盖上的雾气而受到一些模糊影响,尤其因为舱盖的存在给后方视野带来额外的挑战。

So we'll keep it on that, you know, it's not something that you can't work around with side view mirrors and things like that, but just for comfort, I think that would be a win. And then we do also have, we did have a comment from Sandy at the end of his video that said that they're going to be at the sort of giveaway event, I don't know if he was referring to Teslas or somebody else's saw some things with UFC or Dana White may be giving a Cybertruck away, but he mentioned that they were going to be giving away eight Cybertrucks.

So I'm not sure if that's a part of this referral Cybertrucks sweepstakes that we have seen, but Tesla's actually updated the language on this saying that one winner will be selected at random and early January to choose between a foundation series all-wheel drive or cyber beast version. So previously, we didn't have the timeline on that didn't have the indication that it would be one of these two vehicles. Not sure why you would choose the all-wheel drive, I guess get it a little bit sooner, but this is free of charge. So if you wanted to wait a little bit longer for that cyber beast, you could do that. So hopefully, you know, we'll hear from whoever is the lucky winner of this from the referral program.

I've also got an update here on Tesla's dojo team. So a little bit disappointing. Ganesh, Venkatarama. I practiced this so many times that I was like, I'm going to get it. Venkatar Ramanan, I'm probably still getting wrong, but hopefully a little bit closer there. Anyway, Ganesh who presented during the sort of progress update on dojo that Tesla had, I think at AI day two, super enthusiastic guy really gave a great presentation. According to Bloomberg has left the company, this happened last month, so sometime in November, according to people familiar with the matter from Bloomberg's report. And apparently Pete Bannon, who's been at Tesla for a long time, seven years, just like Ganesh is now taking over the lead of the dojo project. So don't know if this was Ganesh's decision or Tesla's decision or mutual parting of ways, no other details than that. But it was exciting to hear him present about dojo at the time. He's got a lot of industry experience. He was at AMD for 14 years prior to Tesla, almost 15 years prior to Tesla. And of course, has been with Tesla for a long time as well. So sorry to see Ganesh go, but best of luck for him in future endeavors. And Pete Bannon, of course, we've heard him present, you know, many times throughout Tesla's AI days in autopilot history as well. So definitely a good person to have stepping into that role. Also a very story background for him as well.
我这里还有一条关于特斯拉道场团队的最新消息。有点让人失望。顺便说一下,我练习了这么多次,我觉得我能说对。威克拉玛拉曼(Venkatar Ramanan),我可能还是说错了,但希望离正确更近一点。不管怎样,特斯拉在AI Day 2上进行道场项目的进展更新时,维卡特(Ganesh)做了一个演示,非常热情,给出了一个很好的演讲。根据彭博社的报道,他上个月离开了公司,具体时间应该是在11月。报道称,皮特·班农(Pete Bannon),与维卡特一样在特斯拉工作了七年的人,现在接管了道场项目的领导岗位。我们不知道这是维卡特的决定,还是特斯拉的决定,或者双方共同选择的结果,除此之外没有其他细节。但当时听到他介绍道场项目还是挺令人兴奋的。他在行业中有很多经验,在特斯拉之前在AMD工作了14年,离开AMD前几乎15年。当然,他在特斯拉也待了很长时间。很遗憾看到维卡特离开,祝他将来一切顺利。皮特·班农在特斯拉就职了很长时间,我们听过他多次在特斯拉的AI Day和Autopilot 技术演化历程中发表演讲,所以他绝对是一个适合接任这个角色的好人选。他也有非常丰富的背景。

Alright, next up, we've got an updated note here from Piper Sandler. So Alex Potter always like to get his updated thoughts. This note centers around essentially investors concerns on EV demand. And their thesis is that that that is a little bit overstated and that the demand concerns are primarily coming from incumbent mass market brands, not keeping pace.
好的,接下来,我们有一份来自Piper Sandler的最新笔记。所以Alex Potter一直都喜欢听取他的最新想法。这份笔记主要涉及投资者对电动车需求的担忧。他们的观点是,这种担忧有些夸大,主要来自现有的大众市场品牌未能跟上步伐。

So what they've done with this note is gone through each automaker and essentially looked at their EV adoption rates and how that is as a total of their fleet. We won't go through all of those. We'll look at Tesla's here in a second, but some of the main takeaways, as we can see here, they did take down their EV penetration forecasts a little bit. You can see 600 to 700 basis points here. But they're still expecting EV penetration rise to 26% of sales in 2025, 60% in 2030, driven largely by BYD, Tesla and Rivian, which they expect to be about 25% of all sales in US China and Europe in 2030. So in addition to that, they also reiterate that Tesla is, as always remains our top recommendation in this sector. So they're still bullish on Tesla in general.

Here we can see Tesla's market share and things like that over time, percentage of all like vehicles sold here on the Y axis. They say that Tesla is a company that is still on the offense, don't bank on flat lining market share. They talk about how the next couple of years could see slower year over year growth as we kind of wait for the next generation vehicle. Cyber truck could help with that a little bit. But of course, we know that the volume there is potentially capture relative to what we would see certainly from the next generation vehicle. And then something that we rarely see from analysts, but something that is becoming more and more relevant seemingly quarter over quarter or quarter by quarter is energy. So also notes that Tesla's energy segment may grow at a triple digit rate in the next coming one to two years. So good to see that acknowledgement. And hopefully we get a little bit more of that with Tesla energy too.
在这里,我们可以看到特斯拉的市场份额以及随时间推移的相关内容,Y轴表示销售的所有类似车辆的百分比。他们说特斯拉是一家仍在进攻的公司,不要指望市场份额持平。他们谈到,在接下来的几年里,随着我们等待下一代车辆的到来,年增长可能会放缓。Cyber truck可能会在这方面有所帮助,但当然,与下一代车辆相比,我们知道其潜在销售量可能相对较小。然后,有一些我们很少见到的分析师意见,但在每个季度似乎愈发重要的是能源领域。因此,也有人指出特斯拉的能源部门可能在未来一到两年以三位数的速度增长。很高兴看到这种认可。希望我们在特斯拉能源领域能得到更多的认可。

And then I just like this chart in general shows the various different battery electric vehicles on the market and the relative volumes and the Model Y is literally off the chart. They re-charted here for Tesla's, Tesla's page. But for the other pages, for example, they just cut it off because you couldn't really see the relative scale of anything else with the Model Y affecting that Y axis so much. So they just leave a note there for the Model Y. But here we can see relative Tesla with the Model Y completely obliterating everyone else in a volume. Now, maybe not the fairest comparison, of course, with the ID they've got a lot of models across the lineup, for example, but still incredibly impressive.
然后,我就像这张图一样,总体上展示了市场上各种不同的电池电动车及其相对销量,而Model Y则完全突破了图表的范畴。对于特斯拉的这一页,他们重新制作了图表。但对于其他页面,例如,他们只是截掉了一部分,因为Model Y对Y轴的影响太大,无法准确显示其他车型的销量比例。因此,他们在Model Y那里留了一个备注。但在这里,我们可以看到相对于其他车型,特斯拉的销量完全压倒了其他所有品牌。当然,这可能不是最公平的比较,因为ID在车型阵容上有很多车型,但仍然令人印象深刻。

Alright, we've got a couple updates on a few stories from yesterday. So we talked about the expansion of unions potentially striking against Tesla in other countries in Europe relating to the ongoing. Again, I don't even know if it's a labor dispute, really just the pressure from unions in Sweden. So now Finland, the Finnish automotive union AKT has announced that they will be joining the blockade that we've heard from from both Denmark, and I can't remember the other country yesterday, I think Norway, that was going to begin on December 20th. So they are going to be joining in that joining in that as well, if there is no resolution by that point in time. We need to have some good comments on this in the discussion yesterday or in the comment section yesterday. Someone told me that I have metal wanted to reach out to me and talk. So I mean, if that happens, that'd be great. I would definitely welcome the conversation. So we'll see could be someone just pulling my leg there too. But hopefully that'll happen. Got to get that perspective just on the efforts in general.

And then I've got a report from Reuters here that says Tesla has lost a legal battle with Sweden's postal service. Today, relating to the delivery of plates for Tesla vehicles in Sweden. So we've actually talked about this a couple times. This was the case where Tesla, I don't know if there's a lawsuit or just challenged a ruling in Sweden that they were not able to receive plates. And that was the same day actually allowed Tesla to begin picking those plates up. That is still the case. Tesla can still go and pick these plates up. This is just relating to the postal service, whether or not the postal service has to deliver it. And this is not a final ruling. This is a temporary ruling while the court's final ruling is determined. So for the time being, they don't have to deliver them. But my understanding is that Tesla can still pick them up, which is what the scenario has been since that last time we had talked about it. Which yeah, that's what we highlighted down here. So we'll see how that unfolds. They seem to be moving pretty quickly with these decisions. So hopefully we'll get more information on that relatively soon.

Then another story that we talked about yesterday was that report out of China that Tesla was looking to expand Giga Shanghai with sort of the third phase of the factory. Remember we said it was sort of in the rumor category. If we look at Elon Musk, Elon Musk's likes on X, we can see that an article here by Eva Fox that was talking about this was liked by Elon. So not necessarily a confirmation, but I think certainly gives us a little bit more of an indication that this is something that is most likely happening for Giga Shanghai. So good to have a little bit more insight there.

Another story on Elon here. So as we've talked about many times over the years, the SEC, the settlement agreement with with Elon Musk back in probably 2018, I want to say, where the SEC decreed that Elon would have to have someone review any potentially significant tweets. At that time tweets now posts on X relating to just the settlement agreement there around funding secured. So Elon has challenged that a couple of times in court. He is now asking the US Supreme Court to look into this case. It's just a request for them to review it. It's not there yet. He needs four out of nine Supreme Court justices to agree to take the case. So we'll see if that does happen, but that was the request made by Elon today. So we could be talking about that yet again.

And then some nice piece of news here from Sawyer on X sharing that Tesla has opened their first sales and delivery center in Connecticut. So Connecticut, one of the states that does not allow Tesla to do this, but like they have done in other states getting around that by partnering with some sovereign land, some some tribal sovereign land, where they have a little bit more control over what they do and do not do. So I just kind of liked this, this website kind of looks like a typical casino website. And then you've got just a Tesla electric vehicle showroom page as well. So kind of interesting to see that. But again, a tactic that we've seen Tesla employ in other states and should be nice to get there, you know, a little bit of a foot in the door in that state.

And then lastly, for today, the house has passed, I think this was yesterday, but the house passed a bill called the choice in automotive in automobile retail car sales. Man, I'm messing this one up choice in automobile retail sales or cars act, which would effectively limit the EPA's ability to finalize implement or enforce proposed rules that would in 2032 require about 67 of vehicles to be electric vehicles or zero mission vehicles. I'm not sure exactly what the wording is on how that's structured. But this this act would potentially limit the EPA's ability to implement and enforce that. So I kind of also looked at this a statement from the Energy and Commerce Committee in the house. And as I was reading this, they say that the cars act stops President Biden's agenda to force Americans to drive electric vehicles, which will seat our out of future to China. And I was like, yeah, that makes sense. If we did stop that, that would seat our out of future to China. And then I read it again, I realized that they were saying that if we require electric cars, that will end up sitting or are out of future to China, which seems a little bit backwards to me, because I think electrification in China is obviously happening very quickly. And the sooner that that happens, the more, you know, the more in the future that is going to be for China. So kind of chuckled to just how how backwards that seemed to me. But when you look through this, you can clearly see that this is something that is in support of this cars act limitation. So kind of interesting to see that at any rate, this will now go to the Senate. And then the White House did issue through the Office of Management and Budget, a statement that said, if the president were presented with this act, he would veto it. So ultimately, it could be a moot point, but still, we'll keep an eye on how that progresses that are up and up for today, though.

So as always, thank you for listening. Make sure you subscribe and sign up for notifications. You can also find me on X at Tesla podcast. And we'll see tomorrow for the Friday, December 8th episode of Tesla Daily. Thank you.